Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1921, p. 6

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w birth marrlnffw and doathe axe now charaad for at the follow in ratea illrtha coo murlam 60o ioatln goo memorial carda boo loo por una extra tar poema vannattikk waimiait im lay airll 8 ijl t m roelnry jnrnto lv tlm he v a k miikci klo ami m willi ii i lllikft viln imttr i hi t liiulimfnl koi kinh f human in in first moll nd tut unin li uimllliri oil irri diy airil 1c 1031 by the itov dr ituurixou uulijr oforlnn duiiahtor of mr mil mru i a corman of 11 kin huh f mr mil mm w v ikuklrim ilurllnstnn died niaiol an1 on airll 3c idjl nt hlu lato rat t llrumitnn cyrua hoi tin noilin lu lolovol uuubau 1 of mlnnlo ib itayitoti inriijl at tlm mnthndlul pariumao anton on tua lay airll 30 ibhl wllllum illnito father of mr olov i m mnyi r hi i im 77tb yo ir in memohiam hikfonh in lovin romemlirance mothoi who diet april ib 120 loldau gatea wi a sentlo voice buh nomo an i with ruiowell unupiktui jhho aalmly entered home lly lint- on nil 1 family mr and mn i oi oned i xuuuo whuib tiitmsday apiul- 38 1921 brief local items oardtilntf la now x rogwwlntf in real corn oat kumluv will uehor in tho wontb of may it will im may iay work will conmono in tlm new ahoa factory in a fow daya huar la eoning- rotatl in vancou ver li c at ill 60 per 100 honda oio drylnar up nlooly again after taut week frequent rolna april ahowera have comn a plenty may flower ahould bo bountiful tho mo reliant wodnoaday half- holiday will commonce next week tho aala oi trout rod and polo tlm brink work la now well ad vanced on tho improved fjtarlunon building two juolpli mntorflyollath wore lined 10 and cohu oaoh on friday for apeadlnir in tho campaign for now mombora tho trafalgar aajrloulturnl bncloty hoa ecu red e4 names tho prloo of uaaollno haa dropped in detroit to 22 0 oonta por ballon tho lowoat flffura for your tito upland hlllfl uro green again tho river nfna uorone again all down the mllea of orohnrd laloa and ihla la foal apring timo there la rain oooaslonally hut think of tho aunahlno and tho hloaaoma tho itarmora hun aaya tho jro- vlnolal oovorntnont rcalved a inandata aat wook to enforce prohibition tho junior j o 1 h had qullo a auoceaarul tea and aalo of baklntf on saturday in moffat 0 now atore tho uradlmr of tho atroota which wera dlatttrhod by tho watorworka in atallatlon la now uolng forward nlooly a kotnllton moorlat waa fined e 00 and aoatfl tho other day far driv ing with ono hand tho othor enolrotlng hla girl a waist wlille cutting meat one day laat wook wm laiidaborough butohor had the ntlafortuna to nlmoat never the end of hla left thumb inoorao tax returns muat be sent in not later than tho 30th inat don t forget thut nor tho root that heavy flnea arc lmpeoed for neglect georgetown council has voted 1100 each to tho method ut and preabyterlan cburohea for the uae by tlio general public of their church shed 1 sunday was a delightful uramer day with bright aunahlne and balmy breezea and people atttlng outalde en joying the beautiful weather its about time the route of that aoctlon of tho toronto barn la high way between brampton and quolpli were being definitely announoed in mitchell tho mayor laaued a pro- chunatlon making wednesday a half holiday in that town beginning may 4 and continuing until october sa dlaappvimod nntla ahould cheer up price of milk cornea down may flrat affording imi odmpenaatlon for being deprived of whtakey auelph herald mr thomoa savage lyia kindly aent coploa of the surrey llerald pubtlahed in his old home town in england to the voxs paean editorial desk whitby council has purohaaed a motor tractor with lovelier and sweep ing attachment and will keep every treet in the town in attractive con dition tho fruit trooa am beginning to bloom an uprlcot in mr jmtjei mao kloa nurd on won u grout attraction with itw woultli of bloom ihri first of tho wook cluelph had u near- drowning cldent on fiunday wlmn a trio of imya worn oitunnlng on the river one of them who waa unnblo ta awlm linrt n narrow oscnpo mr looige king who hull hlu oyv badly burned with hiilphurlo auld a coiiplo of wiaka ago la mill nufferlng much from the burn und prouroua to recovery aeema very slow canada is about to have ttn first lasue of nlckol money five cent plecea exactly the an mo also ns lhoo of the united states but pure nlckol at lust our ttvs cent osln will not be nils named i messrs deurdmore ft cow are planting 1 000 shuda trees of various