Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 4, 1920, p. 6

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1 i illrths mnrrlnge apd deaths are now charged for ut the following rates lllrjh goo marriages 6o0 1 ixtaalis coa memorial carl boo 10c per luio extra fl poems horn hchlamllfil- at hi ioli wliliiomluy october so 1uui ma mr duulfh- 1 hi homlwr tr louhtu katharine mr mihrmhi wim miss otga nlok- lln iluuithtur of mr unit mr k ii mklln funnel ly of anton died jlaunilc in numukawyn wort itnsauy oiiiilwif 37 idsn john har- in in iiim doth yar miiaiipks at cumpbellvllta on mon day november 1 1d30 kathleen muy ouukhtor of mr and mrs humutt hiiarpo uhi 18 year 1 younu on haturday october so 1030 ilt tha resldanao of hi sou 283 idiittorln avnnite london wil liam juxon young formerly of ouk- villa in hi otth your neighborhood news town and coibitry erin hiikitliniili lriirllorijf til lurlil r umery wrfit was convlol il mill ntted s2 uiul oouls liy muglstrut wiitl at oiiolili lt wnnk for vl billon f thx unum nn a miulurohusu act ootll find mil bilvn mi hiu hollnilor mr lied ilia mur iibilinloi iho iull iho dim thn bunion tholr nnhuul fill llthll i 1i hnwltt ltl1 llotl- mr miibuimnii ore thi- hornby sp v tity tuyx3tttt tlluiumay novlumldsh 4 1m0 brief local items now roi indian hummor november now for indian bum- i gone ami tho frosts tiro uf turnip tlll tim jluaa pubjui la now 1100 li canada 3 t0 in the united htaleil tho turnip crop is u bumper or this your unit thn quality excellent the tlms far tha payment of tli second instalment of uhb is looming ta inspector j m tonyes jl a spent tuesday lln otnolalty visiting tin schools hero nnt thursday in armistice 1 wh1 v joyam1 kvluif thejlay laought two years ago after six mouth of political tur moil the united htalas presidential election in ovtir hog cholera has broken out in wcntwurtii rpuntu hj hmra then prr ic ik r quajmntlntml thn wet woattaor of tha wwk luut mrlouly interfered with work on tho wuturworlu nyntm mr a 11 hwltsor hnv tlia frumo up for n amunmodlouai now driving mhod andpoulllyhljui oualith im roln to try to mako ita atrt railway tiny ly lncrenblntf tho tar ip novfn oentw mr vya ixinnay linn on exhlhltlon in th luot fnsait window u turnip which wslgha ib kjundi chequnn for vlntory uond intortmt hvo imen roelvd from ottawn by hundrdi of our oltlsnnm durlnff tho weak school motion no 4 btowart- town won tha uhlold iv warded fur tho tilxhait morkai obtained at tho annual ohool fair mm john itarr iork avanuo unt tho irxn xiucsji a oabbasa with neven duunct boadai on vrlday it i a novitl froak or nature orloor coonoy lat sradualiy etuntf all tho at root drains and natch banlnn froo of louvoa and othor ftoouimilatli fcfora froat meth in i oil anna tlio rlad rlrl starred hy mary vlokfurd inwnndorund last vrldny ovonlng win much enjoyed by tho large uudlmioc which attended uur lam arrived in ktora in motor early sunday mornlnir broke into cupolla drutf aitoro and tole f35 in caah unit alwut- i3o0 worth of boodw th ajcprooa acont at urlfhton wjm flntxl 110 00 and oootu laat wock for iljowlng il atiatkr io take liquor from tho ttxprtfkm offlco wlthoutbftlnc ldntl fled i mm a loea brousht tha iftaa viaaw a uretty liouqliet of nhilt carna- tlona ifuthared in liar baraon on oc- tolwr 30 thntii pretty cood for canada lunt ut a now lino of telephone la talns liuttalled on tho flmt and town lines by tho hell co this will glva quits i number of additional farmers connec tion with acton sxcbimsa alex mcdonald tho fatthul mall canlor of it 11 no 4 had ono of the best surdsns in town this season ills rabbnjres taullftower and potatoes were much iiboya tho average crop icdltor joe mooru of tha oeorgo town herald save a racy story of at enjoyable salmon flshlnir trip ho and ir watson took to musk oka a couple of weeks agni in the herald last week i motorists and carriage drivers still have to wntch for bump and