Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 31, 1921, p. 3

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nmmsrffm v- if sitton 3xtrt jlrrhh thtufftoat matlcii 31 luxl qlonv qloflv aoniculturb ajirl- lit in timn joiiutairovvn in hh tmr ipri of our moiik w illcll r hro i da 11 mo cupll tula u ui ihh itnoii iii hlllnltlk 1111 till hi l tniiuiir imu nt yt im mlrirt our mixitlta i letter fnimom now oliorutt olory dory ijiiliol fartnor jlory dory llnltnl karmar illory ilry united karmar w rn 1 i tlpr fnrmarm now wo fnrm rx nil thpt ve cannot hiiw ix- nufoly yloi wit n ut u h 1 uotly how wn htixly mi ro wn ulan ulioml wo 4 rruuutp ur- hrow wn ro ltntlor rnrniom now our futntlou lu ti miitlily tbo blade vtarnn ly two 1 itilifci imi littr uya took and tii htutly miirltata too ami by n- norntloti w arp aura td nl pur iiwtf wt to ixuiar furmtirmiow w ii liruollhn i ottor fuvmlutf nnil hliiikifnueh other hand wo tl ipuvi tlila linll of lnnriilntf to b imok and till tho land wflimfrw pur unltod inrmoni band we rn bottnr furmfirh 0w i ftrmem bun marias thank opfferinct imdy lady oomo back sho want youl tho woory led crono motor lrlvor juat about to mount to hw seat uml hurry homo aur her ion day of nervlou turned at the shrill pry to aft tho old itulliwt woman whom alto had j out loft nlowly d one end in a the throa rltkuty front ulcjiu of bor rear wooden tanamont uualwtcd by tba neighbor of tho lou i voice her left hand was bald hm though to unfoauard a traajtura and in it was a unit dookaco wrappd in u bit of n own paper j lor brlshl brown yts phone from tho toll hoarrod face now alight with tilsaaura mi what idle waa about to tjo vou oomo i sho boitopod with a bony arm bho qulrmod froo from the holuhbor a carat ul clutchou oa tbo worker reached bor vldo iotdjruf in both hinda tho prououa pooka alio laid it in thoao of tho njnbulanco- gr mo give you you o good 0 good to my man j ted crona ho hood you pleowi tukot and patting v tho pirl with hor worn old hondu oho looked plwidlnirly into the face ob thank but began tba girl the neighbor whuiuerod flarcoly tako tm lady or you make bor fel noi tlin awful i intitantly tho worker h iw him munt not rorutwto accept what klin know muxt havu been a wacrmclal gift and owning the preoloua paekr uga nbo dlnoloiiod throe now laid egk- hliu wna totd with nuioh play of tho oyoa and hands and 111 concealod pride in nuoh a glft that tho egg had boon s hy wliat ahe felt muat be moat obliging bona in tho thr-by- thra jtenhouae atondlng in tho scrap of u iwok yard that aepomtdv dingy forlorn front tenement front tho mill dingier and more dilapidated rear also that tlmy formed tho principal food of tho bedridden huaband he to whom tho worker had boon oood tho orlidn of her goodnefm lay in tho faot that tho man warn the father of a tailor in tho u b navy w when but aon enllated had boon qulto uhlv to ii up port hinuelf and hl wife but elaknoaa in tho form of aplnal troubla had oomo upon him and tho boy rar away and dlatressed beyond mooauro by tho newa hod wlaely nought tbq aid of tho horn service hootlon xf tbo red oroaa thla aeek- ing had reaulted in inatruotlon given tho driver of tho red croon anibulanc qo up to tho ilronx gektony a rather tako him down town to tho h capital ond wit unill hi opine ho been x rayed thla had lxxjn aooompllah- od after a tromendoua atrnggla in which aid or a man in a rtoaf by ahop woa invoked to oaalat tntrananortlng the invalid throned in an old chair and emotherad in qullta down three fllicbta of dark eharp turning rickety atalra and into the ambulance maria tho wire had tood by terrified by hla removal from home but reoamired when the motor girl told her that the red croaa would moke tony well tho trip had been moat aucceaafully nooompllahed and tony senior care fully replaced in hla top floor bed tho worker in wboae ion day thla had been but one of n aerlee of audi inoldenta bad boon hurrying down tho nulra intent on her home trip when totalled to receive maria thank offering of three freah egga theai were given ahe felt not alone to her- elf an n good lady but through her to that great organisation whoae in terest wna to make aon tony a better bonaitao happier bailor in tho u s navy it ia a matter of great convenience to aoton people that terapletona