Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1920, p. 8

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fwbiwk rwmtr t p wli s mi ilirtha afarrlage and deaths now charted for t the following rntx itlrtha roo uarrlagffm boo deaths 0j momsrui cards 60o loo wr line extra for ixwrnn died toviel1v jll hla homo lot 1 flwl nohcesaton erin nn kriday october v it jo horace tovell in hla 7iat year in mcmor1am karkv in until and lovinc rnernorj til our dear brother irlvate ulchael haley no m1i7 slat ftattallon who w kilted in act ion while with hla imixny during th advance nn avnanh irwr on october ii 1b1i hurled in n la kara llrttleh cemetery iwuy krwnr w rminiit clnnii your ha ml dear brother your fao ws rannnt hut let thl little token tell that wd remember the uailoattkt amd llzzifc dljr artnn 3tm flrpbh niuitbday octobejh la 1bs0 brief local items ita apple picking lme now tl l l wrt m t icrin full- katurday and monday jet ready for winter tbes fine nututnn daya lt jnueph a harveut jioirm in the nutting excursions nr- popular for katurday outing ihii 3l thankful nn ouw national day oj tbunksglvlng next monday autumnal lint am ikutlrui in the forest these october day many field of fall wheat ore show ing up exceedingly well now therell be thanksgiving day ser vice la the churches next rundfty the subscription rate of th clif ford express advanced to 1 per year on october in detroit last week while on a vlalt to that city sugar m quoted at 13c per pound mr robert aatww btnuuulbmem pa last week m down apple which welshed ten pound milk 1 reduoed to ix cants at twsonburg to woodstock one m la reported to be belling at cents owing to thanksgiving day coin imrun mdtjbaythe lit fiaqnealnc council will meet on saturday tth tiatber autumn leaves now and end them pre to your friend in the northwest and la the old country the women a afisalonary society of knox church held their annual thank offerlnc service yesterday after noon brampton m postponed fair was favored with exceptionally fine weath er last week over 10000 persona at tended on saturday there are 00m plaints from some quarters here that a considerable num ber of potatoes are found during- die- kin to be rotting- badly a number of outside auctioneers have been charged by high constable chapman with conducting sales in ilalton without a license w t dales j of lawvtlle i has picked twenty one barrels of fruit off one tuenhelm pippin tree it yielded seventeen barrels two years ago tu the annual district meeting- f the methodist womens missionary auxil iaries will be held in versus to day mrs itobert o brown la the delegate from acton the anniversary services of the methodist church are to be held on sunday npvember 14 ttev 8 w tfailt toronto the new book steward will be the preacher numbers 0f cltlaeoa are laying in winter supplies of apples from kind- hearted farmers orchards good splei and other winter apples are sold on t si 00 peh bar the trees at i r barret the kpworth laaue evldenuy has an inlereauns winter season before it a aplndld new prornnnme of topics has been issued twenty new tuem bora were enrolled at monday even- loirs moetlnc ninety five thousand dollars worth of bonds of the town of wat erloo were sold by the town council u tho milted rtnanclal corparalioa tor onto tait week for t mm u rata bcina 4ts cents on th dollar interest at qio rate of 6j7x bad boy in osorpetown vivo boys appeared beforo macta trates near and dale last week chara ed with throwtns atones at a paasen- er train on the 13 rand trunk and breaklnv four panes of alaas one atone striking a lady in th face the um bunch also dumped the water barrels off the iron bridge q t r detective ilolden laid the char the boys pleaded rullty paid the damages and aftar a severe lecture and warnlng frora the magistrates were allowed to go on suspended sentence it la to be hoped they will heed the nronav read the newspapers itead the newspapers