Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1920, p. 4

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utinmi srcav t t ttsbpf i gili artim 3for jitwrb iiiiihhday octoiikh 14 lilt a qoat alphabe a wn mi nvrrul appetite jomm by wllllanfmioat if wn h lw nd if whul whloh found iu wuv down his throat a wuu rulilh r r mh lit- ate which n vh1 u lrj1 lough 1 wuu n inunh eatenmed old ilull in dot tic t ami run m wn n wll niuftrtl emery twiw at nimwlmt gritty fond i win iniothnr u nt mora wle whn muiii vim ii ovtreatl 11 wa tin tute in william eye whlob made that t nt nlnwl i was winik ink uht ut a pint whoso uimllty was poor j wu a jug r l itury in plnr i l niii k wmm 11 kiln with painted fuo an i mmiy uiinlm of tj i rjvn hbi in lloug m wn n ii ii sl nlnw onkey urti r tlurk noah who i in i nrt4 i a gaudy urlt o wuu jiiiuii rung willi in a flimr bag 1 wuu u tut rrvni and yellow jit iiniiml hi on a rag q wa u uusrt t r lul i tlrvi wllo tjimlo w rulhki- lur i oottnn rabbit wlikl hud 1 wa aa olawont blunt rtn- nv v whuh iimi trioi to b in vain j a w umbrella horns t william on bree v wa his vattjly whioh awelled a on ha uui with ease w ono wwlrte wool nest eauuyrul to mini ktlsabeth it tjould les mi8ehables in tatalogulng th masterploest of lit oral urn thn critic wouh be sure to lnolutln tho lea miserable- by vlo- ti r hugo jt 1 pregnant with thought rul i of tho rallk of human kindness powerfully and brilliantly written and resplendent with fasclnauon the author has brooded deeply oyer the ji rob i cm of ufa and ham lvn hero bin eolutlonm ho h died the of the poverty trie ken njij criminal vliimna with an unwonted tendemmu mill furo a a train of jcenutne elo quence pnrvul the volume lie ohnl- innffoii nd ho bin the unfjiwhna at tention from imijilnnlng to end i curly jo and kjlokenk hut theme humanity i4fe in nil it protwui 0lta mid aapeolully in ita pathetlo uimcu muhm up hla mhjhty araru tnont it im u tiubebintlju nnd notable nontrlbutlon tu the repuhllo at lettera on nppeal t the unlvrsal heart the reading of it will make an epoch in one a experience it will intensify one a idontlricatlon with the rao and pen the eard aouroe oraympuhettai pbrooh ho mjn- as we bv hshtlns taan wil i- 1 rm wlhumti we hee1 have no fear v tears it will liwplre the dealre for mnjraiui unity and furalah a beautiful llluatratlon thereof it la a fln com nm uponthojiibiaiwo ojverll a ffltt tttcr i nua aeruni et tnentem w alia tomnint and one of the cuuvlca of the world jean val jean the reforined convict la tho central flsure of the book the atory of bl oonveralon through the inatnintentallty of a devout buhop hla prosrnaaivo development in the chris tian life in aplte of an unfavorable environment hla unparalleled nunin- unity and devotion ta truth and duty constitute the liaokjrrouiid and aub- atanca of the masterly production ah of the subordinate character and the varied epurodea ore tributary t the growth and portraiture ofthe spiritual life or the hero all the pie- turyhtua and dromatlo movement of thannvol centra and concentre in hint won hack to rlchtaouanea by the chriatllke sympathy of the bishop ntrentfthened and cheered by tho love of coaetee expended and roll nod by the grace of god and the discipline of provide noe he treads at hurt the loftl eat altitude of religion jean val jean atand ror macnanlmlty du charity and throb with an all pity in- and unconquerable love tor a mankind lie 1 tho impersonation of all that i true and beautiful and kood monument of redeemliur love what u graph lo picture of tho pover ty stricken and criminal cuuhk tfurapel what a far reach loft and eloquent argument for toe army of outcasts when the roll of the world breatoat benefactor 1 made up the name of char lea dickon and victor hufto will atand deservedly near the top there i eome powerful preach ino in this book whose theme 1 the rtfthu and the interest ot the poor the author makes u realise- our kln- ahlp with the race and touch the chord