5 if wife admt 3xtt tfrxtw fr 4fc tiiuiikiiav hovku11kh 11 loso t1ik antm vhvk jiukhttl imrlill rj ttuiiy in at tlr im luimin iuttcx al- hl- t kxiiiim vfi- i j 1t1- irrr ila llfc ilt ndilitlonal in ollitr tl uwilj mllc tb ul l whllt i pli4 uul liit i mii ilvi altvkutikiwikatkttsntunt iiiili i t t n fr i i l tt lia 1 u r i- 1 annum jj wi lrtiu imliw h 1 mookk kjllur aul lubuh texki-iionk- hydro power expansion wtiilo thoro iinvo bean serious inconveniences of late because of shortage ot hydro power it must withal bo a matter of personal gratification ro sir adam heck that ha has so completely triumphed over the pessimists xho predicted at the outset of hydro activities that ho would never live to aeo 10000 horse power distributed as a matter of fact the hydro is actually distributing over 300000 horse power at- present and nother50000 horso power could be put into use in ontario at once kdikxi htid urn ihu editorial provincial health reports indicate that smallpox is again increasing in ontaritj people hould exer- ciso eve p ntt contact with this d eddiscasc and to observe absolute quarantine if it bo 1 contracted the advice of leaders in economics and social service both in canada and the united states to the laboring classes is by all means to keep their jircschi jobs if possible there is a rapid develop ment of unemployment yilliam jennings bryan oltcrs prcsijen wilson the gratuitous ndvico to resign at once and give ire3ldentetc1ibydinlb the presidential harness most or us thought bill bryan knew president wilson better than to suggest such a thing hell hang on tight until the 4th march next sure great britains buoyancy in her business activi ties is always admirable the nationwide coal min ers strike paralized industry everywhere during good part of october already industries are in active operation again everywhere and conditions approach the normal without delay a few weeks ago- it was prophesied in these columns that before mnv months the united states would be glad to take canadian money at par already american border merchants are advertising that canadian money will now be accepted at face value stores in buffalo which a month ago de manded 15 discount now are glad to take our money at 8 the star the other evening significantly remarked while ontario is striving so diligently to stop rum- ffgonipgonoaaaojuw4atcoitiverwh isn 1 michigan equally- busy on the other it is the duty of this country to suppress lawlessness originating within her borders but the federal authorities of the united states are supposed to exert themselves to prevent smuggling the milton reformer reached its thirtysixth birthday last week it iahaje hearty and vigorous j and prepared for continued usefulness no cana- dian weekly is more loyal to its constituency than is the reformer and the county town owes that paper monrrhkttlrcan eyerxepay for its constant advocacy of matters pertaining to tbo best interests and-desir- vahlq progress of milton mr r white the founder of the reformer has had the unusual distinction of being directly- responsible for its cotirse of action from the day of the issue- of the first number continuously through the thirtyfive years of its pros perous career minimum salary of 2000 for teachers the minister of education of ontario has been telling conventions of teachers at- various points in the province that 2000 is none too much for the minimum salaries of teachers perhaps not teachers should be well repaid for their arduous nervewreck ing professional duties it is quite manifest how- ever that the smaller municipalities cannot possibly collect an amount of taxes sufficient to meet salaries of that minimum amount think of 20000 per annum for the salaries alone which acfoji board of trustees would require to requisition from thcmuni- rbipaicquncil on that basis if mr smith is to see bis mihinittra of 2000 paid to the teachers or on tario his government will be under tho necessity of supplementing the meagre amounts now given in grants to trustee boards on soluitaccounts by a largely mul increase annually m a newspapers fifty years experience the orillia packet celebrated the fiftieth anniver sary pf its founding with a most interesting historical number last week a series of very readable and instructive reminiscent articles from the pens ol the founder mr william m hale and a number of residents of orillia who have spent half a century there give this splendid special issue a value much beyond any casual estimates tho packet has- for i fifty years been conducted by members of the hale family an experience unusual in the history of the majority of canadas newspapers it has been a real newspaper substantially repcesentative of tho town and district which have accorded it tho generous support it has deserved and has faithfully lived up 6 the prospectus of october 21 1870 which stated asafamily paper the packet will be unexception able nothing low or immoral will be admittod toits columns in this respect especially this very worthy journal has maintained n chnrctcr of sterling up- rightness and has been a helpful visitor to tho homes ere il has been received from week to week the contents of this anniversary number stir up delight ful memories of the