Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 7, 1921, p. 4

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w 5ii llinur can lian wrekly nna aprr aiioeuiiurl tliuithuay al uili 7 lb1 bia t la t r j ahvuljl ini ha ii itr ttf mllon i lltr i evry tl ur lay r n iiui ai oatarb fit i i i iva r i la clargtl i sll t io iuh ut ll k 1 r laual int ivartucmcnl to tenia par inaartl in t canta par ini i art l lay f r io tier in i a i inaarliih a iwar a wlll inaahad ill liu an i 1 uoouf ftwor j ul imr editorial u liberty with a venjtaance the actiori of tlo i ibcrty i engtic in issuing a writ applying for an injunction to ptwent names of voters being placed on the lists in toronto for the uccrcmlum except ly voters appearing in person wilt likely prove a boomerang anyway it s fine bpirit of liberty this liberty league is manifesting the disfranchised voters will not havo their opinion of the liberty league exalted n whit i a good muny drivers of motor vein cleg and horse- drawn conveyance- evidently do not realize that tho law saytf vchicloj ttliall not stop on or obstruct crossings and ill a 1 1 nduxo bpeed when approaching cros3lnb it was somewhat of o relief to hear tho other day through a dispatch from montreal that daylight saving timo has not been adopted and will not be adopted by tho ruilways of canada this year so far as is kjiowu at present april 23rd will bo tho seventieth anniversary of canada s first p6stge stamp the three penny red postage stamp designed by sir sanford hcming and bearing the picture of tho beaver and first put pn sale for the benefit of canadian letter writers on april 2i 1851 during tho closing months of president wilson s administration it was freely stated that the united states would probably cancel tho indebtedness of the allies to that country which was incurred during the war it isjnow reported however that the new administration under president harding will insist thai die powers associated with it shall repay tho principal and interest which now approaches 12000 000000 in the aggregate councillor w e smallfield of renfrew whose father founded the renfrew mercury fifty years ago and who himself conducted it for many years has notified mayor hugh macoonkld of his resignation as councillor having accepted a lucrative position in toronto mr smallfield s removal to toronto will make a vacancy which will bo acutely felt in renfrew as a municipal legislator bo has been of great value to that town he was mayor for several years iivcome tax returns industrial returns kxclac tax returns ad libitum one thing is absolutely certain tho government is helping keep up tho co3t of doing business by demanding so many reports filled out no ordinary man can keen up with tho demand for statistics witfable tho noor irf elevated above tho i a urounl wnd la covoro i with tntnml a this that and the other to say nothing of income tax reports excise taxrcports etc and while we are in tho humor wo might point out to the federal government that thoy can savo a whole lot or money if they cease sending out the dozens of reports elleg cd news items etc that find their way to every edi torial desk in tho country each week en route to the waste basket space is too scarco and composition too expensive for editors to bother with the bunch of junk thattho government departments keep turning out by the ton renfrew mercury and they expect us to give gratituous publication too tbe yukon still busy i someone asked tho other day whother thoy were still getting gold in tho yukon district the govern meat reports recently issued show that during 1020 the yukon territory gold output was 1 10 goo ounces an amount scarcely worth while overlooking yet in sympathy with other things tho cost of production has increased enormously during tho last few years when if ever this labor cost is reduced it is probable that large quantities of gold bearing gravel which has not yer been worked to any degree will bo wash ed materially increasing tho output no tho klon dike is not going to bo eft entirely alone for a while yet increase of federal taxes imperative the enormous costs of tho war to canada must be met tho dominion government is obliged to get more revenue from tho country to moot this from some source various methods have been put into operations the luxury ttfx has been experimented with proved disastrous and has been abondoned the income tax is a complex method and is not proving either equitable or satisfactory the excise tax is important but the necessary inspection is cum brous and expensive tho business organizations of the country such as tho manufacturers association and the retail association favor a tax on business turnover and enlarged sales tax the consumer in the final