Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 31, 1921, p. 5

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w ghjr acton 3tor qttaa tiimtsbax luncil ai uy kittys playthings you rum hum toys for girls tnd 1oys itrhiipm yi u do tiil know tli it klttvuij 11 i i soitm plaything m hi oiilh to n 11 i ill k mi i things to i hi j mi to onn tin 1 ig it front tt a latch i i imlp u fiollr romp t wo w ml 1 ilka the twenty tears ago from ilia laaue of th pre praaa of thursday april 4 1801 april 7 fitutte huniliiy oh ullvi of vutit r u ufo id unfold i aii 1 offer tu nim your hcurta rjf sou munli wttnt out hi a out tho saino lmrr us it whs ublurvl in tho rimthii itlnk co aro remov ing their rather unsightly waiting rn in and fen co tho power house lrwn will thus be imuxuvcdlu uupuirancr an vnthualantlci mooting wu huld in the town lift i tuesday venlng for the 1urpoe of oravnliiu i has ball club for tho coming at aw n tho fallowing odliwi waiw olooted hon l w a uu rey president i pram i 1st vice 1 rem ceytoh j hmtth 2nd vic 1tu a j gentles ectra vrtfd llydur mwrnaflr d 1 teat tie munnging commlltoe w a storey u 11 warden u joan aj j mcktnnon i if out tie m ilyder im party commltto if jeana n manabb it holme among the multltaided of hat shown this wmk ut the millinery opening of henderson a co and tho ll urennon co the punenkn hats predominate new color in trimming art old rose nd antique blues and tho trimming lheinselves comprlno a profusion of flowers gnutm chtrfonu and gilt effects the go i font mot in the council cha hut avantug to reorcanige for tho mfliwn soon to open the following hat of pupil tuive been promoted at the canter promo tlons at the public school front fourth to the third depart moot leonard warden beatty arnold ilessle john- atone mottle mocnn ailed shaw clara bauer minnie uokiatu jen nie hyndn krel araharo jennie allan lena i lay ward madge chapman willie lawwn campbell clark itobln agnaw 3tnnio punn hilda abraham ethel clarke ada romshaw jorne hornby norman bradford thoae promoted from primary to fourth department flaaaos matthews amy speight uary mitten em carry alice proirtj gertie johnstone ida graham wyn nle qrindell itessl coon nina ick laura wiles nellie william paulina lllldenbrand fthel surges warren brawn harry holme johnnie moore sydney dunn arlor dills emat wor- doo erie garvin bolltn leo pred mc- laughlan born iiumpimiud in acton on friday march 39 1v01 to mr and mm w j humphries a daughter r- did you know- th drat pine organ waa made by archimedes ip 320 b c bucklaa were hurt made in 1680 the flrat torpedo waa made in 1177 the flrat horoa railroad waa built in laze the folding envelope wra flrat uaol n ts th velocipede waa invented by drain in 117 roller akatea were invented by plymtan in ibftsi iron pavement were flrat laid in ur4on in 1117 vovered oarrlagea were flrat england tn 1b60 tba flrat iron wire waa drawn at dturemberg in utl t adveruaementa first appeared in nawapapera tn 180 stemwinding watobas wars tba in vention of noel in jbs1 umeltln a sure cure toft ooboip mloa hannah more had air untiaual but an excellent way of managing tale bearerori it aald that whan- rrer ahe w told anything derogatory of another her invariable reply was come we will go und oak if it be tba effeot waa often amusing tba talebearer vaa taken aback stain tnered out a qualification or begged that no notice might be taken or the statement but the good udy was inexorable off she took the saandnl- taongar to the scandalised to make in quiry and compare atocounts it fa not likely that anybody a aeoond tune ventured to repeat a goaatpy story to hannah ore her method of treatment is a euro worth using j only th uninformed ndaro the agony of wnw the knowing ones apply hollowaya corn neniover and get relief f tipped her the wink j a gdod mory against himself is bflng told by b nonoonformut divine of the oevereolflschtfbl who however la not without s senaa oi humor he was travelling north just before he got to tork he opened lbs carriage window wltb the veault that he got a piece of grit lnhu eye ha rubbed in and did all the usual thing buru still troubled fcm and every now und again he had involuntarily to wink when he got to tork he went into the buffet and asked for a glass of milk this being- served he gulped it down und than reamftlng that something was wrong be sold to the barmftld that waant milk was ltr no sir rum and milk but i asked you for milk tea sir but you tipped me the wink 1 smiles the sunday school lesson for sunday april 8 1iy 10 w thornton trih ipa1 thitlhtian ilomani isi l 3 y 21 uoldnit tiui a y would