Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1920, p. 1

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v forty lixlh yearno 24 is 00 pbit ydalt acton ontario thursday morn i no december 0 1020 12 co in united btateh single copies five cents the methodist cuurcti acton rev i h mover paster parsonagewillow bt missionary anniversary it n m tli milliliter hubjeeu the klelrt white unto harvest 110 p m hun lay tjchool 7 ii m rw nawton e bowl b a b d mlaalonary from china you are invited come knox church acton rev w l findlay b a mtktslar mnse willow street generous savings offered this week in all departments of guelphs leading and largest store news of local import another machinery depot mr j w brbarre ut of na- nweyo haa loaded th staph neon blacksmith shop on main street apd will open shortly with lint of term machinery and implement of the oii- son manufacturing co guelpb and tho cockshutt work brantford will also carry a una o motor tiro and accessories asylum for the tnaan at guelph tha statrrhent lt hoofi tanaae t the parliament buildings toronto that speedwell military hospital formerly ontario reformatory at qnelpn 1g vwiuiium by tha military authorities and on com ilotlon will be ued by the ontario l ot tnviil a a ooi tra institution to bermuda for tha winur dr and mm t j o farmer loft till ww it tor nwtork on route to bermuda whn they intend to spend the wlnlr thoy will anil from now york- to morrow tho dr and mrs prmr haw for yearn spent the wtn tar either in tho southern stat or in bermuda thoy greatly enjoy tha mare moderate c lima to thus expert torn school will continue the mm tin of rate pay em of lorno- school section deeded to continue the school several of those interested trongly advocated a trial of attend anco of the pupil at anton but the preponderance of opinion was opposed to this course jdlaa jleslla the pro nent teacher haa tendered her real rev mr movers reply to father coodrow to the rdhgr of tmm fxx puthi acton onl dear sir in lust week huu uf your paper there appeared a letter from itev father uoodrow in which he tax exception u a sermon f preached 1n the methodist church on sunday evening november 11 i wl ct m its publlratlon u i am oonfl lent this letter will do much to correct many mistaken ideaa regarding re ltgton in general and the church in particular 1 ajffew week ago itev lather con way of new york name u our town and delivered a series of lecture in the interest of tho ho man a t nulla cnuroii mn t u w 1 iw intuit courteous treatment from all culaaiin irrespective of tholr reel no one aa far an 1 have heard objected to hlii choosing- hi iwn subject or to iii5s5hn wtmr wan in hi heart to nay in view of the fact that on tha invitation aent out so generouay to tho i rotoatanta of acton and oeorav town t ajtei d then leotiirem were aivm suoh subject ant why i ara a catholic the wltac of hutory to the truth of ratholloum the up uof it 1 the maaa that matter c9ntmalnnu of hln to n erlaat i one church aa good aa another t 1 am somewhat surprlxed to ivnrn that father qoodrow ehould tube exception in my preaching in my own church to a lrotntatit conarecatlonon the ub ject why i am a froteatanu t fall to see what the ubjinta he haa ualiested in hi letter for delmtte have to do twlttl th theme of my herman uave i read hi letter pritfhtt i it ikhwihle that in tbl ace in whlfh w live and in thin town of acton we have a mlnlater f tha kotei of jnn thrtnt who 1h i reparod to derend bmhllnk from nn pthloal atandpolnt on the ground of natural phlloaophyr permit mn to aay that in the future a successful school concert wednesday evg an excellent entertainment given by pupils ot public and hurh schools orafonola secured oit use in the bcrrool when tha curtain rooe at the achool it ncert lont wodnoailay eve nine the town hall wan literally crowded to the v l in memoriam mm joiin ta kahton mr isaaton wife or john t icaatnn uf ouclph who for some time i eat ha been in tho hamilton hospital for ire fro nt paatfed way there on bun day evonln- her demlae will occaalun rent rtsrtt amonaat a wide circle uf friend anil acquaintance