Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 21, 1921, p. 6

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lltrth murrlogoa and leuth how tlmrsixl for at the following httinl lurthu ho munlugo 6 ijiuth fioc memoalul cord coc pr linn extra for pimm married nl i lom hon llyat in lojl li it font it tut noli urn tuptlt j m uduy april i i hind ir ttll aaloll mlll of tlh i mix it ii nolmiu lirfii duughtnr i llioiiiiix hunhy til died tin thuriolav a iill knti uiil h3 yrur family rldoiir- act m monday tier ollllwln iii hlm uotlil in aoon 11 1031 t hiidlitt aihilonk at jli kn dt ill k htrml april 1h lull i lift til uur cltultt al tholinno of her pal lot 3 iitii 1 krln mi vrtduy al rll t lujl killlli cuvnll duiighlor mr mini mr rmml crlpp aged i yviir 11 mouth uowman- at tho family rideiire flimlph an 1 iiluy aiirll ie 1031 wllllum vuiioe llowmun on ht tlm lat william ijnwman milton fn lil aotli your 1ioiwunh at tli homo n main htnt anton on wodimadny april i 1021 annie alum duuglltar mr itml mr tlwirge iioikiuh tigod ii month and 11 day in memoriam h month in loving mmnmlirbh oriuuluiu who diyiartd till ilfo april 10 1020 cu1toht and hkln ihmonrt in loving romarahranao rlvllltn beloved wlfn ofi hon hlmon wlio pujumd kmiay aprh 10 1b20 to day recall mtrt memorle of tin out we laid to rt ami tho who think of her today aro tlm one who loved her beet hu fill and tiiuuhday aliui 31 1d21 brief local items tulip bra blooming anton pollod 7sk votn on monday tlulurdayu ire utorm wan moat un- wnlovnw v tlio hatvoiit bfiuuoii tor tho gurogo ha arrived tlinre will lw moon tomorrow of the trout- nulling irldki ilur itll m uhoutlng it tlmlr courftirtmtft momluy roaj hloil for uu ol throe hirhn of imow fall t ftuuday jlomomber it wo april 17 m urilomi lm arratiklpic to u iiim mhllonc0 on jjowor avnnuo iyouvo only ton hayk flli to nil out your inoomo tax for 1920- othhl mornlngl oil you lilan to renow your ihucm ihutm ubaorldtlon to njayr councillor j itall lit addlntf lm- itrovomftitii to liu rbldnco on churoh street tho mtialo of tha lawn ftiowerl tmulii on tho family tnani pro- tcrammo tho htraou wliora tio watr hialni broko up tlm romlway ora bain uradftd utul rolfetl am homo pradlotod tlie now fchov- tita woro lirousht but attain aftr hun- day a utorm ayot of folkii won tcawsd from churoh by sunday tnomlnsb llttlo unow dtorm ouolph xjstit and heat com muuioimm havo reduoetl the lirlco of bom lko dor 1000 tho loe btorm reatihed in a noad many fruit hnjo and ornamental tren lioln broken down an april unow full u not uiilmia nor unumml twenty yaura ao thu wook there warn uitlzlnah fall know monday ii nunvhlna voon took off the tbrooliioh coat in tf of unow but tho rouiln wore pretty wloupy for a day or two tho united dinanclal corporation tomler 48 301 13 far uurllnaton hewf dabenturea ham been noceptd by tha counoll tho rale ok is a maetlnif of ti executive 0 1cntueblntf townahlp sunday flohool awmofllatloii will bo held in goretown on trrliluy afternoon at three oclock hevorul motorist in oueluh were filled k 00 and txiata lout week for lining thulr hcoiimo of 1010 a pro vlnnlul lilihway wivotter nabbed thorn tho hulorui willow tree on willow htruet the luat of tho row planted about movonty year rko lout haveral lurae hranchow by the loe atorm n satuntay mr jnmom will baardmor crea- oent hna laod the uraony ifarm at wlnterbourne and bouaht the farm atook and implemenu lie moved them tuet woek one of j wataonn white wyamlotto hmt laid mi tptf on itafor- untliim tluy which wnlghed i ouhook mti mo i mi rod night inohea in olr- cum fur n co j v it um uarloulttirutm unci uurdanorh ttvoi- a ttnow alurm in april u an moil aa n ooutlnir of fertiliser hun layn enow utorm muni hnvv bean of i it- menuo vuluc it vnu ruthnr uuliuo on huuiliiy ufter tlio toe uml miiovw ktortn to aee