thank youmnras on tho street where water servloo flllltibm have boon mnd1 the ruins have not improved these inequalities the nillnu ovef the storn sewer at rredortok stroot on mill has worked out ladly lately unit the depression t makurt drlvlnir very uncomfortable at that point a tounlo of loads of srnval would remedy tho trouble a coiiplo nf anrtf of nuvai itnels wre in tho sldlntr at thu o t station on imduy the crop is so lare this year that uirs of lieets occupy sldliiks ull tho way from aoton tu fllratford nwnltliib room for lielutf unloadihl at tho hrldbaport subar fno- tnry the november issue of rod and dun contains anion othor intemstlnb stories and articles where the amber htvw flows a story or tha north country written hy that premier sports man itobert i hodbsori hod mid gun in cnnuda is published monthly by w j taylor umltod woodstock ontario j a guarantee w if n the publishers of tho vatnlly herald und weekly star of mont real are dolntr the rlsht thins with tho ubllo ninety ior oont of the newspaper haven already raloed rates the family herald pybllsh- em guarantee a full years subsarlptloli at tho old rate of 1 bo a bear to all ambst 1 hsfaro dst we learn that many old subscribers ro ntiewlnff for two years in ad vance and thousands of tiew subscrib ers lre-rblna- sdijed it is a great poller and the best value on the con tinent won dflismnipro foments have jatbljr been maqte in the family herald members tilt tha imperial press con ference who lately visited canada say it has no equal lp the british em- plre canadlns should appreciate such a paper at tho pries 3 after or rial tlmo irovlou to hr in mrm- lcmint w iuttnihon mui llrnwn w iirajnlst hornby lrttsbytirli cliuroh 1mui wank tho rniibrouuloii pr seitted lie with u ohiiuo for u hundoomn silni li mooffnttlonof valuable uervlies tbo uppln lin is atiout all harvostnd iiv altlioutch thn prions paid seemed low most of thw farmers foun1 the utturtiaiato nf mtloh to bo abovo that if tbo uvorafl ynr tim henent of thn yradlur uiuwllliib of tha sovtmth line from hornby for the six lots covered is bo- tflillilptf to ho aeallxodnow thai the rull rains have onimanol a few of our enthuslsstlo hunters wunt not th this weuu in sail rob of deor oakvillc niofiiniralof w lvounbim f oakvlllas most bid lily estnoiaed pioneers took place on tuesday after noon und was lurtfoly attended tim offerings at tha reuponlnc of tbo 1resbytorlan church sbb regaled ovor 110 000 cash thn council has tlxod thu chief ootir tables salary at st boo and that of thn town derk at the nbrio amoun th new nrs hull will be orootod by h a forbes of hamilton wliiwn tender was 111 1q1 thn hot water hunting system will ha installed by w whlttaksr jr for uut oakvlllw is considering tho advisa bility of offering tho next lssus of de bentures ot local inventors the methodist church xadles aid in t mills holding a basoar on vrlrtay jmcomlmi 3 aftornoon and ivonlng mrs u b kyj thlsweek picked si quarts or larva and luscious thlmbln- herrtss they were the best seen this year although somewhat nut llooord terra cotta w h rseslveilo jsatu of henry townsend of laikhorn maul tobu dsceased had beui in ikior health for soma tlmo with burdening of the arttirlos lln passed peacefully itway oil october 13 ho was it former rosldoiit of this pliu a and was well- known here jtrrnntknr butts ry-nd-famlly- huvo moved to at mr und mrs utittyward have mov- ol to omu nw horns on main btreet which they recently purohasod from w a marshall joulah townsend bon hae taken ohiikgn of the cheltenham mill und port doing an excellent trade master george townsend and harold lyons have arrived home from tha wvst well pleased with their trip mr and mrs j it cralno attended the funoral of the attars brother milton at jrilnt michigan mr sutherland of urampton has leased tho blacksmith shop here tho quarterly services were d is pen sod in tho methodist church hero last sabbath tho