Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1920, p. 6

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mm zrriffy m l i ft artmt jhro fferaif fllulthpay ocroukil h tdo titm acmn trxmm ilutum in published every tliurmlay innriilntf at lio jr pmia hulldlntf mill htrert aclmi ontario itm hiiharrltitloii prion lu 1 to pr your in advunoo ktituiii i thard ndlllloniil to mnrn in the uiiuih h tut hi iha ilute t will- h aubariptloii urn paid id hi llcntml ti tho addrwit luluil attvuitllhino ilatic tmliuioiit ml vertlae incut 10 onnla ir lino ogrttn iimuiuirmnnnt t r tlrut inaurtlon ami ciiktm r una for oauli allium jutnt inaurtlon confrmt dlufiluy uilvi rtlfmimaittm for 100 ln hom or mora imr unnum 10 on i 111 lr hint our 1 1 niorton advortlaomi nl without ixkilflo djrnotioii will ttu luaurtod till forbid and nhajifod aenordliiryy it v uooulfl editor and publuliar tl lm1 jronkh rilifitul tin i 1iiujiiiii olllu t 11a the raiment have increased production iha offorti ot our farmer t this year havo resulted through thdr arduoti- toll nni tho rnio ruble wcathrr coiidilioiih in inrtoly likrcooil production on tnno farmer hnvo harvested iipproitimalcly 1r24- 000 huslidu of full vhxnt til id year an mcrcno of 3000 000 bushels over int yenr ttia yield of oats r 1 2b 100000 bushel us ufbhist 78 ibb 000 bushel- last year uti increase of 50 000000 bushels u editorial sir ileiny ttrayton tf wot tuxc i nro bringing in tho money inland revenue return for september totalled nearly twtlvo million dollars or over naven millions inorr fl in tho preceding year attorney general unuoy descivcs credit or op ptgptinb in tho porlon of mr w a mccormicic a new police magistrate at amhcralburgt mr mc cormkk was formerly prominent in conservative circles and 13 highly rocommended as a faithful and conscientious individual fa mi era sun canada docs not need more victory honda licports from ottuwn state that owing to the recently impo od luxury and manufacturing and merchandising hulfiiiulcfl the current revenucb of the dominion are now sufficient to carry out the wise policy of paying our way at we go there will be in all probability n substantial balance to apply to tho retirement of victory bonds there will there fore be no now victory loan money accumulation in gratifying amounts in tho bunds of tho avcrag private citizen of the dominion and other tuto in vcstmcnli arc now being looked for in the case of people in this section the acton six- and a half per cent waterworks bonds offer nncxccllent opportun ity for investment delicious iii the cup salada bas no equal for quality and flavour if you have not tried saladft vend ua a post card lor a free eumnpie stating the price you now pay and if you use black green or mixed teiu ad4rasu4 toronto how noise carries dirouull til ill ihebusi iieuio ft heootin trytcviden tly -progress- ing favorably an increase of almost twenty five millions is shown in tho customs receipts for the six months ending october 1 as compared with tho corresponding period of last year in tho month of september there was an increase of more than 070- 000 over september 1010 tho christian guardian one of canadas oldest publications came out last week in a complete new make up of tho popular magazines form with cover in three colors the guardian was founded in 1829 by dr egcrton kycrson afterward minister of edu cation for upper canada it is tho official newspaper of tho methodist church and has had a succession of talented editorial writers the guardian has always exerted a powerful influence never more than to day with rev dr w b creighton as its editor mchiei and rev s w fallis as the publisher it will be popular in its new form alia w6ii deserves the new title assumed canadas national religious weekly waterways have always played an important pari in the commercial history of tho world and perhaps at no time than duri hn l g tria and germany were ablo to transport a great deal of their war material by way of rivers and canals while to some extent