Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 21, 1921, p. 5

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f t- jj brartmijfnrim5h tiii1imiav alltllj si 131 oct out tfle tile ol car wlifii tliinii ui it i riutklnk the wy thut tiny hii ul i jlia k i u l i 111 tin ul t cur when mi 1 1 von ir liiubfnd and rilm un 1 ratood a plan di un t work uu you tho unlit it ul i t i roll till i i ly th mlg it llv or any oil n i iiiut yiu iiuim n tak june kit out tin lltllo old ir your iiurvn y ih hi ulty and wutv juwt k out i ulllu olil car willi iviry v tit y i il uiutul uuriirlun w t i i in 1 uti 1 and hluw iii in licit i i tin uttl il i rur jliihiiron on llh hill uttl u hlid in ht air rttii m u lui i ti lliu in mititliim uur iiuholnriy fair ai i uutiy it r i from tin ity ul il car jtne t oultlut till old ik- twenyy years ado from the feeue of the fr p of thursday april i tub sunday school wesson for sunday april 24 1021 i ovkhty anl wbaiillllm c h iii amos k 4 7 juikn id id at di id il tout 1 or whrrtt your tree lire 1m thu villi y itr tiiurt io uleo tl ukn 13 34 lscaon comment lu r h imliili llv i in the mlxth itnlury it o in the hy or j ruaalem lliu imiiiiiolntu u in uiculnsl proud mil liuuility rl li wl o hunl bcnruilly op irimi dm p ii i a del used nrui icrnry in whf m till ii vlrtun luitt beau oaten out ly uvurlif un i tnnuuullty in here tleu iiihiii thnm urn mtvi rul wm itiroluol kml tammnred 1 iwh thin 1ml i c in ri nimin 1 uhi iflshneua y huirtm or ptla who had wri i itoluiltv t nltlvolo iwttr trull vm l rail hulur- alcht inches of day april 20 readlna operation have lwin retard ed the past woo it owlntf to unow and rain hinuv wliovalti wro vary unwillingly liniuulit into service uicuiti arter hat- urduy m utorm throuilh mia huictfnutloii or iteeva william tho ehotrlt inn haw i ml roved tin hoods over tlin nlutrln uichtx tin lllll an i muln klnrtm wi thit u annoyliut trutllo i mi a by tha wind l nntlrvly ovurci mu tlin nniiunl i rt rtulhim nt of tlwr junior fiiworth ij uxuv yiu holl in tho uthodl il ttrli i itimm the fol lowlntf niimlhrh iihtltntotl thn tro sraramo binklnif hymn i ruy r ltv j m hucnr m a i an tor violin ttolo wliut krlni lo liuva in juaud uumlai- wlllln uunl m uddruom i wol ciimn mui tar ci iralicn lltucur uililrejmf a x iirown 1 roallt lit ben lor ijbbu reel u lion mnu n i mlntnko ulldrod umuiiowu rornwt unl oinun uuott initio pnd llnsnl mavon uddrhm tiim h i mitoro hymn hrln thrm iiu th junior iiin rvclla tloo oottlnb trly or company mary gooiev klntmnrtin dlnloftun iasy und hun ton lxy munln homo hwoot homo with variation myrtla hatthowm dlulocun thti now scholar eva matthnyk attlo oram annlo campbell and mury ooodovo flos drill with m1m arul horun tho uapl lmt icti lltthi irlru refuta tion harold nloltliji aotljr ownwi anffbixltah itnnn matthtrwa an lllua- tratod atory oooraa oram and charllo matuiawa club awlnilnif nxorclae eva watthawm vlulln aolo llama swoot home wllll kannoy roltauon fult ktrtdlnc annlo oram or not and orvrn lottlo and tlaael motion drill and chorua twlvn lru the lofal cenaua numeralor vx warden havlll and ilarrlater mnkln- non arc about through tho popula tion of acton villi be between 1 goo and 1 mo in the p meant cenaua meear cheyne a clteyne who huva uwned acton klgur ulllu for number of years liavo thla vrook aold the pro perty to mr v olob at mlldmay who will tajco poaabaalon about uio flrat of june oorn clurrs in acton on wedneadoy u april 10 1401 to ur and mm joe t crip pa a aanshter coulhcit in acton on wednesday if april 17 ioh to ur and urn wll- luun collier a daughter died kludtt at the home of hia nephew lot 25 con 1 kaquoelna on april 21 1001 thonuu elliott sr aged 07 yearn and id tnontha momjlxan in krln on tuesday april 10 1901 a mcmillan gej yeara a disappointed maid ulm stokee oonalden work very un ladylike and kitchen labor perfectly ahocklnc but when an induatxloua and aenoible yoonjc man ixypm to ooca- lonaliy drop in and apend an evonino 5tu abe very wtaely refrained from ex- v pnuwins these conviction after hear- in- him on several occasions soveraly denounce the frivolity and indolence so fashionable nt present with many raf the young udleo entertaining a high regard for tbo young man ahe detarmlnod to surprise him by some great feat of her in- duntry and derseveranoe and last vrenlnc e tliey were seated together on the parlor sofa after the conversa tion bad begun to lag she artfully 5 allowed a sigh to cacapo her r are you unwelir ho tenderly in- no