who will deeply aympatlilxo with tho boreav ed huaban i a wl used mothnr sjui thomaa kan too formerly of acton two euitera and a trothor are auo uft to mourn her to tha lutur mlas jlftohaal hodaon him tiaran hodaon and ur thomaa hod all of winnipeg the deavr 1 liu 1 bean a resident of ouclph for y awl w kpy ln wld if frepd and in dublin street metho dlat church where he attended liar leatb came am the tarmlitatlon ji lunk hlnmi th funaral waa hu it unlpb on tuesday john aiichiuaii mann aftr an llna of lea than three day john archibald mann the dearly bej avw son of amward and jennie matin paused away on satur day n vmber 17 at the family rel i t 1 con z krin for a short iterlod of two year and alx months the lit ma lad was here ha endeared hlmlf to the home the bright uttle fellow will be retly missed lay all who knew him the funeral on tue day of last weak waa conducted by rev j wfindaay ttrln to falrvlew cemetery acton and was largely at tentl i the pallbearer t were che mnkeown john allan roland allan and j i allan much sympathy i extended to the aorrowlnc parent and the little twin altr jean hnme rtnv nnrfrttm w ubiill w social and personal h ie from mr hotwrt hlnwnrt wan h nnn from uurllnton durlntf the weuk mr w j liarlujro f tonmto pent kuturday with frlui id lu town mr jsmei icufclo 1 ronton vihiiv ad ur and mm it 3 icurr tbl wuak mih hertln titnltli nf thv fk minion rank t tront i wax h mo vnr hun day lr w f kjni ey in i ml itna knnney wnre a me from t r nlo ovir the week end j- f v 11 a m- tho vlxlf n of taalaw chlldronw henn n tho wonderful wejij 7 v mtu intmrotohf ufa let us all qo to church a brief synopsis hero of some of tho cutn in mon s prices new advertisements wood for sale first u unlit y mill la 4 font length 110 00 per com 1 inch lensth 1100 ie cord apply t ciihrtrk 1 ank knof avenue or 1 hune no it rlnx 1 k si a furnished rooms wanted usrrltvd n ui in with children would ilka fumlmhetl houaekeaplnc room apply to mr cox u tf w p mdonay lost itetwean krl lay night and sunday puree oontalnlnr um of money and papers howard if returned to mlia w j ithii main h treat or at free preen to rent hplendld house with furnaoe form erly occupied y alex tona1d of ac ton rent fleoo monthly imnodlata apply to or a wtiiixjuainiy oeorretown 297s for overcoats reg 35 00 and 30 50 6000 for overcoats rog- 75 00 7500 for overcoats rcg 00 00 30 for overcoats rcg jip to50 0p 4ft00for qv rog 55 00 and 60 oo 2500 overcoats at the nelson store reg 35x10 to 4000 1875 foryoung jhens and big boys overcoats 3500 tor mens suits reg 45 00 to 55 00 4475 for mens suits reg 50 00 to 00 00 5200 for mens suits reg 00 00 and 65 00 6000 for mens suits reg js2slsq mil 8500 35 for any reg 5 00 soft colored ha 475 for any reg 6 00 soft colored hat 700 for any rcg 0 50 sort coftred hat 3l00 for any reg 4q0 fall weight cap etc lji9 tor any reg 200 tip ctca card of thanks mr and tint bdward mann desire expmsa their slnoero appreciation of thexympthy so generally extend ed tp them by friends and neighbor lo tha sad bereavement through which they have juat pajwed in the paaalnf away of their beloved little tun jack twelve roomed house for bax13 a twelve roomed house very itilt ill ie for a boarding house and much needed in acton for terms and par tlcutara apply to una job iittnp x 1 acton ont silk scarp lost tft rf ota haptlt church on th sunday evonln when ltow mr john aton preached ills farewell sermon a checkered allk gentleman scarf a horse and buqqy for sale lbjtit horse alx years old qulec any woman fean drive it a mclaughlin buggy good aa new and a set or nor mat apply at a j moxulata dairyman second ijne acton or addreaa j allan three grain grinders for sale 1 eightinch plate maple leaf chop per t 10 in oh plate jollletto chopper and 1 11inch plate maple leaf chop per all working an good as whan new for particular apply paufc a kennedy t tf 1tano 4 acton houses for 6ale why not buy a house in acton with all of its advantage 30 houses rangtnic from s0 to is 000 a nam ber of good building lota ask f r j kerit i real estate affent 17 tf bower avenue acton government positions