Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1921, p. 6

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rnip jirtjj mv v pw r birth vjurimmm eotj deeuja ex now obuiwl for at th touowlner rat iiiitha 60c murim soo deaths wc memorial cud boo loo pr un extra for poems died vravktdl on bunnay may b 1d1 ol ida residence hornby henry it kruiuttend in his ssrd yr liiintiell at her lute residence 10 1almpialon lioulevard toronto on tiitaxlay may 10 tl i jennie j hun tr widow of hi late lty john k hunfr vanguat in her 14th yer crtjr acton 3fapf jlrrflb thuiwday hay u 131 brief local items rather cool for may yeaterday showing up mr bleele 11 adding a aectlon to hi- weiwn in th tieeord block ilolton bad a tlsooo or on mon day tho totm 111 was daatroyed- th aalaa tax ha bn increased to three per cent dating from today thu in hpple blossom week th app orchard are moat attract strawberries are now plentiful toe a bo llut theyre not bamty it uoarehade attracted blg- masons orchestra on saturday evening crowds the new tariff puou tax on jtrap fruit but leave onuitn and nm free tb bom gardener abd th base ball enthusiasts would ilka evenings twice an long i41u btdjior flow ilttla coat ot paint malm a plea tent cottage out of tm- that aint som vary nice trout have bean brought to town by local fishermen the pant tan day rrh asparagus beds are provldlng- their eoecutatjt product a week or tax erlhv than uauai oakvauefa unriw puts tb popu- latlon thu yau at 1124 and the as sessment at s2e1uu- tbo ateaxn road roller u doing good service in fatting the streets into normal condition again president j b reynolds will ro- present uaoa c at the conference of universities in britain la june sir henry drayton baa given boose another knockoat blow with hla 1000 a gallon customs wt jtha foundation for mr dr oray new residence are about oom- r pleted and ready for the brlcktayor j duston the streets waa moat q for several daya during miheanek an occasional shower will 7 vlfcwejcoine- t- excavation are bain- mad for kennay bros new ahoe atore on mill street between mclean co and a sopor tbe annual meeqajr of baqtwalnr woman xnathuta will be bold in the w coanoll chamber feymay afumoon at ho j the annny banka alone ib rail- rwaya are clothed lmnany puoaa near town with patobea of wild atrawber- now in full bloom some of the boya wboairldln- their blcyola onthe parements wlh bi plnchod one of thaa una day tho coturtablo la after hetn -the- thro nowbualnaaa plaoen on uatn street made thlna uruy n saturday it looked like the palmy daya of earlier yeara on that bttalnoaa thoronkhfarev the new arooerloa and oonfeo tlonery atore of mr- john moffat waa opnd on saturday oyeninc th premlaea have been tianaxormod and are quite attractlvo fn ajearanoe twenty per cant drop tn the price- of practically arery claaa candy will bo fnojbewut or the new budcet propoaai aooordlijk to tho w m xiowney company of canada umlt- r- tm maiuf t of faat drlvera of motor car ara under tbalmpreaaion that acton la at oreaant without a aonatable theao apoajera win be broncbt up abort one of the v aaked for anoplnlon aatotna mnnlcapalitya uabulty for damacea j tbjoiinteoulaton with alient potloo- men- t atreet tntaractlonaa eollcuor infor ort c that uw town woaitbe hat 17 tho annnal frk of ouaiph bia- trlct wm ba held at faraaa nx tnaaday 17th lnat ftay l iff uoyar and maaara 1l pi moore and qf 10 bailey ha dlemta from acton mathodlat church provine went dry by 1tmm0 pte thafa quit majority and abnoat twice what waa expected now if the boot out of the way koaploa aober would bacaaay fjgeiph mereufy n pjoofa nowa calla atlentlon to i5u vlfr townw- profanity la the moasokkaw of all vloea and la uilfertanafelyto conunon eyarywhere how ia your aupptyof counten check r ixt tim nan pmaw furblatr you with thaaej any style you want at the travellera keep your mone tha oome back to fe i ypurmotorlnmratorbrlaitlna fesf imnar people to church aaldatf