Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1920, p. 6

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rtsjhmhmhi i ttlrth marriage mid danths urn now chargfrd for tt tlm following ratoat itjrtlui cftc murhniut goo xwiuths coo unmorlul cnrdu 50o ion nr lino nltru fur pomps bo fin coosman at mtnvoiim 1 olnt i on mnwliiy ontohnr jd 103 m mr mill mrw vrmiui olrmuti u imtiitilnr ictliol fllu lya matrilkwh- al wnliliy jiompllul ti ronto on 1m luy nnvimnhnr t lofl i mr mi i mrs a uattunwa u win vwih ltoswh hull died tiiomi hon al fltoiiwltllams hi thnrsluy oi thr 3 lt0 laulwdla hbuw wl low of lh lata jumna thompson kk l ob yours mothnr of mm j 1 mrolhbou milton in mcmonvw j- mahatvh in lovim momory her twirl mnuili wliw dutl ut hlm homs iii acton novotnwr 13 1du w ofluii think of you dear llarli hut not wllh outward show vnr tha hourta that mourn uinoaroly uouni nflently and low ttlta vauujv artnn jflroifcraiii tiiumhuay novicmhicu 11 1020 j brief local items arrrilstloo hay ftuur wltl ho lit toronto- if tritny j flat your hturm doors and windows ut tlow wld you w inliroin 4ju fcawkct ly wat vruuyy novumlmr no fur bus ulvoti u fair portion if tumuli i hi thn willlnrx knoituinolit liorn i to yw uuvollml till afternoon humdcuf in full bloom wnro plckod 1tt alton kurdn during tho wmk tho vvrkiit nnww iukwi muh- airlpthm prlea u now 3 00 por yr y mom of th wcuthar durtmr tlm wwk would tuiau for indian sum- now clour up thn lavs twill ixi naslor doltttf it itow that naxt prlntf mid ruin frost and snow hnvti lmmn as fruiiunt this month km in april anton has mi v oral vary worthy cloimantuut uiououiorb vonfljon allowance fond now that thn urlca of sugar in oomfnir down thn prices of candy und rakas am follow i ok suit burlington dooan t uke it hocnusa it in th only town in tho county nftt nwrcfltmtrilgn the muthani itn- ion allowance llontit th annual ohmil cononrt will b ivnn in th town liall on wadnnuday rmmbr i lartlciular of tho avnnt will bf piibllatind later quolnha qerroan flolil kvn havo bfn rnmovnd from th city hall pquaro tt lo wtch m- hr tranro to tho arrnarla thn jlefonrter wanu th- anduwn m p to sot after thfl lncroad froljtht ruta mm hn did thn hoard of comrorcon huftar bun hlmlbumo u to ivavo a hospital a oornpany has ixwn farmil thn 1 capital ia lilaood at 4t 000 divided into four thouaaml ahartw- mim uargorttt a day daujthtor at tho lato t j hay at quelpy dlvuion court clark for many yoarw hoa lon aqpolntod to auoctmxi hi father jay t m olbtknit ho iurchaed opn of tm latest powr ahoe rpalrlnif machine und will have hla motor in- tallml to drlv4 it in a faw daya kour oantw iwr wtxik for n local nnwapapor devoted utcuivoly to tho community and poople tor whom it ta published la aurely rnaaonublv rtho annual mnort of tho chll- dronu aid society ut milton laat ttiuraday wu received too late for thin imaua it will appear next week adam alireo liad the mlofortuna laal avodnoaday to sot lila left arm in th th nf a hlda oonveyor at tho tan nery thn arm wiu fracturpd at the wrlat there art ntlll numoroua empty cal uimt in thn olnn how- la it you can cat nuf oonl ut aoton mnrvnl or urumpton and none at georgetown herald itov wrn jlujt rctor of st oeora church aoontetown luu teen appointed to niasara ktolui south ilia departure from georgetown will be rejrrettd mr jtred uenay a hlg ib iwond turnip bait boon excelled by on grown by ur ijvllllam vrank