Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1920, p. 3

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fl v frf wyt qlljf art on 3ffrrr irp hh tiiuithday ijiechjmbiok 0 1030 rock of aqeb bonk of avon cleft for mo lot ma hide my mi if in theol sung tho ludy urt nod low ait 1 her volooe gentle nw ilon upon the evening ulr wltli that sweet and solemn prayer nock t r alio lo for a let me bine myslf in tllool yot alio hnnjr utijjjfl she had when her in nrt wuli gay and glad bans bemuse her soul had brown weary with the tedious dfy hang to while th hount away flock cr atfnu ols ft for ma iflt mo 111 1 myself in thee whom ttio lit fill lamplight tall on her futhr minlvo wall on tho ii ml nu i silent street wl r tho light mid shadows meet tli wo oio inly voice was heard am thn breath of night wwi stirred with in r lone so iiwoet and otoar wafting up u ibs tlmt prayer book ur ago olort for me lot inn hi lit myself in theol wandering homeless thro tlm night ray jim ft r t morning light pnlo mil huggard wnn und wuli with sunken eye pj i lull low cheek wwn en whoso iir hud 1 nnn wrecked in uln nnd strife oiio n lost nnd only lilt 1 ono hy pin and sham defiled and imr heart with norroff wrung henri tho imly whontlie sung hock of ages eleft for roe lot mo bids my uo if in lhoel 1 aiming low liar head she bent and the music us it wont 1 inrco 1 lit r blackened soul nn brought bark o her n lunt in thought trutnbllngly alio stood the post an i tlio burning tear ml fast au iilia called to mind tho day whin she sung thnt very innt with no non mi of sin or wrong look of age nteft for ma jot ma hide myself in thee on tlm marble atepa sho knelt ami her mtul tlmt moment felt more than sho ooum speak n thorn qulyiring moved her lips in prayer all i tlm aw1 she had forgot lluilln 1 upon hnr lonely lot hoard hrr a she munnaml of i with an accent sweet an i toft bock of ago cleft tor mo tot mo hid myself in thoal jjttlo knw tho lady fair am mho nunir in wllenon thorn that har volca hud tuoread u moui thnt hud llvd noath ln control jjttlo knew whon uh had dona that a loot ant arrintf on j i onnl licraa nbn hroathea ihat train and rvturnmt to god njralnl v p l stanton the deepest op mines imuitlne if you cdn n r iff ant la ponay oomli forty mllfia lonff by flftoen mllm broad murroundod by water and pans traiod hy hunrtrodn of mtlea of tunnel nrnmgoil in tlora ono below another to u dautji of a mile and you will have noma idoa of the country in whloh ono of tho dmpost if not the nry deooeat ml no in tho world thn culu- mot and iloolo la located tbl ooppr mlno xtonda down four thousand feet below tlio bottom of lmke- flapotior which itvnlf la ono thouoond feet deep i if the knife of a cyclop could cut tho itonoy in two longitudinally na air john itubbock ueed to cut an ant i neat for tho purpooo of obaorvlna what i wu uolnir on inaldo there would bo i rove a i oil a wealth and a breadth of industry not oallpaod by uioae of many aurface oommunltloa boxonm of ele vator lnift aome perpondlcilar other on an inouna would bo round piercing the comb from jut to bottom in them would bo aoon oara carr men and metal up and down wtlh the iipoed of expresa tralnn in and out aero tho back ex tontl kauerlea ovorflnwinar with actlvl ty in nome line of alrdrlll catln their way into the rook in others the udden burtlnjf of blaala in the wall of the ladoa bloc trio locomotive are hauling train of rookcar to thw or- m u fcund laborlpuuiy piinhjntf handcar through dark mod ubway down vun of the- shaft can b tracod pump line pipe and cable radlatins outward through the irallerlo o that the miner may have dry- tunnel o lee trio light and oven tolophono aervlc underground in thaao paomure many of them o deep that the intcrnoil jioat of the earth can be perceptibly felt man live and eat and toll and carry on the builne of life apparently oblivious of the faat tliatthey are nearer tho center of the earth than ever man uooooded in aettlmy bofore and are dlcclnc themaelvei hearer every minute thousand of men inhabit these town and village underground governed by law for their peaceful regulation and provided with efficient luw of fire protection sanitation drainage and ventilation in the deepest mine there aro over two hundred mile or tunnel lighted in fimrt with incandescent lamps and a complete telephone orvioo with n central and many instrument in stalled in the gttllertaa so that pumpnjnn on tho fifty seventh level can coll up a friend ovor tho long distance v wife to ohloagoj