ht t a forty sixth year no 1u 3 00 licit ykau acton ontario thursday moknfnfj novfmbfk 4 1020 2 so in un1ti4i mtatkh sinfilo copies plvq oh13 tiik metuodi8t church acton id li tn ijvi iwut ii w ii tli mliiuter a so i irii ituniuy utiukii mlaalrfnury riv i 7 t in tin mlnhdir lurnpllnil of iihiuihiu and tin ttui luumnt of the if nnl n llui m r you allc inltld come knox ichukch acton rev w u findlav t a mlrtuur- menae willow gtral it it m jluhjiwt n llolltt uu u hchool for culxiuh of tbn khmhom clhlreuu ihriiinii ihii huvp hoy ill if itury v li hthfilbjerl mini choice lcyillilh imnr- sii li 34 as iitu i i kmiu a uii riiiw- 1- verylmdy welcome tb public wnrahlp i f clod huu hover loit uny one jictoniuitistcikch tt00 a m and fjdq p m 1 liitt 16 minute hi mf iwvlfe alton mniu ituf tjunrlntte j a johnulon i untoi new advertisements house to rent comfortable dwelling imuho ft r rent apjly to 1 if j ii unloniic or nohuan mo kod tarlor cook for sale a luifloc oookihioator nood mm h wirrtam inhuman iribur vlroot aoton for bale axmlmter nk il fet in kood mlltllttum abut mloalon ouk ihki xiurli apply n ii lardkn km avi hocjls for bale nluu thrifty bluu jul ready tc wtni ay j ilultl inhuau jjt j con 1 fcjlu towuahli 11 1l nil 4 hnokwond ro bale- m take wxofulnr twin motorcycle llnatho masnnto i nut to unlit pump too in utti juut overhauled llox sob iv 8 i ahon found a leather pooket book contain amall amount if wiivpi- u lot of cancelled muunim of varioua nountriea eeveral atreet car ticket loner may twov fcubw lhlsh olfflch three grain grinders for sale 1 tilifht inch utta maple leaf chop jaa 1 lojnoh plutn jolllotte chopper and 1 hllmh plutn milt lulf ohop- jmii nil wo r kin it um khh j mrten how for mrtlculurk anjtly vxvl h kknnkdv ltf it it no 4 acton houscs for sale why not buy uliouin in anton with all of itm udvuntukit 30 houimu ranidntf from jsto to c 000 a dum- bor of bmi hullillnir lotm awk it j kicimt itoul etuto a bunt 11 tf 1 lower avnu anton three yea rungs astray a rnwanl tail bo puhl tof informa tion which will iwiul to th4 twoovery of thrmi rml ywirtlngb two ho i font and a teor which alrilyml from lot 26 oon 6 iuhuaalnr two wvka hko paul h kennedy l3 il 1c no 4 aoton oxford bheep and tamworth hoq8 ona two khtme dxfon ram rnl- uired two ram lamb nllgltil one b monttua ixtar ona 4 monthn boat mm nlmnnt any bkc ui turn worth th bulk of thoao hnjp wra lri wlnnom at thla fall faint jauich htatlk lrft ii nnti lino imqutmlnif iu it mo 3 anriufiiwn 18 3 h i we offer duo jlinfa ib ib30 prlnclnal ami halfyeuriy intoroat juno lfi and deoambnr 16 tyall ut toronto or montreal 1rlco gh e3 and lil- tcrtwt yloldln 10 provltm of saakatohvwan 6 bonds duo october 1 1940 prin cipal and halfyearly lntnnwt oot i and april 1 payable ut toronto montreal or heal nit imoo 0u and intereat ylaldlntf 0 30 canadian northrn railway 4 bond uaratitoed unconditionally by the province of manitoba duo juno 30 1850 intermit payablo halfyearly in canada or new york prion iii 60 and internal ylnl unit 6s dominion of canada 4 bonda laauod by tho orand trunk 1uclflo ilnllway comitany duojun 1 1083 frlnclpat and halfyearly intenot jan and julyl my alibi at mon treal new yorle or ijomlonticnif prloo 187 31 unit intoreat ylolillnit 1120 h r brefteton co qovaramant municipal and corporation bonds dominion iunk i1u1mdino toronto canada fiii november coming in with wonderf tilsales at macdonawg in tiukuillchief among thksb is a halb ol home furnishings ninoty iii rur included m the kale velvet ttiign fjrus- soli ituis tape try rurk wiflon huri axministcr rugs kcduclioni too numerous to quol these few examples only 