Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 19, 1921, p. 1

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r fortysixth ycor no 47 3loo rmn year acton ontario thursday mornina may 10 iu2l 13 co in united states single copies five cents tub methodist church acton rev i m mover pawtor pa runig- willow st it it hi itibjart tho 1tiiij of help 1 30 it hi mim lay school 7 li m subject i tn hliiry of churloh ci ray a worl picture nil 1 mm if ncrvlia f m my man you alufl 1nvitiqij comb knox church acton rev w l pindta 0 a mlnuuf street li m in ilm atl ulmii f thosa who prnfisa thn c rued hll irt n add roe th conanrutvl c i hlsr t li hi tin origin illty of jeaus kvinnvnotv wmlccmh new advertisements work wanted by a ym a man t v the tluy or wwk hox 0 at on i o motor license no pound motor i laoiiua n 110 eco may ho for sale beautiful prtneh tunuu ihhlmtonil mlttl j a mnauthuit clair li hi r net town for sale single iron be i also spring aj fresh milch cows for sale a nuralwr of troth milch eowsfor al apply to xhoi i so help wanted agents lie independents ant in your rily and county introducing sb linen fast selling rubberised household uipnrel make i1c a day p writ 411 wellington wont toronto 44 4 maid wanted i por general housework no children all convenlonoo in imme personal applications prercrrcd msb ii 1 mooluc acton notice to trespassers tho publlo ts hereby notified tht fishing and shooting aro atrlatly tor hidden on our l re mi no lot 34 con 6 kluoituf 7 s scott nnotiihjno ford oar for sale second hand lord for sale ha ixian ull overhaulo and in tho biit of running order ah equipped except tv starter t a morton house for bale kight roomed heuao nnd lot for aula all in rtntt olu oonditlon call and tee for- yo u reel f cor neruf iqigln and ague street 47 8 nonent m jlainq pasture wo tav pasture for a few head of oattlo n lot ifl and it iixj conoo- lion kaqueslng boat pasture reason able rate por rate and torm apply u 0 cqckbubn bon quelph ont orben mountain potatoes for sale oreen mountaln potato t for seed piv joiim bullungllam lot i con 1 ttrln h b- no 3 i lock wood busineb8 properties and residences for sale two lino buwtnaah blnokx on mill street aoh oontalnlntf two bopantta torsa aio flnt nnw oomnnt block liouvo a bamutn for quick a it j khjiul 446 u haul uutate aanl card of thanks tho wry inn brenvmnl thoy prl- noeof lut ftfbk in tht biiddfln dth y se4deq of hir blpytm llfo ssr- jn wnq john orven n ayp mb t h m fo7 wpat wantpp ilhfln mo anv timb i you hsvftnv yfuh dalry wlatu to fttlinqm pfc fir ftnltiuli wlh bralnn lga av nyilntf ml ftmo jtop fox nipt- iwr blehorthoroliull imml ifoih ppw- mmbe or soofl younir wa with iamb and ft qua slgver md hlakiq vannattbh ii jl mo i ooorstown lot i- con t brln phono 8r14mf oarld or thanks tho ttnderke4 dwlroa to xprww hvi tdocrout thnnkm in tho poopls of aoton on bohalf of haiwilc and hor children for their warm and practical sympathy during tbo ions hlnom of her dear hmiband and in tho trylnk hours of her bereavement my dear huaband appreciated moro than i can xpreaa the klndneaa he received from the people of aaton during liu lllneos mru tuouas bu1tii tenders wanted ton4er will bo rooalved by the underalffnetl up to may so 1d31 for the painting and dcorattnif of the town hall auditorium the lowcat or any tender not neceoaarlly no- cpted ilaha and apeolucntloiim may b aeen at mr john cameron a john street tendon to bo uddreaaua to mum o a conway convener of i o h h committee 473 friday may starring vfthlnii j th lmhilp hm hadnnjo 1 olio of he heat tny- crltlon pay that the picture l beur ppniedy torny hit 8atuw0ay av luflk in vnvfn btaitiijk uarguento clnrk tho comedy vlirk with cliitrtlu ollnpun von nefl tuebttay- mav m km ctrrt l y mary itabertx iilehv4r whot wui your idea ot a groat life when you were mvanteent chapter i of nuth of tho rookie patho comedy wednesday may 25 33tt houra loave a para mount picture atarrlng dougtaa mnolean and lor may nett oomody quack doctor m ts womens new summer apparel with true summer like freshness our outerwear is so dainty and cool in appearance that one cannot