Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 17, 1921, p. 2

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ijp acton 3we fires iiiuiihiuy makuii 17 1021 contranv manch whri mnrib nm ti liko a lion koailnu icr wllnit wind hi tho lilll imil ami alrlll wind l ti mnulow liliwllntf ills trooi t mil ly tin luuhhiu gala itlifht in 1 lift 111 a limit tall hiuiv almunn in rt i an 1 lima tuwny u l wll i uuti n ii i s fnunft with a uttiutflhhiu of iwm unil u imil iliik t laws fwoo mi i furl u lluiufchja x i il kfitnif out ilka a laml you just wntod unit mvoi whnn march cum in in llko u tairib oinllo nsy j unt a illtint ti nvr hold ana hood wasbinif an 1 warm nnd hnwiy floft bu 1m axilil in nil down tha trail hlmrt ami wlilta na a lambkin tall hodges unl ladgns blooming full muiry and rulr a a lambkin s wool with a frisk f foot unl a muulcul bloat murdi will tiavni- iimuin llko that hum kolntr out llko a hon hold on to your liitl notioy ijyrd tumor x cuaptjcu ii wuii a norreot 1 iy in may win n anna drovo tho now cur to tlio station to moot th boys hvorywhoro tho llol 1m worn frooji ttio wooded hi 11m in tli lory of tha you mr sreon lmuvon wsr blmojtotwliiboiit in tholr oolorlna tha fruit trotim vrttro a hot of bloom anna wondrad iiom such a lundaoaps woul 1 lmtrtuu thoan who had looked on tho hlaaknoss of no man u tand u won hard to batlovo that it wjul i not hold mora allurement than brick wall and city pavomonta tim train wux a quarter of an hour lata ftnl tbo nftoon mlnutoa of wait- in waro hard for anna una oat in tho oar back of tho station flu hod and sllont bho had staked much on tha vontura not liar lflle in ho rl tan oo alone but things moro iirociou than money and now tli at tho moment wm hand which won to put it all to tho tout a dread or failure wnltnl ovsr en mo her hut whan tho train camo in aha uood mittlllnit on the platform tlio boy climbed out bio and brown bla bar if not brownor than aha ramombor v nil thorn thoy kissed lr oblivious to tho lutnroated loafem myl your looking flno said hob whoro tho oarryulir i suppose short loft it oft from tho station ho urn not to scare tho homos qraham auifkoaioil no hmllod anna tho horses aro novor frljth toned hho lod tho way to the waluiijf oar and tin bays looked nt each othor in speechless jnmukomont you don t moan tliats oura dads i moan graham ox claimed can you run it annat to bo sure and 1 11 teach you if you stay ions onouai ho auld an nroualy und waltod for tbem to btow v uway thalr brlnu buforo taklnr hor pluqo at tha wheal tho brother wero full f queatlona au thoy apod ho mo ward ona of hob a hiudo hor wlnoo i low liooa dad take tho hawn that vro r not comlntf back to tho farmr auna walled a momont to taoko har voloa aumclontiy nonchalant iratliorii not ulvlnjr to aayins wliut ho feola you knqw ijoh mr clayton wan waltlnff nt tho kate iio wrung tho boya handm in allouco hltf fncllngit too deep for word and than the young boldlan aultcaaea in imndj followed anna to thchoutto uut on tho poroh thoy halted what a all uttat uraliain demand ed looking about him tha porch t fitted up with ruatlo furniture a settee a number of ohalrt and a table cus hion- of orient oolorod cm ton no savo color to tho uoona hack of tho vlnoa liuntf a couch hammock tfwlnslnr allshtly in th frcah breeze tboro wore rraav runs on tho floor and on tho tulilou vuo of rlowerm and maya- xlnea tlio porch boxen wore filled with rod reranlumm und hanslmf vlnoa boa horu why don t we atay rhjbt whore wo ara lauchod hob tnia multii me without no in any further thoroa moro inalde sold anna leudlna tlio way to tho living room the boya atood for a moment without hpvakfnf the obeerlomm room wan cluutved bo- youd reoosultlon anna und her father jiml papered it thamaolvcji and though tho papur waa in expo naive it nave a clean cheerful back round in place of tha