llov wray i david son of georgetown very ably c ducted tho services mr and mrs j eaves and family have moved in to mr w j hutlodges housu on maple ave georgetown mus marjorlo clark of greenwich conn is spending hor vacation lit her home here mrs norman hpulght and son hoy co ure spending a couple of wooku with friends in kitchener mrs douglas li lloss who has been visiting har parents mr und mrs it clark and attending bor slaters wed ding ro turned last week to montreal mr u musselman hoist- man at tho gruval pit on tho nth lno fall between to nixl 70 feet over tha embankment into tho gravel pit last thursday morning he was lucky in escaping with a severe shaking up mr clifford creel man has bottn elect ed a member of tbo track team ol mcdlll tlnlvereky and will be li toronto on friday to compete in the intercollegiate games there is a danger trap for the wheals of baby carriages eta between the cement walk and the iron railing on the new bridge over the g main street which was opened last week ilev father uurtrand- conway now york will give a series of lectures in the town hall tho weeaof novem ber h undo thlil uuspfco of holy cross cuuratwvusrald hw cnewschb corners the farmers are busy taking in their turnips miss mary and mftstor wilfred mo- icaohoru vlsltsd jvioid in qualpli over the weekend v several new families will be wl- tamed to our neighborhood this fall mr h porker bt catherines who purchased mr w a murrays proper ty is moving in this weak mr w n wilkinson has sold his farm horn to n mr ouonthrle from ohio who will shortly take posses sion loist friday evening n numtier of former frlnmls und nolghhor und mrs w a murruy who havo moved to acton met in tlto church hero to tender them a furowall und present tokens of their esteem mr chat itmhart occupied thu chair after i hieing and a brief prayer ha called it mr horue null is in tin absence of lv i m mnynr who was liwihlato id presvik to read the following ud leiir ml mid mrs murray we your friends and neighbors have gathered hare tohlgfat to show our esteem and nppreiflatlnn of your lovlmf sitrvleo in nlwnys und nt oil tlmeif wo nrrf sorry to lose such good friend and neigh bors but wliut is our loss is some one elsas gulu wo ro uliyl yoi are not going far away and hope you will oomo to seo us often wu ask you to uaocpt this small token hoping it will remind yoll of your friends at crewsons corners fr ers at pie proper moment mrs wm dennis and mrs kingsbury presented mr and mrs murruy with u handsome upholstered rookgr m re hwnmn thews op behali of mrs murray and himself for the kind words in tho address und the very handsome present and spy ing they did not need to look at the chair to imhd thop of tholr lnd friends n crewsons corners as they would always cherish the associations here ik d always been a pleasure to thein tq in grid out of their home h thy were going ukv tmiy they would indeed be sorry but ne whv were ths ones that urtsd pries reduction in quslph snd now we con- idaf lower prices in isb llhso fct y0 rsthsr ii th trsds than trail at the rear of thsproosalon even if wo are seeuasd of rampant origin- allty and msny other thlnqs too w ftocldsd in sip tam per that th public war sick of high price and without wit hpj- nyenwriee idsd tp wallow our msdlolna start s bio price towerino sale and m dur basvy stock r th hiqh0rade cloth in q for las than w mpsoud but that doesnt makf any difference w oauld hsv told ogr stook t ths rscjulsr prless hy wars good values at those floors but people expect lower prloss and wra easing to it that you are qettlna them w want th publlo to feel that we am with you in th eim- palfln for lower price the clothing bulns isnt going to th bow- w0w6i a coed house ousn- lifi i h to rnskf builnri better and condition batter for- sll of us every marehant can msk good business if h wsnts to th public wont ru to an srtlflalsi fly they havent n prlo so low as our raduceotprlcss