help entering into the prevailing joyoun spirit that even at this early date seems to fojclcll of the sunny days of summer and wo wish to remind you also of this that it matters not how fnihionnhjp a garment is or how desirable it may be it carries tho sama moderation in its priceticket as you will find attached to all garments in this store all during the season lovely tub froeks and gay summer millinery like beautiful gardens of lowers tho displays are de lightful to walk through and to pick from prices not the least of their attractions either mens anl boys clothing and furnish ings at the nelson store and the main store- wonderful assortments and many special price advan tages theso days all tho mens tweed raincoats clearing at half price all the mens high grado mallory and stetson fedoras- reduced to 5 00 boys stilta at 13 75 bettor than regular 1800 and 20 00 lines special purchase surprisingly low prices in special sales of staples for instance 25c factory cotton for 12c 45c factory cotton for 15c 55c factory cotton foe 25e 60c factory cotton- for 30c 1 00 sheeting 74 indies 65c 00c fine nainsooks for 45c 75c kimono cloths ror 40c 60c ginghams cambrays 39c 1 00 fine ginghams for 69c 85c a c a ticking at 506 75c turkish bath towels 50c ani many similar economies d e macdonald bros ltd gueuh3 leading and largest store wyndhant garden and macdonne streeta guelph out neilflon ehocoitttpbirf reg 8c cacq stmifiy3pi price for 3j5c h wiles honeat doallno russells oeed deed always the same is the quality of our soda water and ice cream that is because we use only the very best ingredients pure cream fine bugar eggs and fresh fruits to flavor our sodas and ice creams just try our ice cream and sodas thats all saturday specials assorted chocolatra rj s0 and wd nor 16 stuafay special ptice8e i js m fd peanut butter rle rog 4qo sat- mill street acton special notice as tho remainder of our drv goods and crockery 5tocg js taking vp i nec space eyprjuhlng iq tieo liqej nmt be cleared out at onfo regordnejff of wit t co including ii lull assortment of mens poyj and kddes overalls and shirts groceries you will always and our stock well assorted with fresh grocer iesy- fruits and vegetables at lowest possible prices d c russell mux street j j acton qnxv the boulevards and sidewalks must not he driven on council has given imtraetlona to have the bylaw gormtfuff same strictly enforced council met in regular aeaalon on monday evening with councillor ball cordlnor and lenny proaent and tho itaove in tho chair a committee of tho f o d el walled upon tho council wtli regard to tbalr lrop4aml oftorta to roiae runda for liu1 nttng tho town hall they oak foi ilm uw of tho council chamber fro whm requlrod their roquoat waa grantod upon motion ur j tell waa appointed to set in mr mulllna plnoo oa chair man of the plnanc committee tho plnanc ct rnmlttee proaented tholr trnth rioirt and recanuaended payinetit uf the following account waterworks aeoeunt ifvancla hankln a co 41 70 th arthur b iltch oo wuf hyd canadian valrbanka uorae central foundation co uartahore thompmn flpo and viundry ck john lleatley drain work- acton vree 1reaa printing debenture toronto 1 w tt b 43 fi do too oo 13 x0 84 s4 toronto suburban itajhway trelaht etc 1 f hydro rlsctrio power com 1 a k crlppa exprcaa j tho jama itobertaon coy balance of aooount 1 14 nowmmi nunn labor m o 13 i3s cunaral aooount n jjefviroat hoard u hoatths 00 ionard itulgway atreeta and wnlka charity acton tannlna co coat hydro klactrla imwar conx etreet lighting hydro klectrla power com town mall 30 40 30 00 10 ui 17 importal oi co- oil for atreeta ball telephone co town hall bell telephone co vlro chief john qlbbona labor ib sq 2b i si si 41 00 ub4 is the report waa adopted moved by j if denny meooaaed by stephen cordlner that tho tteeve and treaauror ho authorised to pay half of the acoount of roelofoaon elevator co unit mounting to 7fct 1 6 aa aoon ua the elevator la rieuvereavcatrted complaint wan made by peraona who are deahroua of beautlrylng their home eurroundlnga and boulevarda that delivery boraom are let run on the