carefully page by page they are written and edited for you every item la selected by a trained man because it has an interest for you says jffhn blake in the evening worfd m- progress of science invention state emit government ltead it with attention thinking o you read and it will enable you to talk ably nnd convincingly on all important topics j the student of the newspapers la an educated man before he has studied them long for they ore a printed university and have far broader and more comprehensive course than any college can possibly have do not be a headline reader do pot skip from page id pan from column to column soyou may glean the new in a general way head your netyroapera thoroughly and at tentively read each article to th end tjiat wilt consume but little time and after a week ot such read ing you will be atnaxed at the bene nt yftu ham derived no man however rich could af ford to search for himself the in formation that the newapapey dally places before the eyes t business men depend upoh tho nw- papem they are more of business neoessltythan tho telephone or tele graph they are also a necessity to rod whoever you may be but unlesg you read them through and knpw what la in them you get only half the value of them that you would other- wise gain louisiana university press bulletin r i how to boost acton a beyv ida f hi native town sod lis alt action to itranosr th following was the prls eauay a arlon kail fair written by jordan yjtwaxm who rnrelvod llniwn apeolal prlsti there la a moat pronounced but hlahly riulnkoti idea prsvalrnl to tiny in the mind flw vran city dwel r thai lltjal mnur ptace h hothlng hut ndlw variety of in convununcm it la for th dulllu alonmnt of wuch u the that wi wlah to x ol auch false theories and thus slva th mplnrly uws im- imirtant pfaom limlr ruthiful do many lndj ar tli w undid towns in wvtm ontario hln a radius of nfty mil t toronto ranh one huvlntf ha own particular mttrnnllona hut acton is th uhjft of hi i writ up u nplsndld town in a id farm ing ara about st ml if klralsht wst of toronto and alluatvd on th main una of th orand trunk as well a the toronto suburban itallwaya it rail way rarllltle ar adequate for all r lulremants of trmportallon fjrocn mnnufarturlog standpoint a well aa giving exceptional accommodation for travnlllng trains pass almost every hoar and mako it most pleasant elim inwtlng much of tho u bit loir m oftbli found in living in amall towns and tui dos not injure business i roximuy to larger pjac n hlns mi ty close injure trade ln acton at ton manufactories are perhaps its moat important features the en otmiiul plant of the lloardmoretan ncrtn known the world over ytav rnuiln acton fanoous till huge roil ttrn 1 tyl rn 1 hbccpj hull llnxu throughout their equip- tnonl 1 all of tho latest typ and is thoroughly modrnlei in yery parti cilar making work for their employ of whom there are hundreds a pleas urn compared to the average tannery ummih neardmore have mad m study of their employees welfare in different ways thl hi manifested by building tham comfortable bono to b had at moderate rentals and giving them and their f any lie puaaant an nui outtngx th fact that the heads of this im portant concern live right in acton rnay partially account for the extreme ly good reeling that has always existed between employers and employees btrlkes are an unknown quantity in leather seem to be acton strong feature for the next important industry i glove making there being two large factories known as w if storey bon and ryder mowat co the products of these splendid factories turn familiarly known from the eastern to the western coasts their buildings arid equipped with power machinery their annual output of handgear far exceed many city factories and give steady employment to a large number acton young men and women tber i also another leather c ctm in miimti nf rtractlon yrhkh wl add materially to acton 141 of