Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1920, p. 2

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jitfwcfs sv i hfljc- artnn 3fapie 1 hh thukmday dltcicmhick 9 id3d open tte door rl he lowers open itm door ini in tho winds nni sweet nr fnlr joy id abroad hi the world lo iay if our door in wlj pen it limy ihls wyl l l diyrl 0m uiri alitor lt in tho alinl ii hath hiiillo f t- nvory mm is hstlt tiimlii of tho raindrop gold lih i gnmm ho may huiikw our tours to 1 lad emit 0ll ttt loofl open thn ilimir of tint soill lot 111 i htroiig 1 uro though til which ulull hunlah kin they will grow und hip grafd illvllln and tholr fruit shall in sweater tlwh that of thn vine open tho iloorl open ihi door of the heart lot in hympathy sweet far htrpnger and kill it will maun thn hatha of thn heart mo open thn door m uont ea what alia leben i that ho don t ma ho them two jl lnyn o lila n too the mark and gi lo work remarked awln iortr while seated upon uti overturned dory which joseph cars- woll wu calking thorn boys aln t s done notln tho last two summers but oliase round urtar bugsy un beetle an butterflies j t never could mm jest- what thoy wa up lo myself alvln said cora- well driving u hit of oakum into n mobody elsel exploded iortor truculently i aakod iebn t other day what they waa doln it for an ha said sontpln bout thn iwiya study in emptyology or onw sech name 1 guess it a jnpty nouich tor thar wont my g cunnponx ytjcannrif my word i ilka lu btta a boy come ai uwn or seventeen year old get out to work go clammln un earn aomo money all the bugs hall need to sfudy 111 ha tha monnultoes an mid tit ho ii nnd nough on em down on the flat lo keep him aort o inter ested they lie oonaldsrble thick down utar at umes admitted carawell a kfin on lifa fooe y 1 perauroo yave aeon or hoard bout that ahaak them two boy a ha built down to tha xlntt foaumod porter ptcklrur up n tmo hall und commonolns to whlttla tea i aoe it t other day replied cuirawell jujlo a cabin that theyve put tor t her sooln the boy down thar i took a look inalda two or three comfortable look in chair in it a table an a uttla atova bout three foot ions an a foot an a haf wide joat tha thin for a ahack like thet the hull place carried me rbxht back to boyhood i tell ye alvln i jeat wished that wa a boy ocln i sueaa ye wouldn t waate your time tha aame aa them boya la waatln thara anorted iorter t uaybo hey aint waatln it arter all a undated carawell somebody haa got to do aomo atudyln in uila world alvln thar aln t much sood aa ever come o atwlyln bujro growled porter leaa ltbe iiotato btura r aomo aech crlttora on i gveam thar aint much fbout potato busa thet colka don t kftqw- tho racu of the oae were that phillip and henry shattuok about to enter at the hbjh achool were in- tanaaly interaated hi entomology or the atudy of insect and their father re- con ifcj ns their aptitude alone that line had enoobraced them in the pur- ault of what aeemed mora than a hobby with them the but id in- of the aback down on neck point waa merely incidental to the courae of atudy which claimed uia boya attention during their apart hours the neck a ion rather barren atretch of uninhabited bind abounded with insect ufa and in er4erta havfllt ulnee wherein to mount the numcroua apeclmena which they captured from time to time the little cabin had been built winter nettled down early tha year that the ahack waa built the firat aftow cams early in november and by thankaflvlmr there waa excellent akat- in- a rather remarkablo thine in that locality steadily did the cold increaae ii throush december the mercury dropped far below aero nlsm after nbxtit little more than climbing back to aero t urine the day off neck point which jutted into a conaldarable bay tha water waa troa- en an almost unheard of occurence for three miles oft ah ore the bay waa olid ice such bains the ease the beach patrol on duty of a day of ale naeed the outer edge of the lea field inatead of the shore that morning- phil and henry walk- ad down to thn point intent upon making a hi kettle of coffee for the life savers and koeplnc hot the uttla cabin in case any or all of them re turned to tho ah ore to fret warm my but it la cold i oxclamlod