Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 5, 1921, p. 1

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wht thtftm jttn tt forty sixth yearno 45 12 00 rlcil year acton ontario thursday morning may 1021 2 60 in unitbp 8tatms single copies five cents tub methodist church aoton moriiuitti day il u m riiu uii i-i- 3 s i hi hon iwv hihwl 7 t in h il juli mother j nnwr in i i r i 1 ti ii m wen you ahid 1nvitiqd oomifl knox church acton rev w l findlav ij a minister msnss willow btrset 11 i m rank mil ml dill drnn u nil in uil 7 1 tn ilu wilt mil blue i reference l u xilul mi runt hjviihyllody wiclccmid new advertisements lost in ii r ul ut aotcn irtlv r clgurll ruwti wllh initial a j i w rcwsrt kin iiv return same t ii n i ahmhr a ntn ii help wanted agimtu ln h dot iihiitu act li your ity an 1 county introducing 26 llnm font uullliiu rubberised housepoll upparol make fit i day up wrll 43j wellington wohl toronto u house for sale roughcnst ouso noxt to vi ktmhon 1 h bio tlilu i u gid bull unit ah i rani 1 bo turn 1 liu il store st lltllo cxnei so ai ly t h moorkhkad lira mil ton bio bargain in motor tires 10 ouch will purrhaso three 3tx4 floodyear mitir tiro- with tubes tire an i tube in good condition havo driven olioqt 1 000 mile each applto day at 43 2 frlclfj 1 nichfl office business property for bale flue business block of two store on mill street in list business woollen for mia bargain tar aulck oald also mtnn harguln in house ii j kranit 41tf real icstato aaonl cand of thanks mr and mra gm rgo hodgln desire tn express their heartfoit ihunks or the sympathy exi ressed and the many kind deeds done for them by neigh bom and friends during the lllnos anil death of their little daughter annie card of thanks mm wm hippie ami ilev and mrs i m mayer desire to express tholr sincere thank for tho many oxpre slon of sympathy nn i acts of klpd new by rrlsnd and neigh bom daring th recent illness mil death of tlio bo loved hupbnnd and father card of thanks tli junior i o 1 h wish to pub holy thank the uorrnt family for the una at tholr ntnr- f r their ten on bnturday anril 33 thoy nuo vrlah to thank evwyone who aalatd in mnk in it a niccekfl oommilnly mr aloo for th trots uaa of hi vlctrola claila uantz bcoroury fox meat wanted phono tnw any timw t you havo ny young dairy nalvm to dupomo of or animal with broken loun or unytblnk ultabta foi fox moat hay ror ftl oimo short hort bull and frooh oowi a numbin knod youn owua wlth uunba and a quantity of ulalka and iwt nltfvar ed uiaki3 vannatthil h it no 1 qoratown ilot 1 don 3 erin i hon ber31 43 tf local farm aqentb wanted wo hnya a nplanilld farm avlllnk pro poaltlon and want n local ajront in your township to work in c tijunotlon with ua in avourlnr and iwllliij farm bin u qood rvturna ourert to a sood man w huvu imiiui efltabllshed many yoaru and aro tixpandink our bualnaaa uad want a r prtmhsntotlvo in each town hip wrlta flrul to hox 376 4x 4 stullon i toronto make money w home 515 o 6q paiff weecly for your spare time writing show- cards for us no canvassing we instruct andoupply with ateady work estaiutiii sbowcard service cnuth sr colborne sts toronto k we are on the job to render a ervloom promptly mm we nan n oftlclently an wa can and oh reavonahlo nw can under tha high oot of material nnd rato wo handla only tlifl trnuln kleury goods nnd reiiafra and wa don t knock tom rutnley blaelmith and woodworkar cor mill uml lurk avn dear madam- the worm days that are to follow in qujclc succession are beckoning you to prepare for summer comfort by don ning apparel of fabrics that are as cool and light as a breeze in this connection we wish to remind you that our stocks arc the most comprehensive wo have assembled for the past fow years summer dresflrics that woman willjust love because they arc so pretty dainty nnd cool looking prices too arc much lower than similar fabrics have been for several years lovely blouses ready blouses developed of such fabrics as georgette crepe dcrchme satin tficolleto mensahne organdy and voile are in high favor at present they are bewltchingly smart in stylo and appearance their colorings cover practically the whole range of the kaledoscopc and thoir prices aro