Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 16, 1920, p. 6

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t ratou itltth coo daattm too memorial c per lino nxtra for poerns born iawhon on hun lay iecmber 10 jo ut hlnwurtlowii t mrs harry 1 uwmm a win married t 1iukrtman 1iijjin at trinity mothodbit church toronto on wed nesday ixcomlmr b 1020 by itv i tovell 1 i j aim prwrnan of torontv iuil irene only daughter of thn bite it b und mrs nnlaon of umlph ollaifam htartkkilat the res id enin of thn lirlrtoii parents on wnd- nnedny iwrmlmr 1 1030 by hv w j klndlny ii a arloni km no i hainn iruhnni to joan patterson daughter f mr and mm john htnlknr nl of eouolnk died wnnnkilal i induny on thursday noverolicr 18 1020 alexander bkln- ner ageal 70 years cuhhir at manilla on tueaday novemlmir 30 1050 klll mclwii wife or angus currin and slater i malcolm mclean acton oiwi years snjviftft nassagaweyas memorial to fallen heroes the council favon llfl erection out or rubllc funds of the township site at or near ouelph road intersection at lots ib and 16 iho mnnting of nuumiciiwoya ell tuut vk u deputation of in fluontllit tiltlscna hold a conference with tho momlmrn on the advlaablllty f nrrxllnv ft memorial monument to tha soldiers will foil in thn grant wnr at or tinar thn f roks ruada lotm ib and i rtincuaidoiis 3 und 4 it watt moved by mr job seconded by mr chluholm that lu npforenco l f tbo deputation lint huurd it 1 resolvm tliut this ciiuii- nil hornby ospnuutvm its hourly upprov bn l 10 jim t and while not utita at this dulu to irumlan din financial rniulrd would hirommitnil 1 hot tin same ih provided for by tha uncll of 1v3i rim following utcountk worn psawod w ruhig bridge rtiulr 1110 dm 1 jf ingshnry ciilvfrta 2- v neighborlfdbd news- town and country rock wood taint hominy nvenlug wm mlaalonary inlvnrnary in i lock wood mot hod la t church thn jcnalon was mndn louhly important on account of the ddrainn of mr hall and mr ann strong two nrllvu young bualnnna min f luolph thn hunday bchool miti rtlnmontn iba methodist nntortuhimi nt in tha itwi hall on wednindny i rmlmr 23 nd the presbyterian ontnrtainmont 1 tha follow 1 11k friday evening io ntwr 14 will ih of great intnrtat mr allicrt kdwanla who la ntlind- ing the wl mines telegraph nchool in tonnui la bourn tilt wednnadny when h rimirt ihm it to try o lamination mr imran ttirrunoo nf tonnto la i mo over tlui wi k rrt i mr tjullda aitlvndld buftln t uym on w4iond iiluro lit tlio blif aoaaon at ut ott iwu erin i axhool i iltlrt wll ho held thla vnlnb nd mia a c mcmillan 00 if h rated tlin alxlaxitith annlveraary of irrlnffn 00 tnwday laal qther peoples opinion itfojuot f r tho oulnfona of nthoru low not imiily thu fiiiiaalty of aaroo ihb with thnm on tha contrary ono rrkmtalii bin nalrbhorai opinion hi vnry llkrly lo rnapact ilia own and milrl fnat lo t and one who inoara t the oiilnlona bold by aomo naaocjatfl la fnmuonlly thn vory ona to bo ftunib itnforo tho authority of a noted nuna tho oulnlona of othar poopla will frvuucintly aurprlao you but do not tlinmlna uicm an all nmuoimoj till you havn lookod into thn roaaona back of thvm aa a rul thoao who lit quick o aiioor ut wn other a opinion know othlnc iikjui tho chain of rvaxnm vhhh lntl up 10 thorn 13 von when you oro trylnb to ohnnce molhora opinion by njrtument ro- iport thnm tbero la nothing con- vlnrlno in a moer amffnaa oldom wtrut ad hermit t0 reaaon jursu liirmtm bo tnlilom ronvlnne la that m fnw dubatora it how rtuspact for tho jilnlona of tholr opponantfv u our parous country baubatte wo hava loarnud n ood method of inn it i if naugnso throujh our rooiiy ira of qximuifloco will ntumi it on for tbo hanoflt qf ulhftra in tho fnn- tira country tors buulnaaa tulca rilxtoen pound of flnoly round tnmh pork ndl to it thrta labloanoon fula of antt nviwtabloapoonfula of ru throush a ilnn alftnr alx tiblaapoon- fula of blank pepplr four tabuuipoon fula of cniun 1 aluplooj- mix iho ft- nilns vnry