Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 16, 1920, p. 2

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r- js3s spc lit artmt 3taer jjrrbb tuuliaday oi5cbm1jjbu 1 1md mammys lesson on manners wn yno gwlne upon a journey an yo eenroo upset case yo trunk l glltln no fullup pol it mighty had to hel pomi yo lean no rpotn to man nor now yo hh chllo wat i nay jen yo puck dm in yo satchel fo to use along da way treat cm lajt yo do yo far brwh an yo toofbresir an yo oomb kf yo gw be ekeeretl to um 1 mout a wall b lep at hom shaw leoi imnpn ttat yo euitom ko to air item eberx day wat dey in yo satchel to chile 1n yo use em on da wayt cane all trabellns oneasy lixt do heal way yo kin an if folk forgltdey manner tings alt rough a plnyakln 80 wen yo goa on a journey- dt do word yo mammy aay iaok yo manners in yo ft tend lo to um a tins tie way pauline france camp atwiiat la all the exeltemanl fr 7 fll peckhamt- queried will vglr coleman addressing- jasper ieckhara the proprietor of the general atom at icaat fairfield aint ye heared bout young btn- fordt demanded the torebeener been lost in- the wood for nigh a vreelr l haarrt ho been found yet tlert coleman in aurpriae tt jurt cot uank from tho oounty seal went away tuesday they war hunting- inr him then no they aint found bid nor har on him were goln to aend out ra tions an jess aih in ore empty iimpa- tbitn cgttcrifl ijirowth tbn com out ho could get hi bearios but ahut in on 1m was it was worae than useless for hliw frf press on well i can atop here ho growled unstrapping hi hunket and much de pleted packet offopd this is where i ctinii until i see the sun with the oomloa of night ho ate sparingly of hl food and turning in erly succeeded in getting a good night rent daylight found urn fog rnore denae than rt the previous day the situation wu certainty serious there was aoaroely enough food left for oven a sparing breakfast but will daotded ioremaln where be waa hop log thatth fotl woulfltlft noon found oondttlona oven worse however and will hattng eaten tho laat morse of food mad up hta mind to rallianto play hi store or wood craft and make a alert for home carefully examining the bark of the adjacent tree he decided a points of the oocnpaaa and strapping the blanket on hi back he atarted for five hour he travelled through the mist shortly before ten oclock will blundered onto a lumberman camp and inatantlr be recognised 11 it waa duck chapman camp sofaehow he had mad a detour and- fcome bee to the point be had atarted front lie heaved a sigh of relief he- now knaw wlttrahamab tn f shel wood fjilnkin that maybe hem stumble cross one on em with good uquar meal lnalda on him be might bo able 1 to reach civilisation agin i would like to be counted in on one of iiiono tripe to a camp coiemav- the wood pretty wetl lvw yitoneei trip sir rockhjun and jwill make jtjuv record juuu isskwlmrwsk said the storekeeper tba next day snowed up this morning that little idee o leavln food an a oompaaa in them eajnpa worked out fust rate did he atumble onto oner cried win tee n came cross buck chap mans was all in when he got tfaar had been llirln on roots an a few nuta h picked upl boated thar aal tbet grub ye- left give him atrongth o thetbs managed to get home i meant fo have told y to hang thet food up ao tbet no critter could get hold antrath saya thet ye done it a it jtarned oafcaji right thar waa cobafdetb1e danger of mnif crttter eatln it up rea think kbere waa replied tn inscrutable smile playing about his mouth tr from the atorm there waa food and there waa a oompaaa he made a dive for tha hamper of food hanging on the nail and placing it on the tabtohei opened it suddenly- he paused uefore him waa a can of corned beef and a bag of crack era there was othnr food but the corned beef and cracker first amo to view ilaok up youl he growled qum tbl grub belongs to jim in case he takes a tmft around these diggings he took a verysmall portion of the corn beef and crackers and onoe more hung the hamper on the nail floees 111 takein another no teb on my bert he muttered that et build a fixe in the stove and get dry cbeer up bill the sun vrtu come out one of these days aijhs jfcn ypu cah beat it home the ensuing morning dawned bright nd clerar and before sunrise will was on his way tie gritted hta teeth as be looked to see that the compass and note were in plain view for it called to mind the hampernf food but with jat n h 1 g for home r with the sun to guide him he et his course wltb unerrbig exactness and pushing on and on pausing only to drink from oooaslonal brooks or spring he made rapid progress there were tunes when it seemed as though be could go no iturtfcer but he atrug aied btu and shortly before three 9cockrbehom a series of talks on music j f sera jiy irof c c laugher uuh lloo rarnla no xtthe lute