dingy walla and colling they w well cainombored there wax a book- vcuao oppoalto tho doo filled with booka which hud not boon there when they went away there watt u big comfortable looking couch with plenty of pluowvv ohd hoyeptl extremely com- fortablo looking ohulra tho library tublo in tho middle of tho room had a plafufliuf litter of books and magaslnoa and there wan a reading lamp nt each end tho axmlnatar rug on the floor ahowvd wear without being- ahafaby there were picture on the wall over in the corner htood a vlotrola hob walked to jt who ilood thlm holonir iov ha do- inanded oxaltodly uald anna at leaat it a tw ijiiir tu i imylnu fur it hi timtatt- mpntm havo you got any recordur twoiitjflvo dollara worth lor- hapa you luwo time to try ono or two beforu auppor wo have b upper at luilf paat nix now ao uh to give father n chance to clean up doeun i ho work after aupport naked clruhum ho worka from five in tho morning till ulx in tho evening hoem to tnu tlmtu about enough come upntalrm boya undl u help you put nway your thlngm 1 orlinpo among all tha htirprulng changes that had tomo uout hi thalr homo in tho montlih of their ubaonoo nothing meant quite no much to the two boyu ua tho change in their own quarters in tho clayton houaohobl tha bedroom hud bean a thing of atrlot utility a placo to tiloep in provided you- were tired enough not to mind a lumpy mattro when anna camo homo from nohool ho had fixed up hor bedroom with tho roomm of soma kaohool frlandh aho bod vlalted oh a m6dol but had gone no further with liar innovation hut now the boya rooms had ttoontranaformod mo that their rightful ocoupanla halted on the threohold with a look na thouglr there must bohspmo mutake f their rooma hnd never boon papered before now the walla were covered with a modest pfiper that without nt- tradtlng undue attention gave in m- proonlon of light and choarfulnoaa tftoloora had boon utalnod partially covered with braided rugs lilac h room had a tublo with a lump on it and n piorrln chair beside the table there s were wlilto ourtalnr at the wlndbwa tuhfl tho rtroanera had coviirb of bright colored cretonnes nothing further vi ft owninoo could bo lmugin tint w m momlmro i tho ro m jr woro luxurious graham wont up t look at tho tiook ihnlf fanloti 1 tl o wall f hla ro rrt und nnumliiol uu ri ntmittt whom dlt nil tin now 1 1 kh ni mo from i luuht thuiiijt a i ii mil hml bo tkiiloro in towt it won let fill what imrnulnn y in i un unt tlmito iimw initiating graham u i tho title a ii riy in tm m tlw in had boon away lu ha i hamul ti vahio lmok an lm ni ha t h f r the au per w gimu which was nothing now hut it wuu a lluroly ma whlnh wiim mi innovation tin wu had boon inllue tin plgu an horo fed tborti woro no after up per oh re and now anna uuggotitn 1 when tho aj wi vr jjlviu lwyii will ion 1 hand with tho djuhi t w 11 got thorn out of tha way in u hurry mil try tb a rooordu tho nrat evnnli t homo waji a alio c thero wua much to talk alwmt tho atorlea tho loys had to loll thrthm the lutenra hut it won nllll riy whoti anna lokol at tho olook imi ilhlttmn olio ald rowjlptely w m tnauo u pretty early wtart lo morriw of our so you boya aro l ing u imlp fulhor while yo ro homo of on u i no nail tlm two in ehorutt well inmorrow in llatiirday nnl wo utop work at mm 1 k tim 1 attona ur coming out in tho after noon and will ntay for upper what did you moan by atopt intf work nt onot tlraliam oako 1 hla ulster at liny wuiit up tho ntnlrw l it celsbruta our mlng homot anna ahook lior hoitd llitlu r thlnki farm wotkoro hnvo a right to a hat unlay half hull lay jit a much u tha workorit 111 li wn lo you mnnii boa golig to mi it upr ithora might c m a rtnla in haying or hutvent when it wouldn t 1k i i tlcal hut an it gent rul thing yi tim lioyn flmt month at homo u momorahlo ono army life had not niwlloil thii for