and tell blm how it feels to live in tho bowels of the tho tidltor liu iwifiio 1 on to ran n kt tni ntory at tho ninnniwi of mv youtli lut frlnnd a r nliuhn jf 1 n heove which ho uuym wliu old at a wadding nnlvnutry party in town inst wook ah who know al and hit liking for nmirlni out prowls on papor and his dlullko for manual labor ulll approclolo thin about half a runtury njin whou tho nlokllnn llvnd on tho ttd kxrtt atlnma i ropnrty and mrs ilunhos and her family lived in urn thurtela house on thn adjoining 1 it by tho way t forgot all about tlio hughes family living there until tho editor told me thin at wo sot to work one haturday to got in the usual supply of wood to do ovor olm iny tho wand yard was soma little tllstanoo back of the houimt al wont out to the wood pile looked t lt thn al tho wheel imr row ami thou ut the woodshod to wjilt h the wood was to bo brought just tlton b h hiigho nppuurxd nt the back door of tho luighou domicile hy kph yoln1 al como over hurt eph who wan always go d natured bled him over to hi schem sutttlocllhg wliar al had in utoro for hlin jhi you hoe that woodpile icpht da you seatnat wheellutrrow do you uoo that wood shedt iii bat you ono of mothers fresh doughnut that i can wheel a bigger load ofwood tiijiio olioiltluui you can rph who wo a sturdy ablobodlod youngster ut onoo showed he wo nuno and took the daro ho piled on tho wood h on pod it up fore and aft hefted it two or tliraa times w liu levded up and finally wlinirlii had plied on about half a ennijt out mr nalrd oamo to stay and ho rdmnluod for noveral years ills gal- inry wiui in tlio old building whloh to id on the lot on mill htrout whore iuro j id vl ii imllt his nna brink shop ubout twenty years ago this old frnmo building was moved to tho back of fho lot n montlt or two bofore tho now store was built qoorgo usodl it for u storehouse for year and then iud it torn down when ho sold th brick building to it l aragory a fuw months ugo ho cnsorved tho lumber and timber of the old building latoly ha has o runted from it a store house ou ha lot in tho roar of hi residence on agnes titroet klfty years ago thul fttll a traaio and fatal event orouml in thn flalrd family vrs ilalrd went to qeorgo town for tho day alfred tho sou of tho- home i toyed hookey from school in the afternoon he with a companion vltd dave ryders tur nlnjlel4 and pulled a unupln of turnips these he cleaned and trimmed tho tops leaving sufficient on ouch for a handlo alf was given to jumping cur javlnif thn turnip field ho went over to the grand trunk tracks and tried to jump on the cub of a loco motive whloh wns uwltthlng there with the turnips hi his hand he miss el his hoi i on tho hand grips of the ongln nnd full to the rails the he lot irno v ni nd oypr h ttt atinostverlng thani i think it wus william and thomas watson two of tho station men who tenderly oorrled door alf homo after the uccl dent on a n improvised hand barrow i loth hh mother and fathor were uway tluit day only stella and lulu his two sisters yoiiugsr than himself were ut borne hut kind neighbors cam in nnd ftr ucoarvln and dr morrow dl i every thlim in their power to rellnvo the sadly tnalmod twelve year old lad the parents arrived homn in tho ovonlriir botli were broken heartod at uiu aooldent which had occurred tothalr only sttn the terrible shook and loss of blood were moro than even alfa rugged frame could stanl and about midnight be passed away this sad event put on end to jumping cars for a number of year uraduallyr however the dan gerous praatlve iracnmo popular again and it is a record of local history that two other acton lads oach lost a foot from the uamo dangerous exploit mr and mrs juoird and their daugh torn removtl from acton shortly tift r this sad tragic event 1oor alf r u bvdjhldfliifl intlla jiit j lory stove length msplo strained and stag xered and pushnd tlie barrow foot by foot until thn shed wo roaohed there a i deigned to help to unload and pile tho big barrow fu i when the barrow was empty kph said i now al do your buunedest you can t boot that oh rep hod tha scheming al t don t need to ttow thats nil the wood our folks hi need till schools out monday night t don t hav to wheel jany mare now what epli id was not told with the story hut believe i heard sometime that ha chased al down to tho old mill pond id ducked him for the trick ho had played speaking of tha hughes family i ramomber qui to wall when they came to aoton i think it wus from llrnmp ton it was over fifty years buck