Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 5, 1921, p. 2

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tllultiidayl may 6 ibsi mothers hvmnb iumpu tit inst uuxloit ut h r win t of llnyw inuif past it ll m lit tit ullng tlo flult in 11 utllt v lilt to hhsuhi tli hum mi an uliitflntf tluum mho rw u li ulltus willi l lib home ihut i j ii ktlf mm heart uhmtts lif triumph in loud toned in llldllng tlm pnnh ami crown him jnrjl nf nil ami umlii iiit filled with melodious that limited upon tils word ititim hi ttidnn utinlnu of juilnmu dep affection i love thy kingdom ilnrd tiuta hlddiii it llin wondrous mtoik i ages him hul furowotl lu fur huro hint htf jord would gladly loud hit ud her tltl hoi qroontundtl my joyful mlttt uah mount nil the gonna hug uufurmd ami know by rait it the morning light in brisking over u sinful world thin- lu u fountain how um tones triumphant unite in victorious utrslns i killed with that precious mood for nil ilia ransomed druwh from lmmnnul dour unliit in hnuvely mansions long ulmn folded mum iii loil ri fostering love hha joins with rupture in tin blissful chorus q thostt bright i holru above thorn wlin i kno tnars bl puln nor ihtrrtiw hnfo tmiyoml jordans roll hhfj iivw forever with her blessed the lover of her soul iloston journal oublc woji falling on tlte prulrlas alrnady proving monotonous to the travellers of the cana dian north ycqau misnbeth kirko iti hor pluco by the window of the rrowdod tourist car examined ttie little wutch at hor bolt thowuy won ut retching out lntermln- uhly to busaboth tho last resting period in winnipeg seemed long ago und hor mother at montreal far away ami yut tliorw woro thowo back in the mora luxurious care who were gru tula ting thomaelva oit tho quick ness with which tho journey wan belli limning hor head against tho seat p isllaubeth oloooj her nye story ttory 4 lxiyt ooodnjght htoryl and dllkabeth rait tho prom- nitre at bo by handn upon her drorm than came in qulot lonna am the hand wu drawn away story lady tired vnry tlril without atxiiihitt hriiyh icllutuetli co u 11 nee llto liro toe time attitude of llttl lolrod towanl the ouriyheaded ouryuurolil niater 1 uut llaby wunbv atory catne in brlovfldi toin- and lnuxrin thorn thej lioad bkttliwt u10 aoat u lifted and sjiianbeth hltakltik lack the tandrlui of iialr from oft her faoe lauchlnsly uald 1 llaoy come ilrlntf llunny and fijobhom fclrod they phftj have a oodviilght itory all woarlncaua wa opo rrom lellaa- betlt now bho wan hor beamlna beautiful wolf the kllaoboth to bo ro lled upon tho elisabeth that m her mothera toy and who had onoe been her father- tay iuahad into tha background were elisabeth tbouxhta of homo rind now aha aw only ittle nlrnu blue yoa aa utey were fixed lit aubei wluuliuiuii upon tho story lady jloom whjm tnade for uunny und uloaitom with blrod atandlns auard by the entrance to the aoat and otcit other children cuno crowd intf u and klrod ntenped back to sive thorn hlnoe the conductor looking down upon tho uttlo sroup on he was iwablns lutmliod ho and kllubeth lutil itooonte very cood rrtenda hut all on tho train were friend of conductor curumn a riml buhool of little uihwalilnc to lu caught h aald looklilf ut isiizabatli and whnc taalt itttmfxa uaetcon dnotor cuheron7 ku sabot h aelced the llrat tltat ootnen lo haridlti all rood that yon carry and with a wave to thu ohlldren the door phut with a simp and out ovoi tlto prulrla tho train uu making itn way throuah long hluuthiu roy from tho nun dropplns lmiorilio h orison tho air of homl- iiimm an bllsaboth opened her urmn 11ml thoohlldrcn hottled around her renohod to more than una there lu h tourlat fiur und eventhaee who could not hear iha worda the children iworo llstenlhb to