ifll bsffirv birth marrlagaa and icath are now charged fo at the following rates nirthn boo marriages coo deaths coo memorial cards 60o 10c pnr una extra for poohrm born ik aunmolllo at nvrly house aoton on thursday iirttinibr 1020 to mr ami mm donton t ileardmiira n nonr died haiinkb irj toronto on bat unlay imovemer 27aevlyrtln olvon be loved wire lif hodglii tjarnea or sutquohliitr acred 17 years n i0w ton at ijinehnuae on tues day iewmlf f 1030 hannah autctmta dmuchtet r the la to john now ton hr ji licr 77th year t0a8ton at the llnmllton hospital on bumlny even 1 nit ijwnmtr g tojo tl wife of john tv oaston 2flf woolwich htreet cluelph aged ed yearn neighborhood new- town ancl coiwtry crewsobttconnehs at n meeting of the ratepayer ami trustee ofijorna bdiool laat tuesday evening it wan decided not to ciom school many or th rormer puplii bo tad to know of thin decision quit a number from here attended hqwlnterfrnlr in fjuelpb tliui woek j1p artfltt 3frpp f0b tltunsday d1ccemdeii10 1920 brief iiocal items osprinoc mr nhrl urn j w tlcllch oa- rinse announce the engagement of their meat- daughter jeaale florenoo to mr william 1l miller youngest son or mr john miller tcrin tho marriage will isko place a boat the middle of december qeoroetown mr and mra j a wllloughby and family or georgetown have moved to toronto tor- tha winter the bumlay school are preparing for their christina entertainment thav might to lw imnnnrft m mif chrlslmtutlwo woeka from sat- urday there have been- same exceedingly bad roads during tha week hay in oatllng at fnnay prices now 1600 for loose and fl0q0for baled thoflpal mooting of the county oqunohforlmo wlllbobeldan thura day 3th inst the- annual at homo or anton high school will be held on thursday evening slrd inst morloy the honey man of milton ha reduced ttio price of honey from aoo tosgc r pound saturday night rain took the last of the enow now folk are talking about a green chiastma thn attondanoe at the sunday hcuaia u now increasing chrutraaa largo numbers of the resident of acton and vlntnlty have attended the winter fair at guelph during the week new aubacrlptlons are being- re- oelved every eelr nqthgithatandln the 1200- rate whtph we re now ob- luted tpcharke t a chrlstmacone6naturdav 1klbvfea uorerttoarbnumborwtirl vlsltara- to the home folk to remain in town over sunday tha offering for the cmlnesa famine fund ai knox church last sunday brought the- total for tha- con gregation up to 9x1178 qood morning i have you renewed your front pnaui auhsarlpuont doe your label read nov 10 or bee 2qt if ao it 1 renewal time orangevllle appointed a committee or wv to report on a war memorial last week some want w monument and other a memorial hall tha county of peel will erect hospital in brampton a a memorial to peel fallen heroes the proposed hoaplta will not contain lea than 10 beds milton meat dealers have agreed to make no further deliveries to aa- oept no phone orders to well for eaah onlyahd to reduce the price of meat tea cent per pound mr john perking who had the misfortune to fracture his leg- while picking- apples at mr mutltn farm sbeweek ago la still confined to bod 211 reoovery i very alow tha methodist sunday school which fixed it objective for mission last pebruarjrat i1b0 went over tha top with last sunday offering reach- lng the total of i2sss1 for the year wool price are low unwashed eoarae wool is selling at ldi medium loo fine wool 2bo the low price of wool and hides alt help to depress the value of beer aqd jamhsv farmerb f j i alter- being- convicted oil a charge of stealing 90 from a local contrac- j tor anao deforeat wu sentenced to o day in the county jail by magi- trate watt at saturday polioej court sitting- in ouelph s invitation aire out for tbe war- don plnnor to be held at the hotel ueolbbqn milton on thursday even lng deoamber la mr w b morden halton warden for 1bs0 will make t a ywy hospitable host vdoor mr bklltor t see by tha fbm pkbss you ore appealing for help for the chinese famine fund in your paper x enclose 1100 for th fund i wlah x opuld do mor um mary ormatronff puent- ca ornuw- tfia faa pa with all other t newapaper in canada have been aa a vised by thopoat offloe department tbaton the first day of january next th rate of postage on our paper will bo four time what it ha for the past score or more of year a letter from mr w m karr editor of the drtuwel post ays x am greatly pleased with your boldlrrs uoiumrit we have taken no defln- jte action yet