Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 31, 1921, p. 4

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msammguaririwi frg ijimtmittsmwjrjkiaasilb8ilbaass f if artmt jfori flfreaa niwrconn wwiilr new atbocutluo tiiurhda1t mai tgii 31 1021 the actom vukti j kths ii iry thumlr nwrn i vcion onr u th pic i ilana ia ct a rued tha i wsj i ut t k tdiaaa u11 p i haled iii lirl i ajnc up lallsui i i 11 o cents utl 3 cartla r una ol iotn atv aetlaj llll i tliui uaaxlo irttslft lliptai ii 1 uoimk sauto and luwulm i oil i editorial dry clean ontario is a suggested slogan for the present kcrercndum campaign and it seems qum timely at that tho responsibility foi tho rum running that has prevailed along the border lino is placed whore it belongs by the annual report of tho provincial lt cense board just issued namely upontbe p to import intoxicating liquor into ontario the selling prices of iron and steel have begun to decrease raw materials are gradually declining wages are lower in many lines of manufacture prices to the consumer are approaching nearer to the nor rnal and there is a growing confidence in the coun trys future wage reductions affecting thousands of men are planned by nearly all tho railways the new york central railroad has announced that beginning on april 6 it will revise downward tho wages of approxi mately 43 000 employees a high official of another road in making h similar announcement says wages must come down ovcrbody knows that truly no man can live to himself atone u is rather interesting as well as surprising to hear president beattio of the c p r say that the mcadoo administration ofrjhc railways or the united states during the two years of their war experience has re flected on us here in canada by forcing a raise in wages in our railways to tho tune of quite a number of millions yearly for five years previous to tho adoption of pro hibition in ontario the average arrests formhunkort- nesfl in toronto ran over 13 000 during tho war period before the special clause permitting importa tion was given effect this dropped to less than 4000 yearly for 1020 even with the importation system working to the utmost the arrests were just over 0000 a pretty direct prooj that prohibition does benefit it daylight saving problem the vexed question of daylight saving bobs up week after week with increasing persistence that it will never become generally popular varyipg opinions es to its utility have long since manifested daylight saving i oqe oj those questions on which the town and city dwellers and tho fanner inevitably disagree lt is very clear that tho farmer who has to work in the summer anyway after all the auction sales are over- does not want to begin an hour earlier than he is used to it is equally clear that the town and city folk who have no more and often less to do in summer than in winter like tho extra hour of daylight leisure at the end of the day the farmers of the united states were influential enough how ever to defeat the reenactment qf national daylight saving law in hat country and have also prevented most of the states from continuing the agreement in the united states the eastern railroads have started their fight to cut wages in earnest from the war time basis and evidences are not lacking of a like movement in canada if we are ever to revert to prewar methods jind keep factories and utilities run ning at full speed there mjist be a reduction of the wages paid pembroke standard with lower wages the cost of living would bo reduced to an even greater ratio and the workmen would be assured steady work and more money to tho good after all jtjsbemg whispered about that the passing of the referendum would make it impossible for in valids to secure liquor for medicinal purposes this is absolutely absurd liquor can be obtained from government dispensaries after an affirmative vote in the same way as it is now the sapping 6f importa tiona will snmply restore conditions as they- existed during the first two years of prohibition in ontario j when practically all our citizens were surprised by and delighted with the benefits derived front the law jjgj a daily newspaper item says so upset are the school boards of morrisburg at tho frequenting of pool rooms by pupils of the schools that ajommitree composed of tho chairman 6f the public school board and the chairman of the collegiate