Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 4, 1920, p. 3

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grton3jrttrpflja tnuiutday wovismuku 4 1 010 little lonely roads 1 in tint loyo the grout rtutdn which stool urn nonrreto rrnwn i love thn little lonely way that autumn ti hen brown bon with thn erent of 1i knry and ah til frtm thn talking town i do not loyo tin- mithkim urn maha for gold and i love tho country rahln of thn gypay wind nil 1 vhern durky icknnlnnlpm wiivn at- tho hrohrn window 1 nut fir wjinn i wulk dim i nth that pa ity atml hy dik hii 1 kntn ait aum um ityj y hud nnd alar khwnvj window pntin uy walll kiilra mayai the art op flame cuttinq hlnro tho invention of thj oxy sco tylfho torrh hy icdmnnd fouohe n french engineer grfht prnajrees haa heon rnmln in tho art of flame cutting six years before mr pouchy perfected ilia torch another pvourhman immod l thalnllor had mail the important dleoovory of the torrlflo temperatures generated by burning mmtyl gn numjyriirtojrthi funa nvu rrom thln irian thnt fnuchn torch wu pro ilunml juat nineteen years ago of riiunm icdmund pvfonhn m torch co wim crude affair whpn compared to thn marvelous ones tit ia day but tho principle that lie used la ntlll employed in outung metals that the sharpest jumping jimmlny chr bit most what u different there has jiot to bo in ilatlowneif and 111 ho hanged if it iaiitat tnu tttitm i wit a young tailor ui d up to within throo yearn ntfo tint young t oopla nil not out to hao what liimnko tiny 4 null udo mpllnh an i not tint caught if you had u joke oit any ona then won the tlmo to make it puhlla und huvo pvory nti know tt thn following momliw thlmatilcit laiimildcjnlynltiulllm ag promptly mapoiids when nn inslplont fire dots happen to ljronk out wi 1 nrtor adam cofcijircltn h ro u yonr or so hn yoelund tlmt anton wiim a lively rfigrosnlvo pinna and hint iivollablo building lots would noon ho nl a pramlnrn ih n funny thing ian t it tlmt nn nutsldnr nflon aoea theno things ixffumun old roaldenl nvnr drenm that til towels u m fkirtant nid nosaenaes thn jmiaalbllltlott that nro uppnrunt to u slruiuxur mr cook had tho pioporty aitrvoynd into town iota and thlu ail tltldn to tho horttrt of tho oorporntlim waf nimed cotika hurvny throu now thurutfgh fart a woro opono 1 victor u atonutt ftvm mill sir ut to quooii ilronk avonuo rr rrr- wftln to vutorla and clturoh htroot which tlio adam did not want to run ihrmirh thalr farm mil tarmtnatid vl miiln htrnttt waa oxtendod to victoria avanuo tho oponliitf of thin now nub dlvlalon mount two niyw brldhua uvoi tbo miriam n m thn kilt mill to tho tunnorlna thay hnvo itooo itilto on axponuo for upkoop alnnn ur cook haw wold moat of hla lot tbo u jtli io atlll rtlnlni a fow wlioll i look ovnr tho rhankxl l ct cut bio hill util lu avopink ahloa and oompuro it whnii on imiyu fifty ur alxty yuurx a bo wx um d to climb to urn nummlt in mimmnr in nouroh of ftownru and whitorgroiinm in fall for huuil nut ami in winter for a rooi oi 1 faahlonod hlolgh rldii on our homo ma da hand alntglia i puoo and won dr ut thn ixunaformatlon now tlioro rtlfer wn w ttroolu and thn miuit of thmn aro iiwnwl by tho oaupanta thn toronto hu bur bun railway truviro tho ro- porty rrom main htroot to tho mill io iid itiiml u flumo univayn water fn m tho old brlat mill dam to both tho blif tannorlji thoro uro two but utph on tho prjwrty nn im duildino up a dairy hcrb rhino nro tml fohilamonta jfolnta to itnur in mind purtlaularly in atart inir to llulhl up a rood huulthy i ro duotlva dairy hard vlrn to me that tlm boat f omnia pollln of tho partb ntilur ivrooil which you fchooo to work wuh nro trooured for ft foundation tlmy mhouhl huvo plnntyvaf also sood rohuat oonatltutlonw corrvln ood diilry charnotorlatlca thay ahmild tn proourul from rood litialthy herd whloh nro nndar regulor lniooton and ahould bo from dam and aim that hnvo ahowrt itoort raaulta loth aa to rlto quality and quantity of milk ir duood it h muoli preforrad to iiivo two or throo roally good indl vidua la to start with thnn to atari with a larger numbr not up to tho afundard tho alro to ho uaed hulldlnir a herd la a very important fuutor alao na tho alro la a i way ooimldnrod over 00 of the herd aa