ffiljp krtnn 3fr te vesa tiiiiiihuai novilmlll ii 1h 10j0 aug vom ge anvwheflet vu urp luidilnu you nr utiuliilmf with m urloi look mi your fun you r utrnhitf from nil phustires in ynnr imiiwt bu i hn plane you hivi rwiiil to unit lout iitmiit iii tho uluuu voll ukil to know you liuv huh il in euro foi of hi ru whom you i limit to imitr uuti you um mlriiinliiif you in utilvltuf itinmuh lin ilnrk iliiyi und the rulr hut o tnlrltilitr tuner liitlicn nr you udttlnu uiiywiniiiir in your- tifialo you liuvo fnrfintlin how to minor lrt mile when u rhllrt looks up hint kreet you or mould oliilm your nure u whllm thouffb th wllit rose ahndm its imitat lit tho lout ly puuturo llll and klml weesss hwhv til blossoms in thu niohard mi tui hill you urn too iniih in u hurry and loo x uplnd to cure 1iu1 nil you unttluu uuywliui you i m vii fled fionl uwoet nontcmtmenl trouble jijuiiiu you in- your drouliui it ions dim it you have loitered mi the bunks of shaded stream tlmt lt uhisiinf to the pabhli they buy mode w oloan and wli and huvo polls led at limit- 1 inure and their pleasure tiny und llljflit you no longer know tho solute th in in a sweet old ulr tlut with till your- oiminam mnlllns arv you fttttlntf ntiywimrot you have el von up ohl fundles you hav lift old friend i will ml you ar b rich in ponket but poor in 1 mulct und mind you have lout your imnlw of beauty in your hustn to push ahead ami olonif the ways you t envoi bit tor ness anil frier are spread you uuv oviuhhi to dan how other wml iwnicatli tho woes tlmy txiar hut with nil your cruel striving nn you eottlitff anywhere kli if i had not months mn had evid ence that my crooa on th rocollao- tlona oc acton from ilia nrty joy wbm ooaptablo t th roailom of tha ftum iwka i would toiitf ixjforo thl hva laid duwn ty uwkwnnl old pon ntul tan oontont to talk over th la- c ui mnroarie of thoae time with mary and thn few old f honda who drop in to have a chat with ua about tho ouiraahlpnut flraairto of our home and th cronlea whom i meet oocaalonalty in th barbrnr oh op or on my lcuiurety p rum hula ion a about the town and out on th oonowuilon line hut ovor nnd over ther rang to ma nmurancm that most pvopln lutv tt llkinie for utotiea of thn older day crude tui thy may bo from my tolling of them h thn editor handod mo thn othor day t u baok local hujtory which thn writer of tint letter went to the trouble to copy tho in formation from a book publlehed fifty yeam ejro i thbnv it la worth a place in my column t know it la authentic for x remember myaelf tho vleltu of old dr carroll to acton and bow honored the methodlata felt themselvem to bo to have him peafc in their church t when it wum thn little white meetlne houee on john watson comer of church street her it u to the editor of tho plum iit4w dear sir a a ion time reetdent of acton but ixo w apondlnjr some time in 1u1 city i have been followlns the oldttma renilillcanoe with ram in ternet the large amount of informa tion iriven re tho old ailume farm later the nlcklln and elnoe the adam cook property lutfsuu tho addition of an extract from an old uethodlet mlnlnter htatory quo and hi co- temporarle by rev john carroll d ix publlahed about 187 u but recording only up to 180c when tev wra iunvthd pioneer muuuonury travel led throujrh here died it nay referring to lev kxra adams who entered the t ministry in 1h1 ilaod ktaru adama worn nut with dfaoueo tncurretl in the wunim of tho western country asked for and obtutned a location v tired to tho wilds of bsqueslns- where aatop now smile end commenoed tro laborious operation ot elearins him up a farm laboring moat assiduously in m local capacity the whlhl and opening his new log- house i weary itinerants who threaded their way through the bush roads of these new settlements manual injior vated his physlauo su that about 1630 le returned to the itinerant ruliku the same bltorlun tetls of hev iconas adams locution at acton ubout 1s2i iii tombstone is in tlio old oepietery there the history say a temperance meeting was in progm in the village