Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1920, p. 4

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if atftnn jflrre te 0a thuiirday diccicmllkk ff 1020 tlfftaton 1lih- 1biv ffi irk t tlie iro i uliluhin p nuwiipllii urifl in j- v v criptimi neim 1 t avhniln maiia- r lino pah iiii uch il1iiiil jfx jotlien r init j nut in el thwracnta will 11 nlhc in- taf mnillniil wiuvmliimii vr line i jrflwnirnl i r rl irl riitl lnklllna aur will lw ikhiihi 111 lnll editorial r with unemployment in the cities ah effective back to tho land movement has begun in earnest pivand apparently tho hired man onco mora is to be a institution on ontario farms this will bo for- ntunaje for tho men tor the farms and for tho coun- rw ji tunjje f o present indicntjoni arc that the prohibitory law 5ir scotia alberta 6aa- f katciiewan antl manitoba ahout tho end of january that looks better an extended period in which srfejiquor importations would bo permitted would bo a ji travesty on tho vondmh or the electors m these provinces fc evidently the liberals of milton and vicinitj fail6d to rccognizoin hon oiarles murphy m i preventative liberal respecting his recent visit to milton tho champion says hon charles murphy f ftt f russell snpko at the jcrincesj jtitcatro last svthuifcday evening having been invited to milton by n tho womens liberal association on account of his t1l3tand on the irish question his visit was disapproved fc of by many liberals and tho turnout was small not cj ipo j for seventeen years mr it e mills has success- lllc0nductcd the elora express and his very earn- jfcwt efforts have made the paper a local journal of jrhiofa jha people of elora are justly proud mr ulsiftan experienced newspaper man and bis prac- gticat knowledge jf the mechanical side of tho busi- jtflesa has enabled him to keep abreast of tho times blfl l tlio hist liner l ul tl tobmmunity materially and morally and is a very tworthy representative of tho constituency no place for wet planks it was fortunate that the conservative convention j which was held in toronto last week had a good 0g quota of wise and considerate heads in at- tendance the effort of several persons to secure 4tbe adoption of a wet plank in the platform of the srparty was promptly overrujed it is very generally fgtanted that the electors of ontario will vote to jailopt bono dry prohibition on tho 18th april next if would be a sorry thing indeed jo have the con- aervative party allied to the liquor interests as some evidently desired old line party provincial leaders the toroqtd star made this significant state- tirientln its leading editorial orysatarday evening iby selecting hon howard ferguson as leader of jjjtbe liberalconservative party in ontario the great convention in massevhall gave the people of this on wo r oovcrnmcnt in office both tho old line parties are vnpw led by politicians who regard public life as a dftttie between the ins and outs with the spoils of iioflsce as the prize neither mr ferguson nor mr wart can bo regarded as the natural leader of progressive forces public ownership and temper- t measures will not get far if they have to de- i on support from men of tho fcrgusondewart make our streets presentable the waterworks service contractors have left mill snd main streets in a badly disfigured and danger- jojts condition the backfilling of the trenchjcahas ptiieft a raound at every service connection this earth sjrtjvbe requircdeventunlly to fill up tho trenches jjwhcn they settle but during tho winter there will gtm little settling and every mound left not only dis- flgujev the street and tnterfereahwith traffic but eains thosurfaco water and will inevitably cause serious jloo ding of collars next spring ir left in their resent condition ik wo mid not bo an impossible job tot grade these streets withthc grader remove the iurplusearth to some convenient locality from which iylcoujd bfe teamed when needed next spring to level sjyfp tho depressions the level streets and the im- nranity from threatened danger from flooding would iiafgely overbalance the cost the conservaliven provincial lender the conservative convfcntion at toronto last week selected the hon howard ccrguivn late minister of forests and mtnct in tlie hearst government as tho leader of their parly in