marked lower than thoy have been for many seasons delightful summer frocks there has seldom been a season when so many various sorts of dresses have hcen developed up to the point of per fection as tho models now being shown hero from the simple morning model to the most elaborate styles for after noon and evening wear they are delightfully pretty and be coming and surprisingly moderate in price v the new millinery is most strikingly attractive their shapings are numerous varied and distinctive their bright colorings and smart trimmings add to their beauty prices aro in a range to fit all purses may we not help you in the selection of the apparel that bent anils your individual btyle and at tha same time comes within the limits of your purae in guelphtat macdonalds hlgheai possible qualities at lowest possible prices jbroadeflt assortments in this vicinity wearing apparel and home furnishings 7 d e macdonald bros ltd guelpirs leading and largest store wyndhanl macdonnel and garden streets guelph ont saturday specials wo havo received a quantity of peanut squares which is a very nico eating candy regular 40c por lb saturday special price 29c assorted chocolates regular 0c and ooc per tb saturday special price 39c ncilon s solid chocolate both plain and filbert 70c saturday special price g9c regular stop in for a soda and rnw your tramth for tlm rent of tha day vou d bo iiurirud hoyf muah boer yqu will fel after ptiftakln fl etnas of our dauloua nectar on cream aoda or pcrnmp a tfrfinch chocolate aundao fur and aoodi h wiles mi street actpn daallno russells wondjirland friday may the penalty lly oottvernaur morrla thb coat inaludea claire adam thu toronto jrlrl atnr f tim hind tho nomr and lou ohundy iimi orljipui of tho mlriuilo mai comedy qonvlot is wit i lt trr koatqn saturday may 7 tho slib rtf sl ajiihtmy hurrtna ilryniit wuahburn comedy a tniynil of atarrlnr llryant wuiiliburn com fiy a trnyful of trouble vvx nowa tuesday hay 10 nidora of tho dawn unwml nont author plotura chapter of nutb ut tha ilockhj pttjlio comedy amateur cbntt qm wpdnpfldayt may 11 special pricfes on many unb3 for this week including pure raspberry jam tb pails pure strawberry jam 4it pails purecreen gage plum jam 41b pjvils pure orange marmaladcib pails corn syrup mazola cooking oil ingersoll snappy cheese badgn limbvrqbr cheese albert toilet soap big variety i laundry soap all kinds extra special rice tapioca sago get our prices and we will have you moey b- h gregory millstoket tiel our price qn meps and boys overalls on wqrk shlru 76 small boys stills in khaki also biuo and white stripe highestprice paid por butter and eggs cash s outbade j r p c russell acton ont- mill street is n to be repaired immediately carload of crushed stone and quantity of ftoad cement ordered qlehk officially notified of neqistration of high way plans coiinoll mot t regular aeaalon on mon lay awning- with counclllorn rnny cordlnr and well promontand tin ittvova hi ho tihalr the iritiahco commltio pretionted thnlr ninth roport nnd teoommended in 1 iitiii t of tl a following account ubniohatj account iu j korr uxpnaaa to ilrnnat ton 3 00 dllln luhp at romotery i 40 tim curawoll co law book 20 00 11 n karmer drawing doeda ru h luafnie commimtlon 11 00 ii n vulmor ualary fm tc 1j8 70 j il wal in icraval f r atrett mil walk 10 26 acrorj kmm iimm nrlntlnr and n ivcrtlnlnk b if 1 moore nximinaea to hlsb way deloratli n 3 bo ttio 13 watultw01tkm account ai liuunr labcr at pump f ii 00 itowraftn nunn lalwr 7b 60 john aihbonn lalwr 44 00 munlolimj world nupullea s 80 wm t kvaiw oart tor wotar- w rkri m 4 00 1 ydro rlootrlo commlaalqn buupuco 13 so anton tanhln co u nf holl ar at wall j 1 3 j maokankl auppllee ib is if itltohle teaming and tabor u 60 john haatly labor st 20 provincial treaaurer f re i rivate bill 546 the monetary time advar- tlalnc rt debenturea 4 60 aotom vnxm rocaa urlntlna and ndyerlnjiur 11 is n farmer aunpllna and feea 19 s3 jnu bymon aupplloa is 30 k bcott unmlna an i levelllue drulim sb 26 iso 28 the roiiort wu adoilted mr ao llenlon complained of tlie dum ins of rofuaa oupoalte bla reside nce on churoh btraec the clerk wom inotruatod to notify all tenmalera that dumulnc of rubhlnh on