Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 25, 1920, p. 5

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eift rtuw iftee ircbb tiiumiuay novtuneii 3fi 1010 temperance conneh dixiulun tx hand- an i i- ihmii1i k lm ulutd thul i full will imi along hi ln l it rnvlluitlul thut whluy rhynu with trluuyv otherwise wo might n v r i hi vi hud prohibition tlu uum with uu old fuuhlouod thirst muy tlilnu i ul lit medicine and ti ill it nli m hut lli wlurr wont tint u ili i ohll lllnu jokt i tl j nl nppul hi pi i urn vary find of itry wlwii tlm tlrv tlorluli ii wuu uuiiouuo 1 tlt dryu iwhhuih intilklrulnd with joy uii 1 the w lu ludulgnd lti hoimi refloothm tt it the qirl with the calico dhbb8 lur and their diamond unit ruble and pearls and tliolr knlllhirngur und fares they may uhlno ut u 1 urty or im1i icmhluouod with liulf they ihmwm uut itlvo mo in place if thorn all my girl with din tjilleu dress hhii 1m plump uu u purtrlda and lair aa the row in it eufiuut bloom llttr teeth will wltli ivi ry oompura ami h r hruth with the ttloverei perfume her atop l us rrwi urul bk light am the fawn whom the hunter hunl prov and her y 1m uu soft and an brisht my glr with tlm eallco dres hlie i ehaerfu worm- hearted ami true i kind tu her father and mother and studies how much sho can do kn- imr iwvtit little alster and brother lr you want u com million for hf to com oft anllvnn and bias shs u just tho right aurt of a wlfa my girl with the tjillui dress twentv veah8 aqo prom th issue of th free preas i thursday novimhtr 29 1900 winter weather ham again the heavy wind alarm hut wed nesday wrought havoc with fences trees ate to mo of the elnotrta street llghs were damaged tho young man of tluolph have or- ganlsod with tlm nohla purponv in view of clearing off the debt of thai cleneral hospital of that city itor the henaflt of nw roaldanta it la woll to atutn thut a municipal bylaw rmlra that nil aid walk be cleared of anow hy ten u cloak u m after each atomi an onmnlat recently died in sweden who held hla poeluon in church far 71 yoara without tnuauna a aer- vlce an exchange remarka that church choir tnuet be more peaceful in bweden than in our continent a akatlnr rink la likely to bo one of the young people here thla winter the removal of the old building in itont of waflno new irnitlonoe in coiirae of conatruotlon on church rtroet by j j luwhii tn tract or has much improved the nptarance of the haw building mr charles holmes hvui wen ap pointed uaalatanl to the agent or tie o t 11 at tavlatock whence h went laat week t the pnatora and young- people in town have orrannod for a aeriea of lee t urea during the winter by the lirofeaaor and lecturer of toronto university which it la hoped the ydung people of the community will utke an interest in tho first lecure will he on december 14 by mr alfred dahiry a- subject the bun in relation to terrestrial 11 fo and burgy ilast saturday while at work on ono of the roll re at the acton -jannlna- co rdwnrd wuller had the fore flngr of hut left hand badly crushed on monday at noon hla brother frank who also works in he toqnery was playing football with at number of fellow em ploy oos when in a acrim- mage he fell with his left arm under him the arm auatalned a double fracture and was dislocated at the elbow joint mr 11 s holmes agent of the o t ft has peculiar interest in mr t v reeve the newlyelected president of the grand trunk hallway twenty six years ago mr ileeve was the agent at irkhlll and mr holmes was as sociated with him rs operator and tlaket aarenu tho fmbm raass ven tures to hope that our enterprising agent here will be able to persuade tho president lhat acton with its mora reserves undtshouwltuwo atnaw snd commodious depot constructps upon modern lines with uptodate aooom mods 1 1 on the following unas were written for the fsa imtss in memory of w j unordl who died ut tretorlo on no vember 9 10h the empires flag is nylng low above our village bull ilecause u message full of woe has touched the hearts of all tie