Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1921, p. 3

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kb arton3ffreggrg0g jhullhrjav ai nib jb 1021 helping papa and mamma 1 luntlnj tho m jiii 1 potatoes 1i i it u to n it r tbe meed itomllr s lh huu nnd tho chickens freeing hit garden from woods driving tho w w to tlio untuwi koi hi k tti run in um stall we little child run are 1 uay hunt thorn lu work fur us all holplug lulo hi reading tho liuy in mo sunshine linking it up when it m dry luklng tbn ap lum tml pcaelies jowii in tin or hard imnl 1 y ukliir i n krutm in t o vineyard luthirltw i uu in the full w huin itlllron in i iwy yoh tlr lu w rk f ir us ull hull ins uiu- hweei lug an i waulilng the dishes llrli if i nit llio wt o 1 frum tha shod ironing sowing wild knitting hilplng ti niiwe up hn bod taking ood tmn t t tha i aby watching her lout a should fell wo llttlo 4 hlldren ur buiiy oh i there 1 woifc for us all ii ll lug mamnui work muke us h nor fill un 1 lumpy multo li w 1 uli ortlve uifl strong 1 iny wo nnjny ull tl a ixttusi whan wo have labored mo ions ikdly wo hnlp our- kin i imrtmu qulukly wo ooina at their osll cl ii iron uhould lov to bo busy them 1m much work for us all helping papa unci muiiru in m paring grounl for roots there are tliirao general principles which uppllnubln to all conditions 1 the ian i tnust bo wall plowed at tha prop tlma 2a good application of top dressing must be made jtha ground must lia thoroughly cultivated to h0 rporuto the top dressing with the soil and ulso make a good seed ih i however to lo successful the pod now- m in add ho o vt tho crop ha wishes to raise and study the conditions of the null in which be inland growing it o that ha may prepare tho latter to lult condition an 1 kivo u maximum crop all rooti contain a large amount of nitrogen and ash constituents among tha latter potash is one of the motl essential the average crop of turnip will contain par acre approximately seventy six pounds of nitrogen torty- olnht pound w of phohphorla tuild bud two hundred pmtnde of potanh and 1ft don uoun la of nulphuc maruxale contain upproiimatoly per nora binety- elht pound of nltroften thirty alx xunda of phoephorio acid two hun dred and twenty two pound of potmah anditpouna tt milphur nou turn i pa contain mora uutphur than any tlier farm urop turnip if the land u welt tilled before wo win the aead and property cultivated alter are cap- nhlo of rettln tha required amount of nitrogen and potuxh from the noil if the noil la fertile ilut apparently they have not tha power of ap propria t- lnb tlio combined phosphoric acid from tha anil therefore on a poor exhauet ed eoll 1 la practically impoaaible to rat a profitable crop unleae phoa- phatlo fartlllxerm are applied super- phophnte or boalo nlajt u recommend ed for turnlpor alonsele on the other bond feed deeper than turnip and ao hayou aroater capacity tor obtalnlnj nltxo ben itotoah and phoaphorla acid from p l 4 1 it- j cm fk1 of tv a imrir ml th toil thla belnr the cftae tho ap plication of phoephatia fertiliser 1 not ao important for maneb a an oppll ttation of nitrate of aodjum where commercial fertiliser are used alone the following quontluoe are racoaunondedl pet acre from four to five hundred pounds of nitrate of ooda or thrw hundred and oxty to fojir hundred pound jof aulpbate of ammonia four hundred pound of sup- rphojjphftto or ave hundred pound of hao las four hundred pounds of ro urea to or nulpbate of potash both turnip and mangels require a largo amount of plant foodf cona- quenijy a liberal oupply of barnyard manure is necessary far their produc tion bearing thla fact in mind and wlso that tha principal manorial jre gulrement for tumipa are phosphatio fertilizers and for mangels nitrogenous wotiext consider the ground tho land for roots osnuld be plowed shortly after the clover hay ha been out if available apply barnyard manure on the sod then plow to a depth of six inches roll follow with a do u bio cutaway harrow and oroas- plow in early spring as soon as tho land 1 fit harrow to conserve the moisture this is necessary for a ana cesafut crop ot roots follow with two cuts of double cutaway harrow and once with the smoothing harrow and a good aeed bed should be th6 result a good aeed bed- la absolutely essential t therefore if u requires the third or fourth harrowing to insure a food aeed bed the time 1 well spent the reasons for applying barnyard manure on tho sod and plowing it down are 1 to prevent waste by washing 3 by cross pi owing the manure is worked up toward the surface soil where the roots which are shallow feeders will obtain tbe full benefit from the plant food supplied by the manure drill the rows about thirty inches apart where roots are grown with barnyard manure alone an application of about one hundred pounds