with batad breath 1 iflokmg at the scone felt a contented foollik of home toklna poaaaanioii ol thom am tliuiry wu jlnnlnit tho mothor of llitlo nlm hud said to mi oldur ulrl mulln you will stay uml jiut tint buby to himh like u iut a i it tin luteiho children scattertml to tlmlr vurloua ninthera apd kllsa- beth wuh fro to ako her though in blink n the inline whera but a uttlo borore bur rather now in he clly of tho lie laved had tended hi croon lioimon the mothof wth a sturdy holper wsa now carina for tlief flowers and kllmbfltli had devised the bold nohemo of tcolns whvru an many others wore tolik out to the west it in hocnthnlad hero with teitcbors i vhull tlnd more ohanoemoul in the blir west uho had suld ami the doll you know will stand by tio dollh will help you if they can ilutjwuh no children of jthqlr yua i know hut they will lut mo fluy with thtun until i van reach out fiir niysilf tlmlr hvarta art aooa and kind opil iholr homo la open o 100 and tho mother had yielded and now hero wasr ulhutolh way alouo to a now fluid would she i lid u uohoolt would she have to wait lomct would tho pooplo bo nlofst would ho pay be auret all uieae thltihh wet fllttlnir through hor mind its tho hiumiown fell over the plains and llifi light of the engine u lined the stol true kit ahead before thoy rcuoaail thfiin hut the track ellsa- luilh was aeekins had no brlbbt light outlining tho way ahead mill the heart of tho bravo to ijopuful and idiixabetli ktrkes heart wutl indeed brave j frombllaabetha seat a man who bad removed his coat and was 1 now rostlnff content in his gray jersey lot his paper drop upon his knees as ht ytm rafted upon tha irl whii wus ovldently fwellntf tho fatlguo of tho lonrc tdttyu utruln all thaday alio hud thought of nlimru-ln- htdud of unlf llu maohod for tho tli m mm umlir iiim uoat and dm wing it out look fioni it a bos lioninvliig tin 10v1 u uluitur of k tmir wua uwd ovr hu uild tlm iiihii hi whlto tlruplnu liiiin u ullluil ii ik lilt j ullmiutl miylillf my ludy lit iiiiatiuf kivo o you what nil thlultiy you lmv kivoii to 11i ik iu a lilt of t pfruiibnunit klxlilli turning iitlnkly fnnp tb whuliiw wiw that ui hikihu r wim tho juvlul mtii who liuit or inn durlnk tho day mini- griuii nuur iiim own uout laiiah hourtlly ovr hlw joknti and who wuii now hitinliuc k townrd hir ilr kyh iiuvu qulok iipproctii- tlmi an lhy ruiiinl 1111 tlm fruit itll vry lovely of von uh tjin ihiuuis lovo ht uiiuwumil iclnd attmitloiim dciirvu kind ultoii ttm t hlldrun 11 mlton will ho tilled with beautiful vuious the wuav insm of ihulr hiory 1ndyv then ho ml 1 il i luivurtwo riibm of my own muu i lh homo kmiliel laying ihlm ho udjilstnd his papnr aguln uiulft- tlm ruy4 nf tho hvirt ij nuivt hli uuul und lilllsahnfh unjoyod to iha full thr thotikhlfiil ullonlloii of htif nir t kuthui- lmllyvod iii imlng a good hilstir shs thouttit nil who partook of th arapoo and rouollnotdd tho duy with its inuuy plnauunt llioltlonti all its fullau ami mothur told hjp that in thn tourist rar i would flml inoni rrlniklllnnhw tlmii lit tho other aru it woomu mothur in right hor nyus urow 110ft with thought of mothor und thought nf tlm klndmihsos that huil wen ontundntl to hnt durluk tho jimrmy and now iiho inurmuhii thn day ik gouu and i uuu blnop as ueihrnly u though lu my own homo bod lailsabvth believed lu uolna heartily into a day hut stio liellovod in going just uu hourtlly into ulup whun the day was cloaod ami uo tho morning it was uunduv mornlug 4ound 1cii- saltoth among tho drat with hor our- talmt drawn uojoyjiig tho beauty of iho nunrlso it was nlna oolook all had brwuk- fuutod and ijulnt wau now to uu ps- tent reigning in the cay 10 1 1 sa both lutil drossed with chpooiui earn in rrosh wtilt9 waist