they oamo there were the mnthor u plucky hardworking mother whose first concern wo tho comfort and xood conduct flt her children thero were six of thorn martha tha eldest who married hob miller a shingle sawyer and they moved to brace bridge rich ard who moved to larry bound to work for charlie flyman manager of the ouelphi ludibor company and icphralm who was ulso a lumberman and went north wesley learned photography with cjliuilas 1uu jhow delicious is tkc opinio of all whohnve once tried sa1ada ii you have not tried it send u post card lor a free sample statlntt toe price you now pay and if yr- black grcea or mixed tea addresaladat ou use orortto quags for optical purpobe6 in actual everyduy use tho number of pectaclo tenses is enormous and their manufuoturo hns become a big bust neus n in ptltal mutters therefore bias is not simply glass in general either lima iiirks or lend glims is used for tliis purpose lead otas afun tuttned 11 fit kium is invntiuible for special optical pur pose us it mny be made so a to kxuinhm a liritlliint luster a high re tractive index und other good quali ties lrfnl and 11 mo glass are so callol i nnuusn tho one contains ind oxide and the other onu lum nxld ordinari ly m ectacln kuum is blown in tho form of cylindrical sheets after being cut those shells are ruhuatod in a spealul oven and tlattoi cd out on n labln and lha flat sheds are then cooled off by degrees in nn annaallnx oven as it is essential that the sheet be of a certain uniform thleknea consld arable skill is necessary in taantpu latlng the glass spectacle glass of oourso must he clear must be unl form must be so hard thn it will not scrntch nnd must bo roslstuut to tho uctlon of tho air negative praise little lucy mrs nexdorn sold something nice about you this after earth shirking responsibility a groat many of us dislike to take responsibility which does not belong to us wo think we might make a mistake and bring censure on our selves and so we are often onlooker when wo should be actors wo let things go wrong when wo could have made than go right on such occa sions wo draw comfort from the reflection welt it warn t my busi ness waint it indeed t our busi ness la something mora than earning our salary more than doing am we am told it is doing tho thing that ought w bo done providing wo nro ante to to nt roll many years uo and is ono of tha most successful commercial photographers in tho olty alice mar- rlod qoarga sergeant also a photo grapher soma years ago ho loft photographing and went to the north west to farm he is now a prosper ous farmer in alberta one or two of their sons were ovorneas in tbo war- benny the youngest died over forty years ago from diphtheria when mrs hughe and her family first coma to acton they lived in a i house which stood wharo patterson s cement barn la now on mill street worn thero they moved to mrs thur- tella house and remained thero until they left aoton thoy were goad cltl- thluk tho icmpseyh were there after tho dalrd s but i can t rem cm tier whofceomo ufter them we come down to between thirty and forty years ago and i recoltoot thnt itobert iii og ham came frmjfrln nnff homo to too old brown house wo had qui to a family too there were han nah and robert dufferln and kttle i joseph and wesley annlo and till in mrs bingham wo a fine motherly i wo er a sud event oamo in tho family hli toryintho rati of m0 btuo a bright ovablo girl of about seventeen had the misfortune to stop on a rusty nall it penetrated har sllpperand pierced her foot in a week or two lockjaw set in and after enduring great suffer ing she panned away it wo a great blow to tha home and a sorrow mrs blnghnm has never recovered from well tho traditions of the early days tn the old bouse worn itvod up to ui the more modern times carlo wll hams the eldest son of mr and mrs william william and hannah tho vltlast dnughtei of tho bingham home fell in love ware joined in holy wed lock and chose u section of the old enau adams housa for their home nost hventuully both families llltto i and want west most of them to suult hto maria at tho boo thoy havo prospered curl williams is u prom luent huslnaw man there annie and tiwq aro varybnpplly married to nuo- oemsfuroltlscnn joe is one of the lea ling dacorators of winnipeg and doh and dufferln and won uro pros perous farmeri in the west i think every member of tha family la mar ried most of thorn have boen book to tho old homo town und a tittle bird tells mo they road tha old man soreods every wook well for