Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1921, p. 5

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che arton 3tm ifrraa tiruiiaday aiiiii2b 1931 what ab wg h fort you vti dovur mu in another have a iiiti lrr tlm in life jrmi vn rm vi t helped u brpthnr thn null hi struggle and his slrire y hi vn never booh a oorofort to tlio in tlilh lo if you v iirvei- mudo the pathway- of tome nolghbor glow with nun if you ve no voi- brought a bubble lo i follow heart with run if you vo navnr thoored a t liar that you tried lo hnlp along will you tll us what you i bore for in this i v ly la ml if songt i fool r if you vn nover mudu a coinrod th world a mwmili r placa tcaum you lived within u and had snrvod it willi yt ur row hf you va never heard a woman ur a a hi tin child proclaim bwmlnk on your bounty youre if poor han 1 at th- 1 v twentv vear8 ao from the lai thussday may z twi the boys took tl lr first swim in fairy l on saturday the leavoo of the maples lilac and other trees ore bursting out- the tullpe ar blooming and bind an elegant coloring to th oreon of spring- thorn has boon a pretty general in crease in wages at thn tannorlc uia pant month tho ih of may will hereafter ba known na victoria itay and will be a public holiday messrs t a tat ham hon havo re moved thalr bakery and grocery to the premises lately ooouium1 hy ur joln ii kennedy mr and mrs k guytl lata of tho commercial hotel loft hint week for oast mr j holland his successor ha taken possession the kpworth leugua of tha wot ho dlat church gave a portrait gallery social on monday evening the zoo ortralta exhibited wore broupod under the following deportments rromlnent characters of wprld wide renown poll tlctana popular authora pulpit ora tors pjmpto w meat and league mem bers musicians singers tho world s rulers military men and tho rogue galtery the prise waa won by mlaa ten currie leaehnr of tlie fourth department of acton public school who correctly named nearly onu half of thoao exhibited a literary and musi cal programme followed contributed by tha church choir tho sunday school orchestra the little mies maaon twtna mu walker mr brown and mr moored the flral baso niateli ot tn season waa played on saturday by two tesms of junior they wore tho bhamrocks and the map ivata the score was to 10 in favor of tha former the shamocka team were it mckachorn capt a dynes j saunders ii williams c clark p griffith w saunders fred graham and el warden and the maple xeafa ware 0 jramshaw capt- c bauor v hlldonbrand b abraham j wela- fort o mtchje and harold wile tho auboorlption fund received at the fhrfl paaaa omco for tho erection of a monument to tho memory of our aoldler hero aunnor w j moore slnoe tho beclnnlnb- he year u oloaad with a yery aatlafactory totol of m b a meeting will be called neat week to decide on the character of the monu ment to be ordered oied camenon olt the homo of hi nephew thomaa cameron lot m con i eauuealna on friday april 17 1801 chorlca cameron br aod 74 year tha family phyalclaiwjthe rood doctor la 1woya worth hu foe but it u not alwaya poaalblo to got a doctor xtut when you want him in auch caaea common aonao augweau tho iwe t or reliable home remedl auch a dr thomma bclaotrtc oil which 1 won- dorfully eftective in oaains inllamiaa- tory palna and in heolln cuta acrauh- ec brulaea and aiiralna tho preaonco o thla rnedy in the family medicine cheat save many a foe the literal truth two rooklea wore indulging in tho aoldler privilege growling about their trouble and tho high ooat of enjoying life while on leave x ordered a chicken dinner at a cafe and they charged mo a dollar and aix bit aald one a newaboy overboard him say mlausr ho aald i know where you can get a chicken dinner for two blta a good bla one too the aoldler looked skeptical hut the newsboy inauted that ho waa telling the truth and told the atreet and 4 number of the place too a few day later according to tha argonaut the two aoldlora wont to the i dty and determined to vult the cheap reetaurant they found the addreaa xt was a teed atore f ood vtrw 6 thla 1 tho vnrw quoted in matt ji 38 a the first and great commumlment tho real worth of all education depend upon tho way those who ak education look upon clod and ibelr fellow versa many of the people were dead to whom the ten commandment f tha frw prase of j had been riven at sinai this was a frtiali inauaneo of the orders