with u uttlo knot of pink at her 1 throat looking a room and satisfying harsnlf tout nil signs of baskntbreakfasts had illu- itpihiured alio beofwoneil tho iortor wbo rumi uulckly to hor he had mining many time- too do this ulrl bidding during the journey kmxalmtb smiled ami said now if you will bring me that box iorter ill lx much obliged and uho spmud ou hor ilresa oxpootantiy as sill sabot h had stood on tho plat form at tho homo station saying rood bye the ladles of tho ohuroh guild gathered aajund hor and placod her k 00 ping a ion if pastuboartl nx it will lie uothors uy with you sunday misaboth iunt us it will ho uothora uay with unhore you will bo on uu pralrlns but tliuro will ho mo tilers journeying an tha train for uotlorh day thoy aro your motlmrs finest bloom wo havo purylutsod them of her uu a invoglrt for tho mothers who uro your oompanliiuu on uothers lay tho tmrtni reluming lalil tho box across kllsalteths lupaml u too ping unolusped tho huckliui of the strap that conllnod it a soft flush on tho tflrlh fjmn li look of lovo lu her nyas aa uhn throw hook tho nover and laying auldo thn tlusuo puper that lined tho box sho looked upon tho loiurntninmnd whto ournutlons their own homo growing doieciis them compactly routing ou a hml daaip groan moss curious eyes woro upon ier and interosled chllsroirhllptrod fromtilal seats tdprcs their way to her but wera ttehl baok jby mothorhands icllaauetli arose and gently lifted the blossoms from thalr resting place and laid them ovlngly in a beautiful nhoof of whlto und green across her arm bho nunhed consnloiwiy knowing the oyit of her fellow paahonberw wore ipon her hut meeting ut tho moment the kindly uyes of tlo conductor her n stint an appeal und in a moment was ut her nldo you soo abo said her voloa trem ulous it is mothers duy and tho utdltul at homo wish mo to muko it mother xay here tho carnation is tha to others flowor and thouo ra for tha toothers on tho train the conductor druw u long breath my mother will weur u white curnu tlon today ho aatd you shall waar onu too lw- cauae in a aenso you uro mothering all aald lcusaboth laughing us shu held out a carnation to him the conductor took thn tlowur und severing part of tho stem placod tha emblem on tho lapel of hlu blue coat tbou ha aald in it oh our y ton that gave ktuhtbcth confldonoe if you are kvudy wo will march at the first tittle itroup of mothers and children thu conduotor sold in a genial to no you see friends it is mothers day and the white carnation is thu mothers flower ami tho kluikluulos friends of this our oompauloi in journey have sent tlioso to ho mothoru ontho train in ho of tho day therwaro mothers hunf tnstuiitiyl llngors twinkled heru und tho re in dicating mothers und along the cut kliiutmith with her sweef smile passed the conductor keeping stop und giving usalstunca tn disentangling tha long stems us one utter another tho nations woro taken from tlxu sheaf and thu uhlldren with wide allghtly covetous looks watohod tha uconn wonrtcrlngly to thu wat our they puuooit ottil thi flowers stilt lay in a lieautlntl shout of whlto und green ucross the young girls arm thare wus uomuthlnic of mora august oompatiy hero thah the touring cur klltqbaths fuco uguln nuhedml the conductor hoeluu it sent a irunlul glunon along to tho sud denly tntcmstiiil ocoupants of tho oak uml said oourtoously with 11 wavo tn the girl heuldo him thn 1itity of thn turnutlims with bloasomu ror uothoru ly whurn uro the mothers 1 a wave of sutprlsu uml upprtvolatlon hid sort hundolupw here arid there hi dlcuted thu mothers butkubeth drew whichever you choose it will be the bbst you ever tasted salada long breath of clof und bar fuou dialed as she vllsvntuugled flower after flower niiylng us