Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 5, 1921, p. 4

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ilun wmkly nawapaic aawclalu timmutday max id31 tllk adom vhkk imhm u ul llll try tlnualay i j i ho w i in dull ii u hill lioi aim oniari iit i i j i r juf ik silvan lii u ib mmmal i id rt i oil uitui ilia ik willi mtlphm 111 i jii lnl ii- mi 11 advklm1n ua1i- tlultlnt a lo inl lla tdrsle tnraimril u csl mrrli i kill j null frr l uli n in till i uiulimrl luuv a lrl i inctic ii il a ml hi i mil f luttt ti atctum ain llartninla willi tl l-clf- wlll will la uahad ill in 114 kwf ii r moouk kdllor anj lullli tublllonh- j mid tlniii editorial opportunities of canadas vbcricfl llfo potential health of canada in fishery re sources ib forcibly portrayed trl a map of tho ilshing banks of tho atlantic which was recently been issued it illustrates in striding fashion tho fortunate geo graphic position canada occupies in relation to these piarino harvest holds and bears muto testimony to the tremendous possibilities ahead of tho industry on our eastern coast enforcing tlio now liquor enactment premier drury lias declared that no effort will be spared in enforcing observance ot tho banedry con ditions that will prevail in tho province with tho coming into effect of ho canada temperance act in accordance with the referendum establishment of tho required machinery to carry out the law is strong ly urged dr grant speaking of an interview with tho membcrb of the government said tho deputation was well satisfied with tho assurances given i the sun says the farmers are doing things the last issue of the farmers sun insomewhat of a boastful spirit announced tho following accom plishments of the u f o since organization in six short years tho organized farmers of this pro- rracc upset a govcrnmcnrrestobltsheda ccopcrativct company which is now doing a business of 35000- 000 per annum secured their own paper which has a circulation of over 40000 and now their own gov eminent is establishing key industries a new enterplae for georgetown the ratepayers of georgetown will vote on tho tweotyhird inst on a bylaw to authorize tho coun cil to bonus a sheep skin tannery enterprise to tho extent of 3000 00 messrs marshall hudson co the originators of the enterprise made a pr posal to acton council to establish this business in acton tho offer was however not accepted if the bylaw carries and tho tannery is established tho herald will bo under the necessity of finding soij other nicknamo for acton other than the tannin y town adult children to aid deendeni parenta a new bill which has much to commend it is likely to pass tho present session of tho legislature it provides for the maintenance of dependent parents by their children under this measure a parent q to be deemed dependent on tho adult children v such parent is by reason of ago or infirmity unable to maintain himself or herself in case such children do not carry out this obligation they may be sum moned before tho magistrate or police justices and ordered to pay a sum not exceeding 20 weekly for such maintenance i british editors opinions of canada the fuse press has received an interesting book let entitled what british editors say about can ada which has just been issued by the canadian department of immigration and colonization it contains brief comments on canada made by mem- bers of tho imperial press association who visited this country last summer the booklet has been issued mainly for circulation in tho old country and readers of this paper may havo copies forwarded to any friends in tho old country who are interested in canada by sending the names and addresses to the director of publicity department of immigration and colonization ottawa no charge is made for the booklet or for postage orrt- r a lesson in practical christianity the voice of ontario has boon heard definitely now it will be ontarios duty to seo that tho law it has voted to adopt is enforced fearlessly and rigor ously tobe quite consistent ontario should now refuse to benefit by the production of intoxicants for other countries and provinces amhagitato to have a stop put to tho manufacturing of ardent liquors within its bounds or at least prohibit its export meanwhile it is something or art object jesson in practical