Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 31, 1921, p. 2

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r ahoi 4 oowinhrt75ihj iwrtjpiwni fo4w frwmr trst spssisws i v7ttpa tiiuhjway mahcji 81 1921 a the dusv man if you wuut io u fuvor il nn fly h it n dhglngfrl t i alii wui til it nilun h t m 1 nuro on wl ich you r itl d i i l0 ik i o i liti wl nlwuyrt 1 nil m mil 1 iunn tlm t hn uut if y i in want your rvi i 1 n jllht 11 k hi i uv mini ti o tmli will lulatlin iinvof linn a m mm t 1 ittn ututrn 11 u ulw iys uihiik on until ula frl i i 1h nr hi dnsulr hut ll 1 ri mte very waking hour in row i 1 full nt work rtfots the urf of wusllnft limn 111 shirk tin whii y u wui t u favor rime an l wuiit it right uwuy io lo llio man wlio constantly work twenty imuni u day hi ii ftnl u mr timi t mint unmewliom lhl haw imj tlmr use an tx y ii wlillo tlm idlo man la fnimii v mi okoum v ir wiuii hf ml imhllmi the henry clay spoons l welding silver i said hdm- intf up u mil sliver spoon that in contrast with the rest i f the ton uervloe and in tact with ovnrythlng in margaret living room wm unmistakably old no they re my henry clay spoons reitllel msjgurot milling at her nrumlmothur whoa black eyes bright oned in response 1 never hoard of that pattern said i tried to put surprise into my volo b a bait for the atory that her glance had hinted at margaret s grandmother was a ral grandmother with thin white hair kind wrinkle and ii jiost of tale that she wm ready to tell without being coaxed its not ttio name of a pattern my door alio began though x doubt rhetlicr many pattern have oa mood a right to their nunu a these spoons but in nplta or the momentous went that gave them their name they mostly recall to me my own lutle mother not a oho appeared on that particular night hut as ahe used to look hovering over her household ods at uie time of the spoons hr hsuwhold soda warn comparatively few nvbft ajjjur furnt ture won of the substantial sort that required only to bo kept beautifully clean but to the fev choice piece tbero wus a certain amount of dally attention due that meant not merely an extra polish for the rocker with the goose nock arms and the spindle legged sheraton chair and the m hoffany cheat to mother it aleo meant stand ing across top room to admire them happily but the apple of her housewifely eye woe her wedding alhrer j often wonder whether her conscience did not prick bar occasionally on jvofount of tho pleaauro ehe took la it jou see ahe u of quaker stack terhap on account at the simplicity of ity ancestors living there had been stored up id her on accumulated jqvo for beautiful things and alfo waa expro log what her brondmothethad re- jiroaoed h t though i wu moat like myraetl- cot father t had eiuyigh of ay mother in me to enjoy the aparklend dllnk br the ellvetj wheji one lalt it out by the ihjht ef one candle totaf rthe table eet that happened anvi nwhen eb woe gttlnxready for jraeat j phihw and than while it was atm afternoon sthat she did ee merely to aave lmc x could not believe thought rather that it woe not enough for her to ooo her preojau mt tn he preaence of father aolemn gueau and i that ebe therefore oet the table early for a jlttlo private feaat oft the eyes the drawn abode woe of course to keep thieve from peering in of that i woe certain with a port pleasant terror that the tromhung ahadowe coat by tho candle only in meun bomethlnf itwcot not to be unod i oornmoin any mora than flurling on that i articular night i wan ironont nly buonum tho guest mr haplln wu very fond of children- u fiukilmttlng nontleniau uit1 i uiwint the tvonlng on hi knon llulon ing to u hui ilrnd talc when it wan time fur tn to rt turned impulalvoly thoeu my dnnr mr ohaplln i ualrt blatantly 1 know i ad ilono nomo thing wrong i iitlior itlnn ol lueorly at mnthir whoao ol ook were plttkar tliun uaua t ii uhl i ot ulovp and no took up my out thlw i what i heard wtiun mk chuplln i a 1 not o irti t it a httlo better my dear not tu teach hoi what al o will havo lo unlearnt you know i alwaya aonaldared that thoalng and thoulng an urfw lutlun 1 knew that at n thei hotni though i hud never been thora beoauao grandmother ha 1 died tlmy uuo 1 thee and thou all the time unit that mother bad ken noma lrl i wanted to tell her to auk hlro why he liked her ttn