uho extunded one hero und thero a caruntlon mothers day in the next our she found a jolly group travelling tokthsr und evident ly in wattor her- mmlng thoroworoi futhera und mothers and grown chil dren with imyu and glrls uml uuntii ndoven n jsnmilfulherl yes w u waiting- for you suld a gonial konltomun laying down his paper as tho two approached thu g of it has rcaotiort to us in udvaiiqu wo only wish wo wii ull rnothers and then the lady bosldo him rose und pressoit 101lsabtli into her woat kllxuoth making hor you will sit hero wo art sot unxloum to got aoiuuiitod with this struigo beuutlful thing you aro doing nilsa- bth sludoyou uudugei wild ua alio looked into u pair of brown oyou im only the messenger convoying thn kind thought of others and than also ex plained the tuuldeik blossoming of thn mothons duy there 011 that weiitbogind train it wus u delightful cnnpany iclliubemt fauhd hereolf in una most uppreclatlvo they could not get enough of tlw beautiful uwy of thu lovoaclioroo of tlto dijurrouaiin of tho ttultd thny urfkeitrqticatlouu and tltcn more ueutloru hut at last tjie gent to man tjy thv window boslde jiuitthoth said h hupnojo wo glyo tho llttlolady of blacktea rhtcn satuiylnd flavour from the finest hardens mixed tea just ctmtugh tfrccn tea to maka th blend dollclous oreen tea a hafjalloa la orads t para traauucaal and so rinvurv utory wu uro thu muonill cluu ou way to makii humus on land unit urs ulong thu columbia wo an iurt not only now homuii but a hclkwl ami a ohuroh wv lm in tlinn and wn havo you ir mot u ru wllh uu uml hu laid hlu liuml on thu nuut hi front of him occupied by two- gruyllutrnd hidlts and i niin my way wm1 said hdlsuhnut luutnliig mm of hoi wwoot umlluu hut i liuvo no homu uu yi- ui l to hut whou 1 obtain a milinul then iny mnthi 1 in lo umiih ami w shall havo u homii ami wo you ate to hn a tciiuher sold the uttlo lady standing lu the alsln with her hand routing on talltulmlh uhoiililer iyu uuhl iliabuh a ditlfk light iun tohu ludy u ttyhu au she nxi hanufd a louk with thn mm nt tlm wlpdow ami ho uoddud and mo you going out not knowing when the uchonl is to bt interro gated tho fiuly bringing bur syes to tint ugaln mi tcllxalxth hut i havo frluiidu thy will id m a nutlug plum until i tlnd a hold in which to labor tlm tfontlnnun at thn wluditw luah- d towuril the bdlus lu front of him and ut thu samo tlmn a gontlemun hack of him laid hlu hum 1 luliowliler tho hum droppud away from icllsohelhu uhouldur and the owner paluiod to thn uout rurthur back and furtively words among tho dlffor- iiut ones of thn parly wnro exuhaitgod itnturnlng tho ludy uald wo aru go ing to imi frank with you mint iciixaheth khki uuld i3lliuhiilh 111 hor sweet tnodeat wuy wnll miss kllsulmth icirko wo ure going to bo frank with you uml say our party is in hood of mmio 0110 to nil a teuohurs plaou tho hlu o of mr marnsll wua inloildlng to bo with uu hut her lover coaxed hor- to lm tnprrle i lnstnad klliubclh llftod hor heart the nyes the two rnut am you m larneutt ulin said why should wo not hut aiuiwerod the lady jlut youknow tidhing about mo said iciixatmith rising and looking around from onu to tho othe of thu uttlo party llllliig the uoats noll rohu also thu mluuloii thut was glvm you by tho latdlos uullil of your uwn ohurcli has nnuravod a rbooiiimomlatlou on our hearts youiiit ludy thut time will be long in nraslug wn mind nut bo in jiusta lo doc bin you know think tha plan over und uoo whut tho uttlo mothur ut homo uayu iorlmpu uho will auk for our loflommeiidutlon whon iqilxalhith wus baolc in ueac among thn plitln furnlnhlngu of thn tourist rar thu nnou thetu nothuii a hrlghtuiuin on tho tuoo and tha dig nlty that wits new to tho girl whomd hevit uway from thorn suoh