christianity that an overwhelming major ity in a large section of canadajlccided to deprive it self of the use of simulants which some may havo even considered useful in order to benefit the race by banishing what had become a veritable cureto many fatniiy heraldtand montreal star i i with insolence and disloyalty prof leacock or mcclli university reserves kevery word bfi thofollowing caustic estimate or his toronto address winch appeared jp last issue of tho presbyterian witness now that tho referendum st c i in ontario and the victory happily l won it is not necessary to dwell on the discussions v- toot plscoior th arguments made both pro and v con tho public sdijbee given however by a mcglll university professor is so serious in its implications ei- as to call for comment and the strongest criticism k4 when a man like trof leacock occupying a pro fessorial position in a grrnt dnlversity is reported in the press to have said thut the prohibition law is based on a lie and i havq more respect for the man who breaks it lhan tho man who makes it j surely it is legitimate to draw attention to- the serious jtnatdre of such a statement it would leave it opon jyjjpf any objector to any law to violatejt with lm- 1j jr tnat wn would lie anarchy we rightly pvik imnisn rncn who strive to upset law by yjlolont means frjijcpck is l no less a law vrouor ttum the winnipeg rods a largo degree of freedom of v t it t j- j i i president harding stated to a delegation that modern demand bu fgnqmnprxmr 4n him m iq raeaforbntfepa 5 ropyfher a professor or the humblest member of v debs a tbevprolotariima so utterly subservient to govern jjjweth sa to stagger onewith its insolence and disr ited croas membership enrollment interest in tho red crons membership lnrollmcnt ii rapidly growing and ho indications are that prac tically every community in th province wjii havo a mcnbership lnrollmcnt campaign during the week beginning may 22 most ftho local branches al ready in existence havo been quietly proceeding with the organization of enrollment the pamphlet the crusade for good health hai aroused a tremendous amount of interest throughout the province and numerous applications for additional copies have been received s a worthy ontario weekly journal it tookhe pqwasen nows to put that town on tho map in tho parry sound district and joseph ft lake it the energetic newspaper man who accom plished it fourteen years ago ho resigned thp fore- manship of j he freu priss to- go north his career has been ono of gratifying progress tho news has been a worthy representative of tho district and it enjoys a prestige which is profitable no paper in tho north is more satisfactorily fulfilling the needs of it constituency tho fm i punss is quite proud of its former foremans success gamblcis at the kail fairs tho law forbidding gambling at fall fairs which has been practically a dead letter ii to be strictly enforced hereafter fakirs will bo closely watched in tho future a resolution was passed at tho meet ing ofjha ontario association of fall fairs at tor onto recently to appoint a special constable to pro- vent admittance or operation of any of the different classes of fakirs who havo been infesting country fairs in the past superintendent wilson stated that if there are any fakirs operating on tho grounds tho board of directors will be held responsible and tho fair will lose its grant from tho government in consequence the prem has rights almeetinga tho board of education of burlington has been holding meetings at which the representative of tho localpapei the editor of the gazette has been looking into the legal rights of the press under such conditions and at a meeting last week intrepidly informed the board that he had as certained that parliamentary rules govern all muol- pal institutions and that the press was allowed to attend oven committee- meetings at tho houso of commons at ottawa the action of the burlington board has been attempted by other councils and boards in other municipalities but such an attitude is never in public favor rarely indeed is there to bo found a local newspaper that is not as fully in terested in the welfare of its constituency asvny board or council or any member of such bodies keep your dollars working in canada with this significant