work mr clayton rallod with prldo that hit uona ha 1 imvor tmtfora ucflorripllnhod po much in thu name numtx r of houru ho i ill 1 an muoh to anna porhapm that a i oratine thoy know there h n ntopplng time ikaforo ld time who nald ii r father ill 1 not mly but h okol ua if ho wore oonnldertnr tho nuggoatlon tho nvenlngil wro out round of jayuula thinxa ilmrt wajuriuala linj mailing aloud and lutoroutlog talk thoy took long vldoa in tho now car thoy mudo vinlln o caalonally thoy went to town dined with u friend an 1 attended a photoplay f on hunduy thoy went to church mil the only work dona wun tho noooaaary work uucji na caring for tha live alook at annas auggeatton orahnm wroto to glen alien a young follow who had nerved with them in pranro and now had a nltua tlon in a near by city inviting him for tha week nnd when ho catnc alton wom plainly nnvloiin you followh don t know how lucuy you are ho wild wagon are high of roiirao but living in hlptber i pay iwolvo dollarn a wook whoro i am and the room a utuffy i can jiardly breatho in it at tho end of tho month mr clay ton handed each of hit aona a oheck oraliam looked at 11 tb uml hob at craham tin u they lioth looked at their father why why dad flra- bom atnmmerod vou boya huvo boon mnklitf a vihii their fjttlior until and y don t want to hpong my farm work off on vuhoni jf you want to utny longer i hopo you will 1 11 pay the antna und turnluli your itoanl iok hero dnd giahnm hiirul out 1 haven t nald iiuylhlng to ilob alxnit ubut well you know wo made up our mlndn wo worn through with tho farm yen you wroto na much hut t well t don t know how much hob foalu about it hut 1 m hot cray to gwt away you ttoa well tha fact la father thlnga aro different yea mr clayton answered slow ly weve mudo noma changes 1 m not afraid of work graham hurrwi on and hob isnt either but tho way it unod to bo woll from the time wo planted till hurvont wan over there novoi wan any stopping time t know tho father mm wo rod ito was looking down as if ho warn not quite willing t6 meet his son oys hut the way things aro now mill graham wore better off hero than we would bo anywhoro else and we buvo u bettor time i i don t know how hob foals uhout it but i rather stay on tho farm hams hero uitswerod hob nuoclnot iy that iilghuwhen tlio boys ware in bed anna m father callod bar to him anna how much do i bwo you7 i paid out for everything except tho victrola sown hundred ami twenty dollars 1 ii pay for tho vlotrola my self ia nut with tha pen polsod in the r you did a good doul of hard work i don t want you to pay mo for that father i was working for -my- self us well as for you it tho furm mu rather lonaly without tho boys vou work hunt and its only fair you should have sumo money of your n tlemode oufcno check for tho sum he had named wroto his scrawling ilgnature und blotted it carefully tore it from his chock book and punned it across tho table to hi r seven hun dred and twenty dollars nald mr clayton tha best invoutmout i over tiiiq x3nh orowinq old araciousuv thar anybody should renont tha ad iiil of yuuiv while oximpt from tho liiftriullhs thoy hrlng is vi ry foolish because no futlh tho one foe who gains nvory tuittla tho ono friend who far jfdvunciug ugo huh its charms and iompeiisutlnnii lp wealth jf rich axiarlorioo in stores of kiiuwltdgi nut 111 the luvo nnd devotion of life long frlonds yet there are mon und women who do not grow old grnclouuly- qugr- mlous in manner oftou oversensitive ft tho watch for slights dlsponod to bo wetblankets on thu general cheer noma ol 1 people lira d rend oil by thulr juniors mid are u hurdun to themselves ho lni roaptlbly wo slp from ono part of llfo to another thnt lnnotlblo to keep thu summer warmth of a young heart under the wintry whim of snowy looks tim pinion lw fortunate who may wrl young not ohl uftr ovary happy