i am quite well but you sighed ho persisted i yea but i suppose it wan because 1 felt so tired have you been busy 7 oh yes indeed was the reply vi- why would you believe itt 1 cut iirout towel and made tt all by tnysotf toasjr yv thejf lias iwen a coolness between jfjuie parties over since tbo reason of fl j rhlch he has never bean fully able to y explain but ahe angrily remarked tho anxt mornlnff that noma men were fooj- l tsh enough to imagine that a woman tv ought to be able to da more wifric than v s fifty horse power team engine iwms i it j i hvu 1 l itl uirom h uruut i uulshtnont ufoil these olf r 1 urlhlinrutii u k 4 th writings if th pi mint aiwiit urn imiusvimi to bo the urll t i ho iroh tlo writings he iur- ilhiiaumhih imaole all of soltlah ubu just us iwiluh iiims in the fore golnh muuage if is un old testament denunciation of commercial dishonesty vorsn- c tampering with tha kl anosm by which the money received by thorn weighed and so gaining a third unjust advantage over the purchaser is what lu meant by dealing falaely with huuiltree vnrue tim llnul dnptli t rap r um in lift 1m dflsrillind whan tie ihhir arp lmmvnrlhlihl tntfl impossible ii lit and biivf to nail thomsnlves or ttinlr llllril au ulavim to uiulr rlnb lpruiw4 im vitm 7 ilmli duboiicety 1m auld to nr uun johnvah s evorlaatlug 111 llgna- tl u i ukn 1 10 32 moot at tlio ilonun rlii liny toacblng of jcauu wus against thn rich iinfortabld hypocritical 1 hurbiixm the algnlncancu of this h rl lout itf the rich inun and loimarun in tlutt nuuiy u altuatluti will be m vi rue 1 in th coming world vdiw s3 35 tim rich miii tllel in bin wiulth whlln idtsarus in his pover ty but iuuirtim wan ualmnol into pars 110- wlilln the rich man betook himself to hlu own place in hudcm a grnat cuir in loin i lll un liitorvcuhur be twhiu the two conditions this 11 fi uiould tie no spent us to make us worthy of u glorious life in the here nflor fllutiatad truth the i rmonce of thiiee who are leas fort una to than we are should be looked upon not us u burdanhut us an op portunity luke ii jo llluntratlon two man who had not nnen en cli other for a long while met downtown retaurnnt when i naw yyu laiti 9 them said to tho other you were worrying over die fact that you had taken on too much flesh you are looking nt enough now i suppown you hnve been taking a cure n v have boon taking on a rosponalblllty wan the reply blnce i m you i adopted my widowed slater anl her six children there is no danger of my dying of too much fat while 1 am keeping all of them com fortable there is little danger of a man losing jila aoul through his riches if he adopts tho responsibility of the less fortunate topics for research and dlseuulon i the sin of coyotounties una 6 10 j when did isaiah ttva x- aitalnat what is his denunciation dlr- otedt 3 against what 1 tha first oe pronouncodt if the kin of aroodlnomjl amos 8 4 7 4 what is tho antiquity of tha writing of the prophet amost 6 what sin is the object nf his denuncla- tlont what would happen if an amos were to appear among men lo- dayt 7 in what way does verse 6 describe present conditions 8 to hat depth did the sin of rapacity plunge the people of lamelt tho warning iluko lei 0 0vhat is tho meaning of the parable of th rich man and xjaxorust dally rsadlnaa for next week monday april 26 obedience and instruction due4 4 18 tuesday april 36 tho nurture of a prophet 1 bam 1 al28 wednesday april 37 ah oldtime illblo chios neh 8 18 thursday april 38 jtho worth of wisdom prov 3 uu friday april 29 wisdom and un derstanding lrov 4 113 saturday april 30 drowth in body mind and spirit luke3 40 2 iday may 1 source and teat of wisdom ju 1 112 nfohts of aaony come in tile train of sjrthrnn the victim cannot lie down kjoqd sleep l driven from his bruin l3vhsx- grateful relief is tha immediate aiefteot of dr j d icelloggs aathma btamedy it banishes tho frightful con ijutlona clears the passages and anamea ilj afflicted quo to again sleep as nindly and restfully as a child irrnut a the genuine t your nearby druggist ps- electricity as a water i carrier a moat singular property of elootrlo rjiparronts which la not generally known my that called electrical osmose ati ktteotrio current flowing through tue wlground will caufco wutoi slowly and jiy n smajl quantity to tnivel ulontf with ifclt n the dlrecuon of the nejatlvo dec- itfode during iortahi experiment ssfgter was thua cauital to enter u tulsapino net in the grauod u ln atffd the wulls of uio 1ipo when elwq- 