appeal as tho subject of his address at convocation hall toronto a week ago sir henry drayton dwelt upon tho most likely methods of bringing our exchango up to its normal value and providing employment for those outtf work xho way to si op unemployment in carfads is to keep tho canadian dollars working at immc was tho challenge a number had gone with tho avowed intention of finding out from thos fountain head of knowledge- why it is that they can purchase a suit in the united states for 05 including duty and exchango yet are obliged to pay more for a suit not one whit better made tn canada further they intended to find out why bacon should cost so much in canada a country unexcelled for raising hogs a long list of figures was submitted to show tho extent to which canada has been guilty of shopping outsido in the first eleven months of the present fiscal year twice and in some cases three times as guilty as in 1010 of buying cabbages lard apples eggs and other things abroad which are produced in abundance at home to make matters worse tho majority of this buying has been done in the united states where the canadian dollar is so greatly dis counted if you insist upon buying outside why not buy in a country where yon got 100 cents or more for your dollar why not buyin great britain for examplob while buying in a country where ones own money is discounted is a burden he pointed out that selling to that country is art advantage the fordney hill before the united states congress ft present recognuesjlus-wuhjegiarajqcajuujan4iro- ducts asserting that the same underlying economic principles which are applied to a home may properly bo applied to thebualness administration of a nation sir henry declared that if it is bad business to buy for a home more than can be sold where canada is concerned it is a question or tho ultimate credit and function of the dominion j you cant make cm believe it but dishwater will mao the hands just as soft as those patent cream rend is a verb jndlcating violence tho past particle is reptwhtch occasions violent profanity the desire for a smoke consumes onetenth of the cigarettes and tho force of hab consumes tho otho ninoteatbs m in a few mo re- weeks tho-men- who laughat womens clothes will bo sweating in coats they have not tho courage to pull off selfdetermination is all very well but just at present tho world could get along with a little less selfish determination labor says samuel gompcrs head or the fed- eratlor of amcrioan labor stands for evolution not for revolution that about expresses ue difference between the old world and tho new here progress along sane and safe lines is the policy and it is one that reflects credit on the leaders of labor the proposal orho ontario government to es tablish an official printing office is another evidence ofwasteful extravagance inexperienced they are like a family of spoiled children wanting everything they sooy whether it is good for them or not erin advocate i and vtherrisoners convicted binder the war time espionage act that ho didnot contemplate any i mad a motheb- 1l wum u hoturtlny nrtomnnit ixnai llrul tlay in uny mini tho tilly utomn wcrci nllml with mltoiiiwrm hylvln hyl- yotilnr lowly mado imr way througti tt crtwtl and biihki wallirik hoi turn ut tlu uilk ixiuntur thn clorvk wera umy uml vary tlrtul hylvln watl worry for tlmro in ft wuif hut ana u tired mo uml in aomothln hurry ulto lot m lltll rniwn mtttln on her frtsah kiaciblow face an aha nload uiua wultlnx ullllo duncan amlun with a fm u awetit arf a pink carao up to oh hylvla much rowl furtun id nml yu hirnl mow you can help nitwit mother sift hundajr in mother ruay you know and lht my haxt do havlnr a mift tor mother ita to ho u milk drevm with n hutory to it hylvla eye ahuwed aurprlee quickly alio thought a attic and huth a ltat her mother weara atwl her jacko4oh yl by 1 via thouihta got tu furpier for millie vraa itoaklna i m how aurprukkl you aro uylvla aal1 uiiiu ak a tli ot idlraptoa iiuvm1 of har fuon but tnothor dmervm it t can aoe you thln a milk ilnwi 1m fuollah- hut yuq aen mamma haa alwuya had thlnpi aha heeded ami now thla hltuiawl uuthra day i urn blni lve her momethlnx ehe iihm alwaym tn her heart iqnznd imdutl tlia thnilna were k and viltli ih in not trior ullllou eyeat were fiurnsat