100 00 iturk for tjjm 60 00 itujpj for ir50 80 00 rugm for j6500 30 00 rjh for 24 00 7uk ituwi for- 49iah200 rukh for 1g00- hlankit hki comfoittaius bed spread curtaint curtain nets and side window draporlct alio involved in this big november sale thit week afn tno x t wtuk un savinc4 at the njkuson stoke and at t11e main stoiuihis week for men mens suits keg to 4utjiu00 mostly you n j mens models in a clean up of sample lines and incomplete ranges from regular stock hip choosing mens overcqats reg 40 to 4k 36uh mens nnd young mens high grade models in good qual ity meltons tweeds cheviots plain grays heathers browns greens and novelty tweed mixtures r mens highgrade suits reduced to 4475 a saving of dollars involved on every suit included in the big special assemblage mens and young mens models ip fine worsteds tweeds chevioti twill blue serges and vicunas mens 22j0 to 27j0 raincoats 1675 loose betted and close fitting styles in single and double texture nhower proof tweeds browns grays greens heathers etc sizes 30 to 44 in the clear away many other golden opportunities at macdonalitfi for folks who come to guelph tliid week d e macdonald bros ltd gueuws leading and largest store wyndham macdonnel and garden streelh gudph ont sb the whole family will enjoy a box of our deli cious confectionery tooth some bon ho ns after dinner mints etc they are pure and wholesome made from the best ingredionts and re present the last word in the candy makers att take some home with you to night and make the family happy saturday specials c0coanut dainties regular 00c saturday special irice 49c saturday special chocolates assorted hard and soft centres reg goc saturday special 46c h wiles mill street acton nh brown cash groceries news of local imjtort worn- inatltuu maallnn ooimt uiid tin joy a uleainuit after tit dii t tlm rsular meetlna of tm wuiiitui u iiiutltutii on krjilay novom- lr 6 lit tbr oolock ut the o w v a homo tbu hifhtlng- will takn tlmi form of u tlilnblo t u maatna aoton hoe kay club a mooting- wui in bfld in tbn coun- 1 if thumlxir nvvnlnc novam- imr li at 9 30 it tn niitrji to oruatiuf lnky lwm mfiuri und junlorm ror tlm iojiiln mnumm if intoreated in hockey wlinlhfr you lday or not you uritonlly roiu 1 to attand und hi l tnuhn tbu tnnvtlitit a auooeam qaaramantal sarvloaa naal sunday qut tin y uucruroentul asrvli u will imi held lit the method ut churih ntt huimluy thtuvn1iw at will take- in ut 10 u m tn th mrhool room ihn iiuatur will prautih utlliro and li tn and tlm ontinua on will h ilmlnlwtnrfd in oonti ton with the von in uorvlos thxrt will aim im a rtuftptlou of j nw mimlmni in the nl nit ola qarmen thrtiuiih the lun for burllnaten nttt rot of r u k for hulton lli town n f linrllniton bun r celvtul from the f wur nihlim at ottawa u 17 hi li jurmuli kuu wttluhlna 6 000 tlm laiiuvaiilr of ihn areat 1 in llurllnitou luut wiwk anton would uiiprerlata klmltar muti iful rfortw on their behalf by dr all laraoil new boeka far tha fublle library tbt nbalrtnun hnoretary anil llhrarl- i of the 1ubllo i lbrary uhnt a day lun i wtwk with tin ikotik puhluthora of tioiito in altmillnit an addition of houkm for the library a very tin wnlihitliin wun aqottretl und inolutlnh thv tphtworiw inrictloii natural hia- y biography mechanic and juvnn- lle lukokm thtumi will be catalokuetl ami iilunnd on the ubntwa aa aoon ikwwihlo iteadorw will upitroclute tbla hat r the halloween faallva thtttroyaa7rainrtrmtirrovntnr rvul kmi rnahtiuvraile tlmo luat hut unlay evanlna hiindretlm of them paradeil ttm utreot in all minta of dlm- hulutut kulmi furtia muuka nulled liumtonii ui d fuutuatlo