Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1921, p. 4

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hi aavsmmato taiviiiwu stye artmt 3far rwu 1u wlif m tliuitmoay alltll 3s 1011 fill afton ibik mikv u ilill thiuwuy u l l i 1 lullmlitf ulll atfrn onurio the htmwuii i wtm i h lr yf in hdvath- loils 1i ullo1 i i iwiio li tli unill mfs tha ut in mhkh ul aiwihtimnii wat- truniunl jli l cin r c mlirii hply utlumla l7 will ut pilir dlill- wlu t iurl till tful wl tkluiionu- miiol biii llud utllm u i uoouk e4llo kl fuull naif ii jfusl as liquor preacrlpuom should be a nunibor of sarnia doctors have announced that at a roiult of hid ko to rendu m voto they wjll rofu liquor prescriptions to any persons excepting thoso who nro sick in bod twt that just about what tho ontario temperance act really expects will bo done tho troublo in the past has been that too many people who uro not sich in bed prescribe for them selves and then ro to tho doctors for an endorsement of their prescriptions editorial germany may conceal her gold but she isnt at all backward about revealing her brass i it harder to got tho present generation to adopt prohibition than it will be to gc the next one to conllrm and continue it toronto star the people who ihmk that advertising adds to tho cant of goods are about tho same ones who think that laborsaving machinery adds to the cost of tho pro duct y talk ahout the majority voto against the liquor traffic not being overwhelming any person who makc such a rtatcment hasnt taken thevlroublo to ascertain tho tad- not one in ten of tho electors of ontario voted ngaiiibt tho referendum on tho 18th inst it is mated that approximately one million dol lars will be ipent in montreal by ontario liquor buyers eager to delay tho approaching drought before that 1rovinco goes dry oh well that just another of tho brands of liberty served ufj from that quarter tho st thomas horticultural society iri its annual report says war is being waged upon tho billboard nuisance and tho tacking 07 cards and signs upon fences and otfictnlaccs without permission of tho owner wo should bo thankful tho billboard has never foifhd a piece in acton j the house of commons has beenpetitioned to pertuate the triumphant conclusion of tho war by selecting tho monday in tho week in which november 11 armistice day occursycach year as arm 1st fee day and that generalthanksgiving to almighty god be proclaimed for that date r premier melghen has stated since the referen dum vote that there will bo no unnecessary delay in placing the ban upon tho importation of liquor intp ontario thats inc thcro was a good deal of delay in fixing the time for tho voto six months after saskatchewan alberta andnova scotia if our streets roadways boulevards andcrosi ings are to bo replaced by tho waterworks contractors in equally as good condition as when the sinking of mains was commenced theres a vast amounf of work yet to bo accomplished of courso tho council will see that this is all done according to contract and oven toronto spoko emphatically against booze at the lata election notwithstanding it being tho centre of tho province for tho liquor interests and the homo of tens of thousands of foreigners who are opposed to prohibition the votes of tho drys and wets were just about equal in that great metropolis the amendment to the ontario temperance act allowing appeal to tho county judge without rehear ing of the case may be a satisfaction to some peorilo but it wont save the average bootlegger and rim- runnerfrora the just penalties imposed by the maps- trates it will inevitably add more costs however the it was rather amusing to say tbo least to seo look f acorn on tbo faces of good experien ed voters to use tho words of one of hem who i a young girl of twentyone would come along to cast her brst vote who did not know how to get into tho polling booth except that sho wanted to vote vat and would nullify the vote of tho experienced wet vote pembroke standard that was a welldeserved slapwhich premier drury administered to the leader of the liberty leaguers and his followers the leader announced that notwithstanding ontarios big majority vgulnst importation of liquors tho liberty league will take every possible rrieans to upset the law and an way the people would and it could not be enforced premier drury promptly stated that the peoplewho took that position