Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1920, p. 5

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mi art mi 3fr irbf tlmhthilay dim 1 mlliou 0 1bq where from bdy deart what mutton your u in nml blub a nrt hand htiokiml it wlmi mnkm join lir wllttn i i mtllllltll ml i i who win three 1 filt u itithr than any tin i- nurul wmll the sunday school lbsson for sunday dccemtllr 12 ii y r w 1 mount on what 11110 kinopom oil i1kav- 1n ih i iici mnlt 13 4 h uoh1fi xl tho kingdom of cluil lu not fntlnu nu i drinking but rlglitf i- imiiihu nnil euoa and joy in the llnly hilrti human jtt 17 historic setting i imm uitlll jh ixiiullnu f our iord ii le mui1 l thu holy iml ulioiinilh in hidden whom tuuru uro tin henkh munil ull rl llin idil in hut tli ktniidoni f chi iht nlitlililnhtly ewnr lx tlin hull vl liml illwovi r t tlir im also tbo m tlht ii oil uk wo tlin 1 1 hitthh lit lu lia kltiicilom wo ulnhild ii1jiuhl ihtlrally ntiibruri ii iiulh of hi libit 1 i how 111 ihcy ii coitin jiihi t i hn you oil tli night of inn nml id i mrnvi itut how till villi n 111 v hh v ti ll mi rt ilit tllluulituliiijiuxuuwulta h0iuq1 join m twenty years aqo prom tbo 1u ft the frae pr of thursday domur 13 1b00 there hu wen xtollcnl akntlng on ilnndnrsoi j nd tlin put few day iififtrtloiin for tbn vurloiii holiday cntertiilnmaiitm of llm hiimlny holn nre rn mil nwlnu lilpah huittn m liuu niirrlmnl tha mant buliitho or m lurdlnwr vluconkulnll i urn 1 falgar who u known im n llv pro greaslve farmer ha lrunk it rich this time tlw titlinr day tin took h li of alalia islnvur to mlltnn from wlilih he realised tbn hmiduomo uiti 4i7 go bovan dollar ir bimhol lhajtlc 0ii1 tiip oinlwl he product of fourteen urrnk npd li cook ntlll retains llvo iiuhiihim for bomn u4q v the luillan am ff tbn mvtbodlnt church held n vnrv n twnbln parlor a mn con curt on monday nvniiliik ut m croft th irogiiftnnni wo- provlilnd by ura j w howa milton ulu alllo llntc mr j ii wnllac mr k1 j moor mr horry jftn m in kellii tlltl and mr john hill thp mttlo twlri datiffhtcx of mr wm mason ftnd tha sunday school qroboatra zutt friday ovanlncitov and mrm 1l a hacpbaroon axnndd the privll- ba of tha mahaa for a parlor concert in tha lot areata of knox church la d i on aid a bplnndld progmmmo woj rend- rrod durlns th avnnlns by thla tnlont mim claflc iter w 8 moalplinv u a tha arthurw family mbut paulina marnvbraun mr i m llandernan miea mophnll bnd moclure mrjohn llllnd mlwi hill tloonar ilonlr of cttrnpuollvllle who waa with tho btrulhcnna horaa in south afrlou wan welcomed bomn by tha ttllmrorw monday nlsht and treaentad with a sold 4utch amid kreat jubilation at tba loat meeting of tbo county council b vot or thanktf waa tendered t juda hamilton for hla snnaroally in ureaantlnft the county with a royal ooat of armi as a decoration for tha county court houaa tha annual meeting of knox church sunday school waa held on monday ovenlntf whrn the fohowlns omoora wore elaotodt superintendent w mclhnl aaai-supt- john j inwon screlory mlas uonln whaoo aaat seo bd ryfltr treasurer john it kenneily ubrarlan mlsa mglo walloce- orsanlat mlaa jennlo hmlth aaat prganjul mina morsio buasell leuder of son- j j lawon teachers itav ii a macphorson mra c 8 smith george jlyndo mrs folaurmlaa c mophnll mlaa ander son mrs john ii matthew m idmberf mlaa husell mlaa annlo hynds miaapt m nt sufoh wo- clura h asthmas victims rllvd to over come u aevera cnwi of uaihinria fry er j ix kelloksa asthma hempdy ia aplendld record lals hlkheat recam- mendfltlon ily ralleylnic the ftlr naa- aasea and raorlnb natural breafhlnff it offactlyaly aid natua in combtttln this dlareaaln0 und danaarpua ntlmen tq many thousands of anthmn a flppdr- antly conflrme vlotinia the heft ii iff umoaqfpr calluhh a aathma pomerty jtave brousbt relief ones own