Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 5, 1921, p. 3

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riztj9j -t- ttztir glfo jvrt jftsae tltmihiay may c 1021 mother love oitrt dny when mother warn uwuy hhe loft a lunch for mp tim rrosh luld loth won while un froth flh ii u nllvrr nnu a viuo of tliwr wuh ut my plaoc an i un if j- ovor dish a tinto jwnh lal i whose word conveyed a toiiflnr in llinr wwn tho nlr although w wu n t there htlll seeme i lo 1m 1 i her smile a faint perfume wu hi tli room an dm ugh she luumnd tho whllo- to luy they y h in away and lit vur may room back yet shall 1 k m r v aifi jail my mlit ju 1 urnkt lluu she n t pft her word to mo on nvcry table mrad7 liu not 1 ir love utlll rwt shove ami hlun my dolly bread t tim liloom of oviy now or erfum jlrlliifn i n u hr lonutunt smile an i on ny brow uy even now iikc mort ilpw tiunh th while i lulmund vano cook wheres mother bursting in from school or play this ik wbtt ttm chjhrn say troop in tf crowding big and mall on the threshold in tho hall joining in tin consunt cry kver un thn day bo by wluira molhert worn th weary bed of twin tliu uamu question camu again lrom tha boy with sparkling eyes hearing homo hu earliest prim 1vom tho hroniod and boards ton a nil honor 4 mother t jtilrdened with lonely task otio day wo may vainly ask hot tho comfort of her face or thn rout of bar embrace iot uh lovo her whllo wg may well for- ua that w can say where s mother v uother with untiring hand at tha kuit at duty stands 1 at lent seeking not her own ansloua for tho good atone of tho children an tltay cry fcvr u tha day go byj whores mother tf house cleaning in mpan mouse cleaning in japan la not tho lilk undertaking fur japanese house wives that it la for those in america there in no furniture to bo moved out uf corner ami dilated no gloss win dow iiatic to lo cleaned and polished n heavy carpets and rugs to bo taken out and beaten instead when house cleaning day cornea h japan whjeh u juat about twlj a year aad aoma- ilratm only one tho pr ta most almplo it conalata in nmorini tho oul ntnf from tho alldlns walla and window rramoa and raplaclnc it with now when the nppolntod day for boaao- ttloajilna- arrlvm the papeobanser la want for ha arrtvea with hta rolla of lair on hi back tho paper la of a htwtlaaa wbltoneas and though thin in touh in texture tbo old papi la thnn torn away th frame cleaned and tha now paper paated in place tho honnewtfo not only ov tbo job wutob aura the paper la pot un without a oreaaa but aha auo wd her aaalaunca by outtlnjc from tho rplla of paper aheets of tho ruht ilw after tho paper la paatod on tbo rramea it ta tborooxhly aprinkled when it dries it la a taut aa the head of a drum japaneeo homea are built after atyla of archttocture entirely uuuoj japan in oroctlna a bulldbur jap- uneae workmen conlruct tho coot are then tho framework that aopporta the roof inatnad of atandtnar wua with doom aet to tbeeo on hlnsee and atutlonary window ttmrntm ultrnomn aro divided from each other by paper moreena that alldo back and forth in kroavtm at top and boupm in ach of the window apaoea ara two fraxdaa that alldo boolr tokotber in a aene toe japadaa may bo aald to keep pen houav nearly all the year round each mornlnjr except in yery oold weather wtndowa doora partltlona ore all alld back- and the wb4l houao throwd into one apart menu a visitor in a japaneao bonw at in a japanese hotel may expect to 1m awakened early by the noise of tho blidlna- walu and window panela and even before he la aware of what a happening he will find hla so called private apartment eiuraued in that another on tbo outalda of the veranda rail- ins of a japanese home aro other groove on which the outaiaa wooden doors alldo back and forth instead of heavy carpets and rues the jap anese cover their doora with thick mats each of tha regulation also alx feet loiur by three feet wide and there inches thick they can be lift ed and laid down jn different patterns at will a u itames not enough to pav for idle ness necently the newspapers chronicled the case or a profcaaiaoaj ntertaner wbo had cone blind at forty atx lie held an insurance policy with a total disability clause by which no was as sured of aeventynvo dollars week for tha reat or his life out naturally in order to collect he would have to five up his work and remain in idle ness for the reat of hla daya after reflection instead of renew ins the policy ha burned it just as it ex pired a rood many people will find thin imrd to understand from their stand- point n blind man who throws away an inonrao of seventyovo dollars a week awakens suspicion aa to his sanity nut tho man himself was of tho opinion that aeventy five