Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 19, 1921, p. 2

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qllje artnn ifitte ttbb 1 iiuilhiiaa may 11 1031 dad n me mighty hiuy i linlllll lllill mi u have wllh mine ul i uvtr imit ii it tiui him town iullolilie mus kiii thi bullfrog hiiuliy tlintut i wv worn 4rolllu pick ml it uri old hutlmttoin d bout if iiim u lit run i wu i in wi ulw lyu usm u tinhil lino lllrllll silver mpootl turns ut row willi i and w ihioi till l runr summer moon her wlirilln if tlin nightfall willi lit i- nllvi r pencil wrote and woil jult trollln plol rel in tlio old ntlmjtlotrnx1 bout in the dusk t uuy tv n hi kiah ii utrlkn a iililiiln hult dopping bortly ilown ukiw water wit would turn m to tlnlr rule iilln ui u fiutfir hreaufuut worth ii iwtmty dnllur nolo iv jut iitrolllik pick rel in nil old flut- bottom l bout ho 1 in goln hiigl this humiiiui to tint jliivl tutit rorunl ami when thu uhmloyv lengthen rou tin old mill pond yon 1m t we ii 1m droppln down tlin river 1 nut the illy frond w ii float und mrf trollln pick rl in all old hut hot t mud boat atuurt n lalto culi vim in hum tiny ure too cranky i ocommihlulu uu wo ii mak n flffht in nidlni li 14 td uiivuui nesu llgltlll till 1 in ilui lut uiw01i w with lilu t4 iii with hlu fo t hand i woull havu uutlcod oi iiiln but tin turning ullilik in uu lift hit 1c h iy m hi mill till klllllll nixlijxikxbiibaiiux 1 i this winks otorv ml his last job x 1 x 1- rcee3xeeaxe3axahxgaxe iluy wua exceedingly hot j jim iouraou ut wofk mi u x iww ohltla ciidmoc 111 the old lluol munition anlftd ut tl hwut dlaupprovlngiy on he hauled in u length of wlilto pi no shelving through tho ojmin window itutwnuin run en of it lad dor thut luuiied ugalnat th house ha oould mm the burly form of wager u journcy- irtnn vnfnf deliberately opened out u wide bumlntiiiu hundkrahnlic ttd burlfld hlti imjntjilrlm fnoa in it tnn- inunt bfor unoendliik to hln work on tlio nuiibakhl rwv ijont cry nut jo uulxxlclly comfottnd nu woer bnt hl lipnd over jn uti upiiarent mjony or iwrrow wo will got otlior job lonwwhftm wainr vouulmnfod u bhrl veiled uu kidiio in unkiiowiadianuiit hh ho imonoil rrow tho rtl lold th on lie climbed to h hlnblitijf uml jo turnad back to thn drumor rumhmtliik on tho foot that lilu itrm wum holnv out of bunlnom ho und wujfoc wont nn thalc lut job th uhlof member of tho bulw- inir mid johbjntf oompany had wlth- drtiwii lilmuull uml hlti uultall nd lilu imitnorm badly orlupled flnanola1- iy wom ttolntf to iik tho onotlmo krouooroul nhou ono journey man had ulroady gono to new work without wiiltlntf for the ffonoral vlnduii joo hud hami lihppy day in the oomfortublo uhop with urn trim diachlnory 1u row of benches mt brlirhtly ulontf tho window it woody hmell und the nplrlt uf geniality thut omumued rrom firm and working staff uuko tlio nnarlnif oparatlon wa a donremilnif proapoot but ho tried whutllnir hi ilrlt back noirv whllo ho jjot a bawboard around the bottom uf tho draaiter a lie luxd advhmd wimor thoro wau no um n taklntf it too hard wor came down from the roof aseln utter a whllo atd joined joe in tho dlnlnifroom tho heat wa till troubling him he dtd not look wotl unit udmlttod that he felt rar from tliitop bymputhutlo though be wm joe oitutd not help imlilng when the journeyman aid he had come down t borrow u handful of null oortalnly joe aoquleaoed thouah i don t hallove nail are- good for whatever i tlio matter with you if you wanl to drlvo tho trouble out of your wyatem i would eunvoet awab lowing a hammer wabor wa not oo iok to follow tho auggeutlon in part with a wah mllo ho hnatohoit up t the hammer and only joo quick apology for the bad wit