j ml i fir h artmt 3te pw0 lauin wkly nw aaxlll thuilkpay may 13 1031 till acton u vuvk mtuxhu ymlwi 1 liui a ll aivkutinc llatk tfsr uml j rent rxi ty llii eich iniarilnn ail ii i mottut kllii editorial icace for ireland yobable peace in ireland is believe to bo appreciably nearer under present negotiations premier lloyd george it is intimated will not interfere in any negotiations between ulster unionists and the sinn fein but it re stated ho will meet valcra whenever the latter u willing to consider dominion home rule i only hope expectations of immediate peace may not be too high sir james craig premierdesignate of ulster said when conferred with in reference to his conference with do valora the british world will rejoice if by any means negotiations can ac complish real peace and the cessation of the long- continued murderous outrages south wellington liberals to reenter politics tho liberals of our neighboring constituency south wellington arc quite determined to get into politics again at least in federal matters a con vention will shortly be called for tho purpose of selecting a candidate who will advocate democratic and progressive government the south wellington liberals believe that the reactionaries are making their plans to perpetuate their rule and will bring on an election when the moment may seem favorable for their purpose they contend now as they have for some time that attempts are being made to divide the opposition forces and they urge that all l forces of democracy should unite tofnietratcthese attempts save the wild life no natural resource necdttheepplication of greater foresight for its conservation than qur wild jife it cannot be replaced once if is destroyed and its destruction can only be avoided by wise pre- vision in the past it has been an almpstinvariable rule to wait until serious depletion of wild ufa has taken jlace before considering its protection the migratory bird treaty tho northwest game act and the more stringent provincial game acts to gether with tho stricter enforcement of these rejjula- tions by game guardians with an appreciation qf tho value of wild lifearo evidence of a more sym pathetic public interest in what is one of canadas valuable and most interesting natural resources skypolicemen next and now it is proposed to make use of tho aeroplane in crimo prevention as an item in the vancouver wprld notes tho uso of the aeroplane byl the royal canadian mounted police is anticipated in the latest report of commissioner perry of that force it can bo readily understood how greatly aviatfonmusrincrcaso the efficiency of a 6mall body of law officers operating over tho vast reaches of territory in western canada already the aeroplane is in use by lawbreakers that is should be used also by the mounted police is selfevident tho progress of canadys huge territories where settle ment is sparse should be encouraged ffy every avail able modern agency of transportation and communi cation tho possibilities of wireless telegraphy for examplo should f prove interesting your own home paper a local paper reflects the business interest of the town a business man looking for a location al ways examines newspapers to see how his particular line fs represented if he is a druggist or grocer or general merchants he concludes by the absence of advertisements that there are no druggists t grocers or general merchants or if there are they are all lacking in pep lfhe is a doctor or lawyer oyer- the- profasional- carde-to-see- i r-his- professioh is represented among the farmer sub scrlbers the home paper has a similar mission yh prospective buyer likes an invitation to come and trndo with the merchants- the card of the pro fessional man is just as essential as the sign in front of his door united states to join in councils of the allies at last the united states is taking the initial step towards uniting with the other allies in the great problems requiring their consideration in the settle ment of affairs growing out of the war president harding has accepted the invitation of the allies to depute representatives of the united states to par ticipate in the suprejne council- the reparations commission and the conference of ambassadors this resumption of participation in the councils of the allies the president aims to carry out without entangling the united states in purely european a fairs the american rcprcsntatives will participate in tho