wcro guilty of rank anarchi it ln university course in journalism the first courso in journalism in a college in canada will open in toronto university ncrsep tember with practical and experienced lecturers on the curriculum the courso should bo of great value to young folks who propose to make journalism their vocatlonrthe course if practical will soon diss ipate the life long supposition that ill a school teaohcr has to do to earn a high reputation as a journalist and sccuro a big bankaccount is to purchase a weekly newspaper the popular vote was emphatic j the now york evening mall has round that tho oldrashloned assertion that a direct popular voto on the question of prohibition would provo its unpopu larity is a delusion after the referendum vote last week it said those who are fond of saying that a direct popular vote on prohibition in the unrrett stales would give an overwhelming majority for us abolition may well study the ontario result tho wets of that province used to make similar claims tho voting just held shows how illfounded those claims were quito clearly o voto shows that our shrewd northern neighbors do not believe ihat the mcaiuro of socalled personal liberty available in a wet era is sufficiently important to justlfythe sacrifice of tho moral and economic benefits of pro hibition conservation necessary countless thousands of buffalo once roamod the western plains today thcro are a few government herds while tho land isdottcd with the white bones of thl buffalo for the joy of killing tho indians slaughtered these fine animals a herd at a time the hed mans favorite method was to drive thempver rlllf tim rnnrvatlftn movement in npjjhamcrjca is a modern development it implies a confession of destructive tendencies which experiencehas showri to require discipline wanton waste and extrava gance today is prohibitive because- tho penalty is swift and selfevident tho idea that a country poss- csslng great rivers lakes and mountains can look lightly upon a hugd national debt is a dangerous fallacy canada possesses no license to squander her natural wealth which belongs to future genera tions as well as to the present one deserves adoption here an incident noted in the natal south african advertiser and indeed has been commented on very considerably in other british possessions would seem to set a fashion which in tho llgh of some recent events in ontario might be generally adopted here it says an entirely now fashion foppolitlcal meet ings has been set in johannesburg where in place of the stereotyped introduction of tho candidate the chairman of a meeting hit on tho happy plan of sing ing good company it may betruo that all discord harmany t not understood but the discord of futile interruptions cheap gags catcalls and the like though it may bo symptomatic of the chaotic minds of those who indulgo thoreln can hardly com pare with the ordered melody of a song and it is well to remember that ten men cannot all speak at once but can sing at once and produce a good result if they singjftho same tune anyhow we should wel- comjctho modifying influence- of vocalist at meet ings which are too often productive of mcrescnseless noise women request equality in law women are demanding equality in all walks of llfo thoie days and why should equality not be granted them they are the equal in intelligence of men and with propor experience and education gen- erallyoxccl men in whatever enterprise is undertaken last week a delegation from the national council of women waited on right hon c j doherty minister of justice urging that now laws and amendments to existing laws be enacted recommendations made by the delegation were 1 that women be included in tho panel o all juries sitting on cases where women are concerned z that adultery bp made a crime 3 that legislation bo enacted to give to women the same rights to homestead as are now enjoyed by men 4 that tho section 044 of the criminal code be amended by substituting tho word eighteen for sixteen this section deals with the age of those who como under tho jurisdiction of the juvenile courts 5 that punishment by fines for crime of an immoral nature be abolished 6 that wife deser tion bemads an extradltablo offence what reason able objection could be offered to the enactment of all these amendments to our jaws as fhey exist what the referendum keauy means the success of tho referendum