Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 17, 1921, p. 4

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jjj fh- ir j pi in arton 3toe frrhb hluuhfiay march it 1ui tuk aitom fhkk iktviul i ing at ii- wr i h ii h mill tlpllhl v u iua p fr li uu i l 1 ie imirt j t rilll kobl l 1 i aivlulmln pat tr 1 i te1 l1iiom- i rj will l i uqoui- i lll 4 i onli lr un i rllml i r i till i l ul li i i a ui il i editorial shall tha importation and the bringing or m toxicatinf litjuor jnto lite province be forbidden i vi s wb ii all ay n on april 18 the growth of motor vehicles use the volume of the manufacture and sale of motor vehicles is mom marvellous it is only twentytwo years since- tin- first automobile was made and sold in llic united states 1 ast year no lessthan one mil lion eight hundred thousand motor vehicles were sold iri that country ten years ago automobile mduitrics were first established in ontario and tho product of passenger cars to date is some four hundred thousand tha wealth of the dominion of canada is now estimated at eighteen billion dollars which consid crinfi the sparcc population makes tho canadians one of tho richest peoples on mrth providence it i journal tho referendum election provisions are making amplo opportunity for polling the voto- the polls arc to be open front eight oclocl in the morning until six at night no excuse for any one entitled to do so not voting germany is sulking again and threatens to sever relation with the allied nations well well try and get along withput her some way but she a got to pay up that war indemnity whether she likes the allies or not av canada f surely gotting to be a country of some importance the i inanco minister tells us it will require 5820u263s to run things this year qut then the luxury or having had a big war cats up nearly half of this largo sum 226757 887 war t costs like fury and wo all jiavc to pay t british and canadian business men have decided to form a canadian chamber of commerce in london fithxthe object of increasing trade with canada thats as it should be the more wo trade with the mother country the soorrcr will our exchange lull with tho united states get back to normal jamaica is proving herself british with practical appreciation of tho benefits of connection with tho motherland the legisutivecouncil last week pair ed a measure providing for an appropriation of 450000 annually for forty years for the purpose of helping in tho liquidation of tho mother countrys war debt prompt steps should be takcl by tho council fo tfill up holes and depressions in tho streets over the water mains tho natural sinking of the fill ins tho wipter frosts and the spring freshets have left num bers of holes dangerous to drivers and pedestrians the sooner these are properly graded and repaired the less liablility of damages there will be the old story that hotels can not be made to pay without a bar permitting tho sale of liquor is well i exploded by the financial report of tho king edward hotel toronto just published by the management last year the earnings were 234700 fourteen per r cent on the investment and a million dollar addi tion is in process of erection i municipalities of more than 100000 population in gfntano are to have women police magistrates if they want them legislation to that effect has been introduced in the legislature by hon w e rancy the appointment is provided for by a requisition of the muncipal council and why not wo havo i women lawyers women alderrnen women trustees 5 v why not women magistrates a torontoitc is pressing a claim for damages alleged to be received as the result of a bad guelph 1 roadway the idea of such insistence doesnt he know that no one ever expects recompense here no matter how bad the roadway or the damage incurred guelph herald hear heart some of us who do not live so remote from j guelph as tho torontoite havo suffered expensive and annoying damages be cause of