of nitrate of soda will give tho seeds- a quick slerta a usjrd superintendent sucperlmonui farm nappan stalin ft 0 wall well dldn t we rivo all john urlainoru ht comeuppance in wirneal in that lloiarnndum vdtol bay bless me tlmre wo no mlutuko about tha fufit that tha people are determined to kink nut tho whole booia business look stock and barrel a hundred and fifty thouuunl majority surely moans business iri real earnest and thay my when all tha teturn are in it will be nearer two hundred thousand t j lory he hut that a a licking in real earnest and the poor old ubartys ware saylntf on tha day of tha vote that it wasn t fair because it was just tha rural folks thoso country folks liay seeds they d eall them if thay ilar that wm putting up the major 11 y vote hoy that was just as true as wludle s yirn frmnhifwr iiimiiih tha head the ulmrty fellows when hn told them how much he really lovd dear old tension i an 1 that ha was only joking when he called her u jutrabn old hog in hi iiawspaper eo leu of which ha forgot to wing with him wall what la the result more than one half of ontario el tie voted dry and it really looks as if dear old toronto with all beer loving foreigner and boose artists will yl show a dry majority bay by jlmmlny 1 was proud of the farmer folks for their big majorities for u dry country they led the cities and towns hut acton did real well with her jie majority and tha good old county of llalton with over 3 000 im real proud of the goutttyt 1 iproudf the tow prouder still of tha townsgtpv say tha woman did theljduty well and they influenced so roe of the weak kneed men too thay ay a few woman votod wet hut i dldnt see a woman anywhere on election day who looked ilka it and 1 haven t heard a single woman boast that she voted for boose ulnce tho election results were mda known mo air eo the women know bettor their hearts are generally in tha right place they have too much love ror their children not to make an effort to remove needless temptation there may bo some women whod lather gusslo beer than see tha family comfortably fed and clothed but don t believe they live here say that was a knock out blow krnle urury gave tha chaps who said after the election that the law couldn t bo enforced and that they d do all they coidd to hinder tho law being put into force why aald svemler drury these men are anarchists pure nnd simple liked ernie spirit hon injun but for a little while 1 thought his pl name for these fellows little hard but when i turned up good old english webster and read hi definition for an anarchist i decided icrnle was quite right and the clrcum stances fully justified hi calling thew chaps by their right name here it is alt anarchist is a malcontent respect- inglng existing institutions regarding them an enaentlully tyrunlcal especial lyono who would uwo violence to efroy the existing social and civil order of things well tyranny wo the pe phrase of the big pott i era on the city boarding and on those little silent meosengar cards paused about quietly among tlio people btove xjaycook talk edjt w indie talked it chairman j lei muth talked it i guess our friend drury who represent this good old county which voted out boose by s 000 and aome more la about right after all well perhaps these fellow who declare thoy will defy the law du think bettor of it and ltko friend col ilendrlc the race horse man will apologise for their disloyalty and ask to be for given tor their impetuosity time will tell learned theharnasa buslnens i think with ilob creaofi then he struck out i is own hook whether it was tho illy girl he foun ij pt x alnrmo an i married or not tluit cuused him to launch int 1 uslnnaa there i trow not anyway to lived tin re for yonrs rals vd a family made and man led harness ourlng the day served ice cream in the nvenlngs and hob nobbed with the not vd physician ir jlucjr between times uti hundaya he attended tho nearest ltaptlat church and catechuiod his son and daughter hut through all tho years ha had a hankering for the old home at acton and twonty years or ago he returnod an 1 whim his father und mother were catted t the hatter i jiii i hn moved into their earthly di mlclla and ihcrn ho un i hi wlfti and daughter reside uko other homo they hnvn ha i tholr sorrow of their family- of two hans and three daugh tor only the two younger daughters are left and the bubo of the family preside over a home of her own juelph charlie tho second son has had useful career has made his mark and 1 now tlev charleii a cook i pastor of the first hap tint church ii u tic uontana i harlie was a i rl boy mode the best of his npportu titles at hchoot and used ila muscles as well as his brains ono day ha and 1 uneh farmer had an argument at tha rear of the old stone school charlie clinched punch and threw him with force to the