or ood that they ar simply awsllow- infl hook bsit and sinker nphe tjraaut clothing l values ever offrd to th public qtqwallacc allway5 reliable clothier 1 guelphdhtv i nabbaoaweya tim annlvormiry nf mbenaser cbur- b will lie hnul on mundpy navrmhar 14 whon itov lloyjl a umllli j a of toronto will pi each tha annual hau- qujt will bo hold on moniluy nvesilig hi fowl sppper will bo uflfved entortulnmoiit will lm bivkii by dublin htrout orhostra uunlmi w orooker harltana solulut urant- ford ituasell ii hawthorne entertain er milton mis myrtle ptu en- 1 rrrnno sol qua ilockwootl add teases by ltv j t ktraohan and ilav t h moyer mr i hem carter oualph will i hi tho chairman a very pleasant event tqok place on krlday evening october 12 at the home nf will mculaughun when their f tlends und neighbors gathered to bid them farewell on th eve of their departure to their new horns in guelph the following address was road to mil and milh mro laugh lin and chaitllh inar trlenilsi wo your friends and neighbors arnlng or your decision to leave your present occupation and his commun ity have this owning saummled hero to bill you god snaod u seems ks if we haul oomo to the mrtlng of the ways inn have sajournod withus from chlldhootl and by your qnlel and kindly dispositions you have nndbarsd yourselves to every one in this com munity and your home was one of th spots waor wo were always delighted to cpmn we regret that you are tak ing this step by which you will be severed rrom nr associations but wo knew ton have not done ari without giving the matter your careful and prayerful consideration wn wish you ovnry sucftess in your new sphere of life and whatever your occupation may im wn know you will perform it i the host of your ability as m tangible nxprasaion of our esteem for you ws ik you to hoeept this tea sot we hep entayfwi ny ha ye logatber and your nuiy friends in nnssugaweyu will look forward to hon ing you frunntly as you will hot lie far sway wn will look forward to the happy reunions in tho world to nimn wliam luirtlngs shall bo no mora hlgnxl nn behalf of your friends ami ishbor- tiioh j klcnnkdy t david moihkdilan l1neu mhhlan tbo nvoiilng was smut iri singing and buniss and danrlng after which a dainty lunch was hervml when all went borne saying they had enjoyd a very happy time tinother glenwilliamb a soqiiol to tho unseemly disturb ance ami drunken orgla w inter- ruptud tho oiungo dam ti lmro tin tha night of tits 22ml october was unacted on tuesday afternoon in tbo town halt information had boeu lultl ugulnut mik n thoso who wiiro nllecoit to have boon in an luloxlcatod con dition in a publlo place uiul half a scorn of wltntuistis worn milipounod court wnu cqjjld at j oclock wttli ii 1 monro police mujtlutruto of aoton presiding und diiatlccs lleau- mont of qlonwllltams and coulter of terra cnttu ussoolntnd county crown attornny dink and luiipoclor harvey uppmirad for tho prohcoutlon and jus havruon ic c for tho tlefante i roiu tho mi two t it wus soon tout thn witnesses for tho prosecution who hail bean intoroslod in tho itunco and wuro larctily ronponhlhla fpr tho lay ing of tho information- imd ixkonin qultn lukn warm in thu matter inn wire careful that the oviilnrico tiny ka vii was as nou committal us possible in tha chargn ugaluut thomas allan hownvnr thtt evidence showed that ha was drunk without utiy doubt und u conviction was ruclutorod wltb a uno of 10 uiul costs therm wim umplo nvldnnca addu to show disorderly ixindlict uiul seemly profanity on tha part of thosn ch urged and it in quite posallila ill- formations will ha laid against tho guilty purlins ouhhlrt count the lending utlsonu of this busy vlllaiieturu now quito determined that ull whd cotibreguta horn shall have duo respoot for law und order and tlutt publlo pouoo shall bo inulntalmtd htrtititf illihplnlonu urn hold thut ono or two resldonts uru plying the dos- ploablu trudo of bootleggors