please send me en graving of your o that we can how ourpeople what is being dona inotber place in the wood work rome interesting liquor ease are being disposed or in town these day we understand ono young man has gone to muton for 1 month in lieu of a 11000 tine tb induction service of ilav percl- val mnyea will be held fn- st oeorge church thl evening at s pjn ven archdeacon mclntoab wh induct ant the sermon will be preaehed by the jfwtjtid- wenjkevmr mayw who came tinatitaml jtont inoved into the rectory last week herald na8saqawcva two little boy from toronto jim- mle kerr aged 11 and willie twaaa aged 15 were arreatod at campbell vllle station on wedaeoday afternoon of last week by constable mason the two lad were runaway from the mlmloo industrial bcbool they placed in jail at milton and returned home next day the amateur athletic and lunlty aseoolatlon w headi st oakville the public school are crowded vreni with the new two room school in use wednesday evening- december 13 ha been choaetfa the date for the knox church sunday school enter tainment an evemn- with the niuaurof the book- of praise with choral utnatra- uorut by too 1tv alexander mcmuton xx ta mf torontowa the prograiaa at knax t p on thursday evening a public meeting will be bald in the trafalgar township hall en sat urday r december it att l oclock to decide on the erection of a memorial for the men of the township who have fallen in tha great war armetlflof the collector and other interested in ookvlllet mem orial wo bald lb theconnd chamber on thursday evening loot tb meet ing was further postponed for two week in order to complete the can vas and to get a mora representative gatherln of cltlsensv record temperance leader gone jejaph qlbseh postmaster at inger- sou for nearly forty year ppsbnaatar joseph qlhaon died loae thursday afternoon at the family resi dence in ingeraoll the end came peacefully with all the member or hi family present his limes had oqm exed a period of a year and was in- tenslfled by ha doath or hi wife just a mouth ago he wo in hm 7th year having been born in wlllston cheshire hng landj november if 1841 ho came to canada at the age of eleven year after spending year at halford then a mancheste and time hi 2orra nvetues in ingeraoj where he hod resided continuously iinoo hi death remove a than of brilliant jnteltoot whoa public spirit wo deep- ily oaaoolatel with the life of hia oom- munlty- and of cauada in the early day he was promln- enily 14anuu4wlth ingeraoll cricket and baseball fuaatnavand htd the dlt nctionot hiuira nwnbrf thn champlortonlpri stoiipphbto of which aahw-bnib- u i aparefrom hia abttityaa puttorm paaorur aibaon recogaetf i mechanical cntu and taay fxtcutod aruclaa athijhoe toawr to his skill inlhuregpeotihisnatar- al oppomuon tp lfitampirnoa dw muou to dtvalop u apiptfcrmuunt and th caugaof tainprjioju wl cam pbel i v 1 1 le hasoblaini charter mr j t xyn who recently pur chased tha duncan mcaragor farm has taken poealon v- mr loyn will soon feel at noma in their new surrounding mr- xx mcgregor and- family have moved to the vacant house acroa the road from- the old farm until they decide upon- thetrf the empty cradce almoatevery raotber known the full meaning of tbeao thrn sad llltla words the empty cradle from which goa ha taken the girt he keein to have ifnt only long enough to take aieay with it a mothers heart he aleens who sleep you do not know and i must tell you no ft and low my lltfln baby sbpth ma he iileen ao lajte my baby sleeps nor smiles nor weepm the noon upon themorn doth walt tho sun shine full upon the gate liees and birds are full in tune and summer lire i at it noon my heart doth break my babyvr will awake he sleeps the tender eye draw near the lights of home are shining clear llut in the churchyard dark and idrear my little baby aloep ruch a wall as this wo that of one poor woman who could never have spoken afterwards so straight to th heart or bereaved mothers buttor thotact that by bitter experience nho knew jut what the empty n cut means m deso h an jnst w words were beat u ay or leave unsaid the writer once heard this sold to a eaved mother oj a little one whose loveliness of spirit and oaaellc patience through siraerlng had lea a world man to christ f thankful ha might have grown up a wicked man the mother winced uoni think he would she aatd defending her etllent deadi- lfeirbant knowl liemight have broken your heart- o cried 4he br oaaif be couubulhav lived v thin thing the wall mean lng