ground when they got untangled it wam found- that 1 unch lnul a broken arm no one wus sorrier than c liar ho an i ho una vlallod 1 unch more fre quently than charlie tlma w re on and junch also imwina a preacher and to day he i itev j h farmer x d minister of a iroabytcrlan church in nebraska i thjnk it la when ghaxjlo cook left school went aq chore boy and clerk in tha store of c j uyman where ualibfkn 4k co now giro the people bargain in the same una charles byroon was the father of jiur own jim the hard man i don t think charlie aver druatned that his son jamesle would ever ho running a store on tha site whtl ht rhd lr ld ills kitchen and dining room j hyinort wo uncls jlmmlo the bachelor well artar a year or two char ho cook got big notions about the future and wont to toronto and engaged with weston a son the wholes to boot and ahoo men this was fortunate move ror charlla jllke the upright chris tlan young man ha was he united with jorvls street baptist church and got into the coropapy and fellowship f such young men of tha day as james ityrie the monasters h j moore the hale and others charlie went in ror public epeaklng and christian work and soon a marked man for the minis lie was sent to uomaster unlvor tty and when be graduated 1 arllnmant street- ad straatjtoptist i y- hlrnujrijbstor why vou should wind yoiir watch in the morning ulanco wheel is 1 ic3t-r- the balance wbee is the heart of t watch unless it ig perfectly con structed and made to withstand vary ing changes in temperature if will not pulsate accurately and will soon cause the whtoh to lose or gain on account of the different tempera tures which theytrdlnafy watch must standjlt is necesadvy for the balance wheorlo be mads of metals which expand and contract at rates wblob ofrsoteaoh other dror this reason the wheel itself is made of itnely- tempered tool while not around the rim it such a manner as to preserve perfoot bal ance are bits of brass which act us chock upon tho expansion or cpntrao tlon of tbe steel when it la remembered that a bal- once wheel of a watch pulaates some 433 000 mc a day and that the deli- j rata mechanism must be adjusted to withstand changes of temperature ranglnffroin body heal to a number of s degrees below aero it will be seen thut precaution such tut tbe use of at least two metals ore essential to the opera i uon of a watch which will beep perfect time j ty i most porsonfl wind tkelr watchi when thay p to oo6 this is uof the best tlmo to do it a watchmaker advised for if should be done intirf morning so that tbe aprlng wfflb taut daring the part of tha day when the watch is aubjoot to moat rooyn- ment tho shaking and jolting which watch receive while an ordinary day a work la being performed de loss harm whon the spring is taut than when it i loose watches are not j fond of extreme btvvt 0a h9matla trouble rollec lleg at abor iiazmam la guarantee tor asthma templetono- ruieinnatlo oggjjovor fall moh said bpr b wall here i am bacjcto wain street tain ii left off utst week with that good old man iruther cook faithful minister and a good eltlaen of jfcton for many year he and his worthy spouse who came from lock port in naw york state had a home nest up there on falrvlew avenue which the children all loved aid there wak quite a quiverful of them ira not sura that my old noddle to members them all but these y do remember edward charlie judson emma john and willlant mr cook preached for many year us pastor of the uapttst church an 1 then retired i think he was con neeted with the baptist church here for a longer period than any minister lofany other denomination who ever located in acton he was a moat uefu- member of the community there was never a funeral a jlible society meeting a sunday school gathering a tern pe ran oo rally a tea- meeting or any other public function having the public weal or private com fort o its objecl btft mr cook was present or available me was a real cltlseu in tbe truest sense after retiring from the ministry ha continued to be an industrious and helpfu1 riosldent he was a supbassful gardnerier nnd fruit grower in tip summer time and during tba wlntfer monlhs supplied our cltixens with ilaoos of a flno brand and excellent flavor these ho always secured from fisherman friend at ilronto and no stale fish were ever delivered from his baskets forty or fifty years ago the school grants from tho aovemment were bas ed up hie number- orohlidren oyaehool uge within tile school division mr cook ted gs census enumerator for year ono stormy winter ha wm on hla roujtda jrore was no atht school in 1h0days and tho territory it rfow embraces belonged 10 acton mr cook ibjld about completed his weary rounds in securing fbo names of ol the chit dren and was over on tha first lino wnsra iuck johnston now live when he discovered ha had lost tils