Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 7, 1921, p. 3

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hr arton wtct imuj ritiiuudw xlul lttai v old jims opinion it lliltl htlmllmit an olootlou kiii t in in i ilmut it y i i lb it wt ii ii roction whuta thuft limy wunt my opinion win ii ttmy wnia lowl i out uii i rolled my all i i ut pt ialoinn in tnum- ho ok y l ii hi ami iik y v wll i mil it i i hi help hi ot to mi nrntiro hflt yi if ti t ny promlso t ii wi what- ri i ami it ii loll you wh n i mtiul i l tell you why y ii uro w li i nit to dim uti ry thimnrlim wot itr ilry win ii a buy my ilmmy bop it koiml mm ik ii illlt use i ii ton alwlllu lliul to hltvtt u hriiloi jhrtji ili iv uliitf wink wam thru a lev rymii thmo ituyw drunk whiskey hi lnt t ii nit it any wroutf couhii t havo a loath ni- wnlilituf thout a j i ii til in uioiik ito i itr w up liliiklntf jiihi a iiliiuu or two llni no triviiil for tli rank to pas th tlmn uw thouoht a utroiitf muii ran i rosut it only wnikhiu vr rail vi tlm kk lit lnt rul mvi wunkllm fools uuil such that all rar v poison j i 1 jt a of 77s tsk m i clock rwm jffli i tuonly whin hly jtilnit hi linolnut lomrmlo friend anil hwhtlwurt all hot ii fn wum jllut tlm mlrni in tin airliiltlme we wore marrloj ah tlin um nil uprlntf rains oil unity ullionhl slowly lnlln iii d anil hft in tiaby john i itriilinof i ulmout wont rrasy yew sir ii in tout ruvlu mail and my only consolation wax oil ilurlliir jlttln lul j utlii lnuhlu liluo eyod b by- won hi way liita my ufo twlnori lil hnsor hi my hourtutrlnic hrouaht u um i in win re tear were rife wnll i watoha1 him throuli hi aohuol day iovol him pottott spoiled him too yet ha novor cnlisnd mn trouble ilko mi will oil olilhlron sometimes do ho wugi trim uml loyal over onrlnht hunoht mnnly brijjht in wum lnivin uii ukicmiutar hatod wnnitf ami lovml tlm rlkht kli lly hn wnil to cnllukj wlmro hn wmi hlu rap mill uawn tin a i wl i tli farm anil homowtouil and i ollnwnd him to town ii i okuii tj build a uruotli in thn aourt luith niir anil far and ho muitr n r imtuthm and a man without a mar v tlmn ha murrlad i llfl tumnr hirnijiht tmr home ona day to nu when htm klaaoil mo cnllod tarn father i wum hapiy bm could ihi atl my ufa wau nilml wlth tlmn hha boro a uon to him and thnv namiwl him for hlu kranddad hut w calliul him llttlo jim wfll jiiut thou tho laitfulutum uulo tlm lligunr llconuo iiikii and thoy utaitihl alttlnir an ohmitlmi wt or dry wo had numoiouu blind tljmnt ha i thoukht wd bolter sot money far tha injblld wolf- ho i wurkml ami votod wot wall ulr wa won that olootlon with a hundred votoh to iipalt and wo got alooim n nlonty hlxtooii nu tho uhlla miiuaro john wmm dry h wan tho flrt tlmo in our hvon wo can t nxroo thnuifh wo lllt t qnarrol nor arcuo ifod not mention it to mo thon ono nltfht i aaw a dirforonco whou tho loy curnn homo from town ilo wan unly irom and moody i hoard him walklnif ui mid down in ida room imitf iiftor midnight an unovon romtlona oaro and i thouftht ho muat bo worried ovnr homo hard loal ratio hut nnxt moruliitf ho wan uurly 1von woruothan nlrht leforo wlmn i uhkod him what thn tnat- lor uuatikor x wav knocked ho nwore yt m wlr nworo rirht at hi fathec and i thouhlit that 1 won 1 rhoke and air uh tor uttln uulo wly tho noor child t heart woji broko ilutl know hod not lonn4frlnklti not ti mibii of rontlehm uyo not a breath of boar or whiskey and i wondered wondnred why 7 bo i followed to hlh onlto hut i lmumwl outmlde tho door twna ajar i maw him naolnif laoln up and down tho floor on bin deiik a whlukoy lottlo stood unoorkod i mw him titop saw him hold it itouthjilb noatrllm itut ho tajitoil not a drop then ha knolt down with tho bottlo in hla hand ukn the floor and ho prayed oh god a prayer bucb km lie or wan heard before uluhly aod1 m weak and powtirlowi to rtmlat thin awful nln uniel in birth i m almoat yielding to an appotun bom in vor tho uake of wlfo and baby for tha igiko of home and rbjht cor tho mik of my old father clod almighty help mo flhti il i and hold the bottle i held it hlah hlh action tloel than he hurled it through tha window and it oraahod into tlio at root and i know toy uon