Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 17, 1921, p. 6

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wg g rji i j j- b uj i e dlrtha ilarrtagea end death re now chanted far at urn to hawing rates nirths boc marriages 6o0 jdaaths mo memorial cards koo 10a par line etrs far poem born iiauhaltd in acton n monday march hloll in urmi1 mr k j hansard a imhi davlunpoilt on wednesday march b 1d11 mr and mr icdwrln chas uavenport nimurnwcya a ton died- mcrilair at ohrlis- on sunday march 13 1031 jtihn o mephall in his 67th your moitbooh at ha homestead in trnf ulnar on haturday march 11 ibm john ix mcgregor in hla c4tfa year in jjemoriam oawphicll in sad and loving inom- ory or my helnvod wife itessle camphell 1100 mann who departed this ufa mo yoar up maxell is 1920 thin lay lirtngo buck sad memotin of the ono who halt one to root and tho ono that think of hr to- day ara the one who loved herbwt irosnanb axi4ak in loving memory of mydar friend wlnnirred allan died march 17 1910 sleep fcn dear win and toko thy rest theyrmlom you most who loved you beet friend aro friends if they urn true nut todaythose friend ore tew ever remembered hathe atxiarv in loving momory of our daughter mr w c allan who died march 17 1m0 for many your our family chain jjvo closely linked tenet her rut oh that chain i broken now and one link son forever sadly missed by her father and mother mr andt4i- v j bpear ilrothera and bister qjife attxrn 3 xtt tyctm thursday march 17 1181 1 brief local items t- pabrlakaday to ut mornln quite a thunderstorm on tuesday evening maple syrup and maple sugar aro now being advertised jloovo barber was at a meet in of the county council on tuesday a m to una of tho director of th acton vail fair wo held on tuesday evening tho pari review recently pur- ohoaed by c c nixon of toronto ha suspended publication t headline second chap tor of the story ktplng tho hoy on tho farm in thl litufl on page two south wellington tj v o and 1 it p have decided to place a joint candidate in the rederal held pool agricultural society wlu erect a theatre and office building in tho fair grounds to cost over 130040 be auro your name on tho voters liat then vote and vote tea cloao fhe door to boose for the future tho ontario motor league has en rolled a considerable ust of new mum- bora in acton it is hoped this will result in a mora liberal distribution of road signs prof murdock of ouelph o a c will give a motion picture leoturo on power fannin in wonderland on monday afternoon nexti no will also be in acton on tuesday a picture post card was received at this omce last week showing one of the fine hotels at hamilton ber muda tho card bore this significant information as the rates at this hotel are s18000 a week we ore not stopping there y ilev w e lsnord b a field secretary of the bible society iwlu preach next sunday morning in knox church and in tho even in in the methodist church on monday even in he will show a series of moving plotures on souoth america in knox charon r j kerrs sales friday march lsrf w cleave erin wednesday march 33 batata uta rlohard ilardins briru mpndalr march zl john leader yflm oataftkxa- tuesday april 6 jacob ml mimosa cattle hones purebred luws milton i wuuam bowman one or milton respected cltuena died on sunday after a unoiv limes aed 71 years 1 mr bowman had been a suooessful farmer in ksqneslns township for many years he is survived by hli wife ifoursons and one dausbter thomas and- chester be4reti fair- field toronto vance ouelph and mrs william scott jr milton j j wilson and a s wlllmott have bought out the flour and feed buslnessnr j o bel o b bowes is confined to his room by illness he is miltons oldest clu sen he celebrated h1 s otb- birthday acouineetmswtabt the two old stops on main street oppomlto mooreheads are belns torn down they have been standlns for about seventy years wore dilapidated and uiythln- bpt ornamental but tho umbers ore sound and good tt it nenwtreet is stadually roooy- erlnc from his reoent illness police moclstrate dice who has been 111 since christmas is rapidly oonvau eaclns the ladles aid society or knox church will hold their annual bazaar this thursday evenlns- judse elliott had a brief slttlns or therlilvulpn court on friday cham pion j burlington cleav a cleaver rcporc that number of the town- debentures offer ed in our loot issue have already bean sold and number of