ninphntawoyn formerry of anton which weljthu over twenty pounda w i two farmerm were proaeouted at wlniiham for aelllna wood abort tnoaj mm one of the offender had to pa back a few dollar to a widow whom he hud oheated come little leave auld the wind on day come o er the irurdana with inn and play put on your dreaae nf red und notl wuntmer la none uud tho daya brow rnld owlnif to thn uoualblllty of thn offlclul iirogrammea of the iiitvelllntc belnc oxhauhted we slvo on our fihst wg tho order of aervloe a a rr an bed for thn occaalon tlmea do ohanse laat week ner- tnhulon waa klveii for the ft rat time for auudmita tit amoke wthln he acred preclnata of knox collaffo quelph mercury in the achool remrt puhllahpd in loat weekn vwat tkaa the nume of olasya tjnhan ahould have appeared inatead of tliat of vera muaalea in the senior jlmt department the mayor of colllnswood now reelveu an honorarium of 600 a year the aldermen rot o00 for each reu- ur moetlnn is 00 for each apeclat ami 11 for each committee meeting mlaa annie jolllffe of nockwood cave an inwaatlnjr talk on mbwiona in china at thn bpworth laaifun on monday avenlns mlah jolllffe hu two brothera iniaaloiiarloa in china coimlilorlnir the way a lot of nuto- moblle driven tie have thoao hurana which aotne year ao uaed to jump into a ditch at the night at n ma chine allowed very good judgment judging from the number of trap ping llcenaea leaned to re id tint of aoton and vicinity there inn at ini large numb era of furj- bearing anlmala in tlila aeollon unfl good rroney th ecurinr- them tho editor of the ooorgetown jlarald la evidently living high mo aayai w thank manager mackay of the hank of hamilton for u brnoa of snrlld duckn laat wcok- they mere lino peclmena 1ohce muglatrato darr hurllngton made alx oonviotlona on monday for viloallon of uie ontario temperance act fine of 1440 and coat were im posed ina pector harvey received a cheque tor tbl a amount yeaterday a lacked nnogree teum from northern and kxoetnior cumpa tor- ortto vlaltod acton camp no is woodmen nf the world monday night a very enjoyable evening was ppent both fraternally and aocjally tht membem of the methodist choir entertained mrm stout or duulph tovan enjoyable social hour with refreahmento during the weekly rehoarsal on tudny evening mra stout haa bad tffe choir lq training inoa beptentbtr with u8 wtiv wenn tl o that atartail prloa raduotlon in oualph and now we pan aider lower prjeaa an aatab lukad fact wed rather ud tha trad than trail at tha rear at the pmcaaalon evan ifwa ara aoeuaad of rampant orjoln allty and many othar thlnfla too wa daeldad in saptam- bar that tha publlo war alok of high prloaa and without consulting anyona doldd to wallow our madlolna atart a bio price- lowering sale and ball our heavy took of the hfahqrade clothing for i a than we expected but that doeant make any dlffarenos wa could have aold our atock at tha raaular prloaa thay ware good valuaa at thoee flourea but people ampaot lower prloaa and were beelno to it that you are gattlno uern we want the public to fe1 that wa are with you in the eam- palfln for lower prloaa rphe clothing bualnaaa ix lint flolng to the bow- wowi a flood houw clean ina la going to make bualnsfa batter and conditions better jot of tit euerynarehant can make flood bualnaaa if ha wanta to tha publlo wont rlaa to an artificial fly thay havent aaan prloaa ao low aa our reduced prloaa or