Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 16, 1920, p. 4

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t jr fa ktton 3fw pmai i wbly nvatr aa lal m thuitbhay ulooqmiiicil id 1b2d ti1k acton lttfrh 1 hkk1 u p 1 ii inn at ii 1 rrir h u mill ti uulcrlptidii pries u per yct in adi odditi nal i tire in it unlli i kcrlpil n nib pajl in li llciul i tl ail arjvfcktiaim katf t d duv r a ohio i whirh label una ml in idliic tiaei cm with i v c ha reed m cor ill glj tei ki ilonkk editorial aiu d lent advartlinncnla id cents r lctioii ails cn er lln r tl jipuc a lsnln tut a for la p incli arli luaerllon ailvrr a will 1m teamed till lofl m nt if 1 illmjuk editor 4d lvmlhar r i c i editoiual keep your victory bonds making money indications aro llrnt 301110 people no disposing of their victory bonds because tho fctock lits quote them below pitr i lane on to yoiir victory bonds they arc worth one hundred conlt on the dollar to you even thouph tho market price may fluctuate the fewer bonds placed upon tho market tho htcudicr the price will be lirtyoiir hondb away safely and forgot all about them until it is tuno to collect the interest at the next period when it accrues they will make more monjjy for you than if cashed boforc maturity thio oakvillo record thinks it would be a popular movo for tho county council to erect r handsome memorial on the lawn in front of the court house on which could bo placed the name of every hero in tho county who full u victim of tho hun the jorohto papcrthatpuwishcd tlie sickening details in connection with a suit for alimony which tncdinthoconrtthc re -recently- should bo ostral elzed thoro cannot possibly be any excuse for male ing public such stuff as that- tweed news u paisley council has adopted a plan by which those who wis to provide for tha euro of graves in the pbljdercmctery may do so if a little town of boo cttn maintain the perpetual caro system surely acton could adopt tho plan and operate it success a total value or 1030004000 for tho field crops of canadadurin 1020 is cstimatcdby the dominion j bureau of statistics this compares favorably with ks 1010 when tho figures woro 1452437500 and with eft 1018 when the total esumated value was 1372035 two an ontario newspaper suggests the advisability of all papers whoso names ore the times changing tpsomo other title within the last few months tho jjumilton times toronto times brockville times miterboro times owen sound times have ceased publication or have been absorbed by thoir com paiitoru dont get innlcky in everyday lurchasea it requires cnroful ntudy these days to understand oconomicsos apnljed to present outlines and indus4 trial conditions it will bo wise however not to manifest too great anxlaty to soe prices take a big drop suddenly a panic in prices will mean ruin to many business houses closing of manucfiictorics nnd jiardshtp for employees thus thrown out of work a gradual decline will best serve general conditions those who can afford to spend money or clothing bopt3 shoes nnd other necessities should not bo to ceo pom leal in thews expenditures it is the pre cipitate withdrawal of trade in staple goods that rorccyuidtiosinkdownoffnctorlcsand throwing men but of employment writing on metals tjitunlly una nllemi t tn lit numn fin hi metal iiutwaalona hflrnldliln willi nin or kntrn nolnt und llnn very ionr rceulta it 1 really vary may to wrftrt oafiny inelal the uluilo of u jnckktilfn i wntchraae ekutra if linn haiumitim to know how nut tlin htnnitlviinmi of hi ihorli tlon im llmltnl only hy tho nrllauo i i lllly t tli in llvldiml i wrr til liln wlimo yiu wlall to wiltn with a oil ti routliiir t moltotl 1m hwtix wliou tin wv ih aold writ jiliiliily mrltli miy klntf1 inntniniont 1 1 intf i trtlmilur to out that lnttnrai llinnirli ui wax to tlla metal than mix olio iiuiira at murlatla oli an 1 