Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 21, 1921, p. 2

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r he arton story rcaa rmatnuay apiiiii ji toai juqt ror vou i when vmi foul inolluod ti wotry bout the tlilngx tlmlk kolntf wrontf 1 1 eel nu iikkirii the worl 1 sain you ell ii h librd to otf almiff uiillun v rself iork u u little for uami wher t uui urn hlue there u u itowi i liiut hhddilln wwpet- ikuhuii ii m ulnwldiu it fr vqu am yim ru tridlu down tlm pathway llfo unfolds fin you ouoh iiny jcnyuu i uirabaidmvtrduhl boullevl mitmowlii r mi thn way lion t iilvo mi try umi surmount jt dlunilw iii un cut ii a view if you ve not the grumhlln over ah vnmii rrunhy ail kin m x alnt n ahurlo thin it that suits you look as far su you kin mn why not try an smile a little look twhl ml ii utuud er- lw hee if you kin rtnil the sunbeam thats u uiilnln jt for you in it rtgtlly worth tlm trouhlo that it tukn to worry mi llount dm thine that alii t oboin just the wuy limy d ouchtabot course it nltt t thare tin uao frtlt ln noalh tho cuiioiy of hlun homnwlinni thorn u a wousblrd ulnfcw un hu ulniflii all ni- you luwiin llf not m no wo uvln a ymrn klilja irtsnne then remember joy flow freely nlnur water runs in junn hut you muut k out an moot it roliko yonelf beneath tho blue there a ijijww somewhere thatll ml mi dill ot ltd sweetness junt fer you y foot lii tlm un ild lit in u crouahlda- pos ture and look ml nvor tho tojis or tho tlrtibnrw ho wlulmd in make sure thai all thu thlovuu wore in slaht tbjy w- to upiaii idly nil vhuro nine of tlmm rather too many xur una man to deal villi tmiiilnnhntil wui ulnult to withdraw u wlluntly u ho luid loinh whan u rtntu wail iimdliillutixt llarkliii furiously a miserable our which hud inlil uiiotintirvnd in un nh- ovorner dsrti d toward tho tit in riff iiinliijhnm riullaurai ouo lliul hu must take the initiative jlafor tho urni od lioruu ihlnvoa luid tlmu lo fluo to thi ir font or even to draw thulr him twtmliirlft tiad htmlnhteikhl hlw ail form until h towtinwi noaannn liouhlorm aliovo tlm mtuckado and with v mvolvcr in naoli hand had oovrkl hu icrop by tho flr throw ui your handa ikiym he kutd quietly w v sot tho drop on ou it on of yu rnukcu u fnlmi move ny men will ufioot you llko u lot of oyijjo you know root u wont tlm ulghttxiii imndw and tho horaa thlnvoa oat thoro help thy nticf doubtatl for a moment tlmt uunnliisham hud u biff ikmu0 nlatlond ruud thn utoakad the aricvrs aa they aumtoood wnro prulootad by tho loam and conceulad by iim nod th darknuhm whervaa thy wro in full vlw aod in th bhght nrollaht how itatd cunnlnbham turn your fun a thn other way i quick nw ttiuroh htralvht ahead and lino ok a i nut that fenon with your fa con to 53 tt e2 x x s x c3 x s f sheriff cunningham b aibaart p kly gxe3xe3kxjxegt surpassing a11 others in gcneraj excellence sa1ada iscnjoyed by millions b devoted friends- black green or mixed blends sealed packetsonly uix 1- jiiath tho mattnr tom un ill tho hold upr oakod mo- q mioroon rtilnlnff tn the hi hay tium no only ituma liorao thlevoa cunnlntfhatn aiinwercd ilalded tho ulllar a- lux ranch acroas the river lout night i m iiolntf ovar there jsveryone knew and liked big tom cunnlnuharn tho tcood natured kind hearted nhsrlit vt han joaauln county kor more than twenty yean he had hold oluoe and for the pant ten years no one could bo found rah enough to run afcalnat him ho never put iron on a prtaonar he had never- et ono eaaupe auid uwiu hut hoaat that be he voi nhot a man what do you want with your ohatw if you are only going to the raioht uakod molhonion tliored no ohapar ral on the road well i may follow thorn up into the foothill far eqouffb to make euro which way thoyvo gone and the man- anlta la pretty ntllt oyer there now let mo oak you a aueetlon or two ma- plmjrwon you rode a block homo when you atarted for tho mountain where did you get that buy i traded for him thla morning with three rollowu i mat on the son or road tbay ware taking a band of them up into tho hllhi to pasture x liked this fellow and gave them ten dollars to boot what do you think of hi ml oh i know him well eata the sheriff ainllliur jim the best horse on the miller a 3ux ranch if the boys had run across you un that horse theyd have roed you first and asked you how you got him after tho inquest maphursonm jaw fall do you mean this horse was stolen by the man 1 got him from ha cried hacs what aald the sheriff