Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 21, 1921, p. 4

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sty artim xtt tyrfaa i mmnnav aphii ji ivxi 1iik attciu i 111 uu 1 tl 1 i mumimiuii run i j 1 1 htv in tnlllll v ntilllmk mill lrl a attvl ill im 11a1i iuijiei u invrjlt i linitl wiiruil irrlln rl uwli al oiim iwr lrl luiur afv- i ix roeit f t r v i ral lurlloa alr ltl will l lnirir1 ml fertm ami ii 1 moovfr fcui uul 1umuhrr tklh iunu- editorial old tiiinrh como back mnrvclloiitf linn been tho rovolutlon ot faith nnd pftiotica durlni lecent years with regard to watcr- powor riits motive force which had been thrust aido ui antiquated mid comparatively worthiest in the service ot ludnntj- nnd commorce tins lien coin- hik back to inoretiriuriti curlier varutj and promin ence applied to the feneration of electricity it linit won leaving lt old rival nnd victor steam tat in the rear in thoiw region at lonst where nature favontiit use und transmission ontrsineutnmndyet liituflldtfntly appreciated result ot the development of waterpower in that if promlaei or threatens to shift the centres and niter the distribution of human activities and nloir with this ot wealth and popula tion tho scotsman ptwuijitcd stater is jin ding that prohibition hi a good thine to have before and during a period of unemployment tho huviiiks banks of ncwork city showed uu iticruiscr deposit in 1020 of 211000- 000 j sundays snow storm lb said to have been ot double advantage it wai bcncllcial to tho land and it gave tho far mors respite from working on the land and consequently an opportunity mo work for the success of the itcfjptciidum the tost of living is gradually being reduced naws comes from the greatest hourproducing centro in tho united states minneapolis that flour sold under 8 00 per barrel last week this was the first time the price reached as low a figure in nearly seven years tho ucligious education council is arranging for sunday mny 20 as canadian gotosun dayschool day it is hoped that all the members of tho family in all homes will attend the sunday school that day a special programme will he arranged for tho days order of service archdeacon cody late minister of education of ontario ho been tho recipient of a great honor by appointment as bishop of melbourne australia dr codys ability and excellencies are known mo tho vorld he will fill tho high office to which ho has been appointed with ability dignity graco and rever ent teal mr j m don yes ii a inspector of public schools for halton and wcntworth makes tho signi ficant statement that in tho whole of tho rural sec tions of tho inspectorate in which 7t tri sellers arc employed not ono of them is a mari teacher con- ditions havo changed from those prevailing twenty- flvo years ago it was most gratifying to sea three of canadas leading citizens of different positions and attain ments standing ride by side on the public platform in toronto and cxhortingjhc 12000 electors jahvn they addressed to vote yes for tho benefit of on tario and its people they were sir gcorgo poster ot the dominion cabinet hon n w rowcll late president of tho cabinet council and hon c e drury prime minister of ontario no more yankee flying over canada united states armyaavy and civilian air pilots will be prohibited from flying over canadian terri tory after may i unless the united states govern ment establishes a bureau to issuo licenses and regis ter pilots according to tho agreement reached at tho recent international air convention no govern 1 ment with power to issuo such licenses exists in that country although canada anj the large european powers have such bureaus in operation the united states has been slow iri all this war business and tho enterprises growing oufof1t5lnee august 4 1014 b7 what nature viu give the death or john burroughs the