of jehovah and a reflnimont of the original com mand varses 79 to teach religion lo parent mqulro parental reverence devotion and sincerity parent can not teach in the homo prooepl that thoy do nut pracuoa there are to day hundreds of nood book available to parent allowing them how rellglou truth may bo taught in spite of our much talk about ralbxloua education there 1 a steady decline of religion in tha hfimt itok 3 13 no one object in llfo la so all absorbing aa the pursuit jot hap plneaa tho author of proverbs shows that it consists in rinding wisdom and getting understanding versa i wisdom is better than silver because it embrace more there are things that are more precious than gold freedom friendship and wvo for instance verso 16 wisdom is spiritual wealth and nothing material con bo the sunday school lesson fon undav may 1 1021 tohieri text wlnlom la tho prlncl pul thing hm ge wisdom vn vt 7 laison comments loul 6 4 thl part of our lesson id from a dlscourso delivered by uosns lo a pel ilo in tho plains of moot when by tha dlrootlon of johovnh he was uoeklng to educate them in tho high prlnnlples of self government and pure rellglou the basis of this inatruo tlon was an acknowledgment of jh for sunday reading tho word of tho luird u suited to each individual o if ho were tho golltory occupant of the universe no man or any considerable period can wear ono face to himself and vu another to tho multitude without anal- 1 ly getting- bewildered aa t be true jscerful a ou go your way and havo a kindly word to say and thoqgh you ma not rise to fame the world will llko you just the same or john hall said man of tho world bad as wo who are called christiana axe and none can knov that badness aa wo do ourselves tour world would be worse if wo were not in it think and bo careful what thou art within for there la sin in the desire of sin think and he careful in a different case for there is graoe in tho desire of grace the oolorad brother who referred to faort ofrellglon that has no vary definite experience ny aaylng what a mans got that he doean t know he can lose and not miss it wo a sound philosopher detter have a religion that would be missed if ltn dil compared to- things spiritual verso le wisdom would banish the alns and most of the aultorlng of mankind wisdom would bestow the only riche worthy of its mna vprso 17 veoulo blindly imagine that tho ways of sin aro pleasant and that the path of aeloslineaa bring sat isfartloo when tho truth is tout right conduct brings jay unalloyed and un selfish living permanent content verse ib umphasls upon education is right but it must also bo right em phasis the presentday tendency is to intelloctualue without properly fhwa o w- it- education is religious luko it 61 hero the summit of human perfection in education is des cribed in the prooead of the growth of jesus our lord he advanced in wis dom this means that he grew nor ally and intellectually in harmony with the eternal principles of truth and righteousness his mind acquires poise and power lllutratad truth no power on earth can give a man un education but the world la full of opportunities for him to get one for himself prov 3 13 illustration education moon a drawing out of the powers within us hut we have somehow confused edu cation with cramming a young woman was in tha habit of going over her lessons aloud while aha wept about her work among other thing sho committed to memory tho name of tho residents of the united state ono day the parrot that was kept lo tho kitchen astonished every ono hy re peatlng the names of the ivosldents after this folly repeated the perfortm unco very often it was noted that ihc never made a mistake no won der what she was saying meant nothing to her and oho know only ono way of repeating it topics for reearsah and discussion i teach the word of ood dout 40 1 from what u tho flrat part of this lesson taken s what was moses trying to teach tho children of israel s what great single fact was he aiming to impress 4 whore in the new testament 1 the lungusga of vetse k volodt e wlial is the supremo test of all truo education if the word brings happiness and honor orov i 13 ib 6 what la the ono absorbing pursuit in human llfo 7 give your own definition of true happiness lit tho word tjevelops the four fold lire 4 luke 1 ci 8 in what sense does thla passage describe full- orbed edu cation t dally readings for