thoso imllvuluiits uro very likely to gnt into soilous troilhln if thoy cniitlniia thulr illegal tmnsaotious uuy longer rk j v a a av v hrvwihuiujintidi dd xjibiw awa december i they may huva to pay severed hsftwhrrieriu wtre served lecnct loft thin v r mfnow l p pagggpt soouu eveplngirtnl id trip up nostl milton one nf the handsomest store fronts in town ut present is that orl j mnakensias thanks to tlio artlatio wluldlng of the brush by yn olao til of armstrong a o oil ins judging from tha sits and luuuro uf the building operations ut thn new 11 sohoel site it will pvobabty bo sls liionthh tieforo juio hupming will ihi reaily titv ooouutlon u thu present rslo of pwgrous ilia itrst hold day in oonniiotlon with thu milton high and pulitlu schools was held nt thu fair grounds lust friday afternoon anil was a groat suo rtsm mrs htitt of lliiftiilo is visiting hi i slsttr mrs 1 wllldusou miss hihio htewart of tho pout ohico stur bus boon spoiidlng a few hollduytt with relatives ut wlngham itnltrmer thu uonuort ulvon by tha choir of thu methodist church at the prince thou t re draw u largo attendance anil woa one of an iiiium unity hliti cluttd mus ponton loft lust rrlday for winnipeg to take tho position of dlet- li inn ut thu manitoba agricultural college lifter four yours sarvlco in tho same rupualty ut qiioimd hall tor onto llnlveralty dr ic d pan top loft inst saturday for vsmoouver ll c to put in about two weeks on his way west nt mayo ilros hohpltul at ilouhestur minn last prlday miss uuth eldest dnughtor of mr and mrs jos took foil from her bicycle one of bet- urmh was broken butwann tha wrist und thn olbow ry lluinslitiyclslpltiuiilmn jjouii lu a critical slate followliig an operation but his brother m h hows luuh rocclyod bogild news by wire thut ho is doling well now champion mrs ituln wife of exmayor j w illuln died nt her home hero lost thursday after inuiiy yarn lllneas denohhofl liffaotvrvod by her husband and two daughter mrs kfunk hem- sjroot of winnlper and jills annie nialn ut homo messrs archie mogibbou hart uuok qhestet- bart david monslts and chas week for a doer inint- nosth when you read our store news in this space each week it tells you of savings r j ke tllts list oi sales wndnimwiay december 1 ths tlog- emon kjiqueslng tueiriay novenlh r 1 5iftrtt- 1f thn lute duncan uounkr hit 17 eon 7 namsaguweyu hog carpet and rugf mats woven to order old ingrain carpets woven into mats j lalng icnat mary sl milton 184 now is tho time to lay in your winter underwear a shipment of stanflelds and turnbulls have just come to hind penmans underwear midweight wool and cotton guaranteed to give good wear sizes 32 to 44 special at l50l tumbulb natural wool fall weight unshrinkable all sizes in stock 34 to 40 at 2542 jo 44 st zjs0 pemnanb natural wool underwear in ladies scarce goods wo have them in medium and largo sizes 2 pieces vests and drawers at 3x0 each while ajnd gray flannelette blankets at less than the milkf price these arc tho best make extra largo size a good heavy weight in whito and gray pccial 4j pair white saxony flannelette at 45c yard we bought this lino of flannelette beroro tho last advance in price wide with soft qiiialiacqqdjigcighlspccilal45cil english stripe flartneletle at r0c this lino of english mnmieletto is worth more to day other storci are asking 00c we bought early tlio colors are fast in blud and fawn pink and gray stripes 30 ins wide special at koc 2 yard wide shirting at 9 circular pillow cottons at 70c mid 7ic untcarablc twcods at 80c tpblo jlamnsk ot 70c 75c t 00 1 js0 apron ginghams nt 40c and koc ono and two yards wide oil ooths oil cloth and congolcum rtigi 2x3 3x3 and 3sy all in stock 4 yards witje linoleum in stock at tho old price yibg per running yard look flyjii7ituilcaalouendcompittclptico mclean co mux stbebt wb sell tor cash we sell for less milton soldiers memorial drive tho milton illstrlct holsleiv mem orial