title street muet cease tha heatlmir qultment and i instal lation of ho holat at the aho factory name in for conulderabfe dlacuaalon tha council favored tha tndai- of the tin lofnoii iclevator co of onlt for the holat txiufnmont and instruct ed uut itenve to nmke urrancekneut for a meeting- to so over the plana at the wry with n rai reanntatlv of the jrm v the contract prion on this part of the factory wan ii 186 do in the matterjif the hatln nyntm itwim dtnniml aitviaaule to envage a nompntont heating enslneer to draw up plain uml hpeciflcationa for the ayvtem to be inotulled and lo overacd is wtnrk j tho following oqlclal notion ofthe registration of the touta of the lro vlncial lllahway was received by the cvrk and rud to the council toronto april st 1821 un farmer kw uunlclitnl clerk acton oac iear blr in purnuunui i f tha brovulon of bootlnn 6 of tlu lrovlno1l lllahway act we are denosltin id the uvsletrurm onico of the county or liaison a irellmlnary route plan showing the location of the road within the townships of lcs- queslnic and nassscaweya wbleh is to le acaulrd as a provlnoud ulhwy in accordance with the irovlnclal lllahway act and no tlan is hereby 5 1 von in accordance with tho rei 11 1 re men t of section k iff tha said act that such high ways shall becom and b vested ih the crown and under the 0011 trol of thin department at twelve ii dork noon on the 4th day of muy 1di1 toprs truly k a cotkiuiltn the matter ofnnulrlnjf muf street as ulwo illsoussed nnd the clerk vfss istructed to order a caflofid of crush ed stone and six barrels pf road pendent for patchlnk chief it u mcdonald of the vlra iltade walfed tipf tlqftunl-r- iusttnc that ttrrnenta po mado for the ilflcaife o ry nut he new hra pump hnd iho reservoir tbo regu lar practice wt sjbeflulirt fop tuuni- daynlght t rnf0lr ord not been flllefl nnd l was ihouaht adylasblo to leave the test or a week until the lunk had been ued and oleanedj council adjourned a 101e epwortii league election r of 0fficers- annus meeting held las i week and offlosr ta assume re spenslblfltle may 1 the kp worth lsniu of uio method 1st churoti ut their annual mestlnjr last week elected ho followtna offloerm ror the yearwhlch bealns may is xralienbamlshbl k knapp convenor of christian endeuvor committee- mr a t ilrown convenor of missionary commit toe mis minnie z llennett convenor of boilal and literary committee mr karl il vlaoonl convenor of cltlsensblp contmltiee mis clara u moore superintendent of junior league mbis muriel irieury llccordlne secretory us thoju huvaae comapondlns beoretary f ymurn lime mcdonald truasiurer jjr george soper pianist mrs ada ostrander assl planlet miss oils armstrong convenor of mugta committee mis lottie v mason tha past year in connection with the league work lm been one of jnuql interest piavly of tho meelins ren vt- jipeclul nature tjir lifts iyiio bean 1 ship news of local import women institute annual msetlnfl the annual meeting of the woman s institute will tie hl 1 at the home of mrs johivmowut main htresl on friday afternoon may q at three a clock a full at ton lance iii reiiuest d k ie graham secretary a fins new motor hears manure johnstone aco have added il one new motor hearse to their un dertaking equipment mr johnutone made his first trip with tho new hoaree ht c ttharlnns last krlday whre o veyed uia body of the late william iiij pin mm moyer father thla eu tulle l u journey t 14o mllo acoidsnt ta mrs w h stwsrt iist monluy mrs w ii utowart liad u nasty ului llmt ut her homo on couit treet whiui hi tho garden ilia ullpihrd and ml over u heed bail ivrtd with glass ooo of bar arms irmit u rough the glass an wus out an artery wa mnverof uml thera was tmul flow f i iihhi h it it was rhksd by an emergency tonrniut until a surgeon arrived an 1 dressed the woup i chuhiploi annual bprlnu gtraat cleaning hs spring trimt rlounlng iratl lis milt htreet wnfi twllnnioiiciml mi monday tho two lower hlonks have lnwn scraped ulnar of the winters uc cumulation an 1 it is to be hoped that operations will rocce i on the soot ion from john htrnet to lha grand trunk omsslng 1 obwlblv theae tiuer blocks will bo thoroughly clsutifcd afur- tho waterworks oontrnatntm have ilnlahed