the same might be said of other countries at tho present time in canada consider able is being heard of the proposals to develop the st lawrence routa as a joint enterprise between canada and the united states meeting with some opposition in both countries a project which is contained wholly within canada and which would be of great importance to- the dominion in relieving her rail roads and in moving he crop is tho georgian bay canal which would bci useful addition in the opinion of many business men to our transportation facilities it would provide a means of transporta tion during a largo portion of the year and would be of vast service in the transpbrtatlon of much of our wealth it would provide an outlet free from all in ternational hitches and under purely canadian con trol and would probably in time rank with the dan- jibe and other commercial rivers of europe an ideal citizens characteristics here is a fine sentence recently uttered by dr marlon leroy burton the new president of the uni versity of michigan the trained citizen of to morrow will actively oppose the business man who profiteers tho laboring man who shirks the politician who sets private gain above public weal the citizen who selfishly enjoys the blessings of democracy with out meeting its demands and the man of means who fails to accept his wealth as a social trust michi gan advocate the fall fairs is the fall fair losing its attraction it would seem so judging fromojcpnversatioji the sentinel- star bad with a gentleman who has visited most of the fall fairs in this district this year and who is one man who from a long connection with fall fairs should know not only were the exhibits greatly less in number from previous years fiht tho crowds attending are notbs large ho could givp no definite reason for the falling off in interest but the fact remains that at none of the fairs visited was tho competition as keen as in previous years the only apparent reason he cou give was that special attrac- tftlus and fnaautomobfle had taken interest i away from tho exhibits cobourg sentinelstar jw r r trado follows the flag trade followa ho log that tho sentiment underlying the meeting of the ninth congress of chambers of commerce of the empire which met ip toronto last month tho fundamental impulse in the anglo saon race which has made it the colonl- ling force jn the world is represented in the mstinct to develop an oxport trade this gathering of the chambers oi commerce waa designed to promote jropjrlal trade and foster i relationships the keynwe among the addresses of welcomo was de livered by sir james woods who said if tho same spirit which was manifested in tho early days of the war was applied to imperial tradp much good would bo accomplished at one time he inclined totjie view that germany would nover be given a place again n tho worlds trade but moro mature consider ation hd led him to the opinion that this was neither desirable noi right the replies by various members of tho delegation reflected more or less the lessons learned during the war lord desborough declared jt was a tonic to moot canadians and voice a gen- rbntllyprovalllng sentiment that tho tmoliad arrivod when tho emnire could prost by closer trado relation ships mr stanley lyjochln said hat all through the war eiiglondjud endeavored to play tho game for the good of mankind mr a j hobaon in a master ly speech declared that when the overseas domlnfoos r the treaty of versailles at the moment brlt- tain abdicated her position as trnsteo of the foreign relations of the emplromd instead of being a group sjomependencles the empo in spirit and ip fact bo- abbftm spmrnonwoalth of jroe nations 2000000 thin year from the mouiruul ontario motor car users hava contributed about two million dollars in llconso fees to tlla provincial treasury this year of grace 1120 there has been an incrcaio of oyer 25000 automohilci alone this year over the number licensed last year the fact la in teresting that in 1003 there were but 220 motor