some yon thl mottmr wotbor in lend what did she say i heard her tell a friend that there fere worwo old gossip than you in uwn after all stray stories a concrete houseboat in icngland whore there aro num i rous cole rile of houseboat on tin rivers entire fa m lies spending tho summer month in this manner on the water there hhw al poured n new de parture in houseboat construction on owner of such a craft having con strurttd tl o hull fntlrejy of rolnfor concrete one of tho first houseboats to imi h itt in this way tha boat weighs 110 tons whit h of cohrce much m re than u wo iden biat or tho urn iu also would weigh but as iij gruat sttd is rmiulred of housetoats this is no ban heap ou tho other hand the kttcrnto hull rendu is the bout far more durable than the orlinnry wtod- i n one uud it is hibio much cooler in hot wouthar and warmer in thn rold wtatlior thn u n wooden bout juutas is the cuho with n oonrret building keep it sweet keep your stomach tweet today and ward oil tho indi gestion of tomorrow by kiw0id5 the new aid to digestion as pleasant and as safe to j lake as candy mad av scott a sown makk or corrramuuaioh n fc x o k shirking responsibility is not easy as it soeras wo may satisfy the publlo that a thing do not concern u wo may tell ourselves that it is npna of our huslmuuf but there ono to whom we cannot offer such an excuse god hold us responsible not for what wo aro paid to do not for what wo are told to do but for ah we are able to do with him there is no shirking of responsibility a wonderful opportunity tho ohlldreu krlo and his uttlft sister found aunt ma ryal together too strict fine certainly tried jier beat to atnuaa thorn say the argo naut aud one morning- took them to tho soo but luwoa a failure brio keep away from that cogl molly your hnt crooked i those seat uro dirty erlo keep off them i if you bite the finger of your glove gnln molly t ghatl take you straight homo i it was like a neverending gramo phone record on good behavlouf aunt mary never seemed to tire tear tho littla party paused before a cage and aunt mary consulted her catalogue this children sh announced lg n antoater hrlo looked cautiously round us he wbupered to moly canfwo uh bar in r has 2 commercial oandor and here another lottcr whloh the editor received last woeki dear mr kdilor as you evidently welcome sidelights to the main currant of tho old mans rortcollonu may i add a lltlb of wliat j once myself learned from squtra asa hall who as you say was quite a historian of local event mr hall used to frequently walk up main street to his old form home und onoe when he wan visiting the little house where he lived lost on tho form which rod becomo for a good many year tho home of tho coleman family i happened to be there- he wns show ing ma some of his pld apple trees one of these had a nearly three- quarter slant and he told how once long ajro when protracted meeting was on he had to fake lot of folk dawn after supper to church in tho slolxh so instead of unyoking the teani of ooten he chained them to this tree and fed them but all they be came restless in the cold they turn ed the yoke with tha result hat the tree become partially loosened and dis lodged ami the slant never wort cor rected say mury said to mo when she rend my screed in last weeks pus lines well you wandered nnarly all oyer creation in your olfltlme talk this time wouldn t you do better to copy pur preacher s plun a little mora and keep to your text a trifle better than yuu generally do ierhaps i should marytnjt if l m to be the real old man of tho nig clock tower peoplo will just havo to take me us i am wandering old fogy nnd all t notice mury my dear old girl i said that you read my weekly epistles tivery thursday as spon na the paper cornea in nnd you seem tn enjoy going book i to the old day jusf on much as i do wanderings wool gathering nd nll have pretty good evidence too limi a checkered cure or it bocamu dilapidated numerous tounnts fur short term did not improve it a toy year ago it becamo tho property of contractor mackensto he decreased its slse rcmodellad il and maita a tiouble house of it it is now occupied hy mr und mrs norman molood and family and mr and mrs john ken nedy and family mr mcleod is mr mackensle fornniou and thus tlio old 7enas adams homestead built nearly eighty yoar ago still stands a u connecting link between actons founders and tha resi dents of tlio present day a boys invention one of the most interesting uxhlbltn among thu potunt models in washing