a ltd full of nurpuae it haei alwaya ikuih hie miut have with rnntlior you nee hnr own mother mod when alio win u little ulrl and thorn woant inucti inonuy uu mammn brow up hiding liaruwn wanta and nutting- other- wantai at tlta tronl am ihlu ia how aha tell into tho way uiiin tlil no altout it many a time ut alttlnx i her own rocking chair in hur room and juut lettlnc her tlxturhtm k out to utln aha wuhed alia could ituve thlnxa other ktlrla hud ii ml that well wuuhl lutva been hot t uha had liad n mothor mow way luik womuwhere mpther mw a itllk uml aha llkoa when ulta wall a rlrl and mm wlahed it whm here it wu a hlufl tbut la almotit a sray and a cray that u hat a bray but ilka the aky it lu eutnetlmn and in theweave 4 tho ualntleat at taint pink buja wll an you know tnotbr thought ulmmt thut dreiui ho knitch tliat it en- lurtxl into her hfo tihn aaod hor hair tho wui aho thought itvoukl look lrtty with the allk drewx and when ahe law a dreaa aha llkotli alio wimld kay thatatb liavo my allk made and wo aha lived with the allk dreau dont you aeot mow htllleeiit fuci waai decked with dlmploa again and her yew were laughlna a little apologetically h otldod mother huu told me mo murh altout thn dmaa thmi kfowju what to look fur i found it hr uat week and ii rxiuld not hl feellna it belonged to mother rw the clerk iquirrupted tjome- tlihlg for your riiu brought mllll- cent to the matter uhe had in hand ve a aoft allk u ule tuire with juut the amalleat of pink buda in iu i auw it hnni a week uuo vra nirwisml thu ivrk mlllna w could a clew help amlling with a ouatomer loaaemlllf a voice of deli cate oonalderatlon huch ua millloentiit bylvla dropped down on u atoo puah- ii another toward mlllleem may um well take your time iwr than ahe nakd hut are you aura mllua that aomethlntf more morn yea i know mora mother atyle laughed millie ualnk av low tone but that wuo- cheery mothera had the praollu a much that tho prnotl- cul winn ber atyle tlut im not afruld hut the dread will be all right even for uractlcul mother and mllhcent drew her face down demure ly though hnr eye poralnted in twink- una ehe turned to the clerk who uld the dealred piece of allk in front o hr m that it mllllcent crlod ivaalna hr hutid over tho ahlmmerlna told without ao much am turning- to byl- vla mlllieeut gave tho order for the jiumbr of yortbt wlahod nd the direction for delivery and laid down the crtap bill in payment then au the two girbf turned mllueent allpped hor hand lovingly through the urrn of hnr friend and drew hoy cloae oh they nearel n corner in tho beautiful tm- ivorlumv dlnplaylng howerg amort x them were the white carnation the ulrl atopped and onjoyod the beauty and fragrance and militant oald mm ho atood there mother laugbed when ahe old me about t but there were teare in hor eyew- teara t think for her lout girl hood hut with whu dreaa in hor thought it u only natural you aeo whan hor father told her one fall that if alio luid patlenoe fmding- the har- veht hand alio ahould have money ror a dreaa ut ccurae money for u itreaa meant with her than money for the allk dftwm bhe skton very happy and mlllloent boh bod hor faoa around mo the could ratch eight of sylvia eye to aee if ahe won understood ami then ahe added tut aha dldnt get her drew a fire got the barn andjha xrulnt ohl thwrwa hem byulw- tlfanthero wo another time when he came to plan ror her weddlng- dreaw ahe would not have while no hed have the nxure with the pink roaea auch little dutaity roae you know llut when it ejune time for thn drew ahe had n white muslin a ulmple white mualln that aha mada heraell there wh a brook in ulluoenta voice what waa it tm umot aaked tfylv a they left the sower comer it waa a dudoae 4hat took the atock there waa mora feorn than there ook to feed corn to that year and wrjat wa the uae of thlnklna otallk dreoaee mother maid when a aimnle muslin would do juat a wait but bylvla mother hod a lovely wed dins that mamma you know she had a chum and her folk had loot atock too and they both roado their own dreaae and thoy had a double wed dloffi llut that how father aald- uhem told me what be aald lot of time sylvia youll make juat oji ttood a wire dear and tha ftrgt cbrlat- maa nreaeot after youre married ahatl be the allk drau with the roaebud alothdr jrou aec had