blfthday one of thono duys tho olil will drop thulr masks and bo yotum ilgaln and for aver in tho i i liters louse why not lw gruoionanowt excels all for purity flavour and aroma salada risqa it vou have not tried it send nt a post card for m free sample btatini the price yoa now pay- and u yon oae a ulackoreenormixedtea address saladatoronto the small- town johns fins worn w i ok of din on tout ills inoltur kh my uuked is utiy thing wn tu deurf im itk if living in u utile t wn tbut s what u wniiik mrs am s said nothing h was truo that the town of manning did pot mukn u k uhowlug lu tho ennnus reikirt mid rolail ly a hundrwd mil hon ann rlrai hud of it hut in mis- aiiiom llllon it was a vory ulc town nevnrtholons il was hot tl first time alio und her son ha 1 dluiigiuod t this point win u i culim homo nun tha city lust wmk john rontlnnod f lol my heud out of tho cur wl low you know and my hut bluw off whan i got off tin train itarilnadod every body wanted to know wluit had hap pened und i tud to oxplalu now thut silly st ry is ull ov r town an i fivurywlmm t go thoy lullab at me for losing my liat if mrs amos triad to look hymiutuintlt hut her ex resslon nhowd that she was puxxlod they ii forgot about it bo for long mho ventured finully feeling sum that this conolusli u was perfuitly yes but think of m whole town living stirred up iteouuntl a follow loans his- hat on a train i toll you lm tired of these small plato s id lllrtlo ii vo lit a hlg city long enough ho that people wouldn l bo inleresud in every little thins tlmt hapm ns to you jkf frus john know there su no- good fairy present tu grant mi mediate fulfillment of ho wish yet thn ralry cculd hanlly have hattdleil tha matter with moro celorlty tho next week ho wus orferod u position in u city big enough si tluit the in dividual even thouuh considerably more prominent than a country boy fresh from home counted very little and the second wook john was knock ed down by a taxloab and taken to tha hospital with u broken leg john had no reason now to outnplaln of tha axaesslvo interest of tha outside worll lu his urfulrs while his injury iltated some wooks on his back it was hot suflh lontly serious to bring his mother to tha elty mil us a matter of fact she could tint have urfordod tho prices of tho miuit roasonabu hotel him wroto him dully und thut was tho best sho coull do ono or two of his uusorlutos at tho otn o whorn ho was amployod pull him a cuuual call und then having relli vod their conscleurns did not return vo thn busy nurses bo was only ono of many and whllt they were kind enough it wus with a pro feaslonal klndnoss that hanlly took his imllvlluallty info uoooutit whin john was discharged f n m tho hospital his iplaoo nt thn oilleo lui 1 boon ullod on 1 without looking for unotht r ho went home llo wuu tit ill on crutches nnd when ho got off tho train ha wuu instantly surrounded on tho station platform ho hoard mors expressions nt sympathy tlmii ho ha 1 recnlvod lu his five weeks ut the lios- pltul lul hiirrowu who hud coma to tho station to meet his father insisted on taking him homo in tho harrow cur i think i can ba buck boforo tho other train gets in ho suld and if i dont dal wont mind waiting when ho undurstuitds tha neighbor all rushed to their doors when lu helped john to alight mrs wsbator oullsd just fivo minutes after ho got insldo and brought one of in r famous lemon plos an 1 in the next week ho saw pructluilly tho whole town fveryouo wanted to hilir juh how ho wam injured und ayeryana involghed ugulnst tho tuxjcab drivers everything imaginable was brought johno out jelly und prenorvos candy und ice crouiii ehluken und plum cuke and ploklod pigs feel then nop day john s former em ployer dropped in nnd had a lung talk with him the people who think tlmt tho city has u monopoly of openings for an ambitious young man