census roll weeks off work had suddenly disappeared por liqur ho tramped over the district of the first linn reju tracing his steps hut without succosa ho folt thero was nothlpg to do but make his rounds over again when about to start qut aguiu he was over joyed oho morning when scholar from the first line district brought him hs last roll in climbing one of tba fence in the meantime charlie school day sweetheart was here in acton waiting for him emma matthews whan he got his pastoral charge ha came homo for icmma icmma had juat one ob joctlon to charlie as a husband vou juaptlv she said and lro a methodist of the fourth generation my iandparoots were among the founders and builder of tha methodist church here in acton oh thats right said char i to vou knew 1 was con certed in the methodist church in those aplendld revival services conducted by ilev hobert phlllipu in february and march fa7s and you sop 1 ra a sort of methodist top i m a j lap tint preacher just because the friends i made were rapusts and 1 ii preach the old gospel just as fervently as any methodist minister and 1 ii agree to this em- roa 111 always acknowledge that i was converted in tho methodist church and that ought to satisfy you and it did and charlla and emma have spent forty years together with continual connubial bliss and charlie has been aq good as his word about acknowledge ing the taking of his stan i for christ tn tbe little old white methodist chui in acton and last summer when and kmraa wero hero visiting the borne and charlie preached a pow sermon in tho ucthodlat chui gave the particulars of his con jo tn tha4ld methodist church in feeling introductory romarl more about them next we i some other week when i nax yuo ray reminiscencing bay x guess the ha idlum just about cured my fbeumy f vo hardly had a twinge since j axnh out tba night of the election t my vote at the creamery poll i r olaco helped to make thaeo 000 ny ity established 1672 ebdb o tss ssss i liwjritjr- it buslnbss baromotcrs seem to indicate that tho period of easy monoy and high prices is ncanng an end j a dollar saved now in tho form or a savings bank dpposit will he worth much more in the next coupld ot years after the reaction has set in bank of hamilton l 0r0etown huanch g c maekay manajju- miss murrays spring millinery display comprises all the most up-to- i date styles in ladies hats her parlors this spring are at hef residence mill street second door from landsborough s meat shop acton florence murray nb more qusstfons amongst the guests at a wedding i reakfevif in fha c untry wus ono whose jntlnilrul ru ion nit made him evtri mey flhjeotlcmal lo to tit rmt it uto oompany hi cdn lucl thouuli n unltour uhle was ut ui with for mmn tlmn until he held up on his fork a ple i f meut which had ttoon nerve 1 u hhn sn i remarkod in a v 1 o of in tended humor f this plgf thl tmmdlately drew forth hip query from a unlet looklnglnrttvt hial sitting at the other and of tho table whlqh on i of the fork do you rofnr tr bparo moments nothing op that soft there cum into a church a man who informed the verger that he wish ed to ba married on a rertojn day the verger inquired tha man name it was given ami your fluncear the man shook hi head we ro not aolng to have any of that h hn replletl it will only he a qulot af fair accommodating an example of unronnrtoufl humor f undwn at adverllsement in u to ronto street oarf ihmt kill your wire let nur laten feotrlo washing machine do your dirty work wanted honest dependable aaleomatl to represent us in the sale of rturwary stock we supply all outfits- free of charge and allow a liberal rate of commission alpply to- e d smith bon ltd winona ontario free press advs real business getters 0 to 5000 a year for life a canadian covebhmhtt anndto provid it i no better life investment available no better security olitalnable cannot be seised or levied upon for any caua will be replaced if lost stolen or destroyed not- auvctrd by trada free from dotnauon income tea no medical examination required anyone ovrr tlic age of 5 yeaia rcstileat or domiciled in may purchase any two persona mwpurchaeo jointly rmployer may purchase for their ctnpioyecs school boards fov their tcaclkrrs congregations for thetr minlrters apply inrnul noalnalrv owilu hmiui ffur uot i l ft uoniualiifawiulllriolimsfarbmtmhtliuwidtbmkif llw btst mrm siul lut 1 lidy uiupfjb valtil me even as behind and all is well j o whlttier i if youve anything good to say of i wait till he laid to lou r the eulogy spoken whoniliearts are broken is an empty thing at best a ijboic xni look upl and not down out and not in forward i and not back and lend a hand a b ulale vamk tlie heights by great men reached and sept wero not attained by sudden night but they while their companions mept were tolling upward in tba night n w