diordiighly with tho meat 1th u larf4 wood on apoott thla 1m tho moat dollcloua country aaiiautko hint la mndn tho x round llaplcn ulviir thn mrnt an unuaally linn flavor thla hiiiib albt readily brliiku a ikkmi prlro in city atorea never before h this store shown ml greater values to xmas shoppers if ftj 1joubt what to glve t0is christmas call and lo0k our stock over and we wilf hel you to solve the pltohlem special prices in mack and colored bilks for chxtntiuflfl trade only black imperial dochess suk a rich satin finish nil pure ilk 30 ins wide a good heavy weight a silk that will give good wear nothing better in the market good value at tho regular price 3 os christmas week special at 350 colored paillette silks we have in stock to day green brown and navy this silk is 36 ins wide will give good wear and the shades are all new good value at the re prl apcc f gnrl mas week u0 per yard each wais botlone up n a fancy boy and make a very useful christmas present call and make your choice early and wo will keep the parcel unjjl wanted silk poplins in brown navy green and gray make a stylim dress nnu gives any amount of good wear good value at the regular price 2 50 christmas week 195 handkerchiefs wo arc showing a big range of hand kerchiefs and he values were never belter in boxes at 25c 35c 50c 75c j 100 mn lawn hbnfllfrrrhifjf- nt firy 2flr no common courses are given in shaws- business schools toronto all work is high grade in every detail studcnlt may enter any day or start homo study courses free cnttiogue write w h shaw lres 101 yongo st notice to farmers having contract to dlvr vry wek not lean than twtnty nrutna of 1 flood powl to tho city ttvo and dnma- od t tnuat pay tbo blktt prion to rt that many if you huvu any rood fowl to nii mil nm i y mull or pr- ormliy mid tit inn ltiiow your nd- drtm and niimbdr nt plionn und i will ull jt your i lam wo nlho buy mjiy nimnllty of good jhjlutwa w buy uny iimimnt of nil kin la of ul i impnrk and junk wn uwuro you thn lmat aatlufautlon aijbxgiujoord hox 100 brlok cottag cor sehoolboum lan acton j- tiut iech3mjen it lmo brief local items urlnff in your chruunaa tron iktcomlxir liaa klven no coal 00 rcjuhcryet sohooh iloaa nozt thunsday for ohrlaunna vacation tho mlli woathfir baa bean oaay on thn coul bin and tha wood pllo tho family ilnrald pnd wnnkiy ttlaa la innraaalnajia miiharrinltnn lirlra nnar hrldao 13 00 clrl8tln ilamteraon co dyn mjto i w o mora tlln 41 so j t viiaon b 7 co a alexander travel 10 40 wm wataon jr ruud repair is 00 j lllllinaitlny btuvn 1 ib k rilenton gravel 7 10 lunula ilmilnr abnop klllod 16 00 ralrln campbell altoep killed ul 00 muriipal woriflaarnottrw 1 rf c h turner funnml of man klllnd on o i il so 00 duncan campbell lumber 204 00 jan mubon poatnxn a nupplloa is 70 j marahall noatan and audit si lb w j moor school attend ance onicor t 00 dr carlmirt m o it 10 w mrs c a jculoy ic1 aeaon is ii mlaa jean carbert honor itoll ik 00 council adjourned to meet on 16th inai at one o cloak jton tuiuian uamhall lllnlaler r airrlrulturo fur ailmirtn waa thn utmt thla week tr dr uatl mm ahttott mr mo rrt b liua nloaod tior horoe horn id konn to toronto vhnm atin will uimiiil thn wlnknr with bor brother fr altf catberwnoitluui puroliaaoil from mr u holllnanr of arton thn rnuldcnco now ooouplod by mr deary licrn and wilt set poannwalon in janu ary advocate and 25c mens uijcn handkerchkis nt 40c 45c and 50c mens fancy llorders at 20c 25c and 35c farmers wife killed iiv otopm olenwilliam8 tha traalo death of charllo monally i hunday nlcht haa atlrrnd up tbo ulan rrvatly tho people who iwilil churlte tho liquor whlph won tho prim nry cauaa of hla death muat foal rather u rtcom f nrta h lo tha hlb wind on tueaday mnmlnf made havoo of thn veranda at lluh lojcan m new houae it waa blown into amioieraona tboro are ilolnaa hern theaa daya court lost krhloy which waa rathor anrloua for two hntnea a nnoond debts of honor moat other rountalea hava thn name prnotioo with