Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 16, 1920, p. 5

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cmmmiflf ivtvsrrj wjyw irpppps7i f r 2w ghjr artnrt jfrwijnnfu tiiuiuvday prormdicr ii 130 mv husband inlil i 11 mi t i wide world i wnl 1 uy limttwn t wl n k tiy in me in tin wiv and rniinnl my heart to the iny that to k ma from my horn away- my husban i whi nt firxt roundlm of alarm would fold round ma hi l vlng iirm to shlq rt mo from imi on 11 ik lujrrat my husband who nt ilrst tobeji t hut mas exhibited i y totitlxx mtut qft moothm nit ly lln f 1 nrhr my husband wlit if tottf w itcl fit night uni ho wjiou hloop wr t uloi won t n t n will i i pi awikof i i nn any t my hmd who whon i wltl rndi mrvn the sunday school lessoh tqti sunday decedefl ib jjuh v r v- imnng if i shoul 1 trt umsaoe la i i my cure ill t- tiolfl htn my hubai when if in i unto i msr our wis on word in tho unit ties sahj amis who ask furglvoi ens wjth a kiss mv husband wbn through all changing scenes of life the- tahirht the dark hcjmini wtrir would call mo ttaujcht hut i reclou wlfet uy husband when 01 it couch of miftortt g laid with thrnhhli g puis anil aahlng head who anxious watches roun i my bod my husband who when of kindred dear bereft and my sad heart in twain is cleft prove that my dfart friend la left my husband whan overwhelmed with grief and and through ho gloom no star p who cheer niy heart and wlpea iny tenr7 my h u band who whn 1 vo dono with all below and dath dark water round me flow r would fain wllltjnjnr jordan got my husband tw vp a frpm the usus of the free press of thursday darrir 20 1900 tho public school her la closed fbr the year tho last lesson of th century bora been molted an increased demand for winter food ha been reallxod tiy merchant generally owing to the cold weather of the pant week e mr and jdra jamas lackey enter talnod the member of knoxchrlstlan cndeavor society last thursday even ing wish yon a merry merry christmas tha business of santa olaua la stocking stocking the methodist sunday school or ahestra supplied a splendid programme of instrumental and vocal music at tha annual tea meeting at coning by on tuaaday night and delighted tha pudjence tho annual mooting of tha metbo- diet sunday school wo bold on man day evening and the offloara and teach arvlbr1101 worn elected aa follows saperlntatitlent h i moor aasoolate 6npttj s colammi and a hh nlcxlln s supt iomdpt ulaa e lalag seenjury c wllllaina aaat boo kerr brown tnuurarer r j qurney j- uhrartan a el ourney aapt librarian j h boyd trganiatmbw meda nelson chorister mlas lottie m speight- uabaro allsaea a o lover and c bamahaw teaohent thoa t moora mra i francis mra h f moora mra joale oram j wi humphrica mra j m hagar mr jameo malam ufa john btophensotu mr o c speight mlaa eva wluams ula clara moore aflaa i4aal mcxm mlsa annie btophen- on mrs jamea hoore mra jvnno smith goo vincent jaa cheyne mr jno agnew mra 14 f moore and mra john stewart on friday afternoon x8th inst if there t booq aletghlnff the schools annual alelghrldo will uka place j s no e nnssajraweya ba been awarded a diploma for tho neateat and bent kept school in the county oettinq on we aay that one la getting on who la putting money by wbo la being ad vmnoed from one raaponalbte position to another but some who ore grow ing wealthy ore not getting on at all their brain are gradually losing in keenness- and- their hearta in tender neaa they n not a sympathetic aa formerly it take more of an effort than jt did for them to do another a srvlee when your friends say to you how are you ge ont you think at once oftytfrnatehat m vnnoemantnf you have been promoted with an increase of pqtary you anawer oh im getting on finely but ere you 7 to answer that queeuon truly we must look lntp our heart a our ideal loftier our uvea more noble our helpfulness more spontaneous our kindness a second nature not fill we harv answered these question can we tell vfethttr or tot vre are inrttlitff on tttranolad wth asthma i the only expression thohj eem to convey what i endured irian an attack of this i- trouble the relief from dr j kellogg aithma remedy la beyond measure where all was buffering there come comfort and rest drebtb- lnt becomes normal and the bron- a chfal tube completely cleared this r imequaled remedy 1 worth man c flmes luvrloe to all who use it v dwarp cattle x a ooyf