oertaln thut the juuutlun would reduou him to abjuut i enitmce but f durod not mother u uucntetho maelc of which hud j only known it wrought tha kindly uttnonphern t c our homo that everyone lovod buuo4 me to ponder ngreuuiiy thou and i felt in my voxauontnat ahe woe er-huw- cowurdly had it hot been for the nllvor i might have held that opinion for yearn but an it wjuj 1 loumud that my motbnr oul 1 llobey an 1 pvwi make ruply i remember uwoklug oio night in the lurk and trembling at tha aruah hi it had arouaed me than i hoard my rather vole low and ntnin he had nvr 1hmd roaliy otorn with mother way ink xi t put your foot on tho ntalr jiuiet oo hack to your room hut 1 tin tea i of d ing an he ordered ho came to my room and put her nd me jelling me pot to be afraid tbon he deliberately marched down nd after a mekouing interval during which i longed to lwten at the top of the ntalrn hut dnrod not on account f tha dark they came back together tho thtuvut liad gone wlndow wax nailed faat and i mut go to uleep again but tiurpruo und awi beelde the romnahtn of rear kept my eye wide open aurprud beciiuae father had not ld a word about mother coming downitatre instead had hold hor clone by the arm ami awe becauee the impossible had hap peuod mothers wedding silver was gone not once in the day that followed did my mother menmon it- i was astonished at her gayaty during meals of course we had always used pewter for every day- but to me there was euch e gaping hole in that drawer behind mothers chair whom the silver hud lain that i know she muit feel the emptiness of it like u cold draft from the collar as usual it was from tlio top of the stairs that i found out the truth at the table one day i had caught mothers alarmed look when father announced guests my dear she said us aoii as i loft the room wu miit have gome silver one experience tike this would aeem enough jo mo junet ho replied but think to nuat your guests be fore pewter i j could n t do h 1 seat myself to pewter every day and i m a hearty muni ho laughed and you my deux- are he artyand wise hv added patting her on the back as if the matter were flnlshod that night oho fairly compelled father to corao into the dining room after the labia was sot cani you door she unclaimed atandlnc before him all daintiness and dejuctlon from fathers laugh i know that he could not see that night ahe endured anil for several other nights though each time she led father protesting into the dtnfng room t cannot we afford it r mother asked onoe s tve shall nevor have enough to spend money foolishly my door la it foolish tojpuutho best before purc g11 i eserve4 slsdld oojy in f j sealed airtight packets economical t vc ita salada used in millions ol teapots daily after the table was set i was kept upstairs for fear of my being in han nah s wnyln the kitchen which was my favorite haunt my father liked to bring people home to dine r ray thinking they were not the sort that matched tho silver harrisbnrs though scarcely more than a small towpben was nono tha leas the capital and abounded in serious men whose tooes rumbled at the tables long after sheer cold had driven me from my post at the head of the stairs in that secret spot which by day light was merely the top set x learned many things from the downstairs world i lhd no qualms of oopsolenoo over the sin of eavesdropping it was unknown to mq booms aword and as a misdemeanor i was up stairs be cause children woro not permitted downstairs after certain hours and so long as i broks no boundaries i was justified it making my solitude as in teresting as possible and i heard things different from learn cm tabic conversation for i took jny post long before the guests arrived after mother had gone down ahe real ly descended the stairs when she had on u silk gown i often heard her ask father to come with her to look at the table just to see that everything suit ed him and i felt a little sorry at his inevitable bluff refusal and then she asked as she always did if this were tho gown he would have chosen lie had thlsansweri beautiful my dear and j shall be sat isflod then nly mother would sigh and pass intathe dining room tor a solitary inspection i tried to picture her pass ing from plaoo to piece ht the tabic as i knew she was dolnglyhjubtlo of lier gown to think that fattier looked