phil aa they entered their camp that morn ing- x im almost frown i cried henry taking the covere off the stove and crowding in some kindling h m glad weve got this two bushels pt coal down hare well keep the oid stove m l it p jeninute- lgiuss the patrol will too when they get a chance to coma ashore as soon as i get good and warm im gong out and tell them that there la hot coffee awaiting their com ini- tho kindlings were nice and dry and in a aurprpjingly abort apadp time the coal was afire and the little atqvrf began to glow throwing off a heat that soon drove the frost from the windows within half an hour after reaching the camp henry put on his overcoat and pulling his cap down over hi ears started off across the loa toward the outeredge where the patio i could be seen mere spooks in the dlatonoe- it was a tough trip off f here the bit- ing wind full in his faoe but he press- egvij 1 d o at a livuly imoe and within threaauajters of an hour he aniv5d hot coffee aonl ejtclalmad lemuel perklm the captain of the patrol that sounds pretty good three of us will fct back with you it has been a terror of a night out hare jack you tony nnd pete go ashore with this young man and vet warmed up as soon oil you get thawed out return and the rest of us will take take out turn if we need you in a hurry well rtro- the oannon h 1 with the wind on their backs henry and the throe men made record tlme back to the shore phil atnr them oomlngi foroetlfliaivhmotft so that when they ansvodj the oovsra were red hot rt c the men stopped tor hatftrtour of more and having gotten vrartned through and drank their fill or odtxca rthe otortod book an hour- and if you uri going ui bo ticre all day wnll be glad to corns ashore again ho fa re tho othrr pptrol goati on duty wo ii bo ham jiiui glad to help you tint replied 1 hll leploulmlilpg tho ore wo enmu down noe if wo aouldn t huh nut und wo rn uitlfiif to utoi ovor lllght w tohl 1ud tlmt wo wnlltol to mid lin urgad im to do murly thnt nftorpoon thn lioys were aaalcd beal la tho nrn talking jvir tfiolr plana tor tha tnuulng yoarm work wlion uddnily llonry ainiluf to his font und ruirfivd lo the window fol lowoil by 1 hll lloth hull hcanl tin llatant ixxni of u nnun and looking on uorobm tho loa thoy mw votmnl which w11m ndiiumnliy in dlatroaa thut uili huhkoim aahore on ulary imikoi rrled henry thut ujuat whorn aha lal ynllod 1hll let a ut on the hlif kottle uu n to have u plenty of hot uffo for thum wu tnn t im of muoh help out there tnayhe hut we can i lot of hfllp once thoy get uahorn i any phil wlmtl u hlndu from drngglnk the atove out ther thn aled we brought the oonl rriod henry we could carry tho atove out thoru and with a length of mpc wiiimi on have n munlng hot tiro handy when tlmy got aahore olui tutillas kati that la juat what wo will do henry ylthl 1 hll w an curry it out onto thn aled wlthour mittenu oil and aay let u taku along 4hut ulnoo of uiiivuh there in the corner bomehow w ran rig u uhuar out there per- hupa ttmt won t thusm goo 1 to tiw aallora when thoy get nahorn ull raked with leal whlla llntiry wum getting thrt honvy homnmutte aled in rondlnua for the pilu uoriwm thn loe ill 1 1 ahovelled stiout a buahol of coal into a hurlap bag thin done they took down tho blowpipe and tnaacd u threefoot length nut onto the snow to root and with their mlttona on thny picked up inn hluvn und caltlod it out setting it firmly on the aeat ploklng up the short length of a to ve pipe ithey placed it in oaltlon and wired it on securely ttaturnlng to the camp phil got tlm big kettle of eorro and carried it out placing it on tho atove a good tjhnre of the coal was ahovelled into the oven und the door closed und tho ikalanoo in the bag henry ailing over hla shoulder thn piece of ranvuh had utbuu m ny whianywitir aulxii illiiau u oinpiilili one of tlm rim l to mukn good with tint violin whh xully bom nt lriui eiine hla muulual tuleut wum dim 01 ur l by u uhoi 11111i4 r monk who taught hhn riulltnnu of thu ultr iml by hiiiiih iiiomih wo wot hold of 11 vlolli und t twqtni tlm time of wuhhhig i und uithig aa amilllou lu tlm kltthei hla apuru momonlu worn uued on thn violin i ully wuii ovirhuurd liliiylnjf popufur uha on thn violin und