rntfard to kambllna debta oa ouvnelvna veneauala la one of the very few tatra in which aueh debta are collootabla by law in hoi und you cannot aue for a bet made upon carda but you ran for one on a boran- ruco or any nlmllar outdoor aport in sweden a pbyalolan rannot eue for hla fee while in uolaium a aollct lor la in it- alinllur poaltlon b rhlnnan luw not only ttn doctor but alao tbo prleal tha fokuna teller and ol nnr wlttiout lenat romody we are showinfi a urge range of crash and huck toweb table napkins fancy side board and table scarfs domeo children booties ribs mittens wootuhs wool ovveralfct a s1e 090 fire orotahrod in thn woodatock hentlnel llovlow dmoo on monday hoalneaa at tha alove f ant or lea la rather dull jultt now ordora are un- uaually alow in comlnjr in barn roof blew off namr belwoed and cruahad mr clark on tuaaday murninif on a farm about one mile front the ylllase itelwooil helonalna to georva clark the terriflo wind atorm blow the roof from tha barn am it fall it track fln -m1- nn i-t- ypyfmll njtured and they may there a rrtorn to follow tho roan- havn been ulmoet lmuaa- alble the paat week it a a now oterlnnce ui havo iollco makhitrnteajcirtlnty crown attorneya csnmera county cffnatablna ynapec-t- ora city uwye aott nthor dlirnltarlea yr quiet aaronta clad to nee ail but d-m-l- tow all thaao debta urn however looked upon oa debta nf honor and payment la rarely ovadad history repeats itself tli oy kunimclncka wtth other reputml furnlahlnita of hla former pal- aona havo been aold at auotlnn in naw v fltv t lirl in tbla na the ladies silk waists silk gloves sweater coats pullovers neck scarfs fancy collars wool sets l silk and cashmere hose lawn aprons mens gloves ties suspenders arm bands rine shirts muftlers cashmere and wool socks sweater coats neck scarfs make this store your headquarters for your cu1ustma3 trading z mclean co mux street wb bell for oash we sell for ie as we want a keuabioaento every uttrapra preaantal dlatrlet to aoll our wall- kn wn fruit and ornamental tree ahruho nto good pav exclusive territory rights our aflnnry la valuable under present condition- wrltn for particular to aancv lepartment- pelham nursery co toronto ontario itsnot too early to cofimencc think ing op making your dotbr mark iit your remambnufcea be real rlfta of love and ttelpfulneaa the uank of nova bcotla ha a add ed n aet of aofety depoalt boxeaj to ita equipment for tho uae of tho public tonyflchnyuk la havlns hla store and reataumnt which waa daxoacd by the recant ire put into repair osaln morn defective malna havo buret during the week entalllna further do- lay and exnenae with the waterworks ayatetn l 1r n f moore haa kindly favored t tho fam 1wobm with ooplea of the in- don enc- dally qraphlo and daily sketch tbo whlakey runner arreated nt oualph laat week waa given al mo n tha in goal and hla 31v bottloa of liquor were coq located it la not often that plowing baa boon poaalble up to december 16 fanner in thla neighborhood werr plowlna thla week how ta it anton cari have three sji anna aa war trophlea while oeorae- tsv town apparently muat be aatladad with ijr a peaahooter i herald the mooao jaw saak- brenlna times has absorbed tho moose jaw dally new and hexfafter there will be hut one paper published in that cty send tbo ltam vnxaa w your friend for an alltheyoar round chriatma box ive ii enclose a pretty christmas card with your beat wlahea to your friend warden john campbell of wel- uoston county was presented with a valuable surnet rlna suitably inscribed by hla fallow mem bars or tho county council las week the municipal nominations wlu be held on monday december 17 there will be nominations in acton for hoove councillor school trustees anil hydro commissioner s mr j u roaaell principal of the utah school save a- very interestlna and helpful address at tho meetfna of knox church guild on monday even- tna on the value of friendship tha houae to thn barn to milk she was almoat instantly kilted