Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 25, 1920, p. 6

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hlrtba marrlagwm and jeath haw charged for et the following rain illrtlib coo j marriage 60o doulha tno manorial card 60 in per linn extra for pooma oorn iialvoim at hi clulr mich married hahdinaiimzki at th muni wnlnoatiiiy ndv-oiim-i- id 1910 ljrv fumrn victor llirrfnif of llmehoimo to a 1910 aluse whda yloaiel of fleorgeto- diec- camimucoal hi homo near mnr- fut nti lluiiduv november 14 1020 hurii cumpbelt in hlu 77th year 1allkrcit al 111- hiimt lot 31 con 1 krin on tlmrwduy november 1h 1030 hector iurknrt in hla isnd year oampiikll at hurtney uai 0 tueuday november 3 1b10 alexs under camlll formerly of kaouo- ing in hie mth year jdlown on tuesday november 1030 at linr ll reehletic oeorge- town thirnlhin it wunl widow of the lute churl- itruwn tsatiueeluf towuuhlp kicixat th family realrtnc lot 30 wininil un kauedng en tumi- ilny novtmlkt as 1930 catharine oliver widow of thn lata william jcolly aged 73 year in memorlam uoalttllult in loving hinmnry f little jack win of mr and mi r mnarthur who ltad away in thn 7mirul hopllal ouelph on nov- o ml mir 3r itr aged 4 year and 17 day oh tor a clnap of tltoa tender arm a kin from til roy up linwwo tnlng onf nurtlng boy hut our heavenly leather loved him beat uthrr mollior kutera unl hrotherw hmith in loving tnmory my dear mother mm a k htnlth wlu died at ouelph general houpltat novem- her it 1910 in her hind year wo watched hr uuner tiny by day it caused ii bitter grief t her ulowly lno away ami could not klva relief nut dead tn un love her it car not loat hut rod before rtin uvea with w in hiemory atllt and will rorevermor her loving daughter lilly bmitif in affectionate rnnmiiry of mndma hmlth who dlod november 17 1d19 it not the tear t th rinmont khfml tht toll how imlowud 1 thn aoul hl fld rut thn team through many h lony nlht wept wo little thought whtin wn wild boolbyi wo worn trtlnir forover and you wora to din if i could have vnlxxl ynur dyl imart tha ffrlnf mlfht tiot haw been ao ham formo that loved you no will wn hold your mmnry dear joe tillyan lonu and murna ipf artanree tyctbb thuiwday november jr 19s0 brief local items svur wooka until chrffatmaa chrlatmaa advertulntf la already apnearina sh we jbkmm paaaa chrlatmaa areetlnc caala tho neoond inatauaent of taxaa folia due today bujar aold in acton on saturday at 13 it cent per pound thia la the day the united statea obaerve their national thankaclvlnjr day ia your sukm laa explrinfct kind- w all aubacriptlona in ad- tha eecond atonn of conalderabla proportion within a week come on bun day t the canadian courier and tho canadian pnrm both of toronto have muapended publication o rod unity the number of motor cara running la btowln amallar they are belnft put up for the winter the kjiora council hoa paaaed u milk byluav fixing alloenae for two oowm or morn nt ii 00 and sar a alnalo cow 60c tho flrat ice atorni of llm on monday played bnvot with many of the tree itranchca were broke in many place iledae card received we ar well pleaaed with them ancloaed and lbs amount of bill sydenham bt church ttrantrord 13 00 per im waa naked for pota toes on hamilton market laat week tha council nrmiifed for five or alx cars which will be aold at 3165 pleaaa- nnd aubacrlptlon for pttxa rnaaa i have been aeveral ooplea latn ly and am quite taken with it ea- teclally the old manm reoollec- tlona w r the alxhundredacre track of land at norvnl belomilnjr to upper canada collono haa twen auaceated aa alia tor the now itotanlcal oardana of toronto unlvoralty tho dm at tha a u irian reataurant onbunday mornthar decimated the nt tamtunce at tho churchee the no tali borly aplrlt of helpfulnoea aud lym pathy waa man if oat tno hydro llahtlnu uyalm iuyl rather runt und looanwlih uarra on sunday ovonlnff tho current wan off four or five tiniea within almiut hour und then went off for n hour period u