wum a pluon in thn 1rlurttih hulid win m bo iiulnkly 1 xcnllml hut loln of mutch la viuum dlhpohltlnii he withrnught writing l iido voraoa ubnut tho prlnacaa who promptly dlaiiiluund hi in in tha uurpo i rlod lialtxur a fum- lua oormnn vlillnlnt won u grout jo iiutntlon in 1c rig lurid in firot lie wuu ho flrxt grunt prformur on thn violin hourd in itfnulnnil hla rt aoumcit touohod with mugui htinakhig of hla wonil6rful execution anthony wood wvotuj mono in hnif- land ever huw tie llkn wllaon thu gnutnat judge of munio ut that tlnv die und this phil curried under hla arm wove gait o hustle l crtcd 1lul picking up thn drag ropn to the sled three mi loa in forty mjnuto or hit- terl come on tteachlnst the lnvol lco of the bay the boys started forward at a fast walk henry walking beside the slnd to see that there was no upset in ins than fifteen minutes both boys saw that the lifeboat had ben launch ed and was on the way to tho wreck noting this foot they broke into a trot and for twenty minutes they did not slacken tholr pace save when henry changed places with hl broth er meanwhile the fire in the stove was excellent owing to the strong draft and when they nearod the spot where the lifeboat was launched the froi t covers were red hot wosro got here ahead of them cried llonry dropping the rope thorn they come phllt put on same of that ooaland open up the draft a hit horrabl tjho 00 tee is boiling pish those mugs out of your pocket we forgot the sugar and milk but t jrtiesa they won t care for that the main volnt is that it is hot it was not until tho lifeboat with its hi load of halffroxen sailors had nearly reached the ice v the stove was noted by them then thoy juot yelled three minutes later half a dosnn of the ship wrecked men were hovering abut the atove swallowing coffee that all but scalded ther 11 pa and throats the while phil and henry help up the canvas ho as to break the force of tho wind meanwhile the lifeboat wm off on a second trip tq tha wreck to rescue therrom of the pa while tho beconarlpwashaxardsus in the est rem no mishap occurred and within hair an hour the last of the sailors reached the iqo hoys you aaveb the day cried captain perkins when ha returned nnd stood warming hla angers over the love i gusus about the whole of us would have perished before we could possibly have reached the shore well we thought a ore out hero would bo lots bettor than a fire three miles oltv replied henry so we luggod out the stove and started the journey shoreward won shortly begun and within three qua mum of an hour the shore- was reached and tho stove carried into iro camp und placed in ikwitlon again borly that evening alvln porter found joseph carswell down in hla 1 lain house pve come down to tell ye ou joe thet ive changed my mind bout boons boys declared porter i thought maybe ye would seeln as how inning haa turned out alvln chuckled cars w oil wall why shqoidnt t seeln as how them boys crdln to alt counts saved my boys life an the rest o tho crew o hla vessel cap n perkins says as how they never could have reached shore live if f thet stove- liudn t been hauled out thar on the loo an my boy backs him up in it i dont know nothln bout empty- ology but inilht sot nothln to say again them boys spendln the hull o tholr time j ahasln bugs s fact im goln to old an abet it imgoln to dru wa hundred dollars out o the bank an make em a present an t 0 they un buy all tha books they want long that line i want to toll ye ou joe thet thar the right stuff in them boys an the studytn o bugs aln t goln to hurt em none theyll moke their mark in the world alvln porter was not mistaken a series of talks on music iy ptf c o lmiglmr mum thtoi t manila no ix the first violinists thn perfection of tho violin mak ing waa completed during tho latter hurt of ho iilxtnnilth onntuiy und thn bt ginning of thw anvutilnoiith o ntury thu development of thn violin muk lug to tho unaurnuhhikhle uorfaotlou uttalnoit by thn ureut violin bnakera niturully coincided villi thn n mark ubla davaliii mniit of thn tnihnliun of violin pluytng tlm italian violin inukorw ilurlng tha ulina of tho nuviittnth lantury brought tholr aklll ui to tho hlghoat iirrfx 1i011 und 4ut into thn handu of tha