4 was- passed through them it jihaa been uggestej that this principle atjmlfht bo appnvd to supply moisture to jislontg electric current p operly ar rongvcl in tho ground would collect water dispersed through the it and toondense it aroud tho roots a powerful medio rte tha heallna propertlea in six esnentlal olle are oon- contraiod in every bottle ojt 1r thomas bjclcotrlo oh formtna- pne of 7 tnv moat boncihuu urilments eynr qffered to the use of man many can testify a to its power in alloying pain and inany more can certify thaf fley owe their health to iu ifs wquderrul pqwer ia not expressed by the small price mt which u veils kindneb3 so many rods so many creeds 0ft rriftny naths that wind mid wlmt while just the art of being kind i 1m all thi ad world needs does vour fire need fuelt every are heeds 4qel sometimes young people wonder that their passion for unaelnsh service glowing and radi ant at one time ho soon become feeble giving out only a faint warmth the reason is it la burning out for lock of fuel it needs to be constantly re plenished by emphasising the ideals that kindled it friendship h ore burn out unless iw fuel la added we win our friends by showing the best of ourselves by being agreeable courteous helpful kindly and too often after the friend is won after the fire is kindled we forset that it must be replenished if wo reel out or sorts we make ourselves disagreeable it somottme seems too much trouble to be courteous and so tbo flame goes out keep the homo fires burning was a watchword in hay of stress and stmln am every sacred ore must be watched and guarded replenished be fore it burn too low it la easy to kindle a fire a child with a match can perform that miracle in a second hut to keep it tended mo that it wu1 burn evenly giving out a gracious warmth through day and week of cold is another matter u is no wan der that so many fires go out when we remember how uttle fuel is given them irrigation- in the west in a good many places in alberta and saskatchewan and llrltuh colutn bin as well as the western mates such as idaho washington oregon nevada and montana is some of tha most fortlle land in the canada and united btate and enormous crops are raised on it when properly irrigated the rulncail cannot bo relied upon many of these sections are surrounded with mountain down which streams of the purest water flow but as they flow naturally the streams irrigate only narrow section ot the land oa each slda therefore tho plan was hit upon of conducting tho water through many artificially constructed channel from which the waer li drawn off as needed tofrrigate the farms aoiu the way these channels are in many instances wooden troughs about nix feet wide and several feet deep and extend for malty miles outlets which may bo opened and closed at pleasure are provided wherever needed and be water u lef through these- and sqread over the land by mans of humorous shallow ditches radiating through the holds this sort of irrigating is even better in amo ways than natural rsjtn- rails slnoe the water can be fumed on when the land la dry or hut off whor the desired dffjee of wetness la obtain ed which la not possible of course m nature herself rung things ir ono h troubled with corn ho will find in hollaway corn bemover an application that will entirely rolievo sulfa rlnf mr lloyd gcorjio visited birmnilmm and rcce ved tho freedom of the city tho premier delivered nn important speech ch cly ith regard ij tho rtvilion of the peace treaties new chiefs of united states prcsfdcntclcct cooiidgo vice president larding mrs cooiidgo and mr mutual growth many customers who started as snull deposi tors of borrowers in tho bank of nova scotia are now among the countrys largest concerns they have grown wilh tho bank and tho bank has grown with tliem tho bank lux helped them by sound and care ful service to grow and he their business increas ed so alio did tuat ofllio bank 20ft the bank of nova scotia grow finet crops sold everywhere in canada wrire for new jitrixtcel catalog steele uriccs seed c- j e palmer valuator and guide is prepared to select farm a in new ontario for any who doalro to purchase i have u yury intimate knowledge of thu best localities tor farmlnft will also act nx guide for any sportsmen who deelra tho best of buntlnk of moose deer and other game can arrange for accommo dations tor homomooker or sports men bool of references j ei palmer anderson houeo cafe cochrane i n iigegaaaiaaisl iii jask for it expect to jind