Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1920, p. 5

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im he arton 3far ttm 1 1 luhhoav octoiikk 1ow20 a goat alphabet i im awful iilnrllttt william float ii was ti 1 nu f whue whirl found its wuy down hi thm o wi it rubier omli h uto wliloli ikivdi it trtli tmmhl l wan u munli fhlnimihl old doll in pnllln nt nml run 11 was u well nlunol emery twiim m inowhnt gritty food v waa a tattered nmr fun ii slinks n with i 1 wild i uuothev u at uld u wim at i jx ii ii ii william s eye it gi ut r treat ul lit a hint k wuu a ll with lulnlid fact at i muiiy ynrls f full i wan live ii i u i f h nrloi lu i gr 0 wuu ul within a mm 1 wa uomi khm kuti ly ark lb n url yoww in t i o ru o wii ii uuiirt of nuliim r servo wlilihn timln wuu rather qiuwf it wnitvtottoll rnllhlt which mad qiamo survived a year j tuwun a pajr o aclwinrs blunt tlllmi xi wm u large umbrella hortin to william on a 1 recso v wllm his vuljly whlch swelled an on ha uto with oas w wuji some wedded wool lln noxt thuyiml to chnw x y id i liiiitltiml orwfliiai unat lid view hlaabeth jl uould r le8 mi8eba0leb- in cataloguing the liasterploee of literature the critic would be sure to innlulo tho s miserable by via tor hugo it la pregnant with thought full of tho milk of human kindness jmiwonfuliy and brilliantly written and resplendent with fascination the author ha brooded deeply over the problems of ufn anil ha si van hero his solutions lie ha pled the call of tho poverty etrlaken nod criminal classes with nil unwonted tenderness and force a strain of iron ul no etc quonoo pervades the volume lie chal lenge nhd hold the unflagging at tention from beginning to end uk curly lo and dickens his theme humanity life in all it protean phases and especially in it pathetli aspect make up hla mighty argu rnont it lit u uulmuntlol und notable nonfrlbutlon to the republlo of uttere an appeal to th utilveraol heart tho rending of it will make an epoch in one a ucparlnoe it will tntenalfy onoa idontirioutlon with the race and open the earod aource of ayinpatbeuo tear it will inaolra the deal re for magnanimity and fumjah a beautirul illustration thereof it la fine oun rndntury unormjeqjoalfiijif-yarsu- rfxmt tttcr imae aorum et menteni ni talla tungunt and one of tho clonic of the world joan val jean the reformed convict la tho central fujure of the book the ntory tt hla oonverslon throuch the instrumentality of a devout plahop hla progrftaalvo development tntthe chria i tlan life in aplte of an unfavorable environment hla unparalleled magna n- j imlty and devotion to truth and duty oonatltute tho background and aub a tan co of the maaterly production all of the aubordlnata characters and the varied eplaodea are tributary l ho growth and portraiture of the aplrltual life of the hro all the pic tureequ and dramatla mavemenln of the novel centre und concentre in him won back to rlghteouaneaa by the chrutllke aympathy of the blaaop atrengthened and cheered by the love of cose tee expanded and refined by the grace of qod and the discipline of ifovtdence he tread nt last the lofti eat altttudea or religion jean val jean alniula for magnanimity and charity and throba with an all pity ing and unconquerable love for all mankind ho ja tho impersonation of all that la true and beautiful and good a moituracnt of redeeming love what u graphic picture of the pover ty etrlokcn und criminal claaaoa of tcuronel what a far reaching and eloquent argument for the army of outcast when the roll of the world a grenteut ben efoo torn la mode up the names of charles dickens and victor hugo will stand deservedly near the top there is some powerful preach ing in this book whose theme is the rights and the interests of the poor tho author makes us realfato our un ship with the race and touches the chord which vibrate witbthe tnuslc of humanity from henceforth to the reader tho proletariat will not appeal in vain in thhrbook has the cure of poverty and crime it would weld the ouuses and the masses and bantah anarchy and unrest tho stylo is pre eminently dramatic with a shnkeapearen swing and power there la not u dull page in it the movement aweeps- forward progros- i alvely to the jlljlfl consummation and the spectator bobc fvtt ry j i ti ml d f t jw oio hatf of the i5 clock i h asbbbbbbbbbsbsi ah i lurard tlio other nuy tl nt ihnlili iiulk in town oomi inloo i tint i wuu ti ut tho lutjpliirn hit wiok uf tur alujii 1 ulf when i nufiiccntud that i i llkt to i avo hmirl jim lt hlu plimui when i wa alltlntf on gruu 1 mtund unl tin n wn no hiuho ruclng nor uny olhur oxrlllng vnntm going on nothing of the kind huvti ulwuyx i njoynd linn ring jim play horuumi 1 ulwayu hknd him and tntero mkod it with breath unl miuuiaarrul eyes the portralturo of on of the minor charac ters little qavroohe i thoroughly ar tistic and the description of the