guelphs bad roads but who ever expects recompense from guelph no matter how bad the roadway i r j heres another tllow at the does a new provincial statute orders that all dogs in ontario will hereafter rcquiro to wear tags which may be secured from tho municipal clerks and cost 25 cents euch k fine for non compliance with tho low is nothing less than ten dollars failure to fill out the form asked for by tho assessor calls for a 5 00 fine tho fee for the first dog is 2 and the ccond 1 the government is making annutdcavor to protect the sheep of tho province hence this new legislature strong troundrt taken by the united stales one by one the bonds are growing tighter about the liquor business north and south throughout this continent prohibition sentiment and prohibition measures arc growing stronger it is reported now that tho department of justice at washington hat refused to reverse its recent opinion holding that transshipments of liquor from one foreign country to another via tho united states is illegal and ships touching at united staes ports with intoxicants aboard arc violators of the national prohibition act lie 1repared to vote tvory british subject by birth or naturalization malo or female 21 years of age resident in the dominion of canada for one year previous to feb ruary i 1021 and in tho province of ontario for two months previous to february i 1021 is entitled to vote on the referendum on april 18 unless otherwise disqualified you may bo disqualified by not being on the voters list see that you get on if not nbw listed at the revising officers revision which will be held during the week commencing march 28 if not on tho list get on services to the community recognized or forty years mr c w it ut ledge conducted the markdalo standard doing much to publicly advance the interests of that town ho has just disposed of the printing business and retired from the journalis he chair tho citizens recognizing his worth to tho community and his sterling qualities in the publica tion of the local paper presented him the other day with a beautifully illuminated and framed address a salient statement in tho address says there has been no movement or proposition for the benefit of the town cither commercial industrial moral or religious which has not found in you a willing gen erous and vigorous supporter mr rutledgo is to be congratulated that the people of markdale not only recognized his yprth but were kind enough to grfc it expression in tnls very gracoful manner 1 n a great iveubyterian leader passes in the death of rev robert campbell m a d d at his home fffmontreal orl sunday morning one of tqe oldest and best known presbyterian minis ters in canada has passed away his death was caused by pneumonia following injuries sustained by a fall from a street car on february 28 last dr campbell was for over half a century in the ministry retiring in 1000 his death marks the passing of one of the outstanding figures in the presbyterian church in canada and was an unexpected shock to members of tho church throughout tho dominbn dr camp bell had been clerk or tho general assembly jtqi nearly thirty years and through that office as well as by reason of his remarkablo personality and at tainments he was known throughout the whole do minion ho took a position strongly opposed to or ganic union of the congregational methodist and presbyterian churches j system not to be t every once in a while thomattcr of political pat ronage crops up in thethouse of commons 6ir sam hughes last week pleaded for its restoration on the oher hand dr j l chabot m p said ho would resign his scat if patronage is restored his ex perience was that job hunters were never off his doorstep and his telephone never ceased ringing in i old days or the spcmsystctn urn nu b e em elusion that a majority of the electors would prompt ly turn down any candida to who would champion a return to the patronage- system on tho hustings