wum right i n a relentlohh ennmy wuhtlui hard axnliud u eravlub lied inhorlloil mm jno vov thau ntrontf to ovorooino h with my hunly ruatla vim i a created whlukoy cravlna and had paimd it on to him and my oyom ward dim and mlaty aw i atood therv in the hall vat i thoubht about njy dootrlno only waukllnsh var fall only wonkllnjra fool i nraiiod hut my rvuaonlnic wui tiutt lr my hon had proved tha mtronjr mun and tha woukllntf wnw hb dad i i had yielded to temptation unroiiutlnuly i full and i dnisirod my only lovod onn with me o tho pit of llll vxte two year hun fought it bravely hut tha light haw not boon fair- one poor man ugalmit ten tho turn ml si and tlyj itarmomu on tho uiiuuro there thoy htand thoy nail they iwmk- and thoy whot hlu appotkii with tho funn m of lieor and vvhlakoy yet lion fought a wlnlilng fight yea ulr ao far ho hau noiiqimroil hut my boy in only ope and 111 not forget tho leeaou that my neighbor lum u mou wu i gutuim tlntth all my atory and you ro woloomo to riiutat everything that i have told you to the votvrh on the atrw iu day not long ago 1 got talking fillow fiom anolhvr town tlmn tl no 177 ittjtintitlohhiinihnmini oftl- pluro but to hnr him talk yotl would think h wait aliout tho only pluco in ontailo i waa inl i to and awallowod all i oould of it uad then i tar tod ramming utuff down hlu throut ulmiut thla good old town tkutua lull homo gyt will hot up on tho nub j out ind blink it alt ihiflro i know it wui uvuriuud myoolf at tha uttratlona till anton of our haw got jtim y tiovnr iaf law nod mi inu iwiforo but when i got through with that follow hri dldn t have tituh more to nay ultout q vlllo but hud to admit that thla town wum back numlr ulthor vur our own otllllrutlon lotw juut mmbla ovr what w yo got lioro ho proud of thoroa tho hoard morn tnnnorlnjt tho largeut in thu hritlali kmplro and lvn told you all x ran aliout them in my punt ucrooda theyre hero all right utul llify r worth view hitf tlm then thorn aro our two glov fuatorlox btb of muno reputation and idautllng then for water for boating or bathing what town nan hoomt of two liner place than corporation loud kalry ijikot hy way of railway i neotlon with outnldo point thorn tho clrun i trunk and toronto huburban with eight and ni luimhungvr truli rohpootlvoly mirh week day wovo got the hydro piwer aoo and tlmn there m our lutettt municipal activity whloh nuppllo u with tho flmmt unrlng water that mrt poaulbly imi obtalno then look at tho compaotnoo of our tow weva not apread all over tho utuntr uldc with hill to climb in ovory dlrootlon our titroot are lovol and juat tako a look for your own sat hi faction down mji1 iu rue t aomo night when who alllit up and tlmn i uat about forgot to tm ntlon tha organ tliat give mo an oumot i often ueu lota of town weeblle uijl there lant on thorn that can touch our own vtxm iwua then in the hivortlng lino liok at acton l uway your hluooular and taks a look 1liero evidence of iiiim ffiaturo in ovory aectton of the town them our flnu fourteeit ivonuoct i with plonty of t or all tho kliulit of hport any roil- jilooded canadian mlglit want tiiere 1 aluo thn aotou athotln auuoolatloii urouud on mill hi wet with tho tin oat quoltlug howling and tiiiuu groutnl auywhoro and aluo tholr bwllnji and taiinla ground on hower avenue and for winter wo bad the tli tout oinm ulr akatlng and hockey rink with club iioumo uttaohod of any pluoo hi tho dominion i know imimo of you follow in other town will be grouii with nnvy a the follow i told thlh to wau when you read till nut it the tho whole truth and nuina of you old duffora who left tho town yuarw ago hud liottor come imoft and look thliiku ovnr uml wonder why in tho iluken you ever left uch u fliio town hut it wau u can tar off tlald aro groon and not through yt olthor wovo got a htddlorx community ilouuo which travel lor nay fumluho tho tlnmt an- oommihlutlong of any town in nallo we vo orooted a mi mo rial to our own fallen haroo uhd tliero i uuother memorial htono at the bold lorn com tnunity iiouho commemorating tholr tom ratio who uloap in llandem wo vo got good roada aldowalka ohureho of ovory donomlnatlou neooa nary for u hettlomont of hi i ahto