bat tle of waterloo is world -renowned- the book abounds in sentences mo packed with thought and tersely epi grammatic og tobe worthy of classi fication with the best proverbs on record i know no work unless it bo the ojd thomas fiyier which contain so many flno annotations and incidents susocnllblo ol utilisation hy profes sional men note the following tho how ofin jim with hla iipm has put seal into parties and sot lil guthar inga in li many yours nlpo lip be roflalent on the pipes one case in particular comes to m when itannockburn community was giving the farewell evening to cnp john hhawwhen ho had no id out and was going out to illlnola to live with his staler thene jim hiwh and his jilpes put vim into tho party it was hold at the warren hnmontaad on thn fourth linn and wfis an occasion ever hidco rtunemberod trot like tho bugplpesl why i revore thnm thoy are by no mftanw merely a survival of tho nld days hi llonnle scotland it is offlclally rfiportod that 1g0 plpora performed individual feats of heroism during the world war why a piper of the scottish tlordarers won the victoria tirosn by standing on a parupflt during a gas attack nt loos und piping his wttallnn together with good old llluo uonnsta over thi itonlnr there is something that ijulokena the hlood in such tunes as tllue hon nets und thn campbelli an coming and jim oiloyn both oi these to imjrfctlcrf my hootch blood says so anyway thnro is something profoundly stirring in the wall of pibroch so long as we have fighting highlanders we need have no fear that the campbells will coase to come so long ns jim or any other piper can 1m secured tqjiqyacotchnirnat acton fair there ii always bo an appreciative crowd to go thereto listen i ve been tripping around over town agahi the last week mostly engaged viewing the waterworks activities 1 ve boon up church street and i saw they ng the water services into the houses from the mains ily the way tho knockers hollered a while ago v dldn t think any one would tie putting nor- vices in but if that street is any in dication of the number of users why blamed near every one will bo having waterworks installed in tliojr homes hor on old duffer like me 1 m a great booster tor waterworks you know being around hero us long ns i have been ive kind of fallen in with all the towns activities for modern im provements and each now thing to get to ho a sort of hobby 1 the same way witty the shoo factory scheme only i dldn t give tho pubtlo the trouble of browsing ovr my meats because i ddn t have a voloe then like i have now 1 ve also boei noticing tho way that digging machine put the trench down mill street course i suppose the engineers and contractors would have voluble reasons to offer for golna up the middle of the road on all the other street and throwing tbo dirt on tho boulevard dut to thn ordinary horse sunso bruin like my own it is hart to sou why the mains could n t hova been dug closer to tho curb on theso other streets i m not knocking any and thero is no use of crying over spilled milk but its just a common item of conversa tion and it mlsht be nice to juat know the reasons for running up the middle oft tho street when it appears the digger can bo operated just us well close to the curb v i saw in tho news columns last week that among the other societies clubs etc that actqn maintain new one has been formed it is thn acton amusement club i bsllovo it is a re organisation of the old chock er club with a mora pretentious name bo in keeping with thevnjoro prod tlous quarters they huve secured at tho sojdisra community house never was much for such slowgoing games as checkers elo hut it dowi ling shown above and ultiitilod ut 0i corner of fit jlawrunos ikiulovard and in itnyer htsuetn montnwl will lift oeuplit by the haliaoa tsta coulany about v bruiiry iwt next the building at pnsont occupied by salaoa at the onrnvr of st i mil und ht huhilce hi renin mont levoli vnurs jigo but soinn 1 1 mo has proved real was nrortod by them i inadequate for thnlr bualnui i other baxjlda warchoouck iro ultautl ft touoto and llohton huir of lot- ai juat abovo his house ttev hiram denny superintended that but mr denny a church was conicre- gatlonsl and jacob was an jplacopul methodist and the spirit of union wum not abroad in those tlayn tim motho dlst church vas built and jaoobs son ell was the orohltoot and builder there was uulto n family of tho sny- aora and they all stood well in tho community there wore isaac and ku henry and william and robert and the daughters were mrs mc- cmmnll mrs stolnochc mrs qibbott and una or twoot w ihtbu- ohlsoit toff lie spent his boyhood lu acton got into railroading was for over thirty years the courteous and highly esteemed agent of tho o t h at eton und is now retired und mjoylng tho frultm of his lubors at his pretty homo in that town thoy tell me that will has always one of tbo most