which was car ried by the electors of ontario last week by over 150000 of a majority of the votes oast vieansthe bringing into force and application of the dorajnlon llw prohibiting liquor importation from any other province state or country as tho result of tho majority- thp province will putin force the sandy bill prohibiting short circuiting or delivery within thp province of liquor manufactured ifi the province for there w still no law prohibiting tho manufacture pmnto stealing liquors f ontnrto the effect otflfo operation of these two laws will mean that absolutely no liquor for beverage purposes can be legally brought or sold here thceo new laws go ibto effect on pr about june 8 another view of it soitfo further light on canada railway problem cvmes in an item from tho vancouver world in his speech in this city last wcewv frank carvel explained tjiat tho acute railway situatlonin canada today arises primarily from the fact that in thexonstruction of a line if we have not left undone the things we ought to have done wo have at least flagrantly sinned in doing the things we ought not to have done hundred of miles of parallel lines in the fraser valloyand n the yellowhead pass attest the truth of that criticism if however wd have sinned in wasteful construction in boom days it is only an additional reason why we should sharply retrench in these trying times thespubllc is con fronted with a choice of still poorer service and maximum labor costs on tho one hand and with higher rates and larger taxes on the other tho choice is no more pleasant thanits occasion there is a disposition perhaps fostered by those who al ways oppose labor demands to attribute the stagger ing losses on our national lines to the present labor scale based on tho moadoo award mr carvel while expressing no opinion on the general proposition clearly showed that this is not just even though this award was the chihj of political expediency per haps of despair it is not tho scale itself but its application that becomes irksomo ono can quite understand that an award whjch sharply limits the hours and conditions under which men of the various railway trades may operate jn a settled country with a fairly dense population might be unworkable in a country such as ours where our railways are in a great degree in the colonization stage the examples cited by mr carvel of how the rigid application of overtime for example on lines with jlmltpd support and service created an intolerable burden on its economic administration and ori fta service strlklilgly illusatcdtjnroitnrttbotrhich ls as- keenly interested as any manufacturer in seeing that tho goose which lays the golden egg is steadily employed t should welcome ms suggestion to adjust by- mutual consent and by compromise this anomaly pride ooeth before a fall wit 11 tom t uoim wall hout aall anil kot um1r way u marked kf corning turning to tom bilott wttn wam mv wlowlntf tha lut of tl oumiitntf uutnt nwy in tha bl nmt irouomntl punt whloh nt odrt time follatl hud oonbtruotwl in th ut two month aint you aoln to walt for m iatlmd torn 1 11 b nil lod4 lnlda of tn minut vt cti tart uathr if w dont bt thcr at th karnq tlm how tom dont rmrhurcotniut hunt do look hdlauloub tuld corn- ins btiln tha mut to hu ywu wa rlow will probably tqtat mmt nf th slrln on th wtr n1 thay would lva um th laugh if thy aw that load df dfivinao ita m good fat- low and ftiva un a tan mlnuta start whan w bt to ciimp wo wont oar no it how tlilnga look ho im tha ona that gatath laugh uiipad back irolutl wall im uaad to it kd that t- what v had 11 my ufa in 3hool fd out thar avar mind bd 1 m not mid go hfurt wara on tor a good tlm yiu will probably bt toa cnm th d by an hour or mora hunt up good cambln ait and pitch tha tent tiava got that abroad polaa una ull tiim youra n haro uughwd frank comldga uv nhma to leava you iuivyut an ttrf well prob ably rnoet mim of th glru out row- intf and thy rtlpy would uugh thfct load that wire bedaprlny an top la carta in ty out limit wlthhhat pll of qui la ad blanket piled on top that punt will look like a jew ator tailing away h three mlnuue later corning pulled in on the main eheet and altg the- fll lor the yawl elowly drew away from the landing ten minute later pollett lied oft climbing ovr the old bed muring he allpped into the eat he had prepared and taking the oar he turtod on th long rqw of seven mile