boulevarda and are deatroylng ahade treea nnd ahruba the clerk wta inatructed to invert a notice in tho vwm lluoa wemlng all offendera that theipwill tie promcutkt tinder catlatlng by law tho matter of the enforcement of tho lire bylaw came in for oonalderable dtaouajilon several offender ware re ported who had not complied with 1l it waa decided that the byuw ahould bo enforced in theae caaea and the guilty partleu aummoned to court council adjourned at 1010 the dominion census june let la tho date plxec for tuino ej canady million preparation are about completed at otuwe for th taking of the offlclal oenau of canada for the preaent ileuide the enumeratlpn will begin by find ing out exactly every man woman and child in tho dominion at tho hour of midnight when may si la giving place to juno 1 the eenau i to bo taken iut of june 1 but tho hour nxed 1 really tho hour of mtd- hlgtit the nuetlana ar numeroua the ordinary form which the enum erator will all in at every home ha aomq 34 detail to bo oiled in to iowa i 16 names of each person lit the house atreet town or townablp q 1 the house owned or rented if rented what rentt claaa of bouse it haterud of construction ie f h relation to head of family ii hex 18 single or married h age laat birthday ib where person born awhere father born it wham mother porn 1 born outside of caoadkjreir ration e born a foreigner year of naturalisation jiajtlanallty si racial or tribal origin si can speak sngush ss can apeax french a can speak any other language xfrillellglou denomination s can read 37 can write si fcfontw at school since uaptem- ber lio children u chief occupation or trade so kmployremployee working on own aooouni si total earnings in past 13 month imf wq h w ss numher of eeks uemnlqye in the prwoh bloniha r 84 nurnvrr pi week mnamtoyed from yqua 1 wo iwcmae ot imneaa- thp enumerators hftvo to every houifl h acton and get at infonnauon boarders are not at home at the time of oalllng in lodging houses or hotels special forms will be left for them to till in the principle ts sjmpls where man emjoosjwmhiamjstbe taken si- census commissioner are very tent that people should under stand that facts or statistics given to the enumerator may not be used except for statistical compilation positive assurance may be demanded on thla point by people being register ed the desire of the country is to have the census aaouvattl to the last degree the enumerator individually have also to tako an oath of secrecy they cannot give out information received about individuals show iho returns or allow anyone to inspect them bin- umsrators cannot try to obtain in formation about matters not on the ehedule bvery enumerator will carry a card of credentials signed by tt il coats n staystlran thisn card be demanded by any per- tjotrratoromhm ha urn unser- llned all into wni f be gt news of local import thefltvooo isaiis of watsrwork oends the forty two bonds covering the last debenture lsaue of sis ooo for com pletion of the waterworks were handed over to vaesr harrl vorbe tt co th toronto purchaaarrt on friday b o e dtalrlet chureh parade the bona of england dlatxlct church porad will be held here on hunrtay arternopn with n sarvtoe in the town hall at s10 o clock acton cltlaena lland will head the parade from tho perk to the hall itev w u plmllay i a- will preach the annual urnion rev ur moyer will hjwlat in thp r- vlo the ituptut choir will alng and there will be quartette and union tthiimn will be falf v an acton nlfltit mia mnrlon sf baunderu whoud poem an acton might appear in another column aays the writer lina not long been resident in acton but during the short duration of imr tuy ha seen tnauy foatursa of marked tieuuty to attract onn from the city tho poem was lnailrd 1 y imprcastous- of h night- last week went province to adopt quelph freed a reaolutlon wua piuiaetl at the county council last week asklnif the lovmment to take over the quelph ltiifsd whlcli runs rromfort nolaon north through nvkon uml nmuura weya tiiwnnhlmi a a county provln rll highway and a da utatlon was appointed to convey thla reuunat n the hour- c