deliberations but not in the actual decisions of tho several conference they will have no power to bind the united states to participation in or support of any specific course of action the united states will commit itself only by legislation or treaty in dealing with foreign questions in which there is a direct or indirect american interest let lake a lesson some new light which should be a- lesson us is thrown on tho chinese famine situation by writer jn conservation china is now face to race with dncof tho worst famines in her history ap proximately 15000000 people are in imminent dan ger qf starvation tho area affected is somel00000 square utiles in extent and as only the most primi tive means of transport exist it is impossible for millions of the miserable inhabitants to get out of thostricken districts in spito qt frantic efforts- to do so in addition to the scarcity of food there is an equally terrible scarcity of fuel tho poorer classes have always to rely on grass roots and stubble to keep their little fires alight and this year there is no stumble ad a result the rigorous climate of north western china is taking its toll and thousands are perishing from the cold the immediate causes of the famine were disastrous floods followed by a long period of drought which resulted- in the complete failure of three successive crops 4 these calamities in turn wero caused in large part by a reckless wast age of natural resources tho chinese have been extremely unscientific and wasteful in the handling of their forests tho rich agricultural lands of the lower plateaus were stripped of tree growth probably centuries ago but until within even a hundred years ago great forests covered the fountain plateaus and slopes of central china these have been utterly destroyed over great areas and no attempt made at rcforestratioh cither by natural orartiflciajmcans as a result the slopes have been so eroded by heavy rains as to bo veritable deserts moreover the lack of forest cover on the uplands has mado possible alternate floods and droughts the very factors- that have brought disaster to so many millions of people in china this year an area about onequarter tho size of ontario fertile enough to maintain a popula tion of over 50000000 people has become as a result of human folly and shortsightedness a place where men must oyer be haunted by fear of destruction that really m theci mti with a grouch basin every speech with a growl whet a bountiful day this 11 ex claim the opumlat well ll will rain before nl re pile ibe duji with a grouch that- wu tt splendid eermon this moraine wasnl iit say brother jones nomine cut otjdhumb vlr he could preach well enough u he wasnt too laay to study tunu urother cross iri reply ito u gnea in church in business even in himrt the mini with a grouch opoaea every joy with gloom un- wmjnjr to concede that anything t pure unadulterated gnot he is busy always hunting out the evil end grumbling over ht reul or fancied wrong tie u sometimes called a knocker another expressive word ith an origin something similar to that or grminh to such a man othlng- soema to bo right nothing le rree from hi illnatured criticism if a la always knocking the than that he see on the street knocking hut neuhltor whenever they knocking at business knocking at vuy v knocking because he cant have his own way knocking the preacher and knocking the pew knocking thft man who dare differ in view knocking hla enemy knocking hht friend until we all wuh that hla knocking would end v home happy aplrlt are like the bird the tree tope greeting tho sunshine wuh sons of joy but ik man with a grducti unko tlui rrogloroaalnaat jtlght from a albny swamp kd1toiual notes the oil that will make you rich is found in toil washington post apparently the nations are in no hurry to replace warships with friendships norfolk virginian among tho things which many a man has to give up in lent is yio price of a new hat for his wire- flint journal what an amazing change tho german view on indemnities has undergone in 40 years columbia despatch one of the funniest things is how myd a man wll work and how much he will spend to get an office atjd then discover that ho cannot liveon the salary indianapolis news ontarios exfuel controller warns thd province that the coal situation is grave the supply he says is hopelessly behind and the peoplo are not placing their orders as they should his advice is