unti liiilf ouncof nltrla unlavor mailer liiuiilltli u in ttin mamn roixrtlon mil iimi mlmi that thn adrtu uro liitilly im i aonn anil aiily tho mlxturw t i the ittrlnirwlth a fanthnr earn fully nillnir aah lattnr allow tlie urlil isimulri trvm ouo to tan a tittih rrorllnb nm tha etnlilno in tt im lluht or 1h lsaxt dlt the artlolo li wultr witfih out tt ualdm und tnlt on tliu wnx n i ttio lilntr ih tlon j httlv oil klioiilil bn uimlltml aa a nnuh u ttturri golil bllfw iron or in ln niurbad in pi wuy cojlor plinpneba ninety yearn in the newnpaper i ield ihls week the gazette published at picton in on- tflxioaniatqrjcalbayqlqulnto diatnet celebrates us ninetieth anniversary tho gazette was one of tha very orst papers published in what was then known as upper canada since ib30 it has been published continuously this 00th anniversary will be fittingly celebrated by the publication ot a special number on december 23 tho gazette has been honored with a number of nergetlc and talented editocs but never in its hlsiury have its columns been conducted with a more able nnd virile editorial supervision thah under the present editormr calnnn tho popcis n most worthy rep o prlntrc ethwrd county and its inllucnco extends far beyond the bounds of that constitucnccy after tho coming session of tho legislature all l 1 intendipg tg be married in ontario may bo x e p noico one week in advance 3 of the proposed nuptials this is the effect of pro jfctjt posed legislation and according to attorneygeneral t traney has been under consideration by the ontario government and why not british fanners sfiould receive fair treatment hon manning doherty minister of agnculture w lifter his return from a visit to england announces ijsf that he expects ten thousand or more practical eng hah farmers will come to ontario next spring there 4js an opportunity hero for real immigration work f government should see to it tlat those who buy l t get value for their money and oil tho technical advice necessary for a fair start jjtf- eambargo remains but no slur on cawuuanxittie v the secretary of the ministry of agriculture ad- rinitted in the brltishhouso of commons last week ttnatjjs attention had bee drawn to a staiement by sjhtotl manning doherty ontario minister of agrjoul iure that the british embargo on cattlo was a gross injustice to canada horeiterated his- inability to j remove the embargo although he donied that any 5juhar was implied on the health of canadian cattle ajwonder whos behind this unreasonable embargo anyway a few lords who own a score or two of j mangy cattle likely n r v the real christinas spirit 5 the bappy chnstmastide anniversary will be hero ffdraoother week this festival is too sacred too full 4ytfwondcrul possibilities to make it tolerable that sr ft should have any other influence but one of the real v christmas spirit of love and helpfulness christmas jjala a tmie for looking out and reachlnc out tho ayto mako christmas a time of song and rejoicing optimo for full hearts and glad faces is to think of rsbther people what a mistake and failure wewake yof the day if we narrow it down to our own little selves apd what we want on christmas if on any ay ofhe year look out not in lend a hand try it gltv fanners leader in house of commons xr at the session of the canadian council of agrl nlttiro at winnipeg last week the third parliamen- ttmry group in the house of commons was formally i recognized as tho present parliamentary exponents rf the new national policy the council of agn- iltnro further gave jts full endorsation to tho auction jit this group in choosing hon t a crerar as their leader the session of the council at which jfthjlr action was taken was the most representative tvtiver held by the farmers delegates wore present fromnpva scotia nev qrunswlck ontario and the prairie provinces this recommendation- will