camp at niaoara in 81 wsts in ul weeks time tho pummer mllltlu ramp will open nt niagara nn 1 cm soujuently louil mllltta units ur re doubling thoir activities in vlnw of the near apt foaoli i f the annual trlii lug peril d the local unit is hilling twl a in week now lsdle aid election of officsr tl s ladles al 1 society of tha mt thodlht church met on tuesday jiftsrnotin in annuu mooting when tha following dicers were elected for the nnsulng year 1 rvsldnnt me id t thetford vice 1 resl lent mrs n v moors hocralary miss iottla jo fipulght treasurer mrs margaret thlr uidhi up a helton farmer cavv makes reoord iumuel crosier a 1 rouperuuu farm r living u lots south of milton in the township of trafalgar ho a durham hlch gave birth to 4 calve lust thursday ueveral hmodnr state that they havo known of many canes her twin wera born and several ass of triplets but this was the first aso they know of where a cow lias given birth to quadruplet two jif th curve wera altvonnd two dead nsw partnership formed kved lllow who ho conducted the acton machine shop faf tha past or six years hus taken into pari nershlp m hurtloy harrison the new firm will hiatal u number of new lactlas and othof equipment essential u first class machine shop they iii go in for aupplylng- wholesalers with piston ring axle etc in largo iiuuntltleu and follow up thp lino of business mr lllow had embarked upon nly a iquoh mure vatomilve scala trout fishing 8aort open the trout flnhhig oanoii opened in hun lay but of course all acton flslii- mn rofrulnul from going oftor thu ilustva one uhtll mon lay thure will k st me real lull alorun floating around in u day or two f r- tho trout id to ihi very pi iihful this sou- son ur nsllmcnubb who is always f th rtrwt to get u cutoh whan tho season open brought in u couple of spaklod beuutlts tt tnmpt the op- otlt of the uck in lha u lltors house hold ho apologized for the slsa and ipiantlty buying ho hadu t very good luck- tho first time but no apology was ncoeaaury for they warn fine ones quslpb iveaoher olvsn a car llsv ii kl abraham who luis lieen imstor of ht- ahdnw lrusbyterlan church iuelpb for the pout nine year wo on tuns lay afternoon honored by thu man of the ejingretfatlon when thoy met at i lie church and presented him with u hundaomoirortl sndun fully equipped and ready for use accent ponying the car w a puree amount ing to iso nnd two robe abort ad dresses of a prestation wore delivered by co john davidson j l i-ialdlng- mr campbell qeorge chupmnu and others mr abrnham in ucoeptlng the thunked the men uf thu church in u most hearty manner mrs the chlholm dis tiuaaitnah it rplors w low of thds chuholm died at her home lit ksques inff on sun lay utter it ihigorlng ill ness hh wa so years of age and one of ilulton county ol last and piost highly esteemed residents i torn in trufjibjaf township mho lived in hsquesln for the past bsl years iter husband om hey youm bo mr chlaholm vfh a faithful member of tho inltod vresbytertatt church ut mansewootl ttipee son survive 1 aiex ii- ut mji ton nionafaii of hurraio n v utid wm tt at heme the funeral lodk pluoo on tueaduy afternoon to jsvcrarcon cometcry mil inurestlna lecture on gardening onrdenlng wus the timely and in struotlv nubjoct dealt wlth ut tho up worth league meeting in tha meth odist church nn monday evening irofessor j w crowe of the ontario agricultural college ouelph was the speaker of th evening and gavo much information that will bo very helpful to thoso who were present in the raising of vogot utiles for family use together with un addvss on decor utlv gunlenlng that creute 1 u desire to put forth larger torts to beautify our surroundings with tlowent und shrubs 1rofessor crowe illustrated his addrvs with luntern vlow show ing the lieuuty und attruatlveness thut can ha ad led to the surroundings of our homes by tha u hllng uf inexpen sive and hardy flower und shrub the profess i ulso spoke nf our native tree their beauty an i the need of tho present age to i reserve these tree and plantothers to help in beautifying our country us well us for a lumber und wood supply for the futuro funeral of mr william hippie a beautiful funeral service was bald at the methodist parson a go nn