and a no i huhlla und high school we weve got everything really tho heart could doalra h a community of till nim hut jlmmlny chrlotmanl you oould co mo iu and go ouo again and if you hadnt a tongue in your head und dldn t vult tho railway depot y iu wouldnover know what town you re in wo ii weloomo you to vlalt at iiuy time if you cam to but wo appear juut a little baahful ubout put ting lgn out to foil you mo of courae when tho council put thoae liuf white letter up on the water tower every ono will know who wo aro hut c nt each onlramni to tho town would ulao help ull admit w got aomo town ijii nnmo it and tell everyone who wo are and put tha dnuhlng touch on it 1 vo omltud unythlug uliould lutvo mentlonod juat jog uy memory ilnd lit lie glad to ineltnlo it i our hat of attraction tha following note name in editor mull the other day uml ivelng intended for mo the editor powtod it to my uddrn in the hlg clock tower hulnt joeeph mlchlguu i march st 1011 the honorable old time kid hay who i tha follow who 1m writing tho old clock htory uny- i aomo kid wl way that hi hwackhamer took down iho houae hu rrandfathuk built on tho hill eighty year ugo und ro built it ut acton hal hat wall ho i uway otr for i aaw that houae hullt and tm not aiming hut you ro juut like abmn her folk who get autray in their unii ututlon and blamn me with mak ing ntutetnonl which theoy think are not noourdlng to hoyle but willi b ny old tioollu knnwu aro correct iwforu 1 put thorn on paper wnll they nay i did up the mrfaim family brown latit week well i dldn t intend tn i wanted to do them up green and they doeervod it for thoy urn iruh you know ami all the ik iter for that that green front door of their home kept all the folk win know a thing informed an to their lalmialuy well tho hniiuo which wa their nut duur neighlmir wa abto wallowed up uomn year ago by thn hoardmoro luwn und garden coma i think of it i 1muvo they moved it down to the i htauftor farm lano on tlio aocond e anl obliterated ull nlgii of it ting an old reuldnntor when i onma to figure up thing 1 iivhm that oil houho wu built liofore iif untaim houun cunt rememlter ho built that houae but i know it a thnna about onvnnty yeura ugo i ink that wa where wllllnm llwn- root took ague miro hlu bride hvn thoy wm marrlml nlxty eight or lty nine year ago william wlu working in mwjiuthon tannery then iwrvud hi tlmn wui wu a j uirnoymuu taniu r he lived there a nd ihen wemv farming on due rnu farm thn joseph arthiir aim wild h uiiiiiw ownelly the hymi hrother well my old rrlnd hill idoit of uie mlxth line bought pbire a ihi ut forty year ago or lllll hu uljuaya iteell u hard working farmej und i ruohu one rail in ho wa fliluh of harvoat monby he thought hom buy thla plane in town hed retire pilminq in moonlight v without rohortlng to trlok thot graphy an italian tlhn producer ha nocompllahod aoine remarkable and very lovely moonlight erfeeta ono moona depictu an audio noo en joying an ovenlng- nerimd0 by an irclioutrawlth a creacenttnoon above them each member of tho liudlonce being duitlnctly visible another ohow a trout aplondld view of an italian ronat rcaort ut nlglit ringed wltli mountain peaka the llglila alonir tho promenade and in tho vllttu parched horn and thor umld tbo rooky coaatal nconery make tho plouiro n vorltnhlo fairyland another flno atudy take if by tha lwmblpiujht of aaolltary oandle-u- that of u young girl who hold tbo light u li hand j i th arhatlo 6dcratorghonid utvr i father bwaokhamur turn hi nttentldn to tho northern happy tuna tharo together ubiiu whloh ahoutd provtda pbinty of no ooy b a a youll havo to cop for hut talent i ueo acaint if you and thla ulua- kaw that houae bullt uhty youru old yet i rem em iter a great many thing and groat many itooplo whom i road about in thu it ptiesa but whoever ut doing tho thinking for the wrlttr murely doe got away off tiomotlmnu your truly u a a woll hloa pio tha young ohap k a 11 la homowlmt wu uy io jumps ut oiiciuhiou lko hom0 otlmr folk i know at id i would huvo him knov that i know that he daoaut know what hu 1 talking ubout wlimi li tho hal hn conoomliur the old- awfttkluimnr hoimo whlili hi uwnck humor tho gianduon