sunday school lesson fon sunday novemder sb hv fc w tliohnton how jklllui wah uluci ivkw mull 1 h ii id it 3a 13 14 llohuu tst coma unto me all y tl ut lulu t and ura luuvy ludan and i will give you t malt u 38 historlol oettlna time a 1 38 and jo hue outline leaaon cmmnli verun 1 according to tbo ooaivnl hurmimlr tlila vmwe imlonnu to u limn liter tbun uio uilnifm dem ribfut in 3 l it in rnally be coiinlualon pf tiapler 1u jvhum wnm going fnim l luce to pn healing lltn nick teaoblng tb hmi lo uttrurtlng crowd and muklng tunny illtt hl the pli turn is sketch in i ukn 1 11 33 vnn j john the lluptlat had leeii imprlaoned by herod in u lonely custln tillie mllns past of the jiortbnrn ena of the tcad iua verse 3 john wal sameliow in touch with th dutni- worlil in fact hnnxl hiimhi in awe of lilm simply wished lo keep him where be could not tsll what be knew about hnrod hlmaolf the jews warn oonfldenlly vsfmkitlltg the meusiall wus jesum tht mewtlah or was ha twit versa 4 tli witnesses wii hot lo dnnl in hearsay but wnrn lo lull john ths tlmy hud heard und the lcibs tboy hud venn thew knlraoles wero to lm ihsrrlbwl to john thut ai talth tnlalit lm stranatbenthl vvrse i john wum ductturagml jesus ohoarwl him lip thlnm did not look good to aba rugged pioneer prmuher whose ejcpeetatlons had been high vurse ieth conduct of the un friendly jews was so i noons latent that itwas dlmault to tlm an illustration verse 1y- lleferenco is here knade to the contrary way of nhlldren at iiiy verso ii john tlie liaptlat came neither eating nor drinking in har mony with the customs of the rest of the people 11 the bon of man come al ius and drinking just as other people eat bnd drink and neither j onus nor john glossed these fastidious fault finders they were determined to r- tect christ and his representatives verse xk those who were wise in their own conceit and who were deter mined to be critical did not under stand jesus while thn openmthded disciples did miulutilunc verse xi all thins pertaining a the origin and extension of the king- are in the hands of jssus christ rses bh30 all must wear the yoke of somebody authority in comparison with all athtirs christ u yoke la euay ht bunion light ul in uulua uf thn abundant lov ud nhildllka almpllolty of jesus tswchiiik the iharisea sought his destruction their pretended season that he violated the babuath and was condemned by the law tonics for reeearoh and dleeuaalonj i johri in imson vs 1 6 1- whd was jobn the tuiptlst z how did he happen to imi in prison t s- what did john want to knowt 4 how would john undent tuiul the wont ius sent to hlmt an inconsistent tlennratlon vs lolb 6 what u uia mooning of jesus illustration in verses 1 to 1st why were jsutctlllcs inals- tent and inconsistent t 7 what uid jeaus dona that caused certain line to be radically opposed lo hlmt hi tho authoritative christ vs 16 jo 8 who were meant by th wise and understanding t how can any yoke bo coayt 10 whose authority stands out heret 11 must we have authority in religion knraged ibarisees v mt 11 describe the iharlaoes and the reason for their special animosity 13 were they themselves consistent observers of their habhuthy dally resdinga for next week monday november ib bowing and heaping osl q 10 day november 30 the growth of the church acts 11 3110 wednesday xtocember 1 the heed of the boll matt 13 1 11 thursday december x the hesult f bowing uatc 13 18 33 wyiday ieoember 1 tho klnal har vest matl is 3443 tutturday december 4 the judg ment otev 30 1116 bunday december sj olory of the church isa d 19 1014 one op the busiest my father sold the little boy is a numismatic tan why johnny explained tho teach er a numlsmallclan is a coin collec tor ves m thai a what my father la hm a conductor on a street car washington btat wat1no t ona n maldlar moll iyi ann i f ib alecps wher late the strife has n where well tho leaden ghowers iftlldled a soldier of the queen that gullant son of ours though far the land that holds i grave we catmot call it lone for there