tutars or lut tuts were attaohod to the hounehold of klntcnsml queena mnd this form wft not ibollshed un til the llth century the loite ws the most popular ln- etrument during the 16th itth and 17th centuries it la an matrument traced from rgypl where it appears depleted in ooulplur the lute held a prominent place in kuropean honf ufa and waa only kupplanted by the koybonrtl instrument of the piano type lute were cenerally built very ar tistically tho pear nhaped body being oompoaed of narrow strip of wood glued together with great care th lute originally had eight tljln gut strings arraned in paint each pair tuned an unison this same instrument ran cons id o red exceedingly jiffloult to ton the lute was th jirst instrument except ms organ to make promin ent the harmonic style as contrasted with cnntrapmltav it was the favor ite instrument of blgh society and was instrumental in familiarising the musical world with thar of music of melody supported by chords the lute wou populnr icauso it playing requlrej less mcchnninnl ln- gsnulty tb bring it to perrecton it la also n ikrtahlo inntrymnnt and well adapted to domestic perfomutnoos 1 the kind of munlo written for the lute consisted malqly of dance tunes in sets with boots fanciful move ments but the ornamental parts in nrasla seemed chljdlsh and tame yet this kind of music formed be basis efja long- and continuous imp meat including fantasias and pre ludes simple passage of runs and arpeggio tho pianoforte is now the most familiar object in domwrtlo life owd oocuplea the position at one time held by the lut th pianoforte has a great sd varitage u vijrtire vlus 1 nstnimenlir from a purely practical point of view the lute muslo was usually slow soft and delicate it would neither rage nor rattle the munlo was cer tainty peculiar and was written op a six line staff the period of the invention of the lute is still a matter of apeculatlon some having sd that it is ofastatlo nigln hfcl scat of the scornryl v when you gt to sitting in the seat of the neornful you are like the prodigal son a long way from home thereat of the scornful is the gradu ating plaon of the fellow who- has walked in the counsel of the un godly ami stood in the way of sin ners the- man who scoff at good or makes light of evil is an the edge of the clirr stools make a mock at in- you can measure a mans de pravity by the um with which he can joke about things that his mother and father- hold sacred you can safely judge that a man has gone the limit when his views of honor and puruyvlnlite themsmary of wife or slater one of the saddest things on earth i the fellow who make a mock at sin all set now for theweddlhg there must be eomethlng borrowed and something bloe- wetl the groom has just borrowed 600 from her dad and that has mods the old man feel blue i can tell you a3svaswps1tmi playsre anal santa claras has prepared for you at a t brow presents useful daliity acceptable bibles hymn books au caurchcs books poets in rlest binding jbeauliful boxes of choice stationery initialed fancy note paper christinas cards in great variety victoria and vancouver inland where grassis always green and golfers play at christmas j ricjf- vancouver to victoclia vancouver island folk pick roses in the garden when the christmas bells arc ringing and tholforflpelver ultvhl game so far as being able to play is concerned because there he can drive approach the green nrf suit almost every day in the year in w fall and during the winter the grass la rleh and green and bloom m perpetual- this is due to the warming influence of the japan current which the gulf stream of the paoloo ocean vancouver island was named after captain george vancouver of the zrrltlsb navy who discovered it in 17ix and has an estimated area of lrmtoo square miles its trees among them the stately douglas fir which towers th feet above the roads over w air mi iirae uy wiumw bite or by the- ttosqulmah jt nanalmo rtallway whch runs northward through lialf the lengthof the uund ntricent beyond age iptlon theot being or 7 feet in diameter along the road are many comfortable hotels and country chalets many of them like the inns one finds on english oountry roads victoria theoapltal of tlrltlsh col- u ist e i i mm hi m beautiful drive its smlf coqrses its chinese quarter it turbaned hindoos its ismpress hotel uud i beautiful cavltol buildings evevy yesr at least 000 american golfers visit oho course in victoria the victoria golf club and thousands of automobiles leave bentlle annually for victoria and vancouver there is spendld inland and deep m 111 iihu ti vancouver island snd the ambitious fisherman woo really wanted to do something sensational has even gone out on th west coast water of the pacific nnd caught a real whale for breakfast- needles to say he did not tlavo it nerved p toast storm