Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 5, 1921, p. 6

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xixpwmmmiixhtm v births ueniacea and booths ox now chreo1 for at tbi followlna ruii birth boo afarrlases mo ideeths eaouomorlaicarox eee j- per una extra for poem neighborhood news- town and igountry died nuuntli autoii n tuly u 3 1931 mary vlriflont wlnow o til into thoinuu hriiiit i her 66th year jmmril tliiu uftumtmiii ut three oclock 1 jitalltln in hull oeneral hospital tii wjwrtnit aprllm 1mi james r lerolval martin of hpeyslas aaao 31 yours h lnntilh tiiomimon in kiln township tuomlav april 36 im1 marret itutladno rllt of the lot j l tlumiimoii in her h7th year hoot at hi- home or her daughter mr- henry leslie eden mills on friday april 2u l3l ane held widow of the uto hobert lulfl in her ctch year qjije artnn 3fae rcad thuuhijayr may c 1m1 brief local items yjm7thotrniitblte4ullyatt other u leltor for mothers wrllo rmy ttuwlollon now uocorau jhe tawiw tlm county council will meet on may 10 hanover wow alv a band gnuil of ic0o00 tait um nil observe mothers day on hutiduy all u ton may have an ow boys and klru reunion this summer nabsagawevx 10000 youns trout have boon placod i kden mill water they are spok- n or a fry and yearling crew80n8 corners drown hamilton t with his parent mf herbert pout tlie week hero mr kins and two mim tjuelph vlhltod nvr the weekend ntftfr john alrtllom mrs uo urahutn who has been ill sinus last fall hn so far recovered to ho able to come out on tho veranda on ana daya oakville early buying of coal is- urged alfred ftopera testifies before special fuel committee at ottawa ottawa may 3 alfred ilngor of ibllus ltosors company toronto wa fttllutl bo for o the parliamentary committee on iruel this monn hv tpld the oommlttoo that wans paid liy llmwere 11b par oent higher now than in 10 it there had boon tre mendous advance lu coal of mnhrl usod in tho coal business mich a ubkm lumber paint em mr luiser expreed tho pplnlon that there mlsht be a orlou hhurtage ofooal in the nmaller towne later on jopl were not onlerlntf their ooal he bttldj and without thin dpmand tho tnlnoe were not beliiv worked to capa city l4it yoar uim firm bad handled abbut 409000 ton of ooal in toronto and it had been abort of tlm demand by ap- the atreetnamlna bylaw liaa l i proximately 4000 torn jlle did not bet been killed by the council anticipate any coal altarta lit tor- xhe council im slvlntf uevloue oontlonto if petpla put in their iupphu mldoratlon to the taatter of the addl- and coal moved uu frooly ttn it had beenmolnp t tonal school accommodation needed and will itave e conferenoo with the itnrd of education over the matter on tuesday ovenlnf of laat week mrs j hleey died euddenly at iter jriuodcuvdweat hw o in her 7uh yoar utm herbert ileavenla hvln ex- icrutiv alteration made to iter reald- mic which won rvoently domosed by il q mftcfarulio the popular bari tone entered on hi new dutlem a the reader of kjsor chttrch choir lost week men are buy bulldlnx a rnd auuid la victoria iark with aeauntf capa city of 310 people abto the ball dla- ond la belnf put tito ahapa on saturday evening exlolloemah alexander uccleajry poooed away at krealdenoe on chlaholm street after an tllneaa of everal month no we anawer to x moicenale mr llosem aald uiat ho thought trait- port low anthraulta coal to toronto by water wo more u0tly oiimi y rail the dntfradatlon of the ooal by break hjr wnrmuehffwitm lv- water trana portatlon than in mil ha itad no hope of a reduction in thn price of anthra cite ooal iinlflu there waa a drop in rrelsht rate tv liruramond edmonton mlnlnic conatruotlon enalniier preeentlnir the view of alberta ooal mining intoreeta objected to removal of the outom duty an import ooal mr xrum- mond utatod that there wrn laroe quantities of dnmootln coal available in alberta which could bominrfd very cheaply by ateatn ahovol owen bound fail will have held hlhirta inataad of hora racea