the ting of britain waves the samo as in our own and though no comrade may be nigh to tend tho spot with care the birds shall sing and ssphyr sigh above the aleeper there and sometimes when the breath of spring with fragrance oils tbo sir when wild rowers from the veldt up- prlnk and all is fresh and fair mayhap soma tender hand ahull pluck vir him tho tightest bloom aor natures sweeteat gift is meet to grace a hero a tomb mejilo 1 following u uggeatlon tmada in the tost issue or tno tjuofraaab toerect a tablet br monument in memory of ilomlmirdler yf 3 moare one of actons aoljtova in o hattery in south afrlui who perished at pr torla on the sth inat we this week open a aubsorlptlon list and will b pleased to received contributions from all who donlro tu have u part in the matter born moitail in louden on friday nov fimhqfr- 33 lo mr and mra noble j mcjjkm daughter died djcciutb in acton on monday morning november 3tl leopard twin aim of charles dec lute in hi firrdi year qkswtck at tharealdaticoofhtsaon lot s sixth una urln on bunda november 3b oeuro uoawlak axed 88 yogi n mootha tile practical work of a mining school z students examining th gnjgt isndallda at turtle mountain alberta not vry muny yours ago a groat any ltoplu looked on un ml oration tt the unlvorslty uu uuiierniuuiry un i hrhau nvoti harmful for u young mull postme to enter huslnoss ur manu lacturlng ttij t id prpressims of uiw isdlrius and ths uhur urse dllyorent and deltulxud colli so training but tltiisss for miauetm in the greatnut induetrlal or snglli eerlng undertaking was commonly ivossd to be beat gained by uppren- iiiahliijii un nmiifinr wiirkiljuullha boy who left uchool ut fourteen o ns nils and nwoep out tliu oillce often laudoit au having nutdiuiuiiaod his rirh nelgliboi- who hud four or five years in learning a lot of theory and with it ucitllrod hub its of xury und u souse of his otvn super iority to other lnou tho alnvj luillnf was due lu part tu iioranro of whut colli ge life really und in part lo a ialluro to dlstlli- gulmn imtwi i n tho old and new meth od of tnui hluir 1 ortunutoly tfinn huu clearittl uwuy munli of this mluundnr hlandlng and lias pntved to all ohuer nit people that liothlnjtr run ixiluil h lentlila uduijitlmi us a preparation r any hrunih of udvanccd luduutrlul work but it in doubtful if even mow pulilln understands juut wbut i by our unlvtirultlem in training young men far th biiglicrlng pro- fnasliiil porhups no clearer llluslnillon of thn qiodorn tqitthnn tan ihi found than u the teuchlnif of mining aiialuaeriug hmtatumi at m kill i thn utudenls bagln their courau in oclolmir and mptmit wnvtii monthu uttondhut lusuos in mathematics phyhlau and tlier fuudanioituil subjeolu and in carrying out elementary experiment lit the laboratory thou after tliu iprlitg exam inn t ion thoy go to- a camp n tho country and dn pructloul sur veying for- four wunks this ond tholr obligatory work for tlm year but they are urged to spou ut lout tho main part of tha vacation in maohlno hl0pu or mi survey or other engineer i eiittriruand it is ulgnltli i urn- 1 uplrlt f tha utudent that fully hil pr mt do thl und ut the tliii in good waiu und uium imiiulre at bust iil wl of ha money need- oil lu ineol their next yours ollogo expense jh uocoud year is klmllar to to nrut fxrnpt thut thn work both thoorot- loul und i rucflcul is mora uilvuncud und hi mo list two year for till tmatueoring sill tontu no mutter whut brunch of the subject they pm posu u liruatloa hut lu the third year they hpoclullxn and hm miner give a tmimlriomlile purt of their time to mln- i islogy geology ntn tho practical work ut the end nf thl year 1 utlll fiirthoi him1xm1 und is in the form of u trvilnb uutluo hppj flf urn ohurtnrud for u mo oimrjwni umhoi- i ehbuownn hbcoito atnf tbo i tarty uuompuulod by a prut fluitor und u smull group of couipcaunt liiutruotuih i tuki u to homo import- uut mining dlutrliil altout onoflfth uf tlm tlm 1 glvuii to practical tlild gioglogyanotiior fifth to visits to ere dituihluk