being- dead before the houae was reached to whlchr ahn waa immediately taken her huaband is also reported to be eeriously injured sho wa bctwi 3f and 30 yftur of nsi liar only baby died about a month 00 inspector guthrie of toronto was welcome vloltor to the lieu on fri day abraham lincolns cheque one pf proa id en t lincolns careful hahlt waa always to pay by cheque but one when a certain colored man who bad been doing odd jobs round the whlta house came for hla pay it transpired that he was a little certain of his legal name necroes who had been slaves often were most people would have found it difficult to pay by cheque in those oireum ytanoss not so the resourceful mr xjnoolnl he took his pen in hand as usual and we can imagine with what n twinkle in his oyo ha commanded the rig national hank of washlnc ton to pay nvo dollars to the frr ol a colored man with one log the banked lion ore j the cheque and kept it u n ooirvonlr crmalderlna that so charactorlstlo a memorial of the great president waa eaaily worth nvo dol nxbsaqaweya the townahlp council paid t ho 00 for sheep killed by dog afloat meeting dr w ii illrka of china grandaon of nev wm hlrks who was ydars ago pastor of the tcbenexer church occu pled the fculpltr laat sunday ho told an fntereatlmt fttory of hospital inl mhtalon work in china mrs isw johnntonn und balwi of toronto am vial ting her abater mrs david hendsraon a large pumber of our poo pin at tended the ouelph win tor fair last week miss ierle wank of toronto spent the wonk end at her homo here itev dr mcarthur occupied the puu pit of naaaagawoya and st david a church on sunday last in the absence of itev j t btmchan who was sud denly called homo to son his sister who train londa of french soldiers pulled nut of the station on tlui way as they ahouted to ihirlin ull tho women atoppod thulrteutn to cry fetch ua hock a clock this saying referred to a tradition of the war of 1b70 for it is said that tho prunalana of that tlmecarrlnd off al tlta french clocks it la a mem colnrldenc of course but ull of the kauerh clock in thl vxl bltlon wore pronrh clocks just yon hear m rtmjm ah bccorb t tbclr btmt is 1 t 111 j x crlppa of north vancouver c- wrltea f knoloaed und 4 00 for pans for another year always chxd to reoelva your cheertql paper mid get tho home new front acton tha bank of nova scotia beg to sin noun 00 to the pobllo that it has in stalled safety deposit boxes for the saxekoaklng or bonds and other valu- awja these nuiy bo had at a aimall yrtjtwntl announcement of an extensive ssjad construction programme for wentworth county next year ws made tuesday evenlnflr t the compli mentary dinner tendered by warden jahn 12 peart nt hamilton the annua meeting or tho me tho dtsfc sunday school committee of management was held on tueeday nlna the reports were very en- eouraglng and showed a very aucceas- ul year the omcers and t cache ra were all reelected the family herald and weekly star the family herald and weekly star of montreal has announced that after december bl 1920 the aubacrlptlon prioo of that great weekly will be s3 00 per year in canada england ireland or scotland arid 0 to the united states the recent heavy increaso in the coat oc production of white paper make the slight advance necessary in fact it la only a small portion of tha increased ooat over prewar prices of production all renewals and sub cripuona the publisher say mailed ywftffbrtdecemlwijl 10 will bo ac cepted st tho old rate of 1 eo kven beat value on the continent it is no knowledgod to bo absolutely without a rival hence its enormous circulation all constructive work 10 slow 4 in a few hours a structure years in building may he burned to aidies oak that wo a century in grow in to its majestic beghl may bo out down between meats it takes a loo time to build up a reputation but a single act may destroy it when you face a temptation to do a foolish or n wrong act remember that in a single even ing folly you may demotion the ro- paftation