iilggs- mliilotvr- or high way the o t b train sehedule uy tho new 1 t 1l time uble now in uao tho train niheduh u us follows doing west s is and 10 34 u- m 210 k 0 and b 36 p m going east 7 08 1111 m hi 318 4 17 mil bos p n a sunday tnornlng train goes weat at 10 34 unrt an evening train calls hm going eaat ut fi 68 the changes note i above warp inadvertantly omit ted from the schedule printed on page flva of this laaue pake propositions balha mad there i at present a horde of agents going around the country especially nxnojyg the farmer trjhig to sell took in a variety of propoultlonu and as usual making promise of big divide ends peopto should beware of any t ranger with a smooth ton bus and a nloe sounding proposition where one of the i ro positions is a good one there are dosens of fukns demand credentials and bo in no hurry to make inveatments another millionaire farmer it is only a few woekd alnc the death or hlr pmnk untitle of oskvltle who had been attracted to a fine i julian farm which ho secured and stocked with superior broeds of live stock tho paul campbell farm in trafalgar which was far yvar the property of the into john white m p for halton has now been pur chased by ur oeorgo c atkins a mew york millionaire it i known os the woodland eoruiurtt of over boo seres ur and mrs atkln had been guests at the fann on different oocaalnii and each timo their love for the place grew stronger it is con sidered one of the most charming homesteads in ontario district meetlna stuporous the reports of tho annual district meeting of duelph district at porgus on tiieadayshowod that the year just ctosed has toen one of general pro- greas increases in membership mis sionary orfarings ministerial support sunday school attendance and oon- noalonal interests generally were re ported the delegate to conference to be held in hamilton the nrt week june were elected a follows guolpn john armstrong- j w atderaan w oreenway j ib more h carter john adsett fclom t id lltaaell pergua il ham aoton ii p moore bockwood qeo poote kussagaweya wesley pickett belwoot j bcar- row orton i awrey ponsonby twobsr iicrin13 bingham alt or nate 1st c io bailey anton snd john wood pergus srd j u heuther ouelph 4th w h itobinson quelph bth john bjchardson bel wood aotwi has bright youno artist uls uary pl olbbons daughter of r tho u olbbons who 1 taking a isotimpoiiatnccomeiirirawingtina coloring with the mchool of applied art of battle creek mich- is making splendid progress tlis pass pass tia had the pleasure ot examining last series of designs submitted and they ar certainly praiseworthy alls olbbons has ail aptitude not only for iandacape awl cover designs hut 1 especially good in animal and por traits her work give evidence of an urtistlo eye and skilful touch in the last letter qf criticism of th work submitted the school a instructor makes these comments it is with pleasure that we have examined the never drawing juat sent us the color drawing are especially good tito shading is nlcjtjrurplled and tho fleah tone have been wellhandled tho drawing of the dog la quite natural we believe yuu have drawn hi dir ectly fromf nature as veojiested we like tho way youiaw worked out the fur and the rreo and easy manner which tlie shadinb ts applied when it realised that ihta skilful young artist i only n her oafly teen it i iult certain that further pruotla and experience in her art studies will re sult in gratltylna auooesa a dugrae to the battery on wednoaduy evening if lust week n dance advertlsod as being under the auaplce of the 3bth datery o v a of quelph waa bald in the town hall a number of young uion accompanied the visitors who were a disgrace to -any- company home of uwtse wes in uniform and other in civilian cloth ing these young men were more i or le under the influence of liquor and behaved themselves like hoodlumaand were guilty oif vllo language on the publlo street they had flask ihiuor and braxehiy drank from them at the halt and ulso on the manas lawn and on the afreet cltlsens were disgusted and some timid people residing near- the town hall were alarmed unfortunately tho police