romtralnod hlbjtrom throwing tho too iterore the drosgor wa quiw iliuh d noontlmo came with he atrldotit whullo inviting hungry workmen homo to the tablo a both jot and tho journeyman lived near enough to out wltli tholr fatnllle they walked thither together chatting mmewhat donpondently about the fortune of their firm and tholr own future but after a rolfahed meal joe for one felt moit ohucrfuj n nplte of the fact that lit leu tbau un hour ia muit ovr hbtconnooilonwlth the ahoy whuro ho hod nearly rinlahed learning hla tludo on tho way buck to hi work lie obeorvad that tlio weeurn ky wa darkening tho hot apell wa threutonlug a 11vly torm of wind and ruin xm u aurprued that even the wauthor i uloomy about our going out of biimlnoen jo tttattered with una lout look at the lowering fay- a ha turned through tho fltwiirbjhdi or mr lrnei unxl toward tho big houoe uiut wu helhf put into repair a the final operation of thi firm lie wa putting the flnihlng touch 1 on tho droor ubdut half an hour utter noon when mr itrael came in a to note program thi nui bad almoat dlauppeured by ni time and the ky tutd darkened fast liuttbero wa light enough for tho portly gentle man to ee that joe wu doing good work anyway ho knew of old that tho young follow could be trusted joe hud worked for him off and on vver wlnoa entering thu ehop a rumble of thunder drowned mr i vrael upprovlng comment u lie 11 kluncod ut tho drotuiar that our itrm biuuklnn up iiumiiimw joe whlmhlciilly nompiunted when mr iruol fiu turned involuntarily to- ward the window huddonly aheeted with lightning fluino or elae it i wugor lutmmerlng with both hand to got through pa tub in jf tho roof be foro the ruin vomo ilut ma lrael tj him iliat wager hail it yot oont back from hllinn wtr tim tjurprlmiiujott tttoiipvfl nnni- pulmring a moment ut tho new and ooiimlderod xqvhlently the dependabla wasor wu quite ill meanwhile thoro wa a big hole in the roof a atonri ioh a wu threatening would do hundred of dollar worth of damage to tho well of the houo the pluturo und tho carpet joo frownud ho wa not wanting in oonhldumtlon of hi mato but tho nltuatlon wa aerloua dropplnr hi sandpaper immedlataly ho picked up a hammer eft the houae and mn rapidly up thovlaader a glance nhow- itd him that two or thrao boon work ut tho i cunt ould have to be done a cdiimlitorubly lacso urea ut nlilnglo hud boon removed to nnd the lojkt anit wiuxor had out a eeotlonr board undernouth joo utuck hi hammer in u convenient hbldlngplaoe and lipped down thb ladder again with the agility of a monkey tmolttrnbtrt th jpttiiutiieuity ootwldorlag tho qltuatlon wljlo jo wont atwp aplooeof pn for tho patch tolophono the watbt bureau t lid off a couple of noun foxd hlnglt- i hu pui ui humi poiirn 1 from hi fiit 1 hu imiaitillhu humidity mn 1 tlin hunt uvuii hloc oppruualva xdt ho did not mind tho huut no tniloli thu iitio tliluir hul did lioublii him uiuiit from lilu minlnty to tlnuli heforo tlm mioiih liiiiu wnn thn piou- lnvnt ut loliig il ultimtlon by tho dnluy rhoiiipwon the jniimoynian who had ulraitdy found aiiotliiii plujin hud nukml him to noma down town ubout noon an 1 iiiko up with utj opnnlmf that orftrad a rumhthiif burnt of thundor unuh il liilo hi tnohlntloii unit a qu juitt of llltiihii wurnud lilm to put uhlfl ull pronul noimldoratlonn and iimhiuii all right 111 hurry don t hoold ubjiired with a glaiu e thu uliy to inoiiruro chaiioau th ntorm with tluv inrvuiulty of itu kind momuil oinlnuuuly imtnluont uml yit liald off tim mlnutiiu und tin qiiuvttr hour how by ono nftor an other whllo thu uhlngu fell in place hlid wore tiulldd frtut willi musical pud jo wu a good iiinubanlo and ho rnudn nvtry ouiino of