steady demand for competent men inspectors klsherlas weigh ta and meonurea factorle immigration also custom excise railway mall post ohoe- au arades write for partlbu lara how to secure competency canadian civil service inst1tutk coma pond once box 696 toronto t acton hydro electric department tq electric current users notipo la hereby aivon that all ao- oouhta aro due and must be paid on or before the 16th of each month user who fall to pay the aooounta due by tho lath of the month will have their currant out off by order 3l w j reid collector 8 to 12 per day atto tractor meehanloa vulcanl ns t to li per day men wanted fill present demand automobile ma ehanica driving tractor operating- tire yulcanlalng oxv pcetylene weldn atorace battery elect rjoal work prao heal trainlna only a few weeks re- 4 aulrod day and nlahl olaaaea write free atajogrue big wasea steady s employment hemphills auto and gas tractor schools i ibs king otr wt toronto 1 ik friday decbmber 10 the venjjeanoe of durnd vltairaph ataxrlna alice joyce get out and get under com edy with ixarpld l4oyd and uttle sanioo oaturday decbmber 11 matinee and nloht wagon truck atarrlng w b hart but v comedy wfth jimmle aubery jtox news tuesday december h a bporjlna chance ntmtlng ethel clayton epipod 4 of tito third eye tlnub fduord comtdy oominotho silver llorae by jw benoh and tho aooond of itto aerjos of- qrlnaldk ijp father comodlea faihtro oloaa shave l begory all tub fine pubs reduced onethird what a wonderful opportunity and a wonderful saving for tbewomaiwwho needs a now fur coat necfepiece or muff y coats dresses skirts millinery etc at prices that afford great economies this is a great place for your thrift shopping as well as your gift shopping s d e macdonajd bros ltd guelpits leading and largest store wyndham maedonnel and ceirden streets guelph ont and a hot drink touches the right spot these oool nlghta come in and try our sand- wiohoa pies tea coffee cocoa aad sotma candies of course silt be sure to make it wiles dies they pre the beat made in thin town an thou and of candy oatera can tes tify put a box on the treoejor each of th kiddle and or i lota in their locking hwtle3 saturday specials walnut cream res 0c sat urday spaolal prloa 33c assorted chocolate reg boo saturday special pries 4o m mill street iiatin w wf t preaent month the board t adver tlalna for a suc 3400 worth of goad fueevered about three thousand dollar worth or men a ctothlna touritrojm kyah a men a clothing a tore guelph aboiat a month ago was located in toronto on avlday the toronto polio got wind of where the good were hidden anl a number of arrests have been made in connection with tho case mr harry dickon manager of the ryan men more want to toronto and iden titled the stolen good latter are net enough in renewing her pan pass ub crlption tha other day mr r tin win tondon write i enclose 3 00 for renewal of the ra paxaa i could not get alona without ii no matter whom wo get 011001 from nor how many they do not give us the now like the home paper wo raoalve it pvsry week and have had no trouble with it going astray we are ll en- joying good health and like our new missionary anniversary neat sunday noxt htinday will be obaerved a missionary day in all the methodist church of the uuelph district in aclon rev i m moycr will preach in the morning at the evening ser vice itev newton w ivowlea nusalon- nry from china will- preach rev mr llnwlea who i a brother of rev chancellor rowla of victoria unt- ity 1 a most able preacher hu sermon will he of pcal interest to the congregation the pulpit f the church ot which i am pastor i shall select such mubject a i deem a ivlaahle and i shall continue to preach the doctrines of the prote tant faith a t believe them i am your truly l m moter estlng and meritorious every num ber wu carefully j rapared and their rentier ine gave plcaaure and amusa ment the openlnff number warn given by the high hchool orchestra their music waa hovel and quite entertain ina- ttaaltatlona were rendered by the fol wjnfa nml ryo elocution lata of th arhool hassle jmann alln marahall 111 n collier