next wotk monday may 2a feast of joy lev si a4 tuesday may 3 the joy of tho lord is your strength noh 8 tu wednesday may 4tho day of itest commanded dent g 015 thursday may b tho marriage at cana john t 111 friday may 6 tho supper at juethany john u 311 saturday may 7 jesus and tho suhbath luke 6 111 sunday may i tho soul a satisfac tion is 3 11 worms in children work havoc these pests attack thetettdaw of the intestines it i j their ra- will ultl- ttfib wall because ise worm are of tho hook variety that cling to and feed upon the in terior surfaces millers worm pow ders will not only exterminate these worms of whatever variety hut will wrv to repair tho injury they havu done scanpmavians in canada t done drowni v i an irishman and an k ullshman wr waiting tor n train and fhe irishman said 4- t will ask you a question and u i cannat gnawer my own question i will buvu0jlkqtm thoy von oak a ques tion and if you cannot answer your irn you buy the-tlekats- the englishman agreed to this i well tho irishman aald you see thoso rahhltholeat how do they dig thoafco1ea without leaving any dirt a around them t i4wtknow that a your question b sgwapiftyoursslf ivsr ttie irishman winked and replied ifi w w th oottom and dig mtw v fft lut ld tl6 etibluhraan how f5wtejrt t bottom to bcginr tfathittt yow eruestlon was pnfa wskki uiyr ytiuaself l bought the uosata immloranu at calgary z afur a lutheran church aer vice at gjarestioim alberta nnarly all authorities on canadian immigration concur in tho opinion that tho very beat immigrants that have come to canada from foreign countries are those rrom iceland sweden nor way and lien mark and tt is a very grwtirylng foatiira or the tide finding its way to our shores that it still contains a substantial proportion of these peoples whilst a handsome con tribution of this mint fine stock is annually donated by the united states physically of a sturdy handsome type tb scandinavian peoples are round almost without exception to be cleanly industrious and progressive in every respect making the most desir able claaa of cltlaena and being num bered among the most successful and prosperous farmer the dominion possesses education t widespread in their native countries and they opme ui canada imbued with the same high ideals at learning and culture there im no language problem with tbem a thvy are eager to master english and to dovolop al tho requisites of complete and suronssful citizenship they em ploytha new tongue without cm bar imminent and larn rapidly the scandinavian races are thv must readily assimilable of cunada im migrants mixing freely and read ly with tho anglo saxons in tormarry ing and avoiding the handicap which colony settlement give to the progress of foreign people thoy are deeply religious ndhemnt of tho lut era n spring up wherever settlement take place with social llfo centring there a highly sociable people they have their own social and political organisations wherever sottloment warrants this and tholr own papers ore circulated throughout western canada from their hrst day in canada they take deep tntnreat in dominion politics turning readily to matters of govern ment several have attained hha hon ors of tha provincial legislatures whilst men of ho scandinavian races are to ho found oocupylng publlo raoc of every nature in th west thoy am sincere and earnest utudont and their achievements in learning era remark able when tholr handicap tu eonelilered suverul lthodea nebular from mani toba have imen scandinavians the drat settlers camo to canada from i on ln i in tha year 1h73 but the real rnovnint nt btigun in 1h74 when somo dvo hundred left tholr native share for tha luiw ontliu nl more thun irtnnn hundre 1 new settlors came in 1b70 settling in manitoba and north diikota since 18flo thoy have coma lo cunnda in a moro or less uninter rupted stmum from their northern hqmah whilst the dominion has re oct veil a substantial number of those who first nettled in various parts of tha wastem statng attnirtlmo or tho 1b11 commit thuro wore 4ff 1b4 canadian cltlsens who had leep aorn in nor way end sweden 7 100 in jaohuid and 4 397 in denmark from 1b00 tn iolff there were udmlttod to canada 0 b40 citizens tf denmark 4 601 from lee- land so 018 from norway and 38 837 from sweden of the scandinavians in canada 07 8 j of tha total ore jlo be found tn tho four western provinces in manitoba the