thur day evening in honor of the into wil liam hippie father or mr hov t moyer tha service wa conducted by uevw l irlnfllay d a of lnp church assisted by itev h v mun- sell msatsikdi to dutil there ha vefin subscribed towards o ijiurler monument fluid the ntipi of34h13 thl repffsenl the voluntary subscription pf ten qt thnusaiifts of 1 eople for the urges t amount accepted from any a person i id co nnd in hundred of oases sums of tl 00 and less have bon vent in without numen or addreue the workl nowj woll under way and any body deatrluc to subscribe mydo o by forwarding un amount to tha hon orary treasurer mr 1 tj lurun totahto n tra m a of 8l alhuna aijurch brother rnlnlstoi o nsv 1 m uoyer hev mr klmfiybi addrs on hf noh psalm vam u pios comforting tnei age thq olio in of iio mehpdlst church i 1 llo sltuflng frprndu from u distance were present u follow mr nn 1 mrs joseph mucauum of guelph mrs j 10 utlger and mrs d u pcltweller kitchener mm llov k wngner iteglna sask u forme friend of ttsv and mrs moyer who wa attending conference ut kitchener and mrs t3 held on moyer toronto a motor runaral o st cath urines was held on vtiday a large number of former friend thors at tended to pay their respect to the roouioejl of ono who vfjut jugbly to me umong them rav donald talt n a cd of pt dolhotiale oonducwd tw funeral aerviosa tbttre new kitchener terminal the ornn i itlvir rudlul curs did hot hi lor kltcheher on king hlret on hui 4ay f ir- the hrnt time gpjico its ronstructlon u mrlv twonty yarm ago ti oompuuy ha completod a now linn from 1 roulmi roa i about a mjle 1r m the city limits which runs along i rlval property through thu houth wr1 to ouaaii itrot where u new dsim t has bocu uitm ini nw nermal 8ohool at ouelph the sum of f co 000 has been placsl in tho nstlmntes of the i rovluclul lgulutura fir the lonatructlon of n uw n rma bclux 1 ul quelph it will lm locurwl on the grounds of the on rlo agricultural college the pre sottt normal kehools ut 0 1 rat ford jnndon llumllton anil toronto are overcrowded up 1 there i ampin nee 1 for another n rma hchool ti r west ontario auto hit weouon 4 mr j w ouy who resides on the lurumosu road was about to drive ith his milk waggon from quebec htreet to muodoniteu tltreet by way of tho little hill ulongsl le the city mon lay afternoon ha was struck with nn nutn i riven by jos cbsevers the waggon and mr ouy were thrown over into the road but taped with u i ut on his knotl flueli h ilara i qsoraetown auto hits quslph boy an automobile ownod and driven by mr j l klnher t georgetown struck the nve year o t son of mr simmons 33 oliver street on monday afternoon hut fortunately the little fellow wa not seriously injured tito boy and hi brother were about to cross tha road on ontario htroel und apparent ly did not sea the uuto until it wft right on top of lilro ho wa picked from under the cur but escaped with u couple ofrmsty bruises on the riicwtluelph herald quelph vocational offica close tho ouelph bonhers vocational 1 ruining bran h which has been in in mru lion for tho past three year on q unpen street oust ouelph is being iood of the iitaff of twenty or more the majority bus boon allowed to go though n few huvu been transferred to lon ion which ih the headquarter uf thut bull ling disirl jl a few of tho emphyocs are still irelng retained roytt fw days until thu rurnlslilngs huvs leen dlp se 1 if then tho of a will 1m oh si i shower in honor of mrs a r qpslght a very pretty miscellaneous shower wnsluwt mi ndoy given- by tho juni r mem iters of tho t o t b to a recent jrde mrs a h speight cora villi utter of georgetown a former mem her of the olub the gifts were both biuutlfitf anl usaful later in tho in the boy acoompanlel by mr bpolght joined the young ladle and most enjoyable o von lug vus npaiit mimlo and games after which a dainty lunoh was served tho function wa bul 1 in tho now moffat uiort nassagawsyu nurse diss in guelph miss mary ann andersoii ol inst t mghter of thu into mr und mrs joseph aiioroit of nussugaweyu township died mon lay ut thu home wood huiilturlum ouoli h whore she ii id been u nurse for two years about y weeks ago she underwent un npor ntloji und was dakig well until yester day whim mho