utid molullurglcal plants and thu m mtllnuor to aatual visits to nil mm urvfully hlpct n advunco ao that tbo will w i pohulbui wxicrliiro nn bo gulned th ntuduulm go undprnfoullji him ml thilr time watuhlilg ulld if i0s- uihlo working with the regular mltlcru und milt duy uftor ruturnlna to their truv lllng homn thoy oinpuro nxporl- i liens un i wrlto up notow mult r illrco- tlnu of tin wturf at ono und of tho rtint propur nil tho men uro given opikirtunlllcu pi trpiiymoiit for u teiuulnder of the humiuur in tt in i ik h vlnltod und thuitku to thn broad- mhul iliiou uf our canadian mine tnunageru muny of thorn old mfolll utuliulu tho utudanui thu gol-lu- viiluubln oxtorlunco and ut tho sumo tjtno mini vory atilmtuntlal pay llu vituo of thl vory practical mutuipor anhool tn only bu fully up- prclnt i wlnn thu men rotiitu to cnl- teg fr thnlr fourth und dim your whloh in ilt 1 utudy of tha ut- vniired technology ul inlulliu mllt- tirn which might otherwiao he dim- niilt to uudirntanil are nulokly uppro- t hi tint thu lnturdutt ndoncs uf theory unit prantlca uro mndo rlour uml tho studnnt rompleto their uoursii with u mora mature uml luilunood understand ing of lltuif prur union ul ihillnii and rupoiihibllltlek ttian could tunnlbly bo uttiilm 1 by ulty itmount elthnr of uludy or of practical work tukon alone tlilu mining kiel j hobool wuu in htlttitod ut mrfllll ovot twenty years ugn utid linu tiliton ljoeii cuirlud tn witiiout interruption vxcapt tliat it was curtailed during the war tlm nxti ut tf groun 1 rovorihl muy lm gathered from tho fnet thut llrltbih columbia huu boon vlulted jio lum tlian lou tlm on nova knot in ulx nowfnund- lnild twlro mlrblgati uml otir itnltod hlutimi mining dlhtrlrtu thrnu or tour tiim it whlla coliult inrruplno mud- bury und ollmr nnnror mining lulda uro ulmout ulwuyu touchiil on tl way to nmro tllhtpnt irlg tho illustration whteh aocompttny thlu irihlo linvo it on ohouen to nlow thn llghtur uldo of tho oxaurloiiu and it lu noodlehii to mill thut un part of tho oouran at moqlll la morn popular than tha mining trlpu amrahtvrich an a writer in the outlook describes rltlo he once took with an old farmer in u new england village during which some of the men in the neuthborhood came under criticism speaking of a itromlnont man in the village i aald is ho a man of rneunst well said tha farmer hd hasnt got much money but has might rich has he got much land uisnt naked no sir he tuuuvt got much land either but he is mighty rich the od farmer with a pleaaed smile observed my puaalod look for a moment and then explained you sec he hasn t got much money and hasnt got much land but still ha is rich because he never wont to bed owing any man a cent m ult bla life he uvea as well us he wants to live und he pays u he goo he does not owe anything and he bin t afraid of anybody ho tells every man tho truth und doe hi duty by himself his family and hut neighbors his word is a good as his bond and every mn woman and child lu the tovvn looks up tu him and reapocts hint no air he hasnt got much land or money but h ts a mighty rich man secauae ho ha got all he wants oeree pie before it there are many who have been afflicted with sores and have driven them away with lr thomas tec leo trio oil all simi larly troubled should loso no time in applying this splendid remedy os there i nothing hka it to be had it is cheap but it towcr is tit no way expressed by m low price mahk twains enqaqemflnt mark twain was stul a young man when lie was introduced p the lady who became his devoted and wox hipped wife hoh wrtea to his mother l i orall have a wife who will atund by mo like a aoldler through thlok and thin and never complain bho is only a little body but ah o- hasnt jier peer in christendom i gave her only a plain gold engagement ring whon fashion imperatively demunda a two hundred dollar diamond one and told her it waa typical of her futur lot- namely that aha would liavo to flour ish on substantial rather than lux uries i warn you that whoever comes