happne8q machine thert 1 a dear old lady in u llltlo waptrn own who enjato no end of munahlne and bod qhfter by what aha aptly mil arlndlny her owntaipl- neaa taaahlna shr fairly radiates happiness doe thla fcooct old lady thla happiness i enjoy so- oho declares did not oomo to ma as a royal gift i made t i irround ltout of myown hap- plnaa niachlna such la the uub- ataia of her phllovophy she is not wealthy her home a humble cot tmv moat of her relntlvca and nloae kin have poaaed on she boa been visited in hoc day with numberlesx troubles but no amount of nffllatlon can take from har tha joy she seta out 6t har happlpaaa machine as lontjaa j havo a heart to tavo and a hand to render aervne can koop on tumlna my happlnosu mnohlno she declares nor la thla dear old lady a phlloaopby of ufa at abstract thins nothlnc coald be more practical sho is bolp- ng others to do tholr owin vrlndln as ah tarma it we cn all make our owftjiapplneaa aho aaauraa tvo must mokelt if wo havo vary much antf wa can make just as much of it as we please qod wants us to enjoy this beautiful old warm he wants ua to be happy itut ha does not send ue happiness tuhe senda us tbo rain ha baa put it in human hearts if wo are aelflnh if wo are yalu if wo think only of personal rlory wo wilt find little of it in iii proportion that wo render eervlce for o the re in tho proportion that wo make others happy- do wo vnlnlbapplnoss for our- salvos complete forsetfutnaaa of aolf thai la the muchlne wo irrlnd happiness from it juat as soon as wa begin making those around us mora happy x a piliqent novice r u father rotupied rom hbt first drlv- uii leason boaatlnic of hla aaay man- tcry of the new car to please him never of tils family oonentod to ride wltm h nn1 thlnirs went well until u cat bom in up pehlnd them honked lift kprn k the startled driver jerked hlawheel to the rlrht runnlner down a steep bank than o cto laft heading into evfanoo anfl to tha right nsnln luoklly brlnohur p injha roud toadwlia- oarth ara vouylne to defy claipanbad hla breathleaa aon whytbon replied tha new driver ottrtrilyt wa juat praauoligt turnlmr ou tor team- til in i t innpbiimlxn milun ut tl klnuioi picture nes from europe vfu ic- th fm i i- ultto mtrhml thut li mflni imiuuhl tlin i v irl if araut ml- fitlnd it mil ihtmod lilninoir or it viihfrt 47 ih llh kllikl i 1k ti ilruiriiit or m lilt- hi u ut nil klmli of iimpu iiru luthnn 1 into ii thin ih dlutlititly h liilnnloiiiiry iinrntila ntniirhmit clnlut lu not h luutlir ut ciitittul aaliti tliip ilrliuw mihulurwlili wiulul ikml tint or ivuii ni iitiiumi chrut- up- pvul will txi uiimwuroil by till v run tin u a lu tliu work thorn willi ihuw tlin nul iiol tlmy wba i roucb tho ihi 1 unit tin aminla will kiitmr lit mid icitbnr nut 4mm 131 0 43 j6 11 31 tin final unl mid ufloimt will ui rniidnred before uu judtm nt luv of od vtiho ta iliiru ut pin 1 lily a doom nwtillliiif thv purpnnoly wbkeil tbera h ivn tkrn wtriiumih ulid vurlnua nt filrtu til wllmlliatu liuiilmlimnnt but tin hlbln ttmlm both till n lull mo t nnd re wurd vnra d1 ri- the jowuh ucrltmii kimw thr motluo luw chrut m fill lownru tnuut know ibo luwu of tlin win bill in uf licvfl tliuy will t foitb tb nw and hiho tiivt the true teiirtijiik of tbo old vnr0hu3 04 ti1ir riuntrv-waa- nuiuirttb mid vitjplnity vnrann 6 t6 our lord a hrothers wirn nut in tho tiumbnr nf tbn twelve lila ulalnrw nothing la tfviftwn vermia 67 gk it u joiilouny thnt frevnnth a prophet from hainb honor in hla own country ordinarily a man la liettor race i by his own kindred and uaaoalatoa but nut whan ha np- paara na their auparlor illuatraud truth the klnifdom of heaven im worth all it over coht any one to poiwum it vn 4 illuatratlonsomn yearn ago when ttrpatl qunntltlna of oil ware dlaoovernd o n traut of land excltemont rail hlnh