poors keep out the cold and cut down the coal dill no fi jilainkn lumj thufdoar is muriu ff slbld pliir wh itll tl tllf wsf to viilistunl wntlhfr rottdltlon the mnlrlnl iinuail toitcucd ihitlnd aa ifolli wlr1 mid nulled tn- gthr th itoiislrutitlon bslng sunh that it will stand without the iwiih shrink ing away from th rail wa style irias rdmpleie ba no w oiainki ikloll vlllwl and varnished otherwise the snme aonf as our no 6 price ootnil no 10 comb nation huirm 1 rlcreen door rinlshed natural niled and varnished a combination aimr fitted is always in place price com plete 9940 doonu maiuffln tiikkk hlkkj 1 fvet i inches by a foot i ncfft feat 10 inches by c fret ia inchos 3 feet by 7 feet frost kino weathkh btjlip itriced at per set 60a tbe bond hardware co uh phene1012 v ouelph this stores policy to represent goods ex- ctly as to their quality to sell to those who know and to those who dont know at uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees gnd cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence htf always giving you satisfaction savage co guelph ontario wall i guess yere elected wilt answered peakham grinning weve been tryfng to locate somebody to go vto buck chanmana old lumbar camp but nobody seems to banker arter tbe job i- dunno as j blame enumuch al thet twenty miles as the crow flies an one or two blowdowns to pick your way through to say nothln black ash swamp- which aint- no illko adam road for trwvellln when caqye txtt inside of half an hour replied coleman au 1 hare got to da is go homp with ray horses andsbirt to my gunning togs r oo aheid then wul s a- gvod 1 of grub forjlmwirtfesreaayeer ye wheat ysget bktrajehral tipplyor yourself teiwant totravel llgbl fur m ahead on ye aanlf awkdnugor of wp- iv wiii hastenedvoutortne atorev ana jnoqjiung to the aoatjrofi nbr-wagpa- started fjor home arriving he up lhe boraes and- going into ihehc told hutfather and mother why he off on twodays hike throochtbe oodg i -dont- worry about things her home your mother and i w1u get alongu rjght r wlll changed to bis gunning rlg v- 4 fordurbytnuserm and jacket and hay- r hunting boots ha wis sjw at the- sore he founflau in ynadj- l ness for blmtwodaya nuphs tor hlmselrand a hamper of food tobe left at the camp for the lost youth j just as be was about to start away win was handed a small compass vbeave that long with the grub will commanded the storekeeper wbeo ye get thar write a note teluo the boy what course to take will strapped bothpackages of food across his shoulders along with a blanket and telling peckham ana others atandlng about the store to urpeot him back within fortyeight hours be started off 1 it- was a splendid november morn- log tbe air was crisp and bracing js will hu bead erect shortly left tbe s- illge behind and broke into the great woods which stretched for flfty miles to the northeast wltnnorhtwums habl- taton save for ah oooaalonal lum- bennans camp he realised that tt was a very remote chanoe that young jim bamford a youth of eighteen would stumble upon one of the five f deserted camps where food waa to be rl r- placed but auil there was a possibility that just that thing would happen and he was glad indeed to he tho who waa to take the most trying v trtt of all through the woods to bring- wv guooor to theunperlledyoungnan zwlll had started at eleven oolook pi that morning and at two oclock reach v-w- od bbwsk ash swamp he plunged into the tangle of cedars ilji ck mhnia sjdgerand for itearly jjjwar wo hours pressed on itgrpugh ta- ijst water the while flgliunc swarms gjiw of mosquitoes which- made lite a bur wfvsiv- den to him at length however be yj emerged plastered with mud from head to foot and advancing a quarter of a jnme or so to higher laud he baltsot besides brook f there toe located a safe spot for a cam flre and unstrapping his buut- l two packages of food he rpada ready for the nlghl v y having built a are he fried a little fij bacon in a small spider he bai brought rvw k making a good supper of bacon 1 and bread at seven oolock be banked hlgi ore nnd wrapplnar bis blanket about him he turned in xortbe nlghc vvy will was up before sunrise ana if-ijit- a gcd breakfasc be resumed ja tramp through the wooda dur- fiiig the morning he ran into two tiv 1ilovdowns considerable tracts of ri j fallen timber but he managed to make 7 ws way through and shortly before l noon he- arrived at buck chapmans m deserted lumber camp there he ate gljvbls dlbner navlng hung the hamper vrjrvoxfood onanau out of reach of wild asmlanhnalji heleft a note on the rough ivtaus avote suldreased to jim bam- j ford uulng him where the food was and glln mlhute directions as to r v y- what course to follow to reoh home iorktop pftbe nota he placed m atone to arid beside it the compass which the atorekaeparhad given him tbls done