which vthratea witltho tnuala of humanity krom hanoetforlh to the reader tho proletariat will not appeal in vain in thl book he th cure of poverty and crime it would weld the ciuwm and the maas and anarchy and unrest the style 1 pre eminently dramatic with a shakeapearen awlnc aad power there i not a dull page in it the movement awaep forward nroare alvely to the final consummation and the epeotator behol it with breathj iii teres knd tearful eyea the portraiture of one or the minor charac ter little aavroche 1 thoroujrhly ar- ttatlc and thn description of the bat tle of waterloo la world r the book abound in sentence o packed with thought and tersely pi anunmatlo a ta bo worthy of olaal- flcatlon with the best- proverb on record i know no work unless t pe the old thomas fuller which contain so many flno annotations and incidents susceptible of utilisation by profes sional rnenj note the following the street boy i a pocket edition of itubouu xov 1 all there are no wise heads but the turtle doves a maid like joan of arc may do to anve a nation but when it come to tnuklna one if a neod the old womai who lived in a shoe- while of course the story won drouely romantic holds the reader spellbound still there i a parallel vein of doop philosophic tboucht runnlnir through it while we are charmed by the bhhns and ooobur of murlji and cosette we are at the same time profoundly impressed by the undertone and undbrourrenta devout and aclentlqa medjfatlon audi ble and visible there victor iiuko wu a man of the finest intellectual moutuji mhjht be justly claimed bythetrnehterarotiy ofnlno and aristocracy of character he had genius and eloquence and these were co n ti ecru ted to the service oft ho poor lie spoke a word destined to be heard round the world und to untfer a bene diction mid charm th les mlser- ables ought to be in every library jt contain the oolnase of an imperial brain it im tho ereutest piece of no tion outside of bhakespeare tjia author ha achieved literary lmnwrr talftyrnev t ll pierce d d this never haphcned it wni a woman of course who driving latho mlddlo of the road had forced the mere man to turn hi cr into the ditch where it churned an grily but futllely unlike others or her kind however she stopped and apologised profusely well wnx- dldn t you ghra me room to pass vwivthfutly and mcluuiuy demand the victim 4 oh 1 admired yourtup so much when i saw it oomln ttutt i simply hd to drive pvef near- it i to sea it bttr shexplsnd tj didnt think youd mllut jputll t r 1 mr f sfllkv jfre oid ha 1 t of the j sasasv ar clocks kbit m ssssssssssk mjmwmi wmm jaslbasssssssssssssi i liexnl llie otli- r d iy thui a boitoli limn in town com iiln inert tlmt wirlns t ti iwtiriili cm th witli uftr aaiuii 44lr whi t ftiljrswteil that id hkn to liuvo hminl jim hoax n hi 1 lw when i wmm alttln u thn rrulnl wtul d ui d tbum wua no horao ru his or uny 1 tlmr nxnitlnk nvi nt icotruf on n thlnir of the kind 1 have lwyn nnoyl hearing pby ikxulimi i ulwayu llkml him nlwyf i ij i t1 h iho- htw often jim with hi i ipa dill put t into partlen nml mhiui guthur lng in tl jiy ynr nltico bu be came proficient 011 the pipe one case in particular come to roe when ilamiockburn community wn giving the farewell even in to capt john hhawwhon he had sold out an 1 waa going out to iuiiioim to llvn with hi ur there jim llosa and hi plno put vim into the party it wan hold at the warren homestead on the fourth line and wam an onjinion ever alncn rmnmbere4l mot like the iwgpliwf why i revere them thy u by no meana merely a survival of the old day hi llannle hcotlurtd h i officially reported that ico piper performed individual feat ot herolirn during the world war why a pltw of thn hoottlah hordarer won the v id tor in tiroa by atandlng on a paruimit during u rum attack at xoo and pliung hla liattallot together with good old illun llonnet over 1h florder there lit uomathlng tlmt quiaknnw the blood in such tune aa iltue llonnets and the campbell are coming