ton is tho collection of miniature steam engines models of tho engines of hero of alexandria of newoomen unil of wtt illustrate tho successive steps in the development of the giant of modern ludustry there is a mode of the early cngtno upon whloh boys were employed to turn the cocks off one of those boy humphrey potter by name instead of settling down like p machine to the monotonous work kept hi eyes open he discovered that a certain beam above his head worked in unison with the cocks whloh he opened and closed he ucordtngly connected the two and after seeing thnt the device worked proiwrly ran off to play his employers began to notice a much greater regularity in the move ment of the engine than before and this led to tho discovery of his secret and to the subsequent adoption ofhl device everywhere as one looks at tho model tof tret merchants bank of canada ifeports record progress marked expansion in assistance bank has given to canadian trade and commerce savings deposits show large increase t the close association established by thn merchant itank of canada with the expansion of the bunlnesu and in lustry of the dominion ls strikingly shown by tlm semiannual statement of the bunk tn october 30th 1920 tho merchants hunk with its com- i lets organization throughout the do minion is known for the special assist nnoo to growing mid axpindlnsr bust- iiousns uud the report how issued shows thut it harl been particularly uottve in this direction during i tie past year this i reflected by the inumasa in current louiiu and discounts to customers tn 1130 516 403 as compared wit ll 34s h u gain of llg 168 bs0 increase in cspltal with a view of increasing its facili ties to tlm farmers thn merchant and the manufacturers of the country tho bunk bus provided f r au increase in capital und us u result thn paidup capital now iitamlu nt idobcdto an increase to date of 11 014 434 at tha 1 seme tlmn the reserve has been in j s n 10 400 000 it ith thono amounts will he furtlu r increased by the instalments still ouutundlng a further substantial gain in vav ingm deposits indicate that tho cana dian people aro prnatlslng habits of thrift during tho year tho uvlng duposlts of tlio bunkshavo been drawn on heavily to meet payments for tha lust victory loan campulgn notwith standing this development the bank shows a gain in saving deposits qf 14 03b 010 and total deposit now stand at 1170 034 061 up from ftfloooooic an a result of the expansion the total oiuietn established a now high rocdrd by crossing the e00 000 000 mark they now total 200 450 448 against i10h bos 673 hharoholdeni luiu partloular prl to in the steady expansion shown by die rank this development has lioen the result entirely of the round lug out nf its organisation nnd service throughout the country with moro nctlvo trade conditions uie bank is now in a pohiuoii to reflect tho benefit of tho complete organisation which ha been gradually built up over tho en uacuonuntpn let 6 talk qoqd cheer i ut s talk good cheer this morning no fill t tor if we re blue ii nnowharo wn know there s hoppl- ulored up for me nnd you ho let s just seek to fin 1 ii tn drive njruy our careii an 1 i f ire wo know ii glndneim will ortuko us li nu wii res iit hi fuu good t tiuer 1 hi wlhlnm of thin omuw shoul bo nppunn l all of us so mud ttiilun t hy uu personally nnd 10 m in nfl 1 o 1 to the happiness of tha world when wn keep gloom and grouch out of our live las week i wn a gueat for throe days in h home in whloh there was one ut the merriest young women i ever met tho whole house felt her sunny presence i did nof hear a single word of criticism complaint or a murmur of dissatisfac tion of nny n i from her when she wont awny my hostess said to haf do come again ss soon as you can heh n and stay a long a you can you have done us nil good anil cheer- el um ui tho guest who leaves this kind of an impretuilnn will always hoj welaomi huving m copied the hospitality of anyone it is a duty lo be as cheerful irnn tibrcoanlo s3 possible upd thn guest wlw talks good ct i cor and nro iiles goo 1 cheer is tho one who never wsnra out his or her welcome it is hiuully rorfnlu that the guest whi makes no orf rt to be agreeable is not likely to receive u iiocofid invitation l ts talk good liner this morning no matter things go wrong if burdens seem too heavy we it bear them with a song lot talk it tn tha homo folks aud pur fellows on the street lots t ilk it strong this morning to every one we moot let talk gool cheer wo hear of