dollars a week was not enouah to pay for con tlnual idleness he hart spent his umo nwklna people tuusfa but he oould not ranks of the useless the totally dla ubled the loss of a pair of eyea seemed to hlnf on inadequate excuse for such a surrender and tor fear lba ixin thataaventy-av- sj is- r- if dollars a weelf would rscooye the in centive to do hla best work he burned the deuoy instead of renewing p tha prabahluty is that aa lonar aa he lives ho will be cheerful active suc cessful whllo if ha had been wlulna to ticket himaelf as ineapaoiuted would have beennecesanjityiijle inevitably mtaersbls tbe reat or life 8omo times a sure tnlmr i mlafortuno rather than an advantajre to feel that there la noneed to try la llsastroua ns to feel that flprine has really como and i m en- joyins it april elmwera tmually atir- ren up my oui bonne and joints but the warm uulmy uunahlno and aephyra of uuy mako me foraet tho aches in the bones an 1 nil mo with very auul- iithoi that aprlnc and trrowlo time timl bloaaomn ahd wild flowers have coma buck to us uruiii llayl nrr you auinolently old ruah- lonl to rememlmr whnn the looming of tha ban dor as wu the nrat aim of prlnfft llow tho furrln chaps with their hunly anirdlas and their cun nluat utile monkeys did am vita to to tha country unes and vuuuko streets in the old sprlnatlme days don you remember yoo older folks how they played the street with an ever- inoroaslna fallowing of the little kaf fir who are grandfather and vrand mother nnwt how thy followed front house to luiuua and store to htore itlean me if i over could make out whether it wea the mweett and varied it muelo of ttie hand organ or tho cute little monkey in his quaint hit of olot baa andred akull cap whltii moat tlrkled the u naophls ucal ed that a hut word but i auea it fit in all right youngster of away back in tbo aeveotlea rsy i wo thinking alto u l a hurdy- gurdy and monkey vult on one of tbe urines of long ago just the other day when t stood watching th work men obliterating tho last outlines of the old shop and rcsldenoe xf w u storey to make way for the fine brick front jaf jlmmbs0tarkmana new store well thn tiurdy jrardy man hd play ed at veils tavern and ug bt heart cooperahop and hills a tore and ity- der blackstnlth shop and ransom adams ltrctry nd at jim kelso s then went across to storey a the man played at tho ehop door and ho aent tbe monkey up the waterplpe to the rooms upstair whero lira storey and her maid were house- cleaning they were too busy to hear tbo muato or to notion tho monkey climbing into the open window their aurprlse i complete and their acroama war much louder than the note of tho wheesy organ it was worecthan a mouse oould manage gny iroe well not withstanding air storey a character- uuo kindness and goooroelty mr afonkfiy was o halted out without either cerenfony or baokaheeah for hts owner well the hand organ and tho hurdygurdies and monkeys all seem to have gone the way of nil fleah- bvn the atreet piano which came along in somebody tight waggon onoo in a while baa disappeared but adam algeos canned muslo next door where bill stratbrook kept store mora than makes up for tho loss at least the neighbor think so anyway an old vounq man wttni what la your agor asked the coun sels well said the man i celebrated my tweutji birthday last week xk you mean to tell tho court that you aro dot more than twelve years or ogot why you look mort than three times that agal pour times would bo exaotv and yet yon venture lo tell nmr and romembejuyou urn on oaththat youeelebrate yoturtwetnii birthday last wajrr and its quite true you ae i was bomjm rebruary if in ijoap tsar uid my birthday only t four ysara well 1 left chsrue cook beg pax- don the llev dr diaries a cook as the popular pastor of parliament btreot baptist church toronto ue had a auccesafuj paatorate there for quite a number or yearn charlie preached tho goapel than mm ho preach es it atlll and ha believe in practis ing what ha preaches too ho has al ways been a great believer in n toward ehlp and tithing both money and time whllo ho was a minister in toronto tho ate senator macdonald offered a prise or jl 000 00 for tho best essay on the subject of christian qwlng among others charlie there 1 cant get away from hla boyhood name in acton was one who wrote in tho content when all the essays were in the judges decided two of thorn were of oqual merit the one by itev char les a cook and one by junc j c seymour a methodist minister who wa stationed at the time at mark- bam i think as a result both wen conaldered prizemen end tho 91000 00 offered by the godly old methodist wholesaler and senator was divided equally between charlie and mr sey mour the essays were