thw uuio leuvou oiicruhtcd in loo and tho tullpa mid hyaotnuia poklns their flowery iiciuiih up through tha wqqwi 1 ci rtntnly enjoy tho old munc artlohih thoy brlntf lwok meinorlaii of old aohool day- in act on tho vnm ritcss ilehrvea credit for the aiijondld nnl it ttikow on ull moral ulid buhliiemi quentlonti llorea is 00 for another year p c winnipeg tho nne new realdenoo of mra btephen hornby mill street and wal lace avonue ban been mold to mr john k smith the aale woj nasotlatad by ii j kerr real eatato ngont who only had tha property hated for p few day mr jcerr nloo duiknied of the kanney broa ntoro to kannd a son oeorftb- town in memoriam i ju11iit oluiionm in th worn wliut iiiildin lnlh of fur fllhhviu imbiliu hlr t oiu monthly inuinlnu thli t iiiimiinlly u u iluon of uti rllnu thoriitttr uml rinlutliu ik1 mid wkitltif our urlloitt rwtliltntii mr nillnnu wiiu in hlx olielily auth nor niil urutlifiilly full- lunit until unit udv ml hut hut wiim ill to 1 n iihoi wjik wln hhl phyuitlimi vj u m i ntt iii ik tl 1fut ofully li jmbbo1 nwuy lmfoi tho week had 1 1 ml 1ulir nihtitiiin wuii th foil of iihu oiiiihihm tlr mid tho urunduoii utrltk clhhonu who unttlml on tho lh wt n iiuuliit iilmiit ono hiindro i yrur nu 1 1 um iuwuu imru on hit u ntut liu on ot tiihur t 1h3c win li a- youiirf n tin w it to tho lloltid lltittkm mkik hill fortunri k wnt thiouich miohlrim ludliniu llllh- ola ulid lowu tinlll ho rearhod thn mimmuhippi ortidually ho wnrbiwl lilx wy down tho htif rlvor until ho ruolu 1 nw orluiiu i wlillo in ioullimu tlio olvu wur broko out with nmuy other young- tdun ho hhiij1 in tho confodorato urmy think ing dm wur would only lent n fw wtkn 1 oi four vniru hu uorvml uutlor jniunil iimiii wuii ntnonif tho furrum of tho mouthiru army unit tttkoii piluoncr by otmanil irunt at vlokn- hing muu during tlm uoiuo tlmrtf a uumbor ufvum ng ho wan hie ro- ilplaiit from llio idauichurw of tho coufodi rimy of u modal commnmorat- lug hlu unrvlmn thl b ntwnyu woro with uufnlgiiod lirldo aftiw tho war hn n tiimutl homo uml unvor loft ngalu in llifl7 ho marrutl itrldgot cnrty f ichiiuihihu tin y hud ti happy mnrrlwd llfu touodmr for hourly nfty yonr and it fnully of tm oh ul run grow up utiout hum to cull thorn blotuim um fllhltona piedoooauod bar buhoaud about lght youru ugo of tho nonw untl duuffhtorm tho following iturvlva thomam ic mru john lunn john and irnn in at ton tho luttor lining her futjieru houuoktwptir mnf tcdwortl bynott fcromonw mlnhnnl of kapi raining and churle of onbow about thirty yeuru ago mr olbbonu bought from thn late john iconnody thojjform at thn onrnni of tlm ohoclc linn und mtcottd lino now owned by mr itoattln biothur of tho pre of the can adian 1aolno uullwuy about three yvarw uru ho ritlrod and uuno to acton tileno tlimo yoari havo txmn miiht uiijoyublo to tho old go n tinman ho wuh tiour to lit johopba churoh which lm lovod ho davout and vaaj able in bo oflim down town where ho toot bmny of hlu old frlondu and nelghbom hl nhuroh relatlonahlp wan vory dear and very revuront to him he wmi born in thn utmouphero of devotion ilia fnthnr and mother who wum jauo itcboloa woro uoouh- wfth huroh uorvloom tharo whon father and mutthow mrcnnn and tho mulholluudu and ioum decided to build a uhuroh ut iublu lie nioilittcd in nroollon with lwiyluh onthuakluim wothhlpimd ut thut llttlo rramo nhuroli until tho oougrogatlon nooureil prthotit lino odllloo of ht jtohophu dti churth htrtmjt isr tllhlionm wuu highly nttmimt ly thn oommunlty ho enjoyed tho utmoatoonndnnoe if ht uolghborav lrri good many yjir u uohootodf tilkvm for utibllu h- and jilu nocountu woro alwayw lorroct ho wax i good man tho fun nil tj ht iloiuiphm churoh yu- terday ucujng wan largely attondod itov ratbiooilrtw uidd mium tho lutevinont took philfl in puhlhi cemo- ttry whoitt iiim bolovod