and jim plnyn both of these to perfection uy scotch blood aaya sq anyway there 1 something profoundly atlrrlng in the wail of a high land o we heed have no tear that the campbells will coase to come 80 long a jim or any other piper nan be bfisucnl tpjiiyficolchalraalaclo fair there ll alwaya be an appreciative crowd to go there to i la ten i ve been tripping around over town again the last week moatly engaged viewing the waterworks activities 1 ve been up church b trout and i saw they were running th water aerylre into the house from the mains ily the way the knocker hollared a while ago i dldn t think any one would he putting aer- vles int but tf that street 1 any in dlcatlon of the number of users why blamed near every one will be having waterworks 1 natal led in thojr homns sor an old duffer like hi l m a great booster ror waterworks you know being around here a long a i have been pve kind of fallen in with nil tho town antlvltle for modom im provement and each new thin seem to get to be a sort of hobby it was the same way witty the shoo factory scheme only i dldn t give thn public the trouble of browning over my monti ments because i djiln t have a voloe then like i have now i vo also been noticing the way that digging machine put the trench down mill street of course i suppose the engineer and contractors would have voluble roaaon to oftor for going up the middle of the road on all thn other nt roots and throwing the dirt on the houlovurd hut to the ordinary horse sense brain like my own it i hard to see why the main couldn t have been dug cloner to the curb on theso nthor street vm not knocking any and thnro i no use of crying over spilled milk but it iuat a common item of conversa tion and it mlgtjt be nice in juat know the reasons for running up the middle of the street when it appears the digger can be operated juat as well closeto the curb l i saw in the new column last week that among the other societies clubs etc that actai maintain a new one has been formed it 1 tit acton amusement t31ub i believe it are organisation of the old checker club with a morn pretentious name to be in keeping with the njore pretan- tlou quarter they novo secured at the soldier community house i never was much ror such nlow going ga aa checker etc but it dorm mfffiooinottnow flutl m m iport of the town still like to retain their ibortlvenea and have the grit und gumption to provide themaelve with amusement of their own liking and a good place in which to meet to play it yqu know i often think they how the present generation a little in that respect theo young gutter coming up now don t aeem to have the knock ofj forming club and getting along with the organisations the way the former generation did of ooirne i riant mean that the member of thl newly formed club are all a old us my7tbut i understand they re nearly ill over the forty linn anyway crawling along close to it and the younger generation i speak of urn just around the voting ae and 1011 tax cut lection time of life why you take atock of the sporting circles and you ii it wain t for those older men th young fell6w couldn t get along all rlmn again look at the old men whove had such fun 4 throwing nuolta en n athletic ground thl summer there seemed to be about twice a many at it a there wan over playing love forty on the tennis courts and it was the same way on the bowling green these game should huvo till interested the young boys all but the bowling whens butthey ofpfltfj at nnd oirthe otrwet corners than even go und practice to any grvut extent even at baseball or football i hope the voung fallows will get rip roaring mud ul tills slam at thorn ippe they get so mtd that they ii get some pep into themselves and ins tend of loung lng around the street corner nplttlng all oer tho aidewalks and amoklns f garottes they l get busy sand ahow something in tho way of good clean athletic a good hockey team for thoj coming soasan and an organisation that they cansupport themselves