lt rothy campbell jaok italil ktewart malcolm violet currl llotty ulbson morylo flrlndell olady hrarmw krank cook 1 milan tyler frank nibbona arthpr iawson and ejslo puraon ijttlo jack held wo a dainty little gonfleman in a full ilmu suit- in whloh he brought down the house ktewart malcolm with hi bobbing auburn head ronvulse 1 the audience but every one of the little lad and lasae arlad their parts with credit a sarle of drllut nd folk dan oft by t alf a doxen ctasnc from the pub ho tu hol ware given with rhythmical prnrllon anl each of them produced i eltaa itoth pwty sart lntlasl dttmtr mber 1z0 ca exnlnlnel to rev father oood row when he requested publication of hla letter last week the replytiftlov mr moyer if ha denlred to reply would end thn matter so far as th kasai rxoa 1 concerned a thl father ooodraw quite willingly agreed controversies on doctylnal tr theologl nal theme in a local paper have neve at been productive of good result in the welfare of a community and the col minn of the fax paxss are not open to such controversies editor f the recent glenwiluam burglary three young mn confess and blame whiskey for yhslr criminal deed tha burglary of william rohanokv store at qlenwmllams on the nlxht of november iq 1 leltig followed by quite interesting results whan pravlhclal detective htrlnger of toronto waa put on the case he and the ueoigetown chief constable fastened the crime on three local youths lien allen and monty and norman logan eon of liagh ilopan allan and one of the ioganx an si years of age the otherxogan 1 it after their arrest one of the imogen fferod to show thti orflcers where tha these romprlaed tha daniel danoe f oreetlng w the junior primary ci thn doll ileaiton by the senior irlmary clas a chorus by the junior heoond ulrl a parasol dhi1 by the senior sooorftl olrut a song and march by tho euui tlicts olru and itrltannla drill and tab leaux by the third class airls thl utter was especially effective ulllan tylet and dorothy campbell ana a duett ataldgttettiythlbtithoormudentli taught a salutary lesson respecting the putting of undue credence in the honeyed words of strangeia wht dm i re to secure favor or make sales of re suted household articles or unproved lerit moat interesting- anl instructive feafture of tho programme was a dbmooetratlon on the dra phono la by mia mckay u member of tha teaching taft of toronto achool miss mohtay demqnhtrated very affectively tbo use to wtitflh the iraphonohx may be put in the sehoola and gave ooncrete in stanre of it value in teaching various ibjert a well a in drilling- the pup li in such rythmic exercises as are conducive to their training in de portment and graceful norrlaga miss mckay proved herself an adept in the lrenntaton of the tnsliy use to whah the gru phone la or vlotmlu may be put from an edurutlonsl ntun ipolnt and with exceeding gracn and skill mont- itod her oontl lonoe in ita practical value lu the school at the suiieutlon of the cluajrman p moore p m tha largo audience stood at attention and oang the na tlonal anthem with anion lid fervor a the closing number of tho lengthy pro the concert browns grocery and crockery au ready for christmas freph stock best quality and j lowest prices v choice oysters in now thy this store once and be convinced best granulated sugar 12c per lb by the bag boul street ph6w acton ont missionary qhta for indian children at the meeting of tho bpworth leaacue on monday evening- a generous assortment of christmas gift worn presented by the member for the girl in the crosby indian olru school at port hlmpaon ii c where mia ituth nelaon i one of the mlaalonary- t anchor the presents were sent for ward on tuesday and included a thoughtful gift for mia nelson her self who wen out from the league to erurugo in muwlonary work womirvlntitut meeting a delightful afternoon was spent at the o w v a homo last friday at the monthly meeting- of tha womens institute when mlas mcintosh of 0 ramp tan ad irewied th ladle ffl in them a splendid report of the annual convention held in toronto on november to 11 mualcal nuns lern were given by mrs blow and the mloae