unorgy tell tho thunder roared intermittent und ttio groat light of tlio heaven played conatulitly over tho one actoi on the hiuku alixmu mr 1raol down ik low cullod up oniio to uk if there wu uny way inr vhloll lib could help joo nhook hi houd hot uhimh you can get a polio man to arroiit thn utorm ho chuckled bunk hut i think m going to win he wu not iiulto tho vlotou howovr the raindrop began to patter ahlnglo und joo redoubled hi effort toven when tho ahowor lame thick and fuut i m utuyud on unlpplng with hi ciiibui muttlug and iiullluif ut a upend thai rivalltht the lightning and bid fair to beat it out whllo ha faatouod down the luit plure tho valu pourod off from cap hu wa au thoroughly drenched a if ho hud hoeii plunged into al tub of water hut finally hi triumphal journey down tho luddur wa aovalm- d by thn booming of the thunder flunh upon diieh of llghttilua ami a literal deluge of water too wot to ntor tho houo ho nought refuge on the front porah whore mr 1ruel wa vnjoybuf the gywnavtlc of tho woath- er while tho watched thu top of dm trees bond over before tlio gal figure huddonly enlarged from tho tlurkne and thn flood of wutor coming orf from tho highway ut a run to take uholtor on- tho verundu it waj thompaon caught by tho utorm in an orruud to tljo lumber yurd hatwedii ha rumblltigu of thn thuudor ha nx prauiait hi rugfut thut joo hud di laytil coming down for tho promlaod plato whliili had buou given to un- uthor uppllcallop lauil thuii an hour before thompuon loft mi hi orrutid joe allowed a grimace or illnup- pintmont to urou hhfoatun wlmti he found thut hlx nor v lot to mr praol hail lost him a protipoctive job ntentoil hlmaolf howevor quietly voicing hi own rogrot and reiterating hi thank to a hompion hi flrt duty hud boon hi present employer interoulm whatever it coat olid bo liad leurtiud that a cum torn or intoreatu woro uitually ldontioal with the employer llondlng down and preaalng tho water from hi trouktif leg with a runnliuf hiuooo of hand he humorously luqulrod thompaont how would you llko your doctor to go to another patient and leave you with a big holo in your roof during audi a otorm un thlst thompson laughed ttio utorm hod lulled now and he prepared to move on joo turned to gather up hhj tool cumutiliy obflorvlrik that mr 1roul glofioe wa fixed uttoiittvoly upon him a row minute later thu portly man dime uml thanked him for the fast and efficient work on tho roof at tho aamo thno ho vympathlxod with joo in loslnif tho promluod job it tho misfortune of thompson iirm not to hocurob oonualontlou mull xrael declared with uoi u courtly low that joe felt almost repaid for losing the place yot it he worded hi way down tho street toward the hhop to report and toko hi belonging homo ho sighed while lie mado hi report to tho bookkeeper mr wonton foreman the mbop and member of tho a stood at tho telephone he aeomud cheerful enough joe thought u be listened to the tantallxiugly oneaided conversation all right mr truer joo heard him say heartily before hanging up hi receiver und following joe in among the machinery mr iroej roof noma loouo again 7 joe wanted to tkuow with a laugh there wa not much ntlffnoau between thochienrma hurnnur just taking aomelnhtruotlonu fiom tho now nvomwer of thn mm mr weston chuckled you aro in luck to have tnudo such a good impression on him today joe hud stopped btmlda iiih own bench still keeping the bundle of tool under hi arm bo looked hi uur- pritmi at tho foreman who went on to ekpulln thafjuv vraol hd nlgned tho purtnenihlp paper that morning x radiant smile puased over joe fued when un weaton assured him that the firm wa really better able now to go on with tho bualnea than