would be fine and i know the fallow that to bo around town will assist tf 1 the editor tells ma that some w chirp whose memory is ids irlewci than mlno asked why r dw jacob snyder thefather of tint family of this mbtlon intoo church story well honest truth t juil that the eirtmuitd w tv bui we uitrc lltjkw aasr w 1 r- wotfdkrfuinew tea warehouse hr b the magnlflcent hull ling aliown uhove and situated and ia uoyfir hret t ui corner of ht ijtwrtinco itoulavord und ijt xnyltr htroetm montreal will b oeoupleit by tho halada tea coufany im ut brutry la neat tim 1 ulldlnif at present occupied by raiaim at tho orniu of lit iuiil and ht itulplne rttrent uont- reul wa tireotod by ibem ulevnii ynar ago but r a mo time has proved insdeiuale fr their hulimuj other haxiada warchoinxiiiru ltunk tut touonto and jlohton half of lot si just above kilo houue knv lllram uoniiy superlut ended that ijkit mr iennyn church wa congre gatlonul and jacob wa an kplsconal ofanitalut and the aplrlt of union waa not abroad in the dayu the xtnthu dint church vn built and jadoba nop bui wam the architect and builder there was quite a family of tlin sny dere and they all atood wall in the community there wr laaac ah i kll henry and william and ilobert and tho daughter were air mo connell hra btelnobh- mrs aihhomrl and nnnor two other lvihimlalhn nly aoiplnfi tile apent his imyhood in actorf got into railroading wua wr over thirty year the courteous and highly estanmed agent of thn 0 t it at ktra and la now rollrel mil enjoying tho fruits of hla inborn ut hla pretty home in that town they toll me that will a ulwayu onn of the must fruitful nnd attract ivn gurilnna in hi town even if he la over eighty and suffer even more from rheumatic than i do mrs ci lb ton died hero in acton last spring mid itoburt iii tliu name home two or throe yutira u only william mru m comoll uud mrs htelueck now remain i lxtllovo of till large family well 1 in now down to clmrlln davidson fine farm iiim futhoi thomn navldnon wuh one uf ho nurly sot tier of the soooud lino ho un 1 hi bride who wa ct nlitr of william nicojsoii un i aunt of john nlroltmin of marlotto mini- came from tht uhotlandr island to camilla when the voyaga rrom uie old laud by nut linn ship took 1 week or two month a come u cross they had a family of which they wera very proud tjhiro wure john and charlie ibubaru mid ague pur hap one more but i f- iimmlmr tlmso well hut like otlfur hoitun rrow came one by 0110 throo of the chll dron and the mother paiotd away churlio and tho father were it ft in hi lonnllnon tho father nought mo in n at the home of tho widow of hlu old friend john hannah the iwkor h111u ly lie and the widow were twirflod and in the passing of the yearn both of thunt died und worn bald to aleup with tho father o the community in tho old burying ground mr duvidaod wuw u great man for hi kirk seldom wh hla pliico va cant the sermon of hi frlenj lev itohlan cameron were ilka heavenly ma una to- him t lie lived with them ull through the week as he followed the plow or swung hi cradle in the grain field churlla 1 a worthy son of u worthy aire he und hla son un i hi win s son roalflo on tho uh homvatiuul through industrious toll they have prospered ilko hla father churlio pig phi 1- 1 ion lntadth ii to tejfc t llpnwtjn intertuit lie was u iuhjitii auhscrlbor to thn building oftho now church opeiiod iwontysflvaycar ago wieii llov j w itau was tho minister was a member of the building commit too and wuh at the time ahalrmun of tho ltoam of managors churlio 1 provid of his one farm which nnw extend across the concession he 1 fand of u good driver qnd novie tlrlwu at u snail pace i wonder be iloim t invest in u car lied enjoy it im m wisely and ooutd puss every hors on thn road oh i know uhnrt like in thl respect i haven t had my old eye on hi lively driving for fifty year for nothing i like a good drlvir my bo if und have never had a place of horseflesh for ttln mail ttmt would int the grua