valuaa ao good for an long that they are imply wallow the greateat clothing values ever offered to the publlo qeqwallace allway5 reliable f clothier l gullphdnt bargains in millinery 395 thursday friday and saturday caihes iiiicsi- auk italti itariiains andweix woittii vouit conhidkration nellie m stockf ord diuh eloka neighborhood news- town and country qgpninqe tho inomlwra of the wommia jn- atltutn hua nrrangod a uplundli concert nnd bote aoclal for vrltlay evening thl imturtatnmont will bo held in tha onprlhko irnhool houo and tha follow ing mplandld titlont will provide tha prograinmni mrm rtout wololut of cluolpli miaa 1 intchor i locutloulut of niihhagawnyd mr maarthur humor- ut ouolph a good orolioatm and locjxl talent many attructlva boxen of rofnuhmotitm may lie expected from the ladloa mihu nelllo cooko 1ro- idont luid mlaa ueriha mocutclieoi secretary hnvo thn event in haul und thlh fact lit un uhaurauca that it will bo muecouhfu glenwilliamo ali are worry for bla removal nu ha la hold in the hlght tmtuom by ull he goou to niagara vullil a momorlul aorvfee und uuvolllug of u tahlut will bo hold in thn mothn- dlat church on hunduy nvnihuf novembor eb ueturnejl uoldlorw uro invited to attend drunk ramttnun to paradn tho ntruntii here tlio hiipply of liooan wiut uvl denlly not ull uhoi up lliu night of the frutuu on tho utrtot when the orungo bull wum in progrehti horn roue la working fur an uxpmlvo full one of thouo ii mi duyn milton at lluinlltoii on i uomtuy 1 rank cur- roll iuy 17 wuh mimtiniod to ik yea in in khun to n foi hhoutliig imlioo cpn itulle li i murrott fnriimrly of mhum thn mutou o w v a olub nioma hnvo been apldndldty nfiirnlijlml ml aru now tha beat eviulpped in halton thoy are open nvory tivnoif tho nttnndance ut last saturday uvunlngx meeting of the- committee w thn monument to tho mold i ore of milton unij nelbhbirhood who fell n tho great war wa very aatlhlactury there wero over twouty from town and towuahlp it vun deoldod to iaaue auhunrlptfon curila utmllur to thoao uatd in the oh urn boa rjrwurd movu ment thoy will be dlhtrtbutod early next week and colluded on tub inat anulatlon hay whoivjt 1u hoihid tlmt tho objectives will bo ranched or ex ceeded that of milton is b 000 that of the townships may she f 1 000 oaob champion georgetown mr chulinai h mioualic teturnvd home hist wuk after i pending u oiipla of mouuis in tlio wont tho amount oullectod in tlenrgo town for tho navy ioagtio uooordlng ut htuiiim to dute is 3u7 74 muhioii llaull of thu mothodilit chumh will hold u juponomi to a unit null on saturday rjeoomber 4 in tho hnuemkint nf tho ohurah vorxlintllouekali iilge nt 1jn wllf glye n tou in tho jublla llbrury on hatiirday n so mr hen erwhi of itochotr n y was n vlaltor in town lust week mr j o v lino n of aahgrove has just been awnrdod a aohnlarahlp for rtla work during tho lust term t tho central technical school toronto mr p l herbert of muplo avouue leff on suuduy nlgit for imuoxvlllo qua to attend tho funeral uf mm herberts father the lata mr ii h llleber h l mirt c c h 1 or now york wll glv a serloa of laaturea in tho town hall tho weak of inpvember 14 under tho nuapeea of hoy cross chdjroh werald any person doslrlmi rrinrotfwn do well to nftapd no aalto pi p m i wlupn b oo i township tikfrni- nvb ion cqrnep on 1 november is me nswork shoes boys school shoes ma mo ua1 jhou v e gibbons dt quality at lowt prloaa oepairino