dryly now you hustle into town go right to my omce and toll joe jlong jvhat you have told roe tell him to have jim my deputy get three or four good fellows and follow me hell know where to oome when he hears how you got that horse put the horse up and dont say a word to anyone else till you see me tho sheriff lifted his bridle and his horse u large mwponod powerful buokskln started off those follows will work up along the foothlllri to tho bend of the sacra mento and then over into ulg meadows oc up into oregon tbw aharux mut tered ill have to bustle to bead them off come buck get a move on you when ho had gone about a rollo he left the road and turned abruptly to the cast across the great brown plain thy horse was travelling now at n long tsy lope which he kept up for mils after mile wben they were fairly in the foot hills thoy ntruok tho road now old fellodf sold tho sheriff pulling his borso down to the gilding trot to which most coast horses are trained its uphill from here bo you cantake it cosy on they went in the gathering dusk the gtiunt houd of the horse and the lank form of tho rider swayed in uni son the road was deep with dust and the gliding feet of the horse made no sound j it couldnt be better thought the sheriff i might ride right on top of ihem without their bearing me the were only three of them uolherson said i could manage threef all right but utero are likely to be more by tho time i ovortake them i heard there were soma to ugtr looking fellows coippl ng in the oorral over at old injun town ity thunder thats where they are making fori lrobably the rest of the gang is waiting there there 11 bo a dosen in all i bet well iii just drop in on em and sea how theyre getting along in a little while the sheriff stopped took thn handkerchief from his neck and tied it to a limb of a tree at the roadsldiy for a sign to jim end his ooranunlons then ho turned into a bridle path after passing through the forest for it mllo or more ha came suddenly into an open glade in the mlddlo of tho cleared space was i stout stookado about seven feet high through the interstices he could see a ft gloaming with soveral figure about it and in one corner a cluster of horses the gate of the oorral was closed it was still too light to venture across the open but cunningham had already seen enough to satisfy him that th party of desperadoes had been augmented stnoo morning ho must wait for complete darkness and re- lnforcemenlm the sheriff withdraw a short dis- tanoo aking the bridle path turned off into the woods about fifty y cards slip ped from tho mddie and sattd himself on tho graupd tho woiptcalned horse stood quietly feeding on the young twigs of the shrubbery round him slowly the hours dragged by but the sheriff was a patient man ttom the sounds that oame from the nfnek- ado be thieves seemed totgo enjoying themselves about midnight cunningham re mounted ms horse and followed the trail until it led into the open glade the young- moon tied gone down be- v u bind tho trees end the glade was in jiri darkness although the lnyirlor ot the i v gtockado was well lighted by tho fire wwct caubousty th sheriff rode forward acs s in another moment the nine rogue wore stretched up against tho palings with their hands still held high jim maid tho sheriff iui if address ing hlu diuty yoil end the boys keep em covered 1 11 go in and re- hove them of their guns and other little things of that kind if one of them drops hlu hand or turns round just plug the whnuhlucjujl nftvo thn county the expense of trying uinm bwlnglng himself to tho top of the paling ho dropped inside and walked over to the line of prisoners carefully searched each of 4horo and piled his booty of knives and putols in s hoap- near the gate together with half a dosen winchester- rides that ha found standing in a corner whan hti had completed hlu search he opened the goto curried out the wtiupons aiul pltod them whore be could find them readily in the morning then going back inside be re barred thn gate und ordered the hrst t on the right ot the line to return to tho are ho thrw htm a blanket und ordorttn him to lie down ono after another the bandit went through the same routine until they wore all lying in a circle where they were in plain view by the light of the fire noy jim said tom again ad dressing his suppositious deputy let half your boys ue down for an hour atid the others koop watch 1 11 keep the tire going so they can