brought to aoton and lihod in tho nrootlon of hlff houno on muln street why know that m a b tu talking about tho frame ifouho which chrlntoplior 1 1 h father built on the old farm tlfty year or ho ago he may havo aeon that houae luillt a ho aaya iut he certainly novor aaw tho houae whloh ohrlatopherw father hull which 111 took down uudbroukht to acton i cjueatlon if 13 a h would know even tho old houao whlrh hrltophor built now und which haw been tho arene of tho bwbckhnmer hnppyfuotllyrn- unlon ut chrlatmautldo f or half aj century i think it wa before hi fallior iliod tlinc hlrum ro mode hod thla houae venoarod it with brick and pojlverted it inuv a modern tarm houae where ollntonrone of tho younger won with hi dovotod wlfo and loving mother llvo in tho herltiiko jf irund- thoy itavo a field cflop experiments tho l ulnt lea of null- of from tlio arduou work of tho farm well he imiught tho place built a barn if htont a lot of money in repair got a wmnll rent for it for the many year until tbo hoardmore ttotight it hut hill i htlll aojournlojr on the ninth lino farm wurruunded by hi family und it look now a if hell flnlah up hi course aa a farmer on tha old alxth lino lutmeatoad tho lot adjoining tho hcott property wa for eighty yearajja willow awamp but heainlmoro j co have gradually roolalmnd it they have filled thousand of load of dohrl there and koino day aomo of you young folk will no doubt moo a hhr factory or u number of houao looatod there a few of you old folk will remember the melheem who lived for twenty or thirty year on tho propertjac iho alroet from thl willow awamp mr and mr malhoo woro elderly people and rather frail om far imck a i can rn member i think they hail a mou who wow a loaohor and taught in the old achool but ho never wau my teacher and i rind tha matter allpw my memory a to facta i do recall daughter however who wau iu or imagined ho wo iii und remained in ttod an invalid for nlulifoou year tbo doctor could not flial any htlmant but ahe porahitod that ako wom 111 and uuable to got out of itod thn law ntiggeutloii nuna forcibly to her one day howevev and ahe got up and dresaud and in u few day found alio wau a wall mm any of the other maldi of the village of her ugo tho family left acton ubortly ufter till 1 m not hu ho hure whether john w molmiee of t oronta who married valuntli tlyiuu daughter lil dyno alator wau a boo or not i really bello wua he haw 11 veil in toronto for yeura and huu prouptrod here another letter from mlchlgun whloh tho odltor way uuno to hand at the end of tho week ii illfiwont tanor to tlutt of k und auy ono gocnl wonl for tho laa imkhm uml two for me an i guea you 11 enjoy it too j i am reminded thut tho time for renewal of the iftaal iaawi hubacrlptlon ha about nrrlvod mo i encloae gladly icach year it become a greater plouaure to renew the longer i tho homo paper tho moro llkn an old friend it hooma to bo x luyo boon ruudlng it now for forty year and you know how wo value tha trleuda of forty year ago why that poem we uod to havo tn tha old third header untitled twenty ycara ago it with uii longor period of four decade with the fa llueaa thmf old mana letter aro a in ureal log a ovor vo never tiro of them and wihii they were longer if thu old man oould only reallxo how thu former anton people who aro ucattered over tho face of tho earth do truly lovo to read hi tnteroatlng word and liow we look forward to them week ufter week ho would o t over think of cutting down to ona lotter a month a intimated lately might ho adopted there would bo ut err into wall go up if ho did many of hi letter urn of particular liitent to tna on account of tho many references to my nnceatora tho adama family mr grand luiptaiirmian 6t find old church ruins under rhelms cathedral thn work of repairing tho ruined cuthodrul of ithelm hn brought to light uiu hurled remain of unolent chumlioh whloh formorly himhi on tho miimo hiu ijndrr uia pavement f the choir whloh wnu mhatterod by oerman aholl huvo boon found tlu old founda tion of tha cathodrul of fit lllucmar whloh wa dealroytml by ira in tho ninth oentury ileneuth thcao ruin workmen came upon trace of tho flrt church to utand on thl hallow