that mei hiioiiii lo ti ilk l do yt ai lovauf onn ohr 1 mchfy i an leeson comment vurwn i in thin iniutort wo change fiom lha hlutory of tho ufa of christ mm lived by ulnuuilf to the practloe f that life u llval by hi follower yaul wo horn in taruu about the min tiirm us jesu was born at ltolhlohntn ii wrote thl letter to thn itomant probably in a t 6 in tills nhaptef paul show uto deed of the fourfold development expressed in luke 5 63 w must grow physloolly mentally socially and religiously yeraa z conformity to this world or the i resent order of things is de trurtlvi immuiuso thing am temporal whlln prlnnlplen are eternal tho rnlhd 1 rtnwad by truth and christ 1 the way the truth and the life through obedlnnno to him wo prove the perfect will of uod verse s the tovn horn moant is tho christian forjunjuier lly- oulfabhlonad aln that dona new fashioned olothos ever gen eration through christian growth we iii be led to repel aim as a dishonor able thing while being uttraotsd to that which la sjood sin is the rreataat oirxn tho greatest disaster and the greatest fascination lit the world verse 10 let every brother be able to know tiny his good name hi every interest is safe in every brothers hands our greatest exaltation la in exalting othsrs verse 11 bo not waste life itrengfh or ilia i pate its power pur posa add high ideals are back of every achievement t verso izj borne one has said that thn worhfha already half destroyed when we are too busy to pray verse 13 to the extent that pover- wxuta alleviate it to the extent that poverty i unnecessary prevent hoapltallty is getting to be a lost art it 1 time to revive it verso 14 the deepest injury that coma s from wrongs dono to us is that it provokes resentment and anger in ourselves a soul filled with hate is a sorry pectaole on the contrary doing good bath requires and sttrnu tea noble impulse s verse is human sympathy 1 on of the finest qualities of the soul the oapaalty to feel with others in the tie that bind hearts in friendship and kindly affection verse ib no doctrine of the new testament is more frequently str than that of the unity pf christ followers we are a long way from the realisation of his ideals aa expressed in his prayer john 17 versa 17 pauls teaching through out these preceptals a faithful reflec tion of the teach lag of chrlat in the sermon on the mount taking thought i for things honorable puts life pro- ramme upon a constructive basis verse 18 you may not be able al ways to preserve peace but you can refrain from provoking war verse 19 avenging justice is the prerogative of qod and not of men we are not aurriolantly able to know one anothers motives to vlt in judg ment upon one anothers acts verse 10 311 there is but one way to conquer an enemy ills apmlty will thrive upon your hatred tmt will languish and die in the light of your ood wlll ho desire your resentment he does not know what to do with your kindness were the world to closely adhera to these teachings it would banish war and bloodshed for ever topics fof reeesrch and discussion i a renewed mind vs it 1 change la made today in our lesson phut 3 what do you know about the birth and early environment of paul s of what fourfold develop nren doe iaul show the need in this chapter t if a transformed heart vs 1- 1 what kind of love is paupf talking stboutt 6 why do people persist ln hypocrisy t c- what is the one great curse of the world t 7 what should the church or christ do with the whole question ofvpovertyt s why are we yet sd far from the new tesutneht idea of christian unity hi a changed will vs 1751 9 where did paul get the wisdom he put into these teaching t 10 what is the practical application of verse 1st 11 discus ths wisdom or verses dnd zl ix why do wo not prac tice this dally readings for next weak monday april tvhtoucrfuujal 1 cor l 3j7 tuesday april 5 physical mental and spiritual orowth luke 9 43 u wednesday april svtoutb tem perance and health dan ll flil thursday aprll 7 intemperance andruln prov 21 ms6 friday april ihealthy vigorous old ago josh h 813 t saturday april ft righteousness and health prov 4 1h3t sunday april losplrltual health ps 43 16 scecp thff tomfluslerom mfjr k1mdnes v words are aomatlmea wounds not very deep wounds always and yet tbey irritate speech is unkind soma times when there is no unkindness in the heart or the speaker but evenlff lhnugh unintentionally a careless olp- jant talker may cause pain in the hearts of others paul advice 1 the safeguard let your speech be ak way with grace seasoned sfub that ye may knowhow yo ought to answer each one col 4 10 salt has a saving