interest in tho quality of thoso dinners is a j mistake regularly he arrived early xrom his ofqco fo inspect tha joint fjs heforej it want into tho ovtn x won- ijv dered why tha meat should majca such wl worenco to men who were so hv of indifference he looked jet her pussled 1 ve oomo to ugree with you this time aonoadoat i couldn t seat llanry clay to pewter i want you to get tho silver my dear i want it mysolf micro dock tlmt jtatlafx xoul no sho answered qulukiy and her voice wua not one whit higher it does not sutlsfy mo not upu stop will 1 go tor the v silversmith and whatever silver comes into this house sir for henry clay or for any guont thooll bring thyself motlikr turned and was gone und terosted in their talk aa not tomlnd lsflmethlng that i vaguely opocted to a whether or not my another wore her prettiest gown i hoped that she would ask father that question but she never 4ld -i- wtat thoxikqulsua was to her shu- pllotty was to him not that he ob- r jected to her lave oi fyo beautiful tliat waeporf of bahj a woman but anything that seemed to him to smack of affection he set himself against vigorously t7wlf from- 1 the top of the stair after the one guest night when x had beenallowed o appear my mother when she kissed me a night always said leaning over v ifrpfliirk twees my darling rtty ana my answwr was thoeji my darling daruns mother without t x never slept though i mast admit it j my touralon to th top step intervened between her good ki nlghf and my going ta sloop to me tr wtu a- confession how wo elt to your gtiestet yrvmiful bfyym nleoe at otimcahe coaxed j a piece nt a time to tempt thieves he replied it n t practical janot to me the table loqks well and what la is good enough for me aod is good enough for my friends aiter that not a word was said on guest nights mother inspected the table as usual but she never asked tather to look it evef nor did sho his opinion about her gown there was a deliberate little carelessness about my mother as she descended tho stairs no sho merely wont down nowadays and passed the living room on her solitary way to tha tabje that bud gone on for several weeks when early one afternoon father open ed the door hurriedly and called up- stairs the hour was unusual enough but to call upstairs and in such a voloe events wwo on foot mother went down to hlnu and i took up my post wjanet he began henry clay is passing ftyrflugh town he will speak at the state house this afternoon and 4 dins with us this evening then father laughed dont look down hearted mx dear if wo ure to have henry clay perhaps our future presi dent we might we might have a little celebration put on your bonnet now itictofc the silversmith closes then ho paused grandly- you may get whatever silver you like there was another pause and then my mother answered in n voles that was unusually soft it noams hardly right after so many of your friends havo used tha pewter she said this is a real porjqnjige he re piled laughing again tn pure delight they will not liav their ayes tsllver pewter or anything hut the man 1 11 vouch for that jlut ir they 11 not sea it why go to the eaponsor asked my mother alarmingly calm because thu la a special oaoaslon ho said a little umasod comet tho shop will olose yes x feur it will sho unsworcd do a llttla brighter than you orejatlll mors slowly unl with an odd air full did nut rll nor did father look ut her as ho had dono the inst tlmo thee hud been spoken in our hoiiaa he passed his hand nervously over he chin und tattoto apeak but mother wus in tho kitchen with hannah after a few moments the- door olosod quietly and then i heard tha gato click x crept downstairs after mother half afraid and half longing ta hug her an hour- later the door pened-und- ln come father with a big bundlo in his arms ho smiled a little queerly when he saw us from the way he puty tha puekngo on the tnblo i know thoftlt jns heavy ttoxltt opnttrwpn yather asked looking at mother wujvthp same aueep smtie und patting her arm ofyy 1 4 i wanted tprsshlm and mother did kiss him than i wag vjlowel tq untie eaeh boy tpuoh j every shining pleoe whhe iual when m l hor whisked mn for rnil halfway up nhw turntul an father on hod to her w uldn t your vlolrt irfwu bo suitable for to night my dear7 an 1 at the lop wtep uhe u topped and hugged mn ah 11 at