yot you forcet ileraember tljat uniwld vmmm pmiaa aubeorlptian t the pretty itepatlcaa and trllllum are now plentiful out in th wlld- woodo fc i orancevihe voted in favor of a kriuit of 16000 in aid of lrj tjuffer- in hoapiub iroroetm tax rate thin year will be 40 mill invervolt 3s mill and wind- or 3 mill teanland nuoltln are now in full awlnfe at th acton athletic aaao- elation ground a few people forgot that yeatrday wax acton hret mercantile half boll day for the oeaaon inpector ho paid an official vlalt to the acton continuation school wlday of but week ottawa quebec halifax sydney and victoria in c havo al adopted daylight eavlrur thne the local eocletleji of the hod oroait are rttqueated to meet for re- organlaatlon in tlla town hall tonlht wednesday afternoon will be ob- aerved by bualneaa men aa a holiday in bhelburne d urine the next uto taontha a kt1 anooutacea youna man to at ay out lat durlnf courtahlp and then kicks hecauae- ha keep ltnp- after marriage an organlaerfor the ted croa will dddrew a meeting of nil interested in the work in tho own hall tonight thura4ay mr hornby baa purchased from councillor cordlner his double brick tenement at the corner of mill and wilbur streets dundoik moaherton llocklyn cey lon cugenla vandeleur and olenelg centre have onranlaed a seven team baseball leaguo mr doonre wild itos flvo white icghorn pullets that laid lit egg lost month 37 eggs each with one extra who can beat tnatt hanover will vote on an b1h waterworks bylaw if it goes into effect it will put the towns indebted ness over the sooooo mark daylight savins will go into afreet in toronto a m on sqndayuay ib and remain in force until mid night thursday september ib what goeaup must come down may be true but i wish to disclose that what goes- down doeanf always ooma up as many a gardener knows the sign board at tho soldiers com- tnunlty house has been repainted and lettered- mnreauitahlyfocthastyledl jp11n mr elu slack is erecting a new barn on his farm at credit sorka ut brother afr kltjah illaok of dundalk has taken the con tract miss laura gibson at hockside is spending a few weeks with her uncle llev x b vaster slmooa master austin fines hadrhe mis fortnne to break his left arm just above the wrist a week ago this lad very unfortunate having just re illy undergone on operation for ap- peodlclu mr and mrs jos hamilton are get an comfortably settled in their home on main street recently purchased from mrs mglaohlan of toronto mr a o oauogher a student o wyoilfte college toronto is to take obanm at the english church here daring the summer months his duties to begin on the seoond sunday la may messrs mccauley bave moved on to a farm on the firth line of brin many potatoes are being shipped out kbia week hi spite of the low price mr john thompson of keene is vbuung with friend here mr thompson has purchased a 46aora farm at cataract and intend to move back to this section next folb l ta put this in vour bible here is a handy table whlah it would bo well to out out or copy for referenoa in your bible studies a daysjoumey was about twenty- three and onefifth miles a hahbath days ioums was an icngllsh mile a cubl was iioariy twentytwo inohes a liands breadth if equal to threo and nveelghth inched a flnger bfoiultli is fltiuul to wf inch a shekel of silver was about llfty cent r a shekel of gold was about ft a talent of slker was ib1i30 a talent or gold was 13bo0 a piece of silver oi a penny wan thirteen cents a farthing was three cents a mite was less thun n juurur of a cent an epah or ttath oontaliioa uovan gallons and five pints an orner was elk pints 4b had to borrow 5000 a eertaln osptsln of indus try tslklnato ome youna man recently referred to the time when he was out of em ploymflntand had to borrow f50 oomebod asked him what he did with lt and hs rsnii m p i new uisnd hplv7jb0fbi lunch- two day later 1 landed a jab end if im broke sosln im golna to try th same experiment it droved to mr that a pood