naturalist has aroused more than ordinary interest because his life was so unusual a man of power he threw his force into the bcalc against popular underestimation or disregard of tho efrnalucautie4 and wonders of r nature amongst other things no doubt the world in our day surfers from a false sense of proportion the whole trend of our civilization is away from natural associations we are constantly nujjlngdown trees and putting up telegraph poles xfo are tempt ed to forget that nature has satisfaction of spirit for mankind and that this girt or the creator s freely offered to all broadness of view and contentment of mind arc induced by communion with nature such as john burroughs enjoyed and taught to others hjs literary work proclaimed tho freshness and sin- cerity of tho opon places just as slumdwelling breeds disease congestion in communities apart from the amellatary influence of nature breeds vexation of piril and it is against this development thqt tho work of such men as- john burroughs is of its widest service if the bun went out un we occupied n bltf place in life how truo it ii that wo do not appreciate the im portoncc of things until we have them brought dir ectly to our attention for instance paper is one of the most ordinary thingsand noone who does not have to purchase it in some quantities has any ideaj of us importance or its cost jyst what an essential in ournodern liro it is is shown however in a recent united states government publication which says people roud nowspapors books magazines and placard which are printed on about three sevenths of all paper manufactured they box up articles in about onefourth of it wrap purchases in about ono- soventh write and typewrite on one eighth put a trifle morovthan onetwelfth into buildings and upon walls and use tho remaining one hundredth in soli tary and miscellaneous ways how new zealand does ii they seem to do things very well for their soldiers now zealand tor instance anitcm from the auckland weekly news notes- tho magnitude of the states repatriation operations is emphasized by the latest statement of tho minister for landi over 17000 sohilors havo benefited by one or other of tho major kchemps 8584 have been settled on the land at a cost of about t7000000 and 8735furnlshbd with town dwellings at a cost of 587117 in addition 40303 men came under tho review of tho repatriation department whichj at tho comparatively low cost of 1004104 has been able to train 0485 mon for new occupations place 4fl303 men in employment and advance loans to 18508 soldiers in their broadest aspect these figures emphasize tho largo capital out lay inseparable from tho establishment of rural in dustry v an humble pasalnc kindly death has come to tho rescue of augusta victoria onco german empress the first lady of great nation wife of a man who aspired to world domination ending at last the dragging tragedy of her life the dead woman symbolized tho ideal of womanhood in german eyes tn her lofty position she sought and largely secured that obscurity which her limelightloving lord and the medievalism ho reprcsontedordiunpd to bo tho ideal for womankind had augusta victoria and the womcn ofthe higher circleaof german ufa been less bovine in their sub mission there might fiave been among german men less posturing and prqncing in uniform icascifica- tion of war as a national desideratum the mother of six sons might havo had something to say on war as a biological necessity had she chosen to say it instead she accepted a role of virtualservitude of dumb acquiescence lending all the weight of her high position to reaction and the stultification ot that influence which women elsewhere ore wielding to-day- there can be only pity for her as she goes back into- tho silence which she had madeher own wonderful thhik uio onatantly milium i riff in tha imlvm