xr- paatortnona bt tho ehurehea ss-v- sundiy mornlnfi toull be jwi ypr naifthbot a cood turn awl aci t catlitirehnablc7 jc tfs rvhjmijrokw x smallffeuc for 49 ptlvawi pubuahorof the lumfww mar- cory aulred a ftnapebu tntarapt iff thebwaome de ollbert co whol 5hy uijiitattonert vorodto and will fcw yvpa iffianarfna fljrwtey ot tbfijii- ii tartoru oarrylnc all the flneautrout -rttm- u they can set trotn axpejrijat oouiit jlv uiiron ftndins few flahwprma i ki7f weeamry unfler lot near tbe btrcaun vr attmanembaka doftt monuvn l ih -l- i j fete t c iyjamajvarmanor ontario efjpwiiprftea thejaibiftapoonwrbauif j fh jptffltpklwkh toa followtn tnyiaewfs- mckoka in may th upundtd qprlnotlm atbraotlana qldom realised or enjoyed by summer raeldanta tim npriiibtlmo ixuiutln nnil altra- tlvai fualurw hif mualuku tlta hlch- uurtu at onlarlo orid tho mooch tot diutiaaiidia of t ilium wbo ek a mm- msrtlm holiday lit july ausual uml sptmlr ltuvn fallal to iw mallkod hootuaa awlitont do the aummar real den la avar ao muakoka in her pretty karb of hiirlna li waa tlie plaaaur of l he editor to apend the flrat weak of may in the attractlvo aurrp undine tho weather wu brlslit und dallahtfully warm tlie beautifully wooded island and mainland wm just putun on thaltnew draaa of varied vanflaj tint tbv wild cherry and other wild fruit tr and ah rub war in full bloom and th wood abounded in an attrac tive variety of wild flowers tho atuady and beautiful trlltlume predom- intd but thar war many patch oa of napatlca wood violet yellow daialea and buttaroupa tbe trailln bluabarry planu ware in profua bloom and th pretty myrtta of the wlntmran with their ecarlet berrlaa added fo th nunroaa other of naturaa attraction a the awect pure duatlaaa aunoapher waa invlcormtlns the rrasrant plnoa and- hem lock a war everywhere the centla rlppla of tho water up pi rut th ah ore and th eontt in tho tre- ttpa all contributed an abtdimr in fluence which led on to fonref weak- neee of a weary mind and body and revel in the healthful and reatoratlve au rro und lnca th apriiuc falrda were thar in planalna variety th hljht onfta of the whippoorwill wee unuaually dlatlnct in th prevalllnar quiet flock of ducka werepreaent on the lake be tween dr moore hoeplteble coltae jlockholma and acrton inland every evealna and occaalqnally a flock of wild would fly orar head ia row on lake or bay amour th pretty lalanda a tramp throuah th flower- carpeted foreat a rental aunbath on the rocka or aii hour in flahlns or troluna combined to paaa the lime awpy with aurprlatnjr rapidity the daya wero thua pleasantly apent ith an oooaalonal hour in the more practical vocation of bulldlnv a chlck- houae claanlnat 4nd ya canoe and row boat oonoetliut tno netaom and tom of floating llmba and log thrown upon the afcore for the blc oraplao of the colt th kltcheh ranse or the aummer bonfire when the taland of muafcoka have their high water mark of population there waa alao the loo to pack down and the water plpea which were taken up at tbe cloao of laat leoion to re place and preparations to bmado for a nw boat houae and aooojninioda- tlona outlined for the new disappear- ins propeller motor boat for tb sum- mertrlpe of the family and srueat to be arranaed for the may evenlne wero delightfully spent wall the may daya there were the exquult ounaeta to be en joyed from the wide plaxam of the cottaae and then the dellcbtful hour or bo about tho w- open areolae in theltxm uyln room at ilockholma tbe openhanded boepltallty of dr nd mrs moore la wellknown numerous aueata it waa enjoyed to the foil by tbe writer on this occasion a on many previous ones thua the early may outloe in muskoka bad a 1th of pleasure and a fair measure o health res torlnx lnuuenoa ooe respect only wah there modicum of disappointment in the visit the aline seamed to be between season forfiablns theaetaeraon the mainland were quite free in their rebaarsal i of suooesa in securing abundance of salmon pickerel and