fruitful und attractive gardens in his town even if ho is over eighty and surfers oven more from rheuntlca than i do mrs rilhbona diet hero in acton iuhi jiprjng and itolx rt in tho same homo two or throo yourw oo only william mrs mcconnnll and mrs htolnecks how romuln i iwllovo of this inrge family well 1m now down to churllo davidsons rtnfutni ills father thomas tavdson wuw one of tbo lutrly settlors uf tho second lino ho n 1 his bride who wnfl b slutur uf wllllum nicojsoii and aunt of john nicotson of marlotto mich cumn from tho shetland- islands to canu la when tbo voyago from tho old ian t by railing j ship took six weeks or two months to ihotaod tbknow that the old sports of tho town stilt like to retain their sporttveness and have the grit and gumption to provide themselves with an amusement of their own liking and a good place in which to meet to ptay it you know i often think they show the present generation a llttli in that reapoct theso young gaffers coming up now don t seem to have the knock of forming clubs and getting along with the organisations the way tbo former generation did of course tfl m that- the- members of this street boy is a pocket edition ox4 formed dub are all as old v rabelais 1xvo 1 all there no wise heads but the turtle doves a maid llko joan of arc may do to save a nation but when it comes to making one tvo need the old woman who lived in a shoe whito of course tht story won- drously romantic holds the reader spellbound still there is a parallel vein of docp philosophic thought running through it while we are charmed by the billings and ooouigs of murtus and coaette we are at tho same time profbundly impressed by the undertones and uuforcurretjts of duvouk and scientific niedjlatlop audi bis and visible thero victor h w a man of the finest thuy had a family of which they went vary proud there wi re jnhn and charllu llarbara and agnes ur hups ono more but 1 remember tlrnsi welt hut llko otlrur tioinos iiorrov camo ono by one thno of tho chll- drnn an 1 the mother pawled away churl lo und tho father went b f t in tils louellnvsh thft father sought uolai o ut the homo of tho widow uf tils old friend john llunouh the bakur ihnul ho ajid tho widow wero mnrrlod and in the passing of the years both of tlioui died and were laid to steep with tho rathers of tho community in tho old burying ground mr ilavldaon wow a grout man for s kirk seldom who iiim placo va- nt the sermons of bis friend kov laohlan camoron were like heavenly manna to- him v lis lived wlti them all through tho week as he fouowod tho plnwsor swung his cradle in tho grain fields clmrlloja a worthy son of a worthy sire ho and his son an i his sons sou rout flu on the ojiv homestead through lnduatrloiis toll they havo pro 1 1 rod like hla f uther charlli i w mm i lilimli riqht hear tire wears more than left say expetttq theart that tires on tho rlghthand side t a car wear out faster in pro portion than those on tho in ft hand side of tan pussluti motorists tho popular suptionltlon that tills wear is caused by turning many corners to tho right is incorrool th fact is that the n- o run nod wear is imtualiy caused by the pitch of the roud whlnli thniws more of tho car on tlio right aide than on j tho ijjfb tjiatuiind ofth ro4ttio ourb- to- nurb lu far more important inhibitor mining the sequenno in which tires normally wear out right rear left rear right front loft front than ii gutter wear und ahranlnnn from grind lug off and on pavemnntu the mlop of tho road raliaem tbo rlgiit rear tlro to curry more weight than thn left rear tire thus tho right rear wears thu faster of tho two tho right front alao according to tire and tulte ixpirts will war moss rapidly than tho left front cor the same i hod howwvur uw tlio toft rear wheel elves a driving pull whlln tho right rrtnt doe i not it will wear tho faster of thn two unilm nverugo condition tho right war tiro wears out first and tho loft front last to tecum unlfirm wear from u of tiros nhango them around ubnut a month iurtlouiarylu it lm portanttto rnvorno tbo roar tires after tlie ri ir tlri m urn worn down reverse thum with the front insurance for returned soldiers all returned s itdlers and thpir fam- leu will l interest 1 in thn iteturn il soldiers inaiiranne act under whlnh they urn l rovldnd with an op rtunlty of obtaining tlfo insurance rboml fnv lurat le rates tho a tit in quip off notion nn boptomtnr 1 1d20 1 1 will ramalri in force for two years ilndev tho i rovlulons of tho act any honorably ulsohargnd soldier sailor or ne of hie canndun korcea doml- d an 1 roaldmt in canada may in n with the lovrrnment to an lunt of rrom jboo oq to 6 ooo 00 lor certain vundlumls tlio widow if i turned soldier who died huhse- uent to dlschurge may also obtain in addition to forrper members of he c k y the privileges f thn act re uvallsble to nnyone mule or fs- nalo who srvod