a short time tho nhlldron vould havo to hij ugaln but tho mothers hub them back not ipjlto thu story lady wum hum young woman who wus uow taking hurplaco among thom the gen tin man uoross tho alula uuld in a deferential manner hus thu day brought full compen sation t your fucn indiuatou it oh indood mr what is youi numet mr macdormott ami mine 1m kllntboth klrko muodormott uunh a imautiful tiling has happened you know x have my fare turned towardtbo wost b0ikng a home for my inolhar my father is lu tho hotter country i am a teacher uml tho people in ono of tho curs buck have boon no kind thorn is a whole party of them going out tn sottlo ou thn columbia hlver thoy uro in nood of a teacher for thulr children tho onu lluiy hud qxpiiotod to have gone with them uu a lean her mui atayod buck to bo married and x um to hu given a trutl ror the plaoo to this mr uopermott suld is it the maonoll party you tnuatrt luilkabeth uoddud theros u fine comiiutiy nrend mr macnidlwat dluitor of oui cjiuroh at ottawa ror nrtneii yours tin is a grand hiun oi d tluds very uwtt wus thu ulsnp dint night tf thn little party in thy luxurious bimk from kllsobothti hut just uwoot wus lqltsabeth s and tnoro than uld imvu uuld with truth lllx over mo is loyo wo 1 hiiiuil bo loo luiful uu to what llilluouf ia wu allow i tomb our lives or what inrtip iickh wu ex uml to others a trill may 1 hutigo a life either for- good or tor 1 vll k a uttlktlig inrldont in pioof of this is that lolutixl by mr clark when h ting uu milliliter in this foundry of muukiu ay it famotiu painting christ liiifnrn lllatu loiiiu uonutlniih auk uayif mr guruf kvhstliul lhu uxlioultloii of it work of u 4 lllin tblu ilons any good i nun uuy mout emphatically thut it does wuliml thu painting in ifumll- tin out lust fall and onu duy u hapiiniitht that my wlf wus ulone ut tin door a rough rude rmtti came yulklng up uvldnutly a sailor from 1u10 of tlm lukolumtm fg christ horot h uskud roiighly mrs clark was so tukuii nbuuk by the rude blunt nuos- tlon thut shu was speechless ror a moment how much to see chris tt ho demumled hhu tuli him that the itdmlsslou fuu wiis a qwarter well i g nous 1 ii havti to pay for it ha growl ed and puttlihf down u piece or silvor ho brushed past her ho sat down in front of the great plnturo und studied it for u moment or two then by anil by off caroe his hut hn studied it a little while long er than leaning down ho picked up tlm iluaorlptlvo outalogua which hu hud lot fuu us he took his seat hu nad it ovir studied thu paining ii now dropping his faou into ids bunds at intervals anil so hn stuyod thera a full hour whun hu tumn out there were tears in his uys and wltli a vohio full of nobs ha said to mm clark madam i camn hum to soo chrlut bouiuiio my mollmr asked me to i um 11 rough man salllnr on the lukiu and lidfnio i went ou this rrulu iny mothor wanted mo lo ueo thin plo tiirnvuud ii4unulictctapoaaohor 1 never hollo veil in utiy uuoh thing hut tho man who could paint it picture ilka that ho imint liavn iwliovod it there iii kiftm thing in it thut mukuu ma ito ueyi it toil mudtim flml helping inn 1 am u ohuiigod man from todity hoe or t mr mm th ltov- oo theha0dthtn08 firat- huhiioudod ithuvu tho desk of il bank utrtnldnnt is ills motto do tho llurd thing first ton yeuru ago lu wan illsnount olutk in this samo bunk how did you climb uo fustt i kod i uvo up to that text ho replied there is not miioli elso to toll 1 hud long boon coiwolous that i wau not gottlng on us fust us 1 should i was not keeping up with my work it wum dlstumtoful t- me when i oionud my douk lu tli morning und ftund ft cove roil with reminders of work to he itoiio during the duy i bo- oauio dlseoiiraucd thuro wnro al ways pi unly nf o n in pum