gniw under hi but btillevo me char lie bill madn riqht rear tire wears more than left 8av experts tim jiat that tin on the right hand wide of 11 car wear out raster in pro portion than tlioae on tho inftlmnd aide of ten puxxlca motorists the popular nuppoultton tb it this wear i caused by turning many corners to the right la incorrect the foot 1 that the in creused wear 1 actually caused by ue pitch tif the r ad which throw mora of the tar on the right aide than on the left jrhbround of th4roadmim ourb to curb i far mora imnortntit in deter mining th aequeuce in whlali tires normally weal out right roar left roar right front loft front than i gutter wear and abrasions from grind infc on and on pavement the alope of the road cause the right rtur tire to curry more weight than tin it rt oar tire tiium the right rear wbim the faster of thw two the right front al according to tire and tulxi ospt rt will wear morn rapidly tluiittliu loft front ft thn aamn ra jlowevor u tho left rear wheel re- lalviu a driving pull whllt the right front ilhu not it will wmtr tho fuator of tho two uhdur averugn condition tho right roar tiro wear nut first and the left front llat to loour uiilfonn wear from a set of ttrvu huntfci thoni nrouml uncut once u iiiouth partldulurly ju it im portant to rovursn the roar tlrcn after th re it tkom urn worn dow raver them with the fennt keeping up appearances nothing is itiiliiod by making people believe you lire lxitter than you are or ilchir than y ut are it would bo funny if ii wnrw pot mid to not hnw iiiui h nt ray lnj plo put inlo giving an ini miuilon of prositarity not jusll tltil by fact indihml tho sumo ingon ulty mima poplu uho in k ouplnff up 11 euriuici a woiil i go a hug wiiy to ward making tlioni tiuliy lirtiaihiroua if they uppllol it rightly help your digestion what ujdunaa nllne uu km10id5 dismorre esxjiy on tonfneii sdegggnt to take csntiy hmp your w s try w malii ma my acenrr wowwk ah relumed soldier and jaelr fam lllm will le inlnrnafril in the itqttim ed hokllnra inwumnca act under which they 11 n rovldnd wit an op 1 1 rtuny of oh tuln lng ufa inmiram a i nioat ravmiruliln rate the ant tiiamn effocilve n bepteml r 1 1ds0 an 1 will remain in force for two year under the j rnvlulon of the act any honorably diachargnd soldier aallor or mirne of thn canadian fort im doinl- clleil ant realdtnt in canudu may in sure wth the ttlovernmeiit t an aim tint of front g00 a to itooooo uu 1ir onrtaln conditions the widow of u roturno i soldier who tlintl aubae- uuotit in discharge may also obtain llisumiire in utldltlon to forrpur members of loc 10 p the privilege t f the act mo 11 valla hie tti anyone uiuln r fe mah who norved during the lute war in tho imperial army r with the f rcfls of utiy of thn alllo i r uhu clute ikiworrt pivldlug they were d unloil ixl apd nwldent in canudu in fore the war will i old an honorable illstlinrge uuli of tliom who snrvtd ovnranu while hot nurtwltig nm severe dla nl lltty nn i that tholr phyalral con- dltloh lu miuh that they are unable to 1 ulu ii fo liiauramfi at all or only at much higher rat than uru normally domuiidthl they thnrsforu fin i them bvu atvernly hand icn ppotl in provld lng lirolkil 11 for their ditp ndeiita under thn luturnml koldlera-naur- ancn act all returned men are lucml on un t in i beat un no mettlcnl n umlnatlen tw roijulred the promlum rules are low they vary with the age or tho luhitroil and tho plan of inuuranrn nhtieon at tho age of twonty ivn a straight lift i mi hoy for ii 000 00 costa f 1 4 per hnnntn xtthfi ugii oohlriy llvn the rate i i 70 per iioiith llaimnclarles are llmlloil in the rnsq of a married man to hi wlfn un i children an unmarried man or widower without children i roqulrod to name his future wife und children a bene let aria rhould the insured die unmarried the insurance money may he paid to one or more of hi immediate relative sooordlng to hi will an exceptional advantage of thl in uranco t the provision made