l moore i m held a lolloo court heaalon ut olenwltlluma on tumi- day thomaa llartahorne jr hud aa- athilted isdward iii1l evidence proved the oluiriiu and tho dofnndunt vriu fined 91o and coat two oftaaowr brckaiajklnb in- tjustrteanf milton have ehut down nd a third haa laid off man handa ana it in feared it will eeaao opera- njjlcfurblhojlbwynar bhaaltoa factory la worklna on abort botire actona deer hunter were i fortunate in the bunting arounda ael- ected thla fail they were notauc- eeaaful in aecurfnjr tho quota allowed by tholr hunune uoenaea tho party aeeured a ana lot of partrldaea how ever i says unusual opportunity thatb what this 1013 value- event bpella for vou 25 35 45 55 hnre are aome of the in eat overcoat and hulte ahowu in canada muna youn mnna wultannd oooata value up to 34 c uontj yountf niena aultaand- ccoatil value tip to sco mn ju youna mnnataultaaiid oamttl value up to go men a yoqna men aulta and ccoatu value up to 176 uone hbavy all wool pull owe aweatera club color itetfulur is 00 bale ucna houvy ull wool plnjd eftocl hweater ooata neat pattormt luif 10 fl7 qtt on hale aj ij metim houvy wotttht win ter underwear ile ac 31c0 on hale ut jt work shirts houvy work ttltlrta bluck und plain bluu und khaki i ltcx 31c0 ouaulo ut ju ilea 3325 un tudo ut fub itett 1300 on auto ut mb monn hvavy blue n tripe bib ovmnlbf ilea flprt tr- 350 33 ed on bule ut muna heavy khukl over- ulla hog is50 bale nt lena huavy wool work aux ark roy hog blw value 60c on aale jc youth chlltclilllu reefer plaid llnlntf blsh collar lie- value 31 600 bojo at youtha ulatera anappy pat- terna latt tyloa alaea 39- to 34 1105 91sq 20joo 921jq0 and 22sl geqwallace allways reliable iclotmier1 vqljelphoht j350 1050 fc qalada tea rbducep15 cents a pound v kvory oftort la belna made o sup ply the retajj dealcra with iirown ximi aalada at the reduaed prleo wf k oenta per pound however it will take eomo little time before all have it in atock in plte of every exertion on tha part of the company aa they have tna or thouaands of cuatomera throucbout canada from the atfantlp i to thatvoina neighborhood news- town and countxy georgetown uurelura raided mciioin a co a tore on thureday night and atole over 1600 worth of koodu thla la the bocoad raid within all montha illch school commenoemcnt decem ber 3 und 3 mra v jjuntar and mlsa bmellie of norval loft hiat week for cali fornia whero tbey will s upend the winter mr win honey hoa purchiaed uryea hlioe store on the murkot bquure juolph and taken poaaeaalon a box moclal will ho brjd in tie achool houae of u b no 16 kaq u cu ll la on ifrlduy uvcnlnif november 36 mr and ura m u nichouton un- nounco uia onimjjtnnent of tholr duunh- ur madolln caroline nicholson it n of younsatown ohio to archibald murqula mocpharaon h s a wn of mr and mra hitch lo mucptierhon of hrumlon man the wedding will take place on wedneeduy dooeaihof ut uooraelown i lerejtl ouen williams mr jouoph heaumont who returnwl frtim u hualnoafi trip to winnipeg lout week left on monday for montreal tho man hurthhorno jr waa chanc ed by edward 1111 wlthojwiuultlnar htm op tha atruet on bunday evening 14 to lnnt the caae waa heurabeforei u 1 moore lotce maitlntnite of acton on tueeduy afternoon the chance waa proven and llartahorne waa lined 91000 und coat an uatoemud maldont of thla local ity for many yeura pauued away on tuiwday in tho poreon pf mr john uliirlutm mr hiovhum won born in county tyrone irobmd aevntynlne yeura uko und come lo cunailu when u tud he haa lived an the homeatoud hurti for many yeara ho took quito un intercut in public uttalni and waa for muverul yeora u member of k- quimtlnif council tbon jreeve- und a momlwr of tlut county council in addition to funnliur mr llfnuhaln uuo did momu coiitructhik- ho did qultw u lot of work on thn brlilitea here unit ut the paper mllhi und on other brhliceu anil culverta in the townehlp uf hlnulmm will lm rtiatly mlaaod hero for ida utco la wu uti unuaually