nhoumatlo canaulea and raz mah for aathma can now be boo u red a ei j haaaardm spring notes tho flrt glad notes o bird on wing unlock the portabf of tho spring lhoard tho woodpecker pecking the aujiaucker tdariy alng hurnod and looked out of my window and in it wan spring maurloe thompson now comes tho end my fellowmen of winter stem and bitter the spring- is conilng onoe aguln and merry birds will twlttur and joy will permeate each hen and cow and human orltter- walt mason in thirty dnya more wo venture to say tho akv will bo bright and tlieun mill nnt tho rrass will poor out on muoh as u ttolo and burnt carpet rags will enliven ttw bay i came ooroas this pleasing lojpor thought it was good enough to commit to innmory it oomoh into my old bead every timo i walk past mauma black smith nlu p when i bear thn nnvtl ring i buptoao ha tmcauwo tho little old borne town tin t this old blnrksmlui ahop have aaiioolnlol tit my dolly walk and ioiive rwatlon for now lot mo nlgti n to snvonty yaant post some duy 1 ii go liack to tlm llttln town to tho llttlo town not ho far a way wlmn the wild lmon bur ion tbo clover down anil tho ulr is tilled with tho acent of huy an 1 i ii walk up lu ubody mtrout till i come to tho milthy dror anj tboro will im tbouo i am longing to meet i and iii bid thorn good bye never more dome dajtl ii go baou to tbo uttla town over tho fur liorlstm a rltn er the leav u of the map leu flutter down and tlie feat grow tired and tho oyea ore dim 1 amljllf turn to tho hallowed place that i loft in tho dour dead pool and 1 11 know by the light on a gonuo it la good to b homo at nl bom ilny i ii g book to tbo little town kor 1 m tlrod of tho city a ways and and id bo whore tho earth im clean and brown ami tho duyw oro uwoat with their nlmple jayej and therein bo gjad to reat with thosoof whoso love i am uuro for 1 ve found that tho frinnds of my youlbnro tho brat and i ii uover faro forth any i say don t you think that aentlment will move some of tho old lxya and glrla of ipng ago po you know juat love to mo austin tubby when he roada that to morrow night hesldo hla coiy grato flroup in rosodalo or kate kennedy up in ionotang or hill thurtell over in chicago or dan mann- beg pardon hlr donald out at bcrabom bluff i don t know about dan though be never did aeom to nam much ror thn old town after his father passed away hut 1 ii wugor you 11 see major grant up here from ooorgntown as aoon as spring really oponh you know tho major makoa it a part of religion to attend tho funerals of the eld residents nera but hri oomes up between time to p us every ho often bay i wouldn t wonder if thla very poem will give tlllt snyder of bhora a lit jof homeatpkness nut when you know poor old boyhea tied down pretty well at hla home with this bless ed rboumatts which makes mo hobble about too all tbo name tho front will hardly be out of the ground before he a at work in that bangup vegetable and flower garden he takes no much pride in lie a cooky you know hill la hut be alwaye has kind thoughts for acton baythoro are tl good many of our early residents who retain a love for the old town and us memory some of them dldn t stay here like mo and mary and the editor and hla beat woman in the world and a few others but tbey all eeem to oomo back once while to boo ua and i believe most of them would like to sleep in pur beau tl rot talrvlow cemotery when the call comes to any goodbyo to the thlhga onthia old planet you may be guessing why i am running along in thla strain well the fins poena man sent m part of a letter tho other day from an old aoboolinato of hla who left aoton a quarter of a century ngo but who always thinks tho old aun rises and sets here ami never tires of talk- about acton when bo a here or writing about the old place when hes away hla homo la two or tnreo thou sand prajba away well this is the port of the letter 1 got x have secured a plat in falrvlew cemetery near the plot of mr utile my boyfiood a teach er i hope aometlmo to sleep in the old town where i spent my bnppf care free boyhood there s loyalty to the ai home town for ynu amithere s more like him x know now must get to my remfnln- the old families on main street when people look over tba pretty velvety ekpunuo bf lawn and flower bede stretching for a