wo aald in regard to ytmalm hire ahould como from k nood healthy bird with record of pijrformanco bo hlnl him having eufflclnrtt and carrying all the atrong charaoterlauoa t the brood whloh ha represent svcondly after having a founda tion laid tho next mtep la th aoe that young ralvoe thn following method hnualng of tho herd that la u atable having plenty of light and vnntla tlon the herd ahould ouo be iup piled with the proper food to develop them and to produoe tho inrgeat amount ef tho boat quality of milk lapnil pi lin puaalbla another important polrit la the at tention given to the roaring of the young oulvea tho folowlng method haa proven very aatlafuotoryi jtemove tho dairy alf at blrtlt ho not allow him to nurae give moth or a milk at thn ralo of 8 to 10 pound divided into f tnr thn flrwt ii dnv than in 1892 we first offered the public our salada tea millions now use it to their utmost aatisfaction a human characteristic ona of tho moat peculiar thlngp nbout the public aa a whole in a llb lelef in uie auperlorlty of thing- which ninjo from abroad an rng- ii h aljiger la often duirogardett if ho calbt hltnaelf john smith hut if ho change u name to iaul trlhofsky the bngllah public will llaten to hun a dutchman manufacture goodw but hla for countrymen aro not tp- thualaatlo about them if ho markn them madtt in holland bo ho whip thorn to ttrjtaln oormany or bw 1 1 zlrii7nnttrie7 oolbouutk wiht latmuv and the dutchmen buy in ttrusll a certain plant mpkfu nx- eellent loka imt they eannot be aold a mud in umall ho tha manu faoturer mark them imported and they noil only ft few yeara ngcj few canadian wa on w man a bopoaj if ho homethlng ui tupi up thla in a hard nl i worl ii iro wo doing to aoften ut 8easonadle items m vemher wooila rn imro and atlll nuvvmlxir iluyn m rlemr and tirlght luatb nim n i turn up tb morning tho mornliik anow la ana by night iu hla beavy over jut think bow nn abort month egn w krwtu did ltrmt lm now down the nailer atejta wn to light the furnace tlm novpmiikh lny iraunt and aere la tho old 9ar klako upon lake kail tho heartache only tor a while tho indian aummer cornea with a amlle a bite comer an nfterthouirht ho that naught of the old year may lack sood cheer and you remnmbor a rwmi novftmber fall millinery nawqjispfca wo have a good assortment on hand and will have new designs to fill up as theso aro sold we apprfciate your patronage rheumatism neuritis sciatica neurnlu- templetonts rheumatic capsules betd broojihi hmtitii to hair alcoronb a healthful money eavlng remedy wtrll known or fifteen year pre- acrllei by doetora oom by drug gteto lloon loi aek our amenta o wfito for a free t r ml pa ikinftw tompletone 142 1 lonnl abiii it toronto hay fever and asthma conqinrril by tho world a omy hirr preaalon upon however when we atop to think tlmt the torch develop n heat of sco degreee thla being more than 1 000 degreee more than tho famoua elootrla furnnoe in whloh or tlllclal diamond havo been mado by okpoalng ploooe of carbon to tha terrl no heat who know but what in addi tion to it groat cutting power tho oxy acetylene n euperheated atrength may be ueed for making diamond of huch also aa to make their manufac ture profitable jlotli low und high pro uro torches were tried by itouohe in ida effort to get a practical instru ment hut the tendency of tho high preaaure ono to explode mmlo it ex ceedingly dangerone while thn pre euro wa too high for welding on tho force or thn caeea blew the molten mo tale apart rather thnnwelded them together the low preaaure torch won much oarer but waa not very hue oeaaful a tho gaaea would not mix well undar tho low prooauro employed refore fotlclie onulit experiment any further nomn american opglntwnl or the direction or uugene hour li ered that a medium preaaure waa beat for the work in thla device the oxygen waa put under only fifteen pound preaaure while the acetylene go required about twuntyflve tho gas was then com pletaty under control of the operator aw- t one ti w n at nough to blow the molten metal away the gaaea were mixed in the nqxale 4he aoetylqne meeting the oxygen at auch an angle that explosion or the i hack flashes were entirely eliminat ed and the work made aafe for the operator by the chemical