Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 31, 1921, p. 6

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liliths uarrloos and deaths are now fbarkeil for at the folio wins mloji lllrtho gor mnrrluieea loo athu dpn m- in rlul ards con jc pr lino mtm for poems 1 itk i mm 111 dorn ii i mi 11 i mrm 1 fflolt il married hill j hi aoniuw t km church ailoti ii lihtr- fcl day hurch eh 1031 ly it v w i unllny ii a montana j iwiiitf f tm nlu to 1 fusel ciirollui iuuliiii- of mi- and mrs jn re autii w anion illttonai i hi i d at th- hi mo tho i rl i m urtiitu mull htreot ai i n welnrliy uur ii 23 1021 lyllv w i unlluy li a 1 nulla died i oxic at ilm h it of hir areiit on hutur lay urxh34l 1031 hva murlo duujcl i r of ito uii i mm 11 a t uvwt g monthu uud 3 days in memoriam al i an in r i 1 uii i lovliitf ry or our ilrni- hunhuiid in 1 futher john allan who ipimrto i this life april l nufture qpedlalist coming v ty nil ul ii o rnirnunruwlil ay fi lniii r litivliit hjlii ititlmi mil ii vb it r 1 hnilih l t ll i i o u wn 1 nun in wh ii ii 1 irown fllu nltli dul tiiiu i ut r i rr r an ulph wrllhiklim hotel iltiy unt 1 rlluy a ii mill it 11 r j kerr 0 bales ly i akil uiul wliuoowh flo wicij and vamilvv shje arton3rtrhts0 tiujlthday 1auch 31 itll c i brief local items loan up tho boulevard ah kooim imyto morrow hi rlntf l lowing has commenced prpura to vote cot on the llsl april mimm again in the mornln tim roads are drying up nicely wow these are cleanup and paint up day ia little spell of winter tiuued in tlila week ko april showers on irlt ubm loss lamblike nl otrui lit al- tho safety habit in rirlvlnir in nuitaloua not it homo hoiukiliolilani hay enrameno- d hardening operation for tho mbnon twenty fourth of may la the next holiday anr ii come in about rntmn week itaku over your street rrontaao ii will improve tho appearance or your property ouotph m tax rata thu year will be 31 mill four mill hlchar than laat 1 yaarm rate k compete in mr clnaver nonteat why vota ym lartloularb in an other oolutnn i j tttio brlrk ta belnx laid down for th eztenalve imprvivemanta on the etarkman build lnc i the aufcoulant watrcroam bl ttfw growlnif luiurlality it a mrlnf pur gsnoy fflwa a ep walch lajooluhed isaquealnff townahlp cqanoll will moat nnxt monday april 4 tho path- moaterm for the year will bo appointed tborn art ortcourajtlnc ladlcatlona that uie pafttory hulldlna will houae a snlns concern with ib a few week v u your name- u nt on ut vowrn iul and you ore eligible to vote eo tx tl town llal to day anfltiav it put on kiurtor mom ins h weather wan ntlher aliowttry ror tho new 1mutir millinery at the kuuter morning church arvlci j thorw ara otlll onijulrloit for acton v municipal debenturea by proapecuvo purchaeem none are now avallablo howoyar tha cood cittmen not only prepote to vote but mw that hu or her none u on the volera hut coil ut tho town hall to day thtt altraotlvo vernal tint which wwnn road aid en und paaturoa have already takon on is h hopefufeuin tbat aprlntf la at hand a the nlllnr in of the centre of the roadway or wilbur fitrvet between mill and church rtroat waa a much- needed improvement tho rlud koater hymns and un tbenu ut the- church kurvloom lout bunduy naturujly onsvndered a nplrlt of devotion and truat mr john moffat la liavlntf tho tore da main htroet which he re cently purchased remodelled for his propoacd now bualnoa tjiofenco on tho north nldo of the new achool playitrouuil erected two or throo yeara aso has u very tipsy iran and threatens to fall over in coae you realda in tho township you may secure the right to voto by application to the deputy itcturnlnk officer at your polling plaoe norsaraduh and parsnips are the first vexotahlea from the nverase gar den which are bo ins enjoyed kheu- barb will be along in a few weeks i the sign jjo dumplnv allowed here down by the wilt dam has been j- openly violated lately the result is a slovenly appearance a the roadside many rurmerm through out the n country liuvo bevii enjnured in spring powlnjluiln8 thoweuk and spedlpg will bo