the fisherman the mark of supremacy on every bottle emulsion that you buy this i means that you will always ask for scons emulsion seett bmw tomto oat also makers ofi rmi0id5 tabista or oratalm a indigestion acton granite works j nicol experienced granite cutter la pro pared to aupply monu ment of ail kinds with skill fully tut inscriptions at tpw prices rice eamples of work and utylem of monuments at the mouumajit worku piqitllyman blocic mill street acton ont charlie gervais house painter acton ontario 1 ijort laximtrienoe carerul work tono all job lrumptly complqtod orders for uprlnu work should lie plaaod immediately residence church street more than a luckv chance j h re ill miimu ut culled oo incl inn iou which i mm to hiiueout not unco but u witchrul lrovldmro a j 0 i into till u utory of a ioumiu of bu tlllutt yorke who wiih nut lutli ma ilht in la mien in ctkpipuiiy with a ciiplnlii fiino if h m h jtollnni th in at u oromhlng in fall mall huir uit ntloii wax attrnototl by a little mwoen intcgul un 1 without uhooti who wan still i lyln bin brmm for till tho r wum 110 into tha hoy u appcar- e lm rotihod the two men and as mr yurko wii one of those who cunnot slvn ulmu without giving something f hlmi nlf they utopiicd to nuetlon him 1ie boy told them ho was a u trail or in jni inn and ho had walked tbre frmii hlw country liomu und wa without moiuy and without friends tho rkgular nwop nt that crowning hail- lent it to him for tlio day only in mmwer to mr yorkou question an to whother he had no rolntlven the boy ritpllod woll sir its the iiauin us if i hud none i had one brother hut i nhnll uovar him hint again i dot oven know if ho b allvo wliut 1h his namut aukeil thn kind ly qiieiitlonor und the hoy gave it udd- ltiff he wiiu a hlgiiul matt on the ilellnrophon and ho boon away so ipnii hi muni hilvo forgnttan m it u perfectly true said captain kam taking 1 art hi tho conversation for tlin nrut time that is the name of my htgnulinuti and u very aniart fi llnw he ih ami i ami u ptrong llke- iiihm liutwidii him mid thlu boy tbo two moil htyitlrrcd themsalve to all tho frlnlulumij lud and before loni tlin uh cuttaln irnno inllubnon he wuh pliircd un board ono nf tha truinliiir ahlpw for merchant service a writer of notion who tnado tiao of such n rohiuldnncc would 1m accused of delving probability tho boy had thu crohhlug only for ono iluy captalp- i inie who waw tho orily poraon fn imlou who could vurlry his statement reicitrdlug hit brotlmr watt in tha city only for two nltfhls and mr yorko wum u yuru nxccptloii lu his hnblt of htoppltiu to talk with thn pouole who roiihpil bin uympathy instoail of ex- plalnliik tlda tiiio utory on urn theory nf i iiioky hutico it woilfll uaom far mom- reanonabln that the two who could give hilp un l the ono who needed it wro i rouglit lotctthur by him tt whom thu leant little mo is lipt ltuitg illllchiit ecetlsnt for croupy children when a olilld im nurturlnif with croup it is u goo i plan to use tf then wwntrl i oh it rtiiluoou the iniuuni ttou und loosgiui tliu phlegm giving xnoedy rellnr id the littlo sufferer it lu ejiutlty rellublu for uoro thnwt end uheitt eaiuche rheumatic paimt cuts brulaes and apralna ur thomas ico- 1 00 trio oil la regarded by many thoua umla us un in uhpensublo of the puntly medlclnu cheat annihilate your eyestrain by scientifically fit- i ted glasses icotftftour elllolotioy of vision ut uio hnndoftil pur cent mark by glv- liik tlio eyes the cnnshloratloiiv tlley rtoflorvo ijut us tell you if your vlalon is cijllruly normul tiss quick disguise there n man out in front who iy ho wants to link you suld the citloc urchin in tbo uhlgftersvlllo clarl- uow lurgo lu hot auked the editor who wax in tha composing room tak lug a proof of an editorial on tho rlrthlauf n free people lies a grout big fellow air ah f4ichl replied tha editor as ho whipped off ills collar and tie rumple 1 hly hair dlaii iran go drbta dress and am cured ink on his eaoe neck oars and arms qo liack and tell tfro obutpomurf vlnltor that there is nobody oil tlio prcmuoa now but tho galley boy otamrwist ilour the flour you knead for bread you can procure cream of tha west flour from d h lindsay acton ont children cry for fletchers castor i a fletchers cobtorla is strictly a remedy for infant and children foods are specially prepared for babies a babys medlcjno is even more essential for baby remedies primarily prepared for grownups are not iatercbaneeable it was tho need of a remedy for tho common