operation of this marvellous toroh its deadly hot flame la constantly surrounded by a blanket of hydrogen gas which con fines the torrtno heat eo thoroughly that even tha end of the nonle from which the name cornea remains cool ukewlee the hand may be held very close to the flame without feeling any great amount of hjnal and yet if tha hydrogen gas blanket were suddenly broken even tho nosale itself would be melted in a fraction of a seooud strange to nay the harder the steel the more easily doea aha- oxy acetylene torch cufll in fact soft castiron cannot be cut with tha name but must be melted away yel we must re- nfoenber that in the making of steel from iron the great hardness is ob tained by adding carbon or manganese either of which will burn und en tha name or the torch the particles of iron blowing- away in the form of sparks par different purposes noxxlos of vari ous aloes are employed bvr very delicate work tha flame can be reduced to tho also of a pin point but for tho heavier work of cutting or welding rails such aa you often bod men doing along the street car tracks of tha urge cities much larger uoxsje aro used to make faster time perhaps during the war you remember aoelng pictures pf toe lake o team era that had to be cut in two so as to get thorn through the different locks of tho rivers and canals on their way to tha atlantic coaat to help undo sam carry food to our boys on tho other aide these great vessels were out so neatly by tho oxyacetylene torch that when they reached tha coasl thoro was no trouble at ail in using the samo torch to wold these steel vessel together again many other seemingly marvellous things are dona with thla groat torch pvr instance not so ions ago a big ocean liner came into mew york har bor rlth a broken nropellor shaft which accident had previously meant t alongr sta in rytfockwtioth nreuk waa being repaired a company making a specialty of marine oxy aoetylena work tried tha experiment of flooding tho forward port of tho vessel with water to auch ajt extent chat the stern was raised up enough to allow them to weld the broken propeller in the remarkably abort apace of three hours the mjl road repair shop have fountt that cracks und leaks which years kgo used to mean a long lay up in the ahed can now be accomplished in a short time while the locomotive is standlnr out on the tracks when u- tube wounl blow out in a boiler it was the old custom to run tha engine into tho shops strip off the flue oheet and solder up tha hole however with mt oxyacetylene torch a email section ls cut out of tho sheet tho hole re paired and the section ro molted back into the sheet while the engine stays wherever tha accident may have hap pened in later years the torch has become one of the moat important imr i plemsnts to keop railroad oquipmen in repair without taking it out of eor vice for mora than a few hours many other uses have been made of both the cutting tind welding procesaes lrlnclpal among these might be mr uonod that of tho repairing of tho metal parts of automobiles tha cutting of girders in tha building of great buildings and the welding of metals in genera l not long ugo an automobile manufacturer had the misfortune to have soma pf ids workman put the wrong threads on tha ends of neverul thousand valves before the mistake wos d i noovcred but likewise fortun- atety for him tho oxy acetylene toroh welded now stems on them in a frac tion of the time that it would have taken to make tha entire valves over again almost every kind of metal breakage is now repaired with little trouble with thla torch and it is claim part htrphw 11 a mod mvir it that inalle a your or so one will see no algnw of it ut all i was down town on fjalurrfay night and oh my weren t tho young folks having a good time wall say h did my oil hourt good to sen the jnnooent fun of the kiddles on hatunlay night which they all adopted for their annual frolic if it wain t really thn lutt night in outnber thalr fantusllo ooutumo tlmlr msaka and burnt oork decor ation tho girlies mas lunrading in tholr big hrtihtors duda mado fun ft r all of who were that w inclined the dear lad and iuhkpu how they do onjny a llttln spitclnl fun of this kind i did when i was a youngster and so