ever before the new wu no good uh at ha hardly thought of what ha wa lin ing a ho followed the fdromun beck oning finger ucros the rmop he rouhod hlruelf howuvcr when the chief tupping a bench wltb hli forefinger indicated that i jon wa tii put hi tool there it wlh a much lighter and better planed tienuh tlmn hi old one in fact it whm thomp- aon former place wonderlngly jou lifted his eye to in sot those of the foreman who was enjoying hu my tltloatlnn he htoolby und wiitched joe um h moved hlm tool ploou by piece over to tho other hunch uml then assured him with u fmille thut win tohuvp a hjcurnuyiiuui rank and pay with the hanoh mr kruftlri wish tho fnremun mftld you have donti yotrluut job n an apprentice young leoplo do you rivovir salada green tea has ojor liner flavour thkrk that ol any japan or china green teat send for a sample and be convinced address salada toronto n the lioht of hiotopw ifidljm i v j young fellow laughingly tlrir4 hu em- pyxy nnd pimm hunt up ome l woultf notpfeart kitchener qernruny offered a brlbo of 1100 000 000 to charles m behwnb atnel nmnufuoturor and ohalrman f the icmergoriny kloi t corporation during tho wiif to got buck ooutraot hi company hnii with tord kitchener tho iltltlsh war vhlof tho btaiamfant wan made by t r jtlngntoy frcflldant of tho chamber of commerce of now york recently at the luncheon given by tho ihamber in taken ot mr schwab war eervlce nnd lircaentutloif of a hronae plaque britain learned of ihi hundred million dollar afcvi added mr kings- ley and countered with aji offer of 1160 000001 mr hchwnb laughed nnd ald that qirfrmany add britain to gether hadn t money enough- to mako hm akxnltll with kltohonar these lncidonta mako the otcry- of aladdin and hi wonderful lamp road llko the ramlnlsanobmoftt chenrf prom o tor j- lcftdeftcln he world of finance and oiitingtnua generally paid trlbuto tp bohwab lor his war garvloea by their presence at tb unohon r now uu thu iiinoko of t until buttli bun u uml uwii n ubhi to uhnly look ut tlio ultuutlmi und um the pathway ovi r whtuli wl have com foi uuy 4u yeui 11 uullrut uvlow iiiiiiiii of tho stnteiiieutu mulu by the frlohdu of thu lloniuiti i trulflu uml buirootn for their roiitlnmlino during tho uoott act and ii 1 option iiiliipalgn ofyuui ugo limy make utianga fouillng a vuwtul in the llgit of thu piesout ard will b mole so in coming day in u diouhir dated lnhg we i urged to light ugaliiet all fuputli oucrouiiiiiiuiilh on our civil llghth you will ii i ul tho moil who i inuklnu thefiiaolvuu eonuplcuouu foiolng till injurlouu law on tho country nro wtn of lltllo olmruotr tmui iiiihui ceauf u 111 uttntidlng to their own jiffulia men of m property or fanatic leaders of werrot soclutle who suuliluln inummory ulid ukepticlom for the pine rlmtlplv of ihrlstianlty it lu true a number of minister huvu been so air forgetful of their sacred cabling u to identify themsolve with till movement but it is generally ucknowleilgutl they urn minnfe guide in polhioal or the ordinary affair of life they loll not neither do thoy spin they pay no tiute and are in different to the puamilury bunion which limy bo lmpoadiu thu bur of their ongrogutloiiu tlm ii wo worn glvort 3j quotutlon from the hcrlpturu lu tint emlouvor to prove thut they fuvoud tho hyetun wu were trying to ovurjjiiow uluuu tie wero glvi ii to provo that lu 30i ease a found in the asylum ut toronto kingston und loudon lb oph oould bo atlribuud lo intempmance uml jo to rellgloiim ontltement if you do away with ikontio thn huhlnus ut once fall into the lund of man who havo no roapoiislbllty man umuiiable to no law inun who from thu tyruhlioun dictate uf a lot of runtlng funulloa called