enaulrea have been received remarks are heard on all aides n reenrd to the condition qf some of the roads on the side streets aflfcusdy fv p jtrfojv mr harry blesslngers class held a very cn banquet in lhe metho dist sunday school last wednesday evs tifbt whan about twentyfive boys down r t mr and mrs john brldjre ood son 2l recsrle left last thursday for new xv xork where they soiled for buuiland ji bn saturday- on the steamer impera- lor i 1 i mr oeo sweoun has sold his fruit rami on newstreet oontolnlns 18 acres to r w armatrort arin- r turnover pi iiooooj about six oclock t oirrrwjnsdy vctilngias brt bike oa in- t double frame house ia oauirkr r inrrv thearentenrspei ji lyaiiexunaujahedibil p- johejcviyp fewetvervdwss thktv00cknl0om your mirror somwa mxhefaceaho savmfla5s trirtsriaajl the house op bono fame rooeey ml co muala publuiher tor onto are lnulns in sheet form tlia lutest protluctlon in popular- tone a nti bwlluiln an well uu how and utan-l- rttiituirtd uoiuiu und o10 older favor ite which lin vi lomc olasnlcs and are in oonslnnt demand they are hcnutlfully printed 0n excellent munlo paper and aro well sdapted for nnrvlcn mth ori tho piano and in the hundu of vocal i iila home of tho now popular sons doservlnx of mention are the itarefoot troll by alvln h winers roe t perfect xjowo- by wlurld sanderson the itoud that ioeda to yqu hy w ii batilre a son of home by fred itayle my pear or memory by t wilkinson slephen- won mother my own e rlchord- camwell a lone lint of fine new aarroil aonsm has lately been published and amy woodford finder fpur indian iovo lyric 1 i1jm on ihn hat of tho house of bonff korae uoosoy a co38 yonse street t ort of a face does your mirror mske when you tal look at itt does it seem to b satisfltj with your appesranoet if not run up to quslph and our new 8phino toqs will put you on peakinci term with it again geqwallace i allways reliable i clothier jjuelphdmt canyouwritea business- letter minetenths of tho worlds busl- ticm 1 done by latter tour ability to write business letters mean speedy promotion our tralnlne in this subject is very special und thorouich it is a common remark from business men who have our sraduatee in their office she certalnly can write a business letter you core start any day and re ceive the same tralnlne that placed your friend in her present position of responsibility dont pot tins off guelph business college hrald bldg oualph ont a ubouckprlnolp prprltqr only two weeks more of sale at the end of twoweeks our btore will bo closed so if you jieed any spring goods come in nd look over our stock mens allwool overcoats latest cot beg 30 for 1075 ladw au wool jersey sport coats 796 siripedflannelette 36 inch 23c white flannelette 18c our entire stocl has bcon groatly reduced and you can obtain real bargains do not slam the door in the pace op op- ppbtinnw- l starkman mdx street acton clearing auction sale ttnaptoni farm stock impl etc the unilorblrncd has received in tructlotui from v sm lasbv to sell by public auction at the sta tion hotel aotfiii on saturday april 2 1921 at one oolock sharp tho ralowlruf horses i percheron mare rlulrtn 7 yearn 1 iorolioryn homo rlhlns d yours this u u boo i tcum cattiel hrlndlo oow g years due july b 1 red oow 0 years milking a months 1 ronn tow s yeurs mllklnic well j houtoln cow 6 youncduo juno 7 1 irointencow3yoar milkj in well l heifer i year 1 calf r months r piob 3 sows id piss months old implements mccormlck binder mccormlck mower xjccarmlck rake tirf tooth oultlvutor set harrows 3 plows fleuryond verity 3 furrow plow noxun seed drill sltpp slalsh with ftut imjttom wnirkun and box pulpor cutter turnip drill other ar ticles too numerous to mention harness guainunapotaxoks 1 set douhlo harness iso bushels barley itoodvsfiol u tiuiintlty of mixed kralnvwheatmid outs 1 40 buss pota toes terms 11 months credit on ap proved joint notes 4 discount fur cash o ruin und potatoes cash r j kerr auctioneer i phono 3o acton ii b bhorey clerk tho denr little wot tittle sham rock is out thl mornlnx bruiht and early fc v 2verton the offering recently token up in the disciple church for the armenian and china rellnf fuiins hmoilnlwl to i7g76 mr timiimii mrs petnr stewarts brother huu moved to the farm he purrliused from mr wllbert talbot the next roeellna of the womens inmltute will txj held at the home of mrs hnrtop on thursday april t 10 to 50 a week at