as he lay dying home- one whispered the news of hi con dition the moating- was dissolved and friend and foe hastened to obtain his tui nod lotion or torglvenens to a friend he said llauth for ma has no tins the gravo no terrors i just forgot which part of the vil lage these rompeetlvo homes wero in you will know for you onon told me art wo of a later generation and thosp of thu still younger generation in- terestad enough to try to imagine a picture of the locality in those far off days ubout elghtyllvo or ninety yearn jmt i two of the adams daughters mar- tied ministers itnv matthew uwwnu and t i wilkinson and two miss charlotte and mr llulbert wera earnest in mission work umonsrst thu indians yours respectfully 1 j c toronto fjov tl 1920 i lomnry entnrprlfiu remndellod it nnd htff ri auinfnrtulile and uommodlous ilotilify hollui wlmn this liouni vau lnllt by lniibh linlwoiil sovnntynve and elglit years ugo r ihlhk hi wuu boiuxt in havi ilnuiit pliiitt lit tjiuua part it wni noaiiy twite tho un jt li i fur mlilmx u bllllt pfns mmktiikl iniiiirkid to n ono day wlti1 le wsu ri imilhllna- it tlmt u liud miinn lif tho jlmut liilnhnr anil tluilmrs uml wuu the bout li i mo of rnrtmmti woik im hml uvr yeui quito an ml iiiihuiihi for jin k for from thu days wlnui ho built bun tiutchlng mnohli and hroodiru down on iiim rullmrs farm lulsiiuuwliig vuntll now juuhj uoiiiiiiil liiniunir un a 1 turpanter und jolnnr well thin lioitnu was u frumii ilup boardod snd tji lunibor was all hn tin out olnir icnijuoiiliig yellow wot u knot nor u shuke of any dosorlptlou in a lxiant of any length y width the punnlllng mltrtui snd jotulng- luuldn nnd out wera ns good ns uny oublnot in ten or nftoon years the family bigun to jouvo honia to do for thai u lvis olmowhrro unit it wuun t o until tlio old home wiiu doaertod ihern wuu n big oldroshlonnd family too 1 an t reincimhir tliom all thiro was mary nnd ifatrint and luolnda und aiiim and abigail urnon the girls und john joaaph nnd wilbur nnd lmir- hupm soma other imys nearly all of tin m were school touchers wilbur wu among th early tnchers actons first school house on main htreot where mr and mrs cmwsoji mcijtukhllu llya abigail taught a private school in tin old tbib pess hall when it wiih on main htreot harriet agnes nnd xuclllda war also timichorw mary married u preacher by thn name of diss and left anton with him rhe wu n woman of pocu- llnr eharulter strongminded and some mmplt said eccentric a few ymtis later she earns buck to the old homo with u family of small children a grnss widow harriet marrlod sm other preonher ltev vroncl coleman who cum from england ho was a suooassful preacher for many yours within the bounds of hamilton con fnrenco it is an item of local ou lueldnnon that when be superannuated be moved to hamilton and united w h yion talxirnnale of which hev t allwirt moore i 3d n wellknown preunher who claim aoton ns birthplace was the pastor it was during dr moores pastorate thutj mr coleman died and ha ducted the funeral lrof cob wlfi has been on the staff of toronto university for many years is s son of mr and mrs coleman iu inda marrlod llov t u wu klnuon he abai wuu a methodist mlti ister i first knew him when be was the minister at the old igbenesoi church in numaiguweya about forty- five your ago ii was afterward sliitlndod la aotonx think about 3 or 30 yours ago i liked to bear him drcachixetstruk xrom um shoulder panttyirh mjl ijut yds ftjui tell u yeu cant mr sailor the location of tbewti two hdtnes ksrus was iuo nlcklln farm and milt property und sensvs und his family llvetl across the roud tho houao on the corner of mnln und cbmsch froets where norman- itor laxm and john kormody llvala a il oc th homo which zenas built to re place tbo log house be built when he first settled on the farm john 11 afaekensje bought this property quite a few yearn sto jack always had a hose for bargain well hn bought this old bouse when it was in a very bad state of repair and with bis cue- own preacher dldn t like it when i about once