top stapl then an 1 there i asked if i mlghtn t peep over aw if the thought had just occurred to me tho great henry clay and mother tiaja i trittfnl ittuniuia do it atinlii far of coumo it wun t lollta i indo my 1 ihl journey thero surly us ponatblo an i nearly ull pe 1 down in my qlatlon when father met motl or 1 1 the foot f tho tlayu wl ich she hu 1 duscendod with tho same oil dignity nnd said they would inm act tho table together 1 cannot ronyml i- a single detail of ilenry clay g appeurunfn wn too full of il turnout ul the gleam i caught in the white tabid au t peeped through the baluster it was mother myi dainty mother liappy again with br silver to bundle un 1 with some other hupptniihw in lioi oyes tlmt i could n t account for the pussla of that wu enough to nil my thoughts and so to this very day though the liwnry ctuy silver it always remained those poons especially recall to me my own llttls mother seed potatoes and prepar tloh por plantinq forced sprouting for an early crop t isia common practice to take the esed tubers to a light room of about 60 degrees temperature by the last week of march to glvo them four to six weeks to warm up and si rout a thick green sprout not mora than half o inch long is wantad the ox act gain in growth from this treatment has not been determined in one trial at fhs experimental station frodor- laton the difference in growth as between seed so treated and seed taken immediately cram the cellar was vary slight plants from the at routed seeds wero only from two ta thro days ahead of the other tllnfetlon to ktu any spores of common scab aq to sume extent tlhlsoctonla the potatoes should b treated with a ltslnf taut the safrnt to use is formalin ut tho rate of nlnt to so gallnin of wut r tho tul mm a re beat bagged and ilin imiinrueil for two- hours in vafftltfa tors ure now trying out mejhodh of dllnfncttou wl orehy tin use of host aiil44jrontor strength o solution will materially hanton tho pro cess of dlflinfecllon cutting tha bott exi crimen tu havo proven qui to olaarly that tha mont ooo nomlcal way to nn nqaii is to cut tn sets weighing not less tliuit one i utao and no i moot than two ouhcoh with from two to thren nyen to tho set cutting by u machine or a cutting hoard may ha economical in largo commercial operations but as when using these the else of sets and rium her oywe oannat ha wsll regulated nor 3ibi i nation of internal disease car ifa outtha advantage of speed may not be good economy to musn sure that no sets infected with black leg fusaxlum wilt juttaj blight and other possible troubles nro i phintod tha beet procedure is flret to throw out all qut and bruised tubers cut a thlnsllco off tho stem epd and then discard any tubers snowing dls- oolorntlon two knives should bo used one kept standing in n can of torroolin- solution immediately a discolored po tato is cut the kntfo usod should be nut in tho disinfectant and tho othor knife taken astho elc dry out quickly when nut and will heat if left in piles at barrels they should be coated with dusl oypsutn or laud plaster is ouo of tha best materials to use and if from two to four quarts in spread through the barrel of seed the seta will keep cool and nrm without deter oration for days and even week air slaked lime is frequently used and jejome times road dust and sulphur lime if not thoroughly slaked may injurs the eyes and makes the sets unpleasant to handle w w hob i hard superintendent experimental station frederlcton n b i lime as a boil builder urtllu m 11m lunttitn nulhclency of thn o mi t vusuntlal elements for growing plants nltrogon phosphorus it l totauh should any ot thea be 1 1 king plants unnot grow aatlsfao tarlly lh two latter elements are fuuiid in tho mineral soil particles nnd ulno in the vngatablo matter that is in the sjoiti tw fouj i in the vogo table matter only thus it will 1 u uoen that a soil deft- nluiit in yegntubla matter is lacking n nltr gnu nttrcgun well ntl when buying com- inirrlul forhllrn is tho mast expen sive l lain nlemont touting at least is conts lor pound if tho fertiliser eon t iiih a l or cent of nitrogen tho cost for this oltiriepl in one tan would be 30 00 the lbgumm whan fully established have the powur to obtain nitrogen from the air through a soil organism which forms nodulos un tho roots of plant