wlfo am progoultoru uleep in poaoo acton c1tiz6nb band imkor vvxu ptocftui lear sir aji tho cltixona hand liam imton tho uubjoot of oomiuont in your paper at different timefl lately the time liam mima whon wo can glvo tho public detlnlto information thoreon at a mooting luat night it wait ar ranged to liavo mr coatolt of oeorgo- town oome wnokly and give the band inn true t ion fqf coupla of hlonthrt a leuau att initiation fao of 1 00 and u week ly foe pf sco 1m to bo paid by each member in aaalatlng financially to pre moto tho bundii wolfaro it in propoaed to give oputi air con- corta during tho immmor und tf tha nuccosm doalrod ik uchtovod they may hold a garden purty whon ovary cltlmu will be gltm a ohanoe tovupportrthem other town bandit rnqolvo from e0 to 160 annually from tho corporation and aotoitx counoll ban onuipod vory euwlly on thin point thorn hau boon u hand hero iilnoo 1b73 und it la my opinion busod on actual unaoolutlon for a dumber ofj yeuru thai 110 unnually would about oovtsr tho grunta mado in that 40 yeam the ooat of mulntananoo bag in oreaaed no muoh that money muut be obtained to carry on and if tho mom ber uliow tho pop we bear ubout thene tlay wo trust for uupport in the future weauoii tliauklng you for tho kindly interoat you hayo ulwuyn pcraoiially whown thu band in tho iumt and for pruaant favoru wall bellovo um to iwt ilooutorm not hunter n v moonk uooretury acton april id 1021 making the most op it a humorlat ded tha other day did ho leavo an etter only ono joke wbtoh ho bequeathotl tohui bon not much of on inheritance oat ho explained in hut wll that if tho jokovore expanded into a muafoal comedy jnade tho thomo of a chau- tauaua lecture artlt worked over from jtlmo to tlmo and oold to tho maga- slnea it would provide big heir with a comfortable inoomo tllnntngham lehorajd agcl the hated flnake unukori light in two wuyn by utrtk- lug with poloon tana und by wrapping tbemuelvea ubout their foe ami chok ing or cruahlng it to death not mmm lone hut nil living oreuture haiu anukea the amullar uulmubt chlolty be- ouuho they feat ror tlmlr young and if hlrdu their uggn and tha larger one probably heoauae they fear tor them- aelvee many aulmulii attack auukeg at ulght dear uttlo und hogn trumplo them the hog out them after thoy huvo killed thorn eaglom and other blrdh of pray atruhglo them wtih their oluwit und thou oat thorn and aomi umallur blrdu uwln for fuatunoo imr ma thum and try to peek tliolr oycu ul uml thofi klllthem ut thulr lolaure screens to aid vision whon ahtrouoimirm nio muklng hontlo ttompu by phiofngkutihorvuturiem lofty muuntuliih und ol dort platauuh ovoroomo tho offoottt iflluuhu 1m- rt uml uuuloatly air in obaourlng tulohiopin viulon it hirlkta olio mi odd thut tho intorpoultlou of a llght-ub- otirblug aorooit in uo uyupluee of tho tnleatau uhuulil bu tqupil ht iniprjiv tho vlalon huttli hmvovor in tho fuel hy intonioiiliig n mil llllud with u oolu- tlop of plcriu utild ulid loppor in uloo hov betwoon tho oyo and tlm tltnueu of tho oyoplaoa it 1m fouml thut tho defini tion with a tolewropo in vlowlng atarm and pluneta la tnutorlally improved neighborhood news- town and country georgetown tir dvttolt v mro 1 ll mar fur homo i o n ill lnft iumi w jir ho wlllvhlt hl wilder hh lly ixlhm who lulu b i n tpilln 111 wmku im liupnivhig nicely i to bo tiblo to lm urouhil ukuln hhortly mm m lunih rronlo hut llu- iih d of her houuu on jiilut hde t in wn o mi urogtiry mint margaret modonuhl lift um ek foi cnrhon hill alu uiiilothr uottlhi rn point whorn aim will upiiid two mon thn with relutlvoh llov rul of nr nubm rllxirm huvn vug- gtml to um lutoly ihut thn town hul uhould lm pulntml afior taking a look ut it wn grm willi them a joint rommlttim apimilnieityliy tlm uxul lrumh of the womih national co mid 1 1 uid the tloyawrk