kinds on tho iota surrounding their sixty employees houaos on beardmora crescent camoron avenue main street tho athletla park and other points all tho municipalities will rejoice to hear of the selection nfthq route ofihe propose provincial highway from toronto to quelph puah it along h ut greatly reaulred and will not be ready for use a mlnuta before it is neighborhood news- town and country dflumquin rim iiint in ivy i linn liiivo ilolayii tint fur morn t thin ntlro dulrut with the aowltig f tht h uprlnu umlnx our w t ii f ut tir hutiy houo ouaitlng tin an days rho uiwnu h itnvo tmvi 1 tin lr portaliln unw mill outfit to norval win rt tiny hv tiikrp u inruo oontr lot of aiiwliig luinl or cnfewoonc corners mr t 1 wntklih bail pmcltaael tli fortn a ijolnliuf his own fn m m ch tr 1 ihiw whoreently bought it tm m mr jas johnson maton mr mil mrsja rurrla and children aouh sint htmlay t mr 1 miuuoh if isslo mid anna mnodonald of acton vlultid frlonlk lu naminga woyu on munday mlwa anna wanabniugh acton spent the week end at mr ynnk bay s na8baoaweva trtfijrchukcns wera stolen ono nlsht rt ntly from ono man near comp- tiallvllle and forty from another a third man was robbed of twenty u nlsht i r two lator the victims are buy trylna t traoo the thief and are hopeful of suocoao tha cbmpbollvillo ramatlc boclely will l rod u ce tha four act rural play the 1 arm folks in community hall kilbride on friday evening there will aluo ho apofllal attractions between thn aotu llalf the proooods will be in aid of tho community hall oakville tho iloanl of fcmucatlon is asking the town counolitor b6 000 for a new school on the wost side and a two room ad lltlon to allen street school l u fleming ijlatrlct slepresenta- tlvo distributed seeds and plants to tho school pupils hero on tuosday j a meadows is opening a new reataurant in town news miss gibson has boon in new york for aeveral weeks visiting with mrs j a chlsholm j f humphrey has sold his resi- donos on colbomo street to i n tompkins manager bf the iloyal bank mr humphrey has phrckasod a lot on park avenue and will build star erin erin village gave two to ono for prohibition the womonu institute will hold their annual mooting the first thurs day in may at tho homo yf mrs w m ilurrows con in gaby a now brl igo in to bo eroded over tha clrand illver on tho 12th line it will he ono of tho very latest in stool medals mrs davll tiargont of btutkatcho- wan is vlaltlug her parents mr and mrs joavpli turner hlllaburg mrs b it whallon who about two monthm ago fall and injured hor back and was takon to the fergus hoapltal hns recovered so that aho is uble to como to the homo of hur sister mrs hugh thompson jxlliabiirg dunlinqton mr uoy alton manager of tho national rig co braiioh ut calgary alto is spending a few duys hero with hlu paronth mr und mrs t if alton the by law passed repealing the by law to raise io 000 for a high school building has been utinshod nt the in stance of m c smith and charles 1 otter on monday lost chief smith ar rested wllllo davis near milton on the charge of utaallng a watch and ither articles from mr andrew em- arson ash lust october ho appeared before magistrate ilanr and was lot off on sua ponded sentence qoaette thn directors of the nelson and burlington agricultural society arc agalri conduntlng a standing field crop competition with potatoes and oats l georgetown ill i r n no oihont fr mi tl u oi pin irl tlm hniii iiitl n an i m iniiht la lo lichtltmk y n tl k t in i nf nlng thn law from ihl t tt 1 nation f tha ii iiuir pooplo iho i ii orly iagnnru i loul 1 i o tnnt ih ohw hun george says our spring bulls ars not carrying thelrhearta around on thalr iimvi tickets aftsr you hava daelded on camlno hera for your suit wsva m favor to ask we wsnt you to try on tha coats without asking tha ooat button up tha vasts without investigating the values allp into the pants befora you bother about the prlos well tell you why 1 if you havant purchased a ault last fall the lownaaa of our prioss are toolnpj to sur prise you you ar oelna to wonder how wa do it and we would simply ilka to prova it befora you start wondering dont let yhfcee low prices alarm you the quality 18 as certain a8 taxes rtfifc7tmvilhr allways reliable clothier 1 guelphdnt prohibition has its heroes tho following lnttor appoarod in the mull and umplra one day this week tha ochotts of tho buttle of prohibi tion are now redounding through the hvw- ulas mocoll left lost wook for ot tawa whore she will spend a couple of weeks