d ground tho church of bt hem 11 built in thn lirth century under tho broken high altar wa uncovered a hoard of 350 plocu of wlont ullver und hour thl a wealed up und long forgotten well from th liottom of thl well a worn lead pipe lend thn water away into tha earth und it im thought thut thl originally mmcctivd with tho ioiik lout latptlamal font where clovla wax rooolvetl into tho oliuroh antiquarian from all purtu of ivhiuo have cntna to uholra to eauinlno the duioovorle the practical wretch wjii i igheil tl i for i ull tho tlmor you ulghed the bride 1 ii do my bout norlnu wald tha mm but uirt of the tlmo i gotta cult fur tho furnaoo tune teller you wlah to know nlvttut your futuro huabundr tutomci no i wihii to know alum i tlio punt ofj my praaent lumliiod for futuro uao tho mun who trie to do hlii nolgh- lairm imagine thut thoy nr- ulway trying to dohlm every bialyuod 1 womuu alwuya conulderu hemolf oharltablo when uhe into her huobaml havo hi own way same thing ho i know him when ho hadn t a penny flho thnla nothing i vo known you for year ami you never had a v tlojland plan to incroauo ita aall aupply by mlnhjur rook eajt dopoofta in on prwlnoe nvtapln under- ground eolt ukm in nothr ue of u tii veil h it tha ontario agrl- 1 and icxpnrlmental union are phuaed to utalu thal for 13z1 they are i und in dlutrlhulo into the varloii imulltlih through onlariu material of high iiuallty for o oiraratlva eper- wlth grain rodder roparoot ulfulfa a woo i lovoi and fertlllscx toll w grain cropa no 1 touting two varieties of ob 3 plot no litellng o a c no xi barley nnd emmer 3 idol no 3 teatlng two iihu ltorly 3 plot no 4 tenting two variolic o u ring wheat 3 plot no tmiiiui two varlotloo of buck whout 3 plot no ft 1 fluting throe varletle of tin id 3 pht no 7 ttlng two varlelie hi ring rye 3 plot no h touting thrno varletlo any bojo or japuuoao iieun 3 pkit no v ttatliitf olght varietlo nlnt uhd iunl buaklng ciyn a plot roqt crop no 10 tea ting three vurletl mangel 3 plot i no 11 ttutlng two vorloluw uuuar maiikel 3 plot a no 13 ti ting three varletle of itwhluh tnrnlim 3 plout no u tehtlug two varletle of fall turnip- plot no 14 touting two varleili rot 3 plot forage fodder sllao and hay crop 1g touting tho planting of corn at id dlhtaucou in the row a plot 18 teutlug uuilatt grajm and two varietlo of mlllut 3 plot no 17 toatlna ounflowor gorghum ml com for fodder 2 plot ko ib tuatlng groa pea apd two varletle of votoho 3 ploti no id tohtlng rape kalo and field bltoge 3 plot no 30 teytlng two varletle ol ht clover 3 plot mo 31 tenting two varletle ofjflf- ulfu 3 bint 13 teatlng unjiulhxi hulled and near tiled uwoet clover anod 3 plot culinary crop n 33 toting three varletle of imhiiu 3 ploti ii si touting uweet com for table from dlrferont date of planting plot frtler eaperimen sca toatlng low und high grado fnrtlllker und manure with oat ud roil rlovr 4 plot no 2h touting low and high grail u fnrulliuir and manure with oat and uwoet clover 4 plot no 38 teatlng dlrferont quantities of limn with mwont clover 4 plots miscellaneous eh per mania no 3d testing three grain matures for grain production 3 plot no 3 testing three grain rnltt for fodder production 3 plots frnr experiment fo 38 tho kxpert- montut union will fornlab the sweet clover uued and tho perl men tor the unto a required any iwrmou in ontario wlio grows hold crop may apply for any one of tho experiments ror 1031 icach appli cant ahfliild muko a hocoud choice as thn muttirlal for tho tlrat choice might be exhausted liofore tlm application lu received tho material will lie for warded in tho order lu which tho ap plication are received while thn aupply list no churgn i made for tho ex perimental in ut or iul ii id tha produce bocnmeii tho property of tha ejtperl- monur a report 1 rtkuoted uter hurveut b luaob peraon upplylng should carefully writo hi liume address and county c a avltx ontario agtl- aulturul collogn quulph prohibition lowers crime wherever tried hugh dodson the following record of conviction tor drunkenness is taksn from the sessional papers of tho romlnlon government on criminal statistics tho statlatloal year ending september 30th the data for