for reliability and good aanse you have boon patiently building up ever since you can remember all growth all constructive work is slow but no matter how long t has taken its undoing is swift and easy com pare tho effort necessary to unravel a stocking with that needed to knit it and that whi glvvyou some idea how easy it is to ruin the repatktlon made by year of right living sff- a new definition the k doughboy bad explained in detail to the amoklngdepartment banger juat how america jwoti the wan with- a final buhrt of pride he pointed to tbo a k f letter which y adorned his shoulder strap j beneath which were three other letters indi cative of hla origin tj 8 a ffoe that 7 he naked pointedly to a quiet tittle englishman in tho corner that stands for after kngland fall- dl does it really nowt asked the jmusbor da you knoif i undemtoofl it meant always rngland first v gutty a the veteran her own wav fineanor aged eight was enjoying a good cry when her aunt came in i wouldnt cry like ihat said the aunt to her if i were you well auntie aald uilenor be tween sobs you can cry any way you tike but this is my way oakville tio oakvllle ilox and rasket co has received an order from the clark- jhjil jtrult arowerawpciatun for three jn 111 ion quart boxes sottowbaa- kots and 46 000 crates james il qltiaon proprietor of the hotel gihaon passed away on wed- xay 8th inst he was born nto 10 year ugu a non and a daughter aurvlve him the oakvllle w c t v sent the 400 soldier nt ho flmnt hospital llurllngton nve imrrela of snow applrs last week a total of s4tooo in taxea raa paid kt the ilnnk of toronto up to but week it albertson lua been appointed fuel controller for the townahlp of trntalrar tho foundations for the new fire hall are being laid and will soon bo com pleted if the weathev remains vine for the coming township elections a new polling sub division will be held at mccruney e school house rate payers east of 1 route village will vote thei georgetown mm lil llonnelt of ouelph tho guest of mr ii t arnold during the week mlas isuxabeth langan who under- wont an operation at st joseph loapltal toronto on friday last is progressing favorably the high school commencement concert hnld on thursday and friday of last week was up to tie usual standard s uleea ivy sndsmyrtla anderson or toronto woro guest of dr and mrs watson over sunday mf and mrs frank wallace off tonawanda spent tho week end with r anitjliaa mocoll mr gregoryn license haa been t nwed for the picture show for the following year for s41 b6 lec pen seat while harnessing a horse at hunrys livery stable on momlay aftqrnoou fast william il thompson waa kloknd on the side of the head and almost in stantly killed lie only brenthod a few minutes niter tho accident und was un- consclsus doceasod won born in stcwarttown about co yestnt ago and haa resided uround here all hi life lurald misa muriel elliott and mia young er of guolph spent tiie weekend at the home of mr tom elliott mr andy frsmk is under tho drs cam at preacnt with a polrtfuliy sore throat i v milton d owing to the- shutting down nf in dustries there 4n a great deal nfan- empnymcqt in milton as alaewhtro in ontario and it if feared that some fomlues will surfer during tho winter unless work can bo found for tho breadwinner the town bell has boon silent since last sunday morning whan something went wrong with it when it was being rung for church aeilce at an auction aale held here last saturday of tho rosldenco and house hold furniture etc of tho late mrs hemstreel west mary street thn house was sold to mr j a clarrldge of trafalgar for 1 000 it is not very rift en that fanners are able o plow at tills tlmo of thn year but this year 1 an exception lo the rule and many a jlurrdtv has boon turned during tho pool week or two a movement la on foot in the town ahlp of trafalgar to erect a suitable norlnl to thn memory of the aolrtirv the townahl who paid the upremi sacrince in the great war a mooting to dlacuas