writer or this paragraph in r association with the outstanding men who have been rmore or feasjintimately related to the packet during the fortythree years of his journalistic experience there have been the hale brothers and sons all noble y nien o high aspirations and attainments c blackett robinson prince among joiirnahstjwith a fine record of good workmnd helpfulness accomplished during his long career and who it still active al- rhotfganoqtogenarta pe muuay t ve canadas national ebt beinf reduced it is very gratifying that our national debt is being reduced in these strenuous times expanding rev enues last month brought a reduction in tho net canadian national debt or 2034358 the bounding revenue coupled with a heavy fall n capital ex penditure duo to the practical closing up or war acco is re with kee satisfaction with a reasonable spirit of economicaradministratioifthe government should bo ableito gradually but sorely reduce our national indebtedness by considerable amounts from month to month notable referendum victories thotoronto world has nover been noted for the expression of opinions favoring prohibition how ever it frankly makes tho following synopsis of tho results of the recentvoting in the prairie provinces and nova scotia the drys have scored notable rcf6ricfioofcrenumns-undeithc- pcrance act held on october 25 jn the provinces or alberta saskatchewan manitoba and nova scotia one would bo indeed blind who could not see how overwhelming is tne temperance sentiment in canada yet so long as part of the country is wet and part of it dry the traffic in liquor will be carried on with huge profits for most undesirable citizens bodllcgging and rumrunning will continue with the demand for illicit traffic rrom the bonedry provinces and the united states sooner or later and in the near future the drys will carry their fight into the federal field one of four millions second anniversary of armistice day today wo celebrate the second anniversary of the signing of the armistice whilo peace came after four long years of terrible war on november 111018 this second anniversary finds many dreams unweldlng into realities much that we deprecate remaining to be eliminated a glance at tho headlines of the daily papers shows frequently announcements which do not accord with the high hopes with which the work of reconstruction was begun at the unfurling of tho rut are we downhqartcd no i our soldier sons could give that ringing answer in the face of direst danger anddiscouragemont surefy we can reiterate it- today even though mistakes have been made and opportunities neglected even though actualities do not measure up to the ideals of two years ago wo can go on to build the third year bravely and serenely upon the mistakes and progress of the past are we downhearted no emphatically and triumphantly let us as canadian citizens say nol- many parmera are keeping accounts the fact that farnters are very generally adopting business methods in accounting is a- very salutory sign it means more intelligent and satisfactory operation of their important businessand it is a business in the truest sense twenty thousand farmers account bookahyoecn supplied to cana dian farmers by- the commission of conservation this farm record book enables the farmer to keep complete account of all financial transactions on tho farm the receipts and expenditures tor the several branches or work for horses cattle sheep swine poultry field crops etc and for labor and miscellaneous it provides also for an inventory of lands and buildings and of live stock feed and supplies and machinery together with a summary of the years business instructions for keeping the accounts are clearly set forth additional valuablo features are a yearly crop yield record a live stock service record and aids in taking inventories ah this specific information is invaluable in determining the farmers operations to secure the success he deserves for his arduous efforts armistice day afier effects of warn today wo joytully celebrate the second anni versary ofneace from the foujryearswar and king george has requested twominutes of absolutollenco throughout the empire in i honor of tho armistice two years ago along hundreds of miles of trench line on the battle grounds of europo millions of sturdy ablebodied men trained to the highest efficiency in the use of deathdealing weapons faced each other with intent to kill yet ready it need be to suffer death for the cause for which they fought on the one side were millions dominated by a severe and coldblooded military autocracy on the other side millions representing tho freedomloving nations of the world to the eternal benefit of humanity the forces of freedom prevailed then came the armis tice and then the peace won by the sacrifice of legions of splendid men who now sleep their last sleep in- soldiers graves on theoattlefields where they fell for the first time in four years the great guns were sitenvthq whistling of buhotaand shrap nel was stayed and the battle carnage ceased but war does not indict its terrors only upon those who are directly engaged in it the secondary results of war are famine and disease and death among the civilian population of the warring nations