sppesrano is the beginning of prosper ity i geo wallace clothes are a valuable asset geqwallace allways reliable clothier 1 vbuelphdnt and sat at the mclean co store keep your eye oii these specials a every one is a money saver raglna qwapt by hurrlesne itnrlnnr ditl illstrlot was swept an monday by tho- floroest tfulo in years the air was thick with dust and flying debris in many cases armors liavo boon nompellpd to ntap seeding oper- utloim one man who- drove in from koiilouti nnld it was impossible to see 51 yards abend at any point on the court le uollovcd the damatce would bo okliemoly liruivy the roof wtt lifted off tho old city ball now used ail u day nurdory and laid on an uu- ttoouplml automobile art third avenue bovurul plato glass wlndows cliunnsy etc are also damaged georgetown the bylaw to bonus marshall hud son ev co sheep skin tannery for 93000 wlllbe voted upon on the mrd inst rev jamesmedley and james pedley jr of toronto visited at xr holds lost week mrs i ljbenneu of ouelph visit- ed friends in town duig the week major and mrs mcklnley of tor onto visited here last week mr clifford creelman returned home from mcqd1 university montreal last miss u a o kennedy left loot week or seattle waabington where she will spend the summer she was accom panied by jtfrs job kennedy of toronto the pftblla ubrory will be closed until saturday may 7 a number of repairs axe being mode to it dr maroellus who has been quits 111 for sotno weeks is able to be out again he will resume his praotloe on may i chief melvln is quite busy collect ing the dog takes uiese days it case of pay for your dog or to the cemetery be goes and we understand our dog cemetery is growing j era id mr it panlee m p will ad dress a publla meeting in the tprlnceas theatre milton on saturday after noon may 7 at 330 pm sharp under the auspices ot the milton womens liberal club kverybody is cordially invited to be present our council should poos a bylaw making it neewsary for prospective builders to submit plans of build ngs and issua permits before work is cos- menoed on same ooorgetown herald acton has had such a bylaw in force for several years and bos found it quite effective scv- wv siiv census tinfl month decisive hour of rsakentno u mid- night of may sut ottawa may tthe eensos must be taken and all the returns be made tn uievomee in ottawa before the end 6t the montltof june ortwtwntttlmer to be fixed in special instructions to each commissioner this sentence occurs in the special letter of instruc tions sent to each- of the 21 s census commissioners appointed to preside over tho taking or the census in each constltaenay the decisive hour of reckoning is mla ther night ofmayirt the moment when that day passed over into june 1 1011 an infant born one hour before midnight wouldbe in- eluded in the census figures bub one bora a few minutes later would havo to wait for the mm census before being included a death just before midnight on may 31 would lessen the total population or canada by one if that death happened just after rntd- nlghjlt would tint bo noticed by the enumerators because the census is to show tho exact number living at mtd- ijilfht bn thertayjmenmoned man and horse compared an interesting comparison between man and horses is made by a oon- temporary who points out that a v horse at ftvo years old is said to be bomnaratraly as old as a man of to and doubtless maytw exoeotod toda- lhrve- nocordlng equine standards uatfrtho raantnrnftbe afaagncol lege student fouowlnjc human staoj- arda a teoyearpwhrse resenblosv jar o ogand expertence so man of40 whus a horse yut baa attained burlington mr hoy alton who has been visit ing his parents returned home to cal gary alls- on jmondayx mr j ctoylor of ltort thomas kentucky in spending a couple of weeks holidays with his parents mr and mrs oeo- w taylor brant btreel deputyitoeve hotby haej arrived home from england looking well and hearty after his trip abroad mrs w m gilbert of winnipeg