in dustries a shoo factory occupancy at an early data is almost assured it educational advantage are 1 very high standard acton schools stand second to none and in mot cases are vastly superior to nearly vvxy town of it els the fact that it has contributed so largely to the different profession and to j he teach ing profession in particular gives ample proof of it superiority and tho untutored minds of the kiddle are the right material to work upon owing perhaps- to the heahbr at mosphere and good mora training re oelved in tho home and u is here the churches or which there are five play no important a part morally and phy sically acton enjoy a clean reputa tion and altogether is a healthy place the street are moat attractive most of them having macadamised drive and sranolllhlc walk with beautiful shade trees bom of the thorough fare are somewhat dlangured juat now a this enterprising ohd town is installing an up to date water works system which will when com pleted add greatly to it many ad vantage tbe town has always had splendid tire protection but with modern water supply its safety will bo assured it welt kept street provide an ideal setting for its artistic homes most of which are substantially built by thin we do not wish to convey the idea that it lo a town or elaborate jiomc but they are comfortable and invlung lnd teat ing peace and prosperity with in socially it is a good place in which to live for there is little of that old foolish notion about being the big toad in the smalt puddle acton may be conaervstlvo politically but socially it is strictly democratic equality has alway been the key nolo or acton society boasting very few really rich and having no paupers of which to be ashamed turning aside from the more a ten uoua aide of life acton can also hold it own in attracting tho dlexxure seeker it provide recreation for nature 1 still unmolested and natural port may be lndqtged in auch as hunting and fishing aa wh a spot that juve bean beauufled by the band of man the beardmore very gen eroosiy donated the most attractive of the donating to the town a rod tlof grounds that would be at credit to any city it occuple an entire block if is here actons sporting clement wile away label r idle moments the game indulged in ore tennis bowling quoits etc tho local sport are hot all of the male persuasion however acton ponds provide healthy and innocent sport for tho younger fry both summer and winters taking it on the whole it would be hard to find a better ai round town than acton and this should vrove to those who give it even a trial that after all life in small town and 00 an try places not merely an exis tence hut an incentive to higher and nobler thing while life in cities may be more exciting ptill it is only superficial it la therefow with pardonable prid it tell tin dally chapters of huaiarfh old ldnti of thlg ton ogress of science invention itt to it n dear old acton the puoo where 1 deferred climax a boy apparently very much tajjed rushed into a house and ald to the lady i don t want tor alarm yer but lsr not important news the man sent me up from the livery stable to tell yer r oood heavens what i itr why you know your little boy aloe what the man cant keep outer the livery staple round the corner t ye wslir told alec just now not ter go lnterjthe stable among the horses but he would na mind me h oh dear what haa happened t lie said he wonted to see what ihlod do when yer tickled it heel with mtraw ph heaven goaped tho lady and lung to huj jnantelpleoo foi support lm maam yer boy alec gat a atrivwt crept up behind a mule tickled him on the heelx and the lady taxtcd for the door and the blinking creature never lifted u hoof i called the boy never tiro ford of the i clothing business big reduction clothing sale clothing more power for your iolur dwaonhtratrd here every amy your dollar nevw did ma auch for you in the clothing line wince wis ga it 1 j