advlory conmjl 1m puinnlng to li tub limit and tipilp anvaral play groiindx within thn town ittirn newspapermen h u huihton mid allan holmeu pf lrlnt alnri have purcliuod tha onadlat oliw rver tha dully liowapapai ul furnln mr holmnm in uu old uuorgo- lown twy und a uon of thn lute allui holuiu of thlu town ilorojd oakville icnon church kanlon party will lm hit id oil tha muniiagrouiiilk on tho uvohliig of june 23 daylight uuvlng will go into off not in oukvlllo on miiudiiy muy ic uumo duto um in toronto in r llumlxirn action ggulnat u mr htylnit of humlltou for iumugt to motor car ho wuu awartleil 330 00 ulid coitttt by juetloo kelly h x n tompkluu manager of the ltoyul hank ban been poorly for womo tlmo and wn coorgoujarunlu ban boon relieving him mr tompkinw lit expootod imck ahortly mj3lllobert oardnor of tialt yun formerly mla sherman of iublln school ntah motored from oalt and bpont a coupla of iluy with mrpi irvine mayor duvim having reluminl from ida holiday atarted in earn out to m up for lmt ttmn and presided on mon day evening ut a fourhour noun ion tho counol an oukvlllo und trafalgur deputa tion uppeard before thn hydro invex- ugatlng commhuilon ut toronto oi 1vlduy morning luat and urgnd tha claim und nocemilty of town und d lu ll- let for a hydro radial to toronto utul alimi to niagara star whether you like voub wotlk or not make it a success the fact that you dlnllke your work u no reaaoit for neglecting il innleai it la tho if ut muhoii in jho worhl for putting your imnt endeavor into it muny pooplu go on doing the same 1mftjvrk5oari7i long uu tliey live lmply becaueo thoy pavor got hayond modloorn nocom- pllnhmnt if thoy abould throw tho whole uiwrgy of their nature into it mi it mufta ot it it utmctacular aucoean it would pot lm long tiefora noma onn wouhl have found but limy were fitted for otimothlnu imtlor mako a aaocoiui of your work whothor you llko it or milton komo naughty boy threw a utotio through th chumploii oltlto window tho othor duy au thn romiilt of the laat oxamlnutlob mlltou high sohimil wont fourteon young people to tho normal ttoboolii limning tho lirovlnco nooortllug to mr l4iyoii lublotlohool inupootoi h h o neil hni out hi grocery huulumm wm alkllimon of calo donhi mr oneli ixiught tho iiuhiiiuh ulmint nowmbor 1 10s0 from i howglll mr atkinuon bail mlativvit in thlr neighborhood tha charter of incorporation of m it- ion arena lid won rocoivotl lout wook it it oapltallsotl ai 30 000 director huvo boon oloctod ait followm dr m k lowland t 10 tuok jfa w lllaln it m cldintnt a lim spiiut an effort 1h lwhtgmado to organtxo a high kchool ieagun for haltmi tha folowing oxccutlvo hu lmn elect ed for milton t hon ivouldent j hamilton ohlncipal ivouldenl wm stewart hecrettiry stuart itolmrtuon treuaurer j martin captain stewurt manager c 15 to it lntdr- form captain jut j alkon slid peacock i 3rd if uttlo mian cooko linn boon very 111 at the rectory hlnco saturday 2nd innt when biia canto homo from toronto shi confidential wecretary of llov taylor the head of canadian anglican muuiioom champion burlington those operation curloa ha been mr wlllla our wllio vwnpplng oilugm again mr willi hani truder that kid bm t hot 1 uuppouo be traded nomo marhla for tha nextdoor kid knife t mr wuh oh no ho tjwnpped your uppendlx for mr llumpu mill tune judge up f hiqher i hlbblno wan dining with nom jpooplo ho woro proud of the recent aloui- of u momlier of tho family to tha mouse of ird thl aald tho ioytrt maltox oio neoond ot my luitibmidu family in tho peerage huvo ion any rotative in th hmiao of lardh noh maid dlbbiua but ivi two maiden auhi in ho kingdom of mr itov q w hurker upent tho woekoiid with frlondu ut cuelph mr joit whuthum hu leaned the butcher nbop roceully ocouplod by w 10 tufgur und commenced bualiiowl innt woelc the concert held under