u month to hoar t l in the mcthody chapel he wus iulta a fighter when hn got aroused i guess quite a few old folks like myself will renumber the ten nights deliute ha had on the mode of baptism with itev mndiarmld a itclp1 mlnlntcr riblnffrom tlurfato it wuu a good as u 4rou nnd the methodist church which was just alwiut new then was crowded night after night until the tenth night to hoar the fun they say that 100 people were present the inst night john warren was the chnlrman and i believe thn debate ended in a draw iloth sides were appurentr satisfied nnd weve heard much discussion of tills vexed theological question around here dur ing the nearly forty years since we heard more about jswdobapt lets and annnbaptlsts and books and lexicons then than nil tho time before or since my memory i recollect u favorite enprosslon of mr mcdcrmld ive got the books i can provo it and he hud a whole trunkfulsif books there ovary night he had a favorite author on iwptlsm dale und would quote him often one night mr wilkinson who wu nlwuys cynical said bring on hale and iii dale with him as he deservoa t one night u3isolplt farmer wtul no oxaliedwith thoevonngs debute that 1m went homo and forgot his doc leaving him in tho church vestibule tho junltor locked up the church not knowing of the canine occupant thd dog was there all night in tho morn ing he was found there and it was noticed that lie hud chewed off ubout an inch of one of the new posts of tho front door frame of the church when you methodist folks gin to church next sunday und this incident may intermit you enough to toko you this tlmevou ii find tm marks of that dogs teeth on tho bottom of the right side of tho frame as you enter itotli bov und mrs wilkinson aro pow dead the preacher head of the family laying down his armor at dunnvllle last year x don t know w hot oho r abigail ever married or not agnes did not tho last i heard of her she was living with u relative at bt clair michigan lost track of the boys year ago next week 1 11 have something- to toll you of the old zena adams hoiiso the old folks died it wus favor ho place for tho first home ot number ot our newly marrlod young folks of sixty or seventy yours ago the firstborn of one of these brldul oouplou stil llvon here just two blocks from tbo adams house where she was born hvautu tib op thee my auto tis of thee abort road to poverty of thee i chailt t blew u pe of dough on you throe years ago und new you refutta to go or won t or run t through town und countryside you wore my joy und pride a happy iluy i loved thy gaudy hue thy nice white tires now but now youre down und out in every way to the old rutuebox came many humi atld knocks for then i grieve lludly thy top is torn frayed are tho seuts and worn tho whooping coukh uffects thy horn i do lielleve thy perfume smells on the breese while folks ull ohoko und wnnesci as wo puss by i paid for thik n price twould buy it mansion twice now everybodys yelling icel i wonder wbyt thy motor has tho grip thy spark plus has the pip and woe is thine t too huve suffered chills ague und kindred ills endeavor- ins to pay bills sfnoo thou werl mine lone is my bunk roll puw o more twould choke a oowtu oneo before yec f i had the mon so help me john id buy myself u cur nnd speed me more walt waaon thii fragrance of salam anticipates its exquisite flavour seiuiua a postal fw a irce sample please state the price you now pay and whether black green or mixed address salada toronto nova scotia andjier arms arm5 6ranr d to the colony of nova scotia 0y king carles i mt is foot in nova hoot ln for thn rostoratlou of the ori ginal nrmortnl bvurlngh of that pixt- in inww r confederutlou mont cunudlunx are unuwaro that lit i03l klntt james it of jngbmd and vr of hcntlund au king of boot land uml nu rtcottltili mua- sura grunted to hlr william aluxuii- dor aftorwardh icurl of htlrling the territory now forming the whole of the provinces of nm tieotls new llruns wlok und prince eilwurd isluhd und parts of quoboo and of thu prheiit hiale of maine