a yard high would look i comical to us bore- among our tur- ham and holsslns soma at th6m reaching t h high and nearly touojijntlkoion iminn feigntrtvnen w wont a tiny animal that will both yfeld milk and era on the barren and live in the hencoop we buy a l coat but there t strain of oow in england rooaurin but a yard in height and producing at their boot five fe gallon of mllkrom un tojtun t plaoa your yardbtlck against your querosey ebbulder hen try to pp- v ture her ao muolp amaller and a kiardr shethuul pony such is h tha oaster oow s- r a thv 8tuff lipb pnadb of 1 tfhe very people who would pay a thousasa dsittua a minute if tiey li had icifor an xenlon of lle think l nothing of wotlna n day the p r throw woy the hour recklessly as u lf they pomemed imrnpirtar jouth and a h ipv apuiied at the thought u h that w on thui earth la not unendlngt roat thou love t do not 1iv v w tiiohnton jich1tii khi im tmlrf mui titi1dph matl 14 13 3s 1 1 inn tt tl y have no iled 1 go it tray eivi y tl cm to eat matt 14 10 lssson commsnta vtirno isaffr thr twelve wctb mont forth as rcnrl in a i rovlou lenbonthe death of john uie imptlat ulfliirrfil and the miracle uf this lesson look lace following jesus return to pupernnum the fending of the five th luaunil was noar linthsaldu this is the third year of our lord mln mry tht axprrsslon when jesus hourd it refers to the death of john it ci l1 list thlfl nntltsalda was on tt e north conn of flalllee i cross tho j rdnn tha cities wnr round the u nor c on l f uu hike vorsti 14- fvl isntly tho people wera brtatly ordted ov r the thin its vald jnd jtmc hyiumtchrist lliymn llin idol at the hour ho hud compassion on them because all of them wore fntlkiiad aomtr of thtim ware sick un3 many ofdient wore sglrvlnir in spirit as well a in body no painting in able ti i icture tl dtstltutloi of the multltudca in 1 ulestine to this cay- verso 1g kvldcntty the eopte had been so iktent ucon the heatings wrought nnd upon the charm or jesus 1lnyfcmt thy- had fergettenthet there was nothing to eat- the day ww pawilog nwuy rind it w nearly nlfcht something bad to be done the disciples counseled the scattering of the multitudes so that they might go to ailjaooiit village versa 1 t inlnly jesus thought that lie who fed the multltuln of israel forty vear in tho desert won able to feed the small company gathered about him obedlenco to christ command give y thnm to eat seemed im pomsible vorse 17aonordlng to john afl oount jesus addressed 1 hlllp about the food thlllp lived near lie t has i da westeulnf cattle for jotted states shows im u mm nun uuiiaa mat m biuwiid be sent away jesu replied that it was not necessary mark nays that jesus asked how many loaves they and john tell of a draws finding a lad with live loaves and two fishes it is tbeee loaves and ashe mentioned n verse ib we never know the sumctenny or el th or our mean or our abili until we place them in the ntrnavrr uirii verse it ilecunlng on one elbow it was the customary postqre in eat ing our lord set the example of returning thanks for food verse 30 thi la plainly a miracle described by on eye witness- verse tl there were probably not many of the women and children phe multitude had gone long way vserse si unto thoother rd was toward capernaum i jaau nought ood n prayer there was n strong papular desire to malm hun a king the lealousy of herod and of the pharisees increased the dlnlculty or hi position he needed hi fathers help illustraud truth again and again giving haa en rlched rather than impoverished the givers v li illustration a few year ago when tidings began to come to u eoncernr ing thesfarvlng people across the sen condolence said give ye thenr tq eot while our symathlesv we touohed we were doubtful we mast be carefnl lest there be not enough for ouraetves ahd jtor tham riowever we heeded the voice and the wholes country was stirred eonearnlng th heeeaslty of increased production barren land were mad lntorodoc- tlve holds and gardens and that which had been desert yielded brad pur loaves and fishes were enough for- onr- aalves and iqy theau topics for rtssarch and discussion l a weary multitude vs j8 ik 1 what occurred netween the send ing forth of th twelve and the feeding of the multitude why did tho people stay way from hpmo so lqng a trf become hungry t 9 what was the proposition of the dlsolpleat i if the lack of food- vs 