dlel of heart failure two brothers un 1 two sisters survive robert unl auiert an lorsoi imth of nussagnwcya mr vvl walker of nelson un t mrs john hurdy if mil ton from whose residence thu funurul will b held to morrow to icvorgreeii cemetery milton j w frssmsns ossth thu funeral of j wesley freeman nf toronto took pluto in burlington on monduy burial being made ut tha 1 lain cemetery us wa u son of the la to joseph itreemun a pioneer uf that district he waif born ut bur ling ton in ibid und was in business at icreumuu near hurling ton for aauar tor of u century he wa ana of thrao brothers the remaining two still resid ing in burlington he wu u method 1st ulul for your a prominent sunday beliool worker ho wus a delegate to the world sunday school convention ut jerusalem in lflo4 his son 1u v trmimuu id on the stoff of ul remliloii ijunk toronto his only daughter mr w dalton dli t ttve lears ago k splsndld debut ut nerval thu young peoples union of the three churohus uf norval ontertnlneil ttie ashgnivo young lsoplu moclety rmieittly ut tho pros by tor la church und incidentally morvuls crack orators won u uleun nut denlslon over the leuutero from ashgrovu tlie uutiject wus u 4laddedly luteresliug one solve i that the indian bus suffered mora at the hunts of tha white man tlmn the negro arthur lluddoll und miss homo upheld the utrtrmutlva for tlie ashgrova oalety while the nega tive wa vtiry ably taken by harry hunter und mis sutherland norvnl tlie attendance was estimated at over two hundred including many visitors from the union and ml pleasant societies lafreshments wero served to the large gathering ut the vaae rv j p morrow pie itev john morrow butter known to sportarasnstll over cupuda u jay doe and johnny morrow former chaplain of the fcfportamen uattullon passed uwuy this wek in california from pernicious anemia hn ootttract til the dlsiuse while oversea he hpllt dale church thu athletes church in toronto practically single handed despite strenuous opposition from tha prashywy an i collect od tlio money by- trersonal upiwuls itls nth the honor roll of the schools for past month standlndt of pupils in the various departmenta of the hlch and public schools libt of pupils who got their names in form iii class i maxwell bell class j habru nelson lsljmr f tankman buy agncwi itranoes hurst form ii class i koso molvoy jordan law son i la ueswlok iwurl cooper mario mowul mart lii orr laird mcdonald kduu henderson vlou itumuy mar fuerlte ityder jessie anderson nelllu lull vera hurst mary aibbons laird duntey jean jcennedy class ii donald kennedy jean itsrber minnie ulair maria laiit ferm i class i wlllard smith vera john on mudel h oibbons oenevlsvn clurrl ige itussell boss class u tiugeno mcpherson les he martin morris htarkman ague mann luiriihe held annie wiggins olive mclaughlin jessie lindsay doris scarrow lynl smith james matthews j m ttoesell principal k u knupp assistant hv m m beimett nntt f yorkton bask jbuliert bennett durir mr itolwrt bill very iii f r several gradually recovering poiuio school senior fourth wlllroso bel 1 380 ivy 1 reclous 10 clarence liabcook 34 total 460 junior foprth laura murray 2d4 thelmu camblo 3sr johnnie dunn 334 total 400 m z dennett teacher bsnler third charlie lnndsborough 3lg charles bell ssfl john aibbons 387 toul sco junior third hasel james 365 campbell currlo 3 iciule lusby 250 total sco d volnter toucher junior third oiadysboarrow 1st frttnstllollo- wuy 343 ada milts 310 total 416 bsnler third lthe james 2s max starkman 100 ch trlle 1 rcvpel 184 total 200 m h vlsrttry teacher junior second marjory maun 3s3 leva wheeler 4 isabel ill dluy 343 total 991 1 anderson toucher senior firl- mtilyt orindull 42b flcorge cook 0 jeuslo munn 411 malcolm col lier 411 total 400 junior first atliui marshall 369 arthur gamble 10 inuhul smith sob clifford proa lous sub lotul 400 ollu b armstrong oacher primary class mlvhi wilson 76 lily nal jred lren unl uiuro hull ah kathleen c mill bh total 80 junlej- plrat betty 1 indlay 12tf mildred hollln gee rj4 lnrui masalew tie total ft ri anderson toucher junior primary ciuhs a hnli n ostscuider fcduu colli r murj rlo ourden lillian vcrry clui d helen hlllmari boss hun r ti rdon hansen