wouldbe comforter who hod never lost a baby went away and another who had lost on came and whispered it 1 well with th child i dont know why ho had to suffer wo moaned the mother hod nwvr done any harm and he mo good and so patient i jesus murmured the other jesus who i kneplnj him in hi arm your baby had a mission here ha rulluled it better than motor or u who are grown fulfil our missions uttle as be wm door ho won a martyrn pointing backwards rullier uroenlooklng chap went into inn of the department i stores the other day and waunlertng up to the counter where dosens of mens cap were tlsplnyed he looked carefully through tlebjock but aeemed unable to find what he wanted just what kind of a cap are you looking fort asked the salesman at length well bsiii the youth f bought me a motor cycle tha other day and i thought id like one of those caps with a peak at the back v tkirtcrraalil tf wottftntbtrane friend across en empttcraotle how much better it i than ir one of your older children had gone th dull anguish in the bereaved vromati eyes took on some bitterness aerate aald only a babyl x have heard that be fore it waoaly babyto others but to mo he was my eon and his manhood died- with him a white- taqlred- minister jj- the room 4ba had tiit 111- erin the consolidated telephone proper ty bo been flnallr taken over by the municipal councils erin pay 7- 77s and caledon utzs theseltountaln sunday school will hold jt heir christmas tree and enter tainment on december u the maple lear mission bond of hums church krin wid bold a bataar in the basemen of the church thla tburodoy evenina t the hlusburg baptist sunday school 1 preporln5for their annual christ mas entertainment for monday dec ember 20 mr tjavla occonipanled her daugh ter mra itogera back to tjiaofaburc last week and wlu remain there tor the winter advocate the cataract xclectrlo xjght co which lights jsrin village puxpoee revising their system ot- charge to aomelhing- like that used by the on tario hydro euectrie power commis sion and bringing their equipment ser vice up la hydro standard fortyone lmwatt btreet lights will coat f ww or thereabouts under the new system milton the average dally attendance at the public school last month wa six lroat krlday evening the eaqoealng beef lting met at the home of mr end mrs f tfiaher bellne wbo treated them to a fowl supper a splendid programme followed cn tuesday mornlna frank h- mo- cannell got out of il oar to enter the butcher shop of messrs buck morley he left the engine running by some mean the broke were re leased the car atorted off crossed th street and struck the afllee formerly occupied by police magiatrate dice amaabln in it front xmt week js tnembent of the ingle- hari connection gathered at tha honw- teaa near palermo to bid it farewell it wo sold lately to majoroeneral oreenlay of bngland they partook or a sumptuous supper after which there were speeches and a- musical programme el u cleaver of bur- llngton wa chairman and the speaker were w f w fisher w v hop kins and member of the family 7- chkmpion it 1 said that up to monday last a farmer on tbemountota had 100 bag or potatoes atltl la the ground mr vf boclemant manager of the bank of nova scotia here i taking- a few wellearned haudyadtefornar burlington five motorist helped themselves to gasoline and oil at aldershot oqe night last week chlet smith wa noufled he drove to oakvlll and wa joined by chief kerr they overtook- the thieve at ci onto police were phoned when it learned th car hod been atolen the five occupant of the car were taken jjwek to tha city the town will have a- war memorial that will be in keeping with the place a u the money- collected will be used to erect ont ling morfument ithl was the decision reached at a mewlna of the subscriber held eft the pu library on btrldj evenln last t after aom dlocusaion that motion paaeedon august if dividing t be fund into two part whereby jv6vo would bedayoted to the monument and 9lm4 to the jdorlington branch of the q w t waajracined mtvond mra joa lambahead tend hwrnlfnt oh wedneeday hurt by rheumatism neurit sdatioat nooejcla- templetona rheamatic capsules towlslhto ahultbfulmoamrrlafrcmmlr 11 known for liiucn ytmn pre- rkriid byd6ct6iom by drnt tuu lloobax aak our itf ml or write for fre tril pmkc- torjetoal2 kiojt w toromto j i lawmml loci ant no common courses arc given in shawp business jrsehools toronto all work is high grade in every detail students may enter any day or start homo study courses