mjur- mens and young mens suits reg ular prices up to 00 on sxjc at mens and young mens suits reg ular price up to 4750 on sale at mens and young mens suits reg ular price up to 37 so on sale at suits 4500 3750 2500 overcoats mens and young mens o coats regular price up to 45 00 on sato at mens coats 3506 and young mens 0 regular prices up to on sale at mens fine sucdetcx rain coats plain shades regular values up to 25 00 on sale at v 3500 2500 1650 guelph george wallace allways reliable dljelph indoor garden party under the ausplceu of the kpworth league in he methodist school room on wednesday o 20th i at eight oclock s a bplendld lmsrsmpiu by thpi tmittrlur tuloitt uiuj v tilqmlfcion otmirgutown hole lustf n a himt ph olo llhv w ii vlndkay tjolod 1usv vl v uaxjnmsi i ad ires uiul luoildan lloudlngri mkthoimrt hurfuay hciioo ohoiiichtua ice cream cake pie qamdwiche8 and coffee may bc obtained at the booths chaljtmanlttilv 1 u mqyiail admismonlsc new fall specials j at the mclean storeit will pay you to look this list over serge press goods at reduced price no i english serge fine even weave all pure wool 54 in wide the shades in stock today are black navy green brown gray and taupe ektra good value at 4 50 special thin week 395 no 2 navy and black serges lngllih make all wool 50 ms wide special at 3 76 per yard no 3 serge dress goods in black navy browo cardinal 40 to 42 ins wide a special at 225 yard no 4 black watch maid 41 to 42 ins wide a g cloth for o fcirts girls ilieuu bit uo6d vldo at 250 special vgiuo at 250 special this week 195 penmans merino underwear for men this underwear in two piece shirts and drawers all sixes in stock penmans u grant co s ight the- wholesale price for this underwear to day in 1h 00 per dozen our special price for thfa wcelc is 150 per garment mens fine drchri shirts at iteduced price just 10 dozen in this lot of shirts sizes w to 10jj in a good assortment of stripes fast colors soft double cuffs with or without collar rogular price 2 05 bpecial this week 245 factory yanv our customers will remember the yarn we handled last year wo were fortunate in getting the same yarn again this season tile colors are block white light and j gr i r m and b c 2 and 1 ply all pure wool white at 55c and black reds and blue at grays 60c sk eato good value in strlpo and white ilarmclette shirt ingbrgeihmadcawrrrrtjanihilni 1illow cottons fowollings and towels the stork with the stocltoub pricks are right mclean co mnxstbebt we 88ll for cash we sell for lees acton tom rumley ocnedal blacksmith and woopwonken 1 f rn i hm mi 1 i hi isitr y nr mi tl n hhcimi uttontl n i ii r iikiiiu ml wikuiu a nt u r ih fiiti n flmiry 1 1 yolmttf 1 ok 1uim1nkiih b hopscorn en mill bt and park avnar the mill roofing r j kerr 8 libt of 8ale8 oitoltw- 14 ausust you n if krerton octor it thomas v llaljook ootohar 27 j w lloasoll llalllnafad clearing auction sale pr6vn biilt farm stock and implements the imilaralanoil as rooalved inatruo- to koll y nuhllo uuotlon for w moqlauqhlln ii i um rmwaahww r6th about j mlla eaat of urookvlllo monday october 20 1920 at oiio oruxik ahan tho fnllnvlns huithich 1 olydo mnrc a yoar old 1 clyil marw s yars old 1 olyilo warr rlslna 3 yoara l lerchorin e1i- in- halna 4 yoar nn extra ool ono owh 1 wl cow 8 yours old duo frmjotnhar 20 1 nxl cow h year oll tun rxxmmtmir s 1 rod row s year ohl ilua tyniler 3 1 roan cow yaars old brail auauat 23 1 roan oc g yoar old brwl vfehruary 15 1 sroy now 10 fsar old 1 rd ausuat b r ml raw 3 ysara old hred 8ptmnbei 14 1 ri holfor brvnl r ruary ix young catti k 6 stoors hulna 3 ynars 3 hcilfers rtalnr 3 yvara 6 mjurlnr rjilvua thimji futl uru wall brad hhnrthorn rradfui imrijcuknta 1 mttmoy llarri rultlvator with motxtar 1 mniuipyhar rla corn cultivator 1 no mil or 1 walk ing- nlow 1 htit hurrow 1 maawey- harris wd drill 13 foout 1 massey ilurrla mower foot cut 1 maaaoy ilarrlh huy tuue 10 toot 4 i