authorities were not in evidence when thla disgraceful conduct was in pro gress the xjoenso inspector is look ing into the matter and if satisfactory evidence nan be adduaed it is likely several of the offenders who era clear ly liable may nnd theiuaajvea muloted in fine of s100 or 1300 and cost x for their public violation of the pro visions of the ontario temperanoe act the omoers ot this o aiusrenutaviti exploding gasoline causes death of beatrice given accident occurred nt the home of her rorenlfl in guelph la6t thursday afternoon tireat sorrow i nhm to tho home of mr and mrs j hn til von ouelph formerly ot aetonraliuit week when their eldent daughter beatrice was futatly burned rrtm el imllnlf goao una ur tilven brother thomas wglk- pr had just come to thirliouso and was tti the act of refilling the tank it his motorcycle with gasoline whn the nxploalon took place the unglno wk very hot and explosion oocurrod while the gu was imjlng poured into the lank i ittl beatrice who wits mttttidlntf near wutuhlng her uncle was envoi- oped in the rlameu llor thin summer clothing ignited un within h few kcooimu her poor little body was fatally burnod a neighbor mr blood who was standing nearby run hod to tho aealat- hnce or the child und ufti r wrapping blanket ulxiiit horjwlth much dini- milty sucoefljled in extinguishing the tilux but not before the little tot had been frightfully burned her face was churrnd imyond recognition while her hair was entirely oouaumod und nearly nyory portion of the tuxly was searetl by tho names leaplie th terrible agony which she ndurwl the child ave still con clous when taken to hl josephs ho ital following the accident it waa tlibooverodupon arrival at the hospital that her injuries were even iilorenerlou than at unit believed and trier a few hour ofmunh autferlna whlch ahe lore with remarkmble pa tience hr dnuth oocuriwl shortly after i o clock un wlday morning mr walker was also vary badly burned ubout thu right arm uiere lielng burns utmost the full length uf it while mrs olvoti the mother of the child had one of her liands quite severely burned the affair created much excitement creat sym pathy is expressed for the parotit who are heart broken over the terrible manner in which their llttlo one mat her death beatrice was born in acton five years ago blie spent much of her time with mr and mrs t p martin her whom she utway regarded as her grandparents there ar two other daughter margaret and clara ixay ur and mrs martin unl annie- and mrs given e father mr walkor when apprised of the trujtlo event hurried to guelph and remained with mr and mro nivn until after the funeral on baturlay afternoon the little caukot was umothorad in nower tho expression f the wide spread sympathy of many neighbor and frionds llev mr hind of the plmt baptlat church ogolph con duct 1 thn funeral service- ills ms- mrii of sympathy to the bereaved family was tender and expressive r euchre and danee anton athletiu club are holding a 10 u n lire und dance ut beverley house thursday may 3d ut h p m in aid of the tennis club all member and friend are noidlally invited admis sion 60c addttlo to the qordon hoi wing will likely be built to the lor ion hum milton for thn ncnoin- modstlou of u larger uuttilior of chil dren tho county council has ap- ovod of thn suggestion tho cost of this improvement ha already been provided for moorehead manager meat at milton on tuoslay afternoon the ttmtiagur of moon heads stores congregated at the milton branch to dlnouss ways and- means of i ottering the candy an i ice cream business mr t ii moorehead presided nt tho meeting and made several uugkhtlniih for the improve ment of uervlco whloh will be ndopto 1 these meetings will t held once a month at milton icioctrlo signs uni form color for store frontu music etc were among the improvements dlsnuaaed oeorgntowi wus ntprvnoiit- wl by mr a norrlngtont acton mr burnley brampton mr k ij btewart milton mr howard 0l btephennon mr bahnelder tho head candy maker wuit also preaent be former meter accidents costly w it mcneil of oekvllle will recover the aunt bf 600 from kenneth