ll 1 the shoe factory commluee of citizens the municipal council reappoint ing a special committee of citizens at its last session to undertake the important matter of securing some responsible manufacturing concern t take over the shoo factory building and commence operations as soon as pos slbra is a somewhat unique action it commits a very v- important responsibility upon a trio or busy business men or the towq which if they accept will mean careful consideration comprehensive investigation pn and intelligent negotiation before accepting this responsibility the committee will naturally require from tho council 1st an undertaking that the builders contract covering the building be completed lajhjojbsldetail required by tho speciflcatlpna at the fcij y earliest possible date 2nd a clear and unequivocal understanding or tenns of agreement and undertak ing required of any prospective manufacturing con- rcern to whom overtures may be made or with whorii lwgoiii are to be considered and 3rd sufficient cream e5t flour j m flour you jlaaaaasl for bread hh maple icf mu1i co bbbbbbbbbbbbbf limited ebbbbbbbbbjbbbbb tbus nmi bbbbbbrbbk imiw luiuax t bbbbbbbbbbl jbbb btbbbcjabb vdu cn procure cram d h lindsay of tho wait flour from acton ont one account ior two people thojointbankaccount ia a homo convenience it rimy bo opened in tho names of any two members of a family husband and wlfo brother arid suitor father and bon arhljonch ponum may rnnko deposits arid draw cheques indepen dent of tlio otlior many fudllaa r putting tliolruavlniln a joint saviuga account oa whlcl lntorutit la pal 1 ths mcrchant5 bank had omc montr- canada actoh branch georgetown rancji i power to accept or reject any such manufacturing concern as mfly be desirous of securing these factory lljj premises the council evidently has confidence in v ho business ability experience and interest in tho towns welfare of the three members appointed to this special committee the committee may therefore reasonably expect that power will bo conferred upon ekllhem to negotiate officially in the matter of securing wtta addition to the manufactories of the town the value of the experimental farms system speakers in parliament and elsewhere have re peatedly remarked that tho splendid work performed by tho experimental farms system of canada is not nearly so widely knowp and appreciated as it should be in a recent issue of tho agricultural gazette of canada there appears an outline of the system and tfie tasks m which it is engaged the central expert mental irarm at ottawa isho headquarters of the twenty branch or auxiliary farms and stations it is stated that there is one farm in each pf the pro vinces of prlpce edward island new brunswick and onfari67twoirrnovascotia7foufin quebecrtwo in manitoba three in saskatchewan two in alberta and four in british columbia there are also two sub stations in alberta two in the yukon and one in british columbia at all of these experimental and research work of national importance is carried on eighty illustration or demonstration stations have tgricul dealt with in actual experiment and the results are made public through the press and by means of ad dresses demonstrations and exhibits in short every effovt is made to encourage advance and benefit agvlculturej the basic industry of the country there should bo more general advantage taken of these helpful instlrutibns by tho farmers of canada buy carefully but buy this new slogan is being popularized in canada and is o incident with a new kind of drive in this country the press and other mediums of publicity are aiming to revive confidence in business condl tions and they are warranted in this propaganda the litarary digest which is taking a praiseworthy interest in this important matter says that the new drive does not necessarily mean foolish optimism but a mere recognition of the factthat publican fldence is a most important factor in trade and