itiuto- lino vnatno jrny nearly nw i mas soy harris hay loudur now 1 hay fork x ilouilan cur for a toe i track about 60 foot stool trunk igo foot nf rbuo 1- at allnas 1 hay rack now 1 ston boat a fannlntf mill 1 srlnd stona 1 pulhri z dd0 scale 1 aunr kettle 1 truck wufaon i ajravol box 1 top hufftty 1 rubber tired husayi 1 nart 1 nutter 1 mt manitoba boh slalrhs nnw ft rks luxtx chains unit othnr urtlnlea ilailnkhh i set of hauvy brooch in- huriinas 1 nt of plow human u aula of ahirln hurnniff 1 met of dollhlit currluitn harnoaa hiiow harness 1 wet bcotrh rollaru 10 inch 1 act hcotcli coliurrt 3 inch l womo odd collars totlltltv 30 hunw b ohlnkenw hay 10 t na of timothy hy tnnn clover liuy a houhiciioo fioodti 1 lenltuiit lur ranan with warmlni closet 1 bo tkltmtt lo 00 ami under rust tvir tliut u mount 13 month croillt or npirov1 joint notes 8 mr annum off fur rash foul try mill huy cash no rsmiv as th farm la sold rov hindlev auetlenmr icrln 1 hone u ii mho uk y clerk tme reason whv when th lamp la burn in without u chimney it eneralty smokes that is because tho oil which i coinla up throuah the wick i bolnv only partially burned the car bop which is about one half of which the oil contains i not burned at all and koe off into oie air in little black specs with the asso which uva thrown off the reason the carbon 1 not burned when the chimney i off la that there 1 not humclent oxy- acn from tbe air comblnltuf wkb it as it i separated from the oil in the partial combustion which 1 boliur oil to make the carbon in the oil burn you must mix it with plenty pf oxyt iron at a certain temperature and thl can only be done by forcing suf ficient oxyaen throuah tho flame tn brlna the heat of the flame to tho point where the carbon will comblnn with it and burn when you put the chimney on the lamp you creato n draft which force more oxygen up through the nm briiuni too heat up to the proper temperature and enable the carbon to combine with it and burn when you take the chntney off asaln the ft eat roc down when tbe draft i srurt off and the lamp smokes aaaln tbe chimney also protect tho flunlo of the tamp from drafts from the slile and above jpd help to make a bright er llahl because a steady light 1 brighter than the flicker ing one to the draft created tho chimney also force tho gaebrpduccd uy tho hurtling oil up and away from th as much aa switched it tlllaper- i flams ram pfi thea base liave u oil wo veekjy 1 taridaney to put out light or a flro more than 40 year standing- in a few week tune our treatment i guar anteed to be harmless and will build up a run down aystein writ for free tnormatlon to prop marlo box tst toronto onl butliiiglon fair thanksgiving day monday oct v 18 18z0 340 tjllaxa oh bpkkd clata kreeforall hclloor ciiitdhlqnh paiiadb hiuh jumlinu hoithks ually huow mwway hkst fitlmt bhow in canada burlington firbman8 band and other attractions whts for p list j x pictut aranlmy dynkh i reuhlenl horetry cate6 op fall fairs ulirtlntoii tnanaafttviti- day erin thunluglytpg duy ttoelton thanksgiving day tournament the arena qoelph thanksgiving night t30 ociooic cakada h niqst ouailantsuid atthacti0n hand tn attlflnuancm flv weight 105 nw- ruaaell voung jlnallat of cana dian amateur chumiuonmtilp vs 8yd porter runner up of cana dian amateur championship bantam weight 118 ns- jo simmons umatttur champion vs carl duffy cultudlaii x- chumplon ex international chum- ploit present ehumiilpn of the i htute nf california did not com pete in camidu in 1d30 featherweight 1 tt- tommy coyne khlsllst in on- turlo and canadian ahunutloiishlp vs w c kslly ex foutherwelght nternuti6uul dhumplnn liqhtweiqht 1m tba cliff qiaham iltntum chumplon reproaentnd cunudu ut olymiilo in lteglum in 100 aeoond heat bantam in the worll vs walter newton canadian till lbs ohuni- plon international chumpluu re presented cunuda at helglum olympic 18io v welterweight 143 lb f bowsrbank reooiltly fr w