for a time howovnr men who wore upimmmid to know what they were talking abouttcamo to tha cone union that tho find was merely a pocket and interest subsided one man however waa convinced that wealth was thoro so he took optlona on all the loud where mioh a thin waa to be obtalnnd he denied hlroaelf of every uilnar but tha barest necosaltiea in order to pay for tba option he lived to aae the duy who ii iiim ujitlona commandad fab uiaum autns pf mnnny topics far retaaroh and duoulon t jnauh wiho teaclilnun vs 44- 631 in what venae la the kingdom of houvot like a blrtihm troaaurof 3 what is the meaning of tha compart- ttqn with tba merchant neeklnk pearlnt 3 doner i bo the slmlllarlfy bejwnen tha klnirdora of christ and a not caut into the bob 4 what baarlnk have varaai 47 und 48 upon urlstoorntlu olnat dls tlnotlons in tba cburcbt 6 when are tha luiak ouemtatid acoount to im rtjnderedt it the pooplo aatonlahed va s 68 fl whut wua jeaus own coun try 7 who were our ijird a broth er t why should not a prophet hftvo honor in his own country dally raadlno for next weak monday i ember ialln mulll tuda vta matt- i 19 33 tuesday december 14 compaxalon on the multltudu matt 16 3338 wednesday dec om bur 1 1 lolluliau meal 3 klnkb 4 3844 thurmlty doeomber ib iclljali and tha widow 1 kings lt 8lfl friday donoinbar ltwitor from tho iuck six it 17 buturday dooembur 18 tho uroad of ufa jplm fll bt25 i huiidiy docantber lft johuh irnyr john 17t 17uc millar worpi powdnp doatroy worma without inconvanlanoo to tho child and so effectually thathey pass from the body unpercolved they thoroughly cleanaa ho stomach and bowels and leave them 4 u condition not fuvorlihla to worms and there will be no revival of tho peats another nice thing a sunday school teacher waa giving leuaon in ituth she wonted to bring out tho klndnesu of hon in command ing tho reathirs to drop large bundfuul f wheat now children aho aald noaa did another nice thing for huth can yon tell mo what it wftst married her eald one of tho boys kaiser bronchitis in exile thousands tiberated what nave yon not heart the joy fnl udlnmf bronabttu hoi bean ex lied kjaked jiflli out of society and 100000 canadtaoa liberated from the bondage of thla disease sverr traea otbioneaul trouble is blown to atom by the worlds most ejxodure dlaeaaedeatroyor dueuays brosobl ua llxtare mo wondv people are njolaiagl no longer do thoy dread ia flffaeta of coughs eolds asthma ota4 ao anxious are thoy that otuerg thould benoflt also hundreds of lattara have bean written- proclaim injj tfa9j9dta of thla wondarful mlr- aaiiloai remedy ijoro la one lettari td whom it may conoerni thla la to eartlfy thatf had pconjqffptlng for ovas throe waaka wits- hronobltu and waa adrtaed to fay bttokl bnnehlua mixture 1 x panhaac pottle and after tho tura dowj braneblue mixtuj bottle and after u ealved tellaf and before tno bottle eu rouoi i n was xitiunaa i mm pa well n niltlu the above aaaeruon i hay mo haajutlonvln saying tt la the beat xamady x avar eame m eontaet with for heavy olds and brobomtfs slgaedi mn m batdlng oo doit- ian brash 0o toronto taeorujinal of thla taetlmanlai may bo seen at w k baouoy llmlttkl 143 mutual bt toronto tblamlxtare provea la thonaaiida of canadun household will give you aura relief it cannot 11 seventy ave cent la tha price atritwdn between yoaand tho-roaev- to health j no aubitttttto inoufc mt hid botuowith the satisfaction 1 church cenoreas at southband belgium head of procaaslo cliuroh prittlawll 2 tha arrival of tha unknown hero at povar una land blu tha verdun at dover laavlng the high school for 81 mary ijaekata on guard over tha body i banking service for farmers our barjunh faculties for fhrrners arc as complete as eijjntytofthf years experience in the agricultural sections of canada can make mem vve make