i bnv just luatnllod a new lhiwer munhhin for repairing ifiitufactloii guuruntiwd t egibbons the youths cornpetnion amencaa homo and family weekly its crld of nne la coreiwl by no odier publication in amedca its pufpoan nnd pownr are bflarant lie dtvanriiy and p ality and quantity of reinl appeal to aol id jiopjs and hijssii 1 i popcrt loving people- ihi vrmmkiy tutailng uinko vrvty at altido and all its information doubly valuable and accplule scumc carrwmi ertmtt jinr4mau ldm ghw swi and still z56 a year msst itiiry every subscriptions rece3vejo at this office sect beat wfera iow v the free vrvad and he yhiuvh companion 4j0 why hens never lay half an egg tfae uaual method of feeding mostly groin makes yolks but not enough whites to eoaqijsa the eggs as tha ben cannot lay these hmw made oggs she ubeoibs them beck into bar oystem mlasoail kspeilment station tests showed that 100 lbs of whoat com oats bailey and bantr com make above bodily malntance on average of 224 yolks but only 184 wajrao baaed tin data from the same bspeibnanta ipaaias lorax ulaa produce above bodily maintenance as follows i purirm scratch feed 2474 yolk 1421 1 white purina chicken chowder 182 05 2s2ss combined ration 4294 yolks 42466 whites note tia peifact balance of yolks and inltaand tha laige number of each this combination of puilna faada makes the maximum liumber of oixnnlar eggs eggs a jhon will lay thats why we can absolutely gu amnion j knore egg or money back on purine cnlcken chowder if fad with purine scratch feed as dheeted you lake no tlek for sale by d h lindsay mill street acton flour anp feed store saturday treat we have a great treat mr you this week 100 lbs of our labj caramels although tdoy ure oiled ludy curamoli babies girls boys rain unci women all lovo thorn choeoluto anil vanil flavor a soit caramol wllh nuts in it hog s0c lb saturday treat jwcojhte kt-l- weekend chocolates 44c lb 1 wo doubt if you enn buy such lilgli grade chocolates as our week end assortment nt ao low a price anywhere in canada wo are proud of this fact and it is with very great pleasure thatwurcroiikyou eveiycek4ibauturwcc1ucnuclio jj reg poc pnd70oig weekntl special 44c t hjvioorehead baajuton qeohfibrown mut0n acton ready for fall and winter trade you wiix find our stock of merchandise complete in every ik- paktmemvyou will fund ouu puiceh lowkit than thk big city stores dress bergoi ni 3jj0 per yard these sorftcs aro ontra good valuo for tho money wide width all wool colors aro black navy brown and green regular 425 for 3j0 per yard tweed drees goodaat reduced pricea you will nnd these tweeds good for chil drens coots odd skirts and aro good value at 4 50 for 375 colored cord velveis for boya suits girls coats 27 ins wide special nt 5125 per yard ladles wool hose for winter wear this lino of wool hoso in block only sires pair we carried this lino over from last year and will sell them at last years price 100 per pair large size flannelette blanket ni low prices these blankets nro double bod size in white an grpy and nrc manufacturers the prlco seconds if they were llrnt would bo 4 75 vorjzvk remnant heavy cotton hhlrunk at reduced price this is the best bargain we have shown for a long time the pat terns aro blue and white black and white stripe the colors ore fast heavy weight for winter wear good lengths 1j4 and 3j yaids and you can save 20 per cent if you got here bo fore- they aro oil