o but wlmt xt dm mm wnm htnljlonly tntliiiliilinjt tim xnriti unit nrwy llvln thlng- tnmii it wnuui tin iloomoil in a viry mlitrt tint wliy ut tlxi ami lit din nrht wodk dm froht wiila imva ilrmtrovol alt but iii fiurtllokt tit tho vfiltitlot our tuknu kliil rlvutn would frooio vol i i icvnti our oconiih would ba kmn iirnwl to ion ami tho lc lt kivutiir bulk prrtjurtl with wittor wuuliljiucroacli uuon anil overwhelm l ho lullil until only tho toji ot tlin liltthnut iniiuntiunatoould nhow uhavit dim glunlnl map the mountaln-mim- mlt- would thameva hv oovorcl wlui 11 niiow or lea crystal whlrli hnd fdllon incuiina of th wntfir vavour li ihn utmuimiflro having froxon muiiklnd would lie anatroyad to ilia lit term nut nmlafif tha lob neither wluhl ihn very lowost formn of or- uullt1 nuturrn nnoupa tha ley dath tho mtiita would uo ulwnya looking down upon utir dernllot nrtli for it would l itm ioiik lltht no hrlnht- ulilnliiic raooji would vr rlito for our uutolllto lioriown itm htltnior from tha tb urth would rtot top turning round on lt uxla nor would it cm io ryiilv ubttut tha dealt tflin tlru nr hollevod to ho many ded uu m lii tho mnlvarco alt travel ii rue tlilou i nmtjnit u uat ttmd would our huh bo dmimod to uu eloji mil lilkhtt irliim nut iolbltiim in tlu ouura of itff ut u njieed ot about twlvmli u uuoiindlt mutht mwt with miotlmr onlontrlal dorttllot if io than uiiimlllnc would ba tha imonct itn llifht unit hnut would t rt- vlvd tho mill in brief would bo ixmi utriilu ami wlmt of that toy tomb tho mrtht it would moll an a hake of miiow iii to fir whv the prairies are trbe- lebq in n rcont imiuo of the canadian kiirodtry muyaalntur it h cniqu- ull llrotor of koroutry ottawa dl- dumk thf tuuwttoii why tho rralrlca art trolnu llavovlewf th varuiua ihooilnm which hold thuiho trurlea ulwaym watf trooloum und mot fortlf turreient fiiut to miiow that urn iralrlea tnuxt liuv bon ooverod with- trvtm in luiut ngou on brttad linen bo ucreea lib the into xrof h y hind mid tho lata 1rof john muoouu tlmt tlia itrulrlom worn once oovortiil with tree word rotliidod to tttolr iinnoiit con- dltlon muliily by hrou laka tho utlinrltlim too ho imllovo that troo- towtli wn im foutorod to mixt of tho rultln urvu when tto tiro menace haw den remnvod hurltut wouthor hrlnith many an aiba ul ulii many un uttuok of duthmti tuuilelinh llhoumntlo cainulen and hav1ma1i for nut hum uro tho roootf- nlaud utahduril rcmcdlort for uieno irouhloh hold by 1 j jlaanurd alaska wheat 13h r i intuit mml by qovernmont htatlonm ln aluakn in ralalntr early rl pen i n tf cereal ur roe tin with ro- murkabla aucceu aiyoclally with mar- kntablo whont in 1018 a duitrlbutlon of komi kmlri wa made to a number if funnnm in tho tanano- vol joy in an urfort tonduoa thm to bee in to rulao rain tim roaultn for tho nt year ro no fliioouruslnk uiat uio oxurl- nt willi repeated in 1010 a thrmih- intf roiwirt rooolveil recently by tho ilonartinont ahowu that in idio 33 furmerw in tlio tutiunu valley uroduood j12f hiuthoni of hiirlna whuat tua wheat u very hard ami madu excellent flour the housing problem und lis hazards the ontnrio fire prevention leaguo is talcing aggressive mcauren to draw attention to hazardous oqndjtjons in the homo and havo tho lire menace corrected by tho t householders of tho province the week of jvlay 2ndis being plnnedforji gencalin ihoojlqn of tholiomcs by moans of home inspection blanks distributed by the of tke schools the cost of building material me rapidly increasing population and tho enormous annual destruction of dwelling houses in which thorosvero 5044 fires last year in ontarlojjiave combined to make the housing problem ono of the most serious and of acute pro- portions ontario is noted for its extravagance through unnecessary fj wq which is nothing shore or an economic crime caused chiefly fhroilgh