who csmejiome to cttend the funeral ofrmrfsiliottjohnicijolsoiifua mrs tho sheppard who has fa spending tbopast- few months with her sen john t at lort dover has returned to town and will take up permanent realdenco here mr alfred k breokon a former resident of this district died at new york but week la his mtb year the deceased was born at merlon ond was a brother of messrs joseph of mer lon and iljc breokonor appleby many olour cltlxens haveooruxono- ed gardening and persons who are al lowing their chickens to run at large are kindly asked to lock them up and save themselves trouplo chief smith ays- this is his lost warning and offenders will be summoned to court after this notice a word to tho wise should- he sufficient qaaette inspectorw anted for hatton and duffebin counties good remuner for particulars apply crownlife insurance company 59 yonge street toronto navy serge double fold good value at 200 special at lg0 per yard silk poplins 3fl inn wide in navy brown and gray regular prlc250 special tarnbuh0 naiunl wool underwesjr for menwe guarantee every garment ot this tlnderwear to give our customers good wear- sof t flno wool spring weight gll sizes in stock regular prico is 250 speolal prlco l35 cach- penmans merino underwear for men wo havo sold hundreds of dozen of this brand of underwear at 175 special price 12bcrr r ladle vewu hptlntf weight v ns short sleeves medium alxctfat 7u and largo size 90c and drawers fame price boy tweed bloornera- thcw bloom era are made of dark halifax tweed sizes 20 to 34 regular price 205 special at ladles blnclc cotton hone for everyday wear special at 30c per pair ladlea black and itrown h11k iiov sizes 8i 0 qti and orspeclal at 2 pair menh mack cashmere hose all pure wool circobnr make good value at 100 pair special friday and saturday 75c pair linoleums oil cloth and curtain materuilaltgk stock to choose from prices right mclean go moa8tbket wk oblipor oasm we sell ron less acton mtng of new grocery and conf ectionery store v on siurdy mr john molfat will open jiu now grocery and confectionery store on main streot a full lino of grocer- iea and confectionery will be on hand at nil times stock nejs and fresh in a jiemodelped and newlydecorated store john 1vioffat main 6toeet acto ont ttuurtnltoeirtd jjjqjtoi the national lvet0r0nt0 1030 pm i for sudbury port arthur fort wiulatn winnipei edmonton prince rupert vancouver and victoria daily imf j alternative routing tbrcngh stanaard slaepiag car service to winnipeg leave toronto ms tfhi daily vi ct north bv theno rcoatinental limit ej via t no cochrane and cn rys tickets and taformatioa from any agent canadian national or grand trunk railway canadian national railuiaifs milton xollee magistrate joloe walked down town last week for the first time after being oonnnedto huj house by illness fornbutthre months jacob johnson has opehedalfltojro in the brick bulldlri next tho town hall formerly the eleotrlo light engine house mrs wpi mnow of milton heights was taken to ouelph ceneral hos pital lost friday for ah operation of a serious nature s i puri baseball game at school the other dayvcllntord nil r cat oh or rnr the public school nine was unfor tunate in being struck in tho face by the ban which broke his nose cj ifclsauiuler of hornby was in tovmlost he and mrs saund ers got home lately after spending the winter in florida with headauarters t mlaml friday ut osgood hall mr justice kelly delivered judgment in the tra- falgar quarantine case tried by him at the nation sprtiur assises the case was digmtaved with costs to both parties t the milton bahdhas never aoen in hatter trim forik summers campaign than his rtow with twentyfive mem bers bandmaster oolllnii ha jtept them in praotloe throujihqiit th win ter working on hlgholass muale mlssj jean r panton vj bt the chemical sixnt mattibsba agrtcmtural college winnipeg anrlved at toronto lost vfeekto remain ilntheeastqnul the opening of the fauterni of the eolleae aheiadqljuyohsmttifturat