sold up large size white lied spread nt re duced price 2s bed sprcndn honey comb patterns large sio regular price is 4 50 to clear at g3 95 just come to hand a large shipment of christmas handkerchiefs a good time to look over them and pick out what you want while the assortment is good wo will put them to one side and keep them ullwontcd 1 mclean co mill street we sell tor cash we 8ellfoh less actont evertorj tie wm llortop is nddlnff imprnve- rnotilu ty his hour mill nuttink every- ihli u into unlp date condition xllhmlcllth hmullhorn of dotroll is homo mwndlns a f we with hnr rdothor mr llurold flmlth of i ho town 1 ne htth a welromo vlwltor hlu slator itm v west of atminloori hcotlaud neutly ovnry farmer haa luwm liuay liliuilnur turnip tlm mat wrutk or rnin mr ltox boott huu tuknu a lmsltlon in u ilrua alont at mil ton mujor iuunsdon uod fumlly motoroil from urlmsby uud a mint tho weokentl with hlu narents hnrn mr kenneth mflttouicau of loronu jumimrdi u smt- 1 ntmm rjuv-w-wyd- his teutdoiibo horn thn unnuul mwllntf and nlntlon of ntnthiru of thn north frln club u o will imi held ut tho homo of icphralm ihirlmtiir loth line on tburmlny even- inif novombor 11 mr a c irorfman of wnrkworth 1m in nlmrao of tho local hrauoh of the union hunk nf cuiuidu dghnif th altstiice uf mr w t hodifson who huu tfono on a hunting trip c j hamilton huu piirohatiod from n dmmun hlu crotxry httxiki uml will do biimliwutm in tho old utaud mr 111- muti iium moved his dry bimmis and bimilu uml shoe4 to the advocate ii look on monday uvnlilnjr tho maulutruteu court wuh nrowdiwl whon a hnhart- mon of anton was flnnd sc und costu for hnvltiir usod thn momt foul latluuaito to his alati r mra mary morrlaan uml t w c watmm iwith of lcrln town- fdiln advocate outturn- lhios or any other metal work ui ut your poit thnn huvu lis cull und hx a iirlre for tlm work whh h will pltuumi you hy llu moderation n don t have to ir l tfvw i tr wre mooney acton ont pipe and pipe fittings for waterworks installing done charges reasonable no common courses aro given in shaws business schools toronto ail work in high grade in every detail students may cntor any day or start homo study courses prco catalogue wrlto w h shaw pres 305 y6nge st also a quantity op dry hardwood vou saijb pumps engines grinders and floury rollers also a poll line ot farm implements our training iq the chas e parker al the implfmtnt shop acton t that opcno the door to unlimited opportuni ties in everv line op endeavor 8tudan may start any day guelph business college i hsrald bldfl gualph ont a l rouck prln kenny bros fall and wlntar boots and rubbara lum barmans hfavy rubbara and books y haavy boots for all tha family good aasortmant of jjna goods ounpniceo wilaalwavo commend puh goodq rbpalrlnfl csrstully parsonslly and promptly auand to itulllllqit liiaiolfl a pwoialt kenney bros main street acton ont farms for sale 100 acres in nfassagawbya township 1 milk prom mopfat 7 miles from acton sb uorvu worknhlr luthiiioa hmvy huuh obk uwh uud jlni hrnhard rood vttrloty nf fmlt 0 u wi full plouahcd jay loam will lnvol 1 woll uml acktok cuncmt hnui of 10 rooms oallur olatom hunk hum 70x54 llo uit 11 onluo and h lims mniont floors hou pun 30k18 oimont doorf uurnio tlohnnl mh church l inllou llural mull und tolophoiio tousouulnii wrrniikfld irlo 7rg ytrnvt ltrulluttd creat stock farm 100 acres in esques1ng town ship 7 miles from georgetown 