the mutter will be held in tfln trafalgar townahlp hall on satur day itcfomier a bylaw for the issue of debentures i to the amount of 134 000 to complete 1 the new high school bulldlrig got its final lending at last monday evenings meeting of the ttyrn council tha original debentures were issued and aold but fall a kuuiywayahsrl it is true that an extra room has been added and an 1800 septlo tank la to bo conatructed but theyhordly account for the additional expense champion 4 1 burlington mr m c smith is vway on a four i weeks trip to tha lactnn coaal clarence kcoles in ft on tueaday morning for florida to spend the winter mrs w h william left on monday i u spend a tew days at buckingham que mr j to campbell left last wednos- thkst on a ten days trip to montreal and lloston mr murruy williamson of sasks- toon sosky is sitendlng a few days i hen with his parents jur and mrs i john williamson the methodist sunday school en- i ti rtnlnment will takn the form 0 a i imgeant this your entitled tho j temple of fame and will be held j on thursday evening december 10 about cd children gn tho red at the i publlo library on saturday artornoon i tho guests of tho burlington branch i of the women s institute a large i number of toys and other gifts were j brought to bo sent to the childrens i home at milton to brighten their j chdatmas plans are being made to establish i a babies clinic in burlington in which i the dsctore of tho town are slereatw i it is proposed to set aside av day each i week when mothers may bring their babies to he examined and receive ad vice regarding child welfare on friday evening hist while mr i und mrs s a dealing wore paying i a visit ta sljnsephs hospllal ham- j llton t ttleves stolo their ford dar and i went for a joy ride the hamilton i polios found the car on saturday morning in victoria par f a meeting of tho executive of the i burllngtou war memorial committee i was jieb tn the public library on frl- i day evenlua last when mr lewis of i toronto waa present and suhmlttcil i his design for che proposed monument which was favorably received bytha a few words of pralbe if we rsailse how much hap pule we could often glvo by a few words i of praise or appreciation we would speak them more frequently the old eapeclslly are grateful for any assur ance that they can atlll interest or attract others i think it is wonderful that you tan voep la touch with what tir- going on lnthe way you do a pleasantfac ed woman sold to an aid lady upon whom aho was calling and you have j such a bright way of tolling ovcry- thlng i always enjoy my calls here j so much and when i got home i toll j my family the quaint and brig hi thing you have said tho agod face opposite nuqhed with plnawre i dldnt know anybody felt that i way about in tho old lady said softly nobody eve- told me that hnfortf you dont know how happy 1 makes mo to hear tttbeted yes hes a plumber too perhaps yoh dldnt know it but old santa is a wise little man and has mastered the plumbing trade let him equip your homo with au sanitary basins tubs etc c are his agents at christmas time send vour order to us y w e mooney acton ont eyes a christmas girtf a pair of gjasses if titey nfed them jjjh im omeeh door frank king m georgetown ont wb but ob 80ix victory bonds baaxar or raglatarad j ecartjer invaetmsnt broker oualph i beef by the quarter parlies wishing lo got beef by iho quarter calf and get our pricos wo are killing our own beefi which enables us ho seh at lowest possible prices cash paid for butter eggs and poultry buy green ground bone make your hens lay w evans hainctkeet acton ont the ladies of acton now is the time to get a good hat at a very low price all millinery reduced be sure and get what you need before christmas at neliie m stockf ord acton guelph elora farms for sale ghristmias baking m edwards co are pri pared to furnish your christmas table christmas cakes christmas puddings fancy biscuits fresh macaroons and firstglass bread buns scones