belonging to this order the prinot i ul logiitnlnous plunti are the common red clover ulufkn olovar alfalfa swset clavvr vatoh npl peas und of these the common red blovor is probably of the greatest impertuncu riiere uru upproslmatety 70 pounds of nitrogen in 1 54 tons of clover hay an i tha irolixtlon of this amount of ttp growth lottvnhtrtoot uytem con tnlulng at loasl 1 s00 pounds of vege tahlo mutter fur n inning say so pounds of nitrogen in tio soli of this 10 poup in of nltrogon in tho entire plant it has bei n cnllmutod that about to nountls comes from the air and si pounds from tho soil provided that conditions favorable to tha activities of tlin hacterlu exist it will be seen therefore that thtf 70 pounds of nitrq gen at flie lowest market value h worth 117 go or nearly m much aa that in one ti n i rhigh grodo fertilizer ih hard to realize tliat 1 tons of ulovnr axtrnrts from tho ale nitrogen nquu ti that conlulnail in one ton of our best fertilisers true some of this may bo lout by careless handling of tho manure from stock but for the most art it ahouhl ultimately go back he noil if the hay crop is not sold it has baun foun 1 that the soil c ganlnm whi h furnluhes thn clover willi nitrogen ficm tho air does not thrive in an aul 1 wt 11 or on nno lucking in lime coiihi qtidtttly if wo wish to build up u soil through the clover plant it is necessary where soil acidity is found to htoot till condition by an applica tion of limn li some form j round llinestono la the most popu inr and erfoctlvn form of lime if ap pile i at tha rate of n tons per aero when sevdlng to groin nt which time the clover h tumully xown best results wrtl bu olitulnul subsequent op pi i cations of one ton every thraa years usually uuulce t maintain freedom from acidity among the many touts conducted at tho hxporlmoituil station kentvllle n m the onif untried on in half acre plots in of particular interest there was little apparent difference tn the crop of grulh on the plots but the ayer- ago of four half acre plots which were limed whan seeding down at the rate of 3 tons per acre was 42 bushels and is pounds of oats and on the two holt acre plot not 4imed so bushels and 31 pqunda- per ucre aftar the oats were ciit there was a noticeable dif ference lntho clover growth in favor of tho limed an as and the yield of hay the following year averaged 4j6o pounds par acre from the four limed plots and 4bq pounds per acre from the two plots hot limed adlffenftca 4xi favor of liming amnununif to d0 pounds jf olovor hay per acre whan this land was plowed there was a de oldndly marked difference fa the amount of foot development in favor of the limed ureas thus greatly in creasing the store of vegetable matter and nitrogen carrying materials lime therefore is most valuable as u soil bulldnr because it produces suitable environment for the clover plunt through which farm soils can be built up most economically- blair superintendent experimental stolon kentvllle n e ness nnd strength may bo welded to gether may be combined in the same lature so as to form the perfect whole there seems mors than a little dan ger that the modern girl will lose sight of the charm of gentleness she is ambitious to be up and doing and she forgets that the greatest forces move quietly that gravitation does its work without a break that the sun shine which transforms this earth of ours in the spring of the year makes noise about it she sometimes gats the idea that what she has to soy ill appear brighter if she screams it and that she is too busy to have tlm lyor good manner gentle t a word of noble ancestry gentleman has sometimes been mis applied to boor in broadcloth but ost people are wise enough to respect in spite of its occasional misuse clentlen can be recognised os easily a an reoognbees the fratrrana of a rose garden it does not clash with energy and vivacity hut lends- an indefinable charm to both and the girl defrauds herself and her develop ing womanhood who undervalues the atagla charm of gentleness not effective a doctor while escorting a lady home ona evening offered her a troche tn relieve her oougb he told her to allow it to dissolve gradually in her mouth no relief was experienced and the doctor felt quite chagrlnecv thi next day the udy sent him a panta loon button with a note saying he must