j hft s on the retur tria t ttlfianwhjleaatormhs3n t jttod beiorertwo oclock j heavy foshad settled down over tho forest teuddonjy will became awajf of vgreat lo his own crnpasa which bad dangled 1 from his watch- chain t p reached for it to gut hl rwhen to bis ooosternatlon he discovered thaut was avne th- eij broken chalntold the atora bvldent- eclyh had become caught while pushing ifrju- through die trees and had been broken auowlnethocropass tojjalu 1 pumtonwmbott tbafccwsji so rtbjchyuuttbq could not see more than w vwpfandndfmt aheaov rnrperlenoed ltepbfspithx wavjna- a vie neeoour loao a ud who wis to take a- trip in a crelght steernerrunnhur on the great xakes fom sutwaukseto buffalo stood watching as the steamer was ifjsf v jtimredores went back grforthnrlth fbalr loads hoar after or tha hoy faoo7 became anxious and jjreaepuyhe exclaimed bay if the9recphictovatmtjh rnore aboard tjatherktay at hone he was afraid the load wobld bo too much for the steamer wwd a more experienced sailor could have4owhlm that a trip with an empty holwould be the one to be dreaded 11 ui jtbe ballast that steadies the ship sad enables her to go on her way though wind and wave resist bier it of the people without tho load who have a hard jme in this world at first thought the young collegian who has to earn a uurge part of his expenses u to be pitied as a wuitter of fact the really unfortunate youth la the one whose father gives him more than j ho can spend wisely the young wags earner who has to turn a generous proportion of his earnings over to his mother gets- much of the sympathy which should bo reserved for the worker who la not somueh as asked to pay his board at bomb and fritters- knowing exlbtly what ho i getting in return it is tbe latter boy not the former who is likely to be hsxrassed by debt all his days we dread the load but we need tbe load just aa the empty ship is buffeted about bythe waves so a human being busking responsibility 1 tbe plaything of circumstances it is our burden that steadies us it is through our load that we are vlotori- r for tho lute we mention kaps- berger a german jute player and com poser who spent most of hta time in italy composing for this instrument anil tho voice lamberl born ifllq was another great lutlst lie was master of cham ber mualcto louis 3civ and composed muslo tor the lute and- wn himself a great virtuoso qaultler of the same period was another lute player of fame and was renowned for hi execution ize with his couoln jacques established a school for lute playing in paris which proved a great success galilei who is said to have formed the basis for the more modern vocal olo composed many airs for ingle lute was also a great in uslcal theor ist the lute was considered the raost dlffloult instrument to tune much patience and perfect ear being re quired matthes caouud despondently 1 hat jt a lute player had- lived eighty years he has prob ably spent about sixty years tuning his instrument it la even recorded thar mary queen of the soots re quired persons from londpn to tune htrlutav much literature has been publish edcohoernlngthe lute song and story sre fail of allusions to the trembling uu tho whispering lute and the warbling into l the lute disputes wltb the organ the honor of first having compos tlons written for jt for christmas 1920 the brute the other day a woman entered the office of and naked him lo be her lawyer in a divorce case she said she had been married only a day married only a day and you want divorcer gasped incredu louslyv yes insisted the woman at d ox plained wbenmy husband came home from office iwas crying lie asked me why apdxsald jphn7i baked a lovely cake and bis earnings wlthout4pl it out ontho porch for the frost tog to dry snd the dog ate it and john said don t cry dear i know a man who will give us another dog london opinion these hunters will re- member a party of deer hunters from a neighboring town will remember their experience up north this year they htwhouie twelve strong wth full equipment as to dogs rifles tents etc but thev failed to take along a small piece of paper issued by the ontario qovernment permuting them to- shoot dew they landed up near padgetonlne canadian pacific nail- way atv parry sound and after making themselves very comfortable in a few days commenced capturing game in less than a week ihey bad eleven one deer hung up- and business bad been so good they thought they had better silo into parry bound and get a llpenaa in some mysterious way tbsgajne warden there had got information that the party had been hunting tor a week without a license and he sent tho inspector in tb look over the situation- upon arriving at the camp the officer found the eleven deer hanging up andhe promptly took proceedings against the party by con- nscatlhg their game and equipment and