86 aoioii workublo bulunco pusturu und hush g wirw orohunl b roit full whout hiilinwe full ploimhoiti iny loam soil rataht land clood frumo houati of h rtioirta rood ccllnr hunk hum ycxbtj stahllnif for 18 rutthi uud hormui 1lif mui drlvlnif iiounm hon houso ullo hohool j lots iturul mull ami tltphnnn jossisulon rvunuodi lrlco t0t0a tiit ins an ullutiil 75 acres ovlrlookjng stanijby park at erin viliage ik ucros workublo 10 uuiau of hnnlwood buuh urn til i orchard 30 uoram full plouulieil oluy innm noil plonty of wiitur ifood wh uud a rlvor runs tlirouicli tlio propirty ihmitlful now brick hoimn with hurdwood noors downutiiltu uo bulh ood dlvldoil nollnr lunk lwru toxit tin up 10 outtlo unit 4 horfatim nllw driving hiiimi ioxh lllun and poblln mohools 4i nillo loil ol pomtoswlflii lurniigod hrloo 48000 turmu uiruiik1 7 100 acres in ksquesing township v mhjis from 1ullinafad 6 urrim workublo 10 unruit of buali mostly hovoh muplo lm imluuon puutuni mil till orohunl 3g uoroh full phiuuhwd oluy loum moll hchux wutor 1 woll uud u novorfatlliij uprinif iyninvi houtta tf 7 rimmtu kd cellar hunk hum tjx40 tlo up 13 oultlu und 4 iiorsim uilvliiic hhod huu hoiimf hhuop hoiiao hohool 1 nlh churah l mllm ltural mull iomsoshiou mnitiuud illmllsoa torms urruiikod i willoughby farm agency head ofjcei 43 victoria street toronto timaoillonlo maim 1670 we offer provlnca at ontuwi t bond 1 1- im it ij3 i h 1 lj il ulil ut yr ry h t r i j i 16 un i irnur lb ivll u tlrilo r miitiil i r li ibu l3 und in yhiihi provuc t f bkaohwn s donda in 11 i r i l94d lriii- t iml u wl kulyrrly trit oot 1 i mill aill irtuviil ml i m lllil min il it hujrs i rl ida 0 nril litrrai ylni ilntf jl3 i- cana liar northm hdwy 4u bond ull ruli i lllir n 111 imiiilly by tin 1 vlw f miiil 1 litv jinu 1 lltji it lor nt 1 uyul in liulf y i rly lii f unud 4 i r n w v k liho iw1 ro ihil hit r ul ylnlllntf oomlnlon at canada 4h donda huid ly ii trim i tnuik 1 uclrtt kuiiwiiy ni tiny du i iii i id3 hll uil bilfviirlv lutrnt jun i und inly l i vi i i l mi it cri nt u yf rk if ij i i i tuntf i rli 107 j3 un 1 hid r ul yll i ina- 20 sv h r brereton co oovarnmsntj municipal ami corporaliort bond iuh1im10n icavk imtuivrj toronto canada i i we want a iu uul i atf nt f f vry iiiiri ro iiidhmi i illnlrl t t htll uf walt ararntrfrfrnrjinrnimiiiiiaiirbia alirtil 0 good iav exct oeive tehiutonv riqhtc our ut ny li v iluablo mdr irtui nt cm utloux goo aciies of nunsenv established 40 years vrrtrrnrioiiliirii arnoy loi urtmnnt pelham nursery co toronto ontario how to cure goitre and thick neck by a ulilaa hom rrnady of roots and in rim w hava cunxl koltrs ot tnont i hati 40 ysara atandlno in a fw wwka lima our trvutmn la otuu- onted tu im harniloam ulul will build up a rundown ay atom writ- foe froo inornuitlon to prop marlo box 327 toronto oat roy hindley auctioneer amu wfcltcuandlflb gonaolldatad prion erin 4t 11 r r 3 acton nf act lot 1 r itullwuv auction sale 1st kuamojia cattle and hogs tho uiuuralttiind huu biti i tint run 1 hy walter lamb to soil hy publlo suction at 7 i nuiioiiii tllop so hudlal llwuy on i fridaw november 10 1020 ut 2 3d iirlork tho fnluiwine w s8 cholon utockurii dtirhum kruds uud aiuj wilbt mid u kto ria all hi tho pink of cnnilltlou 1 durham row 4 yntrii frunli 6 yaurlluls u llllem 10 wiokil old 0 pllfs h wihillh old is pirw winrku oil york now dui tlmo of hhio 1 now tliia ikcmlmr 1 t ww itlnnn