institute board will wau on the town council asking that a bylaw be passed authorizing the cancellation of pool room licenses if pupils are allowed to -enter- the rooms other school boards in other ontario towns have felt that similar action would be found imperative unless school pupils were prohibited from frequenting the pool rooms getting close to the problem w that boston mayorwho spent the night incognito at one of the citys refuge stations to see how the cutof works were being treated has the right idea there would be less theorizing antltt good deal wore practical effort if other officials would take similar courses instead of trying to run such matters from behind polished desks in municipal buildings lt ia said that this mayor slept fairly well but was routed out at aye oclock to saw wood rind earn his breakfast of oatmeal bread and coffee also that w when he went- to tho city hall in his old clothes with tho atuhbte of two days beard he contd scarcely got paat the office boy into bis own office they seem to 4o these things better in boston than in toronto where some of those who present themselves for free meals and get them have more money in their pockets than the officers presiding and where these same men are arrested a little later for spegtllng in motors and on motorcycles fv cot out the favors- to the rich man did you ever stop to think how unfair tho present clnusq permitting tho import of liquor for private purposes is with llqubr at the prevailing price and that price most of us cat scarcely help knowing somolhinft about since wo hve been bombarded with circulars and price lits for the past year and a half tho man in poor or average circumstances can t begin to afford to bring in tho case or so ho must buy tp ensure del ivory on the other hand tho wealthy mnu js under no such disadvantage when the referendum vote allows tho o t a to coma into operation as we had it for two years and besides allows the sandy act to prevent shortcircuiting to come inlo force both classes will be on a fair and equal basis surely thitfss a point which will appeal to tho labor man and working men generally a doing government that was rather naive comment of mr howard ferguson in the j louse the other day and one which had more or less of the boomerang characteristic when ho complained that two or three men did the only tatktng that was done on tho government side of the house mr ferguson is quite correct the dr g sc beadoipg rather thair talkingmachlne while the leaden of the liberal and conservative groups have deserved all that some of our contemporaries have said about them for their tactics of senseless criticism and herring drawing sensible criticism has a useful place in government nagging has not and neither of the would bein power party leaders have gained either strength or prestige by their conduct in the local house this session improve the home surroundings neatly painted homes and tidily kept surround ings invariably attract public attention and win admiration sadly in need of paint is the verdict of the average tourist in an automobile trip as he passes through town streets and along country roads and views the unpainted houses and outbuildings so prevalent in many sections of the country before tho war spring painting was generally considered by the average citizen of town and country but most of us neglected this well formed habit for more urgent business and because of high prices of paint and labor which prevailed now that prices are gradually approaching the normal level it will- be well for all who can to obliterate as far as possible the results of tho years of neglect a house or other budding that is bare of pigment and dry of oil la always goingbackward by reason of the assaults of the weather the cost of building remains high preserve the one you have as far as possible advanced opportunities for dental surgery one of the greatest advances in more than half a century in practical education in tho province of ontario comes with the announcement that the royal college of dental surgeona of ontario has now completed arrangements for ri post graduate course of studies to commence in a fewveeks thisvmove- ment it is felt in educational circles is one of the biggest things of a practical educational nature thai has been undertaken in years and means much more to the people of canada than can be