organisations the morn bors of which pladgo themselves to s eak nt least ono kjnd word and do ono kind dead every day but why limit it to nuot ah a mutter of fact thohu who form tho hnblt of doing one kin 1 deed it day seldom do limit them lie iv il t ono if tlio habit it practiced long one in apt o be constantly ti the lookout for opportunities of do ihg goo i nnd au constantly finding them onocnirronirylw a nutttiaut of goo i ly putting a seal of silence on ones lips when h come to saying gloomy nr sod thing if ever silence is truly golden it is when ono inclined tn speak gloomily the grow ing happlnoful of thn world is in a eertnln- measure depend enetlnenyouj and me and this imposes upon certain moral utilisation to put all of tlio happiness we can into tha world one of the ways of doing this i to l ln co upon our lips whon wg are lis posod to speak in utiles than kindly friendly and cheerful words w he what your friends think you are avol i lieing what your enemies say you ure go right ahead and be happy sss since f 1870 bm tu general statement of asset and llutillltleu with oompurlsoiih with the previous year uhows as follows tjrfbinoio whloh uiu sooggaji w ap plied jlie wonder la not that- the boy thought ojc it but thut anybody before him should have failed to do so this is the afterthought of a great many notable invention opponent of tha patent system often raise tho point that all grem inventions are in the air that the some suggestion sooner or later will come to a great many different men and hanoe that the patent is simply a reward to the one who happens to arrive first patent expert acknowledge consid erable basis for this contention they say also that the lament often made lllle invention died with him re ferring to ix secret process is rarely borne out by events assets 1930 gold coin pom notes and cr ha lu noes with banking correspondent i so bsfl 3g1 0 deposit in the central lold reserve government an 1 municipal securities jlallwuy and other hoiids debentures nnd blocks tall louns in canada call loans elsewhere than in canndu m u loans nnd dfscoiinta loans and dim counts elsewhere louns to municipalities liabilities of customers under letters of credit per contra bank premlsou ileal eatafo otticr than bunk irtmtatm- mortgages ou nutl instate sold hy tho bunk deiioelt with dominion oovirnment for purposes of circulation fund 7 500 000 00 31 114 don si 3 8s7 377 14 b 3b4 bus rl 4 17i3efi 130filk4s30 i 34d 428 so 4 03 r 3s1 80 3 401 004 ib 3 102 734 43 b03 74k 47 704 587 02 1010 28 642 138 31 8 000 000 00 38 340 353 41 8 170 011 01 0 843 017 67 3 418 840 00 i02 340ko4 37 32 334 3y 3 d78 383 10 757 flofl 04 b 883 sl 73 011 901 10 6s8 177 03 3np4s0 4j8 23 10fl coo e73 00 v c liabilities capital i aid up u reserve and undlvlde 1 i rollts notes in olrnulutlon deposit j m acceptances under letters of credit i f d0brq7ltol 8 060 774 u8 17 707 077 00 17dq34 001 00 i 401 6q4 sb 8300 45044833 ib8 boo b7 0 i u341 g3g3i1 7 074 ms 33 1gb7 j73 00 108 008016 34 767806 04 ngravfng2 tfonowro cutti 3rm windows d00bs lii ri nj the maluday dohpanv umltsxll mens work shoes boys school shdes may bl had i rom t k riikns dt quality at lowest pries repairinq i ti ivo just installed a new pow i r machine for repairing satisfaction guaranteed t e gibbons i established 1q72 monev in live stock i arthl selection of broefl v ing cattle and the right kind of financial backing will put you in a position to make monoy from your herd the bonk of hamilton is prepared to promote any icitimnto de vclopment along this line bank qf hamilton georgetown branch g c muckay manager real estate if you have a house for sale if you want to buy a house in acton ask r j kerr atiotleneer and real batata dealer phqnb 3s bower avenue aoton ont fromwmkto7w do not delay urge the advertised went of a clothier published in a new 0aalard paper the remarkable coats 1 p pu ir imio cfmruon euro wo are offortng will last only a fowl photograpfietj and all the family groups ox taa pountryslds were made ooursl reodora generally are interested in the undent history of acton and it neigh borhood if i published all tho letter tha editor hands mo in which sub nsrlbera tell of their interest in the old days 1 write about i d havu good deal leas apace iu which to pen my wandering thought nf the earlytimes welt where wo i htt dh yea bless mo i dldnt got throughwltb tho old zenaa adams house hut week i think i left off abouf the time when william nalrd the photographer came from georgetown and