gordon of toronto who in turn will receive 1400 from h cohen of hamil ton ull am tho result of a motor acci dent on the htghwayroaently r iaao come up for trial ut the may sitting of thu division court at quelph in dooember 1010 the defendant bus- 1 hamilton who live in otiulph was in milton he got a mutt to tuke him to guelph in mr hon turns car mr lletlson was not ronsulted there wore five nien in the car whon it nlurtod but two of thorn w t out at campbillvlho uhd escape 1 what fol- lowed in quelph n whenl caught 111 tho street railway track tho car turn ed turtle and waa hualy damuged the throe men each usjreed to pay one third of the damage two of thvhi settled hut mr henson hud to sue hamilton who dafetido i tho case but failed to appear for the trial the plaintiff proved lij nlalm and got judgment for 1130 und costs an acton niqht spiral tree tops sky dark in th clearest skywards in e itui further orjea of h1 nature are not perm il tod in connection with afmnuowt tf mfldtr ll icvsrgroens pointing mussivo gloom guarded by tho oyts o beet on its lonely cou star darts fromju lllaco to nmiiihettor home olaslng a tlrey pnthwuy in its light tho northern lights glow softly in tho background where vast moving curtain blown fay the chilly wind swaying oust thulr coral shadows against the blue similes of heavatis window blinds quickly the waves of bluuhng splen dor molt into folds of green and gold and blue- purple nnd orange vising their doephr beauty fade into mists of pear nnd greyish hue silently tho night hun jtrona to sleep pressing her lunt sweet kiss on the lips of the star children thy mother moon her tired head re alines upon n cloud to dose 8irotlmmdrwth ourtalnwet one stir awake tho uroamlug world from its repose marion u boun social and personal visited toronto mr i ley i konnay wus home from tom nto i vnr hutiduy mr ernont brown wo home 1y m ti rpnto over hunduy mr an i mrs john cook end willie worn hero fit ut quelph un sunday mu joasle mcgregor of ouelph vlulto i frleu is hero ovor the woek- ir tui 1 brii alax armstrong uf mpu ii vlnltwl acton friends on baturduy mr thomas cluntoh t toronto 1 vlitlng mr and mrs john preclou john lltroet ltev an 1 ur johlialon of toronto wtim hi re vlultlng anton friends dur ing the week mr and mr miller of ualllnnfad spent sunday at th home of mr and mr tjahiuol wlgiins mrs james moore and mu clara wikint a few days during the week with friends in toronto mrs carter and little son pred- dle of gut iph spent a few duy at tit home of mr tbos mollis mohsr prd uaddock odd bolam i f toronto visited at poatmasteii mat thews over tho wek end ur woyuclarlc of tho uarchant ranlc drumheller altu- is enjoying holidays ut lilu homo here mr and mrs h p moore visited mr and mrs william ourney and family ut pergus on tuesday miss tholma wllsle of woodstock who has spent several months in ac toil returned home on saturday ur n j blordnn of bt marys ha recently graduated with honors from the omiooda hall law school tor onto mr and mr brandon and miss voru wiggins of toronto made u hrlf visit ut thn latter homo bore this wot if mr alvln ityder nnd miss carolloo byder of aruell kpent the week end ut the home of mr and mrs harry moooiml 1 rlg on baturduy unl mis joe m moore mis mm clarrldgo und mis clar- georgetowa were in town mrs bohei t ufldny has returned iwmo from mtmtreul nfter having n vtry phuuntit visit with her friend mrs g t colemou mr and mrs chas h baluy vlslt- wl mr and mrs alex xmnald nt per gus on rues lap mr donald ts very 111 from blood poisoning mr willlnni plank returned last week from u business trip as far east dm quebec city he reports business as rather quiet but with promising in- llrutlouu mr lit l hcnuttreets health is lm- t roving slowly fo hone to leave next monday for winnipeg to visit xi r und mr prank llemstreet poss- slhly to remain hi winnipeg milton cliainplou mr b w hmlth of ban prahoisco cut the pnnlno cnuat manager of the troy laundry maohlnery company mponl ft few days laat week with his mother mr c h bmlth at tho com munity house mr john clarke jr who wail at mayo brothers sanitarium at boo