to order now if- you dont want to do without next winter canada and the united states are now legislat ing to give the wiredeserter ms deserts atreaty between these neighboring countries is ah to be ratified maklnlflhls6lrenceexira the wife deserter will hereafter find no safety in skipping over he border- of either country j n hope or the hung thcrehas been some reason to believe that ox- pectation of intervention by the united 9tatevfn the reparations dispute favorablo to germany stiffened the refusal or that country to make snjj effort to comply with the terms demanded by the allies dependence irayjtftvo been placed on the influence that the largo gorman population of tho neighboring republic might bring to bear on the executive and tcongrens something too may have- been hoped from tho hearst press which out of its hatred for graft britain would be likely to urge on an admin which jt had assisted to bring into office t policy inimical to tho claims ql the entente if tif surrniso be welli founded german calculations as to 7 the course the unitod states would take have again been proved erroneous tho american- high com- orin berlin haa inf ormed the german govern ment that thp united states proposes to stand by j in enforcing just reparation this is strictly jn accord with the policy president harding has hitherto pursued when the british french and belgian armies advanced to occupy additional ger- man territory orders had already been given for the return of tho americarlcontingent home execution canadas foreign population is growing and will continue to grow their assimilation as intelligent canadian citizens is a real problem prof j b reynolds president of the o a c in addressing a meeting of the rotary club at guelph the other day declared that canadas foreign population must be cduaatcd in- democracy that rural free delivery carriers are poorly paid employees of the government isfelt generally and is bdmitirrctcttjuttor delivery is likely to break down says the owen sound sun- times unless carriers are paid enough to live on they are tired and disgusted with the dutchauction plan of underbidding each other for contracts the man with a grouch where in nil the world did euch a word dumg from euoh a very preaatve wordt dickenat oh no i ho exploited tho tyj hut did not or- iglnlat the name yet when you read the tlntt rw pegea of a chrlatma oiiiol you nltrnwl expect every min ute to run again at out word grouch 1-ixi- old horooge oertalnly carried n welldeveloped grouch around with him when tho ghoata took it away and he woke up in the hurpruing character qf bunny jim the word sprang up from the for- ulo hotbed of american pa tola it waa the ponutnoonji col nag of the treeta uke topey it juat growed it haa elymolugyv that bl nation joined lflfa nuuta one and ion adi of the- worda rowl and at thg o the almoat john durrogqhft anxerjcaa beatknown ajjd beet-lov- i naturalutt john uurrougba u dead he whm a true nature lover ifow if ny knew mora of the secret and y or jhe inhabltantn of the wooda whether bird beaat or jnaoet thy all hla peta john hwrrougha loved the wild tlrbatt- llf modern tnachlnory the itnlaa of trafflc and the whir of induatry had- no alutr- rannta for him him retreat wag- a cabin in the dpejt toreat and hup oc cupation the ntudy of animal and plant me lite epeoul frlendawere tlooovcluedlaon kurd and rireetone at the tlm of hla death on a paa- nongr train near tpngaviue ohio he waa on- hi way home from california where ho had apent the winter to celebrate jla eightyfourth birthday with the loat three namad they were ircaent when hbj body wan laid to reat on hla eightyfourth birthday sunday april 3 amid tho hills on the ttudaud not far from rough ke pale v near whern ho was roared where he had madohui homo ail hbt ufa- john burro ughn wrote much wrote aa he obnerved 1u gave factm aa he discovered themubout the lillla animal and plant ufenu workaat- itedt wu intereat ills wrltngu tnado the reader long to- get out t door and atay out- john uurroughtl wui le mlaaed ulj aspirations coople- never improve unleaa they look to borne standard or example higher and better than thenwelvea whgtjwe truly and earneatly aaplre to 1m thai in nome eenae w the mere- naplratlnn by changlnr the frame and aplrit of the mind for the moment reallxeg itself while we converaa wth what la above un we do not grow old but grow young who shoot at the midday mai though wure