free catalogue write w h shaw pres 305 yonge st god and was sorrowwise laid his hand on the mother bead and sold wftb a tender smllo maybe way jt god needed a new angel heaven l never a utile one is laid away but wa torture ourselves in thinking aver the many thing that we might hxva done to save it if this la true of homes where all that money skill eoodt n ursine plenty of room and nourishing food con do is done bow must it be for the toll worn mother of acant means in tlio crowded tene ment homes where there arj many to keep and many to net ijnd not enough air to go around and not enough time to give good caret ruoh mother many of bur reader have round com fort in helping a memorial to their own empty cradle three things the followlnallneh wo coplod from the album of a young lady of kllsa- belh n j 1 three thing to admire intel lectual power dignity and graceful t three thlnga to love courage gentleness and affection u three thing to hatei cruelty arrogance and ingratitude 4 three thing to delight in frankness freedom and beauty g three thing to wish tor health friend and a cheerful spirit three thing to avoid idleness loquacity and flippant jesting acton skating rink 8eas0n tickets are now on- sale chlldran uodw 4 yar tljoo- children 11 to is you 10 uo im ontl0raeii alllv at aoton tanninttco office ught ittwrit tannery cooperative this store has always been noted for its good values in every line of goods carried we aim to keep the beat that money can bay tike for example underwear wejiave in stock three good makes stxuificldfl pemnans and tutnbnllb where pan you k get any- better come and tell us and we will bo pleased to get it another good line with ua is hosiery ladies black cashmere hpbh at 7k 100 1ju and sl60 v taaiea btack sllkr hose sizes o 0j4 and 10 special at 75 pair no tax flanneleue blanket at lower price 30 pairs of large size flannelette blank ets in gray and white best quality to clear ar h ftf jtiiirw j g pairs of heavy union blankets at reduced price large double bed size heavy weight wool and cotton a good warm blanket regular price i6joo reduced to 1000 pair end table danuuk you save money buying these ends of table damask and you save your good cloths as well these rc good it and vmvtfik of 25 v bedcoxtiforterb at afiedoced ptieea- 15 only bed comforters large size good patterns filled with good quality batting regular price 600 jor 25 yarns the same in yarns we stock hqtluug but the teat makcrifflctqry yarns for socks and mitts in gray white black red blue and mottled all pure wool re duced in price to 50c mclean co muxstbket wb bell for cash wb 9kll for lem acton village of acton notice of rfwlbtratfon 6f bylaw notice bt hiireby riven that a hylaw wan passed by the municipal council of the vlllaun or acton on the 28th duy of november lv20 providing for the imbim nf lwbenturr to the amount df s98zcbfor thn purpose of defraying tbecoht or oo tint ruction ot cement rldewulks on the houthealkterly aide or itowar klreet between willow ktret and lgln htreet and on the houthweetffrly side of frederick btreet between mill street and church street in the said village and that such by law wsa rcgutterod in the registry oftlce of tha registry division or thn county of halton on the tlratday of teceinber ibo any motion to quaslf or aflt aside the- sstno or urnf part thereof must be made within three mo lit tut after the flrnt publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter iated the ninth day of december a i19jq 143 ii n faumkh clerk we make to your order v a in tin ralvariloed iron- corru gated iran copper brass and other sheet metal roofn gu iters skyllbhta oonilona eaveu out- bouthh gurttjfe piping of- ull kinds etc wo submit sketches and estimate asa modaln and a mn leu where the work justine our doing it w fmponey ctom oht farms fw 150 acres in kblfl township s miles from brtn 116 oore workable balanoe umber end pasture lacre orchard 1ft acres fall ploughed sandy clay loam ou 1 well cuid a creek solid brick house or 8 mom cistern in hnnno farnnae bank mrn ja4s barn no t k4x4fi tlo up it head cement door pig peni been pen driving house and garage water in stable school and chursh th miles itural mail and telephone losseslon arranged jmoe 91svo0o term arranged 100 acres in erin township 2 miles fboh erin 10 acre workable balanoe bush ami pasture i eores orchard i ctey loam soil 1 wall arid airlvr cement house of 8 rooms and kitchen bam0 cement doors ue up 8 horse and 16 cattle abeep pen- driylna