with constitutions weakened by mental suffering by lack of food clothing and all tho ordinary com torts of life children and women and men becqmeo prey to such diseases as consumption typhoid and typhus thus death enlarges and continues the hdrrjblehar- vesrof war conditions such as these now prevail among the people in many countries of europe several of which were our allies sucn suffering and misery cannot but make a profound appeal to the sympathy of all whose condition is of v happier character great britain ever in the lead in i the 1 a photograph direct from the warstricken area por month preserves the xife of millions of waif orphans in central europcere growing titnindemootlitadnhdironrcdr one child thousands of them nrfc dying of typhus tuberculosis and smallpox there is almost a complete lack of the nourishing foods growing children need of clothing of doctors nurrcs nnd medicalsupplies the condition of the children is pitiable in the extreme upon this coming generation depends largely whether these nations will be healthy wad rightminded or a hotbed of anarchy and degeneracyva menace to the world it ha bn found by aaperunca that the cost of caring for a wajf child la apptexlmataly thraa dollars psr month that of tha supplier that ara r4utrd by imports about one dollar i neededtand tharefons the dollar that w proyld tograther with the local support of local ffoyernmenta local munlci- patitlaii local charities and local services practically preserves the llf of osm child the british empire warrelief fund will be adniinis- lertd in europe by the british red cross in cooperation with the league of red cross societies send your cot- tribution care of the canadian red cross ehwi find tiuuy nnlcrfc t u wy cmtnbutlon la tke cwwih kl0 society fa- euuopem rauj hum iw t rw modyau oootnwioo to u mrijc drni or to the cuugui ra cjbtt 410 kckp costs down at a recant amthorfna c bunlneaa mn lntratd in th aubjoot o ml- vertlitta jo v jfohnaon d c 8 dean of tho nw york unlvvrolty school of commerce v an oddreaa tho ubjoot of advortulna as n koonomlo korea- a on ooonomlc force- mua xean johnson advortlalna aivea birth to nuw wants and ao cat on oconomlo demand tor mor gooda thua tandlna to increaao the demand tor thu labor o nrnttor how woitdqrttfl your invention or how flne tho quality of youraooda pop1n will not buy unleoa they know whut you have there roro you almply tnuat odvartuw it- la ontlrely wronk to look upon tho expanaa of advarualnf as ote of tho coat which add to tho pdca tho truth la qutto tha contrary without advartlalnc larae- acala production abaolutoly itnpoaalblo and laraoaaala production la tha alno ruaniq tow prlceu s v someona ha nomputod that ft bualneaa men of tha jjnltod fitjitoa in norma tlmea baforo tha sraat wr wora apandlnir ono billion dollars ft year iji advertialna a mualgmom vexmomiat would tmmedlato1yjumaaa the ooncjuaton that tha poor ultimata conaumar footadthla anormouabll if we could aot all tho facta how ever i horva no doubt w could prove that thla bllllondollar axpendltura for udvertlalna roducad prtoali to iuoh tn extant that at tho end of the year tho american people wore more than a billion dollars battar oft than thoy would have been had aomafaka econ omic cur beaun tho new yearf with thn edict aaolnat adyertlalnk- qod8 holy day on the ixtnutiful etubbuth monilna whan the aklaa are mled with aolden atinahlne and the earth la olad with verdure sreen when nature la puttlna forth lb moat aorbeoue uapecu of beauty in foreat netdand meadow when the temptation artaea to fonutka the itouee of clod let uh not fonret that if we turn our feetlnto the paths of our own pleaaure we forfeit one of the ereateat bleaalnaa of life thoae who uaa th sabbath bay merely for their own jicaaure ought to refloat that there la absolutely nothing that ttilmyrorld hoa to offer that can oom- peneuto any family for tho demornllxa- tlon of itfl reialoua ufa tha ti no to mi of tha holy sabbath day with itn divine aanctlono together with thn innplratlona of public worship in thn sanctuary fraarant with the peano and utrenbth of clod are analent land- mar ha of our inheritance of olvl and retlgloy liberty and aafeirunrd of tho moral arandour of ohuracter which w cannot afford to remove the hleht type ofood cltlaennhlp and the no- bloat development t family life with ho vlch endowment of individual character can be nourlahed and main talned only by kuuglunoo to godi holy day u wor in hlw holy j touaor in ot friendly entertdlnlng but soniowhat unstable found- r of the orillia imes and his successors the etlach- atories father moiherajuj have mado the ttihies a jiower for good lij orillia wo value highly our assqciatlqn vith this galasy of lnnuonti1 and fusofmlnewsnaper proprietors dndedltorial wrltersr xllfeh year the packet is as vigorous as ever in the past and its adnilnistration is in as vnloand competent hands as at any time since orillia was blessed by its advent exercise of humanity after victory has started british empire fund tor the relief of the war suf- fireraof europe through the governor general of canada the canadian red has booh atiked to participate in this hunano duty ithas uridcr taken tho task of ortonirlng the appeal in canada and