advances to responsible farmers cash produce cheques collect sales notes when duo and deposit the money to your credit in the savings department we allow interest or deposits your business may be conducted by mail ua the bank of nova scotia paldwpcplfcil 8 0700003 iuwrva ihoooooq juwon jiiyitxviqo w k grmhant mnnnttor acton morethan mere phonograph babyaix diton on tha quality of tba tone and yeutl surely cbooao rightly your election uke that of m numbanfa thouianda will be the srunawlck not bocauaa we amy ao but pecauae a octnoastration on this uper instrument will oonvlnca you y the brunswick method of reproduction a trocncm qna- neai and richness are given to tone that cannot be duplicated lq other instrument 1 theae two exclusive featurea make tbo brunswick the domi nant phonograph 1 j 1the a1xwood oval horn built uke a violin its entire free- dom rom all metal and its oval shape comply with tha accepted taw of acoustic it ampllnrs and projects musical tones with a- purity power ednrwertnealltromiuirwta tta 2 tub allrecord axjnbiuxlie ultonav plays all records corrlctlv with the exact weight correct diaphragm and cxacf noodle nothing to take off or put on a mere twist of the wrist adjusts it instantly to all maaea records j brunswick are scarce thla cfnaapjace your order now 1 get your xmu bruntwick at frank king phono 254 jeorqbtown aunt 8abina speaks mm a tin 1 1- turned u fretful and complaining fa 01 toward aunt ita- blna iniwall who mat tmxt to hnr the two wo mi it hud conn early to church and the rongr gallon had not yet git therm why don t they tuk down that old uervioo fluat alio riamnndod irritably hn nho hurvayed tlin ullk emblem that htlll lumu btihlud the pulpit tba waa la ovr and tho boyu hre homo aunt hahlnn powell was wllont for u monmnt shu wtia a little rosy- nhtmkud woman rmarkubly aotlvo for hni- ynnru hho llftnd lior fudod nyca mill nurvoyed tbn aurvua ttau there woio tyiitylwo mapla luayh tiliinad to it mid lu tho autre- wau n gold oii i don t know nu tbnrom nny great hurry ultout taking it down hbn re plied ulowly it dtiea my aoul rood to know that who 11 the call came tw4tiityt of our young tneu ait nwurud it i llko to look ut the nplo leaf thut reproaonth ltngr mills lionet you know hna bnen alok vnr wince imiiiu imck from ovuraoaa tho dootoru aay tho oxpoaura in tba truitchaa ha a caused lurlplnnt tulicr culowls ilogur 1 trying to got wull but it is bound to ba a long hard fight a nt ba lib in palmed thou ooutluufd then there im tho tniiplo loaf that btmida for mnxwell intnt mux mime home with an amply nleovn hut i have yet to hoar tho first complaining ward from him it waa great the way we routod cm aunt bublnu ha wuli tn mn with wpurkllng eyea if t hud lout my lire it would have been worth it 1 regret nothlpg aunt kablna abd than them teddy walwtar lwlll take u whole year and longer to ye tore hla hoaltb und build up bis hitrve yet ha ineuu unit ba wouldn t have mlaaed it for the world ive dono what i could he uu be klaaad jiw and if 1 can t steep for living over again tha borrortt havo wltneaaod that doesnt moojijl am anrry i wont i cant sleep aunt hahfha but pruua tbo lonl i fight and then bontlnued aunt sablna uoftly thorn la tho gold map id leaf thut represents norman allen mor mon went down in that boat which wuh sunk by a eubmurlna norman waa tmire gold juat like hla star am aura that if ha had known the fata that wuh tu befall him be would have enllutadjuut the aama in the latter to hla mother tlihtcnmo uttur be waa drowned waa a check for forty llvo dollars for lnuru a children mother bo wrote lauru wan hla a la widow with four children lloatbdt they havo everything they need aunt sub inn a voice tremblel ita hard to know juat why nuoh a young man ahould tie taken she addod slowty but qod lu hla wisdom knuwm lieut