house implement shad alio school mile church 8 mile rural mail and telephone ioaseslon arronaod price lk- fflnni arronaed s v jn jsbqjuigjrowmhiptj 80 acre workable batanoo bush 7 acre orchard acres fall whaai gravlly loam ou good spring water bvame house of tti roonta barn 80x84 with stabling underneath driving house school and church 1 mile rural moll and telephone poosesjitou arranged jrrtce mt00xterm arranged x j 128 acres in erin tovvnapip- miles from acton iw miles from radial stpp to acre workable balance bush and itasture bandy and clay loam aolll plenty of water 8 well and x creeks stone house 6t 8 room and kitchen jlern 8054 tie xni 4 horses and 83 cattle hay house matt implement shed driving house pig pen 84x18 water in stable bohool 1 mile i rural moll and telephone poanesalbn arranged tprioe huew term arrangod s j mm hbabbwicb 48 victoblvstoebt toronto tklephomo ma1w 7 i l we want a reliable agent for every unrepre presented district to sell our well- known fruit andornameptal tree ahrubo eta good pay exclu8iver trrit0ry riqhtsr btlryatrojar 8 uhder ndttioo present ooi 600 a0re8 of nursery batablished 40 vearb pelham nursery co torontot ontario notice to farmers having a contract to deliver every week not less than twenty crates of good fowl to the city live and drees- ed i must pay tha highest price to get that many if you have any good fowl to sell call me by mall or per sonally and 1st me know your ad dress and number of phone and x will call at your place we also buy any quantity of good potatoes we buy any amount of- all kinds of old paper and junk w assure you the best satisfaction alex gilbooud ox 100 brick cottage car seheelhouee lane acton santa claus has prepared for you at a t brown v presents useful dainty acceptable bibles hymn books all churches books poets in best binding bequtifnl boxes of the ladies of acton nuwi8 thb time to tib a i hat at a very low price au millinery reduced be sur and get what you need before christmas at nellie m stockf ord acton guelph elora winter fair guelph dec 3 to 9 if yoit havb a ouarantee that your- eyesight will last you a lifetime it is un- necessary to see us flajtuj onv christmns is fa3tapprobching indsanta wilt want alpt of candies what a blessing that sugar dropped watch our specials we will haveabig special for santa the day beforo christmas this saturday we offer yqu 100 4bs o our h01memade peanut crisp our crispis much superior to most lines reg 40c lb saturday treat price s3e tb weekend chqgpjlates 44a tb we notice a steady increase in tho demand for our choco lated there is a reason assorted flavors hard and soft centres reg 60c and 70c tb weekend spedal 44c fancy boxes of chocolates we invite you to come in rind see our fancy boxes filled with our best chocolates prices up to 075 per box christmas stockings wo have a fine assortment of christmns stockings the kind that please iho kiddies prices from 5c to 200 v we manufacture jll our own class confection av rock bottom make our clean litllo store your headqurrters for wo spccifilizomn candies and are able to glvd you a highclass confection av rock bottom prices candies v t h moorehe ad brampton georgetown milton acton tannery operative the store 1 op good quauty and low prices 1 jt is our notify to buy the best goods procurable and sell at the lowesfc ppabibbk ftrieg jf ugtity and prices are compared with other stores itwill be funj thai we aiveys lead s piib epfps compare price and be convinced another drop in prices of pour pure larcttifi shortening lc choice stationery initialed fancy note paper clitounafccards-in- great variety toilet goods in all the latest designs french ivory stock limited make sel ections early brushes variety safety razors fountain pens watermans and moores unlcakable cameras the very best the ausco dolls daintily dressed and all ready for dressing wlu there re-a-vic- trbla in your home this christmas multitudes or other gifta to select from a tbrown druggist and stationer acton ontario new cwstmas fruits lc just arrived seeded rauiiu valencia raleln j tafk i raisins new currants feandtod peels datesj pips etc newalmonds walnuts brazils- filberts amt peanuts y c and p t thn m via by oit iimu bearer or reglstsred wlu uuk ull jllolum -victors-bonds- jeparter i investment breksr qusip at prices lower than tho lowest cashpaidfor butter 1bggs ciucken8 turkeya et3 tarinery goriysl mill street a ai conway manager vegetables rvritbkarnw wltviuumrroijititfv l ww xtr- smlmzimm tsir