during lbs lute war in the imperial army or with the f roes nttuny of thn allied or usaiklutn 4iwnri rovldlng tlmy worn d mlcll- d an 1 rmldent in canuda lief iro the war und hold an honorabl llsrhargo miiu i r thoso who served vursous tiller iot miffwlng rnm severo dls itbtllty nn i tst their physlral con dltloii isnirli tliat they am unable lo ilitalu lift insurance st all nr only at much hlaher ratis than ar m rmally jdemunde they thcrsfori flpd tiem ra severely handicapped in provld protection for their dnpendant ifniter the hi dirtied ho idlers insur- linno act all ri turned mail an plurthl u an o iiial ban in as no medical um j nation is required tho premium rules am low they vary with thn ago of i he insured and tho plan f insurance chosen at the ago of twenty fivo a straight life policy for 1 000 of nosts j 14 jcr mwntti atilio ago ooblfty nvo the ralo hi l in iter hum lb lloneflclarlos urn limited in thn iuso of a marrloil man to his wlfo and children an unmarrinl man nr widower without ithlldren is required to nama his future wife and children as he nofi claries should the insured die unmarried thn insurance money may bo paid to one or mom of his immediate relatives hoarding to bla will an nxcoptlonal advantage of this in surance is the provision made for a d inability benefit under this section should tho policy bolder become totally and permantly disabled he is relieved from paying further premiums and the insurance money is paid to him direct in annual instalments equal to ono i twentieth of the total kimountof thj policy ilnoklois explaining tho act and ap plication forms may bn obtained from all brunches of the great war veter an s association tho soldiers aid commission imperial veterans of canada grand army of united vet erans army unl navy veterans de partment of boldlcraclyjj nnwilab llshment military district headquar ters und district offices of the board of lonalon commissioners or direct rrom the commissioners itotumed soldiers inauranoe tranaportatloi liulldlng ottawa fail arrivals to hand bee fall oooda juat put in stook mens tweed caps si 00 mens spring caps2 00 flood tweed knickers- for tho wee men iargn assortment of hox und stockings all nlaea f come in and look them over shoio iliqpatrina x hpicciailty w don t cobble e k cook mild btimbt acton acton granite works j nicol experienced orantte cutter is i j an 1 to mmjly nn nil metitsof ul kin is with nklll fully out liimrli tlons ut low liloil hit samples of work an i atylos if mimumonts at tn ii niuinnnt works i i ullyman liroclc mill 0tmeet acton ont reaj estate if you have t up for salaj if you want to buy a h i in ai ton nuk r j kerr auotlonpar snd real eatau deal 1 honid is bower avenue acton ont johnstone co acton r ontario fall furniture now is the time to consider and ahrani tub iottinr ok youil home in good shaw iok the 1xmg winteh mowtim a house comfortably furnished is nn sbojlc of joy and continuous comfort lot johnstone fit co acton supply your furniture requirements and you will bo well satisfied keeping up appearances nothing n gained by making people liclleve you um 1 wit tur than you are or ilohci than you aro h would bo fuuily if it wer not wul to uou bow miiih um rgy peopb put into giving an impress m of prospetlty not justl- llnl by faots indiod tlio uumu ingen uity mmo in iplu imu in keeping up apliearauris would k a long wuy to ward mukhuf them really pronporoua if they uppllod it rbjlitly myself but i understand they re nearly all over the forty lino anyway or crawling along close to it and tho younger generation i apeak of are just around the voting age and poll tax col lection time bf life why you take stock of the sporting circles and you ll soe if it wasn t for thess older men tb young fellows couldn t get along at all t again look at tho old men wtiove had gucb fun throwing quolb athletic grounds this summer there seemed to be about twloe us many nt it us there was ovur playing love forty on tho tennis courts and it wu tho same way on the bowling green theso games should huvu ull interested the young boys all but the tblc3cciuatn1narnnu6 msrryfbm pa d s intenists he was a liberal subscriber to tho building of tho now church opened twontyiflve years ago when itev j w lute was tho minister was a member of tho building commit loo and was at the time chalrmap of tho hoard of managers charllo is prdud of his fine farm which now extends across the concession he is fond of uood driver and never drives at it snail pace i wonder h doffsn i invest in a car he d enjoy it im mensely and 0oud puss every h on tbo road oii i know charts a likes in tbls respeot i haven t had help your digestion when oclldltsd relieve tbo mitioo with klfioids dissolve easily on tonfnem vleaavat lo alee ag gasuy keep yottr atatoach mii try w mapsx anr aoorr s sowne jy lawyer i want to know the whoi truth dorrflnrcjursuccossfniiynaerondrl