later a fine of floo each and costs waa imposed it is stated very kittle sympathy wis pressed for them among the other hunurs colllrurwood bulletin j a qloomv prospect family in an isten city in cludes several children hut only one tho eldest la a boy the little lad longed for a brother recently the house- was rather upeel a nuraewho appeared on the scene came to the llttlaboy what do you think youve gotrj she asked bun a baby brother fairly gasped the youngster no dearie its a buby uer re piled the nurse awp groared the youngster am i goln always to have to sift tlioee ashes t- intenjpetlraata op niaqafla r in coneeu with ther hydro -olean- u ftubwlng itauu rgardlnr niagara galls prwwtereatljuui avallkbleelectrlcal power based on touloonaumptlon of water at falls 10100000 hi p r cost of development on canadian side 115000000 cublo fast of water per second moo00 proportion of thbtln hprseshoe falls ts so per cent 4 total cubic feet aulhorlied f orxuae to date taoo- yyl first power oornpany niagara vfbl ithmi l beoopd i power qompanyr niagara ailsvntu7tr i first electrical power undartakltig hi i i-l- millions killed in action voaderfal nawat uuueus and mil ileas of germa killed in squor anil thoosaads aad thotfssada of vletlms musved or bronomu mtbina coughs aa4 eolds there la great rejolelng is tag act that science has u lasuln vested the wc rid surest dsatk uau for cartas aeklay s bronehltts hl tore with tbe arat dose tbla rearcly gets right down to business and nevex eessee la its destsucuva work until ever trace ip tixa dlseaso is frow all paio of caoada praising this wiuulatful nurture are literally pour- lajojwa4iusxters ijead this 1st- srtftoemteef suffering from that ts a broaehlal asthma ordered byvau saaalosl men to close vr tails iss is uoatraal and go south toilet goods in all the latest designs french ivory stock limited make sel ections early brushes in variety safety razors fountain pens watermans and moores unlcakflble cameras tho very beat the ansco dolls daintily dressed and all ready f or dressing wiix there be a vic- trola in youtt home this christmas mnlutudcs of otttgr glfta to select from 40wsstslsti usiais hulxaef4eed sox ad utttfmoabeal standard r ths bore sristitr and j said i jrouldgtro one mors trial to health before xisavs rarnatwe town sad thrurjt tho good maksr i did lly broocbisl tuba gr1sar the saxung sough hm disappaarod tha wboexlng aough lisgeeased as if by ttagle snd all dueonforta havegaas slaeetsking your rwoudsrful tgdxtrxitkatberl corrl 417 mckay moatml toe joat frobt r otbgalal at brown druggist and stationer acton 5ntabio what could bemor acceptable or appropriate than furniture as a gift to anyone who has a homo and who is there who hasnt homeof some sort oven if it bo only one roorh inij jodginghouse rv our stock ipf furniture etc comprises gifts for tho whole family from tho youngest member to grand father and grandmother toys andl kiddio cars jo r the youngsters tables stands pictures dining room suites parlor suitqs sewing ma chines kitchen cabinets rocking chairs buffets and a host of things forjhos who are feathering the nest a nice big easy chair or rocker for the old folks and lots of other sugges tions will come to your mind when you look over our stock give furniture this christmasbetter furnished homes mean greater happiness johnstone co furniture and undertaking acton ont wanted 5000 head of poultry chickens cmcm ducks turkev8 fowl communicate with r milligan box 341 acton fall arrivals to hand see fall ooeda jurt put in stoek mens tweed fnpa 100 men s spring cape jtoo good tweed knickers for the wee wen large assortment of box and stockings all else come in anplloak than over buoo nupaiiuno a specialty we don t cobble e k cook will stiuaerr acton mismbbmrilb studebaker and dodge brothers motor cars these two famous taujkea of automobiles combined in one agency offers to every purtrtaaer a car to suit their requirements whether it is a standard four eydlnder ught six soedal six or big six or seven passenger or any thing in the closed type of cars two of the largest automobile man ufacturers irkthe world stand vl behind- these -cars- hr oneitl georgetownont distributor for acton georgetowb and milton j r leishman local representative wslsiliai firb1 spark plugs aa80lin 8averb and olt fiqhterb new and proven idea for gab engines- heat and oil cannot affect this pluq 200 each bent post paid on re ceipt of priqb canadian firol spark pjug company t- burlington ontario a r right nowtobesttjune to4o yowcbxistinas shopping r noble ltd hovq removed their store to tho elevator at tho g t r station where i hour eeed etc lmay he secured as tjaual norval bran and shorts on hand ouk dpliverv has been discontinued r noblejltd henry awrhv manaimk jssl las

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