our careless habits rtind indifference statistics show that 04 per cent or practically two out of every three fires which occurnro in our homes eighty per cent of which arc preventable the ontario fire preven tion league throigh tho principals and teachers of our schools will distribute 25uooo copies of the home inspection blank so that the pupils with the helpoj their pvcnts may answer the questions the primary object is to clean up attics celfoxs book yafhs and remove hazardous conditions the under lying thought being to prevent fires by removing the cause and thus save our homes r z a worthy action that was a splendid thing someoncin the c p r dd tho other day when in order to perpetuate tho name and memoty of tho oldest engineer on the lino they re named a station caihble ox the main line about 30 miles vest of revelstoke mr h jcambie who has passed his eightyfifth year but still remains halo and hearty retired from tho companys service during the past year after 08 years of association during which ho was connected with tho construction of maviy of the pioneer undertakings of the canadian pacific railway and was engaged on tho work of building the line through the rocky mountains and down towards thejpaclflo coast ho was late chief engineer of tho esquimnlt and nan a i mo railway and laid the steel through tho frazer canyon t the old station cam bio will be remembered by all persis tent travellers over tho c p r route as being on the giant loop below glucior but this route which was regarded as being ono of tho most ingenious en gineering feats in the world wqs abandoned a few years ago as being too expensive and arduous and traffic has been diverted through tho connaught tun nel so tho old station cam bio has passed into oblivion it is hoped that tho new station will live up to all tho ideals which are represented in us name zj yafety education effective excellent results are being obtained in detroit schools by teaching children accident prevention two years ago the board of education of detroit made safety education ono of tho subjects of school curriculum the importance of tho move wasteal- ized when there was a markod lessening in tho num ber of accidents to children the department of safety education made a careful study and analysts ofthe reports of tho police coucernirig accidents theso reports not only revealed tho seriousness of a situation that in twelve monthb caused the injury or death io f nearly eleven hundredchlldrcn in the city but gave definite information about the causes and types of buah occidents according to these polled reports it was 8hjvglthn foreign children were in the grepondetance rff accidents and that many boysy were injured in bicycle accidents fcsm the teach ing in the schools it had been found that the younger children called for moat careful instruction in the crossing of streets care had been exercised to find out the best methods of teaching suitable tp tho ability of children to grasp what was being oonvoyed there had also been instruction in home aafoty for tho purpose of reducing the number of preventable accidents caused by scalding fire arms etc as a practical result of all this tuition accidents of all kinds ojichool children were cut down from eleven hundred in 101f to five hundred and elghtyino in 1020 modern machinery and methods usually bring unanticipated dangers with thorn biff education usually finds a way to meet thorn as to work it pays to do toohe twan ib asked a mini who iuin mada a nheuomenul uooe iiiim denlateit tho way very ilmplo ho tmyit tluit uu noon an ono iobh u llttla mom thuu he 1m awkod or iximated to do ho iwcomw u markod nan in mm tulka with lilm fallow in- nlnyeoti bu dtacovornd a alliuular un- llmlty or fotftlnir about tlolnb any ora than unn had to it ltru that tho loyal wldoawaka worker who novor mhlrkn