greater number of these people contra about tho city of wlnnl off end f w are to be found also where hi the lirovlnee largo set- tbmenlu nre rohperlng at ianitonburg and stockholm at duohanan ad wa dena in ftankutohtiwun whllnt there am it mo muiiy in the uuck mountains and at port leley allwrtn i dm by far tlm lafost share of theso kmiplr and limy art to ho found all along tho culgury edmonton lino in sumo of tho mi t ft rtllo nhd prospurous farming o iiimiinltlss in drltlbli columbia ivluro exteiihlve sottlnmont haw taken plmo tho uuina pletuilng progrnuu is rxliiblu d a must gratifying fauluro of sean- llnuvluu mittummit in cunuda is that it in ulmoiit wholly agricultural und in thn wirnl they will ho foun n th tiahnst and pio it progroiislvo dlutrlot whllnt retaining their national indi viduality tho if custom language und religion thuy am most truly dhtlsl in uentlmnnt und intensely patriot a tin lr fine contribution to canada h ormy evidenced with un inherent realisation of their own worth thoy hint id upright without embarras anient upon their own fout and aro nlytorljod an canadian without losing their fine individual quiillilerf cleanblooded thrift amhltlou and hard working thoy aro of the best of leurupeu con tribution to u pioneer nation honeycombs from aluminum mr j weatbrooka a now zealand scientist reports the result of experi ments in which honoyoomhs were mide of thin strip of aluminum shap ed to rcsomblo- worker ooll the nurftu n of tho oollw were brushed with bees wax and tha boos showed no hesitancy in bull ling upon these coated edges xn this way tho bee was saved the i time of building the wax and incidentally the metal combs could bo extracted without breakage jilven tho comlm containing thick hnnay could be extracted prac tically clwu when higher speeds were used in the extractor at theso high yjhxxlu tha aluminum did not break kven tho busy bee may thus come to appreciate tho chemlut and the metal lurglst how the grand canyon of the colorado was made tho popular idea that earthquakes and volcanic asploalons played a part in forming tho grand canyon of the colorado niver is according to ono scientist without foundation it was he avers out out entirely by tho water ot tho river and the most erfectlvo tool employed was the quarts sand brought down from the sources of the stream in the mountains this sand is harder than any of the constituents of the rock strata in which the canyon has boon carved the sentry and- the stranger one of the canadian trench journal published at or near tho front contains the following i it was raining hard and the sentry was standing inside his box eating a sandwich when halfway through it a man approached remarking i wot night sentry 1 yes gin t it but don t stand talk ing to me the corporal la sore today and hell report me hut sentry dont you know who i amr i no 1 m jeneral holy smoke i hold my sandwich while i present arms exclaimed tho astonlshefl serttry j e palmer valuator and guide is prepared to select farms in now ontario for any who desire to eurehaao 1 have a very intimate nowledge of the best localities for farming will also act as guide for any sportsmen who desire the beat of hunting of moose deer and other game can arrange for accommo dations for homeseakera or ports mep host of referojioes j e palmer anderson house cafe caehrans annihilate your eye strain by scientifically fit ted q lasses keep your otnolency of vision at the hundred nor oenl mark by giv ing tho eyes tho consideration thoy deserve lot us toll you u your vision is entirely normal llk a gijp at the throal for n dlaease that is not classed as fatal there is probably none whlch causes more terrible suffering than asthma teep by impossible tho sufferer be come exhausted and finally though tho attack passes is left in unceasing dread of its return dr j d kel logg asthma itemody ir reliable remedial ragenl it immediately re lievos the restricted air passages as many can testify it is sold by dealers everywhere header answer it yusaelf fcaffipjionrtftn be as v he got his scotch a man sneaked into ft reatuarant in washington the other dgyr and sad jn n- aaidtothewuan iigotsny scotch r i sure repjled tbo and went out and broguht him a bowl of oat- meat jt certainly is jxuo ttnrt ypu can gat it ff you have tij money every child needs nourishment tnat not only sus tains strength but also promotes nor mal growth scotts