hundred and fifty feet south of the hoard mora hill mall realdence to the edgo of the fruit and vegetable garden and the poultry yurda today it is difficult to realise that more than hnlf a century ago yes nearly threo eooro years ago the poorest song a farmer ever aung in the time of sowing and seed-plant- liut is the pessimistic eong of old which will destroy tba opthuafoam of every farm hand thlrtydaya hath september april june and november i front january up to may it raineth evorsrday all the rest haye thirtyone without a blessed ray of sun and if any of them had two-and- thirty they d bo juat as wot and twice as dlrty rejoice for the spring is coming bite brines balmy njr soft showers blue ekles budding leaves bloom and brightness and beauty everywhere the birds rejoice because of her the lnaeot world with buss and hum and whisper for joy turn out to meet her the cattle of the field seem fllftdj thg fishes or the brook and creek snd river leppn ihor watery home up r tho earth come grasses ond bios- j5illarrintxhlwn frunljiiajicait- xoryaarsnut he yens come dew and warm rhln drops gjid tho soicsti balmiest senhyrs out from tour hsmfts 1ft thanksgiving pour forth to tl6 ood of the aoauons rtpd tho ctlvor of every good gift aorman omclaui have protested against tho exhibition of a film based on the execution of bdlth oavell it is j not recalled lpweverathat there wero ahy offlclnl german protests whent ejtooutlon topkptacenoahvulesouth- gjjuaiarrnbn i atsd tharo the first of thoo tho one just bvur the fenco from the old auhesnii house was that of thomas moum he jgos a typlcat inulimmi and so wna his wlfo and surely that a irish enough for you i have tho impression if my memory rightly retains what my old friend thomas told mo years and yours and yours agro that bo unfl leather iudgct hla wife fell in love when hey wore living down at nor wood or hastings or womo pluee down thoro in eastern ontario where thy both lived a- young folks when they jciuno out from ireland they wore nupptlymorrlod and mottled down tbnro unj j bellovo five of tho seven mem bora of their interesting- family with which they were blessed wero bom in their home down oat before they came to acton if my memory sarves mo true it will bo sixty years in another summer since this interesting family muno to make their homo on tho property which was known ton- many yeareaa ojims hill on main street sixty years mind you well mr mdlori wu an ihbj shoemaker but he preferred working for ifinc one else so took a job at the tannery here he wnrkod faithfully h won htaotlndus trloua mup and spent tho etirty morn inga and evonlngs after work in tlia rffcreatlort of maklngaml cobbling shaes fjor the members of the family and the neighbors no one ever saw tom ma lam joaflng his- time uwuyln rthe stores or the barrooms though we had four of the latter when bo was in his prime here and they wore more popu lar then than thoy have been thopast twenty or twehtyflve years mr and church street lis name and their family followed in their fool tops j it limn onn of thn nonu wdtt an offlnlal mo in bor until bis diwth and noble lu to day i momlkor of ihith the truston nlkt orfiolnl luardn i am informed well or thn nliio members of tbla t ilmml funtlly who wero reuldents of thla town t uly four now mmaln an i only tw mi bin in alton thn fnther died a uood muuy yearn as thirty or morn i giwiak mi 1 after a endhlg a tiurnbnr of yi arw lu her lonrlufnns and wldowiood eathor tlie dovoled wife ollowed blm they sleep togaiher in falrvltfwcbmnl ry tho heirnn whnro thoy llvod tokothor for all tbelr yours ti thn hlatory of ths rnomhors of thla interna big family forms a very intar estlng link in tho chain of local amiulu bam he i the eldest anrvnl ills time uk a i arikinter with illohurd hnmlllon ii bed a good boss und whon blu ap- i rnntlooshlp wns nnlxlto i the linns wai proud ot thn carpant r ho bad turned ut after working nt llm trade for numfier of yonrs liflrt lio married i wutsou tbo daughter of william wat mbn for many yean an h mured jcnl dent of acton ha an i hla brother carpenter hugh camnron angnajad with thn jruad trunk ttallway lis bridge bulllors this horanwbat baa sardou but very important and well paid vocation they both followed for yearn samutovod to point bdward