committee met last week and i decided to hold u peace day drlvo on november 11 th objective for mil ton is placed at c00o the nutsldr townships to contribute the balance i to make up- the coot of the monument tin 0d0 this is on the samn day as actons unveiling of her citla memorial mpnumenl announced i oral months ago u new millinery miss jplorenc3e murray now has her showrooms open with pine display of latest styles thanks for the many calls and orders on our opening days tjlid uumtch ok aoton and vicinity auh cokdiakly wvitkd to caijl and inbxkct tub 0oodh when wash day comes it you will uppreclute the sanitary comfort and great nnnvnlonr of our up to date wiiitm pn- ameixkd or johcklaiv launihiy kqtiipmicnt your clothes will iwi wnbnl ttorrbrnrntttimitct towutow hot water f il f mooney acton ont pipe and pipe fittings for waterworks installing done charges reasonable also a quantity odtty hardwood fob salb pumps engines grinders and fleury rollers also a pull line of farm implements chas e parker v at the implement shop acton tax noticer92r municipaijty of acton the uocond instulniont of tuxeu for 1030 will bo dim on november 3c vor thn conv uh noa of ull concerned puymonts huvo ihhjii urruuged to 1k t ivuila ut tho merohuiiui hank v second instalment november 25 all rutopayerai must pay this socond instalment of taxes on or iwfom november 2 kulluro to comply with this urrungommit eutslls otra nxpnuso und trouble alt addition of tlvc pr enpt will he mudo to every tux rate or usuossmuiit rtmuliilnfarunimld fourteen days uftir wtu said s6lh day of novamlier for thu socond inutulniunt und it will be the duty of tha collector immediately after thowid uoversl days appolnte for pwy- mmil to oolloct ut once by dlutrhs or othurwlsa under tho provisions uf tha ulutula in that bohulf ull uuch tuus or liistulmeut of taxes please take your tax notice with vou to the bank when making payment w j reid collector farms for sale saturday treat this saturday we offer vou 100 ibs of our homemade cocoanut toltfee a clear wholeaomo tolfco with lots of cocoanut ana peanuts in it reg s0o lb saturday treat price 89c weekend chocolates 44c lb our weekend chocolates should bo on every saturday shopping hat becauso you save money ovcry tlmo you buy our weekend chocolate assortment reg mo and 70tj per lb weekend special he per lb 100 acres in nassagaweya townshii 1 mile from moffat 7 miles from acton us uureti workable bulunoe huuvy buuh pav ash iitm to iicmu full i ploughed clay laatnlsoll level i well und u ounk now oemont housv of 10 rooms collar hunk burn 70x81 tin up to cuttle ujid b horaeii hog itoii so ik content floors guru bchool mil ohuroh 1h miles kurttt mall und titlnphone vtismtihsltin urmned 1rloe 77s terms arranged f jiai a nice property acres n e1un townsiiipat crews0ns corners 2 miijk3 from acton 1h ucrcs workubwi imlnno oiolmnl und umull trolt gmtd garden laud well kruhto houub of 7 rooms with hlif woodshed irlvllilc shed church uorosm nuid churoh 3 miles lturul mull possoksioii nrningod price flrobd terms urraligvd 100 acres in rsquesing township 3 miles from acton- 79 acres workable tiuliiuou wood and pant lire smrtll orahurdt clay loam to black loam soil plenty of wutur j wlls und a creeks frame huus of 0 rmims also u 6 roomed liotino hunk barn ex30 with stabling stml oemont floors uarunox 88x30 vlthjitabllnsf lightning rods mi house und barn uoliool 114 ml let chunih i mile hi nil vnall poaiklo umtngl prion 7000 terms ufrungoit 157 acres in esqubsing township- prom georgetown tyi mhs boxed chocolates afceitmooreheada remember the best is none tpo b tot he sho always appre- citcs moorchcada chocolates 118 acres workable 6 ncrcs maplo bush boech balance pasture 1h acres orchard blauk loam gravelly loum und sunlly loam soil ttolld brli house of 0 rooms wujur inside hank burn 80x61 oemont btuhllur mtar currlsr tie up jg cattle new hog pen 0xj0 hon hoimel now driving house