rev br mccoll im visiting at bur lington mr m pottlt who has been spend ing the winter in the south returned home last week tho memorial service for tho lato dr aw nixon held in st georges church last sunday evening was largely attended the high school and bankers opened tho base ball season ut tha high school grounds lust thursday and in spite of rainy weather gave tho crowd a snap py exhibition last week chief melvtlla laid an information ugainst a party in town for riding his bicycle on the sidewalk it cost tho offender c 00 this should be a warning to others ii raid ms mluton iust thursday mrs john hush while houseoleanlng stepped from a ladder to u chair which upset in striking tho floor one of her knees was broken a serious injury and recovery is likely to bo slow t c dales was taken 111 on tuesday with appendicitis and taken to a ouelph hpspltal where an operation was performed his condition was critical 10 is yatea has boon uppolnted sec retarytreasurer of the milton public school hoard and 1 rod tjowor to the same position for the high school board champion milton poultry asaooiutlon luim boon organise i with tho following provlulon- til omceru prtisldoiil t i hulaay secretary burt sinclair tiousurur jim a melniiinu mr and mm j it l tlthimutiwt for tholr new homo in iliumlns nt rthern ontario lust saturday tlio memln rs of john milton chap tei 1 o h vlaltfil milton public school on irldny aftirnoon und pre uunted two hliitotloil 1 ipturus the sinning of thu jllagna churtu and tho founding of tlm hunk of eng land ileformer the season b outdoor sports among tho other interesting stories and artlclus of outdoor lire in canada that appear in bod and oun in cunndu for muy is ono entitled a wonderful salmon iqxpedltlnn this describes an expedition utter tho his fellows in newfoundland for tho nnhorman there aro two othor stories falling jcrom oraoo and the julcotj our n this issue ofcanadn s outdoor mags sine great interest is being shown in the big game hunting articles written by a bryan williams ono installment of bis splendid boro of urtlales ap pears fishing notes us well as the other departmentsi aro up to their usual high standards bod and oun in canada is published monthly by w jt taylor limited woodatook out tha a w v a will hold an as- embly tomorrow evening in the tdwn bwl aj full course banquet dinner tot ult home will be a feature of the function the patronesses ore mrs ii a holmes mrs o s smith mrs dr motylven and mrs d p itgjr cost op living down tn prance steady declines in tho cost of uvdq in franco are showif in figures mada pubito here today they ware based on an avcrajitruck for 40 articles and wore prepared by tho french jon- cral hutumcal dureaii i lng warned of tlio bad affect which pro hibition will have on immigration from thu bsmhh ihicii a little history may not be out of place at thin time two families loft glasgow scotland alxtoon years ugu tho uronts wcro tuo total lorn und now urn prohibitionist there were two children lu each family una boy and ono girl thn grout war broke out thu othoru woro both medically unfit but tin two boys too lo tailors oucli no von toon yearu old voltmtaorod ono hoy 10 years and 1 month old tho only hoii paid tho supronio nui rlhoe whllo fighting under tho imnmr of tht prinocuu pats ut calubral lu 101h tho other boy has returned still a taototaldr we uro ofton uhsurcd that it was the injur drinking sous of britain who fought in tho great war ono of tlicuo fathers served 30 yaum with tha voluntucr forces lu tho old tlmul hav lng oulluto 1 lu ltthq tho tuombars of the urmy as u whole tiro ttmporale mil a large percentage ulmohitily toototallera it is u groas ii 1ml to call thtim btcr iioukod i rohlbltlon has no torrors for the people of tho old iund thono wio lutvo llvod in tho largo cities and uro thinking iuv many mluglv- ings of the ultlmulo tud of tho raoo if tho continuation of tho liquor trade fa permitted wo uen tho argument put forward tlut it lu tempo run oo they are righting for not immoderation whore is tlio lino to ho drawn be tween moderation und drunkenness 7 fvory mail ulamstha right to draw 10s own line if many of thd moderates woro to ask their wives where to draw tho una tho hushuiid and wife would solium ngreo many people und good and doslruble class too in tha old land aro looking at ontario and 111 ho doughtcd to soo tho step for ward whhh luiu boon taken ut this time i remain yours eta john a macaittiion hulleybusy april 23 1021 t four hundred years ago a