op the sole condition of paying annually one penny ot scottish money jlf so much lie de manded the purpose of the grant being that hlr william might carry out u project he bad in mind of making of this vast territory a new scotland in america us tlmro wus ulready a new hnglajiil und a new franco thd story or sir william alnxauder and lib efforts to tarry uuthls great project is bnslda the preaeut purpose it ull came to little enough t thn time but bore fruit um we know long ufter- wnrd itovul nnpourngomont in tl e scheme given by kintf jumos wus con- 4lnud und amplified by his son and successor charles x und among other marks of favor tho lust named sov ereign mudo a grant of urtns to sova bcotlu in these rforms silver a cross of 0t andrew bluo with un lueaaut- flut the mbituko referred to accounts no doubt in some measure for what look p in re to the irovlnclnl rout ntwrma n fha ifmo of canadian coufodnrauou tho ancient urms it d lupin y nd in the doors oftbe province building und are to lw seen there still und in thn old oreut seal of th ilovlnoti hut ut thn- time of confed oral ion the origin und author i ty of these unnu bud lumn forgvitteii it i thnurht that ihe ivovlmu had llltlo ground for using urmorlul learlngs which au was supposed belonged in mnllty to utf order of ilaronets the record was net htokoil for in thi rlirht placo namely in the lyon or floe in edinburgh where it might have bimii found upd ho thn college of llerulds in ijtndon supttoulug no doubt that ihe fluid was clour proceeded to treiaro uriuu und a hew seul for nova hootlil u m u 1iovlnco of tho iomlnion t cuiuidu not moved thereto by the 4rovluolal outhorltfes of the daybut in opposition to their wishes tho 1hw tirsut seal wus recolvnd in le- m mlier 1b83 but was neither welcom- 1 nor adopt rd nor proclalmod by the jib utonnnt covrnorln council but plgaonhnlod und left unuseil for years ufti rwurils if the ivovinclal authorl- thu hud bn u itwartt of the strength of thn case fur the old urms it is na tural to uiippniie that thny would have hill out ugulnut any ahunge but in i somewhat hukioroub d lllll nye known li bis day as a humorist owned tn cow which he want ed to sell and put ui advorusement n the paper which tread like thl uwb to lllhaalth 3h will sell at my residence tn towpshlpv 10 range 18 uocitrdfng to tho govoixtmeiit survey one plush raspberry covi aged eight years she is of undoubted cuursjen and klv milk frequently to a man who toes hot fear death uny form she would bw m tfreaf bran bho u wry muok attnelied to n r present homo with a wuy chain birt she will bo sold to sny one who wiir agree to treat her rbjhu she b onefourth sliorthorn nnd three- four hsj tiycn will also throw in doilmowrel shot gun which goes with her herharno lit h0b a nonresident the present arms of nova bcotia flheon of tlio itoyul arms of scotland crest on a wreath a bunch of laurel und u thistle issuing from two hands tho ope huiiil being in armor and thu other nuked supporters on the dexti i side thu ltnyul unicorn silver horned manned und hdfed gold lmmirlu1ly crowned gorged with un open crown and cbslu uftlxnd thereto and rwuoxed over the back gold on tlio slnutur side u suvugn mail lropur motto over thn orcst milult huuo ut altera vl li cit the shield of scotland bluo with u whlto cnuut or st andrew was thus it will be noticed coup tor ohungod to white with u blue tiroes tit new scot land luitur uu u swparsto act the jiar onetu of nova scotta were given tho prlvlluge of uslntr thlusame shield with its luescutojinou us their bail go or coat of urms au idea got ubrouil somehow that thoihled wus theirs primarily for its soul nto when in inter times nnvu hcntln became u reality thushletd however bolongs prlmktlly und by ltoyal authority to country utid not to tho knights ituronot of nova scotia its use by their order was u different matter al together und with aulte different con comitants of tluiu they gavoway ailtl al lowed the matter to vo by default in favor of tlit pew order itut uvoii thn il the undent