racial penoll- llii nut moet of the younaetera m- irely out o rw addodtq thta wniit lbir variety of nocturne duila old elotbau und mother fanny rilnaa all flayed their parta- a favorite dlaaulae of uome of the glrla iu to wur tlmlr woldler brother ilforina the younffatora were bolu torouu but for the tttowt iwtrt roateot- tluy railed from houuo lo ho una and were treatod by klnillydlaimlaail namly imp corn utplef iloutfbnutil und ho forth moorvnroft a honored with ralla from eljjhty- n of the boyu and irl durlna the liven i li it fratti 6 30 tn 10 16 m ami no doubt nu mint ru of nthnr home in town had uh many or more kin orjrllaa bible claaa tn mt i lift of the mnmlwra of the kliitfh ordohlen jjlhln oum wuw hnl 1 at the methndlut paraonase luat wimi- iluy tivtmlna for re oruanhcatlon fur the year mr nell modonuld the pruuldnut oofluplwl the chair llrlnf udrirewiia of enoauraeeiniint wufu made by llav if m moyef paator ii v mikire the huniluy rohool jjuperlu- tumleiit und n v moom vlrerreal dont the otilcarx of the year wetro eloattml us oiiowm prealdant n v uiwirv vnointaldent goorae sopef jr heortury xlorluy ltamahuw trauaurer ituy airnew teacher llev m uoytir aemlatanttl il ii wttll- hroush and n y moors thn k o it c hoim to nrranite for u aerlem of tools evenlnaa tor the winter month with lrnktamm inatruotlve und en- tertuliilna there will be a kptwiu erturt to uncreaae the mamlerahlp and utteuilanoe of the vlaaa at the oloa of the bualnokm proooedlnkh mra uoyor tuitertalned the tnembem to dulnty refreahmenta ptatraaalng meter aooldenk anton line hen allittularly free of motor uochlunta where pomonal ln- jurlva worn aumtulned hut on hunday afturnoon mr w v mnonoy and family hud ull experience whloh wan moat ruaruuthle mr bud win mooney and ohlliliun and mr hmlth the plumlter were motor nir to the home of mr mooney a iiareittm on the icratnoea itoail bwur ouelph they hud irooeeded to the hrt una and were near mr jumem mnmtuatjji frmnutc whao mjr- moniuy naaayml lo faaton tt rivlnif alde curtain and uaked mr hmllh to hold the utuerltib wheel ua ho did it in a aeoond the oar made a luroh und biifiiim ho oould not bold of it tfi uteer luiok tn tho road iho car waa into the dltoh und natulhdd usalnal the fenoe mm mooney uuatalned a rructurad i luht arm a thn wrlat and wuu brulued ulmut the ruoo ana boly the ohll- ilmn were bruleed and iir ttmlth tiad hlu thlith painfully brulwml mra mimiiu y it u plucky tittle woman and mukia nit omnlulnt of hot- injury it u huived iihii will huve u aieedy re tivryfc- lonorealdent citiaene ramevlntl ikiventytwo year uwo the uitn wonderland ii 1 t friday november b ii out of the storm an eminent author picture ii made by itej heaoh undoold- ii wyn author dortrude athnr- ii ten ford monthly comedy ii saturday novembefl 6 tbn utile of new yorkj aturrlnv muvtoii ttavimvux ii j tuesday novemhpr ft ii the woman of itonm 13 li eluxrlnjf iaullna ipreilarlnk k- ii iqimio 3 of the third bye hnuh nllird comedy 1 coming the knd of the if wd u t r l gregory j a full new line of fresh stock utthe lowest living prices actons mkmoitlal monument tribute erected to honor tho memory a our soldier hemeil who fell in ik great war tlilu tiuihnlflant moniliik nt huu ht in t n otod by the iwtoplo of anton and vlrlnlty to i ominntmirmle tlm mnmory t tlm bravo ttion who wnnt wur it will lie unvnlhd with uppiropi lutn unil inipn iiulvo roromotilfpi on armulloft ibty novmulwr thn ilth ut 3 o i iik k in tho uftiruooii to utttitul tli irt itnpoitmit hlutorliul tivont u uonllul invitation u nvtemlnd to tin tinthe roiiltutinlty to the unldh r rnniritdtim of tho fallen