fcomo before the annual conventions of the various farmers provincial organizations afnliated with the council of agriculture commencing with the united purmers of otitario who are holding their annual c0nvention this week at theso provincial annual conventions suggestions for tho omendment of tho aparmcrs national platform will also como up for coonsidqration the county towns special correspondent 5v the milton oorrspandent o tho globe and tho ji who hastwen putting milton on tho mop the knpirat fow weeks goes rather far afield for his special j correspondence to these metropolitan papers wjth a fmerity that is- admirable ho clips holus bolus items from all the county papers and serves theso up to tho unsuspecting city papers and their readers a day or two org week after a i the county s weeklies as special dispatches from milton this htts becn oir for weeks a notable instanco of jlflls appeared in jsnturdays mornings globe when fjfttp item in the news columns ofthe pree press on thursday morning relative to jhe proposed disco n j tlnuance of lorn6chool a mile from acton and thirteen miles trom milton was dipped and sonto ffi toronto w apeclal dispatch frfim milton even ijvtuton people aro asking whores lotne s vjf miltqndoes wish to become more and mo to jihe lauding stock of the county beyond thnt spcfcinlly hppofntcdubllcity dgent bdtfor be called more inhibition members in congreaw as wo look around us during theso postelection days wc see a prohibition situation which is truly encouraging says the nashville advocate the now cctlftisswlltrtiflo n t inu i committed to prohibition than was found in the present congress which passed the volstead act the wes were a a rule defeated in tho late elec tion it will be recalled that when tho- eighteenth amendment was passed tha cry werit up from tha llqnar leaders that if tho young voters of the country had been m america instead of in france tho various state legislatures would not have ratified the amend tmmt in tho late election theso young vaterahad come homci yet the liquor hosts suffered greater reverses than pvet favorable terms for soldiers life insurance the goverriment of coiiada took a very wise and worthy action when they made provision for soldiers lifejnsurtfncc at rates far below the schedules of the insurance companies to the general public with applications for policies reaching the board of pen sions commissioners at the rate of mqre than one hundred per weqk there is every evidence thai the state insurance plan provided is proving popular with the veterans and their dependents to date it is stated more than one thousand insurance policies have been issued under tho new plan and these havo gone to the veterans and their dependents in all parts of canada these policies are for sum ranging from one to five thousand dollars soldiers generally will bo very greatly advantaged uy utilizing this favorable opportunity for securing insuranco sir adam becks services to ontario by his untiring and successful offorts in tho development and extension of the hydro electric activities in this province sir adam beck has won for flim self the admiration and gratitude of multi tudes of tnvs people of ontario his efforts have been absolutely without thought of personal gain but for the general benefit of the citizens ot tho province through his enterprises initiated and carried to sue cessful operation and administration tho benefits or public ownership have bver and over again been demonstrated the citizens of toronto lost week i gaveinanifestation of their appreciation of the splen- j did services rendered that cityih the recent consum mation of negotiationes with the mackenzie interests when they tendered hftn a banquet at the king edward hotel and presented him a beautiful silver loving cilp novel move in municipal politics i a novel