ontario mr ferguson has a small number of followers in tlio house and can not hope for any large dogrce of prestige during the life of the present govcrnmciit hydro kxtetuilon and consolidation the big deal put through last week by which all tho power und traction interests of lie mackenzie corporations are to come under hydro control means much to ontario power shortage will now bo elim inated and hydro rudinl oxtcniion will be assured thrqilgbthi3ncwpiirchasc toronto gets the street railway system on very favorablo conditions the mackenzie interests are to rcccivi 52734000 for their entire plant s the relation of wheat to ituslnesn tho relation which the wheat crop bears to busi- tion from tho great wheat centres at tho head of the great lakes has now closed and the wheat situa tion is naturally bcingcnnisedbythfttlnaacial in stitutions with keen interest considerable disap pointment is being expressed over tho backwardness in marketing wheat in the west with consequent slowing down of collections and lessening of buying power a calgary authority wired an eastern bank last week that 75 per cent othio wcafiiralbrta was already away from the farms hut even accepting this as approximately accurate this did not mean that that quantity tt wheat by nnyncaus had heon sold much of it had merely bccji shipped to eleva tors to bo hcldhor the market later on when tho farmer was better satisfied with tho price a toronto banker expresses- the view that tho canadian wheat growers were running serious risks of further de clines in price by holding their wheat it was point ed out that the australian and argentine crop would wottdrwheat bring that much more compotlilon hi die market by january the tariff and employment of labor tho council of this town has placed itself upon record on one phase of the tariff problem at least in the following resolution which was unanimously passed signed by each member of the council and forwarffeunohrnytafrrf comm t government w resolved that this council of tho municipal ity of acton ontario realizes that the industries located hpro provide employment for a very large proportion of the- citizens of tho town nnd that directly or indirectly continuance in opera tion of such industries is a matter of concern to all residents to the agriculturists inthour rounding districts and we believe to tho entire country and this council hereby declares its conviction that no downward revision of the canadian tariff should bo made which would cause curtailment of industrial operation and re sultant unemployment no elector need bo a high tariff protectionist to endorse this resolution which only requests that the tariff be maintained to a pojnt which shall avoid tho throwing of citizens out of employment doing injury to town nnd country the peoples progressive parly at a banquet given by the maple city club at tl l prrtniri- rirnry itln the significant statement that tho perpetuation of the farmerlabor government cannot continue indefin itely in this province the perpetuation of this union ho declared isnot in line with public opinion the farmers of ontario hav asserted do not want class administration but they do want fair and honest administration of the affairs of the province in the interest of all the people tho u f o has got- to brancll out if it is to remain in politics successfully- if i were asked to name the new party which will eventually develop i would call it tho peoples pro gressive party and take in everyone before long we will have to develop into a real peoples party the farmers will still havo representation in tho party and will stand for tho ideals they- held before tkey started out to got power other parties will also jiavo to bo represented in that peoples progressive party which will eventually take the place of tho present united tarmcrslabor administration the premier has evidently been doing some hard think ing he has come to the same conclusion which scores of other thinking people tiave reached the country is not prepared ever again to follow the old lino hidebound parties mr drurys proposed peoples progressive party will more nearly fill tho bjll and give administration preferable to that of any government than either the grit or tho tory party can produce when confined to party lines alone homemade