teetotullers nre placed outside tlm pale of rrson- slbllity ihese mun will uoll lu du ll mi oe of any boott aot legulutiuil founded on mitrulhh hypocrisy und lu- jiihliou and they will huvo th entire hympnthy of o lover of liberty it true occiulonully informer will lie found to lay inforniulloiim before ovursealoiim j i n but tho treatment hoaa informei got when fount out uenerally ha u wholiuiome and ilu- turrant effecl on much a nefarloll oiilllug it lia favorite theory with teetotaler that alcohol l not food und oonau- hueutly it lu lfolson young medloul men commenoliig praotlro who fancy by joining tho teetotal crime will givo them a uundlnu- havo given thl opinion to the lad leu ohrlutlun tem perance asaoclutlou or u they should properly bo called the iadlo mtt- homodun teetotal association am to phyulcui boiioilth from the uo of strong drink thoy furnished uu tho following hon alexander mokouxlo la a rigid teetotaller john a mucdonald ha never boon afraid of a gloss uf beer or something stronger tho former with only flvo yoaru of service 1 broken in health unit aplrlt the lutter at tlio ago of 7g lu u bright and onergotlo u over thlu fopr- puge ellflot olouoii by giving tho 10 reuuonit v opjiohlng tho tiuott act wlijolt by thu way ure thu aamo reason a were uuod by the llqunrlta 30 your later ah wamq wo quota fouv of them it i un impuitluent lutorfereiluo wltli thu lilorty of tho poopla by a hot of fanatic unforced totul ubstifeiico muko men luxy vloloua uml mqiiuiial and uu h couhoqueiioo foster every apooto of crt immorality iqnforced total ubiitllieiioo 1 con trary to tho teuchlngu of the ulble il will iiuvojl teiidonoy to muka young people hillduls uml unbeliever and thereby injure tholr immnrtu soul the foregoing aro extract from tho circular published in huron county wow for a few choice bit from tho uu irwuod in oxford county now oleotoiu hoforo you atgu the uuotl aot petition considor that you are going to put the county to un immense oupeuuu thut you uro going iorovyour iellowauituttnrnrniro- peity that you aro going tt destroy your town that you uro losing a largo amount of monoy raised by lloouuoi that you aro going to en tourage houses of unlguutlon deceit and vlllaiiy and jiioreobo ilrunkoniiou that you aro going to lucrouse your tnxoa that you uro going to do troy the oomfortublo homo whlob tho hotel how lu and compelled to bo kept eo lij our breaniit law thut these ugta- i uro a uuro to buslnob and tho oointry that tt ha proved to be n failure whoiever it hu beoiv tried edu cated pooplu tv deceit drunken tmn und vice uu strong liquor which will be tho liquor mold olundetli mako people drunk much quicker than weak thoso ploau for tile toiitlnuuiice of the kloonstid tmnio fallod v both m on and oxford carried the measure hyvy luigo kuujorltlo and mo in hultou tyinl muny other oountion and now tho ory wa raised it 1 not fulr for the largo town unit olloto bo titled hg the rural veto uo hi mn ivn havo locul option uml only iiuiilclpallty oould vote on thu uueri- tion this too giuw to bo tronblehomo town weio utlll going dry und tho urogruu of loojil option munt bo un dud ho tho thrnoilftliu oluiiau dovlaod i o olog tho wheel of thlu reform thut uuved inuiiy a town and city from going dry for during the nine year of it oppressive opera tion homo 303 municipal hie voted ugutnltt tho iliionaod bar by largo mujorltle hut ubt up to tho throo- flfth uml if wu suppose that thoro wa ail avorugo of four license in each of those wo havo over j 600 liarrooin relnlmfil by thu opeiutlon of that un fair uuilrltlsh roqulruraunt in all theso chingea wo cuu aiscoer- the hand or tho liquor triune for did thoy not glvu their money freely