performers thu tnoat pnrfoot iri- mtruinout for oxpi nlmi thut bumaii ingnnulty hooms caimblo of dovlslntf thu nvhtrul idmt in thu ttolnliit h iilnl how to avoid a dad huftdand 1 nover mnrry for wealth a wo m hn 1 llfo in alderoth not in tho thlntfh ihiit ho pniiatmianth 2 ni vr marry a fop or vrtu who atriilu uhliut iluiiilyllko in show his hiiu k1vu ioiii rufflea with silver mutt nnd ilnuu hla tingora jjuware thin la n trup 1 nuvui mnrry k nlggurd or clnan ihited imuii irdld wrnti h who saves 1 vary pniuiy or gives it grudgingly ruk0 run hat ho atlllg you to d0lthj 4 movr marry a strangor of one whimti nhumctnr is not known or ton tod home fn males jump ight into tlm tiro with tholr eyoa whj oen t ni vf m irry 11 mopo or irons or one who drawls und draws through lf ottn foot kfter nnuthor and lets thing uko h 1 own cotiraa 0 novir nurry u man who tnnts hlu mothir nnd alstnr unkindly or n- illlt ruiitly hnuh troutmont is a sure hulhtloii of n maun anil winked 7 nnvir on any uutount marry 1 giumhlot- a piofunn puruon or who in th laiiht niioiiuh lightly of clod or lulliilon ttuoh u miili cun nowr make rt good huabtlhi h nvr marry a n ho lu iingllgunt in hu t eraon or dress tiie prince honoring the unknown shi btihjimjnnowntn nniwara finu n mu if ho lind nlovnn foot to son if im wuw a uvtl bocuuan he m tod iwyoud tho nurtt of man wllnon ulan ilcohirrs thut lie imcmnn ho popular thut no many delighted to drink with him nnd mak ing him drunk thnt by drlnkwjg he was brough to thu grave the first to umiugo eoncarts for prodt wum 3ohn uanluter an fnglluh vlollnlnt of the unmn period who oa tuhllaliod x aorjos of con aorta in ln don for money inukliik thbsa vuro hold ut his own houso and worn 0011 tlmird until u aliort tlma ltcfore hts death at tills porloil tho greutoat vloln makers hud brought tholr aklll up to the highest perfection lu violin mak ing tho actual inventor ut tho violin is not known nor hava wu tha correct data tho first muntlon of tjio violin as part of ths oruhaatra is made iiy mon toverdo whon ha gnva a porforinance of thoopora orfoo in 1be0 wo also hoar of one llaltusarnl giving performances in rnglnnd lu 1677 the principal ktajlau makers of the anventeonth century wore the a mat tlm ouurnerl and the tjtrudlvarl fam ilies all of cromoun who so joul ously guanlod tho pooiillur hoc rots of their manufacture that no mo lorn maker haa mo fur boon able to repro duce instrument of tha sums luallty ho valuable are thoso violins tltat the high rooord price for u btradl irlous is said to be flbooo and u uuarneriohs formerly belonrlngr to wlonlaaky and slnoo uold to john mo- cormuok the tonor o lager for 1u 000 tha violin was aonaldered at oni time tlio oommon property of yevi yfailodtoobtatnuropactuih utructlon mid would adapt ida own ausn in ploying it tho result was sluvanlynooo for ha simply flddlad nt play i off honee tha numa flddli whloi reminds u of tho boy who asked his father what lu tho differ ence betwoon a vlollnlnt and a flildlort about three hundhod dollitra pr avail ing my child an a we rod trio futhor ethinq qutc soft omi why your hand fools us soft as allk said 1 un i hbufuk humu with his widow nonhaima doctor mhe roplledicj hero with some mora of your flat tery tire yout my hands uro not aa soft as your own this minute why your hand said t fools so soft 1 d be afraid to squeein it i never fait anything so soft s now doctor just listen nt you ngitlul if you noverffllt anything soft as my iand and avon soft er much softor you know it iium been your own fault ami i thought tho widow hlunhod as though horry she had said it pray said i beoomlng deeply in terested what might i have folt thut is softer than your huudt hush howl you dont know of you are very lunocant anil uld hiive sworn tho widow wue bliiablng upon my honor i don t know was my still mora interested reply vim t you toll mn or show mot mo you know i wont tell you ihon show me wont yout i don t ilka to but you are such a tonso and such a dunce one must do almost anything to get rid of you certainly and she took my hand mlnolngly in kara now shut your eyes doctor i closed my oyoa in an instant lifted my nund up and up i huld mv rmrrnttiuiiv fit rnvnunitn ino mx- tnrmil up nrniko