analysis a includes every citizen has to pay all taxes anyway and perhaps lower prices and moro prosperity will follow making conditions easier for business on tho internal side b bat l ese m open shop and organized labor the nashville tcnn advocate presents a very sane view of labor s best interests in tho following wo respectfully affirm that wo have not seen or read anything which in our opinion would justify us in concluding with qulto a number of oditors that a plea for the open shop means a plea for tho extermination of organized labor there is no doubt that some who in their own business are practicing tho principle of open shop have in view the exter mination of unionized labor but that all or any considerable part of those who are in favor of the open shop arcin a conspiracy to deiinionize labor as some so seriously assume nnd gliblyvsscrr is j conclusion which is not supported by fact so far as we can discover we believe us we have often stated that laborhas a perfect right to organize at tho aame time we as strongly beliove that if a man does not care to join a union ho has a right to work where he pleases and to employ whomsoever he pleases a method of senate uefora x the current number of tho canaatmt magazine contains an interesting article from tho pen of senator l g power 6n iho reformation of the senate which ho cair the seconfl chamber the senator admits tho futility of the existing system by which senators nro appointed without any responsi bility to tho electorate by the government which happens to bo in power by this method the senate chamber becomes lopsided and supports the ad rrtidistration which is governing the country sena tor power recommends that the dominion should be divided into ninety six senatorial district ono of which should bo assigried to each of the members now occupying seats in tho senate as vacancies occur they ahould bo filled by election for tho district when tho vacancy occurs the franchise should be the samo as fhatfonhe house of commons and tho manner of election should bo tho same mutatis mutandis as that for the lower house the son a tore thus ejected should serve for life he argues if the senate has any real function and senator power argues that it has this method of security members wouldae v improvement upon the present aysj tern of appointing wornout br unsuccessful politi dwg jojhfo haven of security from tho popular will i iihd fnnchlntfnf nntinitsfi hector- judges chance to the grand jury in his charge to the grand j justice lennox at the urockvilla assizes last week deploring tho increasing crimes among young people said that something must be done to stem crime in its incipicncy he laid emphasis on tho fact that thefts of automobiles wcro becoming notorious and ex pressed regret that boys from 14 tb 16 years of age were to bo found smoking cigarettes to their great injury cooperation or home and school urged tho importance of leadership by teachers and tho value of home and school or similar organizations in connection with high school were two points spec ally emphasized by president mccready in his open ing address to tho second annual convention of ontario federation of home and school associations at iho o a convention in toronto last week amplifying his chief point mr mccready said our best hope for getting ahead is in the leadership from enterprising teachers of vision who cannot do the best work for the communities in which they are placed unless thoy havo the coopcratioh of parents and tho homo to get this there is no hotter medium than the homo and school association or kindred association will united states tjomply tho opinion of tho fair minded people of tho unit ed states as to a continuation of tho hectic struggle for superiority in sea power is pretty fairly voiced u a recent issue of tho indianapolis news thoro is no doubt it says that america and great britain could if thoy would do much to relieve tho people of tho two countries and of tho world of tho cnor mous cost of naval construction tho british gov ernment hai made an offer to our government to put an end to competition in battleship building the two greatest naval powers in the world neither of tyhich has anything to jear frorp the other can set an ex am pi o that will bo of value and also further the cause of peace and make it possiblo tq reduce taxation hero is an opportunity of which the states men of both countries should be glad to avail them selves ttohur things for the boys in every paper ono picks tip nowadays ho runs across an item about boys wo rkr mention of a father and son banquot of a tuxis square activity more of these very well worth while of plans for a summer boys camp or something of the type and this s all evidence of b splendid