emulsion is a foodtonic that is of special significance to children those who are not thriving ought to take scotts emulsion also m akdm of khmoids tiblrts or snaatoa eaa indigestion w21k steele briggs seeds grow finestcrops village of acton notice of registration of bylaw notice la hereby given that a by law waa passed by tho municipal council or tho village of acton on the hot day of march a d 1ai1 providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of 11000 for the purpose of complet ing tho construction and installation of a waterworks system within he sold village and that the sold bylaw was registered in tho registry offloe for the county of helton on tho slh day of april a d 1m1 any mdtlon to quash oret aside the saniamanvnatt thereof otuflt t made within three months attar the first publication of thui notice and cannot beinadetheroaner dated the lath day fat apru a d mil l h n faiurem olerk acton granite works j nicol experienced granite cutter la prepared to supply monu ments or air kinds with skill fully cut inscriptions at fw prises bop samples of work and styles of monuments a th monument works pbrutmjrw dlqck mill stpebt cctqn ont orchard cultivation it la a well known fact that growth in tho nrrhnril into in muilu during tho months of juno un i july of tor which the growth mill out ami rl ens it lit u1m known that early cultivation hllinulutes growth tho loouonlutr up of the earth uld tu thn wurming of the noil und makes it pusiilble for null orkutilum whloh lllierato pluut tikd to locomo active earlier air will pene trate bettor nnl tliowo orgatilsins will beiome tactlvu to a greater depth than if ultlvailon hi not given henoe tho linportuiiuo of early spring cultivation to fuinhih multublo soil eondltloiis for tho liberation of plant food uncultivated itreaii may bo made uultubla for tha troe hy supplying nl trogtn in an avallubla form early through tha una of nltnito of aoda and by tiulug u mulch to coiutcrvo tnoluturo but on the wliolo tho praotlco most hiiuibln for general orchard ureas is early cultivation followod by frequent cultivation at intervals of a wock or tan days to tha mlihlla of juno or july 1 ufter which orchard cultivation should oenso tho first cultivation may be shal low plowing four or live inches deep fhfter whloh surface cultivation with jie dlsa und smoothing burrow to mnlntaln a aurfuao mulch of ttno earth is all that la required deep cultiva tion im not desirable uu the feeding roots naturally grow in tha surface soil and deep cultivation may injure them shallow cultivation prevents the for mation of a surfaco crust thus chock ing excessive exnporatlon of moisture and retaining it for continuous growth of fruit and insuring a proper moisture aupply for the tree inter in the season ah soon as the ground is dry enough after rain it im wise to start tho har row producing thereby n thick mulch after tha middle of june a cover crop should ho seeded to occupy th ground during tho fall take up excess plant food and develop humus for the following spring tho common vetch seeded at tho rate of im buahels per acre la the bent cover crop this plant jan extract nitrogen from the air and ncroaso the ntore of nitrogen as a result this crop makes vigorous growth on most soils but yllt do better it the soli is umod h 1 a crop- fairly easily turned under and it is satis faotoris at picking time as it flattens down urter making considerable growth this cover crop may be plow ed under in tha fall or not until the following spring but tho usuul prao tire is to full plow and work wltli tho disc burrow in tha uprlng which 1 considered tha best method the area clouo to tho bane of the treo looks better if kept well cultivated but tho cultivation of this area in not necessary and very often mueh injury is dono to thfc main roots from plowing too deeply aloso uruund tho tree it usually is better to leave this spaoo untouched- and keep tho grass cut to give a neat appearauoo w s dlalr superintendent icxperlmentul station kenlville n s banking by mail because you live at a distance is no rea- ion why you should r t loan of your money by fire or hiett mail it totno nearest branch of the bank of nova scotia whether you have an account or not if you have no account your remittance will open one and you will receive by re turn mail a bank book showing the amount at your credit if you already have an account