ncrotim tha bound to singing beach where they wer to spend tbelr-two- lont know as 1 blam em very much he ohuckled a he drewawy rrom the shore it doe look like a jew lore nailing away bedspring quilts blankets frying pans and kettles just the same i wouldnt have sailed kwoy that way doing to tqurope tom tom turned and saw two girl class- males who were out rowing there 1 knew somebody would see me and laugh replied tom coloring the toy were right girls bd and prank soiled away early leavln nap to gat the lgh oh but that punt does look awfully funny 1 said one of the glruu im hot laughing torn said the other girl 1 think it was too bad of the hoy to leavo you that way they might hve towed you acrosa th sound yes they might have replied tom soberly suddenly the other girl gave a quick ory the hoys havo tipped over its ds boat cried the girl ive been watithliur it slnoe fit passed us oh tom i cant you save theait tom was getting into action hi tnore than u mil out to the vawt and ha realised that it would be long time before ho could tow out there in u row boat to say nothing of doing i in that clumsy punt the wind was very brisk and blowing offshore tthd springing to ills feet he started to carry out a plan which cmo to hint on the tnatsnt liaising a blanket he unfolded it ahd xprnadt across th bedspring and an instant later he had raised the spring and was holding it so lost it caught the wind the girls were nowvowln towurd the overturned boat exerting tvvery muscle but the punt drew rapid ty hwuy rrotn them the heavily load- od craft shipped some water from time to time but tom gave utile heed to it he know that his punt was speedln over tho water nt a tremendous rate and the little water taken in did hot worry him there were tiroes when he had all he could da to hold up hi improvised sail before the heavy gtt of wind but somehow he managed to keep his feet and within nve minutes of the start he was within a hundred feet of the capslsed yawl heaving the spring and blanket over the side of the punt tom reached oyer the side and ajrattbed at the guqi qt the boat as he shot by youd better get in boys be dryly remarked to his two nhunu who were clinging to the gunwale of the over turned yawl tom wo deserve it replied corn ing working hi way around to the punt we ar just about all in i couldnt have held oh two minute longer with that gunwale yanking toe up mid down i tow did- you happen to think of putting up that bedsprlntf for a sal it well ill tell you drawled tom of course you know two of th girls were out there rowing but they wanted me to get out here quick and i did toq for that matter and t thought muyba you wouldnt mind much if x did overtake you tom drop that anchor command ed corning wo have got to tow my boat now no need of dropping th anchor kd replied tom wp nan make fast without doing that uesldes he girls will he hare iti a- few minutes there its overt exclaimed corn ing tossing over the anchor yes the girl are coming nd im glad of it i wanted to tell them just how ashamed wo were of this punt and how we sneuked off and left you to do all tha hard work x know how it out toi hut youve got suah sh ma heart that where did you learn hotr to sail a boatr kdt chirped wore nee talbot three minute later a th girl dory osm alongside my but youre quit a yatohsman ejdt that all right btorenoa give it to us laughed vranki we deerv more than well get from you pride goeth before a fall x tensed maud hamsdell we fsll all right maud groaned corning im going to jtell you right now girts that w sailed away from tom because w were asliamed of hi punt and ih load now we ashamed oft qurselvm and weve got lesson to be whan you gt ashore tell peopla all about our balling away uiid how tom eama to tha rescue this dip in th ounahasburad hop or ui of that kind of prid pirls dont you say a word about it oommandid tom were off on a good tlm and this upset waa just part of th fun well think it over tom laughed florence talbot u just to pleas m slrt wont your ths stranger a t ranger knocked at a mans door and told him of a fortuno to bn mndo unussald the man ii appears that oonalderahle effort wilt b in volved oh yea said the stmnror you will pass toany auepless nig his unci tuome dya uh ald th tnanl and who aro your t a called opportunity nr smldth man you call your self opportunity but you look like hard work to use and he alammed the door 8prino