you havo you told mo everything i rlsonnr ye except whore i hid the money i want that for myself rheumatism neuritis scimttea neural tevaipletans rheumatic capsules have bxouffht boooi hoajut to haifblmlllton purerertf well known for fifteen years pre- sen bod by doctors sold by druf- gsta tl 00 a box ask our oitenta or write for a free trial parks ac templctoai iu king w toroato iocal agcntel j hassard johnstone co eurniture and undertaking- -rtintdtiltfn- our training is the that opens the door to ununited opportuni ties in every line op endeavor students may start any pay guelph business college truph7ontr a l bouok prln claimed by tha true hierarchy ofinlnd and arlatocraoy of om meter he had gcnliin and eloquence und these were conseorated to tho service of the poor lie spoke a word destined to bo hoard round fho world and to linger a bene diction and a charm the las miser able ought to h in every library it contains the coinage of an imperial brain it is the greatest piece of fic tion outside of shakespeare th author has achieved literary immor tality itov t r pierce d this nevcut happened it was a woman of course who driving in tho mlddo of the road had forced the mere man to turn his car into be ditch where it churned an grily but fuulely unlike others of her kind however she stopped and apologised profuoobv vell why dldn t you give me roam to passt wrath fully and ungallantly demanded the vlotlm oh i admired your oar 99 much when i saw it coming that i simply had to drive over near it to see it better she ejtplasnred 1 didnt think ybudmlnrl j twe mere mgh had fainted r 0tnndonthetrtreet eotncnrthnneven go and practice to any great extent even at baseball or football i hope the young fellows wilt get rl roaring mud at this slam ut thorn hope thoy gel no mud that they ii get sumo pep into themselves und instead of loung ing around the street corners spltttntf alt over the sidewalks and smoking cigarettes theyll get busyand show something in the way of good clean my old oyas on his lively driving for nrty years for nothing i tike a good frjvir myself und have never had n pi ooo of horaeflesh for the road that woill i ut tlio graas grow undor his fuet but believe ino charlie hns mudo my stray locks stand up on end once or twice when i ve been out on a drlvo wltb tilm ivrno hchool was built on the corn- er vt fbp puvldson farm and is u very tia aubvj bomo of us who iwy tha tukeailkug is wasn t neo usvary wlion 1 was byllf thirty years ago hut bamly kennrviy and jao iuyby took it into thhr teuja hattho acton hchool hoard of vtiluli itoy wtre txith rnanu wnh miim to rait arid payloblgbaaalarles than were necessary and that their fall millinery nuirotsrsisplay wo havo a good amortment on hand and will havo now designs to fill up as theso uro sold we appreciatb your patronage store will ife open tuesday thursday and saturday evenlncs nellie mj stockf ord guelph whmbmbmmmhwmmitotimai igfiromoioxxars fiectlop wth acton woutd grow and mure expensive tho now soctlon was therefore hftctded ukn tho now ilinoi wiih built wlicn it wa nil over u was found that a number of tho pupils wove required to walk all tbo wuy through acton ujs thn acton school and more than a mllo be yond it tb get to lorde school wbcru 1 tho nuw section boundaries put them thjotlcs a good hookey team for tliej thb ha however been a good omlng season and an organisation i i coming season and an organisation that they can support themselves would lie fine and i know the fellows that usedto be around town will assist llicnx the editor tells ma that some od chop whose memory is less tricky than mlno asked why i dldn t put jacob hnydcr thn father of the bnydor family of this section into the jlrlck church story well to tell you tho honest truth it just slipped my mind bat the esteemed patriarch jacob of tttf hill wus the owner of the twenty- nve jscres of uo corner lot abovo john bhanrsj property and the ijrlnk church was put them- because be provldod the i1jtfrtt- congregational olibrcb was on the ptwr corner on the east r with a splendid una of teachers none of them more efficient than tho present occupant of tho position miss leslie the building of urne eltoorrffave itev dnntotjohnslon a prominent methodist minister of tho united states a talented lady to graoo his parsonage and miss annie hosier- brook the foohor a parson for her husband the eojinol engaged- ml eastorbrook and litter oat engaged her for n school of ono they vo bsen huppy uver nlncn lorna school has never been overburdened with an over plus of scholars the owner of a dodge car ea nsafely de- pond upon consistent continuous and economical daily service universally low gasoline consumption land lugli tire mileage i j n oneill georgetown ont distributor for acton georgetowiraiid milton j rijeisd3mjvn local representative

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