hnnxm und to their frlendu tte nioiionn ut iu a muimlvo utrilntuiti it lu t ftint c lilphnu by i feet atlbo baaurtttid thaoolumn u at meelittee feetblah lt1rnk i thilly curvtiil und tnoiildnd und tho face burw the uutnoii of thn fullmi iiol tloru nmt thn ihinntu id which thoy worn nttuuhud on thn tililiu tiro cut icmvnd tho imiim of tlio rutnouu buttlnu in which tlmy fouuht tho ninmonul u nf iimv fltaimteud urunlto inul tlm wiouth uur mouiitlnif tho maiile lour lu a weuthtir liroof ulloy nf capper and bronse from canadian tnlntu thn iiionutnniit noon il low a connnoiidliib alto on mill htieet in tho rentre of the town on u linrt nf tho luwn of thn mi thnillmt ctiurtth wblrh wiiii dilimtod to the commhleo nf klvn for thn turihiun unil dnalnd by the cliurfh itnurtl with luirtnluulnu of the cnnffiroiiimt to the town a uoddml inrruce two fiot hluh und thirty uix foet iuto mirroumlu the monnmnnt tlm work wuu oxiruud und nreota 1 by tbn ilcltitoili drunlta coin- puny of toronto mid rvrtertu artiut rrcdlt dlion thn rliuulo und oluaalo dnuluiiluu of thn lantt h nitintti unil the uklll nf tholr urunilo mittt ra the doalitii nlveu a maxalvo and itnnnnnniit uitptiurunoe uml lu wlthn of mi urtlutlo uml approprlnto utylo thlm hiilnmuit mnniarlul wilcb wuhii ulmut twenty toiib atamlu llthiil 41 jjolld conrrtito foil nil u tin 11 ux feet lit depth hie vahio of thn out uu it uluudu hi 13 010 senator tiaj- ding is new president of united slates landslide for republicans from coast to coast of that vast country covcnnoircoolidac is vice- president ivfow frork mnvemlwr 8 iho mout atuihindouu itolitlcal vlotory in the hlatory of tho unltiwl mtutou wua won to day by tlm ttipnbllonu tiutlonut tleket when senator warren o hard line wuu a wont into tho imuldonoy by a populur iilurnllty fur beyond tho bluli wutur tnitrk tiitabllhliml by thwi- dnro llnniieyolt hi iiih tiutnnmbln 1b04 triumph over alton u icnrker oovenior jnme m cote ham uiirferod a defeat more cruahlnk than nveu tho mont tuiliidjlnii hopuhllouu proithot lutd itrtullnted aaldn from the ten utatnh tt t un woii wllhmebfltqrtll tea und imiwalbfy ktnituoky ami alurylaiiil tho utnuoiirutlo parly bua imwii burlad tllidoi uu ov rwholmlnif lundallde thul eruaod tho word dnubt- ful from the political inxlnoti und ro- ntoiikl to iho o o i a doaint or mom tut pt that hud hwuna to whuon in the tttlfi nvorturn in thn went honato tho ilcjiuhllifnin will tutve uoftirtllntc to indlratlonu u mujorlty of from ulx to olulit und in the lloiiae of hiiproaontullvuil li loud of tifurly 70 oovimnr rnoldit defouttid krnnklln ittktaevelt for tho vlncioiilihincy i am now handjung finn1etb bilead from guejlfjh which is a treat in any home give it a trial browns groceries mhj street 1 acton ont thuniua overton with hla wife and their two children william uml attn arrived tn acton from kntclund mr overton wan u hluokamltb li the old und and when he ut tiled hero be open ed u km i thy on the lot where n v moores realdenoe now atundu in tho eourae of tlmo ann overfnti uml tbomua bbbaire hiiii of cupt klibajje fall lu love rtnil went bturrltd a lurifa family arew up in the homo unit the futhur and htothur wet-i- umonif our buitloat rvhlduntu iratidfather over ton nd hlawoitliy wife imuaed uwuy thu li iiihui u uoitm and dutiuhtera acut- tnrixl to other pluoua und nalnbhutiwl honitm until only mr und mrw tciilmtce tltelr yoiltiaeat dauuhter mlari cluru were lurt jt home after a lone mil luilnful lllneaw thnimtm khwj ilepurtvd thle llfo ulrout four or ive yvuru una ulnoe then mra icbltuae und oluru huve lived alone in 11 o fntnlly reldtiice iwtnly it wax de cided to