thn uuplce of thn lutptut young ooplo society in tho town hall on irrtduy evening 1iih wop 14 overy way a decided huc the young tattle suuhln 111 bio clan of ut iuke churoh will bold a connert otf wax work in the mouool room on april sb wm hannon bungalow on llrant street ha been uold to xlr will clark of ilurlingtou who will make it hi permanent homo hughe cloavnr aubinltletl u plan for tho re aubdlvbilpii of hi property on fartdlno htroet ho auld he w bill oil to do noma development work on carpi ne htreet und doulred to open up u wurvoy recently purchased from mr it unk ho proptkood to flontlnue womllund avunuo from creucont hur- voy through to mr o ii lcocnlg proiierty hi proiiohlllon vhw uooept- l tho victorian order of nure com- miltoo concluded their canvag for fundm for thn memorial around town on huturduy night una met with fair nmee they met in tho women welfare itulldlng on hatunloy night and turned in their hook und dond- lloilu and u a reault of their work over boo wu ruuad oux4tto erin f tho many friend of warden j a me llmwn nf icaut oarufruxa ure pleunod to know of liuprovamnnt in hi condi tion ovor tho wouknnd he ha boon vtry dangerauiity 111 with pneumonia but woek tho nmrrlugo of mr ttiomu q mfdlvy formorty of krln and mia mat hut uoetkon terru haute ind look plnoo ut tlio homo of tho bride tdtrtor mr jumo hlaulor iniuun- lipoll ind on april i sotiiu tlmu ugo tho ihittom fell out of tho potato market and it t many a dny uluco potutor woro ao cheap a hmy urn today iooal buyer are paying 20 coiiu per 1ng thu weekta ycr ugo tha pi ice wu g per bag iotntooni mid hweet clover will not pay for ihuny nuto thl year on bnturday evening whon hurry auntiii in tho ubacnee of bl brother jnmih atmt in undertook to take out tho motor bun to go to moot the down rain ho narrowly eaoupod wevere in- jury ho crunked the engine and it refuned to alart when mr austin unnhttunt duncan moallator hit abed tho team on the front of it to give tt a tow suddenly the engine aurted and the but coutd notatop tho machine with tho humftfrlghtond an trying to mt away and tho machine luelf crowding them clone thing looked bad however tbo preaonoo of mind of duno moalllattir to nwln- tha horae out of it onurae ran tha truck agatnat a tolepliona pole when it aama to a tondatlll harry waa thrown head lopg to the ground the truck la somewhat damaged and ono ot tho horso ha a bail cut on tho leg bat the affair ended very fortunately at that a a vow yard more in the course it waa taking 1 wtiubl havo landed the outfit over the embankment into the jlyt- ttrin turf cjjjb la arranging a pro gramme for btanloy xtrk for may 14 a4r6ogt na88agaweva u ort of tho y ltonbyteriau irh will ihi hll thin tfiurkdav fillip tlm following tuleht will tuh tlm pnigrtiuimo mln 10 the i m wu of llduillton vltillnlmtn tlm hon itomunon of artnu hi uolou und llu und i 11 i lining of lull initio render uml nli rtalner and 1 1 llrwt iiium jabmt crewbon corners im return vlnlt of winter ovor the k uml wuu mot welcomed vory hturtlly flood for outuilol tluch a aplendld majority wuu rollod up for temperance on monday tha infant daughter of mr and mr tnmnt crlpp llrnt line tluitlaitcfrl- huy und wu burlod tfranton on sun duy their many frlerm wympathoalao with them in tlmlr bereavement take nomn thing for granted io not think it nocaunary o tuko your turaimiratnrn und fee your puloo overt morning imforn tnmcjuihng you urn iiial to u day whrk tuko your health for gruutud uuua there in mt thing out of tho ordinary tindor- mlnlng your loundmmn do not require your frlaiidn to rnltonttn tholy uuuur- unii k of nttotluiu ivory week or no take tholr good will for gruntod unloiin you have nuliun rouuon to tako tho contrary view it i foolish to upoml wo mutlt energy proving ovor naln that which already hau boon uriply i roved