icngland steady excollunt vs chrlas canadian cham plot intornutlonul chumpl iei ivanttt uluimulon rep re seuled canada ut lleliilum cflytp pic 1010 dafeatud knallah llelr glum kreuch reprnaiiitatlvem and wuh defeutcd by norweskin in tho auinl finals s llouth to a dkcision 100 60a jitnifly ianclho aimonnoon amu igvionintt does the cornice of your house need repairing or renewing we are preparml to do the iu wp ir fur aw little ns it run be done for also mimlr and rcpluro riitters loatleru chimney lops etc iii uliort wo do nil kin la of tin uml hhflet metal work whut run w do for yout w f mooney saturday treat to in family doctor will tell you that candies will not hurt you then ho will add providing they are pure thats tho point tho very reason that wo are belling more candies to day than wo ever dreamed of selling is that tho public know that when they buy moorchcada home made caridlcsthoy are get ting pure wholesome sweats this saturday we offer you 104 lbs of our apple blossoms a high class confection worth 50c lb satunlay treat price 39c lb weekenb chocolates 44c lb our weekend chocolates find their way into the majority of homes aro you sharing in this big special assorted high claus chocolates hog co and 70c lb weekend bpeehu 44c tttatmoorehead brampton ge0kgetown milton acton farms for sale 200 acres lfivel kand in eram0sa township 6 miles miom r0ckw000 110 u ron workuuli 40 hcrim nt llmlter huluitcu awump good orchard to uorvh full ptoughatl nluy loitm hoii 3 wi us oimhi rough- cuat house of 7 rnom gt n i cellur hunk burn oftxio cow htabllng box j 3 tlu up 3 iiittlo plk l ii in rt iioiiha 60x20 wutur in stuhlc fctohbot 00 roilw church i iitllts uuriil nut it do utirt of tumlpw 1 100 huithols nf uats util 33 iouiim nf hny k with tho taviti ivishohmioii urratiged imeo 912600 tt mm iirrnitgotl 100 acres in nassagaweya townsnil 2yi milks from akkb1ju7 miles ittom guelph flo uirvs workable i ulaiuo lilili and pititturo omull orohard 4 uores orchard 30 acres full ploughod loamy hoii 1 welt linto houwa nf u nkimw good wutnr lluik hum with ttol wtuiuhloiim umhi ply pen hnu hoiuu driving hoidnt implomt nt uhnlj wutnr in tl t ullo curwliln wtiitlon ju milni uiiil mull an 1 tulephinie i ouuesaloii urrangol price 97 000 terms ufrurjred 100 acres in caledon townshipcij mhes from erin n au uaiam workuhli huluiioo buah mid pasture u civ ttrchar 1 30 uorvh fall ploiighol pluiity of water 2 wells nnd u- crock ltiimn iioiimu of0 loonim hum flkcfl hnmll driving shed wutur in utuhlo iu hool und hureh 2i inlln itmnl luull und tolephono 1 ttswcaitlou unungnd 1 rice 7 000 terms urrtinged loo acres in erin ttownsiui 1y miijjs a 1from acton do norem workuhlw hulunce buah und pusturo 3 uuruu orchurd imndy loum soil 30 uiich full ploughed 1 well nnd a never fulling melt ltutne houuo of d rootnh hum 64x30 shed 00k14 tin up lo ruttle and 4 iidimum driving hiuhi 40x24 uohool mile lturul mull und telephone 1ohncmilm nrniinged i rcu 9400 trtnn urruligud willoughby farm agency hgadofnce t gergetown ont u yourself the judge wi alup on app royal to any station wkers there l b ageat- we mmvoii t oq toll o ne h gunrantaed quality ask for yorf to be th- pruh after mpaclintf th rool fiuj ing at our ie ump free by mail alao iio calalogus with prlcaa and full enforma ion sand letlar at post card send tn lim ample and price- of xlmmay hoofing and particulars of frae d- livary offer the haijjday company factory dutfibutura hamil1qn canada vonos and charus bts- toronto 1- ujtiys un nvinllent r pututlnu fir high gruda work it is no wondaf tna demand for our graduatas five tirnee our supply i- titer any time catalogue fro r w j ell trinclpl clearino auctionsale in ftltln p4vvvn1iii- parm stock anp implements tint tin lemlgnod hus received in atnictloiim from o w roszril tit wll by puhllo nuutlon ut 111 1 con 7 krln nur llulllnufn 1 on wednesday october 27 1020 u ono o elude sharp tho following hollhkh 