a rwaiionalbll- ity iloek not ulwayn have tila ability oojnlimtcl by un imtnodlata rauo of itatary hut at tho mmo time it in of him that iiim emiioyer will think when mail lu needed for a roaponvlbltt uiuoe in tho lonr run it daym to do than u uakod of you more than neotod tl puyri to glvu sood lirekhud down itiul runnlna old different than the days in yeara that havo gone and not no very lonif ago advortlnlntf matter oould be aoeu nil tlnousrli uio country on ulgtl boanltf tolngrutih ltolem eto but tho day ham rone boo rub o n farmer in hi auto drive too faat to read tha ifohterw kot many yaarw ago farmer onme to town in lnigglea orwucona to viit their mull iloiloppln anil other bunlnnaa what a elm nge ha t place for today nlmot every farmer hm n mall box at hla ante a telephone in the houee and hut cat to drivo around n the way to get tha farmer attention theao time im by udvertulng in locffl newapalivr a laugh in each item riihronry rmi uinwriy whorl onnrt ho aid lid sot bettor right atliuitlo t uy fabrupry 30 tlip iwiululon of mm who id orlolimly iii witliifileurlay la wild tntilght to lie uutlnfuolory uootor 1 id inn t icet a ion ri ttmit take t und 1 laughed thcro a mfovd lirearhtir nok noma con vertu to a iuihiuiiu rlvnr to itiipttxo them heeing- aulaator on of them objootnd wny brother nre1 tin iaatr cat you truat the uirdt ho took care ot jonuli didnt ht yaaa hut a whale la different lie a got memory but it ono of torn tfatora waa to waller mo heit jf bo to aleeo in tha mun there uu forlt all uoout many lalm that merohunta are out- tlno irlo if aw theymuiit liuve uaed noma anrt of u oufety ruaor jlmmle do you thlitk ondltloni will overjw uonnul uuln7 vaa tlle they nro bound to be ul inl worrying bout la what will normal ot lif the mule escaped wmn warsaw indiana oomcm tblu allmlrt wood tiromluonl farmer re- hijihb near ligro la purulyxui to uio wnlat und in a critical uondltlun att tho roa tit of n blow truck by hi no it dallu twentyone v the father and won wore uttemntlu to break a balky mulo today und be- ri o enraipid that tha father tou tha won to hit tho mule on tho head with a club tlui father hold the miilee head the mulo however wan not caught lapptnc and jerked itil head a hie au tho blow deareudml limtead of ittrlk- tna tho mule iioni1 uio bow landed miuarely on tlie head of tho elder wooi nnrtke wl knocked micon- aclou i hvnli lima any thorn irf little for hi reoovery dumli anl- go to tht country for freeh air- polltlelana for hot air tha dictionary for oympathy and to tom numlev0 for prompt barvlca tom rumley shopsoorner mill st anp park avenear the mill wanted llnneat depondallo auleaman td rpreient u in uio rbjo of kuraery block wo supply all outtltn free of nharico dud allow llboral rata of commlaalon aimlyv to d smith a son ltd winona ontario 10 td 50 a week at homo in your aparo time in- oreaao your iiioomo ut homo in your anon tlmo you can earn llo to b0 eanh weew mo oanvaualncc or aollultlnir wotcaoh you how and eiipply you itoady work write to day for full particular national show caftd school ltd lloom 41 u adelaldo ut w toftonto cl4nada x miss muays spring millinery display comprises all the most up-to- date styles in ladies hats her parlors this spring nre at- her itcsidcncc mill street second door from landnhoroughs meat shop acton florence murray the fluctuating dollar at present a rjollar is worth only about b0c to spend but it is worth l tobjivo because dollars do posited in a savings account will steadily increase baying powornb uio world eat on its feet again and tho aupprv of om modjti ftw roual tuilioiiitinaiid fluyonly whatyodemnnotda lot wlthoul 1utyourdollar away n a savins aeeocnc until thair buyliiff pomex becom mora aquouxml th mcrchant5 bank hud office montroal of canada etbthd 1004 siiy dpwk bm i u the brunswick bcrohe you buy a