h longfellow thutjf tub lnvinctuui trulli crushed to earth ahall rjso agaln i the eternal years of od ft re hers dut error wounded writhes in pain and dies among his worshippers ilryaot i joun wesuov a nuiao po all the good you can uyallthe means jyu can in all thewaya you can in all the places you can at all tbs tunes you can to all the people you con an long as ever you can upd ufot wovo boon o long together through pleasant and through cloudp i weather i tu hard to par when friends are i dear perhaps twill cost a stgh a teai then steal away give little warn ing- choose thine own time hay not good night but in soma j brighter clime itld me good morning mrs a i ilarbauld the fjordgptrage has madr complete arrangements for storing batteries for tho winter months batteries kept ut proper tempera turo and inspected monthjy and kept to tha desired gravity bat torfes rccharged or repaired when necessary advice frep oxyacetylene welding plant is being installed ah wejdinjn repairs promptly and ratts- fnotorily excculcd w our plant for general repairs is complete prompt expert attention given to ncccsaary re pairs to cars of any malo the electric starting nnd lighting systems satisfactorily overhauled full line of tires of all makes and a complete assortment of accessories always in stock l gking 1 manager h a coxe proprietor the brunswick whatever your friends can play you can play if you own a brunswick there is no limit to the brunswipk versatility noiyronn or extreme last roll in climbing one oc tha fonoes aiuuiges of ternpemtrire remember this ut the lasby bush the roll had droppefl on cold nights and plaoo your watah from hs overcoat pocket the soholnr securely nncyour pillow f on of the rown hsysi think it was 5 found it in good condition at d hurried if tneetiangebmoweather rmprinr to tagtoro it-tn- thtrperpletdd c brings on that asthma again dr the it is surely u remarkable occurrence that of the httif docn sons and daugh ters only eld tho oldest now resides 4n bubtitutc for qcabs a new substitute for glass or for lacquer has been invented it con be out with shears or with a knife and when beafed to rnpre than 100 degrees centigrade it forms a kneadable ma as which resumes its previous hard state on cooling frank king th dealer will demonstrate main street georgetown 10 to 50 a week at home in your spare time in crease your income at homo in your oparp tlma you can earn 110 to 0 each week no canvassing or soliciting we teach you how and supply you toady worlc wrllo to day for full partleularar mattomatrhoweafu school ltd itoom 41 44 adelaide ut w touonto canada i canadian nahartai- grand trunk pronto a stops fire quick pkonto is the llrst practical ire extinguisher at a reason nhlo price 375 complete instill one in each room of your jta other ilrc extinciilijicra sccit demon blrated at my shon a few ioila of buckwhesi honey atill jft some good dry haudwooi windmiij sold and repa1rei gatiollne eaglnea pumps pump jaclou fertilizer genuine frost wire fence and gates cream separator oil repairs for dlflterent makes of cream separators nnd full line of farm machinery and binder twine c3lael7pargs mux si acton u i you are on the bench free press want advs wifl find a buyer for 4 those unused articje youthe pijblicure the judge on your good opinion and your good word depends tbe success of the advertised article for no amount of advertising will induce you to buy a second time what you do not like no advertising will offset die bad effect of a dissatisfied buyer that is why advertiser must and do maintain the quality of their goods advertisers realize that to turn their outlay for advertising into profit they must give good yahie they are not looking for onetime sales first sales in most cases would not pay for the advertis ing to be successful they must make steady cus tomers so quality is being put in to hold the trade that advertising produces thus to be sure of quality one naturally turns to goods that are advertised and isnt it only reason able no manufacturer can afford to advertise for long an inferior article from the moment the advertis ing begins the quality must either be kept uniform or improved to go back means ruin the day is pabsing when you ask for a pint of pickles you name the brands you dont ask for rolled oats you name the brand you prefer the unknown article may he good hut you are hot so sure of it as you are of the advertised article which bears the seal of qualitya wellknown makers trade name tomanuactttrers you who make good goods jind do not advertise show your confidence in your product advertise it let the public know that you stand baek of your goods to maintain their high quality makeyour trade name the recognized standard in your line i i isaisiwiw c- v auscl fil3kia

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