vehicle licenses issued in i1ii7 tho number of pas songcr vehicles in operation in ontario had increased to hlilil in 1018 to 101045 1010 tq 127 000 and in 1020 to 153000 commerical vehicles increased in numbers during these later years from 402uto fi- b00 tho number of motorcycles has increased only 400 in the four years thi9 2 000000 will go a considerable distance in the construction of improved roads throughout tho province v- about ttmmm- sign several weeks ago tho tree press ma do n sug gestion in this column that acton be a little more adequately advertised to tho pcoplo coming into tho town by stationing signs at tho four mam roads over which motorists and others appfoseh the plan was very favorably spoken of by several citizens and yet ncymove has been made by anybody to put tho suggestion into effect if the council is too busy preparing to got water into tho now mains to carry out t id perhaps tho garjkemen mlghtflnd jt b for sunday reading tllt eotiirvtl tin ui r win rolwrori lo ii hurt ut xlijfloh hint iiun lit vry ilnlltlt ittirin ly uuylmr wlmt u muii h l tliul in il n t know ha cm 1 hi tl not inlhh it ww it mill ml lillum lmf lltith f hnvn a ri lljlmi tliut wlltll i ihi mwthl lr it wora unui w itlhi i uh ilnul an i limiting tit th yiliyp that m- pn init only nlokaily nnoimu id una tlialr timrkot vtihio hplrlttmllly in that riirtlici jixik wliloli mofn tliitli- ottvri vitlun 1 lurry inmimi 1 1 lint initio in u nil 1 willi t vrtiiilur ultrmit i mi bo ltljly crtuiij uuul- i profitable onterplrso in our recent trip of 400 or 500 miles through western ontario and michigan wo found many of the towns and cities had signs at their limits of welcome and information these were regarded with much greater favor than tho places which lack such courtesies why ii is good to be british trafalgar day october 2t bo celebrated in ovpry school throughout thoprovlncc and tho navy loagua of canada is dffcnng 100 in prizes for tho tour best stories written on why it is good to bo british tho particulars of the competition are prizes 1st 50 00 for pupils of tho high school and of upper schools also for boys and girls who uro educating themselves through homo lessons 2nd 25 60 for pupils below the high school grades in public or private schools 3rd 15 00 for pupils below the high school grades in public or privato schoots 4th 10 00 for pupils below tho high chool grades in public pnd private schools wot lessuhan 200 and not moro than 500 words the study and writing of essays on this subject should instil a fine spirit of loyalty and admiration for our empire in all pupils who enter tha competition room for community work the community idea is growing every day one reads some now story of how some man or woman in a rural section usually wakes up to a realization of tho emptiness of tho lives of tho pcoplo and leads the most enterprising spirits of the district in organi- ing for better things most frequently this comes through the church as is quito to be expected some times a bighearted doctor takes time from his prac tice to start something sometimes again n little woman who reads in one of tho womens jqurnals what has been done elsewhere is foe qr tho new movemtnt a preacher expressed the need pretty well the qther day when ho pjit it like this i found when i went to my new charge in tho coun try that tho lives of tho people were absolutely color less tho farmers wcro thinking of nothing but banking monoy for their children and were making slaves out of their wives in the attempt the boys and girls thmeselvcs so soon as thcy g ol en o ug to appreciate that there was anything else than cows and wheat and work in tho world naturally gravitat ed to the city where they could at least accomplish little financial freedom for themselves and an escapo from tho drudgery of twelve hours or more a dqy spent in a round of labor for which they saw no return it wasnt any wonder they wanted to go to town and so 1 started out to seo what could be done to remedy matters