published in a peat little volume and although it is thirty- two or three year years slnoe they were written thebook is still id demand as a holp to inculcating the principle of qhrtallan benefioisneo among the young folks i think it was about thl time that charlie carno boms for a few day on a brief holiday he and ed itcoar- via charlie hid ji i mooro and teacher moore were together uptown drlaiy overcoat morning aomo- thing like but friday when them charlie or hd suggested a fish ing trip up to tho qranil hlvor neal oapringe it only needed ilw sugca tlon for any one uf thono live a team and democrat was secured from tho tlvery i think it wa in kd mat thews time and uwy they went they got tu tho river they got p tine lot of speckled beautlom they got wet both in tho rlvor beow and from the dripping fiojven above but they had n jolly time they mudo u apeotaole of themselves when they had tramped back to edward to ton a jum where tho team was left coats and pants and ehlrts were soaked on they name arid ilk thn boy they were in earlier days tthohl flwlmmht holat tbe hi lund they raced for who oould the soonest wring out the wet garmonta and get bank into them again x think itwas between charlie iiiii and charlie cook as to who w6n first place yoo know bd was so hj eroeaycyod he couldn t tell very quickly anof wfifehllmvlo get first into tb right trousers leg well they finally got 1 itched up an 1 off for home aa soon mi they got nu uvn charlie cook began crying thn old nnherman cat jresh herrings presh koeeh and kd mcoarrln wold respond in his dulcet tonev six rotten out of five and by tho time they reached town this jolly load of fishermen were all bawling- th oounlebc kvcn tho digni fied teacher moore entered into- men- boya port i now you ii wundvr how i gut nil the detail of this trua yarn n luu well i raw the bunch of chaps go off on their vxcursji myself ahd i was half mad that tney dldnt ask me then i was down at tho post office wheri they cam back and saw jltnmle mat thew and rev d b cameron uio presbyterian ml n later look jn amuse roent at the unruly crowd or men who allowed chemsetves to tiecome nohry boys ugsjn and then after this they al talked for a vrpek shout ihn fun they bad and boasted about who had caught the biggest fish and told on the days escapade before sunday ci when charlie cook waa billed to presrh in both the ilaptlst and tho methodist churches well i guess that a enough for you da week it time you were oul tho garden getting in those flower ahd vegetable seeda so i muatl cut it short next week if things go right 1 ii toll ferou something more ahout charllo how he wo called to new york stale then to a bigger job than ever which took him over the whole of tho united state no by jlmralny i guea wont after aj til let that stand for a week or so i v gotten a beautiful story of the work and influence of moggin hyiubv who lived on the hill just as you used to turn to go into cook u haggle became a great wu jo ii a mal mother to hundred oi boys and girls a matron in children t homea rhe ha earned richly s real artr a life of arduous worlc thlt little wtory came to ma from thouaan is nf mil away rromvanaouver wiiopo uasgle 1 now living in retired lire and 111 warrant you ii enjoy it imi long a woman a garden and a little oqv a woman plantetl a garden but ah worrlad about it hhs watched it and watered 1 anl the seeds grew but she worried about it and when the harvoet aurn ii though the aeeds of her garden ylolj fruit in abundance atlll ahe worried about il you aee she planttvd her garden to win premlunth at the grange vali and that bt why she worried ahout it thl woman had una little bo tut she dldnt worry about him she clothed him qnd fed him and he grew up but she dldu t worry about him fvom early till lata he played in the treet but she dldn t worrjr about him and wlmn harvtat time came al- tliquab tha aeeds of lying smoking end swearing planted in her boys heart yielded fruit in abundance till sho dldn t worry about it you see there were no premium at th orange vslr offered for llttl boysand that is whyshe jin t worry about him while there are mother legion and little boy legion there is only harvest time the end of tho world coming j thero garden heart garden will be judged and reward eternal life eternal death aivcv then o tho joy- of the mother who ha faithfully cultivated tho soul gar den or herboy vnerfenarelves from tha band or tho judge the righteous judge ufa eternal life and o th heart anguish of the mother who has been so busy with the cares of this life that ahe ha neglected tho cultivation of the soul garden of her boy heart and receive from the hand of the judge the ttghteou judge death e tarn i death hot o mothers