movement the boys of to day havo splendid advantages much more than we of tho older generations had but in the majority of cases they are measuring up to these and showing the practicahrcsults of tho things being done for them the coming generation of boys is going to bo a bigger and better class of rqen than their fathers they couldnt help but be with the information regarding public speaking citizenship hygiene biblestudy sport nature study that is al nibijt pumped into them nowadays but no ono with any human sympathy will object but rather enthuse over these things regretting that similar opportuni ties were not open to tho boys of his youngor days the shoe factory in operation actons shoo factory building which has passed through a scries or vicissitudes since its- erection two years ago is now in a fair way for becoming a real hive of industry in our midst messrs howltson son whoso successful shoemanufacturing business in bramptoe has outgrown the accommodations of their premises in that town are to bo the occupants of otir factory with an important branch of their business when tho council and the speclof tsom m it tee ascertained that tho messrs hewltson were prepared tp talk business in earnest they wasted no- twfe in presenting the attractive features of the building ifnd ho advantages of locating in acton representatives of the council and the committee visited brampton and tho messrs hewltson visited acton and after a few days negotiations an agree ment was entered into operations will commence this week and by january 1st next the negotiating company will implement- its undertaking to havo at least fifty employees regularly at work in tho factory ttlo agreement may not be quite as favor able in all respects as the one entered into at tho outset of negotiations with the reliance shoe com pany of toronto it has the advantage however of being entered into with men of successful manufac turing and business experience it will result in immediate occupancy of tho building by a going concern and will afford wellpaid employment for a largo number of persons who must be citizens of acton there is a possibility too that one of tho members of the firm will make acton his permanent residence thefact ttiattho agreement ho been entered iqto by the council has already given an impetus to real estate values and it is confidently expected that the advent of this rcsponalbltrnow firm jotmjsals elconsderabjfie5euniary advantage to the town both directly and indirectly a seomly atutudtfulor ourcltlzens to take wilf bo io profferjo mcsirs howltson son and the key men they may bring tq superintend the business a welcome of the large degr of cordiality for which awm has always ucpn pqtcfl home life in thk flowery kinqdom km iiient ortlniimkuu u i lawnvafow i nirvantk ofioc unt for th fnnt thnt irtl an jamil invariably- hv in tpornto iomn thero m not on iartnit houa not on family llvlna in a hot avtrav1lri vn in th nwalrfndly oofllriantul aty of tcklo laimti ha vina on overs of our dally vibration cannot fcullrt heavy eonort kyorapor homn t litre wra of mal tie made of wood bamboo and til built vry habt u urn to urr urn lenat damns from earth tuajce th in at eannomlo and p radical mi of h u urcurdlngly 1m ubout ipjiit tn rrtm un 1 in two atorle hlb till iw the of liouao mot oom m inly ued all over tli country it 1m jut tli right alsn for lb vero jul hm family which conalat of ntxiui hv nron houaw thu b ing invariably umall and th member of eaoh family lurse the cuatom of many famlhea llvlna in n apartment houme la entirely unknown thar then inhqr la aheap and a faithful and in tumrluua muld ervant whowlll do oookltiar and house cleaning u wall a rvln und running errundg can b hlr for 1 than ten yoa per month tlioi4 exlat a ourdlal relattonahlp be twsen he muater nnd the eervant who la treated am a member of the lioum- l 1 1 ill en houaeai jn cltua or bullt ol aly t ajitlmr and with the exception itf ukga buulnee drm biuilne nd dwelling oqoupy the name bulldlng- umiiiuy a large front room being d votod to bualnee and lio rear room anil uppor parrot the liouuo for living 1 urpoaeu in residential district in tl outklrtu of tho cltlea pouae are a irruuiidod t y i aulou gafdena in close 1 by woolen or bamboo fonoes or which tnfty b neen pin and nlo trtt carefully trimmed the interior of houea ued aolaly fur rel lentlat i urpoaes i coy ijulet nil artlatlu a japntieite parlor of or dinary ai lit uaually a aauare elx yarde y four with n few wnll and many alldilig paper doom th crua and doom noueleanly open into or ele croa w verandah that overlook a little garden a little ny folding ncnten in n darker corner nrloty to tho room and many wli dowa with bihoji which r elendor frame of wood paatod