difficulties many of our rtltnaulllwt ham- iiimln 1 vt j0t ul awftjl wcmikm work uhnail of to wyn gonrc fttoomlly tm ltd at the lrakral ubio on mamiuy mnrnlnic 11 rtortjt know how in flfilnf to kjrt luroilth with it w ir i fall rfi toy fmilg a fiillow uin oply do what h autdo if hi wtirat annipy wt t4mula nlm wlilhiwrtiiw in lilh uui- that which would mmlor- him nuwt in tnnklnc auccm kif hlu wonka work ha would probably iiiluiit vnry nlmlur tactlc to thooa otmirtftl hu cl won for a rllns ot illikmmmijmnkint 1m thn ajrouteat handlr mil wo cud huva whan w ftttow oumolvci tu uniltiruvka our duty wiu loiihi ii ml ilfljhtlon inntottfl of cour- rj uiki ilijtrrmlnutlnii wa mtrs mak- tni mucroiut axtrmnaly unllkaly- tlio liuhli of iwllullfiic onai welf la rohhiillln for a great muny of our diniiiuhliui th rlrl who daolara urn i lin la thn moat olumhy awkward klrl in ihn world u hot hiding lr- hilf to thkhima mora nracrul indd oiff hinvltoii of n nwlcwardnnui u in tlirr way of liar ovr acquiring truco it ik u mlutako to foater any mmuglit uf mupmiivcm which i con trary to our ilnlr ijo nnt think of vunlf om uluplil and unlntareatink llufuhfl to connldor yourwlf dji dnatlned lrori ynuf mnntal vulon th 1wjt uf oiimvlf w you would lika to ta tliu bin tl tlilnk wo eiinountar in tha uioi id uf a- hat al wajmu ui lno ur j wny ty unravorahla clrcumiitancoa oullu uii ofuin thoy urn created by r own mhiukon thinking tlio nvtimado ilimquuln nm our worat tlidicultlrm tn thn mujorlty of chumw dont waste time 10 inula inuruiirirtnlwuiirilia hwirt whf hiiixoixlu und tho inun who tnuraly vii in uuintf in it mxllo4ri mort of wuy u thut no uiiiimiii nvury liouc of hlu uinti o thu i mat ml vu tit aire tin knowu how wlilln ihn other 1m fton- lilllt t ilwuddlo whmi huuliioiim hi uirlliularly brink ami thn wnutltor in diriuilnb tlmrn rvrtalnly in a timp- intlou to hit at thn window and watch tlia crowd au hy hul thothi who muo- iiumb to much temtitatlona wakn up hoanor or inter to nnd that tho wholo rooitmlon hum iwiuhmi thm nnd left ilium in thn lurch ttonl alt at tha dnw 0t out nd huntln koruatf mbhujim quite likely aiiclr dmrihlitk catch that trout wan im long ii tnllyou i novr w much a nhl m 1 tun ho no i dont wupiwmo you avnr did y mmnhmanuummknuum s are always profitable m lioa seed m s sbont ba m two per m 40blwupact u akrlntllurl colki tliulia i po a cllco raptt 5 crop yulda and farm profit rrcnr yields r 12 tarn so soil and crop improvement bureau of tk canadian far- tlllaar aamctatlon liur oi bui b bw- ltll tuvb b whmhknmm acton granite works j nicol experienced obanite cutteb la prepared to aupply taoau- manta of all klndfl with aktll- fully out inscrlptlona at low priooaj bo unplm ot work and atylva of monumanta at tho monument work 1hiultlian ftloce mill street acton ont t y j canadas conspicuous teooffniuon reports from geneya give gratifying evidence tat canada is playing one of tho directing parts of jjferj present sessions of the assembly of the league of nations it is necessary to be lit geneva says a correspondent to make this discovery as canadas tfcyjjonudiplomacy has been functioning most power- ffdlly rather benegth than on the surface of the pro- stfedlngs comparison are odious but by tho very jsiaature of canadas position it has fallen to the part sportier representatives to speak in some sense at this lj mrtherlng far its absent member tho- united states jfcvto bo the principal voice raised on behalf of the two vanerican continents and to continue to lead in the assertion oruho rights of dominions to nationhood vhich found expression at paris two years ago jcanadaa delegates will try to make ft possible for jbv united states to enter tho league by moving for fhostriking from the covenant of article ten which jwmthectyq tumbling blpckv intbe long and acrjj inontous debate in the united tatesscnatev our presentatives have in genera been well recognized jtt the assembly hnffr1rowel has been appoint- dyit flv rapporteur or number one ion and sir oeorgo f6ater aa papporteur of oup qmber four onfhe financial and economic pmiasion and sjr george foster aa rapporteur of totf a j balfour the honor of being one of the i5 vicepresldentsof the aasembiy nominated from jhe brftish empire it is understood that sir george jjbb done sonfo ery good wojlc