uotlve the huntora have been hotting homo from tbu north during tljo week thoy had vuryliux- impceo homo of tho homeu buro ojijpyliuf loo uula of vvnlaon hov mr moore the iiouf mlnlator of ihn huptlat cliurob oeortfutown ifnnttaoaduyiniiiootdn houuobrexikoru huvo been huy hero uautn thla week on sunday nltfht tho hcnornl atoreof william bliunok wuii burglulxirt und aoverul hundmd ilollura worth of jwwla ami wear hi if nppurel ntolon home very noticeable auaplctoua tnovemente iotnt to cer tain quartern und the guilty parties niavjfat nid tholr tlliovltuc actlomt totte very coetly thla la tho aeoontl tlmn within a your tluit mr bhenoka atorohaa neenetoreaby thlovca and fjooda stolen r j kerrs u8t of sales wodneaday deoeinber x tho rob- eraon eaiquoaliuj thursday deoemner firod dough farm atook at irfcur cjoroera era- moon wodneaday december 8 winter fair uulldinca guclph aeayi otain ti iy i na8qaoaweva thn v i ii hull tkinoind to tlr i nt tl uluilvnid hlt ti iuv he mortiliik mild evenlnu trulim atop for ttp rjinvonleora of thn pupil irolntf lo lileli niilmmll ntlip tlmro obprinqe qulln n hunilxir rrom tblu unodou ittembtl thn riiiinrni of mv hotor riirkor ixi hullinluy urtriutoii mm lordonh uiiiilviirvuty ulelm irnullna quite a furore koiuathlnu- mw for ouprlntco clnlutmaa ttlvltlt ore ilw iwliiu- oiinhlervtl in variioiit crewsos corners tim vouiim rn vry hud now on uocount of tha tutn ami uloet tha threahnru hnv4i ii huiiy tho punt woek nnuhlotf up the cuunu work in diim liolglilxrlnmd odh day inat wiwll u lady who win waiting ror u nt tho illue rpriiibu rdlil utop wna iirimmly uaultod by u iruiikoi tnotorut thu poopla urw juatly indiamint and hoio aevore pun- uhioont will be imilvd out to him milton the imnulrfa oil and flna hyndlrntn itr thfir oulu for wile by tender we are horry to im hat ihera will l hoinv unemployment in milton imh- hnp until bprln llrlckmaklngr will ln on u ntthei- amnll acalo with a liumlxir of hultdh laid off and theakhn iiiitory iiun iwni oloeed temporarily there will in at i on i one ethane- in fh wrwnnnl of next year county iimihlt luavn hyor haa decided to ihi u cuiidldute for the mayoralty mr icurl imvtna derided to retire after tlma yeura in ottlco at the united htutea election hved ltlnon illujiisa montana eldeat eon of the late john lllion waa elected to thn mn n tuna htate lea lain lure aa a h- tuiltllcan he lo an old milton boy win nlzon la at i lie home of hi brother m 10 nixon reoovorlnje from jheerrcm or a tall over the edge of thu mountain 36 feet to the rocka ho low ha lout iiih way in thb wood uhen walking from milton u cuth- tmrt liibhw farm on a dark nght two rlba won broken and b wna h tunned for aome time on rcralii- inif onaolounneaa be hhouei for help und wan rescued by the uiwrk ilamh champion bargains in millinery 35 thursday friday and saturday lames these abe rare iiargains an weu worth youk consideration nellie m stockf ord acton guelpii elora our first anniversary sale commenced on tuesday novem- retlrandontim december 16 everythlnp in our store reduced ia prices ibat are round to attract your only ustinpa fowof them here come and see for yourself ponilively everythtno in the store reduced llleuchnd and uubleuchml cotton white flannelette 3 luohea wide pr yunl white flannelette 30 inched wide per yard btrlped anil dark flannelette 30 incheu wide ivor yard btrlped unil ijurk flannelette 30 i in hmi wide hir yrd tablo xjnen reguer price 9140 for table linen regular prion 3100 for table linen regular prim 9ik0 for all ciirtuln oooila 115 76e 10a per yard ef r 10o par yard oft 7c per yard off 10o per yard erf 1jbs 2000 mona natural wmtl underwear regular 33 36 for 1m mona hllibotl underwear rvgular 31 60 und 9176 for st 10 mni fleece lined underwear rular 31s for 90a hoya fleorallned underwear regular 7 co for 1 1 lrlilt lulateujf olnglrama cham urn yn hhlrtlng nil klnda overalla nnd rmockn regular 937c und 9301 kepukln lined couta regular 91300 for jjid i nm