did you if you ii only think back aul acknowledge that you really ware ypulig once yen and you and i were no better behaved than the kiddie aronraltnwtt wereon hn turds yulght and wo weren t so innocent aa we pre tend we were either most every chap has something of tho wnnll bad boy in him tho spirit of mfschlef that i 1 him to amoko his dad s black pipe in a wnohyhid n hack or thn oi7t roil barn bt atlll smoldering in him you may bo sure it may not come to the nurface often junt onco in a while und hall own on is one of thoflo once in a while times if you looked nbout on tha eve of halloween as i did you saw him ho and remember it takes two to make a goad pint as it taints jlwn nmakoa an i vplandl 1 gar- bcargftln and two to love oh life doeen t vary much in a bnlf century llullowen is not pa bad after al if you look at it from tho right angle i ilka the plan the editor has taken for several years back in onnoliruglng cltl sens generally to give tho hoys and girls a welcome to their homes and a little halloween treat i think tho idea has worked well bo fur as i call learn it has greatly lessened the silly depredation which used to 1 e so com mon tho pant fow yeara treat the young folks right and they ii bhavo thamaelves generally mary and i tried it out on saturday night and wo must have bad nearly- half a bundrcdjdd dies and bigger inmis of girls und boys to share our supply of marjis doughnuts hardtsok taffy and enow apples they enjoyed it and ho did we and we alept batter too that night becuubo our weak efforts to give tha little duffers fun made us feel good ouroolvoa bay it pays doesnt ut i ilka tha spirit of ilallowo en and like the present snirlt better than tho paal and lm only sorry some of the kiddles dldn t get more of that hard tack taffy und ray fahta teeth wouldn t have bad the wrecking i was forced to put them through wurnrnnmh dens i think tho flrnl hou on the new survey was built hy jlmmln and tom my jlhhonx tho two nller sans of fully uuibone the ftutnur ami uir onter who orontod so many bulla uk in icauueelng especially in thn iuhlln community this hrlok houue htanda at tho corner of main and church bt recti and is thn homo of w j tleld our municipal officer its erection providos facta for a pretty tale of bi duo try and fnraalghl i rom tho ijt of thalr early lwyhood jmm- ml e ami tommy oibhona had paused und repassed tho old hrfck ohmnnoy whloh stood aa a alhnt index that at soma surlier day u bbsy lumber mill hud been located there an i was tlm roason for its erection this was the ch whloh urnuhed draft 4or the nruplaoo under tho boilers in angua kennedy saw mill on the check lino after several yours of buny uperu tlans tha niltl burnod down finally only the chimney remained it was farm of tha hays undo mr voter gibbons who itov lives retired oomfortubje home pn irrederlak stroel jim and tom estimated thn number of brinks in tho big chimney decide i they could bulll a good sixid housa with them approached peter who jvas alwayh a friend to the hoys and limy bought it from him for n song with groat glee tho industrious ttnj5rcatprnlyrohiraownyliirahimhdy brick by brick they camo to anton fctart replacing wlpi skim milk so that ut thn ugo of ono month tha oalf will he receiving 10 pounds of skim milk with tha addition of a small quantity of acnldo i flnx mimmi meal at throe woekh of age u small quantity of out clover hay and some clean water should be knpt before it from this time on und the klm milk should be gradually increased so that by the time thq rulf is fifteen weeks old it will be reoetvlug rrom is to 20 pounds dally any person h tart in g out to build up u good prontubln dairy herd cannot do so und know what ho is about without the uso of the llabcock test und scale tho dairy farmer ahould kndw juat what amount of milk each row gives throughout the year and the numlar of lmunds of butter fat the milk onntaujn anyone who has not followed this prartlrois bound to get many aurprlsem after following it for a year the row that may have been onnldnrnd one of thn host producers in the herd may bo found to be not doing more than paying her board cow tenting not only produces bettof cow but nnahlos thn dairyman to feed morn intelligently cletyrld of the