qualify any one who strives to inject that quality into his speech will nevwr be unkind ooami advocate t charles dudley warner flays- thwh the difference between the faith cure and the mind cure is that the mind cure daasn1 require amy faj inland the faith cure doesn t require any mind some people speak as if hypocrites were confined to religion but they aro everywhere people pretending to wealth when they have not a sixpence assuming knowledge of which they are ignorant shamming a culture they are removed from adopting opinions they an tint xo1a v recognised aa a leading specific for the destruction or worms mother qravea worm exterminator has prov ed a boon to suffering children every where it seldom falls blue laws do not hold r a euloglstla obituary of a lady says she was married twentyfour yeftra and in all tlutt tima never onoe pbhgfd th dkr jauntie did ou ever get n pro posal t one dear a gentleman asked me for burns find scalds dr thomas ecloctrle- oil will take the are out of a p roldr jfrahowd tooathmnd s in very kltcheri so that if may be lhvafhibtb at any time there is no 1 preparation required just aply the foil to the barn or scald and the pain fi abate and in a short time cease otogtthor r new citizens for can with a population of less than two mirsoii to the ttquaro mile impsred to fnuland six hundred with only five rn r cent of her rich agricultural land in the wea under motivation with a heavy national indahtedi uinh nly few triple o yy the in tflrtit in tho form of laxe tl why cmiuda in hungry for immlgranls mil nullly la understood immlgrs tlop la the human rain without which conn in tnust iwrnh and wither up k great llrldilii linil a lurge sur plus of fannerm and farm hand can pda miuht nut have jo invite imml amiitn from nny other nource hut cnt ilrltuln i not so much an ngrl culturnl nu a morrlisnt nnd manufao turlng centre und every year grudge moro and more the farmer or farm hands who leave hnr colonies for the dominion hbo 1 qultu willing to send out count lees city folk in the hope t they may be transformed into rarmers in their nw environment but she has fewer rarmers tn spar than many other countries from which can adn irt the past ha drawn excellent settwr till i illustrated by the homestead on tries vrom 1801 to xtl ohlv eighteen per cent of the british ngran made entry for homesteads we tern canada a compared lo twenty seven par cent of the amerl can immigrant and twenty nine per t of the foreign lorn from contin ental furojm i ertalri purts of icurope where there i a aenulno land hunger there ot enough land to no round vive or six ucrn per family is all the land avullahle in certain parts of ilelslum nd even on that the thrifty belgian frequently hrltiks up a family of ten the great immigration of ukrainians from central furoim which ha given canada nearly s00 000 of her western farm population was duo to tho con stant subdivision of farms which were only fifteen acres to start with these ukrainian itavo become a great asset to canada and have at their own ex he erected four large colleges for higher education then again we awe our luu atock of ueventy thouaand scandinavian settlers tn tho lack of idlfllent unit in sweden norway denmark and iceland v thona fnrelsn born made good cunndlan nltlsenst read the kdu- on of the new canadian by rr m anderson of tbsskatchewan and you will nay yes in one or two groups at first there was opposl tlon to tho learning of knglish par ticularly among tho older people but now it is difficult to and sufficient teachers to meet tho demands of the schools and it is not only in the hoolx where you find the foreign born more than half tho students at the inrvprslty nf manitoba aro of for- jelgn pare n to r you find children of the foreign lirn leader in the pro fesslons and in thn cabinet of at least on provincial government canada ut after all only repeating an a larger scale the welcome to and the assimilation of the foreign born which has characterlsed tpe history ot tho mother country the flemish weavers and the llugenots who found refuse n knglund are but a few of th foreign born immigrant who help ed to build up thltbih industry can udas chief industry tv ugrlculturo and iter agricultural prosperity is due in no small degree to ths thrifty and in dustrlous new canadians who nave come to the wide seres of tli wost from the over crowded land of iiu- ropa and whose chllilre to day are proud to spook kngluh and to lng the maple loaf for ever a b the reason why- so many who i are rundowiy in i vitality finh-re- l toiation in scotts emulsion ia hat it possesses in purest