ik un liulox to the houit 0 hhuit tho ruke uh 11 aiiukt a vlpsr 11 viry demon 10 kltmlly nnvir marry a man who lu iiitdmol to tho liu ofurihnt uplrlts tm uti i in on it you nrum ottor ull uloim thurff you woull in wain you tied to a mint who ho vnry brth la ikiiiukhi und win mi vltnlri uro being gnawed out by alcohol aw 11 vui tiilfnicn un elfot tlvo pre par tition lu mother jrnvoa worm rxter- inluntor und it mn bo glvi u to tho moat ililhulu thlld willout fear of injury lo tlm coiihtltutlim not excessive cleanliness in tlm 1ih dn 1 1 juluidorle written for htuux und dandies in 1040 it in wrgd thnt icvnry tiny nns should taka pnlna to wuah onos hund and ahoiild a wuah ones fuoe ulmoat as oftoii i rlmpa as ofton us twine a wowt fin frontrank i codliver oil stands i first on the list of fats i in thn eoaa with jvhidl it is assimitatecl this explains why i scons 1 emulsion of superrefined me- dicinal codliver oil m is so helpful to those of any age who axe run down in bodyv news for well dressed men buy clotees that are guaranteed h coutu no more to buy clothes thnt urn cjualtantiolw than any other- knd tho name unshwvll on tho in- aide of oar coots is u pqwum guurantoo thor are guaranteed m guuruntoo thty nrs guawntood by to be absolutaly right n every par tloular or wa wouldn t asl them clothes lire handtallorwl to your measure at 3000 to 8500 the suit or overcoat noh dry palrlno havo aluo dry auqnoy alio apant made t geo tailor ouanlofl dyolna- rle- and altaratlvn ef all kind scoured a no 1 i-un- whlch will give prompt guaranteed work diva on any order and bo for dreoswel brand 1 measure clothes hillman acton i the prints of waus landing at da mo rare drjtlah ouiana 2 arm 1st loa day beans at the coffin of ths unkn own hero was being dorna out into weatm ins tier abbey eooorted by britains moat famous soldlsra and sailor 1 furniture gifts for christmas 1920 l t what could bo morasrfxcp tabic or opprorlate than furniture ns a gift to i anyone who has n homo and who is thoro who hasnt a homo of somo sort f von tf u ho only one room in a lodging house r i pqur stkklhftjrnitureetcr comprises gifts for the whole fomllyfrom the youngest member to grand father and grandmother toys and kfddlo cars for tho youngsters i tfiblcfl stptdi vic tyres dining room suites parlor suites sowing mu- cjiltictj kltcften cpblnotip cfiairs buffets nnd a host of things for thoao wh prp f tfio nefif a nlcp big easy chair or rocker for tfja old folks and lots of other sugges- tlons will coma to ymr ulil wcn you loofc ovor our tack give furnittpe this christmas jbetter furnished homes mean greater happiness johnstone co furniture and undertkingacton ont storm doors keep out thp cold and cut down th coal dill no r lltainil noon i hla 1iur la mu i f i l i t iik whl h li tha ifkt to wlthuttuid withii oiilllhua thn hint rlil l uuivfl loin iinl imiutid mil i i til ulu im i ii to gnthnr tin 01 utriii thin lining aurh thai it will unit 1 with ut tin immlri uhrltik- inif uwuy f r ii tin trallx uu i styles 1 rlro i oni id tf 5o0 no qilainrn nni nrlth nun vtirnihed othxrwlao th- a mi dom an our no r irhfl mi h in w bo no 10 cninhliiiithii ut rm nnd hcrcin oior iiiimii 1 nutiirul nil and varnuh 1 a uml luutloii it mir fltlv i lx nlwnya in lu n irln cum lilrta 0m ioou maup 1v 1 hullfl hl it 3 foot h imiimn by 1 tui t h hie ilea 2 ff in huhcu hy g r it 1u iiuh4- 3 rt i y 1 u i tltoht icind wkalinsh htiiii i rlct1 ut pr m t 00c thnnnn iiaiinyabi co mil this storeys eohcy lo represent goods ok actly as lo their tuatity to bell to those who know und lo those vho dont know at a uniform fnir- prkc to fulfill all guarantees and chec fully correct all -mis- takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewellers i guelph ontario ymjmmllmlmimmmlmlml studebaker and dodge brothers motor cars wanted 5000 head of poultry chickens qeese ducks turkeys fowl the highest cash trice paid for ull jowl ultlmi ullvo or dress- communlcuto with r milligan boi 341 acton j fall arrivals to hand so pall goods just put in stock moris twoed caps ii 00 man n sprint copefa 00 good otwoed knickers for tho wee men largo assortment of sox and blockings all pittas coma in and look them oyer bhob wapainina a bpeicialtt wo