see to shoot if these follows try any gome change watches every half hour well start at daylight so as to land those chaps in stockton euly in the nftomoon the next two hours were anxious ones for the lherlff what would hap pen if jim- did not ueo thn signal that he had left where ttja troll left the road and kept on to ftonoray what should he do with his prlsonon in morning t ue could not keep up the deception by daylight about three oclock the doc began to grow uneasy tom threw fresh wood on the lire and ordering his mythical sentries to keep good watch stopped out of the guts ahd stood anxiously i is toning at lout ho heard tho sound of horses coming slowly along tho trail walked forward and jutit at tho edge of the timber met the longedfor deputy and the four mon that he had brought with him the sheriff briefly explained tho situ ation to them und went boou to w lkmt a fireman whllo the deputies tnodo u stern fact of the fictitious watch of the earl lor hours of the- night in the morning the nharlft ordered the thieves to mount tbolr horses and then he and his assistants tied their legs to tho stirrup end faatoned the stirrups together ay thong under the horses bellies then with one of the deputies driv ing the loose horses ahead the convoy net forth tho prisoners canve next in single file the brldlo of each horse was tied to the tall of the ono ahead the dopulles rode on the flanks and the sheriff brought up the rear the angriest men in california were in that gang of horse thieves when they learned that they bad been cup lured by the sheriff singlehanded but it had to be t guess said the leader philosophically and if it had to je im glad tom cunningham is the toiler that done it youths com pan ion qaltcellar superstitions the superstition connected with tho pilling of salt has the samo origin us the one concerning thirteen people ut the table tho iasi uupper hut there i no foundation for it ti history none of the accounts of the lutst tluppar records any spilling of salt by judas and it is doubtful whether leonardo da vlnot in his rumous fresco intended toutachuny significance to the overturned salt cellar beyond indicating on the part of judas iwoonurdo painting has been accept ed as un historic replica of tho uupper it is bply natural that tho incident of the overturned salt should have been imputnted in our minds as an integral part of the meal and tlvaf it should have been connected with judas and hi subsequent ltlfortunp the custom of throwing salt over the tuft houlder in order to dissipate uny evil influence has an orhxin which antedates tloonurdo by hundreds of years the pa gap 1 tomans considered thut nl was nucred to the penates the household gods and that to spill it during a moul would incur their wrath not upon tho splller but upon tho person in whose direction it was spilled casting k pinch of unit ovev the left dmulilur tho shoulder of evil- uotef polltoneu for it was supposed tn lift the curse from tho parson towards whom the kill i fell und to fusion it upon the splller hlmueir it was probably this ancient latin belief which caused ioonurdo du vinci lo lnoluda the overturned salt in his painting of the last b upper wild life destroyed cannot be replaced no natural resourso needs tho appli cation of greater foresight for its con servation than our wild ufa it can not be replaced once it is destroyed and jts destruction cuti only be u voided by wise provision in tho paat it has been an almost invariable rule to wait until serious depletion of wild hfo has taken place before considering its pro tection the migratory lilrdv treaty tho northwest lame act a4 the more stringent provincial gome acua togeth- erwtth the stricter enforcement of these regulations b tame guardians wltb an appreciation of the valuo of wild llfe are evidences of a more sywofsutettapublla interest in what is one of canadas valuable and moat in teresting- novural reeourccar a frigno ssssas ifjtou have a friend worth loving lovo hln yes arid let wnn know that you love atari ere utea ovenlhg tuim hi brow with wuoiot srhrwi why should lood words peey we gm an inspired memory dome years ago thero rode into u lid little township of western aus tralia in the region known a the lutbuck a young mlntstor it was his rtmt pojttomlo and the first alt mjt to represent the christian church in ihat neglortodiund parcel y populated district the drinking saloon and thu gambling den hud been in long