aro quite mistaken it ml lit ha many y before john could hope far anything the city us good us thut which i now orfered him winn ur winter wuu go no john told his mother of the offer and shu sighed i m sorry you felt it tiroohsary to refuse him ltofuuo him i john repeated und turned noticeably rod it sounds good to mo flut i un derstund that you oulduti think of settling down win ru every ono knows and is interested in you mrs amos looked darauru but her lowered lids concealed n twinkle in bar eye itut i ve uoceptad it mother and woll ive changed my mind about good many things since those rive wooks in the hospital i like to bo where people know ma nnd call mo ohnny und earn what hap pond to mo ve found out what itwns llko to have nobody intercaiod in my affairs and 1 ve had enough of that sort of thing last mo tho rest of my life than manning hm t so bail a pucn r allt smiled mrs amos jilut thn rluht sun fir tne declitriml hn aillngton wuro ll wait i u ivour from tho observa tion of uui mi bflo doulorn orvtoo ntuth it t x rotors garage nvechanlcs an i tha writiru of automobile urllcte that thoio it almost inonlte variety in the wuyu itutomobllo owners use their i rukes mn molt rlsts wear out brake lin ings nnd smiut ntly tires and unl- vorhil joints much more rapidly than i thirs will i ut netting the efficient sorvito tiny should rncalva from tha t raking mi liutdum bvirymin hi ra miliar with tho driver who slums i it his brake without diminishing thn upend of hs much 1 no and romom to u stop after skidd inc snvarul font and every ono wonders why ho das it shire t is obvious thut the tlm i buve1 by such a per- f irmanca is not worth considering anothnr im mm n tyim is the driver who goes uilliiiii over tha crust of a bill ha bus in ver seen bafure increas ing his snood as jim grmge increases un 1 trusts his bruks to save hint whatever dllllcultles mlsjht urine the ink if wisdom lil such nctlon ii s in thn flit thut whereas he may in ut in to ill lieu i upon tlio brakes to funcllon pn h rly lie cannot faisea dilllrultles that may urine nun s slip pery sth t 111 thu rhid a hump a iud turn i r tho upiuourli of another car that woul 1 tnuku it imtiohlbla tor him to use his brakes effectively tha rumfiit hiiitorui always has bis cur until r c ntiol whan lie descends a hill lie does not put too much oon- ndouie lu 1 in brakes wlieit ha doesnt know what lu uhaad of him there arc still many motorist who all tat nvoil themselves of braklna with tho englun i n strep grade they freituently are underlha mlsappnansn- slon that i ruklng with tho angina is strain upon the rjir the answer to this mlmappmheiibion is simply this it does not require any more effort to mnlruln u mr from rolling dawn hill 1 y the use of thn onlno tlutn it re qulms to proiwl the same car up tha sama hill tho retarding ettect of engine broking is ucoompllslieil through friction un t thn friction must bs ovorcomo who t bur the car is driving tlm engine or the engine driving- the the only tl lug to worry about in this counocllmi lu to rodur tho sdk1 of the car u illicit ntly to avoid racing the engine the passing year now thut the train of months has started let it puna january followed by february with its longer days and marchwllhltu mi rco winds and april with its mitliloii showers and muy with its blossoming orchards and june with its carnival of flowers and july with un harvest und aug with its sweltering boats nnd heptomber with its drifting loaves and october tnttt turfrontnt ami no vamberwlth its thanksgiving ttreueu und denomlier with its christmas hil arities march on o battalion of that months in the regiment of tho years and tho brigade of tho aatitiirpw march on ana join tho -months- and years and centuries already paasod until all tho rlvara oc lime ixv empt liito tho ooean at ttornlty r 1 dig enough to lve in jtulld