particularly j6 group rmmber fopr whose task it is tonreartlabasis fpr economic and financial cbnferenco to be held next ejrvhanr mrrowettvorit tvsiaiieaachiixqdj4 impression that ho is spoken pf as possessing a dis- mwv f international affal r high school opportunities we make no apology for so frequently referring to the value of education to young people entering upon tho activities of life nor for endeavoring very strongly to impresstho value of embracing tlus opv portunity of a high school course a3 the new year approaches boys and girls are tempted and unfortunately encouraged by their parents to leave school and go to work this is especially true when they have reached the age when the law no longer compels their attendance at scipof the demand for labor has been so great for several years that fairly good wages are offered boys and girls whan they have not even completed their public school course when boys and girls stand at the parting of the ways trying to decide whether to go to work or to go to high school they ought to remember that if they do not go tohjgh school as soon as their public school wort is completed the chances are might that tbey will over go to school later once a young person starts to workf tho probability is all against otiy mace school for him somo decisions can be changed later but the decision to go or not to go to high school is almost always final and should bo ynado with the greatest care slrnjily f t of view of dollars antpcents those who go through high school are far hotter off in tho long run than those who go to work ai the end of the public school course but money is only one of the gains of high school there ore- beside tho atfiletic sports and the other good times to bo aken into account there are the friendships which are a joy through life there stjiewlderied intellectual horizons which ntonfnf oel mopoat homo in this graft world get -v- tom rumley general blacksmith and woodworker promptnaaa antt kfflolonoy our motto hpectal attention to uoiyaiihcwinff aao whmla aent for thnftonou floury plowa yotme iron uubinbss shopi corner mill st and parkvave near tne mill wittv and humorous i navf cuu klaatnic kal thn faft u wfl all thrn nw yumu ho mw mw kul ann kat taw i aw ichuu a jnnbilry man omiirlhm a chumh rnattval fnr rnlalna mtrny am an opora- ion whareln onehalf the tihurch buyv licrrloa at flftn rntn a quart anil pnm them to tho other hulf for u ilollar j lullty or not oullty an iruhman whan anliad ajullty or not uullty antd to tha jult how do i know hum tliata for you to nnd out tha comtnc tui0 bwlil thn liolltl ral orator i am icaklnir tor i ho immrot n iioatarlty ugmq ont uhout- nl ydm anil if you jhmt not thrtiukh joon theyll ba lira a- little ky rafunlna to tuko il lilll hn rnothor ulanwt it in a lilncn of pr- horvml laar anil cava it to him in n few mlnut- aha aald johnny haw you onloii tha jteart yah mother ill hut the owiil one account for tvo people thrrjdint bank account is a homo convenience it fnay bo ojxined intlianamon of nny twcr members of a family husband and wife brother and sister father and son and ouch person may make deposits and draw cheques indepen dent of the other many famtllaa ard puttlnp i tholr oviniraln a joint savings account on which in to ro at u paid th mrchants bank haad ofnce montreal acton branch georgetown of canada eatabluh4 104 suliy dhm po to bl arton i b 3horev miuni- c w candy mnr do your christmas shopping now 7 bhmbng lhy it pays tfhandle advertised goods ahvehtising does not increase cost every retailor handling standard advertised lines of goods of any kind has no doubt been approached many times by salesmen who say to him hero is a line which is not advertised bo 1 cfit mako you a lower price than that of tho ad vertised line and you will savo the difference if the dealer hai nut been there bofore porhups ho swallows the bau and pro- ceeds to acquire a liftto experience saves time an1 rffottt just what is tho real difference between a btundara advertised lino and onb which is not advertised whjch will it best pay tho dealer to handle the principal advantage in handling an auvertia arrtottrltthd has made a great many pioplo familiar with the good qualities of that article and has given thctn confidence in itand in the people making it