move to toronto where may uml ben futility itubln und aaovpt u luiino with thmi thin week thoy lamove to tho city tltuu we lone the luat nidinlmni of a moat highly na- nil family wboau renldnaoe here dutva lutnk ttnurly three quurtera of a xuikuny uruv4bbbuaiiduim clara have been etitmttly identiried with the mothoillat chuni und it nctlvltlch icvon throusb i tie ytare nfkr fatherv lllmthm und bar mother h dpollnlntf lipultli minn plurn bun found tlmo jo devote tn hor huuduy wnliimd olmui uml to tbq bpworth iuauo tbdy will htf krirttly mlaaetl hi tho old home und thu old hoiiiti cliureh but thoy oanw with them the lmnt wlahem utid turneat diruyem ol their lloata o frlonda here 1 rnnlm will lw uerved for comfort mi j hupplnoaa in thulr olty i imllea jti home i int a successitjl haitist convention the rapraaanlatl tarlo and orantford ive saptula of ortr luabao mt at l3ot im tho rreut tuehtlnit of ihn iiuuue of ku houh it la dlli1oiihlu cniioliiilo whnt the ttuttmimo of thu ulectlon of tho itcpiilillcmi ticket will im thin wuu lrhilih the krnut immo of tho elnotlon it lu wei known hownvitr thut mll- uoiim of lteiublliuflm dortlro llmt thn itnltcd tltattn iihniild luko her pluoa lhiahlu thn otlu r vrit untloint 1 11 an erfort to keulr tho pouoe willi ut att icreat n prion 1 ho lirtut hmlilru of the party are in fuvoroftltt 1atue itnd muy tio- 00 un l tut upon tn tin tlmlr btxit to have the next inuliloiit and honuto naaunt to u rutltli utlou of tho isuoe treaty thn unfit i htntea u headed thin lriutl ullmuy lu thu worllh hlatory thut iiho nhnuld isinutli hilar powltloii ut thlu world a epoih in untbllikulili adjrea t laaquara lb v o h cuiiitiiinro ii a of muu uauawnyu uuve u vury biliiful und in- tertihtliik itildithii ut the i pwortb rhkim 011 monday 1 voiilnw in whloh the umttlbllllltui uuifoipiiittiitlthe fni otirlatiiin utivluo by the yomiif bbihi weaylvl hyllluhlraud ldu auklllry q w v a a ou lire and duui o uikii r llm auuphuw ir tho tjuiioh allxllluty of the 1 w v a will im ludd in thu town hull alton on 1 1 turn lay no- vembi r lh tho 1 in hro will iilnrt ut x p m uu l thu damn ut 11 it m flmt- clantt murili will lin iirovldod ltafreuh- 4fntlmnn 1t1 mnlgvoy lrtai- 105 ihtmiuvu ntntlvtu of the llnptlat auuonlullonu of onturlo and quelion hrouuhl tlmlr week 11 convention ut itrnntford lo a clone lout thurailny whon llnv curtt r ktlrn jonnn j d of rhlludilnbla ilollvorod tho pnrtlnu i imp i ration inlilronh 1 he convention wan nuo of thu moat uiiioeaiiful 011 record and tho buulnnam wuw ourrfed out accord i nu to aohedule one of tbu mt important mnttcre from a dootrljiat htaudiiolnt wuu the rouiilutlnn on tho work of tho lambeth couferonno ay in pa thy for the olijitot of whloh wuh exuroaaeil but fundumontul dlfforenoom wore poliittd out bnlween tho ilubllutu lu thn muttar of imp tlam uml the church of icnuluud whloh tho import htnlod ttuldn jnithuuiantlo nnoperutlnn dlltloult if not bnuouulble to coiu4cuiiitloui hoiiih liberty of aoiiaoltinoe tha lndti0itdenoo of tho local ohm oh thn rolittlonri of obitrnb uttd utula and utluu mullets mude or uuulo union doubtrul of uohlnvemont mr w c hmlnr nonrotary of the con volition plan of tliiuiwo prmonbd hlu iiniuml 11 port thn oonvoutloii plan tbouuh uuod onvy vy one half of the flburoluiii had autlhrylna roaulbl it wuu ho pod thut tho ohurnhcu gttn- orully would tuku up the plan the uppoitlnimuiiitii of thu onnvtmtlnn iilun hud imoii mot by 7j br unit of th nhmohoii 1 umlor tbn plan nf lluuunn fur 4010 nu liwonio of iiiutrly 10ioflit wuu ttv col vuil thlu hiul boon uiipoi tinned nut fur viirlmiu cimimim jrip 1 iiittlitiuioh of