mothers of utile boy nd mother of utle girls i to you who at times get o discouraged as you work in your heart garden uprooting the seeds evil the judge the righteous judge ha aent thl wonderful message it read t will tend with him thatcontendeth with thee and y will save thy children so a you culuvata pray and as you pray have faith and cod will thy children the watchman give love a chance have you ever atopped to think how many things this old world ha used and admired and worshipped which have proved to be absoluteiywrorth- lesa when a great crisis arose to test their valuer the world believed in the poweicof commerce and money they oould not atop the war tbe world believed in culture tt did not atop tie war the world thought a groat deal of rt it was powerless to stop tho passion of men the world worshipped science and boosted of its greatnesa and science used it skill to invent iew ways of killing- more people 2 the world counted oj music j to soothe the savage bream and muslo fled in fear before war trumpet the wocjd was proud of llg eo- clealastlciam and covered rurope over with cathedrals and all tbe socalled religion and architecture of ritual went down like a child sand pile when the tidal wave of bate came rushing in over tho ah ore of mans aelflshaesa money culture art science music and ecolealastldam all failed to stop the flood of hate and race feeling and greed lo men heart and they always will fall wh hot give love a chanoet christian herald development of the west col j h piunnis jennv lino at a scotch kirk it is not perhaps generally known that jenny jnd bnco lod tho slug log in a boots ooaintrv kirk thn world greatest singor was iuiimi tho guest of the karl of iovon and mel ville al hi country anal of ulonfei iieoa on hie hank of tho wind horn tha local postman happeid tk ar rive wiyi the malt hag one hat unlay ii r tor noon who jenny und was ulng log in th drawing room of clenfer- una j louse and waa invited to hear her he found an opportunity to say to the great singer i am a slnirnr my- helf i am the precentor of the pariah kirk than was the reply i shall have the pleasure of going to hear you to morrow on sunday tho postman was at his desk and jenny und in the alrdm pew fortunately for tho congrega tion the precentor pitched his tune too high and h was soon in dim oul ties jenny und at onre a truck in i nd the worshippers had the un que rlvllega of listening tu a familiar hcottlah pealm tune rendered as a glorious eoki by the queen of bong no one w could reach tho high not tho rofo dings of tho orand trunk arbitration hoard nw xlttlng in mont reul in otinnuotlon with tha valuation and nciulromiiit if tl i rand trunk and crand trunk 1 nclfla itullwnyw by the oinmllan jovommonl wnro nn- llvened ly lit examination of co j 11 it nnlm of the canadian 1 ui ida luill- wuy callo 1 us u wltnohm to the htwtory of tho cunu hull west col loiinln who perhas hits u wldor personal knowledirn of um urgwth mid develop mant then nny other man iaorfb 1 grill hlenlly the ohangou that hsvrf taken plnoo in that great western territory rrt in the time when a young man in 112 he unit wnt wvnt in tho employ of tha pertinent of the interim until the present day- its early nottloment and struggles the method or land mtrvoy tlmt tranniior tallon llneu its ugrloulturul ueglniilngs commercial oxlerutloiin mineral re source to showing by tahulntsd ntatamailt ojid map tli4 steady in- nrnaae that has resulted during tho ii ihirlod under dlhouruloi utitl un ler tlon- oroau examination itlvlinf hi opinion of th future tliut llo uforo it col nennlm then wt ut on to toll if thl i1ov lo mnnl of the went hogntn nruresshowlnir tlto lilctcuxo in popula tion for vurloum period tho growth of bank rloarlugu ut principal polntni ilia lunreawo in cbtvutor rui aolly llio tital land acreage unit tho aoreage under nultlvatl n thn land tributary to ex isting railway lino available for set llemontl tho suitability of land f ir hattlement tho growth of th railways ilencrljtlon of hjcscp nlver conn y the amount i t groin produced the value of a settlor to thn rallroiids und the country irrigation develop ment on i extension mineral output and ahe prohct qf the ahiertn oil fields iteforo crojrs xumhintlon by tbe ciovurnmont counuul un 1 uftor ft brief orlptlon of thn proimised work of tha vvetnrn cannon colonization company the wltuesu uua uaked to n his opinion of thn outlook for ruture devnlni mi ut of weateru canada very i rlofly then said col den- tnv 1 1 ii ion with rogurd to tho development of tho western xralrle i rovhu it is con iltl mod on one fact only wn huve nu i have shown at tl n rttmirtt tlmo thirty two million u res of lun i btlng cultivatml ahd nu 1 t