sesrchwdtkan foodijroduots at the xjulonmjuffiulldtnaanfljrulapvnd ome tlmesi maharewg v vherc hsrwora wrbe on i flh she the golderi graiin george btteweb vlio im win i lulni in aulvh for l s lolrovmvdiinona of bread buns cakes pus and pastry of all kinds every day aotnn hu lunly ot nwni- tor two wl tawlm 1atrjiom nw liwla of th toronto artownuilpl nl tonnon luikr wh nana drean into town i ollolt n trial for my llroiiil ul tlir brovulon george brewer late o the q h v near bapust church- caiieless motor driving both motorut and pedestrians to 0lsms for aeoldenuf but the former should exercise r m csre tho other day jn tho xeglslaturo whuii tho question of reducing the spoel limit in towns and cities was up tor discussion a good deal was said about the carelessness of the pedes trian this may bn truo to some ex tent but it does not lessen responsi bility for oareful driving upon all those who are flint ing motor vehicle there is jiifit as much carelessness to nay nothing about recklessness among motor drivers as there is among ped estrians thw class oc driver who comes at a reckless puce along a busy street honklnif suddenly and furiously when hoencountors pedestrians at tho urcssliut expecting them to scatter like a brood of chickens excites resent ment and discredits even those driv ers who are careful for the sake of trnnla thorn ought to lie a heavy flno und cancellations of license of tltese offenders sommentlntf upon this phase of tho question mr it u morley gen eral manager of the ontario safety teuiiue kaysi we now wunt to dlaabuse the minds motorists of an ulna that luis hpruntf up lately to w that 76 to qo per cent pf trio l7j0ni ppqldgnisare due to pedestrians tuhawr somo ucopln htlk one would think that curtilsssns luiajatl attribute of the p only but we kiuwhaf cawlfflnmobsr recklessness and thoughtlessness are not confined to any o no class as tho bafety leagues calendar for april ays i motorists and pedestrians owe itjlo thamaelv go fifty- fifty oo the caution stuff the motorist should remember that tho pedestrian has lass olianoe than the motorist that h therefore cannot afford to be careless and that in an acetdont involving both ij edestrlan is the person who al ways gets tho worst of tho encounter tttst is to say th driver of the outo- mobile is tlon georgetown ladies suit and dress specialist spring coats and dresses satisfaction guaranteedlf a custofner llnda a garment i hot iatlsfactory itmay bereturried and fo mono yiliojfheorlmllvrofundod ahifchorn riuw rise m or f ooroniraw wiuf- aahomain jfujatwtv irrii liiirk v iitwayd in the safer posf 1 changeabio wv lm not oon dualve to good hoalth temdletons nheumatlc capsules and- uaismah tor asthma are your best friends in time of need your local druftgut j uusaavd sells both preparations the pipefitting art wo havo mustered no ma t tor how intricate the job may be bur expert will solve the diffi culty and turn out a highly sut- fsfaotory reaillt tho bent proof of th id is tho work wo are doing dally on the most important sanitary plumbing contracts in thn town you oahbe sur tho- job and tho equipment will be firstalass when w handle it w f mooney acton ont spring millinery no on display you are cordiajly jnvited to seet3ur specials at o0 nellie m stodkfbrd acton guewh r el0ra why dehorning pays hloht good rssiens why animals arel the beturforlt 1 animals are far more oasll hahdlod on the farm 2 thor is no danger to attend- 1 ants i each animal has an equal chance 1 lit he reeding trough it vkst9 is nosering tn transit to 1 wbrum jir- i b when lohjfm rtttywf f are shipped to mw lf ifp wwfl oar there will be noliornerf pw w lower the value by injury of others that niay have beendeharneov 1 0 tlire is leas sltrlnkago through i excitement and no meat to beeut but oi tint c through bom dathago 7 ihtlornad flatlln feed more even ly and with mora uplfprnj apearancot n fot that mean dpilarb and fnfa jo i ths buyoi- who cannot without mfi axponas