have given her the wrong kind of a troche and might need this one funny little bt0rie8 cftwkor 1 lave discovered what starska the now woman cruse v curasb let s haye it cawkert listen to this testimonial in u patent medicine advertisement a since taking four bottle of your health restorer x am a now woman i life j yes doil t feel wan bit hetthor till ye ve been perfectly well throe weeks this u a truthful ulbemtan-eacrlp- tlon of convalescence from la grippe both nieaand women have thefr fulllngs with j men it is the big head with women the big hat boston transcript ell a for healthy children milk plenty of sloop and plenty of uannu how old are you jlmmyuif two yours older than johnny how old is johnny i don t know vnur jiusband said the caller gym- pathtsuigty wus o man of many ox coll en t qualities ies si t widow jixa was a good man everybody soys so i wusn t much acquainted with him my self ho belonged to seven secret societies mlntresnt jetlza this i a strange ntnte of affaire four oolook in the afternoon und the kitchen in this state of confusion with nothing ready yoit see maam your daughter was in the greater part of the day helping mo wlththo cooking to look ai tho young cltirtr one would think that ho curries u greater weight of responsibility than the pro prlotor well he does for that matter the aitrjfitorcanrpjiuoinljitones wuh- i out losing hi job nature was chief offender when blmpkinsproponed to ml bradshaw she answered coldly t no hlmikln no ilivf you as iv friend buv marriage oh txx really i tdq i make myself huyhir x wtll gold slmpklns with a loud oarso laugh as he rose jfrom hjs knees woll ybu lutve hhd soroe- llll 1um1u wil luvf undoubtedly natufe was how a bermon was spoiled i oroo prenohed on lnrodueopy er- nion nt afstflct nsewjintion x felt that it wast an excellent opportunity to impress the great doctrine of world wide- evangelization in conclusion x spoke of the duty of nil to give for th spread of the gospel after a sir- mon a deucon prominent and influsr tlal lit onoof tho- churc said io me my brother you gave us s good sermon today hut you nnoued the sermon by preuchlng about money this set rne to thinking did spoil tha sermon t if so then a great many other things aru spoiled for example the bible has many things that are spoiled jacob had a glorious vision of the bidder with angels above him but he spoiled the entire transsc tloni ton immediately afterward he vowed thnthe would give dod one tenth of all his income hs spoiled it hy sneaking of money mosss re- celvcq marvdouu reveutlons bnhount blnftl of a system of worship for ooda people but at unco he spoiled it by culling upon the people tprlvo of their substance for the construction of the tabornaole tho prophet smalacba paints a glowing- pfctiiro of a coming messiah and spoils it by turnliur suddenly upon the jewo and saying they hnd robbed cod ut tithes and offering in tlia tuuno way the wise men spoil their visit- to the infant saviour fur they nt onoo offer gohl ifranltlncenso hnd royrrhin uko- manner j on us- spoils tho sermon on the mount for in it ho delivers strong touching on thn dutycfc glyinst money in the fifteenth clmptor of ttirst corr iirinlans paul roountsjup on the wlnge ctlnsplrod imagination and portrays io us the glories of the teaurreotlpnj surely this is u theme which is high and spiritual und which shpuulot be profaned by anything gross or earthly ynt paul spoils u all by saying tm- nedhttaly afterward on the first day of thu week let each pna of you lay ty htm tlf staro heptmlngsn the or has prospered him money in th theme which he couples with the resur rection the faat to if it spoils a ser mon whan its object is money the niblajasbqlledxrjora beginning to j el y mulllns dvp offendyiuhtdelphi bulletin sskiljm i t v itwi 4barn to lauqh cxmvn to laugh a good laugh is bstteiutbun mdlcine tearn to tell a story a wall told story is as welcome us a sunbeam in a sickroam learn o keep jour own troubles to yourself the world is too b to earn forypur ulk and sorrows learn to do some thing for others even if you are bed- ridden there is always something tha iil lit hl fppplt w chief i and that is the surest happiness for yourself ohesa way- to attain the charm of oentleneso aln t that lady nice and gentler a colored mapl said to her mistress tho day