po- swmlon thn church had arrived all too lute mimn tho scene llowiivnr by hlu plucky attacks upon thn population of the settlement the ywuiigskytlli0tuoongntherede gather u bund of the better soil of men thoy baguu to build u woodi church mutnrluls ware not plentiful und a lot of thn interior was lompoaod of packing case wood wben nnhihod it wait rather inter twins to nitleo horu und there upon tho flooring iiuuh legends a hudec soup uuullght etc iiy uccldant or design the floor of the pulpit bora the wonlu uewarel ynmtel thus u healthy christian work was begun tim caxuie however hail espoclul foe ho wau a man of no tori our reputation a hard drinker an veterate gambler und unhappily a man whose delight it was to lead the in- experienced and innocent into evil this man declared publicly his op pool- lion to the preaching uhup hlu con tempt for ull sacred things lf tho sky pilot comes to my shahty he uldviiiklck him out one mnmorubla day this man du- novared a spot upon his race that dls- tuletnd him he turned into thn one surgery that tho town boasted to con sult the doctor later ou he uimo run- lilog out of it mad with ragq and four hurrying lo the ualiwiti he began to drink furiously rrenently he was tell ing everyone with oaths und curses thut he d cancer of the face and hud been given only a fow weeks to live armed with whiskey bottle and raving dninlc be ronlod home to lib shanty to death the isky pilot wait out on horseback preaching at vurlous outlying home steads as he rode slowly homeward in the dusk of the evening his course led him past the llttla shack where the drunken athalst lived involuntarily he waw thinking of the mull though us yet ho knew nothing of tho man plight suddenly ilka u flash of lightning memory lit up bis rilnd with a uooiiu from the post ho was seated in u large church in melbourne tho huge congregation filled ilia building overflowing thoro was u movement in tho choir and u man st6od up to sing ii mugnlriocnt baritone vol en b sung that greatest of songs 3ouiiods thoro us toteen hill fur away am with hlhrnlnra ore thantjnlatr looked upon tho singers luco he itturtlcd to find himself looking at the very man who hero in this town was his implacable enemy the ulngor and the atheist were the name man the shook of tho discovery caused bun to jerk his homes head violently round herodo straight to tho shanty door and rapped sharply upon it willi his riding- crop it wau the face of a madman that looked out from the partly opened door the eywu of thodrunkard fairly biased with anger an he took in the fact that this visitor was tho aky pilot uut before the oath was uttered or any attempt at violence made the young minister said quietly dont want to upset you mate hut i wanted to tell you that 1 onoe heard a man sing in church in melbourne there is a green hill far away with out a city wall where tho door lord was crucified who died to savo uu all you were that man mule ha con tinued the drunken fury died out of the mans face come in ha said h come ly then later yeu 1 watt the man god help me i cant ultig it now and there in thut rough little shuck tho sky pilot had the supreme joy of lauding that wrote hod soul who had fallen so fur from virtue and decency back lo lllm who lu tho only refugo at last of the tdnul soul tionto weeks later tlm poor follow dod but those weeks were fur hap pier for him than many of tho preced ing years when ho was laid to rest in the little qod acre outside the town nearly everybody was present and after tho minister hud told tho story of how uod had inspired his memory they all joined in singing there is a green hill fur uwny without a city wall where the dear lord was crucified who died to save us all there was no other good enough to pay the prloa of sin he only cduld unlock the gate of heaven and let us in o dearly dearly has he loved and wo must lovo him loo xnd trust in hlu redeeming lood and try his works lo do device for charting river bottoms quito u remarkable device for draw ing the profile of a river bottom lips uoti useu by miglnoon both in thbf country und abroad it consist of a wheel limited to the bottom of a gradu ated fad which is fastened vertically t the side of u bout in such manner that as tho bout utlvsuaos up or down or ucros stream thu wheel ut the end of the rod runs continually upon the bottom tho rod rising und falllngr with vurlutlons of level of tho river bed by noting the depth n chosen intervals