told father about tho dream and father mother aald telllmx me about it waa ao happy mllltcent dear that i felt quite con tent waiting and the next veart aaked bytvu millie ahook her head that waa the year i canto and having me aha waa too happy to care fur ao ultle a thing- ua a allk drew you know and now aiyvla ahe la going- to have that draw or own daughter i get una it for her- a a mother day remem- branoo to how how a daughter can underatand do you blame me you think it awfully oollaht would you hot do it if he were your own mother r sylvia looked dowft and a wlatful- neaa wua in her eye wouldnt it you aee sylvia dear it t for mother to wear when ahe and i are together for our little good time i have not been good anouah to mother and thla year i am going- to make it 1 i have bought two aymphuny ticket what do you think ot thalt liit it extravogantr and tuw mil- he fuce wab n aea of dimple with oul light nuahin them jlooklna at her blyvla drew a long breath oh what good time that mother ry gift ingolna to brlngl shevaald if i hud a mother i would do juat a aouoro duiiur millie dnar hut i have not a mother i am xiln home to he belter to aunt caroline 1 have been croo over trlfl and i have not htood otoao to her i have not thought have i putn lo build a nifty hhtuk tho thoughtful votur algh win it normal tlmow again coma buck and ooutu dont hi ft he iik leu 1 11 no ubout the buhhtkxul mltarp hor waxla a aolden day whnn oar pouter oonannt to nnrp for wajrnm i iuii imy whim lumlwi planter nullu and llmo are wild for what tboyrn worth l aha i not toiwi u mo mo n im e ill build with pap and mirth the houae ive ilnwtnml of in tia punt will go up hoard by hour i when pumlorem rimimtut to plaut for what i can afford a million men orn talklui thu and if theyd go and build and ceat to brood uml fret and cu with dire motiving nileil wed tuwin got hack to normally you vn hoartl if thut nmylmp thn liormnloy thut fair- o ha plunml ukii thn map atu tkmr dreaming bopoful mn what aro you waiting fort you ii novor mwi tho m again you auw irtforo tho war fcar bettor thut your coin wnre npent forlunlmrj lath and unntlutn keep on dlgjclng up the rnl until the end of tlmo ho ruck ynurdouht and taatti to alee 1 1 and buy aomo brick or a to tie i build youmelf a donjon kon that u can call your own wall union tha via anawered mill we will b txfo glrli alandlng clooe lo thoo who juat noad mothoring v aald hylvlu that lu what the aiura ilrea with thn roaohudu tlinll hnl um to di who am it 1 am mora powerful than tho blood arm lea of the unlvorao i have deatroyed more men all th war of the world i am more deadly than hullotn u i have wrecked more home thmi tl mlghtlt of alege gun i iere mi one and find my vl lime amonx the rich and ihhr nlllc the younk ami old thn atronx at the weak widow unll orphui know me i loom up to auch proportion that i vast my ahadow over every fluid labor front tho turning of the grlnd- tone to the movinx of every train maaaacr thouaandii ipni thouu and of wogetiarner in a ynr 1 lurk in unaoon ijlacrui uud do moat or my work allonlly you am warned agalnat tnu but you heed net i am reatloaaneu i um averywh in ihe homo bn the utrwit lu thn tttctury at the railroad troualnx ami n the ptoa 1 wlhx alnknon degrudatlnn in death and yet few week to avoid tnu i destroy crmth and malm 1 give nothing uml toko ull i um your worut enemy i am caurfjhhnkbm do it now improved tioad makcft wllhln tho paat fnw year a nnw metliod of tmatlntf rtmdways in order to enable them to resist the dtiatruo- uve free i of motor trnmc ha been tried in vranoo inatead of employ ing tar to cement thn materials a kneclal form of machine is used to wndg the hit of stono togothnr with out grinding and pulverising them uh ordrnary ateam roller do the machine rorrin a aet of oaal iron rammer which deliver thulr blow vertically and produro no tan gential movement of the atones tho bplmratu travel on wheel and when work advance altout 210 feet an ir it u aald that a roadway thus ted la much more durable than one made with tho aid of a uleutn roller which not only produces too much flint material but rounds tho atone and make them luhln to roll btick to vour purpose the people who hold ll onn aim un- illstracted by o4urnmentm undaunted by dltncuules unarram of criticism will