estimated formerly the dental graduate- was thrown largely upon bis own resources as regards keeping abreast of the times and making himself modernly efficient and the resources at the disposal of the- ordinary practitioner w usually not such as to permit of intensive study or elaborate research of late years the ontario dental association has done splendid work in bringing the best brains of tho profession to the annual conventions and in presenting in visual fo the latest methods ofpractice n com the official announcementifomtne college that still greater facilities will shortly be placed at the disposal of the graduate dentist and that intensive laboratory and lecture courses will be available for all dental surgeons conynencing early this fall two olabseb op milk keen ktnud reporter ere busy nlajhl and day la every ally and town of this treat country hunt in out tho i liter tracedle and tho ehooklns scan dale of ufa tt make big type stories for- ue netfwpsper w tbltia eoma time that uia worldla more bad than rood an l that ctjlme and borrow am tb ruin of ufa rath fir than tho w caption lt in not so tho newspapers 1o jiot reflect tho aiuioi of ufa if nn many reporters ware 4 stalled t ht t up the raoorda of goodnaaa an t joy they would and oountleaa utorloh of love nhd davotlon atift mlf lnlal tliy would and far mora coodnoi and beauty than evil they would find aa many man and woman arn working- and living to quiet ua fulncwh and purity of obaraeur u atadden other llv and awaatan tho ufa of the nation a prominent eunceon wu riding one nummar day through the country on hi btcyola the road wae ion and duty tho afternoon heat waa inenaa tl e open fftle of a farmataad in vltd him to turn in an ant loin gumpaa of oooj kpoen ahode and of a well weep wlh a ablnlng dipper hnn near tromld reet and re fraeh merit a youtut woman wu elttlng on the porch and aroee to meet tho doctor ee aproaohed aaklnat twrmuslon 1 i ni hlmeelf to water at the well iny ali reclaimed bi an interesting experiment that new town tho ontario government is build ing up atkapuskasing comes into being under very i 4o- p atoat wouldnt ou ilka aonwi rainf fhataaat we hevo a ditcher of fresh milk on the ice and r a hall be glad if you will have home of that on thank you replied the doo that would be delightful but im afraid lt would impoea too much your lundnea the water wul on ewer aa wall hut with a charming grace the young woman insisted upon bringing the pitcher of milk and the tired doctor drank two glaaee of it and waa re rreehed whan he tuldraated and wae about to go 0e handed the young woman hie card and aau r you over noma to the city and ntajd the advloe of a ohyaiolan pleaee call me m oritha paeaed and the incident wae forgotten about a year later the mother of the houaenold waa very 111 the local doctor who had attended tier yeara could dp no more and informed her that aba muat go to the city to a hospital for t jrtrioua opera tion thla wae- sad news for the little family whose loooma was slender the another protested that such expense was out of tho question but both father and daughter insisted and plan nod between themselves for the aacrl dees they would make to meet the ooat pret orations for the trip wore hast ily competed the daughter arranged to go and tifetay near the hospital at the hoine of an aunt while packing her trunk the card of the bicycle trv- waa found the young lady de cided at unco that she would hunt htm up as soon as ahe reached the olty before electing the hospital she was eomcwlist awed as she entered the houae of the great surgeon hut ha set her at ease in moment and made her happy by remembering bar she explained all that the oountry doctor had ealdanqut her mother and naked his advloe as to which hospital she should nelect my dear young lady aaln the great hearted man as ho took her hand if you will trust your mother to tne i shall he very iiabpy to do all i can for her i have my own private sanltprlum right here and wul per- yoor mother in the morning i will send a carriage for her and you can come to see her every day if you have any doubts about tne matter just write your doc tor and tell him i have the the next day her mother was safely established at the eanltorlum and her daughter was assured that everything possible rould bo done for her com fort hut in the evening there was panto at her aunt a house my