he ehall never hit uie mark yet auro ho la that he ahall hoot higher hum he who alma at a huah v oo low they hulld who build below tjft up thyaetr look around and ljtoipr llrierndhrutht than earth earth wormi and earthly thb planting op fruit trees tli la the aeaaon zor netting out young frujt treaa nnrt it hhnutd be rtodo juat hit early poaalhla aa aoon hm tike ground i in condition to work preparation ahould be mmle for tho planting of the young orchard a ktod deep ploughing if the land wuu not fall ploughed ahould boglvon fnl- luvred by a thorough dlbclng after the land haa been worked into good oondltlon proceed to lay out the rtrchnrd aa it la deelrable to get tho treae lined up in all direction thl laying out ahoilld be dona wltncare hurt at ono corner of ti hold uml plant atake then run a ntmlght line- liarallel to a fence or in tlm doalrd llrectlon i laying- eatubllaheil thl line it i pow noveaaury to run unnthof una at right angle to it y j lo back to the oral atake planted with a atoilt cord meaaure off eight foot on thla line and make a mark at lhal point now ahortan your line to la feet and 11 holding one and of the cord at the flrat atake planted draw a circle on- the ground having thl done lengthentbe cord to ten feet and hold qnsend of it at the point you marked off eight feet from the flrat atake and draw another circle where thla circle cut the flrat circle mode plant a atake the una made by thl atake and the flrat one planted la at right angles to the una flrat run after having run thla aecond line aa far eadeetred the uma procedure can h uaed to complete the third aide t l ha aciuare undao on until there i a oompteta squera around the field now dooldo upon the dla tains apart your tree mm to lie plaoed vttr apple it in generally so r feet by 10 tuet or s feet by 1c feet por plum 30 feot hy 10 feet if the thirty- fool dlatanoe itt clioaen mark on thirtyroof dlatuhce on all four aide of the aquiire and plant a alukp at each place to nil in the centre of the aquare three peraona are nxiulred one to hold atavea and the other two to eight one atghter ilnea up the atake jiolder for one direction and the other alghter ilnea him up for the other direction when in line in both direction he plant the atake and then proceed to uie next point und eo on wherelt 1 imrtoaalble to obtain the aervlce of three people two peraona may uae the following alterative method after lin ing up all aldea of the aquare a wlro may be at retched from one aide of the field to the other and drawivtaut and the proper dlatanoea meaaured off and atakea planted the reat of uie pro cedure la the aamo in both caae after all atauea are planted bring into uae the- planting board thla la a board a bo ut alxror elgh t f ee t lonbwl th a notch at either end and one directly in tha centre iu uae la very atmpbi i luce the centra notch over one pf the utakea wluch la locatad where- a- tree will imi eventually planted drive o peg through each of the note he nt the endrt of the immltu tho board and the atake may nowlm removed and the hole for the tree dug after the hole la dug it in eoay to get the tree in the roane place aa the atake won by bringing bank the board and nttlng it over the two end peg the tree if thejt placed in the centre otch will be tn poeltlon in planting young tree e fow pre- caution must be ohaerved- the treea hould not be allowed to become dry at ami time before planting but a hould be taken to tha field wet the hoi should be largo enough to accomodate tha root without jam- ax all broken pert of rootouhoubl be trlmqaed off neatly when p hinting tha tree the surface boii in generally putin flmt and tho aoll ahould be continually tmmttod or rammed aa the planting proceehj- ilough handllna tn mtamannei can- do no harm but will do good after the tree are aet the top should be cut hack about one- third or onehalf ami oonatunt cultivation given mumi ildnuramar when a cover crop or weedsrnky be permitted to grow m davis assistant jlortlcuuurisu central farm- ottawa ontario insurtlncl basket supply nisgarainthelakelsuo bavaa baaket factory owned by a company com posed of frultgrowera who are determined henoeforth pot to he handl- capimd as in years past by failure to get baakata in which to ship that fruit the growers also expect to louof money on the enterprloo good doorfs a good book- l likountq n friend- ship the more ono putt into it the greater the return itsmeaxuresar