arms did not go wholly out t memory tho wlilold im htlll to bo seen not only on thn old olltoti doors in tho province buldlu but on odd pieces or jewellery of tuuoh later date ulid tho full uc- lilovtimnt upimars on thu 11nk of nova soot la 110 unteu of the issue of january j 1v1v in this lust case tbo indian sinistral supporter is shown in a sitting pouluro uud thu unicorn charging u round the dnxtar side of thn sliliild thu shield itself is of a alulpo huiuotutlstta of tho ihhrlinl of doluimid hoinldry nnd is wror murked rwl all these detulls ury wrong but tin intorvstlng fact re tun ins tlmt in casting ubout for i sultublt duslgu for itrf notes the hank of nova hootla selected thn ancle lit rather than the modern nrms of the itoylucc xllfi lltorlcal hooletlea of nova hootla now ask tho rttctlncatton or tho blunder committed when th un lout und lawrul urms of nova hchitlnv ro puppluiltnd by u uew und oommoupluoo uuilgn of oalmoii ana thistles l m v t the verse on the mirror vliy what hnvn yaji huror unkid niru flrulmm of ni wo mimre as sli itollred a smnllslip of uipir on whl a fow unrn were writ tun attached t tbo frame of her f rli mis mirror oh that is my rtuotatten slip ncllln mplled imiklng- up from hr sewing icvsry wvolt i write out vi rs of poetry or some otltar quota l tlon i uki nnd pl it whorlt ivhiish it often thou f read thn words ovei ut dlrfarent tirnm und they help m vi ry much one of the tenchon- at thi a udemy suggested the plan to ui sonm timn a u nwk us all totry well you itavn a cheerful utile eleotlon this time commented nora she read the words uloud ixik up and not down uwk out nnl not in look forwurd and hot laak imd a hand it is an easy way to mnmorlse ihnilry too she nddd i think 1 will try th psn hxyecu for lt-mmuiu- lo imi u good one and u good one tt is indasxl as many pol have proved wlio have irlud iu to store thn memory with gems of good poetry or prose is one of the best things u young- person can do it nn- rlches tho mind and assists greatly in the formation of true noble character thfii too thn method outlined in the first paragraph is so very eaay m it etott just the writing nut of a few hhes and lt m your mom where they will meet your eye frequently then gradually they will lmcnm impvenspd upon your momory and prove to tin valuable poasoiuilons the sooner yon cam- mlica too tha batter for in surly youth it is vaalnr to train the memory hsu utuny other time- qulte often in our reading come arroas u short poem oi a proae selec tlon we like vary much we read it over perhaps once or twice thnn lay aside the paper or book and soon rorgot the words tiut by following nellies method wa nuke the thoughts our own and csn retain them for many a duy the quotation plan than is onii which it j certainly worth while for eviry young person to try sup pose you teat its merit youmelf binning with some little vrse writo it out and see how quickly you can mimnrixa it then take another nnd another master ins the first perfectly before you attempt a seoondj then in that way little by little you will nil the storehouse of your mind with cheerful helpful thoughts and they will lie a grnut assistance to you in many ways inmuiessing thorn you will lievnr lie poor for you will have in your ownmlnd the best kind of treasure try tho plan for yourself then this very da while the idea is fresh in your mlndyh l hurliral we want our ugonoy is vuliiubln und r lima nt conditions zoo acres of nurserv j ebtadli8hed 40 years write for particulars to ageucy lepartmeut i pelham nursery co toronto ontario f a th vh i imu defined wuu nailing t aunt uiroiis th kskut if ui llttli lrl tluiltly rulmd hit and giv tl- followbur doilul nli yours hihr you ha uhowim1k uymputhy und hi ipfiilm uu luring peduy cimnt nvrryiluy jtfh in wblt h no i rogrruis hai 1ki u inuda vwww i why hens never lay hatfreg th usual method of radios tnoatly rialo makes yolks bat not nongh wbllss to minjj h erae as the han cannot lay these hmtf- taada eggs sbs shsoibs them back lnio her ayalam missouri kspeiieoant