home in your spore time in- crease your inoome at home in your npore time you can earn 110 to 10 each week no csmvasstns or bo ltd tin we teach you how and upply you itnady work write to day for full particulars national show card school ltd room 41 44 adelaide su w toronto canada along witli easter coynes- the first of sptiojc and summer showenk rofsuns and dampness nltematlns are the two elements utat play havoc with unprotectedbulidllies reliable tin and sheet metal work la necessary on every mtructum yours will be prompt ly and reliably attended to u buaranteo covers the work f mooney aotom omt miss murrays millinery openings villbe held thursday ancl friday march 18 and 19 her parlors this spring are at her residence mill street second poor from landsboroughs meat shop all are invited acton florence jvrjrray spring millinery opening thursday friday saturday march 17 18 and 19 all ladies invited nellie m stockf ord acton guelph elora stops fire quick pronto is tho first practical fire extinguisher at a reason able price 375 complete instal- one in each room- of your horqje for the price ofother fire extinguishers see it demon- atrated at niy shop a few paua of buckwheat iloney atll left somgoo0 dry hardwood windmills sou aid bepa1red aaohnfi rngtnfg puippi pump jaxkipertuixrrgeiiqine evofit yum fence and gates cream separator oil repairs for different makes of cream separators and full line of farm ftladalnery and binder twine e parker mill st acton x tatsntsdvodslui dies tho port kowiin news awf par- tloulore of the death art iteuruary 10 of charles uenjamln klllronster son bfmr jukd mrs c bj kulmaster port bonvneukiw or mr jphn c hill anivi v4ctorla iioii brliliyormr imanrwas enaoaed in i hhitqr was a vooal- iet1ietf4pifc and won an u church ifcw- rba i ftitkerftnd wwffimteil jb who iifstjrmist afjnttsa vavharlit iib u ntltmtefor tlm liuoattt tlrnrorft sfltei4l ft m bllrtlailjjrt iu grand dairy and stock farm 150 acres in erin township 1 moje from ebn 120 acres workable balance swamp and bush u acre orchard 10 fall ploughed goucreh frsnh seedlns sandy loam soil new cement block house of d rooms furnace bath water inside bank born mxm cement lours stabling- for 0 horse and zs cattle wlndmlll softool k and church i mile telephone possession arraned price stsjeo term arranavd t 10 acres m erin township iv milesfnom erin ss acres workable bulanoe ioture 3 acres orchard 40 acres fall ploughed clojrmoam soli v well and uareek new brick housa of 8 rooms hank barn 7xxs0 tleun b horses and 14 cattle pla- pen driving shed -48x80- waterin shed bchoolnd churckth mllw uurajiair- and telephope possession arranged prloo 9j000 terms arranaod 150 acres in calfidon townsiui 3 miles from cheltenham 1s4 acres worabl balance maple- rind beech bush lit acres orchard 4b acres fall plouihed clay loam sbll oood wnter 1 well and acreeh itouu boost- 1 w use oc-a- roo oam frxao tteuir ii horses and 80 catle close to church rural mall and tolephope poasesslon arrunaed price k14000 terms arntnrcd head office rarm victoria street toronto tbttephonb maw wm new for new clothed every woman tries to freshen up her wardrobe in eoroe way in the bpring before you ilaye a new dreas or suit fitted buy new coraeta we handle two of the v beat makes in coraeta cromp tons cc la grace and tho d a easy prices at l50 200 2jjg usd j275 500 snd 375 brassiere in pink nj white at 75c 5l00 l25 il50 l95 kayser sou glotesv we stock- this kayscr make of gloves as they aro without a doubt- tho best-fltting-and- best wearing glove in the trade black and white all sizes in stock extra good value at l25 and 150 a bargain in stripe bath towels just 15 dozen in this lot of towels sizes 18x30 fast colors regular price 60c each on sale this week at i8c- ladw black silk hose special at 175 wide width while saxony fuiuieleue special at 25c per yard ad pure linen craab toweluag regular 50c for 38c extra heavy ticking 1ca urawl special at 50c yard mens black denim overalls bull dog make all sizes in stock you can depend on getting any amount of good hard wear as every pair is guaranteed by the maker p have been handling this bull dog make for three years and never had a pair returned buy tho bull dog mclean co mdx street- vie sell for cash wb sell for less acton tannery cooperative r- thestoreofqjiaktyandlwprice8 our customers receive the benefit of every decline in pricesau goods sold on basis