icufh boy who la repre seated on tnt flag baa nulfcretl for uk h won t hurt to lot the anrvloa flag utay whera it la for the praaont tho fretful complaining expression hud left the face of mm adair and toare ntnod in her eyas sho reach oil for aunt hubluun wrinkled hand frglvo mo aba cried i forgot that whlla i huvo he 11 eufo and cared for lit homo tbo muplo louvea on that kflco fjag reprationt muffcrltig end uicrlfirn and oold unit hunger and i1 1a1 wo forgotaalifteuut bablnot aoftly and in tha allenm it aoamed to then both un if tbo gold maple loaf among die blue ones nluine out on if to re mind them thnt though tho old aer vicu flag might soon ha laid away ho things that it atood for were im- i firlalmbln doyour christmas shopping now why hens never laar aneg the naual method of feeding mostly grain makas yolka bot not boogh wbitaa to oomplaja the gge as the ban csnnat lay theae bmw- boade egga ahe abaotbe tbam back into bar system missouri experiment station testa abowad that loo lbs of wheat com oala barley and kafflr corn make above bodily majntananca an average of 234 yolks bntoaiy ss4 warea based on data frotn tha win xparltnants pwrloa form- pwie7tmvtti6mt7tiun purfum sctmtch feed 24749 yolka 14211 white porinm chke chowder 18205 2825s combmed lutioo 42954 yolka 42466 wute note tha parlact balanca ofyalkaisnd wbitaa and the large number of each thla combination of puilna paada make the maximum number of ooouifa eggs eggs a ban will lay thats why we can abeolotaly guarantee s s bsore egg or mcjaey back x isirina chicken chowdr if fed with varine scratch peed as dlrectal vou ka- railway time tables pseiqht and ex pr esis iqapmas carrlo i on nil urk irrclshl diiliverthj dnlly by n 1 1 in axi rw freight ugpruun or itruight plokadup at any addrnau in loronto a u aun1cw agont acton shi m guelph business college training to advanoamont and succoaa winter tarni from january 3 wn huvo it numb tmoki d foi tlmt liil don t put t olt aethbuyrross c hrald blcj qulpli ont a l bouck prln a for sale by d h lindsay mill street acton flour and feed store castqria for infanta and children mothers know tliat genuine castoria always bears the signature of exact copy of wrapper in use for over thirty years castoria rn fa la p a br ruhblng with dr thnmua icolectrlo oil will relievo lama imck tha akin will immediately utiaorb tho oil and it will pomtmto tbo tlimucm and bring upcady relief try it and ba convinced ah tho llnlmont sink in mho pain turn lour bright aide nutnlde jtoep inetdu all your grnuchea dlncontaql oopiplalntu and woea and altrnente yoi know how welcome n rlioerful parson always la timiii be a olidcrful porson yourself acton creamery full market priee paid for butter fat any small amount olcrcam wilikeceive our best attention we will albo pay spot cash for eggs open friaay and saturday evenings uptodate goods xt a c si ra silverware in tnblqwua fine variety also i inc outlet y hardware tinware and rim 1 to wn ro bg assortment pandora stoves and linnjcs famous heotors small stoves oh slo evenv article ib or cxcep tional valle c c speight mill street acton when you nwd ifeoots shoes y at any time s buv fkom w williams miu street acn famous rop satisfactory footwear reasonabte prices v best ckeambky butter new laid eggs and fresh buttermilk will now be suppued at the creamery every day acton creameryco wat wiles proprietors acton bakery cu pliono no 7711 you want n delicious lonl of brcn or brown broad or a boston laaf scnm loaf buns ftnd rolls pios und all kinds of cookies and cakes v s r also wedding cakes made baked or iced bread is your best fo 001 eafmotretsftt- phono 77 the wosson will call at your door m edwards 0 aoton ontario btar gloatl gwftry night eopt frl 1av and saturday at s0 p m fm

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