separata the good from th poofcr tesalas in graded lots when the praotloe becomes gen eral tho price of beef cattle to the farmer will be oonrospondlnslv higher because this heavy loos will not have to be provided against saturday treat i tjiis sunday is mbthor5 day and wo suggest that you help mother be happy by treating her to candy wo are making this easy for you by giving you big specials of the lines we know mother is fond of for this saturdaywohavc been fortunat- in cngnglns -thftmanp- entortain our many friends and customers in our ice cream parlors c6mobrlngyonr friends saturday evening ind enjoy yourself tho mason or chestra needs no introduction to tho rnuaic loving public they are wellknown throughout hnuon and tho surrounding coun ties dont miss hearing this musical trio they are worth travelling miles to hear i- 100 lbs of mothers favorite mixture a mixture of fresh creams crystalized jellies and soft chocolate caramels reg 40c lb saturday treat price 25l- v spfecial no 2 150 lbs of our fresh peanut toffee a cloar wholesome toffee with lots of peanuts in it reg 30o lb saturday 25c lb i special no u ourwcekcnd chocolates are in greater demand than oyer preh vrcjro centred assorted flavors also peanut clusters nnj- garajnelj ppg- wand 00c ppt ibv- vefikn special 31cl aipcial no 4 50 boxes of ctiocolfitp hiriri kollj the kind of-tjljocqlotca- 0p 1h si special no b rog turday pits ar btlnsons bomo iroatiierit for en ilepsv tvrtaty years success topvasndjrtlf tebllmonlalano case uhould top nswcrd ijopelw inother isfond of ell soft ccntrea spetbto 49c hjooo rivoent bara of chocolate nut milk ploin peanut and mnrslimallow reg 5c each saturday 7 for 25c t h mcm3arjeaa brampton gb0rlripnc wantedl jjiyilint ilnjxiililhliiti ku i cm moil tt ctpreiit 11 w ih ihtt tiul of nursary thinu w- supply all outfit fr f nliiirtfu and allow a hursi mc ut coniniltii aliy to t d smith a son ltd wjfiona ontario flower lovers i iv ty of rpiol- for- i itirun ijinuy wintnt rtwt iu nnil flritiull- flore lrufniiioiidl kuixl lmitudfui niuluriw lulootod frn itxtrn m1y cfuitliliioii oowcrlntf mtrulliu juiflknt tidti postpaid u a drummond imihior vti ponitmo quu j si i- m t j i j fiy l columbia gramaphones aniikecohps aiam auio 1 iiiukliiirfiuixlully of colmnhu orumnihoiiu iiml iucnnl whlah hit will ilnllvor iiruniplly at yotn pianos any make a alqeo mill 8w acton call at the store canyouwritea businessletter wh kikcfaxim ah business latter welti ntj bookkeeping sharthsnd commercial law and typewrltlna our trulnliur in any of those is worth the tout of tho on tiro courhe guelph business college herald bldo ouelph oht a l douck prlnelpsl dv propruter facts about coal supply owing to thu luilillo iwhiy careleufi nbtiut pluflliur llmlr if- dersfur noxt wiiitrh cowl tlino wern novortil million tonu ontt milled duriiib- aprji of this ysi- than hint ymr thin uhortuko cannotilie mndv up to keep mlnou uolnif wo havo to take an nvtiriiito monthly ton- nitku us roul linn to ho rumovetl from tho nilmih in onrn t w as mlnoili wo cun uoty l satna imuihor of oum of ooul ip deoemlkir um wo no hi may if tho puhllo do nut kt thiilr jtupply ot cnul in iw theffl will ho a hlinrtuge whim uont wht- tjjrh mhl wlliilw blow phice foit may j b mackenzie n fyloleodmnsilor full line op building moved to smaller quartern liut the same full stockof all urica kenrey have moved thrh- boot utidtittns store lempnarllytlw small tor nest door to their old lnj iv main htrcet tlw vwinkj are small but tho mwhvwlho u peeled tn bo only fnl u l until cur newslrjk coittplotwd on rhtnfltret w have tho usual gtd iimhtift mtnitot tennis- ami outing hhoes ir moil woion liny atidouln puiml rlinhll ol ttllund and rumm13h xat10ht htvlmrf foiliiaviohyonw v good bargain in small qlzes of womens pumps andoxpohd8 hisih3 to 4 s reductions in butv on aoriooi bhoeo fpnoinlua -j- tpmftlnqaft u8ui kenney bros ijijjtmjtt aotonont i 50 fs

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