to political lonmpulgu funds and they hud each succeeding government by th throat hut thank qoda better duy came forced upon thorn by tho horror of war when the lavo government waa prevailed tip in rvoponsa to thut mnn- htei petition of muroh 1015 to glva uu prohibition u u wartim meas ure we need not horo dwell upon 11 benefits only to nay that at three years enll ltvam sinhttnuod by l ftinjorlty os about 460000 tho people aula mphfttlewty irvovtr had enough ofueenao laws ionough of jlmjora taxes whfy7turhatho grinds ton- long enbugh v tin time to awing oui axea tben aamo tne feoont tug ty prevent lmportatton1 though tha tsau war it reals anil ifunnlto tho liquor in tro atixlmi to inject the question of govornmnnt control tlimigli it hud bin 11 dufanlvil eighteen mouth pruvlous i y majority of about 360 000 wo wertoid by thorn in flaming udvertliuinutivu day after day that thlu wu u etltulght issue bntwvnn prohibition and g vein mont control which it wus 4c0o und tlutt wo hhould uol unbuilt to tho will uf a well orgmqxxl minority under tho tlirctinflhu luuuu we were forced nine yours in unbuilt to tho will uf a minority us it wot then possible for thn will of go uml e10 votnr biuulng usually tlio best peopla lu tho inuulclpullty to bo defeated by the will of 40 uml 110 voters who to say tho lenat wore net usually any better lu ahuruetni thuti the tetnpcrui in thlu cumpulgn uu in former lime tlmohunge wuro rung on liberty but whon a mun definition of per- onul liberty lu thut ho must hav liberty to rampt and mako possible the ruin of hi neighbor mm by furnish ing uay ucct u to utroug drink ha infedu with r a now dictionary or g hi w heart ijt nu not be duoouruged by the hlndrumes tlirown hi ohr way during tin 1111 four d erode shinn uo reform hu over- uuocooilod until it ha had a baptism of the and uwnry cari cature and political huto uml trick ory uro only muitatone on the way to vlutoiy t having hotii rod our well eurnd victory 1st good man and wotni it nwrywhom wtuild for con lluued oduratlon a to tho nvll of the old boosn iiiihiiiism uml for the roroemiint of pietjetit luwu until our llnal goal hi attained wo will tielthir fulut nor falter ami just mid right 1 right wo will conquer wo must conquer iii till gloilou temperance right may is ibm d h vounq men op yesterday at fifteen victor hugo gave a poet to tho academy und hoaauet dasled ill who heunl iiloi by hlu eloquomo at hlxtoen iuscul wroto a treat tee on the coiiln seotlonu and haoon had pointed out the errors in arlatotlei philosophy at aeveutooii monart wu entertain ing tho court of thrmuny and waah liigton irving wu delighting tho read tnu of the morning chronicle at olghtonii mundulsuohn had pro- dueod tho beautiful midsummer night urea in und jlryunt hi poetla phenomenon of thaiiutopsls at twenty weber was producing symphonic finhnlllug had grappled with tho philosophy of kant daltleo hud dlhooyered thn uh of th pnd uluni and ifayutto wu u major-gen- nrul at tweutynnexlffxandof stood ui tho bead of hi army on tho plain of thdhbaly and taawo hotl begun hi immortal poem joruealem delivered at twenty rotroo llrownlng wrote puruooluu llnltoy gave u re- tu wagner produced jlohengrln icmmet thrlllnd ireland mlohaolangolo hud oomphtnl his masterpiece in luuibln plata nnd newton discovered the luw t gravllumon at twent four 1itt wu chancel lor for tho ibxohequer ituskln had written hlu modern iuhiter and uhiirldan produced tho itlvalu at twenty live acuohylu wum tho mont fumnuh poet of lreeco color- ulgo had flnlhhed tho an clout mnr- inei ami don john of auatrlu had wott lroponto at twentyalx howa invented tho hewing muuhlue lionjamln franklin hud written ioor itlohurd