bit of organized municipal interest is i reported from pstry sound where a committee of citizens has undertaken tgjccure thv candidature of fit and proper men to occupy public office for 1020 this committteo has scoured tho town for men of the type desired andhasbeen forced to report failure to induce this class of citizens to accept nomination further attempts will be mode thereis something commendable in the public spirit thus evinced by tho citizens committee municipalities are now mjnore urgont need of- capable administrators than in more normal times and yet capable men are foo often pinifferent to the claims for public service and too ottcn indeed is interest centered around popular rather than capable men for public office tho parry sound committee may find it needful to precede their direct efforts by a long and tedious campaign of education on tho responsibility of the municipal votpr may camq am a lurprlaa to muiy i ini tliut fnvvor ihini fifty flvn it iil tit wry llmmhminl oi ntoru or iohh tailor i llnl tho commonest ft rm ml r tilliidnihh in not im im umiully hmiiiotmxl the inability ti iuhuhkuinii red mid kron tim i iiftiou oun mr w in in tltfy llvo tho inont uiuul aymi liitn ih to ant mlxixl bntwoon i tun an1 kfout qui liunii n in avory inttyint lit miiuthcumi ofia 4mrwin i mlxly runout iiniihiiuinii btweii bruwn nnd krnrn rdlor lillnilnoaui la ini ro nimnioii umnntf edumitod thun ukniik ttii ilurntimt mioit nnd la fur nton iinnul nmonif mnn thkii wommi onlyitihiit olio womim lit a thi nnund u twlilly rolir blind a very odd furt u tlml inuhlulnns am mem lliihlii to tlilw urfvt tlnn thuti uijy otlmr oibhu or lirufurilon 1iiimm niny cuutn wil hiiiiiiohm 1 in ro ih u kiho or a womnn win imviihim ntlrnly ciilur hit ml nftnt it form of i r dluounp whllu a nlifi mun wlio u uufturfid from lonkjuw or t iitudiiu lmtuio miuully unublc tlimtlnvuuli caiutr an 0dtu8e man him wn n ntyllali f hi inul i anxl ul no ommktnt frland niid took tti hill y out fa i nu alrlnir him wm wlnllnir it ui dlkl ilown uin walk whoi un oininli mntk viry dtuf imnn n lodir mi 1 aniillrn i for a onrlnlii r4rani iill onfld to uvi on tlirit ntroot hhi iinihy yellnd 1 ir 1mi1 off trylnk ti iinnyrnr lilm unit lin lookml niijiin i iiiiikiii wikm of tho imby iuh mum minn ililld that i huiohi yoti foot iroiid f lilmr it tun t mlno llc yallnd ut lilm hoy fhl wall ha looha juut ilka yttxt it inn t miller title ynlfol ntuln hut bo nodded hla heud nn i rontlnu thll twin ant whera the otlii r ne7 lhialrlnit r mnklntf him un lor atiind hy word of mouth ahe nlnted t tho i fthy lit hereelf illid th n hliook her liend yea yen i aee t other twin la in tho hoime thd father h very fund of them of ootijaet tlhe turned the nnb nnd inirru i the t ther wy hut he followed tyi t nuke 1 u ivo they kkk nikhur i lh you tnlnt mine uhe bhont o 1 turiilinr rod in thd tno i think you r wronjt tlmrn he the imiltlo ore nut tn ihio nnd dlo l hhe htnrtel on 4 run fir the rhio nil i rr in linitmnri m i mhu ti in i uhked l the childrens education savoforit juatahttlo put nwtfy roffulnrly in a savings aceount in the merchants bank will provide for tho colloiro oducntlon or toclinical school training which willholpyour boy orsrlrl to forps to tho front tho monoy will bo ready whnn iho tlmo coipee if yon start td novo now cio a month mtinna ntmrly fourteen hundred la ton yoot th mcrchants bank hid omco montreal of canada eiublubed igd4 acton branch georgetown salal dapeall boimjo bant al aclon dnuuk l bjshorey mn cw granpy mmner business directory s i j medical v britain 8 coal i tittup nrllnln owm km boltln tho world of com me roe und tn hiatry tu hoy itttoul irriire ttutn to anythlntf alhtj if minuth 1u mou iind in lt fiver hod it hurt imtaweiwed n munli irlitlarlna bold iu auatnula or cali fornia it would hot rmva nivblled u iiourl mi much aa hi wlth l