of the present market price below are a few of our prices tms week pure lard shortening fine patras currants 24 lb sack pastry flour best peanut butter bulk dates large navel oranges sunkist lemons finnan haddie best quality flannelette per yard heavy factory cotton per yard farmers are invited to bring their butter and eggs here and receive the benefit of our low prices tannery cooperative mill street c a conway acton new advertisements continue from iuge ono tenders for purchase of building healpd lenders will ho ieaelvixluit i and innittdlng tlm 2sthdsy of march 1031 fr llia iiurchaso of the pnratltik hultalng oukm imllvr is tiilm rnmovwl sltuutn on the t it hldltttf tleorittituwn stallmi lfnmt murkod litxii for 10 of tnndor mmit nooomiinjiy oitor ltx completion lit htiln lmlnnou in 30 and 80 days on uood hiicurlty- insiettlon of building hnn lx hud on applloatloii mr v mowharter near tlm premises tomtom sunt to the blgus fruit and product co 374 llurlnlgton tint tenders wanted tendsrs will lm received by wither of the umlomlsiuml tu in haturday march 24 for a oneton kord iruru with nabaiid dump body llrlv make tmeumalln tires kverythng in tlrnt- olass condition can be soon at acton hydro station tho highest or tiny tender not nee- esnarlly accented ueojtmm uvnwi chairman llydn ciimmlnalon acton qnt mih kthkij htallicman hccratarytreahurer acton 1iydri 3s1 commission acton ont annihilate your eve strain bv bcientificallv fit- ted olasseb ktxii your oinnlenoy of vlulon at the hundrikl ik r irnl mark by giv ing- tlm tiys tho conslderallotl they denervo irft aim loll you if your vision is aalijjritofi men wanted 610 per day v special 4 weeks oas tractor coursc special 4 weeks auto mechanics course s0 now on at hrmphius auto gas traotop schools 163 kinq st west toronto paperhanging prices we the undersigned paper hang ers havo adopted tlia following prices for tho season of 1911 and take this- met hod of informing our customers und tho publla venerally 60o per hour for painting w if walker i wondejn a coitdinn acton irabruary st 10s1 clearing sale op winter goods no need irolng to quolph for dol lar day you can moke a dollar hoio just on well overalls o 92jw work flhlrts tj6 winter cups o 1rs and 2j and other goods in proportion como in and see us for barsalna shoe repalhnq neatly dans ek cook uiuj ptiuejet acton announcement to farmers agricultural educational lecture l prof murdock the guelph agricultural college will give an illustrated lecture vith motion pictures on power farrningin wonderland theatre acton at ijop m on r monday march 21 the pictures shown were taken at considerable expense and show interesting development in the various stages of growth qf products who attend j admission freevehybody welcome ninth annual tour of the franklyn stock company i presentlsgr their latest and most successful plays j fridaythe wolf a beautiful play of tho canadian north wast dramatic thrilling and chuck full of interest from staff tflnish latest vaudeville between tho acts saturdaywhy gffils leave home this is a pleasing love story where the daughter is the prico to pay off thejnoctgage and ia full o irish and english comedy 1 you canqot laugh dont come to see this flan of seats for sale at itrowns dtnuf store reserve 50c7 rush 35c plus war tax ciiiiiiilc some peoplo still have thb idea that candy is bad for the teeth ask any dentist and he will tell you that this old- idea is all a mistake candies are not as badfor your teeth as many foods this saturday we otter you 100 ths ofa mixture a toffees jellies creams caramels etc reg 40o lb saturday treat pree29c wekend cbtocolates 39c have you tried our saturday special if not you are missing something worth while assorted chocolates reg- 50c andooctb weekend special 39t s chocolate bjfor 25c v 100 dozen assorted nut iyiilk awculajbavsl reg each saturday special 7 for 25c we serve cold meat sandwiches tea bread arid butter pie etct try our apple pie and ice cream bftampton oeoeoetown milton actmht cockshutt implements took f th new cxkajfihvjtt implement sign- on stephensons blacksmith shop for plow shares and repairs which havearriyeff call on saturday and get your supply of crown gang coctohnlt no a ww km luijkaiiaroo shares specfclt attentjonqiyen torepafrs high suniard fanm implrrorals auto lenses auto yklj- rnnjarrri v ttsbassissjiamatti

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