get what they am after llut no amount of talent or of favoring- clrr cumstwnoe can make a aucctuui of a person who i alwuy tn purult f something new y upon a purpos rthy of your utmost loyalty and then hold fast to it nn matter what happen the red cross carries on why 1 ijcctuc of demands made upon in dealing with the terrible aftcr- j math of disease and suffering which alwayj follows war 3 ilccaiiic of the xrlous ihealth con- duioii- revealed by he war morci ivealtid i ot our 7 riiaiihood unfit for combatant mill- j lary service 3 dccatkc an iutetnational confer ence of medical experts realbiiir that vol tin lary organisation wai necessary as an aid to governments in solving the worlds health prnb icnis decided that no other or- karuaatlon is ao well prepared t rjndctiajtfj tbese kret xvaponailulf- tiea u the hod croaa maa fftit no rnovexnent fleaerves mora the hearty mad entliustaatic surppoxt of yu people than doe tola ontario enrollment may 2228 unroll wuh your tooal ited cro llranah or enrollment commlua or tf there 1 none in ymir oommunlly with ho ontario provincial nivuion io hiiumtoimnu imtictrr toiionto canadian red cross society ontario division easy walking is imperative for tho man who imtuum tha areuter part of th tlmo mi his rl hhoo bult on the pronir- httttfttuulo rf good louthor thut ut the fool should bo tnknn jirn vtf ifavo u n up that comfortable old pair our shoo itcpalrlng- repew the juto utituuxahqea rmtore thelr uuorulnesa uud mean comfort wiiumy and natlafactlon o you do nqt forget that we carry m tlrt lin d shoe for men and boy t e gibbons mill st acton war bond coupons cashed free tho morchanta bank will cash all war loan coupons or interest cheques when duo on presentation without mukintf any charge whatever for tho uervico if you havo not a savings account why not u so your intoroet i iu monoy to opon ono with jjiifl bank t th mcrchants bank hudorimoiiinu of canada embluimibm acton imanc1i ceorcetown qaanai suwdmm l b auobet mmm ilri enco od dis gonorjl mnsaty lor uih prisoners unlll poaco ha robua are r nr si imaaaaaa long distance service is now classified the oaificauona on long dktonco tdcrjhono calli in effect from midnight april 20th arc of intcrcqt to nil libera of that ccrvioc it is poesiblc by a study of k your long distance rulrcmcnta to effect eavingfl in your long dlntanco bills tliat are iwell worth while start ontostatlon service statlorntostatlon bervlco ahould bo used when you aro willingto talk to jvnyoneiatjili3taiititckpxoiwljl that is when you do not need to get a partioutar person on the una suiuontostatlon bervico is not only cheaper but more rapid and accurato than friwlerfion 6crvlcetjh sta- uontostatl6n taervice the call can be completed as boon astho distant tele- phone is ansvvercd while on n penxny-to- pgeoon call the particular party wanted roust be located and eurftmoncd to the telerwna the charge for a stationtosuitip call cannotbe reversed that is it can not be charged to the telephone called lor in that case the telephone operator would have to locate a particular person to approve the charge which would make it a pfraontoieron call appointment and messengei scrvlce appointment calls and messenger oalta are special kinds of pcraoo-to-per- eoncallu an aprihrrmentcklx rate which ii about 50 per cent higher than tho station todtation rate is quoted tot bervico when an appointment h made by tlie calling party to talk at a particular time j whdn a person w1k does not have n telephone is called over long distance and a messenger must be sent to summon the party to the telephone the messen- gercauvrate which is about 50 per cent lilgher thin tlio atationtoetation rate il cliarfed and to this x added tlus necessary meujainflcr chargett fc tho report charge when you place a call for a particular person or pcroona and for any reason they cannot ims readied the bame day atthe address giveru or will not talk op if you f- x ra n i make a call andyou are not ready to perefintoporson service ta wncn the other person is ready with- vuhn vmi mntn n mil sflccifvint tluit m an llour n report charge 3 peraon at a given number parson-io- penon bervlco is used aa this eervice requires greater oper- nting labor and circuit time than a stationuvstatton call the rate iiabout 25 per cent greater