tuko uomn thing for granted new kind op bilk dlncovery liuii boon mudo of a pro can by which tho muueutar tlnnuo of hoi ma und rattle run bo convnrtod in to ntlk a nun imlng thu fprmoil for oontlemnod row mid huran klltotl lm of itccldnn or old ugo tinf ii hi hu in u utiuid which ueparatomiuio musal iljirm by dluntilvlng tin hiihntanoe that holit them logother thou tt 1 woaketl in nuothi r lljuld which htroogtheun tlm rlhro uml give thorn u uuu ohar- urur silk fhuu obttiluod um tto fublmrlxeil and mudo wntorirmif by uoaklng it for hainn hour in u tmth of rublmr muny u liiwyer liu dlncovorod that it wlfn word la luw it i till well ouough tp din happy but it 1 fur better to live that way many men wanted mon waiiti 1 who ur willing to u copt ikmiioum puyiug from in 110 er day mon who nr tired of labor- lug for up cxiateiilc tlttt i you ono uood rhatico wo urn training mmi for ponllionu uu faun tracilonoorn gurugo mocbunloh truck drlvorn uabiu- mon vulcnnlooru woldor battery ox- liortu etc or will holp you uturt guxagn buulnnm on your own if you uro out of employment or dluauthdlod with your prenont poor paying job cull or write immediately for full particular gurdlng our apodal plun to noxt few mon unrolling duy uml nvonlng oiamimi apply hemphill auto jl q traolor sehool 434 103 iclng st w toronto george says our spring but re not carrying their harta around on their alaeva tloketa afur you hava dojc1ad on eomlno her for your ult- weve a favor to aak wewit you to try on tha coata without aaklng the ooat button up tha veata without invaatiaatlnd tha valuea allp into tho panta bafore you bothar about the pro wll ull y hy i if you havant purohaaad ult lat fell tha lownaaa of our price are udioj to aur prue ou you ara going to wonder how wa lit it end wa would almply ilka to prove it bafore you nurt wondering dont let these low prices alaflm you the quality ib as v certain as taxes wallace all- way5 reliable clothier 1 juelphdnt flower lovers of acton i havnfor kule li limited quan tity of tllunt comot autor mn- torplooa very hirge ljtfwy itponoar hweet ioo and ornmll- oora loruinmondl ueotl i l mixture aelaotiall from uxtra early rotitlnuou dowering atmlnti podtat coc poutiuld n a dhummond hrihtoij 1 o pontiao qua bee friday and saturday specials at the mclean co store keep your eye oh these specials as every one is a money saverv navy serjje doutilo fold jjood vnlue at 2 00 special nt ij50 per yard silk lopiiw 00 iitt widu in navy brown and pray hcultir price 2 so special 5195 turriliuirs natural wwl undtrwear for men wo iunriinllc every garment of tlni underwear to civo our curtounrfi cood wear soft ihioswool tpnii icik h biils in mock regular price 1 1 2 so special price iy cuch lenmnnh mcriru uiulcrwcar for men wo have bold hundreds o dozen of tins brand ot underwear at 1 75 special price 1211 each ladlw veita sprinp wclghl v neck short nlcovei medium tirei at 7c and larjtc bwci 90cm and drawefs rnmc price lloyw twetd bloomem these hloom- crs are made of dark halifax t weed sure 26 lo 14 hcrolar price 2tcs special at 52j0 ijujich black cotton hobo for everyday wear special at 10c poi pair tnlkh black and brown kilk iiohv slxc i tf 0j and 10 special at 12 pair menn black catthinerc 11h all pure wool circe bar make k value ut 1 00 pair special friday and siituidiiy 7c pair ijnoijiums oil cloth ano cclttatn matkkiailakge stock to choosk kkom prices bight mclean co mill 8tqket hnaffifflihiantmitorffi t columbia gramaphrjnes and records adam algeo in muklng a upocluhy of columbia orumaphonch und llocordu wljcb lio will deliver promptly at your homo pianoq any make a algeo mill st aotan call at the blare protect tho child from tho ravage of wormu by uulng mother oruvoii worm bx terminator it in a utumlard lotolxly and yaro of una huvo qii huucetl it reputation the sewer outlet