h v itlordan teacher letlo figure wuu often soon ut race trucks prlxo- rights whorevi r spi rts men vere wont to gather und juy deo habit of going without a hut becumu fuinoun ho vowed not to wear u hat until hi church had a roof und he kopt his vow when col b chaplain and won thu whole- hearted reapoct and admiration of the mon itev mr morrow wag n nephew of tlio late mrs joaepb mcclure of aqcon iri memoriani- muh hollprt boot following a stroke a few day pre vlouuly mr hoi rt boot peaoef ully unsod away at the home of her daugh ter mr lienry ijfe iclen mills last friday mr boot died 31 year ago last august at wlarton of late yesr mm hoot has boon living alter nately ut the horn of her son robert ii hoot and hor daughter mrs hrrry leslie mrs hoot was the daughter t the late henry bold she was a member of tho baptist churen nnj wuu a line type of christian mothei thne obit iron survive mrs leslie lden mills bobert h of ouelph ail clayton who is n druggist in toronto of mrs boots ton brothers und sinter following nurvlve unv j oruy bell 15ol ilev joseph b bold m a torvntmi mr william kerr tor onto mm alex ferguson ouelph mrs junto leslie osprlnge dougald ofttironto and oeorge of oualph tho funurul on monday afternoon was con ducted by bav john little of 4 look wood interment wuu mads at edon mill cemetery funsrsl ef judge j m hay tito body of judge l tx huye who died on lriduy in quelph after a short hlaes was burled in tho family plot in the roman catholic cemetery monday morning the runeral from bis homo sb bukauc streel ut to o clock solemn high maetf was relubrutud ut the church of our lady by bev kuthor doyle with ilev father mocaffrey us deacon unfl rev father quirk as uuh deacon the ial beurer went judge spotton of ouelih barry hayes toronto w t 11 ioiniyfuthhr ottawa i judge huycke b m hamilton und u h ihiphum potorboro eachy rural user bonuasd bjr460 intimating tlio oost of u trunsmu skin ii tio ut ii 600 per mile and thu farm population ut throe er mile tho decision of tho ontario legislature ta 1 nium transmission line construction up lo 60 pet cent mean that each rural itowor user is bonuned by the government to the aktent of i3s0 contrary to the general understanding of the legislation which nassed the house tho amount of the government bonus i 60 imr cent cn committee of thu house upon tlie augaeatlon of v b q member the s3 per oenl bonus rbiuro was mmndxi to d 60 per eent welllnpton county press aseelatlon the wellington county iv asso ciation rnut ut mount lirest on friday a luncheon was held at the empress hotel ut which mayor a 1 allen gave un uddree of wolnome to which presl ih nt b 10 miuh of icioru replied al the pulihsher of tho countywlh mow bo tnemboiu of tho cupadlan weekly ncwhpuper assoclutlon a resolution was puusid opposing the idek jf c tubllshing u government printing bur eau ut toronto tho following- omcer wero electud hon pout president htzon butter arthur- knterprbw il k mills klora id x press president j c tumpltn orau now record vice president ia h onrdlner harrlaton review u j oarhutt drayton ad vocate secratnry treasurer a w wright mount forest confederate und representative regret wus ex t ruosed ut losing mr il ul uywaiar wh has nold out ute pal mors ton 8peo tator and i welcmrno wei vxtended to bis hunoessors mesur u a tre loaven and q il ehlbjey all three boliuc presenl social and personal mr ii yl icnnmy h mo over humluy mus itortlo smith toronto for sun lay of ti ronto wo home from i home from miss jean mi lend of weston visit- u i in town during the week mr j m warren 1 1 toronto visit ed in acton during the week dr wj o c kunnsy was hi me frt in toronto over lli wook and mrs llustiunks of pellaploco man spoilt a duy ur so hut week at moore ust we mr un 1 mr ira vunuttpr ooorge- towit wore gunut of ai tt n friend last wook mlvs nellie williamson of toronto visits 1 nt thu homo of mr a t brown luring the week ul mrs ben vlslleil at mr tlio week jr victoria avenue tlio week end mr coo w lnroe nf bejievuo 1 u wlm rocently lost imr husband lias been visiting hor mother uie post week mr tioorgu agnew jr law been promoted from the tullor cage at ford to tlio position uf accountant at sl ueorgo mr cecil bwackhnwcr