islt is not yet aval labia convirnoni von duunkennlks wreaotsi prswsacas fiat- kdj ituni ni scolls wj an s3 k5 aw rrf so all cuvu 4j hut 4iti skmj su4 ss the smokeless collecdte institute kveryono know there wero a few wtudont lu tho kl thomas collegia to hint uu tn wliij amoked cigarette uoh a ututcniciit could 1m taken for grantoil if mutlonod in con miction with uny lurku edueutloiial institution there uro uwuyhil few jyoutut fallow wlui think it juat n bit more grown up to w soon with u cigarette lu their mouth ktir tho faculty to lmioae an orrtcial hchool rule thut tho amuklruf of rtgaretua by tho pupil would not bo allowed might reuitlt lu even more backuitio indulgeuro im uuno of the boy of tho bh thoftiau collegia to liogan to conslilorl ilow cutitd thoy ikiaably rid tlte school onmplotoly of un unnooeaaary habit that wa having much a growing in fluence on the youth of thn schoolt hurely tho greater percentage of all tho utudi nt did not approve of the action of thn few und lu this school of grand eld traditions where ischool spirit had on ho many occasions triumphed would n t it be possible for for tho pupil thnmuelvo to make a rule that tho eutlro school body would jtcnucctt so laa decided lohav tho student body itself provide legisla tion which could copw with this grow ing ovll i or uovoral week a vigorous publicity campaign wuw launched a publicity campaign managed by n student cominlttoo that so hammered old fag coillnuall that at laat it wa thought tho time was ripe to settle the question onco and for ull time the fornajba denunciation of ulguretto by two of the world great- eat scientist thomas a kdbwn lludnon maxim woro widely read by thu studcuth und freely and openly discussed by them thoy bear ro- ivoutlng hi ro tuouah a lflolbon nb man ot iwiy who smokes cfgar- t ottos can work in my laboratories in my opinion there uro enough degener- atuj in the world without manufac turing more by moans of tha cigarette hudson maxim if all boy could be made to know thut with every breath of cigarette amoko they inhale imbecility and ex- halo manhood that tha cigarette is a maker of invalids criminal und fools not men it ought to deter some of them iho ht thomou collegiate institute wus to make a memorable tost a groat meeting of all the sluilcjita wan held in the school auditorium and lutllots distributed umong all tho hoya tho voter wau fnto to vote as ho pleased hv know what the school i red i tin ahmn knew what hi own oooacloiko uwlredl would he vote lu favor of a resolution that would make ubaolutoly intolerable the posi tion in school of apy boy who smoked clgurottost ballot worn carefully collected ami counted the rehultv lly vorwholmlng majority the boys of the ht thomas cnlloglutn voted lu favor of n ciulutloii whloh stated that no boy who hmoknd cigarette could hold a iohiiioii op uny olllulul nchool rugby or hookey team nor would he ho al lowed to tako part in uny other school activities only seven boys hod voted igulnst tho resolution the campaign had exceeded thu fondeut expectation if those behind it meant a smoke ohu collegiate biotltute what else did it moan well it in out thut a secular institution had gone a stop farther than any local church organisation had ever thought of going hare warn assembled boys f ovary denomination voting in favor f a resolution that was clearly for the good of themselves it leads us to tha conclusion that after ull there is tf fuilfer judge of tho rights njid wrongs that n group of alert school loys iut a question up to group ofboys dlaouss it freely- attaknpt to co neon i not h inu you muy depend upon it the answer yoi recelvq wtll be fully in ar-ctuq- with all tho phnolules or fair play and if oiean uvlng 1 thn issue j you need have no fear of tbo wiwr v timt lhimlnkin oidot-ln- council under th- military measure act made importation into lrov tacts illegal from april jst 1118 to xeceinbr list jl in prince bdwsrd island prohibition was is fun before itll nova booua durbg the whole perhxl was under prohibition by loea option exneptlnsr haluax where bar went open till 1917 notn the rhange when halifax went dry in ontario native wine are not prnhlbltad and in quebeo