revolution which changed tha history of the world four hundred years ago in april 1g31 martin luther tho gorman monk faced tho german diet ut worms a german village und refusing to ruuint his principles of religious freedom brought about a mighty revolution as prof frits dunn of concordia stmlnary says tho eighteenth day april in the year 1021 marks tho ond of tho middle ages und tha beginning of tha modem era in tho history of the world on that day tho emancipa tion of man from u long period of spiritual intellectual ulid liolltlca serfdom took phioa and there was given to tho world that liberty of consolenoe that freedom of thought und that modern clvjuxfltion which we now enjoy und which we trust shall remain in our inheritance until the end of days on the eighteenth day of april 1b11 i uthor was on trial before the diet of worms the man and his work were put uo a crucial test shall the bible be an open book fornlt or must man submit to that uuthorjty of the church us it has bean oxerclsed by popos und councils hunll the right- of private judgment be gqinbadj or denied shall the yolut lulil uponjtha intellect by tho inedlevu system roninln unt beoomo m ro liurdonst tuu or ahull thu in tolled be freed and enter upon un eru of iiny dovolopnient shall iiutlons und lxoplu he tyrmiiilaid by rulgoiih and civil nilrhj or nhnll thu light of i ivll mil rtllgloum liberty he granted th se wore thu unnl inwiiu whlnli i uthirm uiiswtr to tho iiuoatlou w hut hur or not he would mount what ho hurt hpoken und written ahoul doc i iw all hlsturluits agree that luther firm htund at worms in 1621 brought about a mighty j revolution nnd n treni- i nd ius ehuuga in tho history of tha world now cnrorcb it the el vol wiku you ml to won y lng stop und think of li uun nnhuiy thlnicu you worrlnd at out yesterday columbia gramaphones and records adam algeo is making u specialty of columbia gramaphones und records which he will deliver promptly ut your homo pianos any make a alqeo mill btt acton call at tha stars go to tho country for frh air pelltlolana for hot air tha dictionary for ympa41iy and to tom rumley s for 1 prompt service tom rumley shops corner mill st and park ave near the mill flower lovers of acton i havn ror sale u limited quan tity of giant comot aster mas tor piece very largo pansy kpennar rweot i aa an v grandl- floru bmmmondl sead beautiful mixtures aelected trom nxtru early continuous flowering strains packet 00c in htiuld n a drummond muhiol i b pontlao quabeo jevery article made to order la mado right or wo don t wunt you to uocept it and pay tor it do you need a hood over your kitchen range an ash or garb ago tun a leader or runner a tin roof a metal ceiling etc 7 let uri figure on it f mooney aoton ont friday and sat sp at the mclean co store keep your eye on these specials as every one is a money saver thc home and the school aim to bnd them in clesar rela tionships a largo number of put cuts und torn hi m who aro intortntol in loser xo operation hutween home nnd school usaemmod in the presbyterian school room ut milton last irrlduy oyanlng to hear mrs a c court ico of toronto heoiotury of tho provincial homo and suhool fedurutlou who dullyorod an instructive uddreas thu meeting re affirmed a previous decision to orgunlso a local blub and the following of ii per a wero elected honorary presldont mrs h a mo col president mrs m 10 oowland vloepresidenta mrs j m dehyos mien aloxanaop and 7rlnolp1 mlohnn- er secretary treasurer mrs fred dowur exooutlvo committee miss i hjtlott mrs u london mrs c w martin und mrs w h stewart the secretary wus requested to in vite tht public qohool board to ap- polnt two reproaantatlvoa to the ipxcou- tivs committee vi the golden grain bakery george biuswek wlu h itt boon lu huulneua in out ph for nomn time hns removed hlu golltu groin llukiry to aden und having put in ono of the luteat improvu 1 bl ick dluliiou i ovuna is turning out llnoht qualities of bread buna cakes pies and pastry of allwnds every day ai ton im i pl uty of room for two local hukorlen patrcnlxo tno luatnu 1 of th toronto georgetown omlph ulid iondon bakers who nen i i run i into towi i mllolt u trial for my bread nnd other rovlsinuh george brewer late of the c e f mill street near uaptfei church navy serfre double told rood value at 2 00 special at 150 per yard silk poplins 30 ins wide in navy brown and gray regular pneo 2 60 special 195 turnbtuta natural wool underwear for men we guarantee every garment of this underwear to rivc our customers