graham tea waa served nt the oloaa- of the meeting mta mc intosh who is a very able speaker came in plaoe of mlaa neardnvore of fort credit who was expected and wh greatly reyralted being unable to attend additional doeka at free library about lt0 new volume have been catakueuod and added to acton fubllo jjbrary these include a will aeleot- el list of natural eclenbo sociology useful nrto history and general liter ture a good assortment of the latest hooka of fiction of the better claaaba hen placed on the shelves in the juvenile cla there are a consider able number of w mnd belpful book the five volomea on canada in th great war rorra an historical set which t tp be olaaata and full or in tereat th catalogue are now- on ate and the new bookawlll be avail able in a few day a fw net many ad exchangxt remark tunning a newspaper la just like running- a hotel only different when a man goo into a hotel and find something on the table which doe not suit him ho doe not raise hade vflth the landlord and tall him to stop his pu- hotel well lardly he seta that dish to on side andwadea into the math dtabe that itthlm jt la different with eorao iwajjtqner reader they find an or tlole oocaalonally that doe not suit them exactly and without atppplng to think it may ploaao hundred of other reader they make a grand land play arid tell he editor how the paper nhould be rtn and what ahoufd be put into lu thiw euph mqplo ara hooatn- tng- fewer ever year la a bcatlnv the shooting f mr t jame moore at tho coroner inquiry into the death of the- late t j moore city 1 manaser of quelph held at sudbury i last thursday chaa jonem toe man i who mistook deceased tor a deer and fired the fatal bullet gave aa a roa- i ion for ill preohpltato aetlop tha fact i that only a few days prevloiwly pro- crastlngtlon had ooat htm a deer on i the previous sunday ho itad beahated nhoottny thlriklng that the pbjeo he saw might be a hunter and not a deer only to have fine buck escape i out of rifle range crown attorney i hakhmock drew an admission from i him that lie wfuunor or lea peeved i over the sunday affair jono waa i taken back from aalttogive tttmofiy a oopy of the aviaenoa will be aent to i attqrheyrjeneral ivxnyana any fur- tthor action will bo ardarad vf th jejjartnsanl at tooio good were cached they wenj with uuonrihtlukrvonhlre thing- hldilen urjdor straw in a barn exnoptlng two pair of rubber which were recovered later tho boy were committed for trial by v b near j i of georgetown were taken to jail at milton on fri day and arraigned before judge billot they pleaded guilty and were re roonded for sentence until wednes day afternoon when it was explained by their counsel mr dale that the burglary waa a drunken freak and the boya hadjvo uaafoc tha go x mr bohenok and mr monally tea tifiad that they had known tho boy for year and had no knowledaro that thqy had aver before committed any other serious offence allan mother aald her husband had served two year overveam an elder uun four year and ben had tried to enllnt but had been rejected aa too young mr dale made u utrong- plea far leniency and crown attorney dick raised no objection iii honor- gave the boya a ahorp lecture on the gravity of their crime for which a heavy sentence might be imposed but he ordered their release nn suspended sentence they to pay the coata of prosecution ana each give a personal bond for 100 for future good behavior this was done and the boy were released they paid 110 80 for costs a a sequel to this nose other charge have been laid against two resident of qlenvllliom and one near the paper mill who are alleged to have neon trafflclng in liquor for some time their name were given by the three young men implicated n the robbery each of whom claim to have secured liquor from them and paid for it information liave been laid against the allejred boolloggere and their trial are fixed for to mosrow afternoon r aged by a committee of teacher mem ber of that organisation for the pur- pose of raising fund to secure a gta fonola for tho wchool th concert netted 1100 00 and this wan gaaceowriy supplemented by tha i