over with thin unml trnttaiwrent paper glvo enouch uwht to make it rtiul and oomfort thtclav belt tie olny belt of onurlo la n tret oil uf new land in new or northern on t irln exton ling from the juebao boun inry weelward nallmatd to contain at uat iroodooo acre of arable land of a rich auy or clay loam remarkably fr framton an 1 therefor y to break and oulllvat a large percent age la aald to be tillable hnd many nettura hav kl randy mad aood in thla area uch a percentage oaq in lonaldernbly lncread by drainage meveral thriving mttlement have n rung up in thla part of the pravlno which i traversed by th temukam ing a northern ontario hallway an 1 hi canadian national hallway the uluy belt varle in dej ih north un 1 uouth from 25 to 100 mile vroui ihlnu aoft tnattre in the waii to do hauaahold when thiopte ult on the noor thny ait on a little u ninro pad tie l cuuhlon about hire foet nqunrn nrnl three i no he think doalloa thl there is a llttlo hlbarhl or 1 roxlar plaoed in tho centra of tho room undor ttnr alcove them hnnbm it kakemono a panel with plot lira or a poem in chines script 1 1 then stand a vase of flower ar ranged in th i rtlioriox fashion of ikehaiia thera in no other furniture tn the tarlor the eiioral tone of the room is that of neatness and serenity hvery npnqmnee of lotidneo til avoid i the walls am of a warm but iuhued color the jfapaniwn na a rtiln aro not fmd of varnishing wood 1 unually lft in it nralii the panel soroenm nnd ahojl arw changd conllng to the ubaun u ordor to weather t orrt comfnrtably japanese la 1 cotiauflng merely of a few think comforter and u pil low ran easily he male up in liny room u is conal lered a mark of hospitality in jut an to tnaka the giimt h bed in the parlor and put the ut his dlhpoual cni iv ool aitthmat thfltt yu v never tried uaz ia1i that k j laaard rrleu it juat as alfeotual a tem- uletonm famous hheumatlo capaulcm 1 for luteumatlam astt for a free mm ph longer for two tho train was 90 minute lata a man and hlu wife paced the floor of th battnre l station the man ap- proaoha i tl o ticket window an 1 rapped sharply on the counter yy ho exclaimed to tho lanky utrt wl o nppearvd we vo sot to make connection at rage with the x a s will thsy wait u half hour for a pasenger7 the lanky agent rolled hi quid leisurely un 1 eyed the occupant of the room a he consider 1 the ques tion va ul he finally deal led 1 reckon they d walt longer than that for two paaaeneors go to th country for frh air pollllaln- for hot air the dictionary for sympathy and to tom rumlev8 for prompt servfos tom rumley shops corner mill bt and park avbneah the mill wanted honest dependable salesmen to represent us in the sale of nursery stock wo supply all outfit free of oharge and allow p liberal rate of commission afmy to e d smith x son ltd wlnon ontario the only wav if you toot your utile footer and lay away your horn within a week there not a soul will know that you wer born th man who trie to advert l liy al ort and sudden jerks if lb man who 1 always kicking because he never work th fellow who 1 on th job a humpln every day and keep forvr at it it s the on who make it pay aoneed on one thino lit i n oh tciwlu ul n l if y u and father only tutirn i i n nverythlt u the way you 1 on hut i ow hap we would bl r twas in a rmtaurant ifo tl at w u nice looking chap you apoke to is he a friend of yours t bhe yea indeed ila well oak him to join u hi oh this la o sudden i tldn t y u know lies ilia nw minlaurt the fluctuating dollar at proasnt a dollar la worth only about 60c to pond but it i worth 1 to save because dollara deposited in a savings account will btoadlly incresae in buylns power aa the world gets on ikf fast asrln and uia kuppl of flommodluaa grow raumiutvta jamand bay oaifwbmtyoaevaut 60 1m wlfhoat tyourdoiurmyns8aitaaacmint trnul ulr buying xwar baoaaa mora aouauaad th m6rchants bank haadomcalmonlraaj of canada 3ltyd bauboahad 10s4 umioirr h h tannery cooperative ttie store of qudity and low prices with our large turnover we are enabled io rfeep ouf grocery block always freeh new oo arriving every day jaiuourrrs ovehaij ani siwocka all sizes in stock a 1k0ll line of lluimer footwear fou men women lloya girls and children see our prints flannelette cotton etr at frleefl that will surprise you highest price faho for butter and eggs either cash or goods tannery cooperative c a conway manaffer mill street i- acton bmbine8 directory on j a moniven physlln snd buruten dh k j nhlhou phyelolsn aotort ont ori hn i kaall i 6ftri r mill wi i vy1crlk htru u dr c p w jtobb phyaloin and surflaon mill dt oeorotowo phon 22 iiiia liuiiiuoi oiur u ll toronto hjwolal nttontl i v dlouoa ot worwiii und children legal mion no 31 1 o llox iim harold nash farmer