youiliiuh big enough ti live in wuu tho udvloo lyoii by a eo inenoement speaker titsi mo american oolloiin studeiits ho was not thinking f thulr actual homes howevor when nuking this remark tho themo of his address ho had in mind tholr ntul und hphituul homos the places wham thoy were ii llvo in reality during tlm years to dome no nailer what might ba tin ir h moss for travel tholr choice in two it city or oaitutry living or tlielr wealth or small tm an ono ofho listeners raallxed that tho i xprosslou was uuel hgurntlvnly they wore to llvo tu tholr own mntif nnd hearts no tnuttor whoro they might happen to havu tbtjlr outwrd i bodes hupposo that our cducatrtm bus hcou hunicitdit to inublii uh to llvo it llfo- tlmo of usovul work urn ploouuro y it still is ponsll lo for us to waste the spuco made ready by out early pro para tlon wo lnny vwry tuslly boooma caruli us of our flno mental und spurttual homos thoy may ba left standing dusty and vui apt hho abandoned castles with rohoopdlng room and corridor nothing on earth i more dupresalng than tho night of a gplen did building fallen into dlsuso und ducny nothing is mora trngio than reausltib the complete waste of splen did porsonul pusstblllllus tho walls of onr minds mini l bo made ntnmg un 1 wide siuiceil with plenty of nyim for uscul action 11m jiluco within iiiuhl tlutn le flled und usoit pot neglui lod our first euro must bo to make our houses big enough to llvo in its tho commefioo mept hpeuker put it to liuxt step is to make fulljlino of uicm ruth iavlu ht r won a place dv a whistle ifu was an mid looking tlgura as he umo tmrrlly whistling- down tha atreet tha inornluir after tho hlg snow ills uouo was re i mill his hands were 1 aro lijs f 1 1 wi ro in ahoes soverul- tlmon timi lulu uti i hlu tiat wa held in plum by it piece or tapor on tha inside but ho piimhi away like a ti mi vhlutl und currloil tha big snow whov i much us u soldier carries his rlflo how imichr from an imposlng- lolikliiu mun who wus usked if ho wuutoil his walks cleaned ten cents a nlckils enough it wowl imi if i oouldnt do no bettor but 1 ve got to do tho beat i can and bunlm us is rushing good- momlngl and tlto merry whistle rilled tho ulr us tho hoy started nway go uhiul and cloan em i called tho man whouo udmlratlon und bettor tiuluro had boon aroused just woo tho little rascal make the snow llyl ho said laughingly to- hi wir who htood ut tha window with him why ho a regular snow plow und he doow it well too what u llttlo ml to and howtnuul- cal i wondir if ho hlimpryt the wlfn ciillml to tho lad as soon us ha hu 1 tlniuhed hut lie would not take tims fir more than n cup of corfee too busy ho suhl wliat aro you going to do with tho timinnyt usll tha man os ho insisted on settling ul twenty flvo cent mora than tha boy auk oil for m going to got mother a coat kits s wearing oim you iiin see thruugli jt ulnt light on ha went with glowing cheeks mid his ulioory whistle hut they had his uaino an i address it wo tho wlfo who took tho oout to tho mother uild it wuu tkt husband who installed the sturdy shovullur a office boy in a bright new uniform and with per mission to whistle when he reel like if selected st patricks day among tho thouaakfl of sons of friii and their desoendant who on li siicc 17th day of march c lobrate thn tly nt tholr national a ilnt and wear in his honor un i that i f tholr country the lilt in green em- i urn how many or there who could loll who the ktfeat ht patrick was and whfit ha did for ireland the old song my jlut lis was m aontloinun un ho doefbt lie wa in every sonsn of tha word being libxh born and iiuhln in all hi asplratlonm und le bond tells that ho drove all tbo snakes t ut of ireland in support of which i roof is udducod in tly fnnt 4liat there are now no inakm in thut green island itayond uieae two incidents it is pmhubla tlmt