o d c with 60 ooto meet tha coat of the machine j135 00 and provide f ib 00 for addl tlonal record the kindness of tho t o d k fa rratlyamreclatcol by the teacher and pupjlaof the school the crafonola securoh is a portable one and specially cvoalrucled for ue jn achool t- r face w hold in rnepiory rrh in our heart hi memory cling yet still our heart are sore hut m4ch missing moment wit nearer hrlna th day we shall meet onoe more hannait nkwtov when mia hannah augusta new in entered into rest at her home at i me house on tuesday the community 4oftt w m la newtuir lia i bean in poor health for some time und was gradually falling she in landed lo gn to j3mla where two brother and her mister mr nickel i itmldd last wm k to spend the winter there but her strength waa not oqual the journey patient and uncom plaining uha wax to the end her thought ever helng to minister to them thus her wnblo ufa was spent ml newton was tho eldest daughter or the lata john newton 8r who was for muiiy year a ucoeaaful woollen manufacturer and pontmaster at i4m house- bho yuan born on lot neven second lino krlnjn iu4 her father engagvd lu furrrftna there for a few yearn an i than went to limehouae where t a built hi woollen mill in which thn famourt newton blanket were iiutnufartured mia newton pent t rtwi quartern of a nentury there all flu mi year she spent ut home heine the el lent daughter who watt the mahiht iy in the family roof tree she curnl with it vine solicitation for her otier and rather in their declining your und tha younger member of tho family looked to her orrtpoun and advice she wax a woman of superior und of n very likeable dl pokltli n an 1 withal was a alncere chrutlun of 1 er four brother anv sinter th r j nnw remain john nnrtlsjiunrufwmiug and mrs jumflt llrown acton and mr william nlckll rornl all of them were at her imlnltlo when she aald adieu to thl life her two elder brother pre deceased hr william in october 119 und james last mprlmr their deaths ho closely together were keenly felt by her the funeral will be held this afternoon at two o clock interment will take place at limehouae cemetery auth inter mm n ii xloli nald during- tho wee mr und mr j hn ji hi at mi if ort rartlnir are upon llyic a firw winks nt mr oeorge dade w ivnbartaon who wu lit tho north went if r hfrvcral month re turned home 1 1 f wunk mia mckay f toroill i wum a kuont at tho i mo f mr un i mr c speight inst week mr v h near j p of g orretown epant thursday in town an 1 ranut uio vsxu xtucas u pleasant call mr and mr cha w ciimlok of rdmantan are vultlng hi sll r mr w j jteld and other rolntlvn mr htni hen rdlnnr who ho ivcon confined to the houoa with nlmcoju fv the pant two mnnth i only now beglnnlnc to fapl like hlmaqlf uguln dr nelson w in toronto yeater- tly attndinic tti wad hub of his 1 ter mitt itata anl dr i rlnstmau tho mnriilagnbtmbfllcmillcjjiixrin m ity methodut cliurch mr j o ifarliy tlltur of tho hollo vllle intoluiienonr hnu been ai olnted ecretary manager of the llellolllo chamber of commerce an 1 indua trial commlaslonfor u9 tflty and mrs william june of mount ktgln were guest of ltv and mr moyer nt the methodist 1 uraon- age thl week mr jonefl i onn of the judge at the guelph wlnjor ealr juma moffat of ht paul minn arrlvetl in town inxt week end are vlaltlng thalr frlun 1 in a mon and vicinity tl y ere in good li- 1th and enjoying- their vlult to tho old home very much mr samuel lulrd und hi son william of johnnlowiiw n y who spent the fall at windsor were hero several day while en route home visiting mr laird u mother and other friandu during tha week mr thomau hogeruon who rut ently sold bl farm at dolly vardeii to mr usrnatt latu of tlvnool icugland 1 removintf thlw wueu to olenwllllum mr llarttult han taken oc al in of tiewly uc tulrtkl property r john h c toman who h tu hpcnt ihtst two ti tl two in ntl u with hi son victor lit toronto luft yuu terduy for btofln 1 olut wl where he intend to xiiend tho wlntor with hi nun irruoman an t fajuily mr w w hill who hu ihwh uo noun tant on tha staff of the meixhanta bank here hnu hoen trnunfoittkl to nlasaru latllu ur