commenced curlier thin for many years wlillo oood fridays weather in the morning threatened rather a damp and cloudy day it proved quite balmy and springlike the sun shone bright and warm most of tho day dirt you know that for twenty flvu years uitor aron was ueltlod thera was not it ikuitugo slump to 1m hud in the place thq flrat postaae ntump issuod in cmiada was in 18s1 a irentleauu said to tpia friend who came from a prosperous neighbor ing town you ara still growing and crowing i aoe tho answer was ys and if you don t crow you won t row t k gibbons the shoo man is moving his htislncns and machinery to the acton creamery building across the stroal ho will return lo hi present gland srw hurknun building is remodelled v bwll m a million matches a match may destroy a million trees when in tho woods take no chances with lighted matches tobacco or camp fire oct the habit lie caroruj with fires in tho woods t iteovo darber gives tho annual notice to cltlxens to clean up their r premises and comply with the publlo health act in this uuuio tho com- w tjpul of vwng has always refeuitod iff twy and sanitary ihtirly 31 j 1 colemati jcu iui uii a c m i k tin i imploments liaturluy aj rll j h m iifl v hlu tint llilnl aul ii furiipshok mid lint h flutlirdiy ajrll 2 iwttttto of i iln iluiue lurkir whili i 1ulr hull ling auolih it 13 i a rll t jno li miller llmimt iittli i anw 1 pure bred hogs rlluy ai rll h kl lfojlklnw n krw it f farm mtfinl tiimituy al rll i j ifii lmi lour rnrij krjm u furm wtoou an 1 m what atle yolj thinking k about i onnlruntlvn thinking i oil of tlm rurtuit tliltms in the wi rl i iimn r y u w ill im imtoiiihlxii if yoil kept irui k of iiir tliuiights for a day ti uiki how ulmlii thy worn kud huw jmn i ut on ouliildn liinunntis you wifrn not thliikliik ulonif any ospoolol linn tur to uuy uioclul end but your mind iiruupi 1 this miugwtiou or that in vtil lu from tho outalde world and tin ughc of that till oomothlng how tot k its placa t lu not what wo eat hut what wo dlgout that nourlahos us it la in i what we loarn but what we think about that glvos us intalloolual pouror bometlmns a frlond will offer you a penny for your thought if they are tho right kind of thoughts they hould be worth a thousand dollars any day aoainst law home man makn p terrible howl about personal liberty when tholr lr is touched but low mookly to the law whon it aayw ho ahall not carry a gun or dirk knlfo on his hip fancy th ruckuu that would have urinous liuiulrod yours ago if a eanllrman had boon forbidden to carry a sword and his horvnlit p daggrir hut the most amusing stunt tlial liberty loving vic tims of temporanrn legislation petv form 1m tho vftort to show that m pnranco practices and lawa arojin ncrlptural christ mudo wlno ut tha woddlng ftuist they say and iaul told timothy to tako a uttlo wlno for his atomach s uak tluiso am the regular mtnck urgumnnts those liberty lovers start a aurlpturul agitation in favor of polygamy why not lot us have thn good old patriarchal oustoms that al lowml a man to havo as many wives as lie could buy or support polygamy un i immiso have gone by tho board ho ouiuo thoy became cnomlos of rlvllioa tiorj the ourno of lienor is that it has proven itself a ftm to law and order bh well as tnonaui to tho community in its direct afreets ftolomonh shoo and leather journal j w kennedy 4 hon aeorgetown wlih to advise tho people of acton that they will ahortly opin u brunch of their plumbing and tlnsmlthlntf business in aclon in the meant mo dny onu wish lng anything in this una will bo taken cure of by communicating with them best germans leavind ger many an oxohango carrjeh the following as a result of the war u romorkable change in vital statistics in fonpd in bvanca ifor many ywar prior to 19u the tlmitn rototlir cxiocded uio birth rate in thai docadont country novr the births uro far in excess of tho duuths and tho social and the moral tone of tho people is decidedly improved franco ut its present iatn will in a fw years outstrip germany once no proline for while there aro many