base in the earlier waeka one of them related to us thefaot that only a week before hehad landed n ppund aahnon but our efforts gvn no op portunity of tawns luh otorle to at tract the plaeatorially inclined limchouae the ilmnbousa baaaball olub held their annual aprlns meet in monday evonlnir april 18 and elected th fol- lowlns omen re for ilia aeaaoti of itijl froa win ouwdy vlcopre h ii humi muiiusar w a mcdowell heorelarytrruaiirer w u mllllern oakvillff the hchnol doanl hna gono on record aa favorlna the ereotlnn of a new fourroom echool on the weal aid at a coat of 975000 the wirebound flox mtd hsakat co has now 116 employees un its pay roll and wae exceed 12000 per week the company will be exempt from general taxee for ten yeara mua dohn- conqludad her term here a public echoo teacher and has been auccedftd by uisa laabel sl matheaon of ooderlch jamae boulea driving wed ouu car and a toronto lawyer named fsrguaon had a headon oolllalon on the highway las saturday evening mr boulea waa severely out about the fao and both cars were damaged considerably qnsurfday evenlne lb oakvllle am buunoe took aman named btesaek to the hamilton hospital who had bean injured in an auto mlahap at willisana cornera on the fllghway several per sona were in the car and ware brought to ir 1ag for attention the oar that caused the jth rouble got away operations at the bhoe paetary meaars hcwatson jc hon have enm- meaoed operatlone at the altoe factory and are gradually installing machinery and putting opereuvea at work tty july 1 the place will likely be a hive of industry fits btlnsonshome treatment for ep ilepsy twenty years suoceaa tho of testlmoniala no case should be oonaldared hopeless free booklet we stlneen remedy co e canada till tonga street torooto ont had to borrow 5000 a certain oaptaln ef indus try talklno- to some young men reeentiy referred to th time when he waa out of env pleyment and had t berrow 0 semebedv aksd him what he did wlfh 111 andhe realledi ft put rmuo in a new suit and kept tzao fat- lunches two days later i landed a job and if im brake again im going te try th earn experiment f preyed to m that a good aaaarnm i the beginning of prosper- ity geo wallace clothes are a valuable asset geqwallace allwftys reliable r i clothier quelphdht neighborhood news- town and country v iiton mm w groves of tho toronto board of education will give an edu cational address in vtxvo methodist school boom on vrtday evening at b oclock captb b albertaon who baa been- leader of thocampbellford band for the peat year la leaving to accept a similar po at harrtston tb dlreetora of the public ubrary under the old syateinheld a wtndlng- pp meeting last tbureday evening- mr and mra w b clemehta got home hurt monday from a trip of u month to the paclflo coast i milton merchants have again fallen into un with those of all otluqr up-to- date canadian towns and villages in cotnblnlda on a tffcdoesday half boll- day from may a to september 10 the splendid playing of the band on wp tttntnis iflff tk w the aub- ject of rood iqnjckn and has gained greatly to dowers- r the boy- lookrvery- smart la their uniforms of the artlllorypat- tern at tbe annual mooting of the ladles aid society of the methodist church the following ofnoerewere elected for the coming year president- mrs el o ihoocrur vlcre mrs tlorn- ihg xaa vicprea mrs j j pea oockiltt loe- 4th vlce-pai- mm v o- wubnott- nsooedlngsecretary mra u b har rison assistant secretary mrs o a hamstteet traaaurer mrs j w bflghtsrohemplon qcorqetown the council la considering the ln- ataltatlon ot a water meter system and baa instructed the clerk to get prices it water meters tt inohhi inohesand 2 inobes chatitauqua win be at aoretown julyit to jo lroqnola new calls atlentlon jjpevend mrs r f pkioc of ottawa tnepevaleno ofpfoajluv7lriio are eultora with mr ad mrs john buipiageonthe atreata of ouit h t mlatr ctfnant h a ahd alloc creelnuin of mcqiu untveralty-iaon- treal were