10 18 4 how did jesus solve tho problem s what diet the disciple think of hi command who furnished tho kutvom and llabest 7 what was jesus purpose in the miracle ni the miraculous feoat v ib is t what was the oriental poe ture in eating t what example 4ld jesus set before eating 10 is there any excuse for critics insisting that this bj notn miracle 11 what in creased the dlffloulty of jesus posi tion i bribery and tipping m there is to be held in the cty of washington d c february 7 to li 1m1 a convention to be called the buajnen bthlcs league bf america the chief purpose of this meeting i to inaugurate methods for the oppres sion of all bribery tipping and al forms q gratuities this is a move in the right direction a waiter in a new yprk hotel has recently written a letter in wbjoh he aays that be has been waiting in hotels and restaur ants for thirty years tmidthlhi wages havo never been aver five dol lar a week us must depend pn tip ping for a living wage he detests the pntctipe cf tipping saying that do real man can feel otherwise about it samuel qomperon has this to say about tipping too system is de testable to every man or woman of the serving etas poaaesslng the least degree of self respect it 1 demoral ising to all who either receive or give tips the real beneficiaries of the system are the employers an end to it with a fair standard of wages would be a boon of the first order to the- em ployees a mean of compelling hotel proprietor to put their business on a basis of fair dealing and on incal culable aid to the tranquillity and pleasure of the general public to all this wo heartily agree and nope that tha coming convention wlljt atari something that will eventually tiring relief among tlio ninny uto uitiblla at hiim ymir intur am n il htonk till w ut t hi k uli it t li x ldttln tl at m iha iinlurul ly tin inlvarslty of allwrt t is rprt lit i icnle sl innu in h terust till rxhlblt slain uf ii domt or more 1 lire 1 nd- hull ciiivch th tt hnv- boun iml ly some of thtt 1tittlnrtrdorv 4n th pr and en ml rlue nuroi ill o si clmoim of thb hnruf rd ab4rdeai at gun and shi rthfm hrou is in ill iln 1 ivo i unn i rought togethnr ly a a iow 11 1 rofohsi r ilmil ihihb nlry lit the tji i vornlty f all arta i rofeus r iowull wanted urno ftood slaaru to use for practical jlirtglnit i urih aes with his tu letilu at the university to p ir chnse fr m the loading breeder of i e rovlnco tho clans of stook rw qulrpft wniil 1 i uv entailed a con slderable ux onsa n top i rlrna woull have had to ba unld moreover ho ti imn liee etiskeah jus the atiltnulo required after t risld arable thinking m the subject tensor dnwellihlt upon ait idea whtoh enabbtt him to rt junl tjie animals nswfttitcd ajjoxat practloauy no jyemio tft the uolvorslty knowtno- y t wopy-of- fa rt tr- vlncif br6 nit ellncd for various reusdns o fit their cattle ahd haw them at the leading allow in a man pipe and pipe fittings f0rwaterw0rks installing done charges reasonable aiso a quantity op dry hardwood job bal k pumps enginefa grindcite and flcury rollers also a i cir l link of fakmlmirements chas e parker at the implement shop acton tl7 am itlpln looiim 1101am jm it p m tvs p m w proa v irhlolr kg rrro tpbhri i t trp- l hot the vnrloun breedors in the pro vlnce should give one of their cnlvcs to the university and the unlvnrtilty would t ik tha i cc sitary steps to it tho animals for show purposes tho plan was duly uuhmltted to the athiirtu preartrfi aoolntlon at thlr annual convention inse year and not only received the jti r val of the as sootuildn but the individual member offered to allow jvofohsor dow aolvct what io p i sl lore 1 th 1 out calved in u or bord thlft offer vn mmettlati ly taken udvuntnga of by professor unwell rma sstw thsasaiss fiv vlalted the twenty foui i ruodem v s ourvi of the province and o lea ted fnurteen cvo tf these vvjire itftarwurds ad4ail two young shorhornti front lhelfnlverslty e own lrl rmeetftef theneearrniwtiretaken direct f rt m tho rung but they havt t c well fired fir evor nlima they com to the university us suokllng and thiptrunwir hni wcuurswo uopttr vhlo i for thorn if tho tnlverolty ha 1 1 oen iilc to t ila cu if a i irg ium ler i f animals these would have unslly i vf i o n forthcoming tho rrentoxt ikldiilly we bud nayu lro fthsnr n w ii huu not been in se a irlifg these nnlmulh but in refusing tiw many koo i nnlmnl