with tho unadvertised goods thcrb is of course not this feeling of confidence since the customer does not know anything about tho goods it is evidently up tojho dcalor to overcome the natural hesitation an tho part of tho customer and to instil a feeling of confidence by careful skilful patient salesmanship ho maymakc tho customer want the goods this takes time and unfortunately h every clerk is not an export salesman and therefore misses many a sale which would have been made if the articlo had been favorably known to the customer one big advantage of handling udvcrtied goods is this saving of time and tho fact that tho sale can be made by almost any clerk assurance op value if tho goods have not real merit in themselves however advertising will not carry them far this simple fact is quickly realized by most manufacturers so most advertised lines are continually being improved many a hno which wab only ordinary when the advertising started has hecn perfected because tho manufacturer felt he could not afford to have anything wrong with an article which he was spendipg so much money to muto well known advertising therefore is practically assurance of value in goods the public arc rapidly coming to realize that this is so but you may feel that while advertising is probably a good thing and may help to sell thegoods it is stilt an expensive luxury for which you pay tho price and tho manufacturer reaps the benefit this is not borne out by tho facts reduces man ufacturing cost village of acton take notice that tha council of the municipal corporation or tho villas ot acton ililm laid water minim aa local improve nianbt on tho atroeta an ahown bchodvile a t the coat of tha work 1m 110000 pt which tmuoo u to bo natd by tha corivoratlqn tho pacta i rata per foot fronuuro la aovon canto jtho upeolal aasaaatnont la to bo paid in thirty annual inatalrnoata x i tha eatlmatod lifetime of tha work it flfty yearn 4 a court of itavtalon will lie hold on monday docombar z0 1m0 at b oclock at tha council chamber in the town hall for tho purpoaa of hearing complaint n sal hat tho propoaeil an- aeaamont or tha uccuraoy or ftonta tnaaauramenta and any nthr complaint which praona intorealod may deal re to make and which la by law oonl- ablo by th court dated novambtr 30th 1020 n if kaituklt clork mthkbt willow willow mill alit church ouelph agnon sc11bdijlm a iltuu to ulvar mill churnh aanea pa rk iit 7 s lou hilary oryniase ioiii it 6 mill krctlarlek cluolph li t 34 willow s fur maoaj9u pit llfoand do more for tho world bwvv wfeljllwjreiuelflon aol jrockj victoria main knox main iraapect park jark 1 mill knox luvar wuiaw main w ilower willow 1ot 170 1 youns mtu jbaan arthur you na lot 0 lel youns wellington john mill tol 31 lot ir r john a anon john church lot 17 iciuln aitnaa ot 10 krwlnrlck church fiunnm 1 jtederlck mill iit 4 wilbur mm ioi 40 asnon guulph marlu l maria anei uit is h 1 1ml lot m a modern advertising costs monoy this money is paid by tho manufacturer or advertiser if it does not eventualby result ingreater sales ho lones it iflt greatly increases his sales as good advertising should the monoy spent is a profitable investment becausd it reduces his manufacturing cost per article in arriving at the cost of any manufactured articlo tho manufacturer must first find out what it actually costs him in materials and in labor to this cost ho must odd a sum to cover his overhead expense such as rent heating offlco and management expenses interest on investment etc usuatlytho production v be greatly increased without adding very much to these overhead expenses tho greater the production in other words the more articles over which the overhead expenses can be divided tbo smaller the amount of overhead oxpenso which must bo charged against each article the more goods tho manufacturer can turn out tho leas both his overhead and- not cost will bo on each article materials can bo purchased in larger quantities at lower price machinery can bo made to do the work which formerly required expensive operations by hand and in many other yellknown ways cast can ba reduced wholl the output can bo increased it is perfectly clear therefore that if advertising can hiorease the output it will reduce tho cost as a matter pf fact proper advertising will not only pay