1 general purpoau tnum uid 1 carriage horn4i 13 yuarw old 1 driving mare 6 yeura old cows 1 roil lurhum cow b yours fresh calf at aide 1 red durham ow ynurs duo tlmo nf uulo 1 apotted durham row 4 yours- forward uprlng- nr 1 rod pur hum cow 3 yiurs hrvd uuptemlir 10 1 wihittod durlmm now u years hmd ootohor 1 red durhnm row h year hrihl aug 15 1 lirludlo now 3 yearm i k 1 h i d mlmr 10 1 smtttod cow 0 yiuini i re 1 iloptniler 11 young cultlo 7 bolferti 3 ywirt i rollhl angum und durlmm gruleu 3 i atners 3 yruth durham k ratlin 1 i heifer ayiirh hwd ant tint bvur i ling stoera uml holferti 1 irliuiit urml d i 4 hprlug oulvi u durh nn gru in i 1loflt yorkhhtrti uor du llniu nf i kale 1 yorkuhlra now dun novomluir lioth ihvao uowm mo illglltla for i nglstrutloti itwi 13 whl to jughorn iilm 3 i white lakhiirti uooutnrh 30 upring 4liluku lulllthlbnthl w icmi 1 haiti i imx wml ruck unihliiod 1 irout and i wood mown foot ut 1 cockahutt i drill 11 ikmi 1 spring toot if cutlvatur ii uilh huirow 1 dliinii nd i arrow 13 i fit 1 murrltr linvnl biiiy 1 j hgh laiuwy mon miiiiio hnut urin i i nt mm 3 cuttoim kit hh hlclghal mtlt i 5 000 lh hijiiuh whfxllmrrow mel lotto cream ummrulor i klmiry plow ii cikikmliuit muunro miuilnr root ipulptr 1 sut ahort hllnun imw t ht or long sllngit huy fork mil cur 150 f foot nf 7b inch tojm t xu nalon tail lor i 40 foot 3 hit douh1otrtij iiuckyoke i 3 new douhletn n ullnku 4 h me hluu- i ketu rovi forks hiiovaih utul other ur- i tiolch ton nmneroum tn mint ion 1 set i nf team hum wot lmt plough liurnems i 3 wetm nlnglu iiuihhkh orto ttnurly now i 1 cook utovo 1 quehta huittr liron itmliiteud an i ht rltigs 1 mutt mm 1 dulyy rhuru hay and aiuin vhntlt tons j tnlx id huy al out 100 luiw inlxel i gruln lr not provlnuhtytiold i twiimh 11000 ii nil undtr touh i nyir thminniuintt furulnlllnir iipi rovu i joint noloi 0 x on forcuah ifuy gruln nud fowl oumii r j kerr auotloneer clgarino auction sale in 1 hqoichino townhiii1 farm stock and implements the innli rulgniil huii hinu inutruntol to well by pulillo uunttmt for john crawohaw i ut tot u pou 3 w ninhlnir 4 lntu ho- i low himytilili ft mllis fmitixftllnn on th0r3day octotofer 21 1020 xt rum nolock niiip tho follnwlng holthici lbiy homo 0yur brown horuu ugcit oatti duhiim lloil cow culf i ut foot rod row culf itt font routi i enw culf ut font touii w duo tinio of i uulo roan ow dm tlnm of mtln mil i dun lit d coin bor ltml covy dyn in kiluimry re 1 cow dint hi kihiuiry idn hiw duo tlmo tf uitln brlmllo i cow tlno novembur 4 ji rojr cow duo dciimlor 10 jirmy now duo doioiu- i btft 111 it i ho y now on i vi i u nnintlni ired augtlut jn jirmoy now duo vah- uury mi nilikftig wll j tuy tow iiimm1 tt bo hi tulf tanking uill llnltilcln liiw duo january i milking sji ii yotino calirw i knlmtclii 1 if ii h j ytmilii old j mlo tu ttuuiuin 3 i yeuru thl 1 hhoi thm n in uoi 1h numtlim 1 uliiiu inid i 1 vmr i j i hulfvr mlvuii 7 liu ntlu 3 iioi tlyuu 7 mouths vt il nli t month i ilm fr fut yorkililio plgi rovvij14 hwn nwr g muuuuy ilnrrlx in- t fait ill good wniklngxintii i leilng tiddur in goo i ord r ufloi i ing luntn ruko dtuilug hox rukoj iut ring 1j illui u i 1 dt iii no n ly tu w 1 lino uid th hi in il mil wtod i m rliuf ith oultuiitiii 1 ii nt und it 6niir two ftti hiwoih kniutt ith mir light ii 1 1 i uml r wugnn xl net of loli nli ighu ci nit i unn plug mill blunt foiiii nt w utm u i vw iton m ii li m w gi nd top i buggy t mi ltd i 1 tin pip pulper l dilxy t lull ii no i i1ahnush1 ut htitvy double 1 hurnomi murly iw i nnti f hreooh 1 lug for duiihh h iriu f i n okytikiui 1 hiunuy f ntbii nrlit it m loo numur i 1 1 un lit unh ovirf n lit mh credit on fin nmiliig ni uiv i jilut uotom da- ott i tnv tuwli fit i nn juul ftit hngh timli no rrvo bi proprietor has laaaad vnol i i low w i o tiintitloii tiohmh 110 t hla fart ben fetch w wilson olmk auptlonoor

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