ailments of infanta and children that hrouftht costoria before the public after years of research ond no claim has been made for it that its use fat oyer 30 years has not proven whit is otstorcmr- castoria is a harmless substitnta for castor oil paregoric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic aubstance its ago la its guarantee for more than birty years it has been in constant use for the relief of conotictton flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying 1 ovorlabnesa arising therefrom and by regulating the stomach and sawels aids the assimilation of food giving healthy ami natural sleep the childrens comfort the mothers friend y genuine castoria always bears the signature of in use for over 30 years a cat a tin coufam niwvouk crrv aw the ford garage has madlf complete arrangements for storing batteries for tho winter months batteries kept at proper temperature and inspected monhly and kept to tlio desired gravity bat teries rechargod or repaired when necessary advlco free oxyacetyletiowddiiig plant is being installed ah welding in repairs promptly and satis- factorjly executed our plant for general repairs la complete prompt expert attention given to necessary re pairs to cars of uny make thu electric starting and lighting systems satisfactorily overhauled full line of tires of all makes and a complete assortment of accessories always in stock l o long manager h a coxe proprietor miller k worm iovdcri provo their vnjuti thuy do hot cause any violent dlaturbance in thn ntomaoh any pain or griping hut do their work quietly yd pnlnhibbly no that tho destruction nf tfta wormn is imperceptible yet tliey are uioroukil artil from tlio flrat doae thorn n lmrroem ul the oon- dltlnn of the aufrorer- and n cessation of idaitlfeatauons ot internal trouble acton creamery full market price paid for butter fat any small amount of cream will receive j0urjbe8tjauention sweet cream for bale every vcdneqday and saturday we will also pay spot cash for eggs open friday ind saturday evenings best creamery butter new laid eggs- and frsh buttermujc will now be suprijed at jvhb creamery evelty day acton creamery co watson wili5s proprietors railway time tables at acton r y qrawj trunk railway byatafn going wast ka 36 sunday iosiojo o ib i jblllm no si iflhaan no- 33 i a 10 pm no 1c bjia pm no it llupjn oolnfl east mo 34 hunday o ik pjn wo ii 7 08ilm nn 1 11 18 am no m sibpjn no 34 olkpra no ik u slapja toronto auburban elootrlo railway golnp woat inm imlly oacopt hunday 3 33 p rn ilnliy except hunday b 00 p m i iially i st rpt hunday 11 03 a m w hundajl only hlpin hun lay only 68 p m hunday unb going boat 41 a- m w itally except hunday 3 03 pm imily axoept sunday cjg p ra ily eaoept sunday hi akn 1- bunday only 4j p m binday only i a p ht bunday only vrnhjcbt rlnllvered i y uparlal express freight b might plokod up ut any ad ores in toronto o il jt6uayt agent aotaa r merchants casualty co flivclallntu in hnatth uu 1 aotjdont inuuiuuro wllrlon lliu rul uu 1 uu roatrltd over l 000 100 pull lu loaae fxciltional ol jctlttiinitiioi ifxllt i oca i ad i nth 604 royal dank dmq toronto onl uptodate goods at c c sii watts silverware in fulikwu i rine variety also fine cutlery hardware tm wait und cranii- ware big asiortment pandora stoves and jifliijjea ramoui heaters sniill simiii aoil stnm every article 18 of gxogp tional vall c c speight mill street ah dustbane makes sweeping easy purifies the aik saves bauor ask your grocer beware of imitation ask for it at vour local dealers canyouwritea businesslerterf nine tenths of tho world bual nemh ut done by mtur your ability to wrlto bualnesa letters means speedy promotion our trulnlnff in thin nubjoct is vary special and thorouuh it la a ooramon mmurk from buslneaa meil who havo our kruduatom hi their tou can start any aajt and re oetvo the same training that placed your frland in her present position of responsibility dont 1u3j tltlh ope guelph business college herald dido guelph ont a l rougk principal a proprietor shop where you are invited to shop acton bakery call phono no 77 if you want a delicious loaf of bread or brownbread ora boston loaf steam loaf buna and rolls pies and all kinds of cookies and cakes also wedding cakes made baked or iced bread is your best foop eat more of it phone 77 the waggon will call at your door m edwards co aoton ontario star clomd kvry niqki kxmpt prt day and balurdv 1 s0 pjn jsm nftf5ii 1 m

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