without it trade is dead the needs the desires the capa cities of tho world continue we are told and the opportunities to get to do and to create business still exist our vision may be clouded by depression buttho realities jiflifo are unchanged and itjs moat desirable that every cifizen will come to realize tho domlnojit importance of restoring public confidence the physical assets of canada have the same com parative value today that they had six months ago and they wjlt be just as valuabto six months from pow to overcome the tardy- restoration of business confidence and manufacturing activities let eyery citizen from now an buy what he needs buy importd booze shall the importation and the bringing of inioxi- bating liquor jnro the provtnee bo prohibited w i rhiiil5 importation of intoxicating liquors into dry provinces was forbidden by war time orderin council ontarios jails were half empty since that order was rescinded imported booze has been filling them up again jail commitments before and after the federal wartime order- in council prohibiting importation ol- liquor into ontario was rescinded commitments for jdrunkenncso 1919 3415 1920 4511 net increase 1096 commitments for all crimes 1919 13096 1920 14756 net increase jt 660 imported booze is demoralizing social con ditions breeding a disregard of law endanger ing the home and menacing the youth of this province imported booze la defeating the expressed will of tho people yote aiid vote yes let us shut the door to imp booge merchants casualty co tllmk lultuul lit h iimc 1 i utii t 1 ov w aiolifirtt 000 l ull in kxcicitionai ol i oltttjnltllih jiou ai aflmntm mm royal dnk bl0 toronto ont j e palmer valuator and guide lil rci ur i w loot farm it in now ontario t r uny who loiro to itriihb 1 linvo ii very intlttiuto ui t wlodtci at urn iwut txjjlltlm fur rnrmlnic will ulu mt bm biilla r r any ik timm wl i 1 hlr tho tm tt inmtltnf of n x t bntrn tun urrribu t e mwiwnu tlulu t m f r u inn oekom r uiwrlw itmn ii mt it iion ex j e palmer attitorion houm cofe cochran go to tho country for frmh air polllloln fo- hot air tho dictionary for oympathy and to tom numley 9 for prompt borvloo tom rumley 8hop8 corner mill 8t and park ave near the mill clearing auction sale int narkaoawbya farm stock implements grain etc tho unltrulunol huu lm ti limtruct v wiuuam mino tit noli 1 y imhllo miction n lot 23 pon 7 nuuu iifowoyn uk ut thrno nillom thursday march 24 1021 itt no iil ik ul irjt tl rollowlhtf iiouhrh l iny rtwr 10 your 1 umy liorno n lyvitrhl 1 iluvk 1 row 11 mum kw1 ilrlvor 1 yor catti i 1 rol niw 0 yrm wltlt oalf ol f t 1 rol now vwrw willi nir ul r u l roi an i vhlio tow ynitru ilui to c lvo muy 1 1 roil nnrt wliiti rnw r yourw ilu mny 1d 1 rotl mil whit nnw 1 yonrx broil jumihiy 1 iiuki r luo mny t 1 nirr mtiiiul to bo in jim 4 yn irrt uintnohihl t li tl i cow s ynuru inn may tiloorlj rulnjr 2 yowl 1 irjjayajg auction sale tiiikr stock implements effects tim un lorblanod baa boon lnntructol by r- pred cleave to onll i y dublin auntli ntltl lot ton 1 tlii ulu ut tliroa mllom trani acjon prioav match 18 1021 ut aolucll llio fouowlnff uoilbkhlluy boroo s youra l1 roimi in nil harnaam bay mura 10 year 4 1 1 hu m no 1 to im in foal to icimoro 1 i uy tram i arohnruna knutobud rl intf 3 un 1 4 will broke 1 roy coll 1 urc n ruins 3 ynarri fattlk i aroy cow v youra old luo tlipo of uulo l gray cow h yonrm ol i duo march 30 1 rl cow 10 yoarm ol 1 trchb in jo nun ry t ml low b yirx 0i1i duo in mny 1 uu etia now h ynurm nil luo in juno 1 bill 4 ow 7 yonra obi tluo in juno mllutui wall lit toot 0 brad of fat raltlu 3 utotittt l your ol i 1 ftry bolfcr 1 yur ol 1 3 utoorn 0 months hoott yorkhlroa 1 wtw wfttt 16 i l wookx uld 04 tlmo of unlu 1 i w with b i iicb p miu oll dt tlmo t r nab 4 oowm brotl inut of january 1 im ii r ifowlzis i lymouth tto w bona 3 tiym lain nnw oclcorlm imii bmkntt mcormlok t hi lor 0 r4 1 nit imw jimt ut ao ocrvu