lively ausy things to do uml theso i did ttnlt putting off tho dlsugroouhlo dutlou u lung u pontilbli ltiisult 1 bouiima in lelleotuully juny i fait an inrroualuk imapuolty for fny work one mo lag i woko up t took htnck of myi to tlnd out tha tioublu mutitoruudu of uovnul matters that had lung needed attention stared ut mo from piy cal- vndur suddenly tho thought cumo io 1 liuvo been doing only tho uusy jthlhgu hy postponing tho disagree- uble tusks tlm mean annoying uttlo things my mental mtnulus huvo boon allowed to grow flabby they roust bbrmomoxoratuo l took off my ooal und i proooodod to ale an house it wiihii t tuilt as bud us i eximutcd thou vtook a card and wroio on 1 do tlu llurd thing iflrst apd put it whoio r could sa it uvuty rooming 1vo bom doing thu ban thing first almio ilrooklyn central words with a daokbone 7 tha caruotloisa a rct nnd tail tier our to soiuu young pooplo be winl uoouomy muans vnry much thn uiuno tiling nq ntlngtnnuj lhoio uio few modern young rjuiiutllatis jvho huvo uuy real liking for tho word thrift tlmlr idoal lu to ourna good nalary and sioud it usthey nirn it und then make a fnrtuuu by noma lucky utrlln kuoimmy would bo us muuln to your eur if yoi ralucjl junl whut h j mqnnt lfcoionfy is a proof of ueir- noutrol or fur- sigh tednoos no on s money wbo huu not luurnod to say no to himself no oiyj uaveuyj who huu not luarned to look boyoml the present- oonuni lu ute founiut- tlotiof prosperity thrift and echn- wny uro not uitpeauant words if you u inters tuuu them rightly thoy ore words with a uboktwdo when fonqetfulnesfe 18 cowardice i imro am uuiiiu kinds nf forgtful- nuuu tliut mo noooijiiary lu our poaro rim uiiklmlnmiit thut humiliated us to our honrtu dojilhi lu belter forgottnrt biiiil nf our own ntlstuknu which bring tin liund to 1111 nhnuka every unto wo 1 1 till thniu hud bettor bij put out of mind korgiitfulmitm tn wnnoj tlmcii unt only wluo hut ueiesnnry if wo aiu to muko tho mout at our lives hut ihnn again forgo tfuhteuu lu nowurihid ihoro am omn pooplo who duliburutcly muko the effort to mil uniim of thn mvooteut uml mout uplifting oxnorloiioon out tlmlr llvm lieritiiiui tho inomory brliigu a pang girl who lout u- ulstor to whom j wipi paaulo nattily dovoteil umtonluhoil hnf ariiiinlulitnrca by plunging into llfu of frivolity hhu yjtxh coutlnuully uttuii with tiiiintlmabla ituhoclatus und finally u frlnnil uttemd thin remon stiunmi do you think tcdna would ho huppy if uho uitw how you wont upending youi tlmist thu girl turned upop her und fluuhnd out dont iluro to smtuk of icdna im trying to forgot inn u whlto of hor love for hor hlnto 1110 wuu a coward tleauuso rvoodvotloii brought ik pungslnwau trying to drown it lit folly und ex citement tho memory nf tha friends who have loft us may bring a pang hut it lu worth tlm palnovou- if it should continue hut thin lu not tho a gradually tho hurt hauls purtlully ut leant yihu remoyibranco or post joys 1111 longer lirlncu aukulsh indeed old age fliiilu onu of hu uhlof oomfortu lit runalllng filnuilu that huvo orouueil tho 1 ivor uml oxpoileucuu vwth which thoy wero uusouliitod if hiiouvomoht huu caul its uhadnv over your llfu do not meet it with u 00 wiltilly upiilt do tint tiy to run away fiom it to ovmlo it 11 louuon think of ynut hivnl onen ovon if tho thought ht hum a uing hpoak of them ovon if your llpil tremble ovur tho dour lutiuii tho frlondu on thu other 11i1i0 nf tho curtain deserve 11 pluoaln our liuiutu u placo lu our though b a plitoo labour dully upuoah if wo uro willing to hive them up to wljm thom out of our lives to saw f 1 up uf cowurdu aud um t r irtolvom u hurt t- tl ui t rlonduyj what it means to b oood a good iohoi is just uu vuluamu uu uuuettu a working ouuu uu n noisy wjnnar