pipe i ono of thn mont important and vital manltniy nrranguinonth lu your homo it muut nlwayu lie in porfoot oonilltlon or tho health of your family wllj uuffor all the drain plpeu too nhould be in ordur und of oourae tho cold und hot water wupply pipe hand for uu imforo froealng weather urrlvon to aeo that all i in flmt claim tibapo w f mooney i acton ont studebaker special six l jv cai- of iii melt wheel base with sqhi horso power motor studcbukcr 3oslrncd and studcbakor built detachable hcaiilriotor improved carburetor with hot spot intake manifold positive duplex lubricating system its com- mrtahlo and roomy scat 324 goodyear cord tires and many other npccial roaturc make tlio studebaker special six tho leading car in canada to day j r oneill son garage and carriage works georgetown distributors of studedakcr and dodge brothers motor cars tor acton georgetown and milton i bararsbeiearmgrbgbi used tiresau sizes 5 10 15 auto beds 15 all kinds of auto accessories dut iute vulcunlziitr ex- press charges paid both ways on tires we vulcanlne wo sell gbodyear dominion dunlop and royal oak tires wo prepay charges on all orders of 10 and upwards to any point in ontario your mail ottdbrs will receive as prompt attention und painstaking caro as if you woro ordering in person if you cant visit us yourself wrlto your needs to fowlers auto accessories 177477j4 yonge sl toronto i viqagc of acton notice of tutjutratlon of dy law notice in hereby given that u lly law wau luinnid by tho muniulbul couiii 11 of tho vlllugo of acton on tho j i at day of march a d 1031 providing for tho imuio of dalmnlurcii to tho amount of th 000 for tho purponn of oomptot- ing the con lit ruction uml liiatallatlon of u wutrwork flyutuu wtthluuho nab i vtllugo und that tho ualil lly law wuh roglutcrod iii tho ifoulmlry olllco for tho county of llulton on tho kth day of april a m l3l any motion to iuanh or not nnldo tho uumn or uy pari tlioroof intuit lm nitdo within three month after thn prut publication of thin notloo und cannot ho mudo thetdaflci ibitinl tho 14tli day of april a v ii n aumiail clork spring millinery now on display you arc cordially invited lo sec our specials al 500 nellie m stockf ord acton gueupii ib10ka a hirschorn georgetown ladies suit and dress specialist spring coats and dresses satisfaction guaranteed it a customer hnda garment is not satisfactory it may be returned and tho money willbo cheerfully refunded a hirschorn a spring is coming and kenney bjros aro hotter prupurud ihan fttr ymi wlth full lltm of mow tprhiu ktmit- w jiii i foi ovory im mini i of thn fam ily uml for wliutavor wtuk in plmi- nuro you may bu uiilugtd in good line op mens and f bovft solid leatheh working soots special uneofcris school boots at imfcefl far below any imces quoted tji year goolit supply op rudders for spring wear ucpoiriru iromptly and satis factorily executed kenney bros main btket agyqn qnt saturday treat v r thoro it ono candy that ovory member of tlio fiimily 1 fond of and that is our home made 1 peanut crisp a thin tuhpy to ilea with lott or peuutitt hciitir 30c lb bnturday treat vruf 25c salted peants 29c i wo eookjtud salt ouf ponntits so hat hoy tnulo like more bnmll clean peanuts well roasted i ih just enough nlt to make tliem tasty regular 0o saturday speclul 20c kiddies candies 2 for i c another lot of ono cent candies a great treat for thu little tots regular ic cuch saturday special 10 for 5oz for 1c weekend chocolates 39c lb the reason wo soil bo many chocolates every saturday is our price fs away below tho real value of the chocolates regular qoc it weekend special 39c b ciiocoiate bars 7 for 25c 1500 five cent bars of milk chocolate about 11 vurlctlci saturday 7 for 25c x h moorehead noampxon g90rgbtown hilton acton

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