m a bsrrlatar bo 1 1 iter notary ptibllo canvnysner etc pcrryman block acton ont uondv to loan ifours p 30 sin to 6 pm i jcfcarlie gervais house painter acton ontaftlq xnr lqxdorlflnee careful woru iono all job promptly comuloteil orders for sprln work should be plaoed immediately fteoidenoe church 8trbbt clearing sale op winter qqodb wo need molrur to ouslph tor dol lnr dny you oon make a dollar here just h well overalls o 100 i work hhlrta 0 91 7b winter oau o 176 nd t00 and other roods in proportion com in sud n m or barsaln ahos rspairino ny pn juix- e k cook i keep advertising j advertising is more tlian a business tonic it is a necessity that is why it is needed all the time of all advertising that which carries with it the greatest waste is what is known as the once in a whilekind up until four years ago there was a certain soap thait was known around the world it had been the most persistently advertised article offered in the markets of the world during the previous hundred years troni the day this soap was first put on the market in 1812 if was advertised in a small way but persistently and continuously for the last 50 years it has been one of the best advertised products in the world then the direct ors decided that because the factory was selling to capacity advertising could be discontinued as a use- x leas expense in less than one year from that time the business of the firm dropped 35 per cent in volume that soap is again being adyertised and we understand it is necessary to spend 5000000 in extra publicity over previous appropriations to get back to normal this firnfwas not a flier in adver- tising its product had been used for generations and was known in the homes of the world but it cost its makers 5000000 to learn that advertising was as necessary to it as the raw products that enter into its making i the history of merchandising is filled with stories like this but onlya few found it possible to win back trade foolishly thrown away i keep advertising it b the steady constant pull thatiakes you over the hill and keeps business at topnotch fitch let the free press help you i dr ju bell d d b l d dentlat honor ordut of toronto unlvw- ity th ut nrtheio u4 u desired onto at amldano comer ulll ftnd ttrederick btrt miscellaneous mahriaqc licenses h p moor issuer marrlsa li imvat olttc no trltiio re quired issued t fosldenoe in venlns vrmm lit otflc aoton ont prancib nunan boelnler account book of all kind msd i order periodical of aynry desnrlp tlon oajrafully bound lluum neatly and promptly done over williams 6 or r j kerr licensed auctioneer tor th counties of ilalton wnlllns ton and lufrorln and tl city of tluelph acton ontario sale may b mttod i y jusil m at reside no at aaton or at- the bte ires ojfloe anton th weroury oflloe ouelph the nw heoord itorinia or with w j gordon llarneii ukr lllllsbunr bales entrusted to it j ktiir r oelva ottontf n fn m dato f llstht to date of sule j 1st your aaloa wllli tns raeltlaim dower avenua aotoii 1hons 88 acton call at my wioen roy hindley auctioneer conaolldsted phone erin 4t i l n n 3 acton j e cheevers book binder quebeo st eaiat ouelph ont hooka and masuslna bound la handsome and substantial cover name lettered in roi 1 on bible hymn uook and other books all wrl promptly eut d alex niven onurlo land surveyor rind civil engineer survey subdivision plan it port posorl ptlons uluoi rlnt etc certincato for purchuaor and fttortjnucoes surveyii fur archltrct builder and municipal council bralnaics he port icwtlmate etc molean building deuaus st auniipli phono ios ont pianos organs gramophones and sewing machines aiam algko ioh the oitonay for th bout make of tho ubovo un i will l o uhi i to uhow uiiy of thorn blnaar bewlna maohlnea a bnsolslty trms mad st i factory moorehesd s qlu bd will street aoton ont the old and reliable granite and marble dealers wo ar maimfooturers an 1 direct unnorter of all kind t uoniimftiiuj and headstone work w sell direct to our oustomer at wholesale prlo uiu savink our customer 40 per ont wo havo the beat unpllanoeu and th rnly mooboiilo in tho xtomlnlon who can ouorute utoumatlo tool properly wo can tvo roforoiioom rrom hundred of our ctiet imrr in toronto and other plaoerf whero other have tn i ave law mult in order to oolloct wo havo tn laranst and best slook of granite in tho dominion or mora thau any thro deator in the west we are leslu mate dealers and omploy no agent and do not annoy- or pest outomr by son iln out lsmorant agonta sollolt- injr orders wet omploy only moohanld and defy competition hamilton sons oor horloh a woolwich bxm aulpb kix casyoria for infants sod children in use for over 30 years mannip o jtrtsjofftealiii

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