and daugh ter theresa of toronto spent tbe week und at the homo of his rather mr wm uwarklmmet mr if p moore is spendlnu n wees or soalttockholmc um muskoka summer homo of hi brother roy dr t albert moore near bala park mr m x o urlou of tlio under writers laboratories chicago ul vialtod hw home hero over tho woek- nn t ito wait on his return to chicago alter un inspection trip to now york llov and mr moyor hud nanny ruauhed home from burying mrs moy er father at ht catliurlnu on fri day when a message reached tho par- uonuge of the death of the wlfa of mr moyer brother william u ut oamp- den the funeral wo held on tues day und rev and mr moyor t- tendol ho sure to kuup june 16 un open dute for the i o d fc monster gar den l arty procood lit aid of uia decoration uf tho town hall auditorium pkai3e campbellviujrs phgrebs the community spirit and resulting condition please agricultural editor farm and dairy of 1 etcrboro ha apparently had a reporter in ilulton couojy recently in any event wo ore glad to sea tha following well deserv ed comment- in a recent hnrue tha llttlo village of cumpbcllvuk an 1 the country adjoining in hal ton county onl hn gone further than moat communities in furnishing ro- hociallon has carried us activities ono vlllge church ham always hud a live and popular young people organisa tion a couple of yearn ago an ath letic association was organised and a held a uulnlng the village w rented for u ball ground the ground have since been purchasoil und tlio camp- bellvlllo baseball team is one of tha best ntbo county and the pride of tho community thut winter tho as- soclutlon hud tarried its urtvljlcs ona step further jkhla how guneralstora was erect ol lust summer with a largo hull in the second utoruy intended for public gathering the association iromplly renteil the imllfor tho winter soiison and uqulpiied it ror basketball now tho young men play basket bat i three nights a weak unl tho young ladles and some of tho older ladles too till lit tbo remaining ovo nines them hi no luck uf cloun healthy sport for thai young people n and around compbellvllle a particularly pleuulng feature of ihoueuvltlea oclhlo nuilello associa tion i that it is on a strictly indepen dent bant t expenses sire all met out of membership fee gate receipts at bull gomes und uttier such source tlio young poopbj along with some older who mill retain a lot of tho en thusiasm of youth aro paying for their own entertainment and enjoying it all the better on thut occouul grants to rural community hall and playgrounoa a provided by- the ontario govern ment may have some justification but self holl au exemplified in the camp bell vsmr atbtetio association in far better other rural communities muy be dolus just what campbellvillo u doing we mention thl particular ouse only as un uluhtrulibrr fwhy uumiot thu yuqngpeoplo of other rural coinmutiltleo where recreation facili ties ure now laaklng organ so similar ly for their own unjoymdntt i i 1 hear the muson orchostru mooreheud n satunlay night marquis wheat best in k woru 7 se bay u s expert and advises ua to stick with it jtepeatsjd baking testu have shown that mnrqula wheat mnkm u loaf o very much tlner quality than uny other of the wheat thut tho durum will make u leaf fairly largo in volume but yellow ilo color and courser in texture a the rust menace up reads tharo will be great- temptatu n for cut tad ian farmers ta grow a an tailed rust re sultant wheat tho worst pf these i probably rod durum which wn ln- troducudi in north tuhotu ut u time- when rust wu making very serious inroads on the world wheat thl variety uf ralhor proline and ha a heavy kernel but should not deceive the farmer because tills wheat will not make bread or macaroni and it oulymnarlt ul that it ut heavy and may bo used in export to improve tlie weight of light and nhajty grain say mr bert ball director spring whuat crop improvement association the cunudlah northwest grow the best spring whuat in the world and flour mado from it always sells for a superior pfriee if canadian farmers will breed quality nnd market only their nnest wheat mills will alwaya pay a pramlun for fancy can olo0 a

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