hea ter minn for treatment is now at hot spring ark where he ran oelvlng very matorlal benent it is to be hoped jack wilt return home in a few wieks fully recovered from hut ailment mni baohnl mamiuan of baloarrea bask retuniel to hor homo on tuea- day urtor spending eight months nurs ing her mother mrs jos bcott mr boott is not yet recovered sufllolently from her uoaldent last june to be able to get around itear tho toronto hawaiian or chestra at v moreheod s on saturday might ftev w l finduy a a resigns general hogrtthat the popular minister of knox churah u to vr tim lha unnouncotnont on uouday that itov w l vindlay u a the minister of knox church had tendered hi resignation was received by the con gregation and the community a wolx with mingled fooling of keen surprise und sincera regret it appear that itev mr plndloy u w week ago wo invited to preach v nwrmou ut thq ordination of older at tho presbyterian church at medina n v ho found whtn at medina lltut the churge was vacant and waa purtloulur to explain that he was not a candldato for the vacancy not withstanding oils a deputation of four otdulals of the church catna from medina lunf saturday waited upon mr find lay at the manse and pressed ipon him the acceptance of the pas torate of their church alluring offer uf ntlporid and other advantages were nuultt and tho opportunities of a wldvr field for his mlntstrauons were nut forth it wus with great reluo- tuiioe thst air plndluy entertained tho thought of aovurhig the ties which have boou so pleasant between himself nnd ms congregation in acton but the call wus un important one and he was finally persuaded to give tho deputa tion a favorable reply on sunday evening after tho duties of tho day were com pis tod tho churob session wu called and mr plndlay fiunkiy took the member of thai body into his lumldunoe explained the situa tion und tendered his resignation to take orfeot ut tho end of june much ngrot wiim felt arid expressed at this u ot urn but the oihclabj felt that they deal red in place no obstacle before mr ilndlays acceptance of a position of such doolded preferment bev mr irindluy was inducted into the pastorate of knox church ns the uuocessar to bev j o wilson 13 a en januury k 1020 ills ministrations hare have been tnotit auoeptabla and hi work h been wuorews the most kindly feel- tirs ofeslooni an 3 a pn reclatla n o fttla nviylvnu aro foi by all tho member of the congregation and in the com munity ho owjoya the ulkhut eum charge against tony scynuk was dibinisscd bottle of cognac llrandy alleged to have ueen vurcliascd from tony given impector a mokenzie informant want ed to qet tony a railiur liiturontiiig i huh i amo lie fore i dice mugiatlatu mooro lunt week ll pt tor hal v y un thu strength of a statumi nt inn lu by a mukenslo who aliio gavo blni u quart bottle partly niled with bran ly ull uu luformutlou nhargltig tony bcvnuk leutuurunt keeper mill uliiet with u snooud offensu ugalnst tho ontario tanipsrancu act in his statement to thu inupocu r mckonal suld hu hudv bought the liquor from tony hul pull him c 00 for it an i wanted him pioueouted saying that ho dldn t think it wuw- fair to ullow u forolgnor to lo on in buslnsss in town and quairwlllug wltll imoplo when cult a llai nnd ltrtlsh olka wars out of work 13 jordan who accompanied mokouxlo corn bo rated the statement that mcicuiisle had bought tho liquor from tony uoynuk and paid hun 6 00 for it when tho summone hud boon lawued and wuro helhg surved it was round that mckunsles oouipuulon had skip ped at the trial mckenula under oath a wont to a different story ho suld he bought ho liquor from tony nor did be see the other muh inly any from him hi companion produced a bot tle and they drank about hulfjif it in the baptlsl churoh shod und got pretty drunk they then went into tony und bought sundwhjhes rrom william boynuk tuny cousin tony was down town ut tho tlmu wh in he cams buck und saw tho two dnnk- tn men in hi liltuheu he put tho in out than thoy decided to go an 1 bull tho inspector tho liquor was bought from tony and got even with him william boynok sworn that the hum