ii w turner of owen hound la aiuicoa tod mr hill the bank hare mr koniuidy im been romattxl to tliu totter uo jlloth mr kontedy anl mr turner wxcpliiufn lmacclniarmydurliigllia war 11alt0n takes fourth place in tha stock judging compatitlai oualph winter fair ta canl party will be bel 1 thl evening thursday in the basement of ht joephn church mr john dunn will be lha ho tea dennison grant a new book by robert stead auther of the cow puncher and the homasuaders in bis new book dennlaon orailt robert stead tho western writer has considerably ocllpaod hi earlier books the cow puncher and tho home staader these were very worthy stories but dettnuton grant la a more virile up to date western charac ter the hero la a man of exalted thresher muat i natal spark arrmtara qeorg arthurjohnntou waa fined fto and cost in gray county court held before magistrate creoaor for not having an efncteht spark arrester on hla threahlnat machine he plead guilty and wo lined the above amount totalling in all ss t6 meur license marker 1021 the department of pcpvlnclol iilgh way will announoa thla week the new rate decided upon for 1dsl the license plate for next year for motor vehicles will be a marked improve menl aver thoaa previously issued while momewhst smaller thp new marker are of a nea design th dgnrea are emttossed o iha an oh aorvee atandtnv at npsl may olew ly daolpher fho number numbara hvlna more than four flawe will be byphenatod fol exainpla hoenao no 1hi4m will appear in embossed orange colored loiter on black oaekgrounis aa tt 8s4 j 11 jcabeo guilty to the charges fined too and costs in asasujt cas and f 100 and coat for being intoxteatad the clmrge ngjnlnat char l dover ill adjourned ftm november ik to docemher 1 wm further adjourned december 8 at the request of defendants counsel oft friday afternoon 3rd inst court was opened with if p moore police magistrate on the bench tho first case called waa the chsrgo of being intoxicated in u public plaoe the defendanr pleaded- guilty a one of lloo and cost was imposed the second charge of assaulting mrs orris lamb while waiting for a car at the blue hprtnar chalet of the toronto suburban hallway waa then read defendant stated that he had no knowledge whatever of tho ooourrenoe but pleaded guilty to the charge la this esse a nn or too and coat waa atmr imposed tha third charge of being- intoxi cated while in charge of a motor oar was then read to the accused at thla joint mr pick county crown attof nity said that inasmuch aa maximum penalties had- been imposed by the mnglatrate in the two charge that he considered the end of justice had been fully sustained eon that the three charges arose out of the one event and ho wouldurecon mend that this charge be withdrawn and would call nq wllneaaea the bench concurred and the case wo therefore withdrawn tho fines and cost aggregated 17v t iuh l hatton farmer clill tho annual meeting of the hal ton county farmer club waa hfljd last saturday afternoon at mjtton the membership of the oub which was organised in ibis with ib farmer enrolled haa now rqwngll busi ness for th luteal year reached tlot 000 thl include live atockf hj mentavalued at 70000 the follow- in officer were re sleeted pruldent jatneaxii wihtonj vloatreoldent jf marahall secretary treaaurer and matiajrer a u maonabbf audltora r e hall and william mocwrtncy dele gate tb n r o in toronip ttn decani- berliawmilnfc v prlnolples with u nitlrlt of nltrulapi whlcb i rerreshlng in the day of prodteerlnsf n of- seeking ukohla ithep b fho bop rip 1 uu1 in the r vont it- 1 intpnaety hmtnan end haa the big ou- interest whloh iwuy apm9als thu author having in the greater part of hla life in tho prairie provinces is thoroughly aa- qualnled with ill color and western life and character throughout the atory there now a tlno bplrlt of healthy philosophy much humorous observation bt ufa obtain in the wll written narrative but the main feature la naturally the entrancing love interest whloh keeps the reader npeoulatlu until wet through the last chapter the musmon book co t united toronto are the publlahcra the price ii 7e ror mitt