cookhliutt mnkiurn h rmilar n w mc t rml k ii wor c rml rut i ro a wthhl mi drill ix boon ftiltlvnlor 13 kith iittornallonnl bny 1 m lor 1 flrt ll wiitcni iiml wuok tank won ii lav riuu vaou imix 1 wll kli oi i l- no 31 1 floury lilow no jl ij il of uhnlelnlui i lujgy ultor now 1 chatham tannin mill willi liarkor kootl 1 oowity fannlna mill wnt t barmwm aourtlnri umwl imk arli datono teirka tundp nlloor ttono boat whoallmrrow bay fork ami ullyh v ban- bufkatrnp ot haunkilh 3 o alnato itarnoaa 1 wit or louhlo hamraa with i raochlns nn i oollara 1 at i i iloublo hnrnu rr im blauketa strain basm auaar kottlo ttolla br irouah mull box coin aog hay oila1nt iotatoeh mo bunhela new markot otla 3d buahola loa quantity of buy knoxall bat liwn lfi hgw 1 iioulci10ln jopkecth idoal ultobon oublnat httoolal oak hlar wood or coal churn buttar 4owl uaio i rtnt milkpall msnt am para tor quantity uiwuum tfhmm all auma or 10 00 and un ior tiunbl over that nmount tan rrnllt n unproved iolnt iiotoa i or annum off t r raah liny bralm fowl on 1 fat cuttlfl caah u tho proprtotor loaao h explrl kerr auotlonaar i bono so acton w c nilaaaavu tlork duo ai i tw ovir ibro of i il owi- 1 nun 1 mwwitor itol tmml nth mniw y tlwrrli hln lor momhi y hurrlh dtiu luorliik m iwr lr ut st wood oultlvotf r 1 wl lo htonl bor n ruko 1 wl 1o atool i mo rako 1 not immiy 1 itol wikoii 1 km d out tor 1 amil uoufrinr 3 kxil l iowm 1 hot 1 loury bur row ix foot l mt iwii ulnliflim l ruimlna mill l whoolliurr iw i jkt truok whoohi for hinder 1 not trunk wjinolu f ir 1 in dot toiitruo 1 tiirnlt ihii i r ilnricomall iton 1 i nt doul k i nrnomh 1 m t ulnlo baniouh forku nt i uhovohi oltain floo i u bob mlxnd tcralil 400 biml olu itu 40 1 uiibolo huok who it 3 htuholu ui4il ltoflh so nim koo 1 potatoom tiquuk all uumii nt 110 mil uulor ouub ovor that umoiint h tnontba oro lit t nmrovol joint nolo nor uiimim orf for cujt ocjiln ivota- toim4 und iikiiu cubh no rsrva an tho proprietor la as hu expired i r j kerr auotlonr riiouo as anton w k oilaiiaxr clorlf v- fett xxmj iiiqii iiuiii iuw sii umjt woai arefully bufpvv f clearing auction sale in icuin townhhil farm stock and implements tho un lorulgnfl 1 haw rofii ivod jn- atruallot u rrom herman tovell to aoll by nubile uuotlon t 1 t 13 tn 1 krlu ultuiitol on lino u mlla mouiii of tho auolpli bttt win rl yhur8dav march 17 1921 rommoiioliitf tit l mlonk aluirii tho follow i ll honriat ory loroltron kihh rlalng t yotirx wolgltt ouo sruy vorchornii rolllnir rloliik b yoar woluht 1 8fi0 brown 1 oroimroii maro rulntf s yam uhout l 3to uroy nar- rluo mnro it tfood drlvor aruy car rifto inuld oktd cowtt red row mllklntf wh duo may 10 ry oow milking- wll broil ool 1 rom now mllklna well bwl january 38 iwl oow tnllklna wall brml novombor 1 lirlndlo cow mllkliik woll br1 iminmry rot xw t nui january 4 sroy liolfor tirnt pobruary 4 roil hnlfnr muttpoml to to in oalf rod holtoi 2 yoarn duo march 6 llnl- atoln oow duo april 3 rod oow duo in juno lloaiolalfar a yoara duo july jpij1u0 1uubds iriorotioodbtbft due march id bull htrathallan ohlof uflsflh ulro actihta ohlof t fat thoao ura a oboloo lot oc rood bla ooww anil havottll boo bund mllkod youno oattbu3 bouohi 3 yril wblto bolfwr t your ixwm iiart your roiili liolfif 1 yonr 4 oalwom hlliaiai 13 i fiinom owow ollulbv fur yoiilhttutlon liooh yotk tiow with d plaa t mt n ym hwr r t nbout thursday march 17 1321 ninnrlork hburp tho following tiiim 1 ord ih boo lil by luljcoloy hiltlnrluiroii 10039 ho bi n frun iim ii of tha noted kunlxutm of dltoloy her moonl for 1 yar wm 1h744 uu of milk an i sl lli of rut llfumtluuhi j lulijyh can tata lluuty ltlrhi liioo 3 vikn hir dun llmmpton jwlwnnl cantata 46 ti hi ahitoir of kunlmuttn of kdaoltty tltookwoll iteauty isuirl 13303 3 yary i tjltabi matd of lvxmoor 103hoc 3 yaar ilon- ulo uomthu 1 3rl 1wb 3 ora homio hiotcr 1b114 3 yaant i to ron u rouohu i 4th itaron fluid mi lru houhlit horoo 10 yar old ailanr jkhskyh1 