poor cows carefully feed tha good ones broo i them to a ure bred a re and tha reault will certainly be a large- producing and profit bio dairy herd j a mcclnry 8uperintendonl fx- perlmnntnl hut ion iannoxvlme quo products 14 a ite in cunuda fortun ately that situation la rapidly chang in the improvement in canadian shoes has become so marked iir recent years that they now rank in quality and style with the heat ahoos mado in any country store will be open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings man may be the architect of c but woman is the hull ler homo nellie m stockf ord acton gueuph elora mlnutv it ngor k n 1 tduy 4 13 day treatmenl trial sloe ific and guaruntifd w k buckley mu chemist 07 dundu ol e- toronto mot vet- than the other just as your arm would be stronger after the bono had healed from a breukrtrt do nj am in fauoett buy your iemplntohs capsules at 1 j hassarda drug store t 1l cs for ilheumatlsm etc 11az mau for asthma itellet guarantoed excuses are nothing mora than con fsamlons of weakness showing youf in ability to cope with the task before jow i huvon t heen strolling around very muoh lately but tho other day ihy old cronies mentioned what a flno monument hud been put up for acton a fallen soldier heroes i thought i might as wall walk up that way and sue it but lo and behold you it they hadn t gone nnd covered tho thing up i imp pose it won t be aeon any mora now until atyer tbo unveiling uncover thax dlifn thlde tho sixe of it and by eojnvdimmotisi and the iep i got of the ntono base it sura looks llko u falri tribute for actoh i m now waiting anxiously for the unveiling on armls tlco dayiwbon i will spa it in all its solemn glory i also not 00 by the van pass thatr premier drury may be present when ho apoke hero be fore his election last winter it was no hanged cold 1 eouldn t gat out to hear him hut i m building on honrlng tho farmerpollttolan along with tho other notables nesi thursday 1 sure am lad to see well ad vanced and whop the committee of va have completed the affair and held fho unvslllno und i have hnd a bajigrup vlbw of the monument i know i am going to have a lot mart to say about it tjomowjior about thirtyfive years ago adorn cook than a middle ugod man tn hftji prime sold his farm at qlenwllllams cataa to acton and bought th bulk of the icxru adams farm tile brick store and dwelling at tha corner and iho grlnt mill property and mrs thurtoll housa and lot wore- not included in tho sala to mr cook all the rest of that aeatlon of the orlnjnnl icxra adanm property ltoundd by main mill und queen hlreets and the ill 11 pond road camo into mr cook a poaheuslan and this inoluded cobble 1 1 111 the highest elevation in the vicinity which from tha days of the boyhood of ninety years ago to the present tnuj been a favorite climb and vantage point it wus here my old noodle thought an ideal location would bo found for tho elovutod supply tank for acton a waterworks system iut tho onglp- oers thought they know butter than the old map and have arranged to pluco it alaewhera thoy nay they urr saving the town money by saving 1 good many feet of malnu lirj my self i ve always liked the systems which gel pressure from ujlqwng water to run down hill and using fewer pumpq and machinery for gat ting pressure however ttieie young ahaps who attend the technical mchoolu and becomb engineers ought to learn something and wo ii aeo how thalr schema works in a fow weeks if their plan supplen mo nnd mary with all the water we noad from the nplon- dtd spring where dan mann und the rest of us young chaps used to spond ma o o oalu ll or slxtr yaars ngoj und uitordn ample pressure to l0ll our well organised lira brjgada to flghl flreu whloh may occur 141 bo nrcfeotly satisfied by tha wjf thubanrlng was on tha farm that father hugh mann owned and farms when sir doilald was a boy withchn rest at us ut nohooj ppoakinjrjof flros lu town haven t wa muoh uf to thankful for here in acton that an fow destructive fires occur to ha foughl this in- hurcly creditable to the paonlo who hvo lioro ando th nr brigade whloli o vono bnturtlay night and made a bar gain for the drat lot sold ort the corner of the new survey thny had bricks taamed to acton that summer with