within thn fatal influence of her beautiful nature ja her willing slave tor evermore from lttr mk twrun seven rules op lite btrlvt to livo each day in ovury jmuii relation so tlnt nil who know you will nvaohmurily bolluvo in tho purity of your motives and tbo good- iieaa of your purpose let this imi thu chief defense of your reputation do not do anything any w hero that for moral consideration you would not do everywhere jjm not say anything to unyone that for moral oonhldnrutlon you would not say to uvoryono btrivo to avoid antugontam have ut the expense of right principles and always hold duo respont for tho view point und footing of others no mutter what ooours strivo to treat uvorybody everywhere u though nothing unpleasant luu over taken luce v llo vry alow todoinniloejwnn3 tiotid or uthllolds when wronged and very swift to offer mum whon wrong whuithora i uucortulnty a to tho right or wrong of uhy prtipouod act ulwuy give right tho bono fit of tho doubt never purposely offend mother and strive never to tnko urfensti a pleasant puroatlv parmulo vegetable pill ura mo oomtouudoil ua to nporato on lwtli tho stomach i the ihwo1 uu thut they uct along the whola alimentary uml moratory piuot- aae they arc not druutla in their work but mild purgutlve upd tho pleaauro of taking them 1 only oquun led by the gratifying nffoct they pro- duoe compoundod only of vegetable bubaluucca tho quulltle of whloh wero rully lestott thoy arford relief without ehanoo of jnjury i willino but x leblor 1 want to pay thut little bill uf your creditor thank you air trwnk ou inlitor hut 1 can t best evidences the plump rosy cheek s a wellnourished body i are the best evidences of strength and vigor i scotts is used in tons of thou- sands of homes every j day it improves i j3 the appetite pro- tf motes growth and pirw sustains strength make breatlilno eaay ths con ntrlction of thu ulr pusugct uml tho trigglu for brouuu io familiar ovj- denuo of usthmutlp auublu nun not daunt lr j 1 kellogg asthmi itemoily- this is tho famous remedy which js known fur und wide for its complflo offeotivenoui ovon under very sevcru conditions it lr o untried oxiertmentul preparation hut ono with many yours of wtrong aorvliie behind it buy it from your nearest dealer hedldnt buv it junk to his flanooe i think of getting a musical instrument maud say perhaps u cornet mum in dismay oh tint thut horrid thing junk in uururbtu and why hot deurr maud blunhlng vlnhutly u tnuken the up so hwrd 56s9srcpughs firo1 sparkplugs new and proven idea for oas engines heat ano oil cannot affect this pluo 200ach caniidian firol spirk plug company ounlinoton ontario josh billihgb on grandpas tho grundpu i an individual aged nmewhere imlwoan fifty uml ona hun dred years and lu it common ooour- renca in inout well regulutod family nnxt to u hnaltlty mother inlaw theyhuvo nloro buneas on huud than onny other party in tha household thoy uro the atundurd authority 0 ull itiudlnb teplnku und what they don t kno uliout things that happened suty- flve years ago or whut will hup pen for the next threu yeara to como is a dnmugo for everybody to kno orundpu urn not onttroly useless they urn hundy to hold bahlea and feed pig unit ure very smart ut mend ing broken broom bundles or putting up tho olothi lino on w owning tluyu i hev seen grand nuu thut churn good hutl uoiiwhlnr it u mighty mean trlnk tonet n- old manviauiu4yyi to ilium huttor i nm willing to ruck th lathy whllo wlmmon folk ura hlllug soall 1 am reddy to uut rug to work into rug- curpet they vuti keop me huntlnir hen egtf or plokllf green kurrunts or 1 will even dip kondlo or koro apple for aua but i won t churn 1 huvo examined myself on the aub- jeat uttd will bet a jaaknlfe thut josh jlllllukx wont ehuru ornndiuia urn poor luilp utl bringing up children they ure full of pmoept und katlklhm but tho young ones all hneni to umlttrutuild that gruiulpu lulnds thunl il heap moro than thoy mind grundiui farmers accounts thw bank beftnn t career in 1 832 when canada was largely an