jncoal mora thuu a mllllom dion but they lirnvidn for uio notion woollen iron hipbulldlnb nnd many other notod in luntrlet without whloi kuelund would noon ha jmwr it to n fact thl orut ilrfuin uro- diiowai h fourth- of ll tha coal uad in uia world ifiimhied coul rnerve flsurev of oreut britain nre fnitlmatol at do0 odd 000 000 tona of which 13 000 000 000 nro anthracite coal in money to orent ilrltaln for it nayn in iiluw of money fo thoumjnd of commo4lltln which ur m ortod into that country and which no amount of recodmtruot ion could enable the iirltluh to prod u co within their own bordirm at tho eutlmuto of unmlnedj ooal nbov4 und ut tha reont at coiimumiitlon it will luut for mnny tenturlerf to oonw ttwln trlu a mannlaqemaker when lroeiuor aytoun wan mak- inir tirniminubt for nturrlnao to hl find wlfo 41 dtllishtor of tho celobratod intfehhor w lin on tho lady remlndod him that it would be nocaary to dak tho mrovul of her aire certainly f aycoun but as i nm a little diftldont in pnkln him on thu aubjeot you moat juat nfo and tell him my iironovalii youraelf tho tally proceeded to th library and taking her fauier v affoauonutaly by the hand mentioned that profea- mir aytoun liad uakel her to become hlh wlfo hho added haall i aocopt bin offer pauat lie anya ha im too diffident to noma the aubject to you himaolf then wild old chriatopher t liud irattur write ttvy reply und phi it to your back lie did ho tuid tho laly returnod to theilnawlnb room there th anxlou ultor reud tho antivrr to his meaoafe wblrth wna in thnao worda willi tho uuthoru corapumontu when the way 18 made eaby it im tho limtlnat of rnendahlrj to aavo invnd iihoh from nil utrunglo whlln oiiperlaiicti and obaervatlon ehow tbat a muna tttrubgleh are often the mukliujf of htm my boyn won t have any uch hard time on 1 did jtuld a rnan who hud paid hht way through colletf bt ahov elllntf nnow und tending furrjao4 nnd then benlnnlns ut tho foot of tha ladder hud worjkod hla way up to bo the head of uroaperoua bualneaa ilia two join had every advantaro without working for them und lahorltlnb un pie fortune at tholr fatharm death thoy waated tt irt about ten yeura time they now hold inferior uoal- m at pitifully inudequato mularlaa und find tholr chief matiflfactlon in invelithlna- ajjulnut tha auprloea of fur- tuna 8 truss lea b rood for you tboy ro u neoeaaary factor in xour deffol pment tho peopla for whom tha wuy la made eoay aeldom arrive evan if your father haa monty da not im wllllnr to ncoopt aufflclent uaalatanco to deprive youraelf of tho untold ud- vuntueot of htrunsllntf tho stntounuiuihlp of n w kocu the pooplc 0 canadirrespccfivo of politico must appreciate tho success oihon n y rowell at the sitting of tho delegates of tho assombly of ho league of nation at switeoflnnav in his protest against the proposition that tho assembly irocommend to jthe- cavern men fa- ho establishment under the auspices of tho league of nations of threo new organisations finance transit and health wlfn annual conference on those subjects mr rowell cldimed that by tho propositions the control would be too inucj under tho iiftluenco of europe whose statesmen fcro responsible for tho present state of aflalft- canadas stand will 4p good tho rrten who would influence the league must learn to con sider wider uroiis than europo in formulating their idens sbmaofjho tftadlng british newspapers com plimented mr ro wells stand and dcclarod that tho compromise jy which ttlojproppsalfl were pbondqnijd waa viotory t pr datfada v 1 x a plan to build by when u man want to build a houae ha tfu nn arohltoct la drr n plan before a nlnglo qtopo in tho founda tion ui laid beforo tho timber la in vlaco tho hullder known juat where vry window and door im iolntf to bo nnd tholr length tu an inch it a very neoeaaary thing- u novo a plan before you build u houne but