tho hulu of tholr father thay built tho new house and till elands an attractive homo a lumont of two worthy young mens industry and foresight thn erection of thin houno directed attention to the now survey and lots began to lm picked up quite freely tjplldlng operations nhnrtly became lively through the antarprluo uf wit ham campbell a builder of oxperionoe mil would buy a lot oreot 11 houno and it was hardly commenced iteforo he hud a purchaser other cltucn lwught lots and engaged him to build their homos mr campbell wus ono of tho busiest man in town ha went on building until i thlnlcit is twonty- olght of tha rifty houses in this sur vey stand to hla credit as the builder recuuso of this worthy enterprise nt a time when houeea wore scare and greatly neodad in aaton the oldtime name of cobble hill was called mount campbell by moay in houurt of mr william campbell tho builder hill finally decided ha could do better in the building una in toronto und mov ed to tho city there ha also oreotod many houses rut thoro came a day when ha laid down tho sav and plana and hammer and he was brought homo in a casket and now loops with other members of his family in beautiful alrvtew in sight of his busy ua tlvltlas as an aaton builder adam cook wn buys wltb us atlll he has been ono of our hurdost workr ing cttlsans krom morning till uight- hln untive personality has boon in ovfdenco through ull the yearn hut ho is now becoming ono of our moat von crab lo oltlxons und naturally la taking life easier ho has u moat affectionate family and family re unions have been a feature of tho homo life oliver the oldest eon who has been li selkirk man for several years is just now ut home with mrs cook und family v mies cook the eldest daughter is u suocaoaful pro- faanlonel nurse utro pa und makes anunual visit lot fireside i have just recalled a npleudld spring from whfnh theragunhed refreshing- ice cold water about fllty toot oast from the nlokltn home it was atfamous spring and whan choice drinking water wns desired in the homes of tho nlokllns and their neighbors tbe pro duct of this nprlng was always ro qntarloned alas uluok when the new nurvoy was muo und hulldlng opera tlnnn became active tho spring wns neglected its source wus disturbed nnd it finally dried up tha line of tha tprontb suburban railway punaes over tho old nprlng whono cooling waters for forty u fifty years slacked the thirst aaton earlier nattlors und oltlxon tho homes hi this new survey a adam cook huvo housed numbers of ultlxanu who huv occupied leading poaltions in town county wurden hiram swaqkhomcr resided in tho big brick houno at the creek when hold qinco customs officer murray fplonald lived tor years in the brick on main street where nell mcdonald superintendent of ilea rd mo re ft cos lift leather tannery now rosldssv jlllly cpopor was un alderman and still hvei in tho brick house at tha oornar a quooii and muln htroets charlie mussli now oc kitchener led the methodist sunday school orchestra and acton cltlxana band when ho dyed in tho hrlok cottage on- uro ok avoriuo ooorge munn chairman of ho roard of school trustees renidae 011 drock avenue hill and houdmnntar ilossell or tho high sohool lives in tha cottage of mrs stewart ucrosn tha atreol chief constable counoyd c ac has part mon ts in mr coojte hnyae on church street 80 you aeo mrcook opened tbo wuy for tha residence of numberu of dignitaries whan ho father ed cooks survey ik you mean that you ve hover boon on a railway train t not yot said the country hoy with u iinllo and n volume was oxppeasetl in thno two word not yet thay bnuthnd umhltl n they mode plain his dreams they pictured his eagwr guxu into the futuru tbey told of youthful hope not yl it was plain tha pmkar iiuvnr doubted his turn woujd come that some day his dreams would come true hut those two words expressed mora thuit hope and expectation they were expressive of patience the boy had no quurret with the long waiting with tha dull routine it was nil in a life he would hot grumble over to days tusk hacuuno hopo was dnforreh there wns no bitterness in his young voice no whluo of dlknppolritment tha words rung out blithely cheerily not yet this boy s attitude is tha ona wo should ull adopt no real