moved in wth his family ho- was the nret resident bheiogranw i acon wo had had afw photograph oora here before wihjam oanie their ownors vould go from town t6 town gtaylnc a wnak or a month in a place or until alt the young- fellow and theirs sweethoartj had their pictures tokun together and mother and their littla cherubs were tihotoaranhad and ho whdfcu life is made mlserablo by tha suffering that conic from indiges tion and has not tried parmelses vegetable pills does not know how easily this rarmlduhio foo can be dealtj with these pit will relievo the suf ferer they ure the result or long and put lent study and are confidently put forward a a euro corrector of disorders of the digestive organs from which so many suffer i would serve if word or deed of mine to any who repine can brltur a bit of cheer or brhrbtttea on the way how gladly would i serve for heart nro acjithtr here- hmt often go astray ajnh fears of uunnervo so lest from right they swerve 1 would do all i may vits boott flhsparo 1 santa wants to leave a victrola at your home this christmas this storo is santaa victrola headquarters the o1d gentleman is firmly convinced that every home should havo a victrola and we agree with him so if youll como in and select the victrola you want well pass the good word to santa and have him stop around at your house on christmas eve with the exact instrument of your choice you can get a victrpla from 40 up to 680 to suit your taste and need and no matter which you get from the smallest to tha largest it la always tho pupremo musical instrumcnrof tho world and it brings you tlio true art of tha worlds greatest inger musicians comedian bands and orchestras and if christmas shopping has been too much for your pocktbook so that you fee the need of easy terms mighty easytftey are too just mention tho patter ta us and you can get your victrola tind enjoy it without the slightest inconvenience on the f money end c w keuy son ri guelph ontario our first anniversary- salet commenced on tuesday novem ber 16th and continues until i etecemberh5 jerylhuig in onrstoret deduced to prices that are bound la- 1 attract your attention we are only listing a few of them here come and see for yourself positively everything- in the store reduced loojjper yard off soo per ynrd 80 per yard 2so 1 1t 750 sua llleaohad and ljnhlitolnnl cotton wll i to flannelette 38 hiohos wide er yard white ptannelatte 30 incites wide or yard striped und dark mnnnelette 38 inches wide striped nnd xrarkt flannelette 30 iimhiii wide table linen regular price jl 40 fir table linen regular price 1100 fir tnbto linen regular price tl 60 f r all curtain goods 10o per yard off jrint i 1de per yard off oalateas qlnghsms chamhrays 7o per vard off shirting all kind loo per yard eft overall and smocks regular 32 76 and 3 00 for sum uheepskin lined coat regular f 33 do for f2fj00 men s natural wool underwear regular s3 3 for sum man s bibbed underwear rogular 1 co and si 76 for t 10 mm pleeoe lined itiiiiorwear rngiilur ii 3f for tso uny fleece- lined underwear regular 7cc for s4o lanlea underwear iso per garnwnt off underwear soa to 3ve garment children s cotton spools sailing cash a 0 a ticking regular 7 so for 1 only ooat nolio regular 33 00 for 1 only hobo regular prica 10 00 fur 3 only bobch regular price 110 00 for m flbjoo 1oo flsjx sso per pair alf mrn fiarmgy afjn f iiir nmtkki yigg too to 1joo off 29o to boe off 7so per pair elf 20o per pair off men s and v bhoes v children s hhoom mns ltvnvy rubters over rubtiers gb0cer1es btttmon be per can off ten regular 7 on a pound for j b7c lanka tea regular 7bc for s80 copt bturoti and laundry b torch 3 packages for n 18e ymon and orange fool regular 70c for b9o sobtlless luxlsinu rtuiular 3cc for 29o hooded italslns 3 packages for ta w 4so corn 1 lake und lost toastloe 3 piickugos fot 89o soap all kinds 10 oak cm for t7o matchoh regular 46c t tot m s7o ctinwe regular 40o u pound for unn s80 35 iound nillh of itoss stock iamhi for zji0 this sale 16 for cash r le gordon ospriage personal greeting cards beautiful fmblemat1c chkistmas designs artistically uthoffrflphed and steel cut your name neatly printed in tott or scripts fine plate l card with envelopes to match good choice of dealenh no 1 no 2 no 3 1 doz 2 dm 3 do 4doz ji75 sx23 um 5l25 200 375 600 26 z25 l2t 600 7j ordfih at once bepor8 assortment is broken the acton free press acton ont shop where you are invited to shop iik ij mkimi m

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