for a dl lability benellt under thla section ubould thn policy holtlor become totally anl iiermuntly disabled he relieve from paylmf further premium and the inaurunoo money t paid to tilid direct in annual instalment equal ta one- twentieth or the total ktmountaf the policy rionklefa nxpiarnlngnrho acftbnd ap- pllcatlon form may tie obtalnetl from all branohe of the great war vetef an association thn soldiers aid commission imperial veterans of canada urand army of tfnlted vet eran army and navy veteran de partment or ho idlers civil lie estab- llshmgnt jmutary ulatrlct jleodquar- ters and blstrlot oftloo pf the hoard of lenion commlasloner or direct from tho commlesnnnr jleturned hold l ra nuranoo trans port at ion mulldiiig ottawa ijiwyer t want to know the wllole trwtn notjrittrciin buficosriniyareno you 11 vo you told mu nverythlnar prlaaner vnu except where 1 hid the money rheumatism neuritis scltica neurajxu tevnpletxnft rheumatic capsules bave brought srood health to haif-a- million erarferom a healthful money saving icmedy well known for fifteen ycara pre- scrtlkxl ky doctors sold by drug- glat 1 00 a bog ak ouc aiientt or write for free trltl mfkauet templeton 142 kin w toronto my stray lock stand up on end 01 out on a drive or twite whet 1 with hltn irno school wa built on tho corn or tt ha jhtvidson furm and 1 1 very ilk 4-lm- some of ua who liay the tur uk i easdry when it lea ittll- tlitrty year ago tjut bandy kennedy an i joe itsby took it into their hw f hah tm acton school hoard of wliluli hy lit 11 r t m ba w go t fast and laying higher salaries than were necessary und that their iiettlon with acton would grow more and mure expennlvu the new soctljgn wa tlureore decided uikn thn new uchoal wat built when it wu ull vor 11 wo found that a number of the pupil wee rcjulred o walk ull tho wuy through acton paa thn acton school and more than half n mile bo yond it to get to lome school where the now sootlon boundaries put them the hohool has however been a good tone with a milendld line of teacher none of thnmjn efficient uun tho present k4ujnaof the- poaluqui- 8 llo0f m fall millinery now on display we mvo a good assortmont on hand and will havo now designs to fill up aa theso are sold ave appreciate your patronage store will fe open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings nellie m stockf ord acton y quelph eloita ipsb 2 estasusheo 1b73 ja money in live stock fvarefil selection of breed- v lug cattle and the right kind or flqimcu bucking will put you n potltlon to roiko joney jrotn your berd the of jfimilton to propdred imototny leglttmtim jo- in- fall arrivals to hand see rall qooda juat put in stock una a tweed caps 1 00 man s bprlng caps 11 00 flood tweed jcnlckers for the wn men lrge aasortniant of hot anl h tonkins all alios com in and look tbsm over hiiouj nrepainino a hikoiaty we don cobble e k cook uiul bthheit acton acton granite works j nicol expcrienced qdanitc cutter fa mi art i to supply mouu tneiit f i kin la with akin fully tut inaorji lloia at low i h nil h kiuiiplo of work un i itylnti of uionuinniitm at thn tin imitii nt worku 1 uuuyman uroaic mltl stneet acton ont real estate if y ti have h house for maltf j if you want to buy a b uiuo in at l 11 uhu r j kerr auctioneer and ileal eatate daale 1honio i dower avenue acton ont johnstone co acton ontario fall furniture now is the time to consider and arrange tub puttinfi if y0uk home in good shah p0k the long winter m a house comfortably furnished is an abode of joy and continuous comfort lot johntonr3 si co acton supply your furniture requirements and you will be wall butisflod johnstone co furniture and undertaking dodge bros motor cars the owner of a dodge car ca nsafely de pend upon consistent continuous and economical daily service universally low gasoline consumption nnd high tire mileage j n- oneill georgetown ont distributor for acton tfownt and milton sak itative

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