blessing is denied only postponed sooner or hit or ull good things shall be ours as john rurrouglih puts it serene i fold niy bunds and wait nor care for wind nor tl it nor sou bo not say lllt you do hot have a fair chilnoo o not grumble over yeur ill look if you have nut done what you wnntod nor gained what you bolleva you deserve do not loss heart on tliut account tuko it fur granted that all your hearts den i res are on the way thnsturit come nightly to tha sky the tldul wuve unto the sea nor time nor space nor doap nor high cun keep my own awuy from me thin is tho faith- which mukns the hurdost present tolerable this lftho oonridence which tukee the sting out of drudgery nnd defeat it is this whloh helpn us to any of a defeated ambition und a disappointed hope the simple brave words not yot a rollcall was necessary thoy hud manr children and father was- very absent mlndod tho whole family want for a pla plo on tho river suddenly a small boy ran up and cjlod out papa papul archibald has falhin into tha wutarl archbald arahlhaldl repeated the father then ho turnod to iiih witty alice he enquired unxlmuly have wo an archibald t it wasj to wild haggard looking man strode through the streets with quick r s steps 1iu fn00 was drawn with ugony suldouly his ayo lighted on ft house with a brass plate attached to the door and with an audible sigh of re lief ha rushed into the dentists or ucl was the house ho burnt into the consulting- roar my dear nlr suld the dentlal what do you give gnnr oaken tha man auttlng him shore wa do replied he of tho forceps and the charge 1 will if nut you to uleep mo that you cant possibly be urounedt von but t how long does tho sleep instt r physlral inaanslblllty produced by inhaling gun lasts from hale n minute to seventy necondn said tho denttht perhaps you will take sent sir und allow me to examine the tosth t tooth i shrieked the vlaltor tealk ing off ills ooat und venl who aald tooth 7 i want you to pull a porous plaster off my bwokl paid for qettinq an educa tion tha student expects to tiay for get ting an education but the learner who is becoming familiar with busi ness mathods expects tit be paid ptnd ottrn feels resentmant because ha oopslders that he is nut paid enough ifyou truce the oaranra or thn man who hnvo made spectacular successes buck to tholr early years you will nnd they have benefitted by training thnt they received perhaps in a little country store or in a small factory count in with your salary what you are learn i fig in the performance of your dally work and congratulate yud jii u to minority whu lusteud of paying for thalr oduoation uro paid to receive ftii advertising by dr frank crane real estate ir you have n houoe for sad if you want ta buy a bona ir acton ask r j kerr auotlonw and r i eeta dealer phone 1 bower avenue acton ont advertlfllnflr is rlmply maldno your baal known ii b perfectly consistent with anyoneta or bclfpustilno in fact brafisuik sdvertisonent defeats its porposej it- repels and does not attract there are several points that tt might be well for all advertisers to keep in mind these are not wrperi items but are simply common sense applied lo publicity 1 all advertlsinc should be cleatt it ought to stalo just what your business is and where it is giving your precise address dont assume that every one knows where the jones dry goods store is nor how to eet tthere tell them you cannot make things too plain 2i advertising should be reckoned as pabt of youk business it b h necessary as the sign over your dor it is not an occasional nor an out- bide matter it ts essential how can the public do business wlih you unless they know about you 3 it should be regular and constant people trade with the linn whose name fa familiar to them the newspaper ought to be youf partner if you are in business permanently let your advertis ing be permanent 4 the newspaper going dairy into the bands of the people is the best medium for advertising its where the public naturally turn when they want to see where to buy whether bonds or beans- 5 advertising should be attractive the most attractive thing you can put in b soinethlng that appeals to the selfinterest of the reader- funny or startling matter that has nothing to do