cow s yoara 1 1 now 4 yt aii ol 1 1 cow y yora d 1 row yoara obi 1 cow yoara i i 1 cow t yoara old 1 cow b yoara old i cow 4 yeaiu obi 1 oow yoarm 1 oow 8 yoara njd 1 cow 8 yum 1 row 7 yoara old 3 holfor oulvhk tiiono cowa will ha moatly ivoah at tlmo of twin wli on full doitorlptlnn of podlaroca and bromllnr data will bo ulvon piosl 3 york brood mowm woll bnhl with 10 plan oaoh 4 yeoka oil imii kumnth 1 maaaoylurrla 1 indor tiaiid ono knaaon i uojutoy hurrla mowor uikhi ono aoaaon 1 mnioioy ilurrl i uproador uaod ono houuoii 1 waiion 1 wagon ho 1 atook rook l bay rack l itr uarhlhon oultlvutor 1 uot four aootlon iron iar rowa 1 uood drill 1 hnrao rko 1 floury plow 1 turnip pulpor 1 ast alolftlim 1 itrlmlmtono 1 atnnoboat 1 now imrfootlon double unit moohanl- ful mllknr 1 tbroo horao power a-ao- llno onglno 1 stool tiro axtnnalon top murrey 1 rubber tiro lop buguy 1 omn buaay 1 aot toum harnoaa bquvy 1 uot toiim driving baruoaa 1 aot anala hartimoj 1 wot plow harnoaa 1 ao aoalo 1 uugar making outnt comprl ilia 1 muaar kottlo 1 alvanlod ova- porator 100 ai palu moatly now no raaarvo a ik proprlator la qlvlnd up farming tkitmh110 00 and unlor oaah dm uiut umount 10 montha crodlt an t pmvnl joint notoa b ivor oont di count ft r cnali r j kerr a notion i vbotia 38 aotoi il 11 hhoiusy olork clearing auction sale in blltln the farm farm stock impjue 11 ment0 fetc t tl l bat taooivod tu 1 rooutoi im1 i mmlflntb mocftimlok lllii lor 0 foot ivonrliia mow r muaanyllur rla 13 ft iuko hourly now muhmoy llurrla 1 h tlrllll muwioy murrla dluo ul novl lahd rolhr munn culllvalor tl i ootlim burrow 4 mm ion imiaitwi 1 loll m wnlulntf plow no 1 1 irtomy wulklnir plow ntf 31 1 tur nip u iwor mawmoy hurrla woutflor 1 hot of tiolmlolshat 1 lumbor wnon with lioiti 1 whufnt noaily hw i rubboi tb ton humkyi 1 ulu i tiro top buaay l opon imuvy 1 1 ortlail 1 oultor 1 plana box uttr 1 wtook nd hay ruck tomulnol 1 lrortrum runnlnir mlllt i 1 of wiihoii uoulmi four uun b nt powor 1 nutthik imif tluioki root jtulpori wlr mtrololmr whool- iuirrow mtonohout turnip lx v knlfol cyolonn uod r hptuyor u quantity of vmi mull btax 1 ooo fort of mlxod lumber gnrin wrudloi l oat fork ikmia orowhara ahulnu khovvla hruln bun burrolw boxon oto hahnbjhb 1 act t toum hurnoa aut of plow harrioh hu nlnala imrnuoh odd oollara alo rotioa blank- ciualn 300 t uah muo1 sruln boo blimb uutai 100 bunb turn i pa sfi buoti aweet olovor nooit hotrbwiiold wl kigotf 1 i uivtil oroam moparatoi 1 mtay ohurn 1 nlghl aallon oroum cm milk palla butlui bowl prln tu ato 13 uup palla willi uihioh 3 ovaporutln pana llni py tin light mnitei imporlol oafonl ran go 1 la rtlunt homo waft burnor with nvou box atovo hour- blm lulf dyaoiv klt- obin obulrhi j bo ihtnudk svith mattreaa and aprliujm tomplotol 1 hanaltut lompl tulili laniba mtovo iilpcal 1 llhi ox- tlnkiilnhnr tishmh all miimu of 110 00 and under anh ovor that amount ix montlm crodlt wilt bo ivon on fur- nlahlug mumvol joint notoa fl par oont olt for ouali roy hindley auotlonmr kn phona w 11 martin clark v till al wl snaltlvaly burt at ono oolock sharp businoss directory mcmcv l dr j a montven physician and burgaon ofooa and ttoaldoi no c rnr klowa avoi bnd kll htroolw tha raald dm rormarly onnuplal by 1 u llan daraon aoton ont dr e j nelson phyalolan aoton ont oiiloo ai 1 lloal lull t ct rn r mill and wolorlrk htrotm on c f w robs phyalolan artd surgaon mil st oaoroatown phona 22 k ultimn huruuou qriyo loapltajl t iron to upo u1 uttonthu to niauaaca of w mu un 1 cbll lr n leoal mmna lo 33 m iux tl hanou nasi pa11mek m a darrutar sahoilor notary publlo eto perrvman dlock acton ont uonky to loan uouru 9 30 am lo tt put dr j m bell d o bu l d at dantlat honor gradual xtt toronto unfa- alty tho uufti anoathatlo uad tt dalrd ofllu at ruldiium corriar mill kao3 riwlariok btraata miscellaneous y marriaoe licenses h p moon laaua- marrlag lioaaaam trivata offloa no wltoaaaa a- nulrod iaaged t