roduntlve wo have udjaoent to the rullwuy llneu that serve that 1 rohoiit pro luutlvn urea an area equally inruo tlmt ix uhiiolutely unproductive if in tho hour futurewe can make this two r throe million unros of land that tin within riftoen miles of 0x1000 railway proluatlvo uf settlement tt is a fulr nhtlmnte that it will more than double tho t rod unt i venose of the coun try becuuse if thn thirty two million acre tloit we how huv under cultlva tlon i roduco tho trallla we have at i reuont tho colonisation of tha addi tional thirty throo million aero will i roduoo a great deal more than similar amount now he continued whether we nan colonise it or not depend upon theonven munt if the government- iw of the present railway sltua- nre going to impose restriction with regard to colonisation of course thiil myiim a lengthened time within which development cun be carried out aioiitmlng am in iiuggoatod that wo litivo tho door opon to the chajraoter of lolonlxatlou which brought nbout thn snttlomont nfthe thirtytwo mil lion ucre un i tho development of thai uounlry from what it was forty nlna yiurn ngi to what it is today which remihnd wholly and aoleiy from the nettlement of tho country thero we not unythlok olw whuih brought about t hitjtfvglgdmcnlnroy ojinlqnltcthat a very rapid development can bo pro duced within tbo mutt tovt years nnd the future of tho flrand trunk pacific alwiolutely depends upon it to num up i will say that if all interests take hold of tho matter in telligently utid nggrosslvely and the lovttrnmont will consider the inter ests of the national hallways and not bnr tiio door it iq my opinion we should huvu n very marked movement of people to westorn canada in fact i wll be dumppolnted if our immigra tion duos not double within the next nvo year natural curiositv a literary man tells of an arousing incident which ono befell hint and might have turned outgulto tbe op- poalte says tit hits he went into a barbers shop one day lo be abaved as he sat in the chair ho noticed that tho woman at tendant in the outer shop kept look ing gt him anxiously through the glass panel of the doon he could not understand her be luivior at all until he got outside when a polioejman came up to him and said i m glad to find youve come out alrtght6lr whyt exclaimed the journal 1st in surprise what the matter is there anything wrong insider welt tho fact 1 sir replied the poltaeman that barber came out of a lunatic asylum only last week and his relative t considering whether they will have to send him back again hor u long time the deposition of sine coating to preserve iron from rusting was only effected by tha aid of beat but within recent years a cold mooes of gmlvar uuuf by electrolysis jtns been put into practice it ta uverred that this prodess overcomes many dofects of the old such as lack of unifo in tha- thlcknss of the ainc film and roughness of the surface as formerly practloed galvanising often necessitated tho remitting of of screw threads an account of the uneven deposit but with the elec trolytic method no such difficulty arises it ia also claimed that the aino coating adhere more firmly when deposited by the oold process while the cost is diminished he knew the effects tho dry wit of a certain uondon magistrate shows delightfully in an anecdote told n tho tatlar tho mag istrate was taking oeteein hla club one summer evening whan a fellow member remarked that hot ooffce was not a good summer drink you should take cooling drinks he added hvo you ever tried gin and ginger beert mo answered the magistrate but 1 ve tried a number of men who have wiiiv hiv vhi kuu iuiu n mother oravea worm gxtemtinator thesh how it p got in pretty nearly wilt- drive fjnns from th aygtm to the nook in the soft mud at a wlmy i without injury to th child beoause place on tho edge ct tbo river ob i it action wtflla fully attecflve is bjaas mv bsjf the town kaow all abou mild i the ford garage m has made complete arrangements for storing batteries for tbo winter months batteries kept at proper temperature anil inspected monthly and kept to tho desired gravity bats terics re chargod or repaired when necessary advice free oxyacetylene welding plant is being installed all welding in repairs promptly and satis factorlly executed ourplant for general repairs is complete prompt expert attention given to necessary re pairs tp carq of anyimtke tho electric starting and lighting systems satisfactorily overhauled full line of tires of all makes and a complete assortment of accessories always in stock l g king manager h a coxe proprietor free press advs real business getters we sel expenicnoi gilson 91aty ysar of bklnhiprof fdvlng crood vahl hevpltur aiusfgeubn anil mai