births in tho latter country the ufant mortality rule owing to unfortunate conditions causinl by the war ta frightfully high and tho moral and physical tono of the poopld in unfav orable in addition to this thousand of tho bettorcluhk gorman- ura leav ing tho country or uru making pre parations ta do so within tho last year more than fbro thousand havo gono to mexico largo numimirs have gone to liraxll and to othor south american countries one cannot blama the imittorcuuis oermans fon- wantlng ta got out of germany but it is hard on germany jst joaaph s chutvb wui hold a social this thururtay avonlng in tho basement of the churcli mrs john kennedy will bo hostess all welcome students learn extraya- aance tliu juct that pxiantly u caudidato oluctwl to u uhodes scholarship do- nllnod to accept tho honor because of the inadeuuuto allowance of si boo n yesr provided by mr ceoll luludess will has suggested tho propriety of iticroaslng this amount it cannot ho dune however ln accord unco with the unchangeable provision of tho will that amount would oaro for two students a generation ago v one trait the prosentduy student hsnve loped is extruvugunoe he graduates with the simple life fairly nradlcated by a scorn of tnonay demanding activities that would havo made his father stand aghast tho uwnucoatudont of ta day spends moro needlessly than his futlior entire yearly outlay at college automobiles taxis dinners danoei clot has athletics and so forth pllo up the total rapidly tsough colleges ara nruttnnd so gentirously over tbu vountry it is to bo doubfutl if the ohutidw of obtaining an education to day aro unymoro prtinouncod thun in tho past generation northwest ad vocate the public healtli cftizens are requb8xed ro comply with tble public health act notion la hereby glvoit that ull rosl douls of acton aro rniylrol forthwith to oloun tholr cellars drains yards pig styes water closets odtbulldtiur und other prvmlsoii mid remove tharc rroui ull dirt manure and othor sub htuiiro which may ondaiger uio public health and to have tbo snmu com pie tod by tho tenth day or may next on which day the bantary inspector will commence a gem nil inspection and further taiconotjootliaiauu hofluon px io tuliliolealraot prohibiting the keeping nf hogu liotweoii tho lth of may and tho irth of novamler ex cept in pens ut luiiat 70 foot from any dwelung house and co foot cram any street or luno with floors kvpt clour from all stundlng wttuir and regularly alaansod will be atrlouy snfarood all oltlxnna ure earnestly romieatad to kiop tholr premlliom rinmtantty olc umr thoroughly dlslnfm geo wallace says let the whofo world know that in thesa day of starved tooke ws at uaat hsve sbun dant aupplim of ovsry thing men and boyp wun clothing furnishings hats caps etc lot folta understand that our merohenrilu as freh nd new sprlna clothaa slimays ahauld be our old high prloel qooda wore olasr od opt in the late unlsmsnted wjntor i lot the won go out that prices horv r all based on current replmcs merit cqit weve naolsctstl na ahance to profit you by the world wide readjustment of values lets goi springs here ctm77j1ww allways reliable clothier 1 buelphdht clearing auction sale in ivitln townhhlv earm stock implements etc tho undanitiuind has rci ivc 1 lu rlruclons from norman harrhewe to nell by public uucllou at his farm lot x v con 3 hltuutnd on tho 3rd line ubout q mlhs south of ortm on thursday april 7 1021 tnmmennlng at ono clock ullnrp tho following hoiullui 1 heavy draft maro 0 yiars old supjkhumi to 1i in foal to jnt 1 go no nil purpoio moro v years oil good in ull imrnijhm 1 goldlng 7 yoars old goo1 in ull tiurikss 1 go t log years old la hi h drlvir gnnornl purpose filly rising j years gi noml punoo keldlnff rlnlng 1 your black rouiuter filly rlulnjf 2 yoars hire i by illllla todd cowbv4iim1 row 6 yearn oldl jlua april 26 black cow g years ouu duo april 10 grey yours old bred january 13 rnllklng woll gray cow 4 t imrs brod novum iwr 10 milking wnll irlndlo cow b ymm old bred octobor id milking wall black flow h years old