in that little hnmlet now they have a community hall a community choral society a community athletic association a rink a library and frequent entertainments and lectures on subjects both the farmers and their wives as well as the boys 4iadgiriwo intoroatodlnraoa resultthe ation now growing up is not leaving for the city as did hoir brothers and sisters a stereoptican is one of the big features and ono of these days so that preacher says there is to bd a movie machine all oils in a centre not much larger than crewsons cor ners this is ther sort of thing that is saingta solve the prqblem of tho deserted farm it will help also to solve soveral other pressing rural problems such as that of farm labor and of what to do with the long winter evenings and why shoidd not soma slmilqr steps to those suggested herb be undertaken jntwo or ihreo qf thejural communities in thia district imehousc for instance would seem to offer sdlondld opportunity f6r a trial of the schemo and there is no reason either why some or the same ideaijahould ifot be tried out at j say spoysde and crqwsons cdrnota posajbly the churches are the best fitted tq any movement in the matter and lit heao days df cooperation between the several denominations there should be little dlmculty in get ting together fpr what would seem to be more worthy work t handsome the church hw boon attempting to curry on for the past two or three dacades tlnow ty hih luttir iliiihtiml n a wlitit lu uuriiltyt wnm u niioit i n in imkiml ut tlm il iif utnl ilumb in htltutii nl turin uinl thin hniutlful urn htilklmr mimwt f vim iflvati by nun nl llm iiiiiiiim tim hfft tlm of tli al mlnliiy thn lllhlii ono ii fouiid to l inn pi rex i of loil will ihnn lnnm uulttumllva n ynu imvo fnuml n iirltitf whloli uutuhimt your llilrut iln you mt muily 11 uuuhi un i ukiiiii if you lm im 4hlrntyt if yon mnnt other thirsty iiiuii uiil worn 1 1 u you riit at n n ntininhl id mtpm thn fomttuli tlutt rfn hhtid ynurulf wlion u rtoo or hah ounll you j u imlnfuj illwoauv in ynii lint r rumiih ml lu wkill ut uttitirtit if lio irovou tilmimilf tujual tlmlr whim ilihmf tlinro not rl n uiiiluir null lanno whli ii axaltw him an uutlinrltyt bo it in with tho 1111 if lift itrantlral m iliihmtii mitt tlirottali ull tlmiul provim it lo bo from ooil our oonflrierian ihftt u im frnm nd miiktm it fortfi on rrtmh tirraiiiln if tnorciy to men 11 ut thn proof of 1u tllvliio nklll hqn in ttu illvlnn ixiwor and littullatf eam answers a rax uiuwi ly ilrluuli uohool children anil cot laatod ny tlm mauler on tlm nuttiro of nniih an ovytfrin ha nlaht miiioh in tmtiirwl liulory a mxkoo in a hlnl whloli tutfit not lay ttu own nag a mntilf ik it fihllil of blnok find whit liurantx wnl n lillswml iri tlm inaldn of it fowl in tlm irnakrailiy tlia fullnwi tho miuittiir in a mnniiicarta lion rutmlnit round thn onrtli ttaroujrli africa a morldlan la tho uluca wltnro ihoy khi tlin tlm and tli inhuhltuntm if 1nru or ralliul irt- dairyinq ctinutfii imd 3 341 dairy faclorloh in 101 j vl irnairnirlnu 1 043 riimuip 1 d3g iiuttni mid ahotum 44s ron- dfliujfxl milk 33 co n ml u m anntml dairy itroductlnn valuo fafloonooi oxporuf iqg00oo00 catiadii ntlikx fourth in world tiro- dunllon or nti o un o tox ported inmi- 40 000 000 worth in 1010 or 7s dor cfinl of total troduntlon of 100 000 000 iioundm cautlott waruii you that you uhould havo your oyu nxatn- innd noyr tf thoy aro not slv- tnir you a mmlmum of hor- jf iiaglaot tjjbt- omo imil i coolly oorrooled refect may jjrow into a ttorloum dluordor thut a law on ulono will iut ouro wt will udvlao you ourructly w qrlnd our own ln firo1 spark plugs gasoline 8aver8 and oil piqhterb w new and phovn idea for qa8 enqine8 heat and oil cannot affect thib plug 210 each bent post paid on re ceipt of price canadian firol spark plug company burlington ontario msec cant keep down the scotch two 1iifthlandir utott i irtoklttm ut thn imrmmlnk farado of u bullillna in wbtmlntor tlm i ortinr mt no ik r tb iiml in itornuli churaiitork mcmiv