marc antony wu hero of itomo haunlba wnm lu uommund of tho carthagenlan army and hlckun produced hi oliver twist at twentyeight llaphnel wmtod tlio jutluu mudontiu thoma moore wrote utllu ltookli and 1ollook hi course of 1 ime at twenty iiliut holplo galnml the buttle of uau wutt dhteovoeod uteam at thirty cliurlopmnge bud tnudc hhftsolr iiumtoi of thu lretich uid uermau omplris clirtu guaed on tl4 golden cupola of mexico and iuyno hud aung hi doathlea song homo sweet homo ar uilrlyotiomiloniuilohex6tt don llrldge christopher wren wa commissioned to r build bl laur london and maurloo of baxony se cured religious liberty for tlu lro- teatunta of germany by u10 msmor- ubln treaty of pousuu i at thirty two cllvo ustabllsbed uritlsh power in jlmjla huboim pulnt- ml hi descant from the croas and hch wa at thlftytliruo napoleon wa him- per or of frunoe wolfe ecu led tho height of abrubum at quebec uteph- enson had tan do hut flrut loco motive imu011 hud hainobsed alectrlolty to the use of man gray wrote hi hjiegy and loe hi jtavon there uro fresh vlotorle still to be won lraco the future manfully with undaunted courage und unfaltering truut wjiul other man liuvo done you may do lifes fnaqranoe littlp nameless tin remembered act of lovi jljgu nd boly dream of good voice of tho night touched with high niystery gohlerj glprle of sunk tu nunh th pressure of b mnd of a foeml when the tldw qi 4iw ure running low th respona of g kindred spirit when tho light on th altar of the soul is flickering whiff of oeleatlul air nt eventide u kind word fitly apokeu in time of great hurt i moonlight ahlmmerlng in all- very airnoouu tho face ofitho wularar tloatf aeotlb voloo flouting down out of the klfidly clouds a vision beutlfln of the outlines of tho unseen the trmit of u llttlo child th warmth of tho breath of a great woman aoul the coiihcloiihliosti of forgiven eln of dlvlno fuvorj the rhythm of a high passion making music lu the soul tho thrill of mi great poem the eoataoy ol beuutlful music jfljoy of unselfish aervloei th experience of peace whlh pauseth knowledge the prlvllego of honest toll the raeeaago of a great iook eviteflng a guest into the piilaee of thd soul returning health after long year of infinite palm tho rustling of angol wing in uomo dreud hour of temptation und awful louoflneaa tmwarti tlio fragrance of life hev it oi luwton it bttle palna baanewhon nou- rnfgltt molar the nerves or lumbagtr crlpplon the buok i the time to tost tlio- virtue f vr thoma kdaotrlo oil well rubbed in it will atill tia pain and prodtuh a aonaatlon of uh and real a trial of it will eatabbh alth in tt t our oyster and thkirs o cunlouully wo find u mah in lunmla wiio find fault with our bunking system not freqiunt nor do inutiy of lie tnthuuu over it as lu u ti i tmiuy thliign wo tuktithn mivlin uml oiivoiiuiuf wn got um 11 mullti of eoiiran anil sny nothing about it tl motlilng of condition itcrou the ihjnter 1 outlined in let nppreeletlvm itiin in u ivcent issue of thu ottawa journal iliilmie and nnanclal condltloiiu of the luot few montlis jihv shown us livrbup tiolhlrrg olns coqld lutv done thu auperfarity of the canadian bank ing system oyer tho banking system of ui united hiatus th oontrnut lut been remarkable l tho united h tales hna in the nolghborhood of thirty thousand independent bank organised under various law and operating under many different juris dlotlona canada ha eighteen bank with upward of four and a half thousand branches tho stress of re cent- month hu caused numeroo full ure of bank in the republic in north dakota alone between thirty five und lortj- banks havo closed their door there has not been a bank fullurn in canada and canadian