bred murca 10 mllkluii w 1l young catvl b3 huifor rising 2 years 2 ntooni rutins 2 years 2 ho if or u ruiliiir yoars x calves 7 n ion thn old i1ck1b jurk sow bred march 2 3 iterk shout t fat bogs if not prot vlously sold f imiibmknts massoyiiurrls ftln dec 0 root cut mccprmlok nrnwi r 6 root nut mccorroiclt rnke 10 fftot wide noxon sd drill muasayi harris cultivator international c section har row with 4 and 4 auction draw bar now crown twofurrtw plow 3 kleury walking pknfs 3 hcufflers tur nip sowr adams wagon with box and spring seat complete bobatoirlm fan nlnjr mill sot of lutrorm nuuhh kuro ku pulper now grlndntpno bag truck s sugar kettles 1xg feat hay rope 1 hay fork pulleyn now scythe enullago rork roverslbtu huggy polo whltu ash tniiguna crofisout suw 1 iloxon grain bugs 1c cow hulns neck yokes forks hiiovvih vkrf 1iaunbss 1 set branw mountwl twain bajnihs with collars brldos brooch 1 mm compli to in w 1 sot toum harness 1 not bl w hurusss 1 sot loublo driving hum ess noarly now- hay and gltaln b tons of good mhffiil hoy lt bushels of improved tlunnor outs fit for soki 1e bunhols of block barley hoo 1 10 bushels seed pons 20 bushels white barley i bushel karty kureku wini a tuuutlty of grass wood household ilm kctb kitchen range ctuil or wood lu good uhaie barrel chum 140 ihtii pills now 100 spiles molotte cream sutuirutor fcivon on rurnlshink upiirpvud joint 4itoff furo valuo of note for huy grain huuaehold offocts ilov hinoleyf auctioneer hrln rbonu uunnulith uiilup ilutik orton cioru horses wanted alv kinds of good horses highest prices paid puver8 will be at milton wcdneb april 6 aton thursday april 7 j georgetown friday april 8 bring in vour horses watson bros b allen ave toronto he 8eemed veny old to her attnoirrhiriuminbooirissoibitw hor gmudfatlier with un end loss ou cession of nuostlonadgring tho oven lug says tho london morning lot had still orttt more question tousk bo fore sho want to bed l gnindud shu suid wero you in why iio ha loxolalmcd nmllliigly amislokuluibil l thoit gain lie regarfllnshlm wltfi f jteovo of the municipality i cnt wonder why worpnt you acton march 10 1mi 40 4 i drowned i r u- paperhanging prices w the un ieruliijn i ijr hang i i liuv i 1 1 t 1 thn foil wing i rl mi thn u in iff 1bji una tnlcn this mill oil f lur rmjhg our i iiili rn un i thn ut lid gnnorully doo per hour pqr painting w ii wat kbjh u wohihgn h colldinph hvibruary 24 1011 10 to 50 a week ipura time in it homp in your i p ir lim kil an earn 10 to- c0 euch prsok no ruuvaaslng or sollcltlnji wo touch you bow and supply you toady work write to day ror full particulars national show oard school ltd loom 41 u adoluldo eh w toiionto canada ontario dental convention meela in torontomay 2 3 4 5 1921 aix ethical pkacjrnokers invitei koynoto of convention this year will be the prevention op dental diseases spring millinery now on display you are cordially invited to see our specials at 500 nellie m stockf ord acton i jguelph eloka prices this week tho following arc n fw of our prices this week 08 lbs rrcad plour ssao 24 lbs pastry riour 12s 00 lbs potatoes 60c 5j4 lbs rolled oats 25c a largo stock of bennles seeds on uan the best that t can be bought rpnnies no i pine tree timoth seed 525 bush call and see our ited clover sweet clover abuke alfalfa i prices are lower than elsewhere and none but the best seed d- h lindsay vuovk and veed store mill st acton store open every evening you save l6 to 15 ohta suit ok overcoat withpor mills in itrsdford eng la nt combined with our fortun to low reqt ttoton onsble b to offer you rars clothes at avlim of f 10 to 915 a guaranteed fit big man stout man short man an individual fit for every form w srs tho orlalnaaera of the plan of selling the cloth by the v and eharglna you for msk- wo clot htt tho fubllo for u of oul wo must havo support of tho public to mukii u huccou our representative will be at mr starknunfl store acion an friday and saturday april 1 and 2 with a full line of uptodate sprinff materials lancashire yorkshire woollen co m vonoe street toronto four