anly got sundwlohdu at the restaur ant and tiiut tony was away and put thnm out when he curao back tony wunt into the ihdc und uwora he had not sold liquor to elthor mo- konxle or the man who wuu with ilm whom he did not know wllun he camo homo unil fouul tlio drunken men in his platu he at onco ordored them out tho man with makuiuio would hot go so he took him by tho shoulders and put him out of thn back door they thou umu to tho front door threatened to shoot him with a aim which was in mukomdoa rig standing ut the door und uald thoy would go down to mr harvey and have him pluehed tho muglatrato hud before him tho atatoments made to him tho bottle of liquor he sworn otutomunt tnude lu court by mckemla and the drnlul of guilt mude by tony and his aoiuln it was certainly a poculliir cose and it we adjourned for u wuok on tuesday morning tho ouiio was resumed before the police magistrate his conclusions were thut inasmuch us the statements voluntarily nmdo by mokensin und his companion wheii undar thu influence of liquor wore declared by mckciitin under nuth when lie was sohur to have boon un true that tho other man was not to be found anil that thn evidence glvon by tony und william uoynuk iinler oath was trulghtforward and hfl- serted that no liquor had been sold that he felt thut no other oourso could justly be tuken but to dismiss tho nhurgo in doing- so ho advised tony to make a strict oliservano of tho law lu tho future ho hud ulroudy hum convict ed on- a aluugotfor tlrst offunce of viohttldri of tho ontario temperance act and his reputation for observ ing the law was not vary nattering it watt also currently reported that ho was in the habit of selling cigarettes cigars and tobuccos on tlunduy and also that children had been known to purchase candle pes nu tit loo croam cones etc on sunday nt hi place all of these hundny union wero viola tions of tho law and hhnuld be dis continued with reference to mokonslou posi tion tho magistrate said ho had place 1 himself n a serious one ho hud vol untarily given the inspector a bottla of liquor lu an illegal pluco and had himself sworn to being- drunk in a publlo plaoo the to 1 b will hold a too- in the parish hall on icmpiro day- may at 5 so o clock prlxcs will bo awarded to those of tho school pupils who wero successful in tho ruoout con test silver collection watch tor tlin iww prcos on chev rolet curs next week pre i cook agent it s wilson subugent for actod 1 record year of success th vmar juat cleaed on of the dast in th hutiry of the aoton mathodut churoh tho losing inuetlng of thu olllolal uoard of tho churoh hofd i int week proved that gratifying nudoeus hud been achieved in ull doput ttnnuth of tho churoh a work tho church is in a healthy and vigorous condition nnd enters upon a now your tho fourth un r thn pastorale of hov i m moyor tho popular minister lu churge in a spirit of nonfldente und hope ror the further extepulqi of tho muster kingdom thu reports prose n tod last woef give interesting particular the mombombll- hus now reuaho i 877 there wero 88 new member re ceived last yuar ily removal and doalhs no msinbers wore romovtd from the roll the paster hud 12 baptisms 14 funerals and 0 welding during tho year m i si w ri tho financial support of thn ihurch wuu generous and wuh ml follows i pur inlnslotih llinaao of this s16bj7 wa oontrlbutvl by the huu- duy school 360 by ttm women h mis sionary society und s70 j8 by the epworth league tho minister o alary of 11 8u0 wau paid in full par sunday school luirpohou thuro was rnlkoil 1367 10 tho lap worth league ust tlmllullom aid lioeoo the trusteo bokrl sboldmm and for oonnexlohul fundil 4j7 00 national oampatgri fund payments aggregated 11720 und thorn was con tributed for chinese turn i no fund and other bonuvolonees 1s02 id 86no of tho incut ceylon too tlint ever camo to canada uro jllut arriving from tfta toa gurdenu coy- ion produces it oholaeat growths of la lntbrildvybnfft nnd tbo quality now arriving ocoordlnir to m iataba rnia oomptnr i sutimr really a vlntag voar tor ceylon r g i a ci

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