t n d e rw e r 30o lo 30o per garment 380 peruan a c a ticking regular t6o for 1 only ooat hnlm regular 33300 for nly hobo regular price 3 ib 00 ror inly itobea regular prlotf 94 00 for mens iladies and children shoes 18jw 1rx0 t40 35e per pair off ne and ladlea bhoea nn hhoea mnna heavy hubtwrn over hubberu 75a to 1joo off sso ia boo on too per pair off 20o per pair off groceries toe regular 70a a pound for 1 lanka too regular 76c for com bturcli und laundry hturoh 3 packageii ror lumon und orango pool regular 70c for soedloaa hulalna regular3cc for v baedfrd ituulna a paokagea for be per can off 60 aso corn flake und loal tooattua 3 puckugem f soap all kind 10 uukeri for mate hoa regular 46c 3 for v choean regular 40o a lmiund for 2 thtund iwlla or 1iun block food for vja 37o 3so z0 this sale 13 for cash r l gordon ospringe farriis for sale 197 acres in erin township v miles from radial station 3 miles from acton 00 acre worluiblo balance boh and piature 1 acre orchurd ucrea rail wheat 30 ucrew full plottjjhod auhdy und clay loam aoll 3 well and 3 crecka stone houae of rooma uaimsoxci tie up 34 cattle and 4 ho raw hay houae 6014 imnicmont a hod driving houae hog pen 34x18 wuter in atuble school 3 mlleu cloae to church rural mull and telephone pouaoaoion arranged price 94b00 terma urruugod so acres in erin township 2vx miles from erin 46 ucrea workable balance awnmp and puature amall orchartl 4 ucro fall ploughed qravelly loum aoll 1 well und u aprlng houao of 6 rooma stone barn 60x40 iniultry houae school on comer church 3 knllenv uural mulb poaaeaalon arranged price f400 terma arranged k 100 acres in caledon townshd miles t from erin bo acreaworkablo bulunoo buah and paeturo email orchard 30 ucrea full ploughed clay loam hoil 3 well und a creek frame houae of 10 rooma undwoodahed i tank luirn ibxeo with a tabling small driving ahed- school and churchouii mile hural mall and telephone pooooanion arrjnbfla prictffrfloo terma urrongodr 10o acres in nassagaweya townsaiprvi miles from arkell2 miles from c0rw11in station 7 miles iitlom guelth 80 uorea workable balance bush and paature amall orchard 4 acrna full wheat 30 acraa fall ploughed loamy eoli 1 well stone houae of 8 rooma aummer kitchen woodnhed good 1 cellar hank barn with ateel atanpltlona cement floor oood plclpenheu houae drlvfng houae and implempnt liouno otimblncd water in table imluvul alo 33x13 narul mall und tolephoile willoughby farm agency i1eadoitice 43 victoria street toronto l tblmphonb main 46tt mclea co ready for fall and winter trade you will hnd our stock of merchandise comilite in every de partment you will find ourprices lower than the 4 big city stores r v- k dress serfce at 150 stx yard thews serges are extra good value tor the money wido width nil wool colors are black navy brown nnd green regular 425 for 3j0 per yard twd dreis goods nt reduced prieea- you will find these tweeds good for chil drens coats odd skirts and are good value at s450 for j376 colored cord velvela for boys suits girls costs z7 ins wide special at sljzfi per yard ladfea wool hose for winter wear this lino of wool hosd in black only sizes 8j fz nd 10 worth today 150 pair wo carried this lino over from last year and will sell them at last years prico 100 per pair large size flannelette lllanketit at low prleeb theso bankotaro doubla bed size in white and gray and are manufacturers seconds if thoy wore firsts the price would be 4w for 395 remnants heavy cotton shlrtlngg at reduced imce this is the best bargain wc have shown for a long time the pat terns arc bluo and while black and white stripe the colors aro fast heavy weight for winter wear good lengths 3 and 3 yards and you can save 20 per cent if you got hero before they nro all sold up larjeft size white red spread at r duced price 25 bed spreads honey comb patterns largo size regular prico is 450 to clear ut 395 just como to hand a large shipment of christmas handkerchiefs a good time to look-over- them