after the gusst had departed the visitor had not been in the hoase for twenty four hpurs and the girls op- t unities for passing judgment seem p1 slight yet a lifelong acquaintance would not have enabled her tn esti mate the stranger more correctly she tind leen impressed by her quiet voles well brad msnners her kindly smile and she summed it up in the word gentle f sometimes there seems a little dan icr thut gentleness will go out nfj feat ilon betty is a freshman in col lege and wrote hem enthusiastically regarding her roordmaio i know i xltall like her she lias no much pop another girl acknowledged that she was f not attracted by i nolgbbor and explained it on the score i hat i he old not have enough go without any question energy vivacity uveflness ore extremely popular qualities powo- dnys and sometimes it would almost hcera as if gentleness would be crowded into the background do not make the mistake of auppoa ing that gentleness is in any way op posed to what betty calls pep gentleness is not a nambypamby vir luo one may be intensely energotla and yet refined one may say very the ford garage has made complete arrangements for storing batteries for ttio winter months batteries leapt at proper temperature nnd inspected monthli and kept to tho desired gravity bat ii terles re charged or repaired when necessary advice free oxy- acetylene welding plant is being installed all welding in repairs promptly and satis factorlly executed i our plant for general repairs is complete prompt export attention given to necessary re pairs to cars of any make the electric starting nnd lighting systems satisfactorily overhauled full line of tires of all makes and a comploto assortment of accessories always in stock l g king manager i a coxe proprietor to winnipeo brandon re0na saskatoon rcaloarv edmonton princ rupert vancouver victoria the national uavis toronto 1 100 p m daily wf t t n 0 mni om ryk l prrf shr4 and t4bary tttmt 45 p m 011 mpt iuuid toblooaiiaiatu ni iquipkciit ca national- grand trunk tannery cooperative the store of quality and low prices our customers receive the benefit of every decline in prices all goods sold on basis of the present market price below ate 0 few of qjjr rrjceft this week pure lard i shortening fine patbas currants 24 lb sack pastry flour s best peanut butter bulk dates 1 large mavel oranges sunkist lgmons i finnan haddib best quality flannelette per yard heavy factory cottojj per yard farmers are invited f bring their butter and eggs here and receive the benefit of our low prices mill street tannery cooperative c a conway manascr acton i i the cxr of durability and economy j n oneill son distributors of studebaker and dodge brothers motor cars for bl 1 acton qeorgetpwlrtnd milton kl j ft le1shman aotoil rcpresentatlvo mksadmsi q a- polish for every purpose pon siuvenwanii 20o mt i 30c hi ivor in 1flo 2so k0o 7b meildun i iihii 3be htur i luh 16o nilv rlnn blish fttove nomiudh 4 lilhtu k ll t i rit ioiimii 10 hi ytl xstita 1 stove pipe enamel j t kiiuni i iqc i riiim km iim ht vu ki i i j hi si iu yt f wuk- t i l ibo ii 1 lh u i wn 11 doc ma pdn ora88 polish 1 nt lrunin 10c 20e roc 7s4 urims 20q 30e soc nd furnitune polish har 10e aoe tijw 1 i iukl v nosr 30o 6o0 fl bo the rond hardwaof co i id phone 1012 ouelph this stores policy to represent goods ex actly hs to their quality to sell to thoso who know and to those who dont know at a uniform ralr price to fulfill all guarantees nnd cheer fully correct nit mis takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you sfltlifactlojl savage co jewellen t3uelph ontario gravfng q3 richmoftnsrvew toronto c4nad4 the double track route dfirryi i bh montreal t0honto detroit chicago unexcelled dlnhif oar ervlos steeping oars on nlfht trains si parlor oars principal day trains pull information from any oran trunk uckot rgent or 0 hi hornl v district passenger afivl t toronto h a hoijwpa affexit acton ont pbohe 1 r n0bie ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station a quanttfy ofw5ed corn and olt cake fljst received flour pepp n0bval iihan ajip shortft hay straw r noble ltd hthhv awrev mana0eh when you need boots pshoes t at any time buy from l w wiuiams miu street aflon famous for satisfactory tfootwear reasonable prices

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