motriervo sake durlna tha late war a young- lady visitor waa passing through one of uj hospitals when it waa remarked thut a prisoner a 4 ou tenant died that morn lnt oil where la hot let mo sea hlml iet me kls him tor hla mother claimed the maiden tho attendant led her into an ad joining room when discovering lieu tenant it of the with kansq lying- fast asleep on hla hospital couch and thlnklnc to have a little fun be pointed him out to the aul oh you dear lieutenant let me kind you for your motherl what waa he surprise when the awakened corpse ardently clasped her in hi arras returned tho salute and exclaimed never mind the old lady mia r it on your own account x have riot the align tet objection thu stock judging luuni t f tbo county of york conn rlnluif clifford pleytar of newmarket hos andor son of tcdgoley and william harleu of maple waa tlio winner of tho in tor county stock judging competition which jf0rt of the most inlorowtlnir featured of the ontario lrovlnclal winter fulr tho rmultft worn at hounced last frhlny night aft r a hplritod content uu i aa york ounu hua now won hu cutn petition three year in suooemlon thn duff trophy donated six year ago by tho tdtu hon duff will hurvarter adorn tho onie of j c hteokley mrrlcultural repreentattve for york county pro- 1 ably no contjit in recent year eti hatetl mo much inter at a thlu one in view of the fact that the farmer anna team of york county had won tin competition in 1910 and 1017 and there twenty two other oountlu on tared for this competition thu laruvat lumber ulnae the content ataitul tha york county taum i heartily to be congratulated on wlitiliitr thl trophy and tholr victory thla year in the face of tha neroest competition la especially noteworthy qxford county was tho nearest and kneneat comootttora id inasmuch a ox ford won the contest in 1p1b and last year it can be men how olouo wo tho strugglo th winning team won with a grand total of 3 87 u polnta out of a maximum of 3 000 oxford und vlo taria county town come next will s 080 polnta eaoli while hullim wua only a few polnta behind with 3011 polnta essex waterloo wellington lambton wenlworlti durham pool drmnt bruce sfmuoc midtllnaox iluroatareynuwlo-wijlajiflvjjuf- ferln norfolk and huldlmund ycro next n order hal ton team watt componod oduiruo mcxan trafalaar stewart iwrlo acton and cuireiioe roni trofojear lome mojleau atood qrat of jill com petitor in judging horaes btowurt lowrlq was fourth tn hob and clar ence kord six tli in dairy cattlu for thla splendid atandlng halton wau given fourth taco the judges werai beef outtlc prof wade toole 0 a c dairy cattle prof jp backvlllc o a c irwlno it g knox o a c hareon vf j bell kemptylllo agricultural school komptvlllo uheep ul a qord nt llvo tok branch union- stock yard toronto mr jamcrj mnllougall will hold a clearing auntlon sale of farm atock and implnpcpu at lot 14 0th line pjsquelna on wedneaday decemtier ie at one o clock the atock inoldde so nrtd of cattle olsn itoraaa ahp plgii fowl etc ben vetch auc- tioalietv tsx prosperity i not without many fear and dutates and adveralty ta nut wftltout comfort and hopes ib j hosaprd local druoglat asent for tcmplaton limited has free samplen or jthounutla ciny ana itaz mah sax aathma to be bad for the aeluii building walls with bags tha practice uf oonntruotlng break waters and the uubmorwed parui of pier with con ore to onaloaud in bus baa been largely dovuloped in scot land tho oaucrctn i prepared as near as polbu to ttio place where it i to bo unod h 1 enolnaqd tn llasa to protect it tomorarlly from the altoata of oontact with tha uou water while it la lowered into place tho bag are- placed in a box huh ponded- directly over tlm npot whcro they aro tb lie the torching- of u trigger opona the box and allowii a hat- to drop out a una of haxa havliuc been deposited tha tonghr al of each baa in thu next uerion lu ao arranaod that tho mooting of two of tho bajra in the lower row will bn covurcl thua a rtoular wall i bultt up and oa tho oonerete harden u becomes solid ano trnknovftbu r ftj

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