phonogkaph find out just how it plays all makls of records frank king the dealer will demonsirmte main street georgetown fiec press advsrc business gcttets i fodder hung in trcbs in cuuhmeia a novel method of put- lut fodder tiwuy for winter uao in lit vosue the rhiof induatry of tha people conalatu in rululns tna wool und in mukin thla into fabrloa which hayo oarrlad the liamo of tho country nil over tho woold aathe onow in whiter lieu aomi t0 or 4k yima deep auppuwa ot buy ura huuif unions tha brunche oftreea wliem they ur eaally feuohed by the flock of eheop experiment with air a mutt wlahed to tneaauro tha force that drlvaa the nap upward lit traea und khruba lie out u vino and tied u bladiui ovr ita und in two hour the hind doc wuu tcreutly dlatended und ln- alda of three houru it burnt with u pop an great waa tha forow that drlvea aup upward to 49th annual statement i 28u february 1921 bank of hamilton board op directors sin joiin nianimira icomo ovo traiunt athuu a uiroml vloatwjnt uv j tullnilultj a v vouno v jt w iitivwut weatern superintendent hopitant loao account it nllllllirlllifu 1030 rtsvanttd nlowit aotruail oil dauoaluj hbate on qumtit duaoimta and iiuibllitf uroviulon tor bad and v doubtful debt jjl ti iti rromlum on nw stock msrosiqd onv as vatxjcmtti quarterly total distribution to ahuraboldera at 13 per to wiihioii kuml annual awiiiuih yaf ihiijlnlr tranadirrod nl for ilia year limt taa itaaurvu iruud krom urreul 1 rotlth the public health citizens are requatjiu with the i j health act nolloe la horoby given thalvll real- dent of aoton nro raquirad forthwith to oleun their oollura drulna yarda plif etyea wator olomta outbulldlnira nnd other premuea and ramovo thara- from all dirt manure and other ub- atnnoo whlah may endangar the ubllo health mid to have the aama cortipletod by th tenth day of may peat on whloli day the buntury i napoo tor rlll oomtpenoe a goiiernt inapaatloni and furtlfor tako notion that tho aootlon of the publlo health apt prohlbltlmir tho keeping of hoga between the 16th of may unduhe leth of november ex cept in petim ut leuat 70 feetxrom any dwelling hpuao nnd bo foot from any treet or june with ttoora koiit olear from all tannin wfttef una rogularly olennkorty w i a enfaroed all qltlaaiim arc eavntiatly requeeted to koop their promlaea cone tan ty clean and thprqushty dbilnfoated cnoonadi iiavwein itoova ux ui municipality acton maxoh 001q2j 4 rroni i uauu of froflta tarried forward ulalano mth imii nary io 1relrtlulil uu now hloff trtiabrrd front front a ltabllitiho to tina ionuai kotaof tha i tank lit ilroulalli ii1mmicm liul in ailiik internet it lpoelt biarluu intereel ipoludlng inleroat aoorudd to data 1 at tains ks km t4- b0 434 13 5000 00 nostrnvc fund 7tua om os oknunal batbmknt ml3vt if 1 mtatemsnt itnunoea ilu uorrldalw in tha united kingdom bnlanah duo to iianka and lianklng oorraapoiuleiita juawhera aoaoptanoea under jwittera of crwlll to tinnsitanicnfmiui capita btk paid iii it otter o iund iiutunoa ofironu flarlu ttt imvtdenl no 7 ubyubin lat maroh 1031 joiwr plvldamla unpaid worni 4 ddr sto 00 44ioi4 ho set ob 111 afrt ut 83 03 8btb dolil am out rant coll iiilon t ovi niinoiit tptuj poimiiu in ll niitcii u f other ilankm heuuau on olhir llunloa llttla oia tliio by other uanka in cum llulaioea hue by llunlw ulil 1 orreapoihlontk in hi oiiumlkliiiili unlit nnen duo by liulika and liutikl 4 300 000 00 400 110 0o 1c0 00d 00 l 4 34011000 034 kb1 40 b1uh11i00 ron imioo q4g05b0o tllll biht h 108185 04 13018 bs 17s01h 04 lutf lontlnlnii und irovhulul floverni hniiiirltlok not t m iliiuf imtrloit ganartiii mpnulpulmdlirltuh irorelgii ami colonial iiihtln htinirli luillway mill oilier luiiiila loj ii mo cm miul l 3 1403toj7 00 i b4ka108iu vf 01b lit 33 lolitnitiiraa i uxooadlnif niurket 410 134 bs llitriy ilnyg in tijmlu w mend other