dont cobble e k cook mitx stnbnrr acton firoi spark plugs gasoline 8averb and oil fiahterb new and proven idea tor 0a0 enqineb f heat and oil gannot affect this puuo ipasirfwiy llijlf go about work with a smile the iftoo that loohs us if all sort of ploasant thoughts waro hoi rig- gen erated in the hruln which looks as if any little thing would be euttioleit to make the lips hroak into u smile la a face wjiloh chorins m if your thoughts are cheefrtll let vour face reflect them if they uro gloomy and apprehensive turn up thu comers of your mouth by shear force of will it is not necessary nor de sirable to go about with a fixed grin like the remarkable cat alloc encount ered in wonderland but it la important that as you go about your work your face should wear tha suggestion of a smile if you want friends that js one way to win thorn for few things are more attractive than a cheerful expresslonf tt you want leadership that is one way to get it for the leader who am ilea can get tan followers whlla tho leader whose mouth droops at the corners gets one vroatliaituimirouaer sdl- puctod what oho was about she had placed it gently upon my head make it a good world fob somebody iky of ua want to do a grout dosi of considering before we aay i can w think it necessary to reflect nind weigh and oak bur friends opin ions i but there ta another sort of lteoirwfltt but with eaylng t can and dimouules and obstacles j andwhat we call impoaalbllltlm ao own before thent i btart aaylnjfr- fa jiotmake uanyflttorthputht ueiln thiwivylauon ypu will be h4 later the captain of the patrol irttti lb4utfa w attttvfdlaoeompanled by ut6 other two witiauo wlvlwr n e phis certainly l grand thin for an unjarllnj jjflt w ffll a ticket or spectacles a young fellow onos went to an older man to usk help in getting ayay from his vlllugo homo to tho city untt na ho explained lyis reasons for nuostlng the loun he said rather pathet ically tou know how it in youfsolf theres no opportunity around hero to which his sanlor re pi tod son you dont noeed a railway ticket half as much as spectacles itooentty a young man signed cant mot with a manufacturing estab lishment to supply them wlh a oortaln hind of sand necessary in the pro ocas thoy omplpred the firm- or yeura had bean importing mind from a dis tant state and tho or ms of thp oeu true t wore a largo saving to he tnjnu fnoturors uflt to the younjr rnn if mouns a fortune and in en ycara time he wilt bo counted one of tho wealthy men of hit native city yet the sund bank with its unusual a nroclodn sand k not sprlnst up uk a mushroom over nlghl no catas tropha of nature like an earthnuake or an avalanche rovbalod it it stood ju where it la now close to a big city the sout of a famous university and tho unheeding and unthinking havo passed it without a glance tho old t6untryman wum right when wo begin lo talk of the need of vetting awuy from uur present location uo uh to get in touch with 9wtrtunlty wo makou olear that wtiut wo neod is not a railway uokot but speotaoloa ffilmer juhnaton thwe iwofatnuus makes of automobiles combined in one agency offers to kvejry lurcwer acar to suit their requirements whether it is a standard four cyclinder ught six special six or bite six or seven passeiigqior any thing in the closed type of cars a no one neod endure the agony of corn with ifollownyn qnrn llomoyor at hand- to remove tjtom kenney bros fall and wlntr boot tnd ffbr lumbermans heavy rubbsre and socks heavy boot for al the family good arfeprtment ef fins gofde our prices will always commend our goods repalrlna oarefully personally and promptly attend to jiuituur iirafflua a aropialtr kenney bros main strrkt acton ont two of the largest automobile man- ufacturers in the world stand behind tjiee cars ur j n oneill georgetoii ont distributor for jvcton geoigetodljuton j r leishman jloseentotiv bent poot paid on be- oeipt op prioe canadian firol spark plug company burlington ontario iwi r ntbbleitd havo romovod tholr otoro to the elevator at the g t li station hore i flour feedeta may be secured as usual norval dritn nd short on tfp our deuverv has been discontinued lvh r noble ltd m1nry awrhy manaovh

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