visitors with the layers narenta hut week theioddfellows and rebekahani- tended service at the preabyterlan church on sunday evening the public library wl be ulpaed all this week esa number of repairsfare being mad nogtll wp mr-0otae- af olean was suddenly sttcban with appenolclusand waa operated on at winnipeg qeneral hospital pn april u he la lroproinalowty tte high bonoori and town teans had a snappy game on the school shvunds reeuulbjttln win for- ym town -iy- worshlpiulmaslier m oorke and his trforatlaoto afav ai m n seoond deaeoat rfpeed c luelphimtp4ov ofthahretjwoapo ratiero farm were taking- holsfceln1 the amibhsjuwlmbifcrrtpeatul able iimibmto ti wfaiwlw9 turned nd attacked thaiiaer toeai wm aboat 0fetb started tn rmwbtaatnrw the reaawi w a ttctfiforki ah sfl moffats new grocery and confecti the opejiing of our store lut week proved moro than satisfactory comoin and try tar different linen of anjdy greatly tfodcioed for saturday v wo have a large variety of boxes of chpcolates including fruit and ftut ctjritrrrangink from 60c up a lino of fresh groceries onf band grail times john moffat main street acton ont this week we are giving cat prices otrseveral lines it will pay you to visit this store as we can save you honey blt bets 0rtaw goods this ia the best value we have ever shown double fold all pure wool navy serge very suit able for childrens dresses and odd skirts a8pclalatlfioderyan plaw and stripe skwlnga extra vide in 1j4 yard ends no two like good 19j50 vain at 1 per end buelt sdk wabtavthese waists are made of extra good quality paillec silk sixes are 30 38 40 and 42 regular price is 5700 to clear tt25 hoepnof iioav this line of hose is noted for its good wearing qualities colors are black navy brown tape at 1200 per 017 s pair for j00 ladke blade cotton how25 dozen pairs of black cotton hose double sole and heels fast dye guaranteed to give good wear regular price is 40c to clear at 26c pear kair a bareain in laauw veatawe have sold hundreds of these vests at 60c and we havejusirjs dozenleft short sleeves and with band this lot of is dozen to clear at 40c or 2 for 75c ladles knit b4oomersgonip in onk only assorted sizes with elastic at knee and waiit made goojl and full special pfiee soc each mens pine worsted and barge pania at reduced price wo have in stock to day one hundred and ten pairs mens one worsted and serge pants cut and made to fit these pants are good value at the regular price but for one week wo will give one dollar off the price you will save one dollar on every pair you boy great values tn curtain bcrinv vc have 6 pieces of this curtsin scrim in stock in cream and ecru with and without border extrgood value at 25c per yard to clear at 20c per yard headquartera in acton fox floor cov erings linoleums 4 yards wide at sw00 per running yard floor oilcloths 1 and l and 2 yards wide 80c per square yard linoleum squares 3x3l4 at 1775 ln oleum squares 3x4 at 2025 com pare these- prices with your catalogue then come to this store where you can see just what you are getting we are on the job til r 1111 la htvilu um iripptly urn o tkii ital mclpiilly lulwf lm ami um iuhiiiiiiui um wu cull unw tu hll- finuuirlul w hiunlln- mily tlin mumluo klury gou iinl r uil wo dont knock tom rum ley blaokamltn and woodworker mill imki lutk av columbia gramaphones and records adam algho la making u ii laity of columbia clrama ihnu und ititordm wliloh it win deliver ptuiuiv tt your pianos anv make a alaeo mill st aeton call at th- aw mclean co bidx stbjeet we aiua ron cash wa sbll ron uoa acton notice to cfcditorf of the eayatg of peyen gib- oenb d13ceabed the oelltori l litr oiilnw liito of lh villas of anion in li county of 111 ton llrl itniior who dle1 oi w nboul the fctventeentli day of april lilt mi rhilrl mi of ixfnnr tlia thlrtaentli 1iy of june 1d21 to mod hy pol prtipiiil or otherula llivr to tlie uiitrrilkiiol aollflltui for th uaecutorx u inlftnuil of ltiali accounts the nutura