child what have vou donot that pian charges tho moat terrible prices xhoy say he gets a thousand toilers tar one operation and when he keeps a patient at hl own hospital he charges fifty dollars a week for board and nursing oh dear you should hav askedr about this before taking your mother there tour poor father can never pay auch charges bo the frightened girl fled to her room and wept aktno tn her dismay but as she remembered the kind face ttd gentle tones of the surgeon she felt that somehow u would coma out right the operation wamt rut and at length the happy daughter was told that she could take her moth er home in two weeks this would make a total stay of four weeks at the sonatortumand as she realised what this meant together with the cost of tho operation which the great man had performed himself the anxious girl began again to wonder with fear tugging at her heart how they would ever bo able to pay the flnal day arrived in the sur geons private ofooe were the father mother and daughter ready to return to their home the mother was en tirely well and locked better and hap- pier than she had been for years the father and daughter ware happy be causer of the mothers splendid reoov- erybut the daughter ooujd not shake off her worry on account of the bill which the surgeon would soon give them now i am so glad that you are all right again ho aaldv and ihopa your little vhdt with me basdono you good that will last i have put your bill in this envelope which x will ask you not to open until you get home this evening than after you have finished supper you can take it out and talk lt overt a llttlo puuled but profuse with thanks for giving book health to the beloved mother the family departed that evening when the meal was over the envelope was brought out and at least ppe heart beat qulokly as the bill was unfolded xira is the way u jt- easy walking la imperative f r tl man who halanjsaal passes tin grr lir rt of the time on histf- hi o i itlt in the nropar lust iim 1 of good imeav ifiaaaaal lestlier it u it ll a f ot ht ould bo tnkfti curv f 11 vo u n bhftsimvh up that n mf tub o 1 i ulr our til tu ilr i ritf renown tho life t your a nns roati rou tlwt t nefuli ohu i ii meuns mfort baakszsaavh efonomy n 1 nntlwfu tl i o you do not forget that we cefry al first cisps line of 8hoa t e gibbons mill st acton norwajk general hospital training school for nurses norwalk connecticut offiiru to yo inff women a two yeurs oouree in nursing ho pltal low ai t m dcrn itegis torol soli ol hyllubu of school work an 1 a imlhslon re julre mania so t upoi reoueat m h dooinc superintendent do we take small accounts wo do more than that wo invito them welcome them and take pood car of them if you wwh to open a savings account for any- particular purpose or wish to teach the children to save by having an occpunt in each- child s name do not hewltnto to do wo because the gmounta to h daposilod will do small ii ittfulltetenr 15 open a savings account and deposits of l ars always welcome th merchants bank hud ccat montreal of canada establlahad 10u4 l d sltorcv lbmm h b u1m1is uoa saehrdapoalll smlaraol dont add another burden to the taxpayers load ontarios burden public debt 1153000000 federal provincial and municipal annual taxation 186000000 federal provincial and municipal ontarios drink bui 36000000 year previous to provincialprojubiton f m an ynvrarranud ttunior aa part of the quiet campaign wlich is with a reiptrkflbjedogree of cleverness being carried on by the opponents of prohibition jtis being whispered around thatjhe pawing of the act on the 18th of april next will make it out ot the question to secure nqnor for medicinal purposes this is alolutely false and jrcicctinnonihc intelligence of anynna uppcsla to if it b actually needed lquor may be secured after the pasaing qf the referendum just ai it may be gotten in similar cases now front a d on a doctora prescrip or from one of rjtipjrgovethhienl dispensaries puttinrnn6eenlfie t c passing- of the referendum will simply restore tho kjeondhlons which existed during tho irai two yeara of tjlh act bejrorevthoreinovalmof jki thrpcclol war clause opened the way to importation jgi frotn quebec very few people who were fair found j ny fault with- tho law ar i operated and as it was ik enlorced then the referendum gives us tin oppor- 5 runlty to get back to tlioso admlfablocoaditlbna