dsre north of elm ptrwt wecarbvthe laroebtbtock fi the city wrlte our mali order dapl for samples ete t 9 saturday treat l wo are more than pleased with tlitf business wo have had in tho month or marcll for april wo uro out to break all records special no 1 a big treat for tho chlldron a real ono cent sale vo have 2500 ono cent pfeep of caiidy a bik assortment saturday wa qltcr them to you at 2 for iff r speelylrn02 100 lbs i of oyr fresh homo mado victory fridge n rich soft cream strawberry and vanilla layor with cocoanuf in it reg 40u tb saturday treat price 25c specjal no 3 100 jbs of ujir assorted wcojj end chocolated hjjrd and soft centres and peanut cluster jjpg 50c arte 60c weekend special 39c h f special no- 1000 nut milk chocolate bars also suitanajalmond pea nuf etc reg 5c ouch saturday special 8 fox 25c siecraennrort 10 dozen 5c nil day puckers assorted flavors saturdoy 3 fqr 10c t h moorehead brampton v geobgbtown milton acton weekly store news at the mclean co store the store with the stock we stock the best money can buy a black silk hpeekl for thbf week our green ldfic black silk iy guaranteed to give good wear a rich silky inibli ml ins wide wo havo dozen a of customer i that havo bought this silk and in lvcry taio they are well satisllcd special this week 275 per yard a bargain in natuval color shanturuf suk for wear this silk has no equal wo havo it in stock to day 0 nt wide tho best valuo wo have over shown a bargain at 1 00 per yard menu italncoatd at reduced iricet thcso oats ajiswer a double purpose raincoat in wot weather a spring and fall coat in cool weather wo handle the stand arc macintosh make tho best coat on tho market every coat has tho makers gunr- arittc 2100 ontf for 1800 18 00 coars for 1100 pure wool top with or without licit boyn heavy ribbed hone at leeduced iricen ju t 10 dozen in thin lot sizes aro fi hi 0 il circle brand make do u bl li kplicod liuel und toes fast colors a ntockiui that will givo the huy any amount of ood hurd wear kcular price u5c io clcur ut 50c pair a special in mcnn work tanbi these pants arc in stripe cotton tweed a good heavy weight double ittclietl- at every beam size t j2 to 2 licjular price 3 x for ji2i- mcnil work shlrtm nt sl0 w- ha c 5 docn of the o work shrits regular pneo n 22s5uci wa to 17 to clear at 150 mclean co i mux street we sell for cash we sell for leaa acton merchants casualty co hpeclallsts in health and accident insuiniica iollclus lllmrul and un restricted ovi r si 000 000 paid t 904 royal dank bit 0 toronto ont only one week more of sale at tho end of two weeks our store will bo closed so if you need any bpnnr goods como in and look over our stock mena all wool overcoata lateat eul reg 130 for j1575 ladles all wool jersey sport coals 795 striped flannelette 30 inch 23c white hannelelte 18c our entire stock has been greatly reduced and you can obtain real bargains bo not slftm the door in the tface of 01- pobtunity y l starkmari mill street acton we build pipes of iihivol mi tid f r any t urpoun y u imvi lu mind tnll u your liucdu and w will mum wioi von i l hur made of tin kino uulviinlxou iron topucr clc ouu work will ktand i oil vallh and aivfel yotj hlukltloit hkkvick w f mooney acton ont cockshutt implements unreserved auction sale pure bred shorthorn cattle qrade cattlr horses i and hoq8 i tho uiidftrulirnod iwvo received in 1 strtictlons frtim i j h miller a sons s to sail b public uuotlon on their limmlhu lots id und 30 con 1 urls tuesday april 0 1021 ut omt ounck sharp the following i ilohhkrf i iconerul inirimino itnrsp c i yours wuhh alxiut 1 350 1 unit olass harness horse rlslnir s yeurs sullabln foi ionrul dallvury 1 clydo oilt rlsh tntf 3 years well mulched pair nonuru surpone colts rlslnir 3 und 3 1 brown eneral purpose colt rlulpir 3 yearn cattlb pit11h hrrqdh jjnly lkn htella crawfbnl bowl to mar iuts ruproine 1100x3 ida vllhik 0rl 134114 brml to uerry llros loloru hnnl i slro orton uela 1u34b bred to bum- ford rupreme vluy i 1307b4 broil to hlamfonl bupremu jbfassln resistor i i kllnnlt reslstered