agricultural country und lunno tlie eigltyeifllit years ot its lie it luu ajvvayi gnen special attention to tlie care of farmers accounts we pay interest on cavtngi accounts caui your cheque take care of your notes and moke collections when due bulmexi conducted ly mail if necessary the batik of nova scotia ajahagwactow ills m 1 31 p m 00 p m ii 01 a m ji m btltiin ttlam j01 pm ib p m u am ulim i r p m pipe and pipe fittings for waterworks installing done charges reasonable a1so a quantity of iky hakdwooi ww sau5 pumps engines grinders and flcury rollers aliio a fueetkliroftxhm impijkments chas el parker at tub implement shop acton everv article is of lxclp tional valle c c speight mill sir t flrion i acton creamery full murket price paid for butter fat any small amount of cream will receive our best attention we will also pay spot cash for eggs open friday and saturday evenings best creamebv butteb new imo eggs and fbesh butteomilk wha now be suppued at the creamery eveby day acton creamefry co watson wiles proprietors jubt a little humor at it huuduy jlohnnl u toueher askod il little boy lr ha knew what thu e promjiinn sawliiif turt mount ourtlt i do maid ho pulling purt nf hla tnuinern round lu front there h u tear my ma sowed i toured h when i wum milling down hill iruuolblo old turty conductor why dldn t you wuke inn up us i uukod ymit hero i urn tulle beyond my station condnotor i dirt try but all t could net out of you was all right muriu get tlio ohlldhm tlblr break- fuui und 111 bo down in a minute in hort ml low und goutlomnn eald i overpowered qrulnr i un unly uy beg leave lo sjld i dinlro tha i aaiuro you tug i whth i hud is win dow n my bohom that you mlrht son thn amotion of my heart yuljfiirjoy from4ho gallery wont a pnha in your htumuch do this limttt fews jrollowity corn itemover lakes tho corn oiif hy the roots try it and prove it jiih m it wi flovvens- if you ootuliir her a wluu girl say it with hugo it you think lur uoll uny h with unnwdroim v if you ile i re to marry her uy it with u hippy if you know who has a a woo i tooth snv it with cuiidytufl if she tmpreasos you u a ad girl say it with rno if hiio in of n happy joyou nature uy it with glndlolbs if mho heems a nruura nml prisms sort of girt nay it with primula if you think her u hour nhflrp tnngusd old ranldj say it with tmap- dratfoaa catnip and a century bloat castoria for infanta and children- mothers know that genuine castoria bears the signature of railway time tables at acton brand trunk railway byatsm qolna wit no js huuday no at 37 oilnu cast 3t hiimbty jo lit 31 u m tllnln ll3tam jltipm r ou p m lim ampin 7 a hi luhum 3 2h p hi d 1 1 p m h 13 pm nto suburban bu i hallway qolna west ilully ukui t mm lay dully me 1 1 lliuida- dully i x4 1 1 llunday hunilay only w hit luy only hun lay only golntj caat ially nxrept hunduy lsly naroit tjunday dully i kospt t kilnday only mint lay only munilay only tretohtand expness icsprouf carrlixl on ull car i- might dollveted dally by mimkiui oxproas freight icxpras of itnlght plekodup at any address in toronto o u aonicw aid ante u uptodate goods at c c- speights silverwara in tgblowgro fine variety also fine cutlery hardware tmwara and draoitj ware big assortmonf pandora stoves and iaiies famous heaters small stoves oil stoi when you need boots shoes at any time buy pbom w williams mm street acton famous por satisfactory footwear reasonable ihices she r acton bakery cu phono no 77 if you want n delicious loaf of bread or brown bread or a uostan loaf toamtoafbuns um holls pics and all kinds of cookies and cakes i also wedding cakps made baked or iced bread is your best tooll eat more op it phono 77 the waceon will call st your door medwabdsco- acton ontanio store closed every night except prl dv and saturday at l30 pm 4 thirty years castoria jvvii a z just yon hear coprownppt k wiww wmmwiif ntm ww c fr4e press advertisers are always reliable frank king j georgetown ont- ajajesi braalaaa

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