the oxpniidlturo wuu lmutoru local churtdiou 34 expnnaph 21 hnprovo- moutm 11 local miiuday nuliool work 4 homo iuihhioiui 7 fortilun iiiihuioiiu h wtatern niltjulmih annul uutm clirlattun tihloutton 1 tniperult- miutlnn 1 huioli dllloi uu i huniluy uohool imnril 1 otlini objoutu 4 4 would n bluln und owui hnum hail ii h own thn urtatnat iiiuiumitlvo tauou lu fundu duilin thn convention 11 r uuolph umuoi uilloh hiul ttjachod tllfitro tiuurdr itu ullotiiiniit jtlitm uuy nthor asihooluliiiu ihu convention buduet for tho iuut ycui muu itlucwl ut 300 000 1200 000 of whloh wumjujtl dlrontly upon tho hunhfn rhlu wah done by ilmt niiiklnk ullotmentm to 1 nob uhoooiutliiii und then through loiuit t coimnltluih uptiortlunlnu tho uuutmuiitu auimomtlvoly umonti the nhurohoh tho obuioh oonlrlputod ihc7v0 0h ihlu la 14h00r4 more than luiit yoar uml ij6v4kdu mqre than two yarn hbo tho mo m bom nf tint committee for the com ink your are imrvluu mlaalonif itnv c 10 htlllwell home tnlmiulnij albtrl mallhewu wi utorntnlaalnnk ii wolluln uruitd limit lltv k lloawoitli cliriutlun oduiatlon uov h 14 hut tot i 11 boaiit of humtuy uobululm jtov 0 iwuhbju lb lllirch tdllliu itev w koiihoii mipor- jiunuution ltuulg lax uoulal hiirvloe itev m o muelnali tokether ull the udiliul treaaurnr mr it ii a writ issued against s gourlay re shoe faetory a written contract now nectw- aary from all iaruecf who enjcajr town hall council nsquests mefiqhants to observe memorial unveiling council mil in r aaubui 01 mi 11 lay nvfinlmr with ull the conn- tlllnrm prtneiil mil tin linvn tn thr rhab tiu i liiiitioi committee imjiiitt thtb twnuty mn i ikrt und reoom minded ptymint of li followluir ic ganefal account ii n turiiiki- wiuiry i00 00 ii n tuiimr extra work r dnlwuturn ixtok so 46 n 1 mcljim mlrupu for uhne futiloiy il 1 3c n 1 mrlnn titrapu un 1 iwiru luriuiittlryttc jo 11 a 11 lltw flh wm at noil iwylii n jeffrey llle puy in laltor r nklmnafn to hum i fluelph 31 00 7 so t 00 waterworlte aaoeunt kurmfr itoatuue and n k miwre rurtaae height and eiprvhh nilu luthir rn hleplieti- uon drain i o atklnu amall pump4 for kuxlllary i mil hardware coauipllew owilrul ivondation co eatt mute bfo 4 pump houae eutltuato no s layllia of main and eat hint in no i waltr uervlcna ourtuhore thomtuion lut ire tuttlmutn nit 4 w a youiik 4 yaniu rave jnmowttobertaon co ba io due july 1 ileardmore a co pljm ebr 7 000 00 14 73 14m 02 iiy1hio account n kurmi r imatuao und evilluljiluniui 4x lj n v moore rralsbt uml oart- oio hyndu jr aubtry hylro niactrlo iowr com keptomlm r power muloney tcimtrln co trunu former northoru kleolrlc uuurtl iron w si 4 311 hj k7 the rinit wuu uiloitml a representative of the maloney pleotrlo cn wuu preaent iiuollna- prloea trulinformerm ror the pumphia- ata- tlona at tha rurvolr action on the etlmutvb on tbeaa trunaformora waa ill fei rod a vimmuulrutlon from tha memorial fommtttna ieaueatetl the council to remiivn the two treeu in front of the turnout on mill utreot that the council clone mill iltreet between hdiclti und john utreeta on armlatlon ay ixttweeii the boura of 8 30 ami 4 o clock alao that tho council requcut the marchunlu to oloaa their itlucea of hualneaa lietweob the alxtve tneiitlonetl ho urn moved by ii a conn ueoonded by 13 j llnaxurd that the memorial com mittee im kivoii lllterty to remove the two triuu lu front of tbu rlvlo memorial libit ulao that mill htreet between lljfln htrtet uml john htreet be oloeed to vehloln t ratlin hmwotn 2 30 and 4 i m on noytmlwr 11 during- the mem orlul uorvlee abut would uak tbn mer- ulmntx to nih bualiteau placea durlair thn utirvlre ctrrled the