thr broedeih tiuv orfttud why a gikid many t reeder actually urge i the tlnlver hlty tu no nd u ntrosenlntlva to thulr arm an i take uwny tha best of their it is now more tlnn twelve months in co theaa calves were 1 mught to jiaulhanli monton and they have all developed into throng uniform- looking animals each hhowlng markedly the character isttrs of i in breed wt r two aeason tl ono fine inlmnls have assisted the atudent at the unlvemlly to acquire njcnnwidfrt ofthti munjrnno iwilnl or at ink jufliclng now they are ready for showing und people in other part of the cont will havo an opp tunny nf hwinjrlfloo 6fohlmaut that are lelng raised in the entrems canadian west first they will go lu chicago u be huwn at tha inlerutitlonal livestock show later thy will probably tie htmwn at other uhows in tha united stntoa and in vlautern t unndu whar ever thoy urn ahown the ijuullty nnd uniformity of thono at imnls 1 ur to vausofsfvi rubfe common t among those wlio know kootl catth apflald to be different td b just ilka otjier poplo is to accafa oledloarlty one of tho es- sehtlals of leadership is ru be dtltarunt t is ru that mere difference la not enough for samotitno lie difference puts its possassoc pfilow the majrlky instead of abova it but command ing nature stand put as easily dur- pngulahed from their fellow us black is from white if you are one uf the young people koso chief ambition u to be like the crowd probably that 1g where you luns if u cannot wear a jiar met of an old fasbfohad out without montal nnguuh if you nlwavj vralt to express an opinion tilt you know whst thoee about you think if the al thing in tha measure y which you estimate what poo pie say and do u 1 oertuln that you are destined for tho rank ng one afraid to bo differ ent ver achieve lcumephlp food for energy codliver oil sner- ize and creates a buttress of strength that fortifies the whole body sg01ts emulsion is codliver oil in its heat possible form if winter is clairn- ing toll urjorj yoijrvifelitsjce scotts emulsion somtoukmna toronto oft a the indications of worm ore rest- jessneso grinding of tho teeth plotting of the nose extreme peevishness often convulsions under those conditions una of the heat remedies that can ba got-lsr-mlller- wornpowdetstthey will attack the worms as noon a ad ministered and they pass away tn th evacuations the little sufferer will be immediately eased and a return of the attack will not bo likely the telephone i ndlele tinkle telephone youve amusement hl your own all the gossip far and near you re right in it on high goar how j wsh that 1 were you women would be in a stew theyd envyjno and me alone like i dolyou news for well dressed men buy clothes that f are guaranteed it oosta no mora to buy clothes that are quanantelod than juy other kind tho namo dresswoll oit tho in side of oar uputs is a double guarantee ther are guaranteed bf guarantee they ore guaranteed by to be absolutely rlgrht in every par ticular or we wouldnt au them i telephone a pill for ah basson winter and summer in any latitude whether in torrid sono or arctic tepfiporatmre pnr- netaea vogcublo pill can be depend ed uponto do their work the dya- pepuo will find them a friend always ahd should carry them wtthblpi every where r they r made to wnbttiuid a savings account foryourchod thchtbit ofnvfag devdope a etiuft tw ackr ttrenglheni his will pbwer onaipio- vida ium wuh die de- temuuiion tokcel teuh vou childi w ave reguuriy nutead of ipendmg thought- lolly opcnauvingi 4jccount for him today where his money win grow byrhetlpeiher raches mituray he will be equipped with the capital aa wdl at the will power to wm hfa own way in the world 4b the rank of i nova scotia w k graham manager act0 the bank of novk sootla begs to nnounaa to ths publlo that it has in stalls safety deposit boxes for the safe keeping efbomissndethsr yu sbles these may bs had at a small yearly rental r i fejlt i i l twts- x t clothes nre handtailored o ifour measure at 3000 to 8500 tho suit or overcoat franoh dry cleaning dyeing r pairing ond alterations of v all klnda have djso aeoitred a no v luun dry aeenoy which win ttiyo prompt aervloo ahd guaranlooat woih give u a trial on any ordqrr and be convlnoed also agent far ore8wll brand f madtq frit auis olojhm geo hillman tailor ris actvn kenney bros fall and winter boot and rubbers- lumbermans heovy ftubbsrs and docks