ninny inlrluxent ipeopfe ara in tho dark to tha ufa f he anlat many are under tha im- proulon that ha was not only tho chrlstlanlxer of ireland tt tlmt im was nbo an irtahman this ituwever is an nnw u bcotland can dalm tha hi nor ot bains ht birth pi thaujh ireland was the rauie of hi jjxolong efti rts to spread the uhe of tha uo pul thruuch land which wus tlwm wholly given over to tho idolatrous worship of the hrald only raw of tho- difficulties which lie encountered in this work are ax tulit in history but in the ions course of yearn in which be strove to plant tha eras among tha wild tribe f ulster and uu inter tha work hnut have been u iteart breaking suocesidon of trial to be liorne and obstacles to bo ovsrentna tha data of hi arrival in ireland is placed by lb bast autlior ttles at about s a h ttta story of his ufa work is interwoven with so tnany leaend and tha date in so many canes are mo unreliable that a great deal of uncertainty obscure the record of hi prosroa xt- seems cor talu howwaf tht while in ulster bo wss successful lu leading- tnany to rmbraoa tha new rlth and ordained soma mhob them to curry- on tha nw fstth ha is ssld to have been instrumental in building 6 churche in one pluoa lie found three inrze pillar dsvotod to tbs use of idol and these bo appropriated to chrutlsn use by inscribtna on them tbo word jesu then hn wvnt to mayo ami bare it is cliiumh was tb sosnaiof tlta banish ment ofnll lb reptllex froca ffelaud the data nf tha death and burui of bl katrlck hm k rt- to a great deal of controversy it u generally rcoiitvd that hn dlnd about thn ynsr 413 at the ig or iso years though soma wrtters ive it as early a 46b ami others a lata a 4ix anthng tho spot tuttaad s hi burial place ara haul ixwnptrtck ulostonbury sjod arnufh tha lost named t cenoraliy held to ba onset bt im trick bell 1 in tb miinwim of hdsnoe and art lit lhihlin and a copy of the new testa ment believed to bo blav and known as tb- hook nf araosh is now pre serve in trinity colles 1 il 1utriotum and politic travel hand i hand only onoo in a wblla the ford garage has made comp1 etf auhangfmentsfor storing batteries tor the winter month httcrics kept at proper temperature and inspected monthly uml kept to tho desired gravity bat tcries re charged of repaired wlion necessary advlco free oxyacetyleiic welding pjant is being installed all welding in repairs promptly and out is factonly executed our plant for general repairs is complete 1rompt expert attention given to necessary re pairs to cars of any make the electric starting and lighting systems satisfactorily overhauled full line of tires of all makes and a complete assortment of accssokrbs always in slock l g king manager tx a coxe proprietor established 1672 money in livestock carffrjl selection of breed ing cattle and tho right kind of financial backing will put you in a position to make money from your herd th4 hank of hamilton is prepared to promote any legitimate do velopmcnt along this line bank of hamilton geobgotown branch g c mockay manager shop where you are invited fo sjbop how she told it tjjo street car wa swayn- from slda to si la and a passenger who had not oven u sirup to liana to wast suf- fcriiis us n roiuumiuonce rhrvo tlmss ha landed on tha tap of stout matron who anally lost bar tamper a jul liuiulrod llrm what am you dolnjtt wliat do you call yoursalfr will jinu tho wmlllns roply v think i must now doscrlba ntysalf a a tap bin tli- lbs jokn sppaalad who lift only foncuvo him but decided lo rotuil his humor plio triad it orst on imr husliuiul yes dear sbo said thrvatlmvs h bind oil on my bap and whnn i uskod him wliut ha wam ba nald un kjtklpio r the flu bare not return tbo fid will cortaialv gat m warm reception this winter frit dare aliow it uflly boail lit our pcaeaful midst for tlm paopla aro confident uost that tlm can ileal