three knowledge enjoyment and inspiration open tho mntd to the author and he adds to ones mental ntore open the heart andhe gives one joy lend him tho soul and heu inspire one to nobla deeds t- oood books are found on the shelves a good book should pot in profaned by its cursory reading the author should hate tha same courteous nt- tentlpn thatojia would give if ho a ityok should be gauged not by its literary style nor the gold upon lta oowr but by the impres f uihin bnam mind if it suggests higher thoughts ir ipum one to nobler deeds it is a good book humorous writings should vbe clean and wholesome one should laugh not at others but with them noodlooki will not he cheat wrong nor defraud they will soothe heartache remove the sting from envy shame selflahnosa brighten life they greatest gltt to man tho terrible toll which the war has exacted from i j frpnce isy indicated by the preliminary census re- qj these orders at jthat jnoment would have had iu mrns for 1021 in three departments alone there ps ptt orrerinfinyfrsuijhjjnatalnlor life- l auiea withquvsofar asisjinown any retjuest fefr great britain sni france but purely s a s friendly jet tho ameyjlgan troqpaycre retained in fttjo onetfiey had bcuplefraihwj tfae armistice ftv- harajngddcs nor hlsy tp enrtlunjx fflszs hto country n the teaeoflhons wvots- wrrir tatew does a it powibiouoci l in enfnrntttfton nf tfrfltftit iorjwhichjt plenipotentiaries t sjri 4i versailles confeencqiritifjttllyfsivm viy asi5w- f rj v sj- v ii orlcials of tho ontario safety league express great satisfaction in the reduction of automobile fatalities orithe streets of toronto ifor the first three months of 1021 compared with the same period in 1010 and 1026 the resolt shown is attributed to general safety educationand to thework ofvthe vigilance committee of the league in curbing the reckless driving this committee which has turned in aver 800 reports in ho last six months is dojng excellent work facts refused to make monev ifuve we anycurrnnoy inflt aked the lhuhnvlwtprnmlr kt niiough to phpni- one smutl room rnpllad ihn mluutiir of flnantio with n lwuhovutl rliwtr tlinnwitd batter print no mi morn tlfats whut i think but tho iirlut nrs refume to lift u linriil until wo puy them off in rnul money not mis aont the olhuc day u llltl- tdlliw wua having n merry romp maurdbutu uf blu i ontlrul uurlnu a uu hihlm pluy ht i hoc uuldlo him pointing to two hoya hi lminmll wbl it aullaj itau dtur woumlif you ilkjr b ii and clan llbo thowo cblrlren thernt lluhl repllod tho younsalnr ucorn- fully thy not chlldra thyro lel i r wanted llonaat depandablo salesman to represent us in tho sale of nursery htock we supply all outfits free of charge and aow u lltieml rate of commission apply to e d smith a bom ltd winona ontario ltfclublu drunauui- from nnt to ixtuut all tnrnpletons luteumutlo cab- 411 1- and ltaualf fv asthma if troubled ur vi j ifaesard your home town drugglat will upply you- ofintorosttannen xofiq shave when the barbers razor loses lta extreme keenness what i does he do doei he throw bis razor away not ha rhe atropa it the valet autostrop raxos atropa itself thats why it always gives you 9 clean smooth and satisfactory shave the valet autostrop razor is an economical razor there are 500 per fect shaves guaranteed from every dollar packet of autostrop blades with a valet autostrop razor the f morning prbgramme is strop shave clean without taking it to pieces and place on the shelf ready for uae next morning no expensive stropper fo buy as an extra complete and economical kmor strop mod 12 bla3a in smrtmatn ot caseg tjoq tho met fanes get up to 1650 y4utcr5trop razor skaipehsitsilf autostkor 3atety razor co umiti to r helping the farmer tho morchanu bank la v ofvotypructicalnasiatanco initolping the k u obtain tentxkl seed grain to bottlo harvest and threshing expenses to payoff hired help 1 to order tho winters bupply of coal topurchasopuro ilred cattlo torealize on grain storago ticltetb avail youreelx of thia complete banking service th mcrchant5 bank headotrimoni of canada eatablurmd 1364 sauty poikmuj ilwaa te as easy walking in imperative forthe man who lusnes vthe- areuter part of the tlmfroumiln feet hhoea built on the proper lust mado of sood leather i hut nt tho font should bo taken care of have us fix up that oomtortablo old pair ij our bhoe llopalrlna renews the ijfo of your shoea restores their usefulness untl mean