i- heavy boots for all th family good assortment of fin goods our prices will always commend our ooods rtpalrfiyb carefully psrsonhlly andpromptly attsnd to imjjimjjl hioicls a hpeolvltt kenney bros main street aotoont tractor pulls bio engine the at thomiu times jt urnol v in recent issue given the atory of an amusing and unpreeedontc 1 occurrence which took place near blenheim on tario a few bays ago a pert marquette freight train east hound stalled tor lack of water in tha locomotive within throe hundred feet of the41fohavlng tank tho crow of the train ore reported to have tried every known means of moving the stubborn steed the few coveted feet to the prcomus liquid and were just giving up in lespair und preiarlng tode patch an b o s null to this city whan down the rood came rattling un on- ergotlo little gast line motor the make of a wllely known xetrolt man who imswere to the nickname hank the tractor cause 1 the laapalrlng engfneer to footer a pildhty inspiration he was of the pragmatical aliiourlan typo and believed that in addition to being shown there was no harm in trying unyfhlng nnco io communis cated his big idea to the other member of his crew who were inclined to ridicule mo tho ntory roceed but were not ovore to woslatlng tn the experiment the driver of the tractor was hailed and asked if ho would pleaso draw tho great dormant engine to wutor the train crew expected a point blank refusal from tha tractor owner they waited for htm to toll them that they ware jiaklng a physical impossibility and then came the wonderful sur prise the tractor driver looked at his little machlna and then carefully alsod up tho locomotive sure i 111 pull you to the water tank ha replied after a moments deliberation raslest thing in the world i jjonnnulontty the driver steered hi tractor up to tha crossing nnil placed it betwaop the tracks then leisurely hacked up- to tho loooiootlve x chain wa procured and the trao tor attached to the locomotive the driver or the tractor quietly looked ovor the situation all right i det out of the wayp enlaced jthe train craw ooinpllerland loland behold tho little tractor pro ceeded 4e the big locomotive to the water tank and pulled it there where it drank to its heart content and than oonsentcd to proceed pn its way while 4hn little tractor did llkewlue there a motto in thin story whether it bo true or otherwise naveoudgo a fellows hitting powers by his slse or perhaps an old saying tnght be modified to read thus tou can lead a horse to water but if takes a tittle tractor to pull a p m engtns a cofrootor of pulmonary troubles many testimonials could be present ed snowing the great efficacy of eh thomas hkjleotrlo oil lu curing die orders- of the respiratory processes hut the beat tcntimohlal is vxitedenoo opd the olt is reoommen led lo all wh i suffer from these disorder with the certainty thut they will nnd relief it w1u allay inflummntlon in tho bron chial tubes why hens never lay half an egg the asaal aaetbod of fsedma mostly groin makes yolks bat not enough whits to oocnpjms the rk as the ben cannot lay these aasc sasds eggs aba absorbs them backlnto ber ayatem mlsecmrif gxperhneat btattoatssta showed that 100 lbs ofwhestcorn oals barley aesl fcaflbr rn i r f- -n- r gnmgrr f y srhi jqi tiifj- 154 w based on data from the asm aspetiinsnt pnslna forav- ulas produce above bodily maintenance aa follows i ptmrui scratch food 2474 d yxjka 1421 1 whites pmin chsekeii chowdar 182 05 r4snihintm rauson 42954 yollts 42466 whites mow tha perfect balance of yolks and white and the large numbs f of each this combination of purina peed tasks th maxima m number of ooropjent egg egg a ban will lay that why wa can absolutory guarantee i more efgs or mamey back pnrina chicken cbdwdsr u fed with isufeia scratch peed as dlnictad yen aak no dak ivs spirtvirariwttitl lailway time tables at acton grand trunk rsllwoy byittm going west no 2s bunday 10 j am no 3 u 13 a m no 31 10 3iam no 33 10 t m no 1c dovplo fo 17 b 13 pm golno est ho at bunday no a cub 7 oh it in am it 8 13 pn pdv pjn t toronto suburban elsetrle hallway oolng west iwly uncru t uu fday dally ujicri t h nidav dully jt u inday mm day only hui dy only bunlfuy bnly qolnrj east daily exotit t su day dally except hu idy dally esoopt bunday kundayj bui irday t nly jnday only eiqht and ttxpncsar rzarea carrle on nil cor kroaht dellvorod dally ly apodal