a prompt acknowledgment of the deposit will be sent you 1a the bank of nova scotia j pauup capital 0 7em ooo x m 1h 000 mo u0 000 000 w k oraham manaoer aoton at acton grand trunk railway bystom going wast no 10 runday 10 14 son nn x0 ham no ii j0 34am no 11 3 19 pm no 37 l 8 u pm oolna east no 24 hunday ocbpm ni rr 7 0b ajn no si no 34 no is isipm oifipm 113 pm it am iii p m goo p m li esano ji pm x pm tl am 10 pm ll p m pit am k4i pm p m buburbsn elootrlo railway doing wast j1v osoept hunday ijally oxcopt hunday li hunday only i uunday only hunday only qolna east dally except bunday dally except sunday djly oxoept hunday j hunday only bunday only persuasion jailed jheytook to jorcef she was so proud of her first cake it was so light ho tempting 1 but her young bro thers had an eye on it too and 1 youve a imply got to hide tho enkes and bread when theyre made from cream of the west flour maple leaf milling- co cream 14st fiotjrv you can procure orsar d h lindsay i of the west flour front acton ont castoria for infante and children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of copy erf wrapper use for over thirty years castoria ts csntmia oohur sun roaa ccrv railway time tables freight delivered ly npolnl express rreight irreight pi kod up nt any ad dress in t n uo o 1l aonfow agent acton merchants casualty co bpoclallsta in health and accident insuranoe lolldos huinil and un- restrintod ovor i 000 000 pall in bxctcitionaij oi i oimwrrinm irok laicau aoknth 004 royal oanlcdido toronto ont uptodate goods at c c speights silverware in tableware- fine variety also pino cutlery hardware tinwsrc and granite ware big assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stove everv article is op excep tional valie c g speight mm street arton dustbane makes sweeping easy purifies the air saves laboe ask your grocer beware of imilatlona abk for it at vour local dealers vour heme medicine qhest among the standard household remedies that should always ho on hunl in your homo medlcluo chast nono la more lmiortant than dr thomas ibnleatrla oil its manifold usefulness tn rellev- inc pain and lionhnif sickness is known hy many thousnnds throughnut the land always umi or thontfuv icofto trla oil for rellovlnk rheumatlo and hdutlu pulnn trentliitf nora throats und chests coughs hums wealds cuts hrulses and mirulnn charlie gervais house painter acton ontari6 ijong experience careful work xtona all joha promptly c6mplotedj orders toiophngworkiauouldoe placed immediately residence chiroh street practical qpd lovea the irish eall mike tq pat aa thy were walking on tha pave ment ha does that nnawered fat look ing up nt andrew cumeglo whlsxlns hy in hlu imouslno but he seems to holp tho scotch acton creamery a word of oommendutlon uefore tha end oi ones days la worth a whole funeral oration or a volume of post mortem prairie nearly all ohlldrcn nro subject to worms and many aro horn with thenvf bparo thorn surtorlng hy using mother o raves worm exterminator an ex cellent remedy full market price paid for butter fat any small amount of cream will receive our best attention sweet cream for ale every wednesday and saturday we will ajfio pay spot cash for eggs open friday and saturday evenings best cbeameby butteit nbw laid eggs and fresh buttermilk will now be supplied at the creamery every day acton creamery co watson wtles proprietors can youwrttea business letter ninetenths of tho world a busi ness is dono hy letter your ability to wrlto business leuors means speedy promotion our training in this subject is very apodal and thorough it is a common remark from luminous men who have our graduates in their amee she certainly can write a business letter you can start any day und re ceive tha same training that placed your friend in her pros nt position of responsibility dont vot tllltj off guelph business college herald btdfj quolph ont a l bouck principal proprietor 56e acton bakery call phono no 77 if you want a delicious loaf of bread or brown bread or a boston loaf steam loof buns and rolls pica and all kinds of cookies and cakoa also wedding cakes made baked or ced bread is your best food eat more of it phone 77 tha waggon wui call at your door shop where you are invited to shop ml edwards co acton ontaro atera closed every night exeepl frl day and oaiurday at 0ji0 pm k r ftfijfee ikmk 1

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