so as to be neurar to the centra of hla mratl ins an 1 tiughoamnrun to sam la onextuy a xmul rnlnforluno ihifol this active and suooeasful work man sam hud nnlebed his work in tin yards nt iolnt lcilwnrd and as was customary when going home he went to get on the yard nglne to rldo tip to tlis- it at ion ry u mlwitop or soma othvr mlsadventura ha sllppetl and fell on thn tracks tho cruel wheels of th locomotive ground off one of his legs and he wsb left crippled notwlth- stnndlng thla calamity to a man in tin prlmof life he never assumed a com plaining hjilrlt but made tbo lient of un unforlunato accident und ho and m unlam and their two stalwart sons have had a very happy home to bother throogh all tho years tip sons are splendid business men ai homes of their own jane the eldest daughter was a tine tyi o of womanhood she spent her life in bringing comfortjto othera for years she was with my old friend and neighbor mrs thomas moore sr on tbo first line orandm other moore we hoys of oil tho countryahhv who were always welcomed 1st ho old farmstead always called her ahe accepted this familiarity from ua all w bather mot her in tho old home or on the street or at church she wna grand mother moore to all of ua well jam moljim was her right baud for many years ami when mm moore and her son hamuel loft tho oh farm and ramn to live in town jane camn with them hut that a a long ttmo agn for it muat bo well nigh forty yeurw since old mrs mooro wan called homo about this time jane a mother was left alone and she went to comfort hor declining years jane herself roll asleep u good many years ago ixxl the next daughter was also a invotnd holpor in snvurat homes here prior to her marriage witb ooorga nay i or i juat happen in reoall trngln incident in which llxxlo t tfin heroine which occurred nt the home of tho into bdwanl moore fred erick street yes juat tlm very spot where bis aon if i now has bis homo this was ovor nfty yearn ago when mrs ii t telage of toronto wun a llttlo toddler of uhuut a year and n half tulxxle wai helping mrs moore and the luilw had disappeared investigation showol sho bad fallen into the open o intern without n seconds hesitation llsilo jumped in the drowning chill she sua coeded und was herself rescued the event caused quite an excitement in the village mrs moore never forgot the herola rescue of bor baby daughter to the day of her death that baby girl la now a grandmother several times over but tlie heroine and the mother have both gone home when jim mclam camn to aoton with bis parents from the east he was just s lump of a boy f very time he went up to the vlllaae or back to his new homo on the hill he had to pass mlko speight s blacksmith shop the tho forgo ami tho ring and marks from tho anvil bad a peculiar fascination for him when ho want school in tho morning he thought of the blacksmith and it always at tracted blm when ha passed homo at light in fact the ahop flllod his mind mora than tho school as soon as he was big enough he became an appren- he served bis time there he was foreman there when he married lletsey milne the finest girl to blm in all the country round when mike speight moved back to mark ham to superintend the big blacksmith ahop in connect ion with the speight wag gon works which bis father had es tablished jim nought the business nnd became the proprietor and here he spent nil his working dayn and sua ccssfully until he retired sixteen or ilghteen years ago jim dlad x thlrdt about fifteen years ago nnd not only his lovlngr and faithful wife and their daughter tulssie mrs charles ajclns and charlie mourned the great loss but the entire community felt they had lost an honored cltlsen and friend mrs mclnra and her daughter and son reside in toronto but aoton s stli the real old home tho thro youqger members of this esteemed family orb still in acton and vicinity annie married wmllam tliomos of nassagaweya- they have a fme family and have prospered nobis is proprietor of the old speight blackamlthlng buslnesa and la one of our leading cltlxens a very useful member of church and community and his wife who was jtoxy swack ham ford un other happy homo and two fine i womanly daughters and are grand parents augusta the jroungmv married rjearge sopor their induatry and i nsneful buslsi