current joatth nm tl0iunla hi ciilmlii lean hiliate of hit nmat llcttl lualuln oilier than llailk 1 retnlueii uverduii pabtii eblluiatnd lii piiivlilo1 llulik r at not noij ihmi ooat ltu uiiioutiim wrlllfnoj olher aata not inolitiltid 1 tint toriolnif uoikialt with the mlnlhtnr of klnunon for h purpoaea of tha uroulatlqii lhmil uabllltlitm- of tojttomora lindor of credit aa per oontra ion irr latlei tqbooo 0o l 103 07 john h hwnimir w lam jwow im treuldeiit a l i bb348g03 bo x 1 hufilli qoneral uanaser i iirnkl aunitona rngt 77 jl ha km tilinll im ml 1 h whhh b stf uvmmaiv natmets lu a etktr lba rim i toe j la ar ialm ibi d haatllmr uth arpk iiu a im lhrmu a fl wr wa m rtim 4y t n t llkl tmi tral lh dtak l in okkr omm u mim i end ihii4 latl tiny ww i mrwamri i tha nk at kib w ij mditin hhd 01 at i lllkfi ta 111 la nnlktt m tma aad i uswa by im iki o r brott fo c o mcau ttala af fa bgaka u lt bw business directory dr j a mcniven phyalalan and burgaon 01ho and ltiinldt tiro ftirni itoww avnuw ulid kiliii hlrelm tha raald no formerly onupls1 hy i u han- ilorwoii aotoii out dp j nelbon lorqaoa obttrclei aclorttofitaia hutrwor to uio iito pr oray oflk and it lltic 1 r i rlik hi gnlr ifouro j to p m nnl 1 la dft cv v w rosa utlf bf coet4wn phone 22 k fiii mitrafn tlte r ifonpltal torrntn himi ftnl hlmron umtnfine a iljuf- lboal haktrj mxsh fabmes ma bvrmitai ovslrstfay tjary pubj cnvanymc cto perrvman block xttton omt t if urit 9 3 i a ui tn m defftal dl j 14 bell d d a l- d- alty th imtmmtm u ibtld taaad tf daairwl offln ut ruunoa corner mto a ardnetc btreet wisccllaneoua uaariacc licenses h p u ummorn u wiruu orlca ko wun r npttzd tasuxl at lt-jilan- ta ereeisc ftaart ofllcf aetna oac prancis nunan bmkbindw account booka ot all klimu dasd ordea wrtodlcaja of aaaay j rtp tlon emrtfully botuwl llullog talti and promptly daaa wyndbmm htret uoiib oeav lica aiietw por th- count u- ut hjjtw wvclaep- xaa jn ana txasecln j u acton owtajuo baleal nsajt b otrcaasau tj awh ar at rei i ox acton w i ttte kka pnu odla actor tb uarcvry offlc culim tb karwerrooodl baneoj or wtth wj gomwu eisna- kfakok tuilaluuav pbocbar so a cult mx but roy hindley auctioneer j e cboeevers rook hlnoer qube bl ek umubl be llajodaom uukl tlubatauttaj carw kudm lettered in gviu on blneeek ttymn book and otbu books ail work promptly emhuuj d albx nivbn ontario land surveyor and civil enlweai- burvaya bubdlvulaiut planattle- porta xeacriptloua uuarlnta etc cextltloatea ror purvliaaere and tnortgmgeee survey tor archltrtta tlulldara and uuuloliuil co u hoi la dralnajtr lieparta katlmatee eto melean duiloino deuglaa 8t auktalh lhone 1084 oni clearing sale of winter oood8 no need ttoln to auolim lot duy vou oitii niakti a dtillar here juat au woll ovuruilm v 2j work bltuu u 17fl winter onpu h mm and others gtndu in hlo ui coma in na ui uu f buiauliui shoe repairing neatly dane e k cook milij btltwlqt aoton m m the old and reliable uraniio and marble dealew wo lire maitujluutureni und dlmtet imuorlum of all klnln monumontaj atidueadtono work wo holt dlreos to olir ouatomura at wholoaalo prloe uiua uavliig our ouatomere 40 par oent wo havo tha boat nppllauaaa and the only mecliuhlca hi tbu dominion who can operate pnaumuuo took properly we oali glvu rflforoniiea from hundred of our ouatomora in toronto ami other plaoea where othora have to have uw aulta hi order to coll rot we have the largoet nnd beat atook of qranlte la tha dominion or mim than any three dealorh in tho wont wo are legiti mate dealers und employ no agent and lo not annoy or neat ouatomen by aondlng out ignorant agonta aollolt- ing order we employ only lueoluinlcf and defy oompeutlon hamilton sons oor knrwloh a woolwtoh ria guelpb castorla fot iilfqnts nn d children in use for0vor30 years signal uf tt i m tfmi

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