with yonr buslness b not good advertising no man can be funny every day by and by your antics become tire some if you can show a woman where she can save 10 cents or where she can buy stuffs that last u and wear better h b much more to your advantage than to crack jokes or to begin your advertisement with a picture of a wild bolshevik and wind up with announcing your superior stocks- what you want ts to tell folk that they can get the most for their money at your place that b the most attractive fact you can publish 0- be brief dont try to crowd all the reading ma iter pojwihle into the apace you pay for so aa to get your moneys worth- use readable type and dont say too much 7 be human make your advertisements as live and warm as you can dont be too cold and precise a tell the truth when customers come to your store do u utue more for them than you said you would in your announcement the nrosberity of the ibrb brief 1 tt it b the duty of all honest concent to advertise that to the best way to crowd qui the fakirs it enable- newspapers to reject suspicious and questionable advertisements 10 advertising b necessary to all form of business whichsppeab to the public banks tele phone companies gas and other public utility con cerns beskles city provincial and national govern ments rjught to keep regularly in touch with the people by sdveftblng the newspaper is the the minds of a commun ityyour name plate ought to be on that street tom kumley general blacksmith and woodworker promptness and efficiency our bpaolal stleauoo to ilonmaboelna and wheels agent for the famous floury plows youits for husinbss shops corner mill 8t and park ave near the mill acton granite works j nicol experienced granite cutter is prepared tp supply monu ments of all kinds with skill fully cut inscriptions at yblf i prices see samples of work and styles of monuments at the monument works pekhtuan ntock mill street acton ont fall arrivals to hand see pall ooeda just put in stock f men s tweed cspa 91 00 jjan a spring caps 13 00 good tweed knickers for tho wee man large assortment of sox and blockings all slsos come in and look then over bhob lucpaiitma a bphcuxnr wo uant cobbler e k cook mitx btiibet acton notice to creditors of the estate op oeorqe mobaln deceased th orwlltora of ooorira meuain inte rn thn vi hugo of acton oentleman who died on or about tho nfui day of octolxr 1920 nro ru mired on or bo- fore tho twunty ninth day of novem ber i9xu to soiid hy poet prepaid or therwl deliver t tho undersigned solicitor j t administratrix a statement of tholr m ouna tho nnturo of tlm btourity if ftny hold by thorn lnd full 1 nrtlculnrs of holp uumea ad- drxaavf and dcnorlpilons atlnmico in horvby further given thnt immwdluioly after thn aail twenty ninth day of november 1m0 th admluutrutrlx will pruoueit o die trlhutn the uiwt u of tliu said estato itnunig the pnrtlrs outltlmt uiureto apd nlto will nof- be rvnpuualble or any cuihint of whlh sin shall nut htvo rroelyod ni tloo u the time set furth for ruolt dixtrll utlnn itod ilibj i twenty eighth dv at m uio maity ualuint admluuimirlx hy ii n puiinoi hut hollouor 1h3 couut of revision qment sidewalks taku notloa tlmt tlm council ot ulu the oorporutloii or tho village of a titan has construotod us u iitul improvo- inont rement uldownlkn on tho south alio of ikiwer htr i llwn blgfu htreel llil willow trcnt and on tho susterly hldo of kiedtrlok htreot from iii tltrsot to church flirm t tho totul ront of tlm work on flower htroot an uforaanld is iq44 h1 of which 130 1c is to be tvnlt by tho corporation and ta74 73 by tho ownem of ine properly urfeotod tho otwt o tho work v ivdorlok street la u31 tft of which 1174sh tn lie tmid by ho corporation iiui iu14t by the ownvra of tlio iromrty hnocei tho entlmwtod lift uf ho work ts twenty yeam- i a d 1q20 ut h30 oolook at tho oimnll chumlhir for tho iiuntoao or houdiuf oomilnjnls turtltuht tho pruitoaml asm kim uju ur tha no- i uraoy of rroutuuo inensuioinonw or whlnh is by luw lilxublu by tbo court ny pursou wlnhliik to uxumliio the spttal anhotibim ut i uil i prepared by thq hurvoynr may do no imlwnon tho hours o 3t u m nn i 6 p m ut tho otllro of the clerk 18 3 n s

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