the plan ht not thahouee it only ahowvu how to go to work kvery boy nodm to huvo loma aort of pltm for hut life ho ought to know liefnre ho eturta what ho wanta to mako of hriiiplf ttut eomettmeu wien u boy ha made a lot of itood reaolu- tlona he aeema to think thn la ull that la necenaory tho sood reooju- tlon la hko the architect a plan very important hut it will little rood after all unleaa you go un a your lift hy 1l rheumatism nmiralsu- 1 templetpn rheumatic capaulea rl ul hull tnaurinri anh n in euih of the i ralrlt 1 rovli ami iwi hiiutnot under whu h rurul tnunlol- dfttltloh can otmiratn to tux eiuh ott foe the sruntlntr of com imimn tion to inillyhluiiut for imaen luourred by hall which aie of to i vory bflrtoub jiow thi myutem worku nut nnd the extant tn which ii oimtu44 in saakatchewnn nnd ah itrtn aro ot forth in the november number of tho akrlculturol flnsotte of cuundu entili claimant n entitled per ucra for evrry one n r omtt f ilumuue from hull he haw mintulued to uomn thla may not appear u vary lllivrul itrovlnlon but when it li n- deratood thnt tho nuntlkr tit clulm fyled in 1910 in biinkstohewun wtro 7 831 and thnt tho touil indemnity paid amounted to 1011770 u different view will obtain kor one atom ulnno thnt occurrod in july of the year re ferred to olfilmu amountlnir to ii 100 000 wore aatlsned hi allmrtit tho total tonexa for ihn numo year were 1 co i 000 naulnut a valuation of i2 000 000 imiured itaulilea tho lyetom ler government muiervlhlon there nre 34 cnmumleu in buhkutahowun that nccept hull ineuranco und that bold nut ii 7 i 1010 for lone acd by hall help your digestion whm hi illli ul nllt ih tadiauaa with rim0id5 ihatohni mmmor on tencate pliaiawt to tain m tamij kawp yomr ntoabaaji w fay w w ejspravlnggl ttrgntq canaiu real estate if you have hotuw for aalo- if you wautt to buy n bouao in acton ufc i r j kerr auctioneer nnd real eatata dealer iphonb as bower avenue acton ont more than mere phonograph base your declsloa on the quality of the tone and yootl eurely chooee rightly your eeuctlon ukc that of tm- nuinbered thousand will be the brunswick not because we aay eo but because n deroonatratlon oo this tupt inatrument will convince yoti uy umj drunawlfk mellipd of reproduction a trucncm do ncaa and rlclineae are utven to tope that cannot be dupucatm in ouict inatrumenta tttcea two uclualvi rm fcaturea make tlie brunswick thadoasl a thb a1xwood oval houn built uke a violin ita aattra fra if dotn from all qjafal and lu oval ahape comply with tlie accepted una of axouatlcal it ampllnca and prajecu niuatcal tones with a purity power and 1c woniterful in flfellke iklellty 2 the aurbcqrd all needlu ultona ploy all record correctly art tit the exact weight correct diaphragm and exact needle nothing to take oftot put tn a mere twlat of the vrlat adjuata it inatanuy to ali make of reoordv diuni l t got your xmas brunswick ati frank king phono 254 georgetown thob onay m d c m mcolll i ii 0 i i mill nrtli 1 h i 1 a u aiimiow m i i ill mu il- nl autntlullr i itl oflloa krel il 1 w i i y out or j a mimlvi m phyalolan i i oi r onln m l in il b i i t i i i we avntiu an i lalwlii 1 li tl ii w f rmrly il i j l itrn liiw ii arhmi t 4 or f j nelson poyaloun aot n ont olthn nn 1 hr i i c ii r mill an i i r i rl u fltu m oiilc hi urn i t i t til ii i i to 0 p m dr c f w itooej phyaloln aid suroon mll t gaeruolown pli l t ho no mo 13 1 i iof 33 b hauou nash taiimi k m a qarrlatof- boliotor wetay pollo pennvman dlock acton on uoniky to 1j1am hmnuiio out to i pro dr j m cell o d b l d a i dairtlet v honor graduate of i r lit univer sity ihn ihtfwtu niothxli uo if lealreit byederlok fatroeta mi8cel e o u d marriaqe licenses h p moore laauar marrlaqe llcanate irivata oflloe no wltneaana re quired lkaued at realdortoe in even in paxa tncao omce lio out tjiv tfranoib nunan dooublnder- s