poetrv th dairymaid milked the pensive gost and pouting paused to mutters wish you brute youd turn to milk and the animal turned to butler war bond coupons cashed free i tho merchants bank will cah all war loan roujjons or interest choquca whon duo on presentation without kinking any charjre whatovor for thd service if yoa have not r savings account why not uno yor intoroat monoyto oporr ono ththiabnkrt th mcrchant5 bank head office monireal o casvpv csubtuhed ibfta l b hcy h 511 daawau u the crusade for good health ts canadian kcd croaa society ia one of thirtynmo national hed cross societies engaged jn a worldwide cruaade for the improvement of health the prctention ofdueate the mitigation of aufferinsf- this movement is endorsed by tho government of thirtyone nations the league of nations i mddieal jnd public health experts meet ing in international conference at cannes france april 1919 the crusade is being inaugurated by a worldwide enrollment of members ontario enrollment may 2228 enroll as tne outward and visible sign of your personal share in th movement for good health to help create public opinion in favour of sound health measures you taay enroll with your ijocal rod cross branch or enrollment com mittee or it thoro in no organization in your community with 1mk ontario provincial division 410 siierbouknh st toronto canadian red cross society ontario division long distance service is now classified the qaflcation on long dbtance tdephodo calte in effect from m ar20tareofmtcrttolumotof itiapoeablc hyaebily of your long distance requirements to effect savings irtyour lonj distance bula that are w worthwhile stationtostntron shtyicc sttiontostatio acrvice bhould be used when you arc yrilunfe to talk to ptaadad tom tha irlrtirotnlmd makino thinbb huh uttla vlyn had boen nuhty nnd ha tiam alrppttd 0iat by ha nun nnd then by njothar with k promua of uimtlitr doa from father whvti ho cuma homa aht aat on the floor hot tym flllm with nniry tatrni suddenly ho roue with a determined look upon her mull fnce aalaed tier hat jend started to- wurd the door whore are you olir aeked her mother eurniy out to tell nil tho family aeoretit to the nalghbont aald the child hrmlyt jl 1 wn i- f why eurfer can be patnlpj uollowaya cil v from oorne when thoy ely rooted otlt by uid rn ttamovar anyone at x distant telephone that is when you do not need to get a parhcalar person on the line statlontostatloo eervice is not only cheaper but more rapid and accurate than pexcavtopron bcrvice on sta- tiontoshitlon bcrvice the call can be completed as eoon as the dutant tele phone is answered while on a pcrsonho- peraon cauihe prtjcular party wanted must be jocated and summoned to tlw telrihctne h tha charge for a stationtoslation cau cannot bo reversed that iy it can not be charged to the telephone called for in that case the telephone operator would have to locate a particular person to approve the charge rwhtch would make it a perootvtolerbon call i prontopcron service when you make a call specifying that conversation ia desired with a particular person k a given number paron-to- pron service is used aa this eervk- requires greater oper ating labor and circuit tunc than a suuorvtosutwcall the rate is uboul 25 per cent greater examples of different kates following are examples showing the stationtostation and persc4i4tcrjc rates fordistanoes up to sutyfour miles station to- pcraon-to- mlus station hate ivreon ituto 012 010 015 121b 15 20 25 24- 25 30 3240 30 40 4048i 35 45 48b6 40 50 6664 45 1 55 appointment and messenger service appointment calls and msanger calb arc special kinds of pern-to-p- bon calls an appointment call rate which is about so ptir cent higher than the stationtostation rate ia quoted for tarvico when an appointment ia made by the calling party to talk at a nartlmlsr time v when a pcroon who does not have a telephone is called over ions distance and a messenger must be bent to summon the party to tho telephone the messen ger call rate which is about 50 per cent higher thun tho tationtoetati rate is changed and to this is added the neccamry messenger charges tho report charge when you place a call for a particular or persons and for any reason they cannot be reached the same day at the address given or will not talk or if you make a call and you are not ready to talk when tho other person is readywuh- in an hour a report charge