and pick oulwhat you- want while the assortment is good wo will put them to one side and keep them till wnnfbd mclean go mux street ceet w3 bull tor cash we sell for lebs acton mm acton skating rink season tickcts arc now on bale children under 13 your io riilldrun 13 to 10 yui 1jmj lfudli w uiittlumo m apply at acton tanninq co ofpice llult lither tpt or tannev coopcwative hay fever and asthma i conquered by tha worlrta only twolottle hemtmly loiit auffer a minute longer hnd today 433 riy tritnun 7 butio bl e- toronto yenae and chari 8ta itorenfto prepurea young men and women fo employment ua aooountunta tono gmpher typlata private aorretarlea caahlnra commercial teacharm etc commence any time write for par ticular w j elliott principal no common courses aro given in shaws business schools toronto all work is high grade in every detail students may enter any day or start home study courses free catalogue writo w h shawpres 305 yon go st sheet metal productions of ull kind exeoutod by thla inn urn uiuiualinedly guaran teed for material and work- whip no matter how largo orannrtrrhtnoil vv itantl bitbtf of it und you run no chunoea in giving uu the onlor if you want u imiu or u ventilator u gutter 01 u lior o metul celling etc you know you ore uufe in let ting uu carry out your instruc tion oet our cntlmatcs im your next job wf mooney acton ont we want a llelluhlo agent for every unrepre- preaanted dlatrlot to hell our well- known fruit and ornumontal tree ahruba etc good pay exclusive territory rights our agency la valuable under proaent condition boo acres of nursery established 40 years writ for particulura to aironcy lo partm en t pelham nursery co toronto ontario winter fair gaelph dec 3 fo 9 ip you have a guarantee that your eyesight will last you a lifetime it is un necessary to see us xillklpm ontf saturday treat our daisy caramel is a softirlch creamy square candy with two flavors in each piece chqcoloionndvnntllft thissaturdayweoiforyouh lbs of this great favorite reg 50c lb saturday treat price 35c per lb weekend chocolates 44c lb there are about 12 varieties or flavors in this assortment tho favorito flavors in rich creamy centres also caramels pea nut clusters etc wo notice a steady increase in tho salo of this line try a pound this week reg 60a and 70c lb week- end special 44c boxed chqcolates you will find our stock of boxed chocolates always fresh our 125 box pf highclnsschocolntes it wonderful value tho next box you buy try our own homomade chocolates t fl moorehead brampton georgetown milton acton news for well dressed men buy clothes that jre guaranteed it coat tin more to buy n to the that aro ouahantklci than any other kind tho name dreabwell on tho in- hhlo of oar ooata ia u dotltllw guuruiitoe liter are guaranteed iif guarantee they are guaranteed by to be absolutely right in every par- menhir or we wouldnt uell them cjothea are handtailored ovour -measure- l 3000 to 8500 the suit or overcoat french dry c lanl na dyelnp re- pairlno and alteration of all kind j llavo abo aocured u no 1 laun dry agenoy which will give prompt nervloo and guaranteed work give ua a trlul on any ordor and bo convinced auo agent for dreswll drand mad to- maaaur cloth geo hillman tailor acton personal greeting cards beautiful emblematic christmas designs arunlkully lithographed and steel c11l your nanw neay imnted jn text or script fine plate card with envelopes to match good choke 0 dcultna no 1 no 2 no 3 i do j175 200 j jl2s 2 doil 2 doil 3 dm 4 do utf v w2s5js s7s 500 65 4js 600 725 order at once before assortment is broken the acton free press acton ont vegetables and fruit a h dibhop grdener will dollvor liioiuptly nil ordera fr-cnhirytbuagcutiull- lllph oiiliitw white lleunl and appbu cull or phono t4 a h bishop pairview ave actom notick to farmers having a contract to deliver every week not leu ihuli twenty orate of good howl to the city live and drea ad i muut pay tho lilkheat prlee to gal that