tnnpsppnse t srio ddhbt that thpusandaofourcltizonaof this fair land will gladly contribute a generous quota of their mcagq toward iie ajjovibtion of tho auttering million the atriclcen countries of europe and heyond why shscahe xoain attepdlna the americanization cloata mra ulnerva- jonea i had one object und one only she wanted to loam w write her name vera time all effort aeemed futile and tha palmr taklna nnd oonaolentloua teacher wai on tho verge of daepalr but ut luat patience had ita reword and toward he end of tho oouraa mlntrvn wn able to trace luborluualy but proudly the mafflo aymbola then ahe teated on her luureli the exhaupted teacher heaved a alih of relief- a the door oloaed on mlnervaa portly form l fool that i huve not hved in vain but i ehould hate to qo thrauih that acanhe aald to ono of thb qwtlat- apta at the belpnlna of the next terra much to the oatonuhment of all min erva aanln urceented heraeir blund and amlllnr m uaual wall mlnervay what van wo do for yout n the instructor endeavored to opeok cheerfully tvo done come to- learn to wrlli my name mtw mary announced ulnerva complacently t out you earned hona to do thwt laat term minerva you aurely havent forcotten o noon uadbromlly uq lalllt the farrjaerbanker auiarice v you b to your lawyer for legal advice to tho doctor for medical advica why hot to the merchants bank forflnanrlwl advicot if you want a loan to buy cattle hofirsor equipment if you want hifortuatioa aa to how to invest money come to those who make a business of financial mattera and are in a position to ffive you aound and i impartial aidvice th mcrchants bilimk hotehoni of canada estabhahliaa4 acton branch jsrgj georoetown- r vvcrajioyi shop where you are invited to shop i foraot mlaa mary but ive done changed my noma alnce then im mra jcphralm jnckaon now- castoria gor intents and cm in use for over 30 year dodge bros tee owner of a dodge car can safely de pend upon consistent continuous and economical daily service universally low gasoline consumption and high tire mileage i i distributor on ii jueaa business directory medical th08 0rav fl d 6 w muqlll 1 11 o v krtfiibnrah f it i a h qlaaaow weml liillluh mh- caj aaaoclatloti etc omc frreilorldk nlmt aotmi qui or j a moniven phyalelan anil quroaun offlo and niatio cornor ifiiwm avnu and klln hrreatm tliu- rimid no foranarly occuplod by ij illln daraon actoa out dh c p w rtobq orgetown ont fiuholiaaburaaon orac hoapltal hlmiojul itttuntlori l dlitihou of women unl aiillliit iiiki infunt hudluit leoau rhoiie no 53 io k33b harold nash iarmeii ma bnrrmar bolloltor notr pudlle convajnyanoar etc- pemuvman dlocik acton ont uonmv to fal woura 33o um in c pm j dental or j m bell d d i dentlat dk onii- gnuluate of toroiitit miilvar- alty the uteata annathetlu lined if daairad mibcel n eotjb marriage licenses h p moore laauar marrlaae lloeneae wlvate oolco no wllnoaaua r- qulred taau4 at realdenca inavenlna raal ome acton ont francis nunan boohblndar acobii hfboo1cabf all it in hm vnad t a order perlodtoaja of every deucrlp- uon carefully bonnfl itullntf nnutiy and promput done wyndham street quelph ont over william htore lleaneed auatlanear fcor the cotinuaa of tuuon w luna- ton peel and duitorln and thn city of uuolph actqn ontario ufp may be arranged y mall o at reel den oe at acton or at the free preaa office acton v the mercury omoe ouelph thonewaheoord formnju or with w j aordon ilameaa maker ulluburm- salea entrusted to 1l j korr re- eelve attention from date of uatlntf to data of aale lbit your aalea with mm residence bower auinuii aeton phone 18 acton call at my itjxpona jecheevers i book binder quabaonu eaat qualph onl iboolta and mnaaalnea bound la fandaome end pubatontta1 oovera homaa lettered in void on blbtea uymnbooka and other nooka all work promptly exeouked w orvewstx victory bonds bearer or regltared j ecarter inveatmant broker qualp i alex niven ontario land surveyor arid cmi engineer burveya bubdlvlalona plana ilo- torta iaacrlptloiu bui certlflcatee tor inirchaaerh und mortsturoea survuya tor arciltcctu butldera and municipal coiinullmi dralaace itedorta icatlmatou bto molean building douglae st qubiipu phonu 1001 oni tgraying d3 richmottd st vasr tfohonto gana04 grand trunks the double track route jhctwkian montreal toronto petroit chicago joexcelnl dliihik om miirvlcn weeping- car on nlkht trulnw aud parlor oara on prlnolpul- day tvulni trull- information rrom nhy qratiw trunk ticket ijiuilt br q w hornln rjlatrlot pvaoenger autinl toronto h a holjhka aircnt aoton ont phone 18 tljo old and upliablo granite and marblo dtyilors wo are roaliufontureni mid illrwot rtotftof all wnda our cuatomore at whloalo wrlcoa i aavlhr our cuatomnru 0 tier cent have the beat aiipllanooh iihtl the t- operate pneumatlo toola broperly j can aivo roferenoea from hunureda flour ouatomemln toronto und other loea where othora tiave to hava law order to collect wo imvo m and boat mtookiof q run i to in tho dominion or mora than any throe fealera in the woal wi ore lojrlu- ato deajera and employ no oaortta id do riot annoy or peat cuatoraora oendlna out ivnoruht oyonta bollqit- hg ordero wo employ only meclmntca lnd defy oomsatltlon ltqnwisis tf orwlob at woojwioh tgpl obala m