of time tho elements ura obtained for tracing an uccurato representation of ull the alnuoultlos of tho bottom oltho rivor awmjie variations of depths in saving of tlmu this simple up para tuu possesses un enormous advantage over the ordinary method of soundings ihurtlng river bottoms news bent by heliograph the lo ooo- inhabitants of uontsorrat get all their tidings fom tho outside world by the flashing of mirrors from the inland of antigua twonyaovon miles uwuy tho wlroless and cable do not touch this mountainous and isolated pinpoint on tho map mail boats are infrequent tho natives must depend almost entirely upon the helln- grsph an instrument used extensively before tho telegraph was invented which meana writing with tho nun the message are flashed from a mir ror headed into the ray of the sun te mirror operate cram aide to owc and in that way the dots and dashes as they are flashed are ploked out and formed into words and aerrtefices ourlng the war montaarrav woe for bidden tho nie of heliograph too many sbbmarmm wore lurking in west tnoita watfts r the strawberry plantation wualvw ilso is neglocted one should nut rail to start a strawberry plantation during the spring any fairly dry area will gmw strawberries the irround should tie one on which wat r will riotitand during the wnter to fom ice llunurn ut the rule of tin to dlteen tons pr sere may bo appllod and powd uitilec or even moce may be uwed lo advantage if no other fertilis er ure to ho uswl it is usually con sidered wisn to upply fine hundred pounds of u48 fertiliser per acre that is- one containing of nitrogen h x of phouphorla acid and of potnubi jtowcvur if ike soil i in good fertility this is not heoessary am manure mono may be all that is neoes sary all fertilisers should be scat torntl hrxiudeast and harrowed in thorough preparation of the soil by plowing and working deeply is ndvls- abla the land is flnaly levelled with a umoothlug harrow and the plants sat in row three und a half feet apart und fourteen inches upurt in the- r loser planting is unnecessary and does pot permit of easy cultivation between the row und opportunity of picking without tnunplrur on the vines the p lull ting 1 done by pushlpg a spudo lulu tlm uoll pressing it to ono side and dropping a plant with roots h proud full shape lut the opening holding tho nrown of tho plant to the lop of tho level still and pressing the earth nrmly around the plant with the hihil or some other way and finally liivvlllng with tooun earth around the crown of the plant this is quickly done tho importance of pressing the uoll llrtuly around the phnt is ry great und tho plant should be aunt ulimtly itrm so that if the plant i puld by u leaf tho leat will break before thu plant will pull out only young plants should be set that is pluntu of tho previous seaaons growth the planting should bo done early in iuuu mr f the failure with strawberries is due to lute planting this is a job that can ho doiio in tho early spring the sooner tint plant beoomes estab fished the curlier tho fo rum hon of runner plants und tho earlier these runner plants form tho luruw und imttor developed ure the orownut without which strong stulks of well formed fruit are 1m- 0slhe the summer oultlvutlan should be shallow to kill woodi und form a loose suifune lu which the plant can root without dlluoulty as tho runners de velop the cultivator should be narrow- mi no that tho run nor aro not dls- tuilied uftor they oommonco to form plants und grout euro is necessary to uvold dhtturhliig the plants at this limn homo or tho runners may be till if tod to give a mora oven distribu tion- nf- plants along the rowj and uomo hand hoeing will lut even neoos- uary- to prevent woods from growing lutur it s wise to plan for a new planta tion ovary year as it hi difficult to koop weed unclor control the second your without much hand hoeing it will ba found that the henutor dunlup u one of the best varieties to plant ulossoms uro uksly to develop on the spring set plants and these should be romovod to throw all energy lniothadevoiopmont of runners as early us possible- w o xllalr super intendent rgpurlmeulal station kent- vlllo n h the mystery of lake nemi of intortnt ulwayu in ltke nemi in italy and its submerged galleys worn tlmo to time we itear of new plans to rovoal what tho watovs have hidden ono of these schemes in the draining of the lake into u near and low lying valley tho pmblom of the galleys