i uka u tlxt anifim nald ono according to ivijidop t wt ah vi navpr hoam hi name mouly tmfurc but thoro a bcotamali who ti unthla iinmn on ono of thn nnnot hulldlnum lu iindori y run t kmip m dwn chii yr campinq in 1020 it wum iluwri and vrny hilly in tli ri and ono tnun wamlunalifn u flrl any of hlii outar cnmiiuilu ilu wn- ihfiy know whnro thoy wt rt hum any nn mom by l h blankntt h damunilml and w told that 0 nun had linn any ono iumiii my t t trou- mjrr no unwor wnll i m jully tflail i hnvn not on my nlun wrw- wrm uulr of auuindarm of ii r i rl ii din loll mllw r i 1 nl 0 y triilii 2hiiu yiu 1 miihkif mill tlu im y ir hi hi i riliiutiu im 1 ijii j urim tl mm rk of r tl v lo yir tii yiinlm 111 mi u to li dullilk of 1 1011 rr ultlitff of fri u udn hlridnb f rick 1 uito yiinl or nothing whit dl h ri firl n tlltitf 1 rlx in r all rluht i tin hii imiin iilnu yti iihkcl tho jlidcn your honor n t lint llm abaohilwly ti thlnffl itkiiiiiki tha judici 1 ii klv v ni l ly ituyw uiil i it w u lull i wty y for no tlilntf t vi r j im n ulvnii humi thllit hay fever and astuma coniiinrwl ly tho world duly two ihiiiio itomody lion t ultar a minuta kinuv hoiwl lo day i jj duy tmatimi nl trial i zxc ur kiinraiiulhl w k oucklev mf chmlt 07 dunda 01 e toronto shaws catalogue j of huklno trulnlu hchool u imlud froo i n rtxiuiat vt rm from auklmt 30 whl addrm u ii hhnw rn1 1t vunnu an i ritirl ijt toronto whenyou travel even in canada cany your funda in travellers- chixjuea issued oy tho merchants bank personal cheques aro often refused honey may be lost or stolen travellers cheques on tie other hand are cashed by banks hotols transportation companies and stores at their face values and enable yoa to raise reftdymoney- wherever youhappen to be if lost they aro of no value to the finder if stolen or des troyed thoy will be replaced without extra charira use them for your next journey of cjtvnjajoa eubiihd 84 business directory tuoav orav i ij it c 1 eminhuruh ii olonuttw uanl rail aahmklaltoit onie wdi rh k h jllilttl modu dr j a mcnivcw phyilan and burgabn oftlon and ltanlduiioci rn r i avatio- and vin ihriih nt lurmmtty oiiupll t y i ki dvrshjii acuin oni a pn c f w noeo gor g ta w riy onl hum bur oo n gi vru legal thuno hu 11 ii iux 93m iurou nash farmed ma perhvman block acton ont uonkir to ioan himmjio u in to d ptn v rji hwul offlcn montraal acton branch georgetown branch u b shorey mansser 11 r m1mms manager hear us when we cry to thee fpr those in peril on the sea have you over been at sea in a storm and seen tho clouds lowering the wind rising and the waves running mountains high dcoks treacherous and the crew anxious unless you have you cannot imagine its awful majesty or the courage it coils up and the spirit it commands in men many canadians have never seen the sea yet the sea is canadas worldtrade highway the sea and the merchant sailors make us prosperous bat the merchant seamans life is hard and perilous lie wages continuous battle against the forces of nature the real sailor is not the deck steward or attendant on comfortable ocean liners his ship is no floating palace his voyage no pleasure trip the real sailors ship is the tramp steame or windjammer beating against gales decks awash sleep a stranger t for days and nights on end frozen in winter dodging ioebergs in spring groping through fogs off treacherous banks beating round the horn fighting through typhoons or becalmed in the yellow sea tough going all the way death always hovers over the wheel is it any wonder then that the navy league wants to muke life comfortable for our sailors when ashore after all canada is their home and the home while they pre here of the bailors of other lands the navy league endows maintains or assists in maintaining every sailors home institute and welfare society in canada and every dollar subscribed for the maintenance of these homes and institutes will be money well invested and redound to our national prosperity the sea is oar heritage and our strength in proportion