nuoatlou of dupoalns nf the rtmulndor of the waterworks itonda won dlaouuaed arid it deemed advlaable tu appoint uuntn to dupoaa of the few remulnlna moved by w j arnold aeoonded by k jt lluward that the ueeva and council wult on the ttaauoolntf councji m tto uniluxutlon on november ib curried chief cooney requfthtetl that tho council have u iiook of contract formtf lirlnltnl for the rental of the town hull und that it contain the ratea und rokulatlouu kvomlna the uae of the hull mntwi by id jt kaaaurd aacondoj by w j arnold that the fen for the aftbn uudltnrlum imi is for ntl loco oitrattiaairiinh und i1b09 for outalde orautiiiuitlonn theuo prlcea to include unlit heat uhd pltino and be lutld in advance at limn of encaaemanl cur ried jt wuu mnvetl und heoonded umt the council luauq a writ tuxalnat u a oourluy to recover the 600 with in tercut thut ha owoh to uie oontorutlon of acton curried council adjourned at 11 4fi li nt honor roll of the seliook for tlic month icecord attendance nl ilotli uie lltuh ami i scluwlii nu utt i 11 himil an i it inn nt nu i ill lit- uihonl 1 1 uiii i- now tint ii it uuy iivlnuu i inn lit the hlati ry i c tl hi ii hi v lio follnwlni llnti piliow tlm luiml- inu of the puiillu in dm y irl in i ii- purtniunta n ml oihumu i1ioh mciiool diluumini fan ifa t lsatht r i turum iii cluaa h maxwell iu u ituy at1 w jiiclt itolerlunn lit it anliim cluan i mr voy 1 irl coojir jean keitntdy n lll hall murlu mowut murtlin on- ii uulo mwilu vh lu liumhy jumuu ltouu hut ihn i mod jcnaliiduauiilaiuitikjttl cluaa ii jnrdnn ijiwmoii miiiuutrltn kyder marie ijiiiu ijilr 1 dniny lotfrl milhiuall nmull kiuiudy auuuu l tint dy ilnydlo mliuilo ltlufr j uu hurler clum iii vera ilurut cuihti 1 jinn oir mnrrlii ilturliiuuu ltuitaall itouu amu u muuii wlllunl hmlth ueni vlovn clurrlilli itoniil 1 melcurlitru lealli murtlll luui nilmo- iberutui jorlm thjirrow mmli hue vllb 1 willie ktlly jumtm mutthi wo annla wltftflim cuiua ii jahhio i imluuy iu rule held ollvo mcijiuklillii iyn 1 hmlth vera johintlou cluaa 111 11 nu m ctilloutcli i 3 m uotlml irlnilpul mihh 1- una1t aimutinit iu h 1 1autmiant banter fourth lleatrlce lllulr 400 ivy 1 rocloiim 1h7 iora ijtmtmrt a7r tutu 4w junior fourth helen cove sou jltliu mcdonald 374 llura kuvuue 3 fin tolui 450 m itenmtt itavher clturlie ijtpplu 8onlorihlol laiiidhltoroilith 303 iobbla 1 kau aiitr j4j fttil junior third vlortnue iturr jch jordan llurfiuan 00 uurituret orlndi ii idu totul 360 j mnlhnf huohnr inrthlrd ci lud vm 1 narrow inwuy 413 iclltn itydcr 340 ivy lilt- ley 33u totul 4r senior seoond iretta nuntt sb olivo ir clouu 30h oonloii tlmllh 303 totul 330 m i bury ivichur junior seoond f klulo l 370 murjory munn jh7 lillian tyler 3h4 total i70 banler flret xkirothy campbell 273 veia uu- aalea 120 annie hmlth u14 to tut 1h6 i ailderuou t urhnr senior flret hurry wyatt 17j jonlon cooper 138 normun ravlllti 131 jotal 200 junior flret lillian hyrnn 194 lhylll i tyler iso hunt coxe 184 tutui 300 o 1 olatiir ifiiiclmr sehlor primary chutu a malcolm collh e itobert hull hutbol hmlth clumj n dorbi vcllounld und uotty klmtluy hilly ixtverull i lorotioo croud qium c wllla ijittby hvelyn mitt- thowu laiura hull und ihylllu luahy j 11a ii arinutroiil leunhnr unlor prlmry clitttu a tommy aihbaiiu iinxol hmlth icillth mlllii claiui ii murjorlo o anion 1 in a collier lillian lrry ii v itlortlaii ttuchor social and personal mr melfort colllor wuu homo over runday mrw flio oamtilmni h vlnltlntf frlendu in toronto mlaa thotmu oumblu upbut tbu week end lu the city mr iktvld uobortuon im on u huhlueiu trip tn montreal thlu week mr llurohl