real pmiles hut ti mniy min his mother dll nut your uitiuuiilq tell you you wore doing wioiw7 v to rnplh 1 ti mmy but i don t hollrvi evcrythlt g i hour jrflgan oi h its to mlntion it mrs casuy hut y in best nnd owed mo tin dnllurw when im diet thn wllow indsdnl hlium its nlco for yo to 1 uvn u melhlng to rny nlrr r blm i y counsnl trying to prove temporary inminltyj wns it thn prisoners oils torn i i talk to hlmuulf when he was 111 iix t wltiiuu i don t mmomlter over lie lug with blm whon bo was alnnol a ixiy mlunt wna unktd llavo you donn it kind irtd vory day s me thing to innkn aonio inn bappyr wnll hi lonfcns i i wnnt to my aunt yeaurdny un 1 ondiwell i guuva alio wna hut whuti i went jj 1 don t llkn ditto photngruphs at ui hu nti i i r look ilka un upu thn i hoti graj in r fuvoroiljilm with a glnnrn of i fty dlmlaln you uhoultt huvo thought of thut 1 of oro you hud them taken was bis xmuy he should worry whore worn you yoatarday tommy crlbbs aukml the teacher plnntn mum 1 hnd a tikithache annwerihl tommy una it htoipedf uakeil the teacher sympathetically don l know uatd tommyj what do you rnean loyi you- don t know if yoiir tihith ban stopped ach ing no mum tho tl utut kept it los angnlch tliuoii i save and work hard work in tho only euro voad to niiy kind of bucccus you novor find nui n win lu unutruld of hurting his tiiimclih in ii n hreud linn muoh foojl im in thn tldiino f the pmrhut tharo 4m4 miidi ibut u deutroyo i r r want of ii igm nt wn urn juat now feolli thd rfocla of the distaste that hits grown on peopln for what thsy calt mere grabbing there novor was a time in thvblalory of the world when w rk was so unpopular tho aleeplng llunasn is o idemfa an 1 the wonder i if anything will waken ienple up other than an empty u to much or a bare buck tbs gospel of work u needed to day us much us the gospel of eal- vullon thoy ftrp practically thi thing there will be no prosperity in thla or any country until meii and women get down to doing an lion est duy s work and forget all attout the high pay uiny sot during tho war rpt work is not alone sufiloinut w need to cut out waste lack of judgment und scandalous profligacy havo been throwing earnings to the winds tho hoad of die scavenging department in one of our large cities aald recently that therxi is flvo times us muab waste to im found today that there during the war- solomon in shoe and leather jqurnul mentajmted 6- 10 per day special 4 weeks oa8 traotorcourqb 60 opecial 4 weeks auto mechanics course 60 now on at hemphills auto gas tractor schools 163 kino bt- west toronto miss murrays spring millinery display comprises all the most up-to- date styles in ladies hats her parlors thie spring arc at hen residence mill street second door from landabo roughs meat shop acton florence murray bc estabushep 1673 money in live stock yjreftjlaclection of breed- r ing cattle and the right kind or financial backing will put you in a position to make monby from your herd the bank of hamilton is prepared to promote any legitimate do vclopment rjoag this line bank df hamilton geoegbtown branch g c mnckiy manager buy homekilled beef xt is better flavored and it keeps better than abbatoir meat t i everything we sell is home killed and dressod m our own abbatoir wo are- prepared to sell at rock bottom prices all meat prices reduced5c per lilall rotling beef 16c per lb watch our window saturday afternoon an 4 evening for bargains parties wishing to nccuro quarters of reef will and our prices tho lowest poojjbo s w evans mainstoeet acton 0nt the brunswick them a comfortable home and a solid mercantile buslnesa and tbey live in i th love of their family anit the esteem of the community they too nre i grand parents their eldest son mel- i in win ana of uitt brave soldiers of i the war and will always carry honbr- i ntflo wounds will well here i am ugnln agulnst it with a long screed mow f i rtu roura off whenxget to thinking i of tho old folks who wera friends nnd i oronlos vi those far back days when wo worn nil neat neighbors and wan i orsonnl frlenda oondbys for the present a weak tttiyhow perhaps longer the modest captain while he was sailing down the clyde i itlver in the yooht- erjn air thomas linton says that he was held up by j an ancient and dirty manure barge the i only