as we develop tbiaseaconbcious spirit so shall we advance in world civilization and trade we can only develop our seaconsoiqus spirit by making life more endurable to canadian sailors and it isfof thistpurpose that a portion opthenavy leagues fund is set aside- to carry on its work next year the navy league niust have 760000 this money must be raised next week it is not a large amount and borne in proportion from coast to coast it must surely be subscribed i the navy league of canada sailors week campaign october 1823 dominion objective 760000 the work of the navy league is naroaacy m thai vill lo adequately protactad a raltfjhui paopla ufcten ihm inporunc of th tneot an a ma htt canadian product may b ahippad nomeiw through canadian porta m canadian ahipa of u auppolt aciutia- for making tb sauora ufa fiatad and manned by trained canadian- aaboro a durable to attoourasp and lo- undartlt tho triun ol pj- d lu jw canadian uj to mn canada- navy bd vh n rppm ni0 mahna tfj 0 can only ha achtwad tlurtwlb n to formulate a fundatnan tally aoond palicy for tha orvantsaunn roprtnuttva of pttbllfi rapaaibuy tvataiag f i our proaant mafating population to and outatda paity polrioa i i a n i i i a nd dr j m bell d d a l d o dan t let hoiior gradual of toronto unlaw ity tha lutaata aneathotlo ig tf dealrod olona at reatdeoca corn aflll and wodarlalf blratu uiaccllaneous marriage licenses h p moor laauar marrtao lloanaaa xtivaio ottlca no wiiuoum rj quired laaued at rooldanoo in avanln vn oolce i anton out francib nunan dookblncuf aooount bookm or all klnda mads to order periodic of ovary daoarlp- lion aajefully bound itullnc naatly and promptly doa wyndham btroai oualph onc ovr wluloma utart r j kerr lioanoad auatlonear tor tha counties of 1 11 to a w i llln- ton peal and ouftarln and tha city of ouolpb acton ontario sale may 1 arrmnjrod by knail or at realdanoa al ac ton or at tha wm prmm offloo acton tbe alerowiy oolce ouelph ttia nowi reoord lrnrsuo or wlut w j oordon ilameaa uakar uluaborc bojeai en trust id to it j kerr ra- oelvts attention from dulo of llatlna to data of sale ui your nalo with ma ridna bower avenue acton phone 1a acton cau at my kpanaa j e cheevers bok binder quebao 8t- coat ouelph oot llooka and roasoixlnaa hound in handaome nnd subauuitlal oovorm najneti lettenul in bold on lllblaa hymn bookai and qthor booka all work promptly exaoutad wh iiuy or skill victory bonds saarar or rag lata red j e carter invaatment broker gualph d albx niven ontaho land survoyor and cmi engl naar suryaya bubdlvulorut piano jle- porta aeaertptlano bluoprinta etc certuuaiaa for purcbawnra and mortsajroea survey for arcnluui bulldora and uuutolpal co unci la trainaaa reporto gatlmate t molcan building douglaa ot qubuapii phono 1094 oni pses jnmofseei miaaoanioarvaw moronto canada grand trunk s the double track route qbtwbinn montreal toronto detroit chicago unexcellod dlnlns car aervloa- hloflplnr oara an ntaht tralna and parlor cara on principal day train s trsill information from any qrani trunu tlotcet fiit or c 10 lornln dutrlot xaaenafr akti t toronto h a holmes acent acton qnt phona 1 the old and reliable urknite and marble dealers wo aro manuraoturora and dlraet important of all kin da of aiumimuntal and hoadatono work wo aoll dlroot to ouf ouatomqnl at wnoloaulo prlooa thus aavlntc our cualomarm 40 per oanl wo have tho beat appllutioea and tha only moahunlcai in tho lkimhilon who can oporato pneumatic tool properly wo con kivo raterennea from hundred of our ouatornir in toronto and other place whero otbora havo ti liavn law aulta in order to oollfct w havo th ursoitt and boat vtook iif umnlta in tho dpmlnlon or moro tuan any thro dealer in tha weat v aro locttl- mate dealer and employ mi enta and do not nnnoy or ivear nuauamora by bmidllmf out lbiiorant asniita aollolt- ina ordera we employ only mechanloa and daty oomiwuuon hamilton sons 4jfv- w thmraau aaaaatstwawaalaallaaaaaaaaaaa i 1 iiititi n

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