for itself n this reduction of cost but will leave a further margin and therefore often result in lower prices rather than higher prices r- itesults in lower prices if henry ford could make only 100 or 1000 cars n year do you imagine for a moment that you bould buy a motor car at tho present price thatis one of tho best known examples of tho power of advertising in increasing output and reducing manufacturing costs and therefore selling price i- other examples ore numerous for instance it would bo absolutely impos sible to produce and sell c c m bicycles at their present quality andpricea in face of the enormous increase in cost if it wore not for the quantity which they are able to produce while tho quality of these bicycles is the basic rensq for their present repute and wide sales it is also true tlmf these good qualities would not havo so quickly become known to cyclists all over canada j it not been for tho extensive c c m advortislqg business directory thob okay m- d c m mcgill i ju i ijlliihumli 1 h v vt kvllaiffow unnni r mint miii- oftl aiiwonlalloii ul ohloo itrailt rluf liul i out dn j a mcnlvln phydlclan ru 0urupi onico and nlluini tiiiiiir hn avniiu and klrti hlifil im i no formnriy uooupli by i m ii lorn arum f phylolr onli j nci bon aclon ml kruilorlik hlu 3nc f w hooa qiorolowit ont a ccaac- ihonn no si v o llo ss haitold nash varmeie ma rrlatar solicitor notary publlo gonvanyanoar etc pennvman block acton fnt moni3v io loan limit u 30 u in to ti pin or j m bell d o h l d 8 dntut honor oraduato r tortmui uulwar ity tho ititnat anoathftln uao i omo at roaidonr corir mip an irredoiick btraata mibcellaneoue marriage licenses h p moor laauar marrlaa lloanaat wtvata omoe no wltnia r- qui rod laauotl at realilonoa tn ovanlna fan piueaa oftlc taotonronf pranc1b nunan dookblndmf j xtotimrthwllt order fnrlodlnalh of ovnry drlp hon carafully bound itulinu atly and promptly donn wyndhara st root quolph ont ovr wllllamn htoro r j kerr lloanaad auction far thn countloa oc lhiltoii wiuna ton paol and liufforhi ail th city ot ourloh acton ontario saloa inny ho mrmiifnl hy nu1 of at renldanoa at acton or tit tho vtoo praaa offlca aclotmr tha uoroury ollloa ouitl tho nowahooord itersiia or wltli w j gordon llarusmi uakar ulllaburf balca out run tod tu u j kurr ra oalva attontloii from tlat of llxtlne data r ala ridnca fhon acton your aah owir avtnuoi acton call bt my cinaa roy bindley a tlvh htooic ukakj 1cbtatb r and miqllollanmhh conaolldaud phona erin 4t 11 r r 3 acton j e cheevers book binder qubo bt- east qualph on booku and miikia louiid to ijtandaoma and hubmtatitlal covra nam on letlarsd in fiolit on luhlaa hymn itooku aud olhor book all yarti promptly exaautad ai d alex niven ontario land burveyor and civil engineer suryoy bubdtvlnlona llaim ttc- portu imiicrlptlonii lllucirlna to oartlllcatca tor juirchawcra and mortvasoaa burvayu tor arohltwsta wulldnra and uunlolpal coupnlw dralnaso rauorui lttmuta etc molean building dou oudluu ithono 1001 oni grand trunk ivt thq double track route xltotwbhln montreal toronto detroit chicago it iays to handle advertised goods 1 etaihlvhiathvshpuld goods retail merchants should advertise ad- yertised goods unadvertised and thettsome the free press is ready to help in this enterprise unexcelled dlnlns oar aorvlca ulaaullis oara on lilaht train andt principal day trulna tfull information from any gran ttudu uckutlbnt or g 10 itumttttf dlnufct vaaaonsar agcul toronto ii a holmes agent actonont- phon la thoiiulandjbeiiable granite and marble dealers wo aro manutaaturora and dlroct aporten of nil kin la of munumuntal nd hdadatona work w oou dlveofi totiir qubtoman at wholcnalu prtoaa thua uavlok our cuatomqra 4d nor contt havo tha haat appllannaa uml tha tttihmvi tymilnlun viq can qparata nnoumatlo took pro per ty wo can give roferoivoaa from huiidreda ot our ouajonirrt in toronto nnd other dlaoea whra othcra havo to havu law aulta in order to oollmt wo havu tha larcaat ana beat tock of aranlte in om dominion or mora than any throa daalcra in tho weal wo are legiti mate dealers and employ no amenta and do not annoy or peat ouatomara hy aondlnout ignorant ocenta eouclt- tntr order wo employ only mocoontcn ana dy oompeuupn amberon sons jft

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