it such a mashing blow it will- novor survive in every village town onik city fa canada fatuities ara fortifying them selves with tlio fro tost hu am munition known to solenco ltuck lay ttioneliltl mixture colds eoaghs eta tho advance guard of 71a ota aiot wltli withering lira and rallaf from these troubles la oara 4tjy time ona hundred tavuaaau oq aro only too willing to tsa- ufr to tho ffreat healing- odwer this iaw4r eoatsins it baa oonqaarsd aoogjii of so vtiara itandlpg it aa mok fall to jo for you what ik baa cone for thars you have varythlna to pain and nothing to lose a it la old under a money back guaranta to boo lob coughs colds bronchitis bronchial asthma and prevent you front got line ha pin it la not a knip but a scientific mixture 80 no stronger than any other foagv cure oub doso tlvca instant rallaf rtea 7s confif tavo no robsututa ono gnuulno without my algbatara aaav vour druuebjt it 0u in acton 11xat smown tannery cooperative the store of quality and low prices nkwrnksii gbocebies abbiving daily oub customers beceive the 11knkwt ok every decline in the mauket we hav just mildcd to our stock lines of sheeting white cotton white flannelette striped plapnslette ginghams prints towelling etc which wo are selling at prewar prices reduced prices on boots overalls slurls etc farmers bringing produce can buy goods at these low lricks tannery cooperative c a conwak7 manager acton h the studebaker lghtsix the worlds greatest lightweight automobile tho 6vorasscngcr touring car is of 112inch wheclbaso studebaker de signed and built 40 h p 3 in x 4t m motor of high economy weight v 2400 pounds 32 x 4inch cord tires standard equipment h the new studebaker lightsix vs designed and is produced to meet tho worldwide demand for an efficient durable and economical lightweight car it ia a real achievement in advanced automobilo engineering for v refined and improvedtdetiipi with exact balance of weight qukk acceleration flexibility and power per pound of car weight ease of oper an freedom from vibration economy of iixta gasoline and oltconsumptldiiu r prtcbto customer 1005 00 y j n oneill son distributors op studebaker and dodge brothers motor cars for j t acton georgetown and milton b j r le1shman actpn representative reliable table cutlery you in w wimt it is to liavn rsl u i tal in rutwv ut i wtn you imirrh no vvohtf niktl u utlory ynu ran rust ashlirot tlini it is th lt wohtkniioi m ixi iitlniwa btawl unlvvs llwm kkilvis m7 mails of sluliilass stsal an i in or 1 1 nary uss ylll nsltbor rust r stain amir tislna nl only to lo wnatml an i miimhi with a ikuii nlolb to olt an thorn un a knlfo ixunl nf in a maolilns wobll octroy thlr up- tmiarui uo wlilt h otliorwlmi wool i last f r ysrs thn ifnlvos ran imi stooltxl in tht usual way dsssh sttlso tabu tibjx dassn tv iiond hardware co lu honsi 1012 auclm this stores policy to represent cootls ex actly as to their quality to sell to those who know and to thoso who dont know at a uniform fatr price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mls taxes to deserve your conqdonco by always giving you satisfaction savage co j jeweuera guelpii ontario raieoimstvibr itobonto canad grand trunk 5 the double track route ilktw i rn montreal toronto detroit chicago unancoltad ill line car servloa blooplng cars nn ntcbt trains a4 parlor cars on lirlnolpal day trains wull information rrom any onui trunk ticket racnt or c bl iornjv dslrlct vassnar aei t torooto il a hoilmes agent actom ont imkim 11 r noble ltd acton elevator at grandtrunk station a quantity of feed c0kn and oh cake just t iieceived iloult feed nottval bitan and shouts hay stoaw r noble ltd henry awhey mawaobfl when voti ncxxl boots shoes at any lime buv from w williams mill sut a famous pok satisfactory footwear reasonable trlqes

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