wuiihbrouifh wuu homo rrom toronto for the week en i ma rent urown vlnludl hr frlond mra krneit lturr ut oult thlu weak mm itnltert ctultf of toronto vlalt- otl aoton rebttlvoa during the week mm iu yolmtr mid mjiim alia rt nnfl rlwood are vlultltiir frlomlu in iturkij bullu mr irwy nf lonmto upont a day or no luut wek vlultlui hlu brother ir t qruy mn w ivyor mid mix j 11 oiim- bla vlhlted mrw v mutmiwh in luollih houpltul libit wook mr wm arnold who huu ihmui apendlna a wook or un ut tvoaton returned homo thlu week mr uloliurd bomorvlllu of iimlon wuu 1iere uov era i duyu vlultluu hla mother who wuu uerlniihly ill jlr catniiroii warren nf toronto came up huturduy in buy it iiliort vlult with htk friend mm homervllloa mlitu icthel perrymuti if toronto id uimimlbia u tmiiiplo of wooltji ut tho home mr und mlt lvrt job union mr john if youttuman of tfnnmtn haw tuhen u ifotdtton 111 tho bmcfl of metmra jtftardmorti as co ut tho wurer bliuaem rtr john hurvoy of knlownu i c mudu a brlof vlijit hint wook lit tho home of hlu uuclu inapt ntor joint harvey meattii if hiiollvnatil 13 yiiuiiu- j preolouu o ilhlu uml irod wldh it ft thlu wook for tbu itnrth to hunt blif kama mr t a hmlth poutniiihlnr ut mount nrat for k yarn dlid uu hla rchlilmioe wodnuu luy or luut wook in bit wotb year llmini ttoborl htewurt mil jo tlwuckliumor who uro now with uio hell telophnno co ut llurllnalon wont home for the weekuinl mra prod muthnwu who huu huou in i ouelph lloapltul for it couph nf weoku wiirnn ttw mirelury of tho c tlon ituv o 11 moitktd at iii rotary of t u plun of fluiui c ijunlor 1 tha a nrnl party in thu liaiinmuitt of hi jneiiphu nniroli will le hutil ihlm 1 humility avonlnit a cordial invi tation hi extended tn ull the hnatoau will he mlaa leona ilolmua fatal tragedy aterin village monday night dr hugh milloy or detralt com- mlb suicide at uht boy hoods home he was 30 years in detroit a and truicetly occurred in icrln vlt- lac on monday iil with hla throat nut from eur to ear thn doait body of lr huh milloy tl your uue dintlat of lelrolt wua fount oil tuthiluy mornlnir in the harden of tha home of hlu utaterlnlaw jurw jamen milloy with whom be bud been vhflt- lutf for aoverul day a rioooaaod watt a former realileiit of lorln but uftor rraduatlntr ua a don tbt t over 30 yeura no ho removed ltlrolt iiuii im p the cuune of the rani aot u attrl- i runict imm woek mmlv lmr billed to iii health prov1 tt ber opoiuliou lte wllllo akluu who in ixihuf treated ror u u rvoua ulbnoiit at tho military honpltul liudoii wax hero uu a fow dayn kuvw luut wouk miauira c if ilarrlaon ninw innu- ur and utanuyt utumdluir a month in muiiltoullu lulund lu tho lit urea la of molean rt mukuxiiiu mre n mnluiri wtnt to clialbum laftt weak to vlult hor duuiihbii mu jnhli cole llttlo jtutn colt hor uruiidduukhloi rettirtu d biniiu ivlth her mr alexamler mnuonuld of llruoit- hrilne vlaltod bin brother noll thlu wotk mr modomild wuu ut toronto nttomlhia the reooplloiimo b nerul j lloiith of the salvatluii army und 1 made hla vlalt bora an routo homo f anion the h3 kraduaoa of the law hchotit toronto jm hit wore uwnrn iii mb imrriutora utluw at the elotte of the ueualon wert jameamcqrwiev qtll lmlm aloxmuhr ikurvey lltfhtliourno and uoldwln oregory turn of w u oretfiiry of oakvllle mr mid mttu j m llilger aid and mia llwunl itutk and mr ami mru webtr ii nd hoii of kltibnner motored down nu hunduy nmt wore the client a of itav uu i mm l moyer fncl iltnit ally uy vlnltud the mnthodlnt fclundayi holimit uml mtsutru dllaor and wuber who ur iiotb oxperltmood huperbiteiulnntu ttpake enrouroalng worda jo the auhoob 1 a tjv