of th wnurlty if m v hlgyby lham and nil ihirtlcnlitrw of thtr romc addrrasva ami it floor i p- tions t arm notice la hrelry further glvnn that immedlatoly uttr tb maid thlr- taetitb diy at june 1931 th aald lxcutore wh proceaxl lu olatrtbuf th assets of the said wtatn among thepartlm entltlo llmrto and they will not be reaponalble tor any auumri of which tlnv lnll not have received ndtlc at lb time set forth for audi distribution dated at acton ontario uu twelfth day of may a l 1321 joiitf licllknll iiiknk n ailtkbkm ekecutors- uy ii n farmer their uillcltor 4x vmtochde 1 j any needed article in tin gatysjused iron ahoet sine oopper brass and other light sheet nietal i ten us what vourequlre and we will hgnr op it kach article cut to measure and made to fit perfpeqy- w f acton ont all spring hats at reduced prices to make room for c our summer styles acjton eloba hcses vvnfetil by toronto poucb dkpartmknt aj4to 7ywa beicht 15 to jfe towla welihl0s to 1200 ttm colore black bay or brorrp v ropfescntativo of thopoltco department with awer- inry wlitbo h ho mcgibboo hotel georgeto wit ont on wednesday mciis betireen 11 a m and 2 pm wo wish to gqqouncqto tjie citizens of ajctpn and ylciniry that wo aro nowmtticdjn our wow premise preyiously oc cupied by kcnney broi you are cordially invited to call and inspect our btockand get acquainted our stocks arc arriving daily and you wtttjtnd a fullliw of paints varnishes glass cutlery topis alurniftum qranitowear tlnwear nails shelf hardware our motto quality service and reasonable prices estimates gladly gjyeh on eavo trough in g heating plumb1 wiring andyour work promptly looked after yijisa actoit the golden grain bakery the bread with thbthbie its brewers best bread j a fult asijoktmknt op breaix buna cakea pief and pastry of aix kinds every day wtronlse tn ittxl of the toronto georgetown fluelph and imilon hakerfwho send bread into town i solicit a trial or my uread and othr produrtlonm george 3rewer mb street late of th c e r near baptist churcfa hirschorn geofigetown laajiea guit uo dresspecialist springcoats and dresses sat1sfactionguarantebd if a customer hods a garment ia not satisfactory it may be returned and the money wijlocheerfuuytefunded a hirschorn team f r- v- down goes the price of meat i of tub west end mkatjabkei meat is gradually- getting cheap buy where quality untaanahopoilafhuasttiefarthaat beef- ckolcp boiling beef 12 i rcbrikkbhi- i loc chdlcohit roastj i 18c shoulder roaat isq rnmp koaat- 20cv rbtihovstealt 25c sirloin steak 30c tohyroat 1f aiwa- fbesa eorjt veai pj6jilquafiersr6at lfcroabtk5-v- 15c 20c 25c 80ot sfconlterprk chops 20g jubln porkcbobj i25c jxegaof park rom shored meatb rolled shoulder half or wholo 28o sliced -sasi-asisiiisv- 30e cotuao rolls half rorwoe r30i sausages our owl mako tissyt labd 8jtb pails 650 8 it pails ooo surdwm v bpbouuyholiv7 75 lb of our cocuanut toflocl a pure wholesomo tolteo with cocotnut andteanuta in it regular j0c saturday treat ptlee 25c j vv v u speciaiinb ti v 75 lbs of our soa- poant klasea a aofe nougat eahdy with cherries and wa in it regular 50c s mc tt cockshutt implements special no s 100 lbs of our weekend chocolates an assortment of ii chooola regtilargoc and 60 lb waekend c 8tifcin6- iu 3- ppo fjift and ejajnmhk chocolate bars also sultana sty roguurojjbaturdy7for25c lsf1eilrnft-rr- anolhorlot of cent candy for the kiddles reguar id- eacj wntojr 2 lor it y blello geotuement patrdnilo hontemadc and homeoxhlbltetl iiikii alanflord and fully guaranteed farm machinery everything necessary -fe-ull-upyoato-amn1ng- spceadbra wuggoua plows cultivators sseddius harvesting goods cream sopar- titslflwninotrwsrtkiuttarbrnbqo1pnionrh repairs promptly attended to t stephensons blnclmniuh shop sm bssst 1 afctjjlboavifc ivtfrkf itt1 r ara iilpfn f sv v stwwflfcjr n n 1 htt v tin f i 1 n ivvjlb lnlrttvloii vvlrrhr iajt tiwiibiblifiaaaafh je

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