occupant pt which wna m grimy man smoking nf short blaok pipe i plntllns that the fsllow did nottnake i aiwiutortfiiubtettnilof the wayjthej ofneor on tho bridge of die ynobt shouted at him in true homical style i at that tho man rose slowly stretched i himself removed hla pipe from hla i mouth nnd tflon naked i p oautalnofll that ahlpr j but i m the dont wait o tint keep tho alabaster boxes of y iur luve and tonilcrnoau aenlod until y ir friends are dead kill itialr lives with aweotnomh bpoak n uuro v ing oheerlng worjla while their arx con bear them ami be thrlllv i ui i mndo happier by them the kind thlrirs you moan to say when they are gone say before they go the oowi ra you mean to aend for tholr cortln son i ti brighten and cheer thelt lives he fore thity go to leave you i my friends have alabaster imisom lal 1 uway full of fragrant perfumes of sympsthy and affection whloh ithey intend to break over my dead body would rather tbey would bring hem out 111 ray weary and troubled hours and on i hem that i may be refreshed and cheered by them while i need thonx i would rather have a plain coflln without a flower a funeral with out a auolgy than a life without thrt swmitness of lovo and sympathy i m err lam to the first rodin 0 merfy rdllrp radbrvust i in gwd fu see you here you va curae to brfng yuur rouidfllay the blossom tlmn to hoor 1 vh you mate is noar yoxtf you mean to build a nest ahdohrttayotbmirwnttttrrou will vnr you rs a wvlcome guest sara llansoomb pronto stops fire quick imionto is the flret practical fire cyiingtushcr at a reason able price 375 complete initial one in each room ofyoitr homo for tbo price of other flro extinguishers see if demon strated at my shop a few palls of ijurjtwheai honey uuu lefl some good dry hardwooo windmiijus sold and repaired gasoline fenginefl pumps lurop jockh fertulzer genuine froflt wire pence and gates cream separator oil repairs or difpereni makes of cream separatora and full line of farm machinery and binder twin ghasr erparker phone 84 mill st acton tannery coqperative the store ofquality and low prices with our large turnover we are enabled to keep our grocery stock always freeh new goods arriving every day camiabtts overalls and smocks all sizes in stock a full line of rubber footwear for men women boys girls and children see our prlnis flannelettes cottons etc at prices that will surprise you uighest prioe paid for butter and eggs either cash or goods mill street tannery cooperative c a conway manager acton a lesson the government paid for before you buy a phonograph find out just how it plays all makes of records w frank king no wna tun reply chief oflqoar then talk to yeroquli my man rotortod thn fcrlnvyfacd bargeman lire morjtm waro mathodiflta attend wlui3aanhe oondmoenalon qure pm 4 tlie little white ohureli whloh save the captain of this onet the dealer will demonstrate main street georgetown before 1914 bond brokerp and bankers were indifferent advertisers many who advertised re garded their expenditures as sop and thought they were doing publisheraa favor then came tlie call for war loans on the ad- vice of an advertising association yet contrary to some brokers and bankers views the advertising of these loans was made humaidy interesting tho rebults you are aware of but here is the r point nearly every bond house and bank in canada is today aggressively advertising and using all the interest and ingenuity at their command to attract business they observed tlie power of newspaper advertising when properly used and have profftted by the lesson- tlie same thing is true of some manufacturers who noting the results of the imperial munitions board newspaper advertising havo commenced to use this same force to introduce postwar products the government paid for this lesson have you considered profitting by it advertising is not a matter of guesswork it is not something to be lightly undertaken but it can be undertakenwith assurance of success if is doi0 properly 7 if you have ever thought you would like to advertise if you ooujd get proper advice on hdw to go about it let the free press help you we will give you the beneut of pur experience n starting you pn he road to buccessil publicity j y fstr ik- irtas j

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