cox30 water lu stublo yard hilo 36x11 bahool 1 mil uural mall possession urrungtid price f 12000 terms arranged 100 acres in erin township 3 miles from acton 1 78 acres workable baluline bush small orchard clay loum soil llrlok house or d rooms llsuk burn flflxb tlu up id cuttle and 0 horses driving house pig pen jien house ho boo 1 x miles church iv rillus kurul mull isuhmibsioii urraugod prion fo000 terms urrungod t h mqorehelajd brampton georgetowit milton acton willoughby farm agency georgetown ont head officb our training id the that opens the door to unlimited opportuni ties in evchy line of endeavoi1 qludita may uurt any day guelph business cullego herald dido oulph o a l douck prin no common courses arc given in blinwh uilinlst schools toronto all work it high grade in every detail students may enter any day or lart homo study courict tree catalojjuo write w ii shaw prcs 101 yoneo st vono and charles bts torente ii up 1 worn fr i ljutulitu stino ilvatn ir tarles lypbli loiiiiiiimllli i i start lib l ilir lc hului roniisonoo mil tlum vvrllo for imr tlculuru w j elliott principal we want a llollublo agent for every unrepre- p rim im t ixl district to snll nur wll- vuowii fruit und nriiumi utul tms hrulis alii good pav exclubive terrltonyriahts our ogenoy is vuluabln under prownnt conditions coo acres of nurserv established 40 years write fur particulars to agency jepurtmnnt pfthamniiwsrrvro toronto ontario how to cure goitre and thick neck by a painless home remedy of roots a har wn luiv currd goltxics f mora than 40 years d landing in few weeks tlmo our trsutment is guar anteed to lie harmless and will build up a run down system write for froe lttnrmutlon to prop marlo box s37 toronto onl roy hindley auctioneer conaliaud phon eitt 4t 11 n n a acton clcaminq auction sale in towniiimp op nmihaoawhya farm stock implements hay grain and household furniture thn limb rslunod striictioiis from thn omlutn of thn late duncan mcqregor to hull bv publlo auction ut lot 37 rou 7 nithmukuwnyu on 6th hun ulmut 3 mlbs w ut of actou und one mllo oaat of htop do ilndlul on tuesday november to 1020 ut 11 oolook tihurp tho following iiolthpm liny horsn rising s uliout j ao bu blown hot no 13 yours ulmut 1 300 ihn buy clytlo mure 13 yours uliout 1 j01i lbs brown hiur 4 your ubout 1 jflo lbs bay driving hore 7 yrum lutytjiydn tlily rising 3 uliout 1 atto lbs i ny clyiln uoldlug riulng upilng i nit cowh llouli cow duo oeoomlwr whim tow iluo jiimutry 15 rtwl huilry g roan now dun may toini bnlfi dun may fs upot- trd hi lfi bred hipp iiw find uuptoiiibnr inlhir ll red youmu jal i i i ntrri rising s y ii i wnluhhlk mid to 1101 114 3 stuvra j youru nuvra i lour 3 inlfora 1 iiui 3 uprlug cnlvtu 1 fat pioh jl itlki vt inonthu u nigs 7 wonka york sow ork sow lired ootolmr 1u rlilciol d lireediui wtn pott lt 11 y about 40 vlyinulh u0i u hniih miinlx i plj mouth ruck pullntil id uom implumianxh mithuoy harris lilinlui i foot cut nearly now mim- hoyllinrhi inowi n fool puti mssy- iliiribi inuwti l foot tut toltou lieu burvi mtiu poa rako uhurp rake rtillm mituiiuylhirrls uevil drill li hpouti muuup 1 inn in oultwutnr 13 tooth l rout v wood illuo lutirow a mhitloii disiu huuow 4 unotlou dratf lutrrow till nip uosir j fu rowrml crown git pit pliv suifcln klmiry plow no si j uoiiffli m uiidk wauion 3- limh tiro luuvy uiioii 1lnoh the utook iiiiki buy ruck gutvoi hnx domom ut wnuifon top laigy road cart sot liuht iiloluliu uutli l kood 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potutouii lolllo tlog and t olllo pup tiqrmh ol hal13 111 00 and ititlo hh ovor that uiipnnit i i u unit lot milt on upprtived joint kiotou i t fill ounli liny giulii fowl fut cow huusoliold riirnlture 4 uiuh litiinh provided tor bono comlnk a nltjurioo no retsrve as the farm la sold i r j kerlt auotlonr phono 30 acton w k qtlajlam clorlt v joa te- 1 ww

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