raldfnn in wvnlii hunt raasa offl prancis nunan bookblndar- aooount booka ot all kind mod t ordar rarlodloaja of wmy daacrtp- tion oarafully bound rullna natt and promptly dona wyndham btroot on ph out ovr wulbuna rtorol r j kerr hr lloanaad auotlonaar- ftcoiintlaa of maltoti w 1 bur 31 and uurraiin and th city of tlualph ontario halo may b annoftd by mll at raomumioo at acton or at tha wa irsa ofllcav acton tha uoroory oflloo gualph tho nawa itooortl anrauh or with w j gordon llrn alaw iluuburs ha4oa antruatad to it j kart eoly attantu ii fr in lata of llatlnjf is data of halo t ut y ur uuta with ao raaldanoa bowti- awanua aotaat pbon 3 aoton call at my 0pn roy hindley auctioneer 1uvm uttooic ukaxj lcirtath and ut nckamulhin comolltfetxl hon efln t 11 ii r 3 aoton j e ciieevers book binder quabao 8l eaat oulph ont rook a and tnasuxlnoa bound la llandaoina nd bubauntla1 oovara noma uttered in sold on blblaa eymn xtookj and othor books all work promptly exaouud d alex niven ontario civil burvoys bubdwlalona 1 tana tt- porta doaorlptlona llluxprlnta ato cortlncatoa for puwlmaora tend mortaaaoa rurvoya- or architects uulldorm and uunlolpul council uralnaa raporta kllmatnm eta molgan buildino dou st auekjpli phono 1084 oni jtnifitl in i from tho lunoouttlx of tho win wednesday march 3 1921 nt out nhok ubarp tho f oil owl n houhuu 1 lay horoo 0 y aru oil 1 i uy rurrlugo homo 7 yoartl ol 1 gowl in ull liumohh 1 imy muri 10 yours oil oowh 1 roan oow duo hoptombor 1 1 rml corf duo auumt 1 1 rod oow duo li rll 1u 1 blank niul wblto llol utolii htlfui duo april ib 1 hnlfor 3 yturs oil duo time of kalbl 3 mloora 4 yur oil 1 llurhum bull yours old 3 ntmr calvwi 3 bolfor culvns iklt 1 york how just brod implilqmbnth i lloorlng ulndpr 4 fm t out in goo t uhapo t iobji ilumlllon howr 6 fmit out 1 lnitor humlltott aool drill kooi as how i 1oter llainllton oultlvutor ood ua now 1 lntornutlonal buy louilor good us now 1 hi dullvory ruko uaotl ono booitou 1 vloury plow no 31 1 f burrows 3 aootlon 1 buagy 1 outtar cutting lox l nnlu wugoii nearly now 1 uot hubmlolahm good ua ptaw 1 ut mu ruok 1 aot double harnona forks rukos how hhovolu collura crowbars ohuliih und otltor articles too ttumi i to i ntlou pianos organs gramophones and sewing machines adam atgeo h4 um aifimvy tho tiquujnnvn of thu ubovo und will lo gll ahow uny of bom slnaar bawlnfl maohlna- a bpaolslly tarma mgdusatufaotory tha old poat ohlo- mill st action oni 4 sr tliio iraltm tltora will also bo of forwl tdr uulo uubjoct to u roaervd bid tho farm r mprlitng of 100 acres kltuutnd at lot 4 7th una ulrln well watorod by running spring us sores workublo 1u norea oranard small fruit aluo on promises good bank bar on promises eo7 framo houso s rooms and aummor kitchen and woodshed full partlpulars as to terms made known day of sale bma 110 00 and under caah ovor that amount a month craqlt on ap proved joint nolo 8 per annum off for caah eviwthlna muit be sold to wind- up 7 th suuto b j hbrr aiwtlanar i phona it acbn la bhwuby oltrtt tho old and reliable granite and marble dealers wo uro luanumoturirs und dlraot imitortoru of ull uliiila f monumsnlj und kloadatnnu work wo well dlraot to our customers at wholouala prlo thus uuvlnk our cunloinnrs 40 pdr oant we wvw tho boat api lluuoes uad tha rnly moclianlca iho dt mlalon who cat pprata pneumutlo toou property wo ouji b1v rofurounos from h und rods of our ouutnm rs in toronto and other plnoea whom nthors have to havo law suits in order to oolleot wo have tha tarsest ahd beat atouk of oranha in the dominion or morn than any thre dealers in the wat wo a le mate doajors an 1 omploy no axeat and do not annoy or pout ouatomem by send ina out tic no rant events aollelt- ina orlor wo employ only mechanic and defy competition hamilton sons cor norwl i u wl mia qualpb castor i a for infanta and children in u for over 30 years bigomancj i apt j dtflfv

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