beers and wlnss are sold ant tha bars in montreal and quebec cities and in about il of the municipalities in ontario and quebec as mlgbub ejepected the decrease in drunkannsas 1 not so great as in tha western xvovlnoe where the prohibition is aalnat the sale between persons within the rrovlnce of all intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes in saskatchewan thn bars oloeed july 1st 1i5 and the oovsmment dispensaries on leoember 31st ltlfi the following data is of interest fis ita a ku 1m hu m kf miis ktuwm jij mtm hdi sj m sju vsrraacy asaaoll s tim ml fc m x uli and ruk ol iult and ii rcsdi i qs vsgisecy tab the cities of hankatehewan toll the same story km kiul his la b u ajj u im ctavktuumrbnuknihu wsvbuni liakaluea chief hruton of iteglna was unable to give the data for 1m3u14 which wa before he rametn oftloe no reply has come from moose jaw chief c w hulkle of woyburn states ttn liquor that 1 consumed in this city at this thna april 18 j mo in my opinion is a mere shadow tn what was sold in tho bar days and i have been in my present position for sight years chief o m donald of saskatoon stales april ib 1m0 you will see how drunkenness has decreased you ask me aa to the amount of liquor consumed in this city today in comparison with the amount con sumed in 1913 wmm we had the open bar it 1 difficult tn estimate this but i have no hesitation tn saying that greaji good has noma from the abolition of tho open bar convictions for drunkenness in other canadian cities refore and after provincial prohibition msejtv hit f sil tvntsrln 114 aulas ii iss oi4 toronto 14141 mh lti on tar- toronto humlltoa woolitock kuxlea ibj prohibition closes jails after the introduction of prohibition lu ltrltuh columbia the jail at new westminster was ehaiignd into a llljli bchool and the one at wilkin son itoad into a mental lloaultal tha ono at kamloops wau closed ledmonton tenltentury and lrlson varm have both beeu closed and ono of the two remaining jail in alberta will likely be cloned in a year or two owing to the dwindling number of prisoner defore ivovinda ivohlhltlnn was introduced movement was under way to put the irovintia to thn expense of another jail ur rivers the wanlen of tlibrldge jail at a public meeting ut calgary wh ro home wero clamoring- for an addi tional jail advlsod that after prohibition they would not need the jail they had he was right a the fact have demonstrated iii unjtkatehewan the moosomtu jail wa cloned after the closing of thu itars snd now tho inatltatlon farm 1 run at k profit by six trusties from the heglna irlson in manltolta the prison population has been materially deereased in ontario the ounlph molel itlson vurm was closed and changed into a military hospltat while the few remaining prisoners were sent out to clear the land and i ncrease production and all thoae jstls wore closing during the period when there wmm an abnormal condition mo fur as prisoner were concerned due to imprison ment tinder the military measures act for evading tlio draft etc ho the story runs truth is sometimes stronger than notion y rest of all with the nightmare of drunkenness and poverty due to alcoholism sons in such large measure boclal bervlco organisations and christian churches have been reo to guide in constructive measure for human wftlfaro in the past four years thee has been an unprocadentsd progress along tha lines of health education oooneratlon child welfare supervised play csnadlanlsatfon and in othsw directions had uoclal 1oi00 iweti under necoaslty of fighting the evil of the liquor trafrio thoy would havo liad neither time energy nor money for such constructive work the moral is every step taken to prohibit intoxicating liquors as a beverage has immh a measure of hoclul progress in five years drunken ness has decreased in haakatehewn by 1stg let us close the bound arlos and make it snolhiv 10 we have saved in the meantuno ut least 10 000 000 per year iet u liinreaaa the savhnr and from our thrift pay off the war debt prevent poverty and promote cne happiness of the people vote ves- for the referendum i a vote yes is a vote for lrovlnclal autonomy in reere noe to sale and importation of