and cookies leave our order early christmas wedding cakes a specialty m edwabdsco saturday t cheerful news for sallta claus wd know that thoprlco of candy has been high but this has been no fault or ours so what a blessing that tho price or sugar and other materials have dropped read this this saturday wo offer you 500 ibs of a santa claus mixture consisting of chocolntes jellies butterscotch squares ribbon twist cream bon bons satinetto strips etc reg 10c and 50o lb saturday treat price 29c lb weekend chocolates 44c lb santa cuus will ant a lot or chocolates wo have about 500 lbs of this big apeclolffor our christmas trade assorted flavors reg jfoc per lb weekend special mc fancy boxes of chocolates v come in and see our display of beautiful boxes tilled with our beat chocolates candycanes brightens the tree and theyre good tomcat wo also jiave chrislmus stockings and christmas crackerapop corn balls etc r 200 aiires in erin township bw miles from huxsburg 190 acres workable haluncn hurdwixwl buah 2 acrna orchard b0 seres fall ploughed sandy loam soli 1 wolla and a treek hrlch houso nf h rooms with furnace lluhk ban 71x06 ctntentod floors utter carrier also water bowls in froftt of cattle two driving houans pig pun foxzq water hi auhioh windmill school 20 rod church 2 miles hura1 mall and elnphone losacaalnn urrahgeil lrloe st 6000 terms urranifed 0 100 acresin erin townslpi milps raom hilesburg so acres workable balance bartlwoiml bush 1 acre orchard sandy cbiy loam solll 1 wnll framohnuae of rooms hank bam coxoo commit atwhlhig watc 1 stublea cloao to achool church 2 miles hunu puu und telephnnn iniaaeaalon arniktxl irlou t500a terms arruvged 100 acres in erin towns 1 1 1 2 miles from orton 70 acres workable twitance timber and pasture x acres orchard 30 acres fall ploughed sandy loam and nhiy loiiin soil 1 well and a qraek solid brok houae of 13 rtxima water in houae hunk lm ux0 water in a tab lea bydraullfl ram pumpi water school und ohugoh h mile itural mail lossmtton arrangwl rle 6500 terms arranged v village of arton take notice that 1 the council of tho municipal oorikiratlon of thn village of artml i am laid wittar nmhih lia local linprove- immlh ii thn ktkwts um shown in mt hedul j a 3 the oht nf the work is 110 000 of which utooo li to ho null by th conwnitltin tho hiuciu1 rate per foit frontiigo la hoveii conth the spoclul iihsesiimunt in lt ht pajd in thirty mimiiit liirtlalmontn 3 thu natlmutod lifetime of tho work in nrty yuiira 4 a court of llovlhlnn will bo held on monday li uemhdr mribso at b ii clock at tho touuill qhumihir in the town hall for thn iiunmnrot hearing omiiln litis i ik ilnut the prohiaeii i- seaumout or tho muuruoy of frontage moumuriuoiits utul tiny ntlier nomplalnt which porsotih htttrhtil tnny desire to muke und which it by tuw ooknla- uhlo by thn c nirt batbi novimlmic ml i ii n altmlill clerk 100 acres in erin township lvi miles from acton do acres workable buhiiiro bush und poqtuto x ucrea orcliard 30 acres fall ploughed clay loam sol kromc house of v twimn darn mo t xj7 no 1 6930 driving shed 40x24 hchool mile church 6 mlnutoa walk iluvul mall and telephone ioasesslon arranged irlco 400 terms arranged i j t h moorehead rthiivatia ujiiiu commlltee bartj no dopjille declslbn was rsaohsdasette t i brampton georgetown mhtpn acton willoughby farm agency head office 43 victoria street toronto tkllspflonio main 470 jdo your christmas shopping now i i hclmflolu 13 a btitkirr fhou to willow lilvn church aim willow agues lot 6 1 uik h liomiibiry of vlllugo 1olllt tbur h iitll luolpli fluh h miu livederlck wlllnw willow a i it mitl ii vic tin in mnhi ttiaitrt lark mill willow iilnp vt llowei willow mill qitsan young utat aglh chun h akudh i rrdemck churxih agm n miu wubiic mill iui lll marin mttilu wclllngtui toel rark la0 vlllare bound n ii tho list rmtry on this unhurt i ulu was omitted in error by tho euglil- or in the previous issues

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