is mndo the report charge is about one- fourth tho 6tationtostation rate it is intended to cover part of our expense of liandltng tho uncompleted call 3 special evenlngandnlghtrates the evening ratebetween 830 pm and 12 midnight on station-to- station calls i3 about onehalf the day- rate this night rate bctweenjnid- night and 430 am isabout onefourth i tho day stationtostation rate however no evening or night rates are quoted bn stationtostatjon calls whcrohho day rate is less than 25 cents on such shorthaul calfe the day rate applies for longer distances special evening and night rates are quoted because it is difficult to rcach lar perbons at night when many are away from their homes and places of business thero are no special owning or night rotas quoted for persontopereon cot they apply only on station-to- station calls ffmrlf 2fcu xwpaon f a latng dutancm station the pell telephone company of canada n ii i fpfjr business directory dr j a moniven phyalolan knd burqaan offloa and laaltlaia cortim itowav avanua and jcjtfin hlrssu tha ral4i t rortnany cuiud by d u hatu araon aoton ont dr e j nelsom phyalolan buruaan oluiatuian aotan ontario hucr u lltu lut tr uy om1 mtd lualtlbili krlrlrk uu time liuurml tti 4 p ifj uua 7 to dr c r w ross phyalclan an burrin mill bt oaarealwrt ph 22 swui tnliotl l mm4d a wo- nan ani chlldran ui4 infant vtla phon mo 13 o jl j lukold nash pabmeb ma barrlaur solicit of raury public convanyanaaff cla pennvuan rtock actom ont uonur to loan iour 9 0 kn to 6 ttbi or j m bell d d b l d dantlat honor onuluau ot tortiiila unu alty tb lauat uihuuuo m i daalrad ota at kaldan twart blraala i m miscellaneoob marriage licenses m p maora laauaf marrlaga llaatmm prlvrnt orjine no wltnaaaaa qiunsd sjaatiad m raaldanoa in ai pffloa aoton oat prangla nunan 1 baoltblndai- aooount boo lea oi ill kloda ma t order soodloai of ovei d rtp- tion rfully bound rtuun nau and btiuuptly aoott wyru blraat ad otl over wllus btorm r j kerr loanaad atmrllonaar kor tho counttm nt llalton walln- ton tal nd tuftarln and tbo city of uolpb aotom ontario bala tiiojr bo artwl by mail cr at kaaddanoai t acton or at tba troaa offloa acton tbo laroury oitloa qnalph tbo haworaoord vrtum or wltb w jf oordon lurnaaa ujkkar hllubur balea ftntruatod to it j kanr oaiw at tan tl oh rrom data of llatln u du bf mia ut your talaa with taw raauunoo bowai- avanua aoton khono it aoton call at my fapwnoo roy hindley auctioneer l1vb htocic illsaxj khtatuj oikd mbnakandibi oomaolldatad phona erin 4t 11 r r 3 acton j e cheevers book binder qtlaboo bt eal qwjlpn on booktf and maialna bound in ltandaonto and bubatatlal ooven kame- lattamd in on qlbua llymn uookm and othar booka all woru promptly exaauud d alex niven ontario land burvayor and civil enolnaar burvaym bubdlvuions 1uins to- borta oa illhoprtnta atn coruflcatoa or purlu ara and tnortaari burvaya for architect bulldara and uunldba council dralnad lldporta kallmatom to molean building daua bt oobjfpli tlhona i0m oni- consulting ra jamefl poctor kedfern ul fe m prootqr ba8c hdr 36 toronto bltoronto can lbrlda lavonta watitrwotka bwtao byatamm liifilniiratora rohoola lubllo llalbj uoualnva aaatohaa arbltrutlona litigation our paaa paually paid out at tha moray wi aavo our ollanta clearing sale op winter goods no hood oln to oualph tar dol lar day you imn hinvu a ilollar hero junt a wall v overalla o zao work bhlrtm o m winter calx c l u1 20a and othur 0iu in urojiortlmu conojnahd atm ub tot itkraulna bhoa rapatrlno nartly don e k cooks mltjl f3xue3ht acton the old and rollablo granite and marblo dealors wo aro wanufaaturera and dlroot ltnportom or all kind of u on u mental and jiaadatontt workt we aall dlroat to our nimtomar at wholoaalo prtoaa thua aavlna our ouatomera 40 par oenl w bavo tho boat appllanoaa and tha onljr moabantoa in tbo oorolnlon who can oporata pnoumatln toola properly we can pxtvi roforenoea from hundred of our ountomrra in toronto and other plaqea wnora otbar haveito havo law milta in order to oolltct we liavo tha urceat and beat etoak tit o rani to in th dominion or mora than any thrao dealara in the weet we aro leaitl- nata daalaa kao etnoloy no acenta fbddq aollannoy otpjat slutomeni by aandlnat out lmormnt acita frollolt- lojr ordata vwaamnloy only mebbanloa end dafy ooinnauuoo hamilton sons oar mwwtoh woohrlob bt qaaiob

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