aenlcal thats why th qfjaon name win rmpsci and confldsswsj from coast to coast thats why wt are rsrpud to aetj this dspandabl farm oqulpmnt the gllsori engine wooderfal kum oumb eua puina wweaeld la rastoa cul ooe uktr efis k uftursuuuag ues asysuefmaaypipoaaao be dor sutler ouide ataesy su f r cuiier auae iyixpyu toeollsosfreader t the fiyk hlo lean meet ttmh auculat s auue dea ur tbe laat orktul it ultt to imt lodcfliilldy i lekclaaiv patcolfd asbirm of de sign juxt construction atin raimer lays far manure b tbe bait fertuusr voa bar it hialt in tha ant uw oaeltt tbebaitusaure spreader oudsm jfteor alter ywfiwr theciuoe vtat it loii lamt mo qtf cast- profit on h u uw dew it ua lubt draft r wlu year imauaaat csa take srfl load m4i re rest datcjml t youbtetit gearaaadaltepumtsdparta cn 4 aw iwmwi d mm bvw ifewulatveaavnaajaeymmenfyofi aussr tfj i csasas csrif h cilson mfc co limited cuelbh ont call sod sm nearer pmiw j w barberree acton ont 8uqar a danoenous drug irlor to the 11th reiltury augur wa lookihl upon simply an a drug and how tho doctors aro beginning to suy that jt responalble for many i f the ills which cljillduu nesh 1 heir to oil no i u and hyrirophlod tl nellm in- particular very recently a learou 1 doctor read before the iloyalj bocloty a paper in whida i e assumes the cause of adenoids to i a poisoning of intestinal origin and augsests us a factor the enormous innrease in the consumption of sugar of latn yearn children who show symptom of in herited weakness of the thyrol i gland havo a very decided rravlng for large iu n titles of sweets craving can lm rpllived up us a true index of iw willy nadaonly when man revert tu iiih natural state suggests this doctor too precipitate father to elammy coming homo in liedragxed condition oreat boot 1 1 how you do look ye pa i fell in a mud hole whall and with your nw pant on toor ven i dldn t have time to take them off bwtgs i clttanino a clock i iihw the head of cleaning it lock tho molnntlilo amorlcan print thlu siikkouiioii which may iw tried ry eoonomlial nibonii who fear uiftt ilockmukirn wuum muy have gone up in tlm weixral nillft tt prim flouk a piece oottnn wool in koroimnao und lace this in u amult ujiucer a can n inter hd or anything ulmllar then put thin in tho ruse of the chick under th wtirk nlosa up end at the end of twenty four hour examine tha notion witol it will lie found to bo covered with hlai k specks these are the duut lurtrlh brought down by the film of tho kerosene wind the clock up tin i it will start uway again 10 to 50 a week at homo in y iir ui iro tlmi in- rnnuia your ii o mo at hi me in your up am limn you an urn 110 to ie0 euuh week n ranviimulnfa or soilcltliiif we much von how and supply you toady work write to day for full lartloiiluih national bhow card 0choql ltd ltoom 41 adolulle fv w touonto canada t- the brunswick wiiatbvlr your friends can play you can play it you own a brunswick there is no limit to the brunswick versatility frankking the dealer will jlemonatiato main klwjlt i free press wjint advs will find abuyer for i j j ase those unused armeies msmmmmsssmiblllllllmiimiiisbmmliaui wkbiiimimlmmi j i you are on the bench you the jublicare the judge on your good opinion and your good woyd depends the success of the advertised article for no amount of advertising will induce you to buy a second time what you do not like no advertising will offset the bad effect of a dissatisfied buyer that is why advertisers must and do maintain the quality of their goodb advertisers realize that to turn theirottuayfor advertising into profit they must give good value they are not looking for onetime sales first sales inniost cases would not pay for the advertis ing to be successful they must make steady cus tomers so quality is being put in tp hold tbe trade that advertising produces j thus to be sure of quality one naturally turns to goods thafare advertiser anotiinvifonty reason able no manuf actnrejr can afford to advertise for long an inferior article from the moment the advertis ing begins the quality must either be kept uniform or improved to go back means ruin tbe day is passing when you ask for a pint of pickles you name the brand you dont ask for rolled oats you name the brand you prefer th unknown article inaybegood bulyoii aro not so sure of it as you are of the advertised artiije which beiirs the seal of quality a wellknown makervfrade nam to manufacturers you who make good goods and do not advertise show your confidence in your product advertise ilj j let the public know that you stand back of your goods to maintain their high quality i make your tra name the recognised rtaiidnrd in your line r i j

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