oxirea frelghl lspreas r prnlxht picked up at any address in toronto o jixnuiw agent acton 4 i i acton granite works j nicol experienced granite cutter is prepared to supply menu mant of all kit d with skill fully cut inscriptions at low prices see samples of work and style of monuments at tho monument works perirtyman lock mlbaattlsct a for sale by d h lindsay mill street acton flour and feed store children cry for fletchers cast0r1a fletcher cnatyria is strictly a remedy for infants and children foods are specially prepared for tabic a babys medicine is even more fjseatfal f or baby remedies primarily prepared for grownups are not interxbaitgeable it was the need of a remedy for the common aumentb of infants and children that brought castoria before the public aftaryears of research and no claim has been made for it that its uae for oyer 30 yeara has not proven what is castoria castoria ia a harmlssa biibatjtuto for castor oh paregoric props and soothing syrnpa it is pleasant it conta neither opinm uorphine nor other riarcotic mibstanpe its age is its guarantee for more than thirty years it has been in constant uae for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying foverishucbs arising therefrom and by regulating the stomach and bowels aids the assimilation pf food giving healthy and natural sleep tho childrens comfortr the mothers friend genuine castoria always i bearathf signntm of in use for over 30 years tm csmyapa eoittv now voaai err jsuelph business- college training to advancement and success winter term from january j we have a numlw r hooked for that data dont put it off guelph business college herald bwo ooelph onfc a l oouck prln m oi uptodate goods ax c a speights silverware in tablcworo fine variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and c ranitc ware big assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stoi gverv article 18 of excep tional valuc c c speight hid sirat acton w do not give up many people it may not be anex- aggeratiou to say moat people ore fntnotoopped sometimes itrt a-physl- cul weakness a heart that give out under a atrotn lunx t babied nerves that cannot be depend ed on fjomstlma the handicap la o little constitutional twist a plasty hasty tamper an unreaaniiablo sensl- uvanesa an abnormal lack of self- confidence tha handicap anay be in a father of intemperate habits or a brother who ha brought dissraoo on tho family name jt may be in an un inspiring environment tto not glyo up because you ore luindloapped ho are other people lincoln wa hnndlcapped by hln lack of m liicallonnl ndvanuiges in his youth stevenson was handicapped by a frail body livingstone wa handicapped bypoverty presoott wabllnfl bee thoven deaf pope hunch banked houry m stnnloy a homeless wolf handicap arc not u rare affliction thoy are part of the human lot aq- oopt pour handicap without surprise and without dtywumgement and makp up your mind you are golnjt to suoceed in apltaot it r tfr- acton creamery when yon need boots shoes at any time buyfbqm w williams full mhrketprice paid for butter fat any small amountfit cream will receive ocur best attention wewill also pay spot cash fot eggs open friday and saturday evenings best creamery butter new laideggs and fresh buttermilk will now be suppued at the creajpkrv every day mill street acton famous for satisfactory footwear reasonable prices acton creirnery c6 atspn wiue ftoprietors hm i i village of acton notice of registration of bylaw notice is imreby rivou thut u i y law was passed by tho munlolpul council oft tho vlllaga of a t in on tho 2qt day of novombor 1030 i rovldliifl for the lwu of dobunliucm to tlio nm mut of 83 dv for the purpose of defraying tho ooal of ei struotlon of cement sidowalks on tho boutli easterly side of ltower rtmet between willow htreet and julgln htroal ami on tho southwesterly si lo of lyodarlck htmnt between mill hlruot mil churou btrtov in the said viiiuko and thut ttuali liy law was registered in tha iteglsiry ontco of the heglatry nivlslbn of tlio county of helton on tl nrstilay tt lecembervjb30 w any motlbn to quuhi r not all do the same or any part thereof must bo muda within throe m nth aftor tho nrst publication of tl i nutloo und cannot be made thoreaftor dated tho ninth day or nacember a d 130 jti h n raitmku cleric v ss1 icisr3ikii ti

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