station tests showed thai 100 lb of wbast corn oats bailey and kasbr enm ooakw wbrm tbouly tnalntsnsncs wrt knn4 at 32 yolk but loy jh4 wajsa based on data from th asms experiments purlua ffcum- slss ptodoce above bodily inalntsnance aa follows i purio scmtch fa 24749 yolk 14211 whk pnrinn chickeo cbowcur 18205 28255 combin rmtion 42954 yolks 42466 wfaites hot lb petrcaci balance of yolk and whltas und um uiga nnabar of each ttus combination of putin feeds makes hrnnlxr of ootnptmtm eggs bn will ly absolotely siarantes tbatsywby s efgsor tooamjf kmck or patina cblckait chow da r if fad with kntrloa bciatch pad as directed you i do klak ki rheumatism neuritu sciatica nourali templclons rheumatic capsules itnwo lirnuirbt booa lioiulu to linjfewmnilon uffororfl a lirulllirul money saving remedy wrll known for fifteen yrr sfe- nrrilhl by ilortora old by tlrug- b l a iki a olr or wiln for a firn trial imikige teropieuins 142 kmtfw iotorio nl agnntfc j itsssard hay fever and asthma conquir1 by tbo worlds ony twolmtlln itouiihly in t suffer a nilnuto loiqur und today t m rtiy trenlniitiitrtrlhl slsm toc and guiuntl w k ducklev mo cham let 07 duruls sl e toronto for sale by d h lindsay mill street acton flour and feed store tannery cooperative sugar flour etc are gradually going down our customers are receiving the benefit op every drop in the market fall and winter underwear at very close irices all kinds of rubbers for men women boys and girls pine and iieavy boots for men overalls woltking shirts etc farmers bringing produce receive the kenefit of our greatly cut prices tannery cooperative c a conway muuktr mill street real estate if you have a hones for sal if you want to buy a house in acton ask r j kerr auctioneer snd reel eatst deal imi on m 31 dower avenue acton ont tom rurnley general blacksmith and woodworker itoioptnobs and kmolenoy our motto j hpeelul attention to horsi nholnr and vholh- areqt- for thn famous ineury plows yoohs lolt misiness shops corner mill ot and park avenear the mill acton granite works i nicol experienced granite cutter is tnepurwil to supply monu ments of u kinds with skill fully nut lust rlptions at low prlnos heo samplos of work and stylos of monuments at th monument works msitnyuahf waxx mill street acton ont fall arrivals to hand 8e fall qooda just put in stock mens tweed caps 11 00 mans hprlnb caps fioo oood twocd knickers for the woe mon varse ausortment of sox and utikiklnk ull tdsos com n and leek them over hlioh huaiatltlnu a hpbciawrr wo dont cobble e k cook uttxj atuwht acton whight can uny llltl boy or ttlrl in thu elusm tell um whether tho town or kivlssuno in italy wus always spoiled that wuy or is thut what the uurtll- quuke did to itf aive whulovar countenance nnd help you can to every movement and insti tution that is working fur wood ho not seotttrlsn tjflt net your pjoodnuss be pt-ofus- i ium wiui nil elonrtl let it be the simple natural i would rather null her to i outcome of your oharaotur tborefof j culflvnto character over- eating j tit root ei bmsunv aji itgnrtei ersoa4 yew jsjaa is wea asr oul of arflturbssawrassssdlajib km10id5 um uses sjut to sva- najasuast dajastinni trabl madc arr mcarr m owm mafjoia or aw30tf bthulhom mmmmmmmmmmmmmi mmmmmummmmnkmnmmmtibmmmmmmmmmkmmmmmnum dodge bros motor cars the owner of a dodge car can eaf ely de pend upon consistent continuous and economical daily service universally low gasoline consumption and high tire mileage j n oneilx georgetown ont distributor for acton georgetown and milton jil ijeisiman local representative labalbjbibj mn mwlwwwwiwwtwwwibflbbtiaj ramr roy hindley auctioneer uvu iiiook ulcai kstata and ulailoffamdibu ctmaolliuud phon crln t 11 ii h 3 acton kenney bros fall snd winter boots snd rubbers lumbermans mesvy rubbers em 1 soaks heavy debts for sll the family good assortment of pin oood our prices will always icommeno ouit goods hepslrlna csrefully pomona i ly shd promptly attend to llljllllljit 1111314 a hpicufaits kenney bros main 8tre6t aoton ont f j rv ii ri sli