mumlbiy more lieuauso thu nojay wlnnor on another und leas fort onu to oncuiilon might prove u itoor losur in uuy utuuuu nuittors wu must tuku into coils i duration thu will of the mujorjy and tho grout- cut good for thu grputmt number wo hayjookt our pet propositions on whloh wu hopi for a favorite voto in hiihittewu humhiiiii just au imrd au wo putuuo but if a majority of thp mem- lans iolo a gain tit it uml adopt uiu ol 101 plan thuti 111 good losers wu t irn wholelienrtodly to thrt uupport of thu winning uropuutluin- bucuusn it is for tho oluss y thu uuudlduto wo loudly uml oloiiiumtly ucolaim for ifloo- tlon muy full to win vnry well we yiu pot girtwl 01 ompluln not if wa gomi insurs hut wo will give urnewt whole- hnurled uupudrt to fjbo wlnnor beuaiisu ho lu for the oluus tho good luitii 4iuyir holds a giouah uftur u thing hi settled by a fair vote or by uu bonus t deolsioij nor dueu hu curiy hlu difference of iplnlou to ouhddnfm if things do not kt totit uu wo hiiuld keep shu multor uotuly tomiurnvlvus nji out- hldor enn manifest anything but a curious interest in our utralrw es pecially in our illhduttui und dlsutireo- ntoitta clearinq tracks with water 10 the treat northern hallway uktrta tho ubnio uf lugut hound in htulu of wauhlngton truffle is homotlinou intoi f erred with by hildas from utuep uuud and gravel bunks whloh imvut h10 ti ucku itormerly thonn airliluntu tuiisud voxallotm do- whllo kiiiikh of men slowly ulnjv- ellud off thu uhulruuuoti but thu prln- olplu of bydrilullo mining bo wall itnpwn lu thu wcul uuggutitvd a mora xpudlthius method or oponlng up tho pioneers oti clover dat ilrongost nfliireu tlm lure of in hi ml hul inn of 1 m nrmuinoiit buultftuiu men uf winnipeg mr thus llulmuu of the firm of llulmuu hros to foruuku city life nluiuttwiilvn yaitru ago and uiu up residuum in thu okuuugnn vulley hlu runeh clov- nlulv huu imhuiidh mil nf the most ifiterstlng notu in lhu vfu prlulug 000 urnm of be mi it und itoltom laiidu pri tenting a hint bleu of iura- tlonu on a in r iicalu lu a fruit- ranching country with uverywii uvluliiie of inlllatlvk it lu situated ip thn klllsuin dlstrint frilm thn hills to tho futuouu old mlsuluii rond loadu from kolowna to vol am a bout 3io ut no of orchard und thirty thousulid fruit trees liavo been planted mixed funning is curried on innludlng stock raising grulugmwj luifi gardening hmujl fruit culture orehard growing chlully cliurrluii uml apnlns und buy meudows tbero aro leu miles of roud built through fuovu rd ul sixty tnliti nf foiiolug und tho distributing uyutcm of irrigation wator eoiudstu if ubout twelve mllos of plpos und flumes this system has recently imen rebuilt in a tmrmanont manner with vl trifled clay pipe ami cement illverllng boxes a trip to the head of thu irrigation syuttuu wus nf particular intnrest when a huu vlow of the large truct wus obtained lu tho bright sumlght a lovely vuley wau unfolded bright groeu fields orchard idopou and plno- otud hills during thu war un j uvulioratlng pluut wus onoiuted ut olovordalo and bus ikocomo a pnrmanunt industry tbero carrots and onlonu were evnp- muled nnd sunt ua urmy uupidles to thn front while apples und thn munu furthro of tomato rulp are uthor lu- duutrlnil thut i111vh boon luuilgurutud tho yliildu fnim tlm vuluuhu bottom lupilaviougo from 13 to ht tonu per acre in onions aud theyleld jf tonui- j tons lu from hi to 20 tons nr ntn tho nunneries making contrurt with tho growers fur their nutimt ilin nrlgluul owner of cinverdulu wuu mr oo4krg whulau who now roshtuu on a lun turn tract mar by und u visit to thlu lino uriuuli col umbia pioneer who ut 70 youru of ut lu enjoying ufa by rending k oping ubicuht of tho tlmeu u inly rich lu ex- p 1 1 iu- miikni 0110 roulixa