overythlng la being provided evon to parks the experiment will be watched with a good deal of interest since if we are not mistaken this is the hrst time this sort or thing has been done in canada at least there are other model towns but these have been laid out and controlled by industrial concerns and in such cases the mattor of private ownership of homes hardly becomes an important feature one lins also scon two orjuep qf the socalled model cities built by tho united states steel company as at gary iii and at duluth mlnneatora theso towns with thejrtainaculatejy clean streets broad thoroughfares playgrounds theatres libraries churches and three or four companyowned stores are at first sight spleridla but when it is learned that there seems tobe little incentive for any work man or employee purchasing his own home that in some cases indood thlals not possible one wonders- utun whether the first principle of good citizenship is not defeated how can any one be qr nven feel locally patriotic when he doesn t actually own any property nor have any definite control of the- affaire of his to proreaon mrvloa render rad a to oervtoa at sanntorium s heoblve1 payment in fuu by two alaum or milk alvon to weary trmveller all tho wain fnou- or thla atory aw true and lt u only ono lllntratlon ot tho beautiful truth that alvtner plea euro la aeulnv pleuure dolnx bood la reeelvjnc aood v be not corvetful to antertatnltranaeni for thereby eoine have entertained anaele unawaij ohriefun herald i mrvbk twains beefsteak municiprilty kapusking as we understand it- szzsj2x fiuu not to bo clear however from these objections it will depend it la true very largely on the employment- affqfeohiineindutrybamlonsta dbea not actually control tbotowtt n this the govern rticntaeems to be adequately uttrdtng igatnar there sh6ijd bp an- cjtcelorit opportunity tp werjc out apjendid rnunicipfirttttitrend lay the foundt- bltinaulsl jltsmry men oontrary to mpular belief 4o not tlvo oonttnualy ly iti a cloud ot inspiration thay arc junfe like ordinary fouc attar alt mark twain nnod told a hysterical 4mtror that ha had wflttrs cramp early in whan mkft4wnt ha took atairtroroa brafirfaak samuel johnston auhouan not anor- alnnry mati in ttny ot his idsaa or habtook a very tjommoptao vlaw orhts profsalilon 1j said that man a fool to wrlta tor anything- bmt dtoosant to wrfte but it u pleasant to have written an old lady wu oooa teudn witts jaknea wltttdomb bll about- thaiaor taataruuiwaritthat oontes to po4js buu mr riley she said you have 4to cause for oom- plalntu tou must b a very rich man 1 understand that you et a dollar a word to at you write yes madam said itlley with his slow drawl but sometime i alt all day and uan t think i the importation of booze js adding dead weight to the heavy burden of taxation now borne by the people of ontario importation of booze is adding to the cost of law enforcement importation of booze is adding to the cost of jail maintenance importation of booze is adding to the cost of hospi tals and asylums importation of booze is adding to the cost of living importation of booze is bedevilling the administra tion of the ontario temper ance rvct and defying the temperance sentiment of the pr go to the country for preeh air politic lane for hat air the dlatlonary for sympathy and u tom rum lb y 8 for prompt darvleo tom rumley shops corner millst and park avneah the mill wanted honest lependabla salesmen to re resent uu in the sale ot nursery utacu we supply all outfits free of ohars and allow a liberal rate of commission xppxv to e d smith son ltd- winona ontario charlie gervais house painter a0ton ontario loptr extmrlonco curnful worli ooe ah jol rromutly completed orriom or bprlnjj work should be placed imme llately re6idence ohurch street clearing sale of winteft qoods no notij noli a to ouolph for iol lur duy yon nan mnjto u dollsr hero i ixt ou wiill qvpriuui hi 2js0 work ml irts aits winter caps 178 and aioo an 1 otl nr oodp in proportion cone li a tl d we tor banralna shoe repalrlno naty done e k cook uu t hthkpt acton and vote tlilrhtf notfme to add another bnrdeir to the taxpayers loaij ontario referenduni committee annihilate your eve btra1n by acientifically pit ted glasses keep your etnolenoy of vision at h hundred per cent mark by stv intf the oyos the consideration uiey lot us tell you if y ur vision la entirely