advertise lie who hesitates is tyt if you wish to moke n name advetttise if you hanker after fnme aovehtise tell the public what you think make a uao of printers ink thats the way to force the link advertise if you wish to sell your gootki advertise clothes to wear orjpatent foods advertise 1 what you cannot sell todny dont pack up and put away publicity will make it pay advertise i dont imagine youre too small advertise 1 put your back against the wall advertise 1 when the biz comes smack along raise your head nbove the thong slick it and you wont go wrong advertise tannery cooperative the store of good quality and low prices it is our policy to buy tho best goorte procurable and bc1 at the lowest possible prices if quality and prices aro compared with other stores it will bo found that wo always load see our goods compare prices and he convinced xlve booukhto afferent- a beautiful money aavtnc remedy sll known for fifteen yean pre iberf by doctctiav aoltlby jfug giita 1 00 a boof akour agcqta j ibubifwd local jpnt another drop ht prices of flour pure lard crisco shortening etc account hooka of all klnda rondo lo ordor period rna of ovnry deacrlp tlon oarefully bound hull off atly and promptly doitn wyndhom htroot oull onl ovir wllllmo ht n n j kenn lloenaed auollonaer for tho countlea of haiti n vul ton 1nm1 and ditrforln an 1 tho city of uuelph acton omtauio balea may t hrrnnae1 hy i mil ti at roaldatioe nt cttn or nt the free prone odlro an to the ueroury ooloe quilpl tho new iteoord 1 ril or with w j oordon llnuiw uaker lllllal iirtf balea entruatod o it j knrr ro velvo attention from diito of llilhtf in data of aale tjut your union with mo realdenea phone flfl alton call at r avenue aoton y vjcihinaa roy hindley auctioneer conbolidaud phon erlrv 4f 11 r b s acton j e cheevers book bindefl quabeo bt eaat quelph onl dooka and maiiaslnea bound in llandaome and rubwtantlal oovora nalnoa lettered in irold on lllblea hymn uookm and other booka all work promptly executed d alex niven ontario land surveyor and civil engineer hurvaya feubdlvalon plaim jio- borta boncrlpuona ulunprlnta etc certl flea too for purcliaaern nnd mortcauroea surveys for architect a bulla era and municipal counolla drainaao reporta callmatea oio molban bulldlntvboualaa st quelph phono ioo1 oni new christnias fruits etc just arrived seeded raisins valencia raisins table raisins new currants candied pco1s dales fifis etc now almond walhutu hbrazibfilborta ttidpoaiiuta leave yoiir chrlstnins order cnrlv nnd procure tho vory best in tho mnrkot at prices lower than tho lowest i t cash fatd for butter eggs chickens turkeys etc m grand trunk wasto the double track route 11mtw10kn montreal toronto detroit chicago unexcelled dlutioar wervioe hlaeplnff carw on itluhl traluw and parlor coxa on brluolpal day troina bm11 information from any oran irutik tlakot ctfvnt or cj 10 ilurnlu duttrlot pueaengur an itc toronto ii a holmes asent ibton ont a phana ib v- tanhery cooperative a a conway mftnaffer f acton tho old and reliable granite and marble dealers w p m and dlroot importerttirtiirttmne of monumental and lleadatnno work wo h dlroot to our ouatomera at wholonalo prtoea thua tavlnar our ouatomora 40 per cent wo have the boat appllanoea and tha tioly meohanloo in tho dominion who can operate pnuumutlo too la property wo can give reference a from hundroda ot our ouatomtra in toronto nnd other plhoea where othera tuveto havo law aulta in order to oolleot wo havo tha laraaaf and heat atook of q raft 1 to it tha dominion or mora than uy thro dealers tn tht weat wo ore logltl mata doaleru and employ no asonta and do not annoy or peat l iby aondlnjt out hjnorant aironta aoltolt- lns ordora wo employ only moclionioa and defy competition hamiltonosons oar horwloh a woolwich bta qtialpb

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