examples of different uutch following ace ejtamples showing the stationtostation and pcrsontoperbon rates for distances up to shctyfour miles i station to- ivraon la- macs btatton rate pcnxm hate 012 4048 4856 56- uo 015 1s 20 20 25 3 jo jo 40 j5 45 40 50 45 55 intended td coverpfut of our expense of handling tho uncompleted call special evcnlngandn ight rates the evening rate between 830 p m apd 12 midnight on statioxi-to- station calls is about oncluaf the day rate tlie night rate between mid night and 30 am is about rravfourth tlio day fllationtostation rate however no evening or night rates are quoted on stationtostation calls where the day rate is less than 25 cents on such bliortliuul calls the day rate applies for longer distances special evening and night rates arc quoted because it is difficult io reach particu lar persons at night when many are nway jrora their names and places of business there aro nd bpeoal evening or night rniaa quoted for perqatopcrson calls llicy apply only on stationto station calls bvery bell telephone h m tna huiancc stnt tyii the bell telephone company of canada r business directory weplcal orj j a moniven phyalolan and buroaon ooloe and itaaldaiioo tor nor i lower avenu aud hlgln lllra ttie reald hoi formarly ooauiiied by i u lfan daraon aoton ont dr c j nelcom phyalolan boraeon obeletrlolan aolun ontario itm ooauor to um luto he gray out and ilealdnnre krodt rlelt ul orflo llourw 3 to 4 p m and t to pm on c p w noso physician and gurgaon mill bu georgetown phon 22 felrfllouao hurueou ormn ilttspltal toronto illolal attention to imsiaae of wo- ninn and children and infant weding atmine no 1 o llox us haltotn nash farmek ma arrleur qa licit of notary public cnnvanyalvmr etc perhvuan dlock acton ont uonkv to yoan hour 0 50 am lo t pm dr j m belu d d b- u d h dentut honor graduate of toronto tlnlvw alty that lateat aneathetlo used i dealred uiacellaneous marriage licenqe h p moore laauer marrlaqi rivmtaj onto no witness ra ti ul red laaued at resldnnoe in avenlna v rma oolos anton oat francis nunan boekblmur aeoount book of all kinds mads i order wrlodlcal of vtury daaerlp- tlon carefully bound ruling neatly and rtt tv i wyndhain qtreat quelpb on ovr williams more ton r j kerr llonad abetlonaar ror the count of llalton willn- pael and iurfnrln and the city of guelpb acton ontario sale may be arranced by mall e at realdanoe aa aoton or at tba ree rrrea offlco aoton tha mercury ofnoagulph the mewaltaoord btorcu or wlo w j gordon llama lllllsburg- bale entrusted to it of kerr r- oalw attention from date of listing- o date of aa uat your sale with bm reeldence dower avenue aetata pbona c aoton call at my roy hindley auctioneer cnmluua phii cji it 11 r r s aoton j e oheevers- book blnden quebee btea guelph ont nook fltnh maamalne bound la klandaoraa and substantial oovera name lettered in um on itible hymn hook and other book all work promptly executed d alexniveh and civil surveys subdivisions vlana ite- porta tommcr ipuona lllucnrlnta etc qo for pure tiaaorilaji il mor survey for archluta builder and municipal council oralnaata report bladmate eto guiuju oni glearing sale op vvlntafr goods no taeed rolutf to duulph for dol lar day vou out maku a dollar here just a well overall 2io work uhlrtv itxtf winter capu 1176 and z00 aid other goinlu lit proihrtlou come in and son us for briulh ohoe repairing neatly dane e k cook miusxwut actom r33tocmuowisv war tioronro canaqa the old and reliable granite and marblo dolora r wa are manufnoturtiv nnd direct importer of all kind of monumental and headstone wovk we sell d irani to our ouatomera at wbolosale prloaa thu avlna- our auktomer 40 pr cent wo have the best applunoon dnd tha only toaohanlo in the uomlnlod who can operate prleumatlo tool properly we can give riferenoo from hunareoai of our ouatorarr tn toronto and other plaoea where other havo to have law suit tn order to oolleot we have the bunnat and beat atock or oranlte in um dominion or mora thap any three dealer in the west wa are lealu- raato dealer and employ no agent and do not annoy or peat nuatoroera by endlng out ignorant agonls willett- 4nr order we ampioyouly moolianloa and defy oomneuuon hamilton sons qorhorwlh woolwlttb au qtulsfe ssmfe sa

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