good wear soft fine wool spring weight- all- sizes in stock regular price is 2 so special price 1 95 cadi penmans merino underwearfor men vo have sold hundreds of dozen of thia brand of underwear at 1 75 special price 125 each laduv ve spring welfiht v neck short sleeves medium nfrcs at 75c und largo slxs 90c and drawers same price hoys tweed ttloomem these bloom ore aro mada of dark halifax tweod sizci 20 to m regular price 2 01 special at 2 ladjc lllack cotton hone for overydny wear special nt 30c per pair ladlw itlnck and itrown silk hose sues tiy l wi and 10 special cj pair mejrri black cashmere homc nil pure wool circe ilnr make good vnluc ut 1 00 pair special friday and sitturdny 75c pair linoleuma olti cloth and curtain matekiaiuyarge srock to choose mtom impes right mclean co mdx street we bell tor cash we bell por leoa a hirschorn georgetown liadics suit and dress specialist spring coats and dresses satisfaction guarantfpd ir u customer flnds a garment is not satisfactory may bo roturnod and tho monoy will bo cheerfully refunded a hirschorn tannery cooperative the store of quality and low prices now low lovcl iviccrt on all kinds of soups shortening lard ulce t tapioca vic oltangea lemona crams pruit spinach eto at very lose prices special values in fino uoois worklnjr ilonui tennis shocs running shoes womens whlto canvns oxfords etc overalls smocks and working hlris at grenuy reduced prices rulter and knot wanted iii prkoj paid eluicr cash or goods tannery cooperative c a conway maruurer mill street acton notice to creditors cockshutt implements of the estate of thomas ross deceased thn arodltora of thomuu ltoux into of tho vdiasa of acton in tho county of hulton tanner who dluil on or about tho fourteenth day of april 10ai uro rwulrd on or ieforo tin twuuty ii rat day of may 1b21 in aund by pout prepaid or olherwlao deliver to tho underulanod aolloltor for tho icxuoutor a atatement of their aeoountu tho nature of the aocurlty if any held by them and ful purtloulurm of thuli nam ux addreaaoa and doucrlptloiim and notice la hereby furlhur iflvnn that immediately after tho uald twonty- flrat day of way 1031 thu auld loxeou- tor will proeeed to dlatruiuto tlio aaaetu of tij aald tuiiute umoua tho partlea entitled thereto und he will not be reaponalble for any olalma of whloh he ahull not have rocelvtid uotlco at the time aot forth for auch dlatrlbutlon bated ut aoton ontario thin twenty flrat day of april a ix 1d21 john uouhsittson kennicdy loxeeutor by if n kurmer hla kolioltor 133 spring millinery now on display you are cordially invited to sec otir j specials at 500 nellie m stockf ord acton guelph j i tslora hello gentlemen farmers attention patronize homo made and homeexhibited high eland ft rd and fully guaranteed farm iyiachlnery everything necessary for full up to dnte s fanning manuro spr9adera waggons plows cultivators seed drills harvesting goods cream separ ators for hand or power loudon burp equipment repairs promptly attended to at stephensons luafkamjlh shop j wf barberree tho new machine man main street acton ont spring is coming and kenney bros aro t ottnr lmariml ttiuit fur your vrlth full tlnh of now ttprltig in ot woul fof ovory mnmlior of thg ant- lly uml ror wltutuvur work or iilou uro yuu may lo onmurod l good line op mens afjq novs solid leather wonkma boots special line pf girls school boots at prices tar bdnw any prices quoted this year oood ogpplv of nuoqena por 8prinq wear repairlnc promptly and satis factorily executed kenney bros main trhht aoton omt ii saturday treat cuntly ciiudy cumlyour hodlc nro tontliitnttly tryinji out foi cnmly it is biikitr tho body ntcd nnd in tho cundy foim is a plcnsnnr wuy to take stipir wo use tho best cntio mi pin in our cnnuy kitclien pat our candles and you cat tho best cocoanut kisses 29c lr 100 ibof our cocoanut kimcs piucuti of crount ahmirtod dttvors with lots of cocoanut in thorn rogulnr 40o lb satur day special 2dc welk cn1 chocolates 3ic i his hue needs no introduction known an tho bct vulue on the innrkot ussorted ciocolatcs regular 60c nnd 10c lb wek- knd special 19c a 1 chocolate hairs ttou 2fc 7i0 assorted rtilk chocolnto burs kugulnr 5c each sat urday 7 for 25c lc oandiiss 2 vor lc this is a great spcciul for the kiddies aboi toil pnncjics liugulnr lc saturday 2 for lc ice cream wo sell meilsons ico crenm thy kind that hits stood tho tost phono b your qrrfpr t h moorehead brampton georgetown mutton acton

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