muny if you imvo any good rowl to well call mo by mall or per sonally and let mo know your ud- dreua and liumhnr of plume und i will call ut your pluoe we alao buy any nuantity of gikfl potatoeo wo buy any amount of all klnu of old paper and junk we huure you the heat antufacuon alex gilroord iiox 100 drlok cottaoe cor schoolheuae lena acton auction sale farm stock implements etc- toc thn unduralgnad huu rucelvod in- htrilctlomt fiom u p denison to woll hy public auction ut i ullevu lot lit con 8 koiunhlng on tuesday november so ut one oclock harp the following llormatillurk 1ercheron geld ing 0 ymm buy clylnluln gelding loyonm iwiy fllydiuiluln fill yearn buy clydondulu miin- 10 your tbeuo ere two toumri wound hnd out of hunl work ronm work mure 4 your und her liay lllly coll h mouthu dark brown colt lrnhflmii liurkney 0 month cattlfcj itcg hhorthoni bull 130- 053 ng tililirtliorn now 14480 ralf at foot rg uhirthoru cow i44rfl dun itwoiiiber lb pure bred hhort- horn bull your old being regbuered pure bred hhorihorn belter year old being reglhtered blurk grudo holatelu cow 01 if ut mid 11 black irrmlo houteln holfor culf ut uilo rod grade durham heifer culf ill w llrludlo grade burhum heifer calf nt nllo red grude uurhum cow culf ut uida rwl grade j- well roitli gradu lliirlmm cow dun may lt milking well rouu grade ijnrham cow duo muy 3 milking well red griido uu r hum now due murch 17 milking well red grade durham heifer dun july 10 milking woll rod grade durham cow duo juno is nttlkv lug well blurk heifer hrel kept b milking well 4 jerwey hnlfura hi calf an tired s lurhuni hclfera i yearu durham utwir s your durham red cow 3 yearling heifer 3 yearling hteer 3 mprlog heifer 3 hprlng ikis r fnt plga 8 pig 6 weoka imilkmrnth 17tc din harrow wllklnnou plow no 3 ho run ruk km pirn crvutn aepurator tractor double ittac hndcrlou leaio inter- nut lomt i tyim 11 corn cutting bo thl box haa lnton pructlcully rebuilt and la a ghht uh new oun act double hurnob if foul weuther hiilo will ik held under cover ticltmh ah mimu ofiooo und un der ouhh over thnt union nt ten month credit will bo given on ap proved johit jiottid 6rf cr annum off for cui ut hulit 1 ben petchj wattivinhonr clerk auctioneor clearing auction sale in townfluh iv 1ssqukh1no parm stock and implements tito unilninlguo1 ha rncolved ln uhuctlijij from oattwfl light toot rod cow cutvijd 2u montha hr iiiialn good mtlkui hi hullo cow daciimbor 14 llolutolu cow dila de cember is llolatoln cow due lecem- bor u4j ayrhliirn cow milking well duu murch 14 rd now diirhnni milk ing due murch uk llnhdelii oow mint ing well dun may 14 jitrwy oow milking duu march jmy oow milking duo irobruuy ib hulateln illklug well duo april l blue diking well due april is red liking woll duo april 14 the above are u good herd of dulry oowo yolint cattm0 holktoln bclfer- a yourtf lirnl nnvcmher 7 3 yearling durham llelfcru 3 cnlviim 0 month d 1 cult 7 wokn old 1iom york goiv 10 plgulat tikit dyounirtnjiiter whltonowii nil bred euucttp u oafoidjjown owes b vn lurnhu 1 nhearllug oxfonl down in tillglhlu for toglntratlou wwira number of vlymouth llouli uookto olui hluok m inoren oookoroh pure bred utruln 5 white leghorn cookorol a liullmi huiiher luck wplmtmnthl kiiboyllurria hlnilcrrfl-ft- mitrht goodtihapo irroat wood mower d ft out rmmuro hitler diho hut row homo rukn chutliiini fitinihijj mill wugdu 3 innh tire tiliiglu fmrow jointer plow corn ruuk mm htnmt wugiin 1 met light nldglm 1 hot iiouu liiitio lb 1 aot liuvy iihiglo hriiu mmintuit burnnumi ucl hiiiiuh n inch mil nl or icqrhig owcr box titovij hooth kto quantity of tpmlpm athiut ib feet emillngoi j now of utraw if 1111 provlounly iiiltl tidhmh slood und iintloi cumii iver that utilihiiit 14 montlih credit on upprowdjilot tiotn 4sorf for lwh1ii itoot niimiluge oh aw rowl aauh rasarva aa the perm la sold lr j kerr auottoner 1hono so aotou l u h1iohidy olorlt is a r a

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