intoxicating liquors a vote fake prescriptun nulsanoe a vote yecl a vote for ok ed boundaries against i m porta tic inuixloatlng uuuorw for leverage purpose a vote yenvlsa vota tn make bootlegging a far more difficult thing tltau at present a votejyes m vote against th xport houses in uny shrovlnoe a vote ye is a vote agalnstrumrunnlng from these kxpcrt houses m xport houses and rumrunning from them is legal now but will be illegal if the majority vote yes 1 ye is a vote to enable effective oidmlnlst ration against tho rlptlos nub a vote yeo ht a voto b aliuilratnlly drinking before the children in tha homes at present tho home is tha only legal drink ills llace in most iyov luces of canada prohibition means fheedom j- x vote ye u a vote for freedom lu safety when the bars were here we ju- tn teach our boys thou aha it not go near the bar with its glsmour and lights and clinking glass when the uovernmeut dlspeii- sarle were in saskatchewan wa had to tench our boys thou snalt not go near the dlspensarlsa kvon at present we have to teach our boys und girls to keep uway from homes where drinking is perfectly legal and in dulged in wo are steadily limiting the thou shall not if tho majority vote yea on this referendum we will only have to hay thou shall not to a few outcasts of society who am prepared to exploit by haxard and lawbreaklng the weakness of the row whoso post indulgence makes them slaves to the drink habit i spring millinery nowgn display j it 1 you are cordially invited to see our specials at 500 nellie m stockford acton guelpp elofta easy walking 1 impiiallvn for tlm ills 1 ii 11 i ii h 1 tlmt ril the f 11 t uhnull in tnkii car if h ivn iii nx up tint uimfi ilnhlo ol i pilr out hiimi itipitrlng tm wji tlm llf t yum jiln ilon their uh mini 1 on 1 iihiiih ntfort 1 1 1111 my up 1 uullnfa tl 1 1 d you do not foruat thsi wa carry a first clsaa lib of uha for man and boys t e gibbons mill st acto iwliss murrays spring millinery display comprises all the most up-to- date styles in ladies hats her paror this sprhij uro tit hot keiidoncu mill street second door from latidiboroticirfi mciit shop acton florence murray to winnipe0 brandon re0ina saskatoon rcalgarv edmonton prince rupert vancouver victoria the national ceaves toronto ii 00 pm daily 1111 nd o h ry 1 prrh sud and ludbury lw torato a 45 p m dlly nmiapt sunday wtlltljiilb illjiiisqontihciital train equipmehf vliat lull iurtu ir rt bhhih hiiu rd trvli hallway canadian natinnsl- grand trunk wesellqilson i farm equipment veaiufckpeninoi slaty years of lederslilp of ivlnx food value heapirib satisfactj and real ssrvlcel thats why um glhton name wins respect and confidence from coast to coast thats why we are proud to mil this dependable farm onftilpment the gilson engine the uoiou tlluon luts ilxty so ilo nay lor ua puiin cma fa bur chul un tha liny psyntant pi a it it pay ft ltnl its eaunmv sl irtmu si llltv i y itij it tba titsaast allln as ilia lu catuuls lt u jamooausla on your lot hylo svlo tb llvlo sylo inauraa is woadnful fllw i a oiuou till rnilmii wws m lu cansda hut yaar than sny ntlik tnaka it u suar aetcad to ba tli llglitaat luusln bk-r- rultcr wail intruflnl pt s oiuos i ilo mil nil your own alio wllti your own anrtoc 4 it or urvrr at tl a ptaptt tlssi wfaaa your coriiu ba aicstcat tc ling vajua the gilson spreader alla dawn lu ilia isat loiklul it lathiilt to aat laddtiurly itsclualva paunti fiatuna ol tlt iss ntxl ioutr notion plain wliy lis iijlj i ctvan by 4bc tlxtlwlo nrf tiicr laya lor sill i ttis tint acauiu aaynr sllaryarpsv4 iboollwrt wlwf i loo ptt rest proat on u u low d iwn it li your lovnt lot cau tmks s rl i i it i yotl ti t itf icaia ami all oumiucsi hfhoaitcr llaht lift it will ra iruia duubas call anj but ki rtt iulw utn tha mulpmi luiulnl and an 1 urliulmi himpiu ultlnst t cvmpucsloj parta tlir wlt for cstalos ujj iu ctimjjj gj cutautj y gilson mlg co 1inuii cuemi ont call aj sh msar dur j w barberree acton ont jv- x the brunswick bvvomi you 11uy a iiooohaih ini oih just how vt ilays all makes 01 hecouds frank king tho pcnlcr will dcmonalrnlp main stokbt l irgettown apas j t

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