mtmal ju aljujmt om4 steele 0r1gqs seeds grow finest crops business directory dft j a menivgn physlelnn end sumeort ofllea and netiljin comer luiwer avenue and is lain htrtn tl resld enoe formarly ooeuplimi by n h iiaa acton on dr e j nelson physlelsn aotoi dr j m bell d d- b l d b dentist honor graduat of toronto unlnr- stty tb latests sneetbetla used u desired offloe at residences corner lliu and rredarlek btreets francis nunan baakblndar account bocks of all kinds mads v order parlodlesj of evar dasc uon caracnlly bound nallns neatly and promput doas wyndhsxn street ouatpb ooc lowmr wlluams store dr c r physician at it 0rgl ross surossn ex house borireon o toronto hpecla nttofltum t women and children phone 22 hospital phone no ft 1 o uox 11 habou nash farmeu ma bsrruter solicitor notary p convenysneen eld perryman block acton ont monenr to loan hours so ain to 6 pu dental miscellaneous marriaqe licenses hoora i marrlag lloem r j kerr cleansed auot n for the counties of hal ton wt lntl ton peal and duttertn and tbe cttt of ouelph acton ontario sales nay ba unuitsd by mall ot at resloanoe at aston or at the rrea p ohloa aoton tba ueroury oooe ouelph the news lleoord vvrmu or with w j gordon llsxnoaa uaker luusburs bales entrusted to il j kerr re oelva attentl it from ilate at lint ins to date of sale list your salr with w reside no bower avenue actea phone 16 aeton call at toy ujnaas roy hindley auctioneer i4vb stock ukaxj testatb and takhchanftlbb consolidated phone erin 4t 1 1 r r 3 acton j e cheevers book binder quebeo bl east ouelpha ont booka eihd masaajpes bound la handsome and substantia oowrs names lettered in cold on ulblaa hymn books and other books all work promptly executed consulting engineers james proctor tied fern lid- e m proctor ba8 manaper 3q toronto 8t toronto csn rrldcea pnvementu v atfrworks bewerace systems inclnnrutors sehoola publlo halls houslnaa factories arbitrations u usatkm our fees ueually paid out of the money we eeve our clients d atextinvell ontario land surveyor end civil engineer surveys cttibdl visions 1 1 jb porta descriptions llluoprluts etc carufloatee for iiurcliasere and mortamsaes suiejw for arehllretm builders and municipal councils drains reports estimates eto molban building douulas i st qdsltapa phon 10m oni clearino auction sale in aotoh farm stock implements etc tho uti loraltrnud has reoelvtxl in htruottonti frojn 6 m lftoby i tu h ii iy vuhllo amitlairat tho t- hti httthl atffon on saturday april 2 1821 at ono ooloulc uluirp tliu folowlnu horhjetl 1 1erohoroii xaaxr rlsin 1 years 1 peroherun horse rtslna e years this id a itood team oattte 1 brlndlo oow b years huffjuly b 1 red now yoars mllkinw 3 montl si l roan cow years mllklna wolll 1 holatoln oow b years due june 7 1 llolftteln oow b years mlllt in woll i bolter l year i oaf i ihqpthe picfs- 3 tw 10 pigs ll months old impjjbmejnts mocormlok binder plows pleury an verity 8 furrow plow noxoi seed drill sloop elehsh wluujlatuflttomawmiroi j pujper eutterj turnip arlll olher itr ttoles too numerous to mention haiinebs grain and potatobia y sot cokiblo haruees 160 bushels havley fiwd p quantity of mixed brain wheatana oau10 baa natft toes tionms llhnontlw credit on apt i roved joint notes b llunt for oosh tiruln ond poutoee cash r jj kerr auetioneer ihono i acton u u euonsiyy olarlc pianos organs gramophones and sewing machines adamauseo hut the eireney for tho bunt makes of the above and will be ulad to show any of tbem singer sewlna machines a specialty terms made- batufeotihy mooreheede old sand mill street acton ont the old and holiablo granite and marble dealers we are manufacturers ana direct importers ot u kinds of monumental ilaadatono work we eoll dlreot lur oustomers at f s4iur us saylnic our cusuhnet 40 per cent we hare the best appuanoes and tbe only toaobanloa t tba dominion wbo can operate pneumauo tools properly wo oan kiva referenoes from hundreds of our oustomrra in toronto and othsa ptaoas wh hatolaw stilts in order ao obllrot we have tba larjhst and beet atook of oranlte in the- dominion or mora than any three deelore in the west we aro lesttl- mate dealers and employ no scents and do aouttowa or deal customara by sen dl lis out qrnorant aant solleit- lnj order- aa em p toy only meehanloa nntt defy competition ftamtitn v on 1 mkiimuvlm

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