form elements of nourishment diat determine growth and streogai forobiubibtattd cvnditidna taium scotfm emauion i- auomakerop kimoids hmtwanilmi f to indigestion sssssaasasbsbaaasasaamjmm w onoa hoard tba hrotherofla counterfeiter pomplalnlng about i hi severity of 4he laws hia brother hod been arrested nnd punished and the laws against oountsrfelung were blue laws to him an exsaloon keeper who is a member ori city council voted the other day against a law to check gambling liar said he did not believe in so much seal against gambling and dd not believe in bhjio laws anyhow people who are cry ing out against what they indefinitely call blue taws idday aro enoourag j ing tbe whole criminal world which is up in arms against everything in the form of hvpf nd trying to arouse a spirit of derjuinfor anything in the way of restralntqlermld and pres- in yiilners wprm powders being everywhere corf be got at demand everywhere corf be got at any chemists or drug store ft vary amall co t are a reliable remedy for wotin troublesj and rstn he fully rslim ipomoexpet worms from ths system and abatn the sdfrerlngs thfl worms cause there are many mothers that rejoloe that they foiind available so effective a remedy for the relief qr their khudrmn can business- letter nine tenths o tbe toiw hust- nesa u done by latter your ability to write business lottery means speedy promotion our training tn this subject la very special and thorough it la a common remark from business men who have our graduate in their office flheccrtolnly camwrite a business letter you can start any hay and re ceive the same training that pbed your friend in her present position of responsibility dont put tins o guelph business college hrld smo uulph ort a l bouck prinolplproprf dentacl0r tooth paste whitens preserves reliees pyorrhea form a good connection a savlnga account in tho bank of nova v scotia gives the depositor a matrices coni nectlon with one of canadas leading finan cial institutions such a connection in years to come may be of great value and assistance in business why not form the connection today by opening your savings account tub bank of nova scotia fucaiui w k graham manager acton dally except sunday bunday only nto quburhan euctria railway oelna west it am jfja pm 8jh pn uolldl j j ppj sunday only t te p m bunday only oalng east dally except bunday dally exeept bunday iilly except bunday bunday only burnjoj only sunday oedy t 41 eta 3 03 pm 11 p m 6 a m iilpm t f p m vou can procure cream of the wast flour from d hi lindsay acton ont c7vicu aeton granite works j nicol experienced oranite cutter is prepared to supply monu ments of all kinds with skill- hilly out- inscriptions at low prices see sample of work and- styksj or monuments the toorfutnentwwks pesuitman msock hill street actojh ont j e palmer valuator aad auipe nr ontlfor ny who asfkftl knowlmlk of tho tt looalltloa tor will ww m buldo op my datlqaa for- lw or sports man best of ratfrenoea j awefl andsrsanhqus jctaf- cochrane spring is coming and kenney bros aro belter prepared than for- years with full linen of new spring foot wear for every rnflroder of the fam ily and for whatever work psplea sure you may bo engaged in good line of mens and bov8 solid leather workino boots special un or glria school boots at pricfaf ar below any imepi quoted qood supplyory ruddebb for dprinqwear the levfeb on the member of parliament i fcdllor j jf huntrr of the k i near 1 dine reporter favors increased in- 1 melnnity to m p l ho sloes up thler iositlon as foil tws y i that little um nomlonttl indemnity ut coming up so rumor say and rumor is spnerftlly tho forerunner of truth or slander it looks this time am if it were truth tho members oil found it wu morn uicpeiuilvn to alt around good ho to la anil nhsw tooth picks buy uewspaimm have their shoe blacked and wmouo cigar in stead or a clay pipe than they ever dreamed or theres soother little itam that enters into the bill of expense we drop in to see our member ire hasn l got over his ourtcsy of the farm and says have dinner with me it costs hlra an nxtra dollar lie may hope you will refuse but you don t you go up to tho feed trough drink out of th4oger bawls and all the rest of 1l even leaving it to your momber to tip tho welter this happens oftm during the session you may only u once hut there aro fifty moro just like you and soma a them make it t point to nccldentully run into the member several times lo of them never voted for him but that dont matter aln t ho common ptoy fqr all you bet lie s our servant we sent him to parliament and ro re going lo bleed him mot