comfort eoonomyand satisfaction ii you do net fernet that we carry frtclasuee bka aa tor men and beys ftusiness directory medical dr j a meniven physlolsn end burgwin omoe alfd tealdnihirconir 1 lower avenue and iciln hlnou tti reald m formarly ooouple byi u hen derson a o ton out dr e j nelson fhyslolan aurgaon obstetholen aotpn ontario hi to i ho lat dr iruy onloo uml uellflino piiuihk ht offlco imin 3 to 4 p nt mid t to dr c p -w- ross phyalciai and burgeon 7 mill ot oeerqetown s phone 22 icallnusa hursetl irura ilnapltoi hplkilnl attention to ni- of wo- bn und cuildron itndtuiuiit lln hone no 31 hahou nash paitmerma barrleur solleltor notary publlo cenvenyanear etc perryhan block acton ouy u0n13y to koakt hourhlu ili lo 6 pji dr j m bell d d 8 l d 8- dentlat v honor irani ua te of toronto univer sity th lateats anaathetle uaed u desired odloe at residence corner ajlli aod vredarlok btreeta miscellaneous marriage licenses h pmeere issuer marrlso lleeneee private onioe no wltnnases re quired issued at realdeiioe in avoajnc i panasr offloe aeton oni pranoib nunan bookbinder aooount books of all kinds made te order iertodlftaui of every ooserlp- oaraxulry bound ttullna neatly and promptly done xvyndham street quel ph ont jtover wllllama btoro r j kerr lloeneed auotloneer ror the counties or llalton welllna- ton peel and iu0erln and the city or quelph acton ontario bales may be arranaed by mall of it reeldenoe at aoton or at the free press olfloo aeton the aleroury offloe ouelph the newaraoord fergus or with w j oordnn harness uakar hlluburat sales entrusted to it j kerr ra- oelve attention from date of uaunar to date of sale list vour ales wltb ma tesloenea bowar avenue aetoaj hone is aeton call at my utvpenos luyjhhiuley auctioneer ulldauj phon erin t 11 r r 8 acton jecheevers book binder- quebeo bt east quelph ot books and maaaalnes bound la handsome andbubstantlal eovera kaaies lettered in hold on lllblea hymn book and other books all woru promptly executed d alex nivbn ontario land surveyor and civil i surveys fcubd i visions plaiut ite- ports jjescrlpuons tllueprlnts etc cert i floats for purchasers and mortarsaeesburycafiijoraphitufl ulldertnd uuululpal couiioum dralnjuro iteports icatlmates eo molean building douglu 8l qoblpu phono 10bt oni about ssoviit has been a declinejrj population or 470 over the figures jor 1011 similar losses have been reported in several arhcr dopartmijnta and it u estimated if thp flame proportion pf decline holtls throughout ths districts yet to be heard frorn france will have lost botweertythreo and- four millions of herpopulatlon during the decamp there will be some compensation 0furte restoration of the lost provinces of p- aisiditalner- ltpfmi6tiend9us war loss which prance has stomtriad targely of the young coal stipply owlnc to the publlo belruj caresbba about pladnv their or- dors for next winters coal there were several million tons less mined dttrlna april of this year tharclaat year thb shortage cannot botnftdo up ottosp mines koinavr have to tse an ayerajte monthly ton- tuure ns coal has tobe removed from the mines in enra as soon aa mined wo can set only the same number or oars of coal in december as we do in uay if the publlo do not aet their supply of ooal in now there wilt be a shorteao when next win ters oold winds blow 1 price fob may nut 1bje0 1 stove isio jbghj lbi5 pea i3p0 advanal 10o a ton pertnth j b mackenzie trrmrsaeoorwmuw pull t ink of buh0in0 suppyes r clearing sale of winter goods no heed kolng to ouolph or dol lar day vou mm ttmko dolur hero just an wo ii overalls zjm work bhlrts w 18- wintor cttpu d17s and 2x0 and othor aooda hi proportion come in und sen un ror buruliu bhoerepairlnaneklly ptfrnl e k cook 7 qsittchuohpsrwot jtohontacanada tannery copeifc the old and reliable granite and marble dealers w are nianutacturarti and direct importers of m un o monumental id hevdstone work- we ael dlreot to our euatomara ftt wholesale priooo thus vavlna our ouatomera to per cent we haw tb beat appuanoee und tha ohijottaeaanloa hmhootnioowho can oparatapneumatto tools properly wa oan live referenoes from hunflroos of our euatomfra in toronto and other t h la sbmaorder to oolleol wo have tha larvaatand bast stock of oranltatn thvommloajrmora than any tluraa dealer in theveat wo are letu- mt dealers ana employ no acanlit anddo not annoy ox twtcual braondlna ojiulanorant went solicit- irovrm employ only moa