jitiiuury no raorv as tha proprietor juat has m crass form and no acoom- tnodatlon far ths 8tok tpllmh 8 montliu i pi r uiit n r nnnuni on fur utuh it j kerr auollonaar ihoiio 38 acton v ic onairaxr rhrk shop where tou are invited to shop clearing i auction sale in townhiiip ol nallhaflawfcva farm stock implemlnts may chain and household furniture tho uinbtitlmii tl huu rmelved in- utruotlonu from tho mvocutorm nf tha djidito ot tho late duncan mogregor to uill iv public umtlouitt lot 27 rim 7 nuiitiuiuuuyii on tl lino ill nut 3 mlh i wmt of artmi uml oint mil unit of hdi 110 ittulliil on tuesday novlmbef1 is 1030 ut ii o clock uhuip tho following iiohhkh ibiy hmoo ilhi 0 ulumt 1 3h ini 1 niwn imr u 13 y mi ulwut 1 joo lliw buy clido mure u yours iilmut i son iiw bin vv n bum 4 ynur ill tut 1 j00 lb i buy ilrlvlnr borau ymm buy cimih illly ilulnu 3 ulwiut 1 sco mm buy clydu oldhnr rlulnjf t upilmr mil towh- ltoini cow dun mmlir is uhllu uuw duo juimuiv it i rod u in iter dipi jmiuurj k ronu cow duo v iluy 4 riiiiii bilfnr dun muy 1j unit imi lu if i roil htutlir lb rwl rowj bn il loptomlx u youno cvrij i utuim tlulnif 3 yilil rltfblt f hud to i 100 lbs p a j yi urn j nt oru 1 ynur 3 htlfiiu 1 your 3 tiprluv culvtu 1 fut 1lflh ii lilua 3vi monthu 13 ldfc wmku york unw nfniu mow hrd octolur iu uhi 131 fl bnoilhu mon j ouinl y almut jo xlyuuiutu hook hi un nuinhur ilyitionlh ltoik pullttu 10 t noun 1m1i i mln1h muuniy ilurrls iiludtr a fihit ut m irfy now mum- utly llutils inowir q foot out mummy- llurrlu inotvt r ti font nut tolton jhu hurvi utor pi a ruko hliurp liiku rolliu mutuoy lluirlu hfad drill 13 iihjtt wnwin llnrilh ulttvutor 13 tooth 1 nmt u wood illmi burrow 4 aoi tiou drui huiiow 4 huoiiou druk burr ik w tuiulp iinutr h furrowoil crown uunii plow ulnicla i loury idow na jl j hnurrh rw trui k wuwuon 3- inch uri houvy wumon 3lnoh tiro utock ruck huy nick iiruvol box dmnoorut wuuuou top buifuy rmd ouyt nut llifht ulnlfihu nuttn kmi uu now htoiio hunt vi hh uoulu m00 lb chiithun funiiliitf mill kloyry itulpur huy fork cur uml pulloys 14k foot rnpo onury itiluili r ilml utdno iron vi co juiillotto i nmiii sopurutor sco ibu cuput uy j uuinr kottlnu tcruu nti di r ml o iqouo i unit plunku iituiitlty of lunibt i fuiku hois cbulua mwluuri uud nihil iirtlohn too iium- ioiu mmitlon nut duublo hiirnfmi otriihuirti linrnoiiljrihruuloliuruiss j iiomi odd tollurn kiuiii huus 3 lou- kliiu nhuliih blilihuir uhuluii iioijhkiiom kuttnllimul x phct parlor milto uu kood uh now 1 in u nun hunttuk hid ut d dithr 3 kltnhiit ihlpbimlilh j iiulm 3 1o1h hid j bud uinliiu r itltulmti chulih ii nulnii olmlr ton lnuti r wltll ii wood hnitir 1 inn nor oil utovn i nvi n numl vr of movu llpa li stund with tiiiumiuid liimlu utr lor lump hull idmp ulti hi n luuipa urtnln poluu tuipiln pirtlium jurm luhca tto ollaln 10tc 10 hum huy boo nimlmbi nilvnl kiiiln roil lunibt is now marfcwt tints to lit in hn la proa vftr uhiidu imrlny jfil biiuhi in buckwhoul 5 biikrt potlltouh collin ilok ulifl collut pup tlultmh ol- hallj ico mid audj b uvor thai umouiit i monthu nil it on upprovnl joint ludui t on for cunh liny hiuiii fowl fut tw linusohold rurnlttir cunh lunch pro y hi ml fur thoua comlnif u dlstauco reanrvs aa ths farm is bold r j kerr lauctionsar 30 anton imioi w k qhaiiau clark 103 im jtkl a th isswmsv 1 r ilr 4iffiffllmkjmj- v t iv

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