bun been before tho world slnoe 1431 und many attempts have been mado to solve it luke no ml lies in an old crater in an italian mountain runge it is a beautiful shoot of wuter among the quint hills in thn days of the cueaars it witt dodloatod to tho worship of xluiiu und a tomplo stood on its shorn now forty feet holow its placid uurfuco tout two grout gulleya sup posed to huvohoaii built by- caligula kor hundred of years the world has known of tho ilhon trtiosureu of the lake and numerous efforts have been made to ruhto them in the fourteenth century seamen from genoa who looked moro llko flnh than men dived into tho water and adjusted great chains auout the wrecks rut the 1m- inunsa weight baffled ull efforts to life thn chains broke and the enterprise was abandoned only fragmintu of the ships wore brought to the surface bits of wonderful beauty in 1555 a famous military orchltoet invented udlvlnb bell und descended into like nemly koop in g under water un hour and u halt ut a time in hlu account of his adventure ho apeak of noelng thousand of fishes they were nothing but tho tiny whitebait attract ed by the crumb from the diver lunch an investigation of those roman rullrui win begun by dealers in antl- ijultlci u proved that two galleys of wondurful workmanshjp lay in tho lake lilts of rnppor work exquisite mosaic und theli oonstruotlon of wood sheathed in loud uucortalnod llit of lead pipe beurlng tho name of tho emperor testi fy to their ownership tho question is why two such large v ousel should huvo been flouted on this llttlo lake the most probable theory is thut they wore huge pleasure barges ami bathing establishment moored to u penfl pbu tho pro position has been made to drain away tho waters of the lako and to carefully preserve und restore thu galleys the milk maid a young mun went on one oocaslon to call ut a country farm house to make inquiries after his sweetheart who hud charge of tho dairy har muster opened the door und her lover uskeil him timidly hnwm sno milkmaid hut tho farmer angrily replied ad ue slummed tho door on the ntmnjttra fuoel our milk isnt made its got from tho cow ft- m the tta i itch smart or sunt mfsorc irrttstdd- j flamed qc3rmnu iffiss8as herds in the garden if there is uny pluro on tho farm where the farmers wife and laligli- tm havf their own way it i in ilia garden it in one of tho moot impor lant upot on the farm ahd it curl uuto im mode the roout lieuiitlful this year plan to loave the little strip along the fence at the lowar en i of the garden for a patch of herbs any seed catalogue will give you the necessary directions for their culture und after you once know their vuluo you will naver be without them for they will add a sest io ydur cook ing thst will be greatly appreciated tho following list includes a few that should have- a place tn every garden parsley one of the beatknown herbs is unequalled for garnishing and for seasoning soups and meats sage has many uses powdered and used with pwk chops and pork roust sage is delicious it is indispensable in either fresh sausage or scrapple ahd who ever heard of cooking a goose without the proverbial sag and onion dressing t caraway seed is used in euke and confectionary and in rye bread hurehound as a tea or boiled with sugar to form a syrup is an excel i tit remedy for coughs and oolds mil xn old world annual with aro matic tpungent seeds is used with pickle peppermint makes a delicious num to the served with lamb while corian der summer savory sweet marjoram and thyme are all excellent for flavor ing chives are little known hut lend u delicate onion flavor to soups and salads and to meat dishes la vender also should be planted then you can revive one of th pleas ant oldfashioned custom of laying sprigs of uvnnder with tho bed llnni many of these plants aro hardy und having been started will corns up every year if the leave or branches arc rut on a dry bright day just bofore thsy oame into bloom und are tied in bunches or spraud out to dry and than packed tarclean dry boxes tbay will keep all winter easy walking ik imneratlvn for th man who p ihui ii thu gruur purt if i ho ihri i his fret llboih built on iii im1 illht illudo of imll ikuttxr thnt fit tho fool ikui1 lo tukon ijr of have i1m fl up unit iornforlnht1 old pair our hi repairing roiiuwn die llfti of your hhu rmttoroh llmlr u fuliiiii anil nin in omfort imouiimy und uutlsfantliiii k you do not forget that ws carry a firs