a year old bull 1 htamrbrfl hultrome 133480 aired bw msrguls llupmina 11c0z3 brand sire i tlalnford murqula i oattlb obadhb- lloan huiham now with culf ut foot a years roil oow vrllh culf at foot 7 years road cow with calf at foot b yeurs red oowl r yiurs duo time of salu s durham kraija cows forward sprinsora s par- ham krude helferif 3 due uarty in april 3 hereford trade heifers duo early in april 0 ourhara k rutin halfirs s ynars old to cutvu in april to juua 4 holsleln krada heifers in cult 19 liuiffiu and stotra huliiir 3 vcurs hors- fonl und durham kruds 10 llurefonl nod jjurhum ttnidoa rlslnic 1 year tom ahd belfvrs i hotlh 3 purti brud yotkshlro stiwh hi furrow to puio bred wtook im llftrovit produced tit tlma of uulo 10 yoimif i york sown in farrow uiikiiiio for rvuls 1 trillion or with puduirets 1 ymk iwar i nt foi service 3 puro hro 1 llmk boars i lit ror service 3 liirk hiiwri with i ihhiluruck lu fnrrow 13 youiif sows ullaihle ror r ltntlon nr with ihmh ifrtiru u furrow 4 rulsturoil yoiiiut i sows 3 months ouu of tho hurd tjrou i is motlo doctor c343g lliuhwi oil modal 40w0osa i puis lirttd rum- worth lour b youim hrudo tuinwoithl howsi in furrow 3 ktudn york hows otin vliik wimoad lilt r duo rly in april 7 yotmtc urailu york sowu nirry- i iliu that htur dun e irly in aprll 3 voiiusows duo lu iui j sow dim i in june 40 stor iiors from 10 to 10 i ihs tauti thristi roulstereil yorkshire i snwpsuro brwl from nuick dlmctljt in hue wth ilrethuur itruntford wllu m i kentim und o a c tho rasstorod 1 1 ileikhliiro sows liuvo been bred i rum i tho hi tils of ihompsou ltrownrlduo i hniltti hupluindlna und oorso of tho i unltihl hlatis uouitky 3 pair iiuru bmd unit i oriiliuttoit ihlckort ao ituck he i it i hlhd oka in- about 200 vusholu mm bu mt outs 6i muihoih imp clus 1 ter osts o0 bushels hurley u quun i uty ui cunudlui iloauly imuul i tiaitmh of kalo0 all sums or 10 1 and under cash over tliut amount ten montlm qrodil on runilnhliitf uiiprovod i joint iiofos tusttd klulii und paulbry i cash i positively no peaerys i jameb mcdonald b j kerr a bprfovoy v auotionflsr- william htliloiln and 4 m dukit clerks i coiivoyanoca will mot both o p v at orftm t come to stephensons blacksmith shop for high standard farmjmpiements cultlvnlor iolnls how shares kid tin trown gang coekshult no 21 mows repairs of all kindi promptly attendtd to adams wag 0nb bolster spnnb sculllcr government motor lenses while thoy lasf at 150 a pair used tires and vulcanizing come and ffet acquainted with the new machine man j w barberree tho new machine man main street v acton ont farms for sale 200 aches in kkin townsii1i 2 mil1ss hiom uilmnuitc 100 woiiiit wotkibu tul iik o hurdwood biiili j nnrtu orclmkd do dciiih fill ploumlio 1 nun ly und 1 y lit mi soli 1 willi uud u wluiliulll hi ink hou mof b rootim llupk luirn t2xtll 1 1 inunt hoi is wutor 1owls i lir l it 40x20 watt i- hi utablos i limit mid tvluitlioiio lntsnoaidou urraiifed price 110000 luriiis uirinunl uiink hou in or h ritoiiiu impk luiri uii 1 llttur carnvlj two driving h mi hahool o nxlri church imlltti lu 100 acres in 1kiun townshii 1 vi milks k0m acton bu ih utn jh ftui luturn 3 ucrnm mcluiril 30 nun ii of d n i tun hum no tichool t mil lunch fi 1 oiih hmioii iinutik d 1 rloa do acres workuhli 1 ucroa full plouuh- i lay liuii w 1 wx37 no 3 tdx30 drlvllitf itlitil 4011 mlnutiyi wnlk i turn i mullliiut telupbt iir 4600 terms arruituud 150 acres in erin township 2j4 mhivs 4prom hills- nurtisfift miles i komlrin l 1sq ikiicm whrkubln hil int i thiluini 1 imtuirl j horru un hard 36 acre full iiloiifchil mi inly uud tliyli iln ll jh ill i hrluk huimo 6f s roomu clutorn rgrnui iltiik 1 nil jjmih barn no u 54xin tlu up e5 inunl pll lieu slump n lilvliu luumul inriiji wultr in stubles tichool uud church 114 ltillcs t ouuuhuioii urnviikud irlou ft 1 2000 terms rir ranged wjlloughby farm agency hkadowicb j 43 victohia stillket toronto tuurtldfllonii uain u19 representativeh b meddvypll- qeoroetown w- rauui s a i-

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