ihut elder ly limn uro ono ut tho nation u grout en iiiihils mr wholau urrivml from eng lund nl tlwilmo of thu gold rush at cirllu und muile good in placer mliilnif uftirwaidh hi slug whut had i ulncd ln finally drlrted down into lhu okuiisghu country wllh a biputra of iitnvuu an uxn and a dollur lug up a lent lu lui ft nf snow lirlntmuu tv 1h7z on tho property thut lu now tuirt of clovnrilulu miiirtd 330 hcrni of land adding from tlmo to tlmn till a t0u sores was unpilrod ami us the first runner thu viijey to grow clover hu mimed hlu furm cloverdulo tannery cooperative the store of quality and low prices new low level priced op au kiwlil of soap4 shortening lard klce tapioca elc oranges lemonh gia1b fruit spinach ctc at veiiv cix1se prices- special values in fine hoots worlfii g itortw tonnls shoco bunnlrtff shoes womens white canvas oxford ktct overallif smocks und working bhlrtsyiil greatly ilcducecl ihrlccs lluttcr and fcecs wanted highest trlcat paid fcdutei cash or ftjoodii tannery cooperative c a conway monoircr miu street acton j mi 1 1 nfimipimmmbim minmmncihmiiimmmbicmmrimmnnniirpnm liimniki v a uiuam pump attached to heavy iiouq now taken the plucutif tho shov- ullein whun a ulldu in tojbo rumovud and tint skillfully dlruetud utnufm of wutto rupldy wtiuhoh off tho sand ajldj curih uld ea von tho track fltio cure must of uouruo hu taken uut jo umlormlm tho mudbedbut tills dlllluuhy bocjuu to have been obvlat- studebaker special six v a car of flo i rich wheel basu with so 55 rarse power motor studctmkor doslgncri and studabakbf built dotnchuhlc head motor improved carburetor witli hot spot intifko mnnifold positive tuplck lubricating system its com fortable and robmy scat 32x4 goodyear cord tircn mid many other special features make tho studebaker special six iho leahing cdr in canada today w a j n oneill sqn garage and carriage works georgetown distributors op studebaker and oodgu brotlinits motor cars ror j acton georgetown and milton i mwn j v l free press advertisers are always reliable 1 v sceen doors and screen windows 1 iirui ibnm no 20 1 1 1iw llilihl hi lu 30d no l li 1 dkll id lutt 1 in 36o no ji tl 1 juk ii iglit hi hi 4fje no a i 1 jjx in ihli hi hi in y46o i nci 1 opi hi lijt tn in 9 k5o nil 11 0 l x u lllklitnj in ihlulit in 660 nil 7 fii 1 flh 70e no k one 1 111 llinht u in 76o no u oii 1 tufii ii iifht ii in ua no u 1 ix ut hi inlit ik hi 70o n 13 lw 1 lu 1 1 lluiiht 1 1 hi s5e no 1 1 out no if fiii 1 v iii 11 i lit j- in 85o 1 ji nil ill hi j hi oo jht qcratn doors ma 1- of clr pi os f 4 muilu in t in u 1 ft 11 in a ft m x in 3 ft 7 fl loj r 1 10 in 3 ft x rout di 01 m 3 50 1 00 jh 76 o 00 li ur ionijwga c3 00 tiio how laitmvmtr a 1 1 in i outtim this stores policy to rcprccut joods ex actly ns to thur quality to sell to thom who know niid to thosa who r dont know otp uniform fair price to fulhtl all guarantees and cheer fully correct all rm takes to descrvo your contldcrice by always giving you satisfaction savage co jowcllers guelpii ontario klllii inkwiibrtsbr 11lonrocanad grand trunk swt the double tvack route uwtwitm montheal r toronto detroit i- chicago unexocllod dining cr sorvlo bleeping onr u night trains si3 wrlor tars on prlnoliu iay trains vull inforuiutioa rrom any gran trunk ticket tgsiit or o 13liorul district lasifaugnr agtit toronto h a houv1ks aseot acton ont thtns ta r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station aquantlmof ifeed corn and oil cake just received 1 vlouilveku n0rval blun and shorts llay stiuw r nole ltd henrv awhey manaoei when vou need boots shoes al any tlniu- buy prom w williams hup street alton iamous tor satisfactory footwear hpasonabie prices wv0fw

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