clsaa llns of b for bnotboya t e gibbons mill st acton wesellqilson farm equipment a trite retlv it 1 related that a member of one of the methodist conferences appeared ut one of its sessions in a negligee shirt and duck pants much to the horror of a venerable minister who called the attention of the preside ntto the irregularity the offending member showed thst ha knew hi ci bio un well as his own oontfort by quoting asekle chapter 44 verses it and ib when they the priests sna th levltes en ter tn at the gat of the inner court they shall be clothed wlo linen gar ment and no wool shall oome upon them tbey shall have linen bonnets upon their beads ana shall have linen breeches upon their loins they shall vcaiur expcniehoi itv and eenvidi sixty years of laadsrokjp of giving c value heaping satisfaction and nl service t thats why ib cuaon nam wins respect u4 coallownce from ooaat to coast thats why we are proud to sell tiss dependable farm equipment the cilson engine- v kui lr bint hi giuoo uon olkm buo pliuf lulyurlbininymkh hwka it b mnlhtl to b th lliljtt majjm biawa- utim tsl ni iodnit nium mia viitw md 111 our own slur ulib your em 4 bp at laism t lb imopc timr w fonu mtm b tba slst ibwubs vaiua i1ylo sylo tl tllu etyu lnur hie cilson spreader iln wiul iuui viploln wl f 1iu u ckuall i v tl ludlmln tl4 liwtt lya lor ui liif in ii- rt i thaaynrkfinyaaitmiya iauon wkr it hn ui nwd i0o pf ru miifili it itlauwil wb t ha uabt draft li wlll it d ii u tn treia juubei tcsfi sod all tocojklkvtal parts blow h- wui and yd wwr i ihhitkmlwi p4ua twfcaaa wl saw wu- lo taloc uajtit caj4 j cjrij by cilson mfg co mmltej cuelpw ont- call an i l nml iww jvcton ont tannery cooperative the store of quality n and low prices vou spuing h0uskclkan1ng 7 havo ovcrylliinj you rcquiroom dutch acansorrnll liramlaiqf soap gillotts lyo etc at specially low prices pott voull gakdkn all kinds of vecotable- and plowor seeds dutcli setts multiplier onions tolt yolik tabm pura maplo syrup new cubbago celery pineapples bananas oranges cannodstralberrles peaches- poars plums and apricots a fall line of cufuurtt iii 11 und mechanics ovcrollu and work shirla at eupeclally low prices prices ueduceo on all llootswl 1iavk some blijendid values in mens fine boots tcniuil and thinning shoeu for men women hoys glrla and children ladles while canvas oxfords highest price paid for bui ter and eggscash or 300ds tannery cooperative mill street c a conway manaecr acton amnximmwiikmmmtbfawymimmb 1 v s sbml mm iyi r r 7 he car of durability and economy j n oneill son distributors of studebaker and dodge brothers motor cars qr acton georgetown afjd milton j r lbishmn actyn rapresantativo actpi jsslfssias screen doors and sereen windows h ilkl ml no 1 h ti ihijn llluhl loin 30e no slolmirtnxjn ibliht hi in sse no li i fit j4kii ululit 10 hi 4oo ni 3 li hill illicit 1u in 46e no a oiii rlvll il hfht lo lu 6p no t 0hi x3fl ii htht h in boe no 7 onmi zxww lllidt u hi 70e no x oi n aiwd llilght u lu 7o no d olhi llmdl ihliiht h lu 8sq no 13 omiiijxlc lllkiitlu hi o- no 13 0m ii 3rki ii luht 1h in fise no i opiu 3231 ii li hi aa in be no 10 il 20xu ii luht 23 lu dfte ocraan doors msija of ctasr pine mudu in thn i rt h in x fl ft h in 3 rt li in x i n 10 in 3 ft x 1 ft wont ijooih w50 4 00 h 76 tj00 hour tyors 20 3 00 hh mm cuu in ot tl in llooru the iioni if anmvaiu co ua phcrv 1012 iurlph f ifhisrstores policy to represent iooda ok- actly ni to their quality to sell to hi ofio who know und to those who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulfill oil puarantccj ontl chee fully correct all mis takes to deorvo your conlldenco by nlwuys pivinp you satisfaction y savage co jewel lew guelph ontario roiikttuohdsrwrjt tlcilionro canada idrand trunk vs the double traclc route luctwicun montreal toronto detroit chicago unnxcalled dhiuii ear servlee flloeplnat w on uluht trains and parlor oar on prlnolpal day trains vull information from any oran trunk tleltet iujit or c id llornli district 1assenirer aunt toronto if a holmes acent acton ont phos ts r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station a quantity of feed corn and oil cake just eeceived floub feed n0bval iuian x shorta hay straw r noble ltd henrv awrev manaoeh when yuu need boots shoes at any time 7 j buy from w williams llll street acton famous for satisfactory footwear reasonable prices rwie5iyjj-

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