only do bleed him by imponlng on hi hos pitality but we can t hava a dng fight that we don t ask him to and we watch the collection plate when he drops his contribution in to tt f tie less than a cg spot has piker oildjlojjool we doo t loll him o we- just gt around andwhlg per it where it will do the mot good if wo aro opposed to him if we are not we keep it to ourselves and lay it up against him mentally when he casts up account at the end of the yoar he tlnd wo havo bled htm until his blood l olinlky white mow to bo fair who i it thut makes him want more indemnity it is the people be is serving uont blame him let him have it fur ha deservea it has to listen to our sarcuorns and walfld h wlttlclamrl tit hlri expense and smjjo n tawuit when he would love to hand us a punch lot us pay nun well for ho ut tho one football wo can kick at will tor a four year hire tbe laborer is worthy of his hire bo is the man who re- resents you in uar- 1 lament i castoria for irflante andonmren mothers know that genuine castoria alwayb bears the signature of copy of wrapper in use for over thirty years astoria railway time tables xt acton grand tronk railway system oelno wast no fi bunday 10 j a 3 a a i vrelght dellvereil by sptxlal frcuibt krelahi plrlteil up at any nd- m tn toronto o 1c aonkw agent j uptodate goods atcc speights y silverware in tableware pino variety also fino cutlery hardware tinware and granite ware big assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stove everv article 18 op excep yional valle c c speight mm stret aciori makes sweeping easy purifies the air saves labor astf your grocer beware of imitations ask for it at voub local dealers t36e acton bakery call phone no 77 ir you cant a delicious loaf of r bfead or brown bread or a boston loaf steam loaf buns aod ftolla pies and all kinds of cookies and cakes also wedding cakes made baked or iced 1bkead is your best food eat more op it phone 77 the waggon wu call at your door m edwards co acton ontario stare cievyljiehf exmpltfrl day and saturday at sj80 ps good for asthma asthma remedies amc an i go but every year the sales ofvtho original dr j ll kellogsx asthma itemedy keep up mo further evl lence ooul i bo asked of its merit tt relieves it i ahmye of the aaaoe unvarying ijunllty whloli tho sufferer from asthma leurnn to know do not suffer another attack hut gut this splendid remedy to day repalririx andsatlav faclorily executed r kenney bros man street actom ontj ups and downs motuer dia you call kdlthup this morning t v ufituthter yo but she wasnt down mnthatwalut why dlditt you oajljer downt dnughter ftecauae she waant tip mottewthen call her up now- and call hor down for not being dawn when yop cullod br up far frost bits and chilblains chilblain come from unduo exposure to slush and cold ami frostbite from tits icy winds or winter in the treat- meat of citbet mi axeetlont prepara- tlott jjt dr thomas bel oo trio oh as it counteracts the inflammation and re lieve- th pain the aotlon of tho oil 1 prompt and t application ut ex- iremoly simple acton creamery pull market price paid for butter fat any small amount of cream will receive i our best attention we will also pay spot cash for eggs open friday and saturday evenings best creamery butter new laid eggs and fresh buttermilk wdx now be suppued at tub creamery every day ferrys i purebred seeds l heres a wav to bring home the bacon while tad and mother sit around and tryto figure out what in thb world you will do next summer you just kep two jump ahead of them surprise them i bbow them you know how to keep out of tlschlef and make a pocketful of money at tbe same time start a garden thats the knagto i phrase boyal- jtoucanugraw them the big red tomatoes string beans galore peppers and crisp and snappy i raduhes so acton cre co watson wbleis proprietors icvery mother within walking dls- itanoe would rather have your fresh vegetable and pay you a price that will make your pockets jingle but you must start with good seeds with purebred heeds seeds are mysterious you cannot buy by seed the kind that professional and amatuer gardeners hava planted for sixty years they am tested for vitality for ability to reproduce their ideal parent plant it pays to plant tbem ferrys purebred seeds can bo bought everywhere at tbe stare around the corner thay could notbotktter any price but are sold at loo per paper shop where you are invited to shop qet a good start on your garden plan by reading perrys seed an nual r for free copy now d m ferrv a co windsor ontario mmmim r ifiliffeifct

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