bank have met the situation without emburrusement or any suggestion of panic tlio centralised control f thu banking business in this country iu been the chief factor in kavlug the situation n thl country tho off not hu been apparent not only in thn morn satisfactory jroadjustment uf biislnm affair generally canadian buslne uml canadian industry in- eluding ugrlaulture srn passing through thn period of dintcttlty and danger wllh lenu disruption and in jury to the community than are in th united btuus tho canadian system hu mudo it possible for tho nnunclal need of the country to lie taken cato of in tho exceptional clr uuuiauiiioe in a much more satbifaa- tory manner than would hnvo been the euao hud canada had tho ameri can nyatem of banking the present situation hi respoct of business in relation to the bunk i a striking commentary on the agitation tliat wa on foot in the canadian west a short time no for the importation of thu american system into the western provliioo stray points id die young wom never said when a pessimist expect to bo dl- uppolutod hrf in disappointed if he iiiu fc tho only jviy to und uuaoesd quickly without worthing for it to look it up in the dictionary a another possible effect of dry ness it i stated that vnonm clothing nnxt full will bnalong sober line ho mo time a man i not satin led with building hi housa on tho sand but keep- on und build a gurugo 1 many a man who i going to sot tho world oh fire find that someone ho suddenly turned the hoe on him a fellow who ho actually tried it uuy that though them ure throe ucniplo in a dram the mora dram you tuka r les scruple you will have 1 il ten things to remember thn vuluo of time thn pleasure of working tho wirocw of perseveriirroe tho worth of charaoteu tiio virtu of putlenci tho wisdom of economy the obligation of duty th power of a smile thn prorlt of nxperlenoe tho joy of achievement easy walking mm 1 in rutlvi for tin mini who 1 1 i u tlu itrntlnr purt of the mm on hlm fiit hhoe built on tile nini i- lust ma it gixtd lttlliii thut nt tlin fkt ulioull i uiun mm of lluve us hx up tlutt tomforlubli old 1 ulr th oui iihoe ii pairing rlit ws tint life of yom uhm rshlon tholr tin fulti uo und msiinr- iimlorl mononiy uml saiufuotlon you do not forget that w parry a j cless line of qheos t e gibbon mill st acton all spring hats at reduced prices to make room for our summer styles sceen doors and screen windows hpiu 1 wu n 0 oi 11 iuu j no 31 ii 11 ull hiliiht 10 in soe ihiuht iii iii 35e mo op 1 ivll imjeit id im 40 no oj uf 11 um ni in 4a no 1 op 11 c111 lliluht mli roe nu it o i j ul ii lull hln ma ni 7 0in igxu ii lull hii 70o no ufin io xlxg3 milubt 1i ll 7 so no 0 open iixgo 11 ii ht h in bse no 13 opn xjil hi itcht id in 70o no 13 opnu 2exll hiluht iii h boa no 14 open j x3h lil iii as no 1c ojhu 31x11 iiillbt 31 iii 116 6ern door ms 1 of cusf pi mad in thrnul 1 i it m ill jt n in 1 m 10 lu x f ft 10 111 3 ft x t ft vront iwri3ko um 4m agjctt i tear ii 3jm the our cuuonieul ittnun ilihrs the bond hauuwattk co lu phrw 1012 qublph this stores policy uatf to roprtsetit ootla ok- actly as to their quality to bell to those who know and to thou who dont know at u uniform air price to mlfll iu guarantees und cheer fully correct all mis- takes to deserve your confide nee by always giving you satisfaction savage co jowdlcici guelph ontario raiiuwiwsrtifcir touowro canao the national lvctoftonto 1030 pan for sudbury port arthur fort wuhanf winnipeg r standard 1 edmonton prince rupert vancouver and victoria l t j alunwllv rautlnci tkmmib rtenjr4 slpint cr stwvico to winnipeg lo ii bv luaca conhiamm liitl vi t ft n o cochruu ldvh totofllo il4s pmx duly vivct nortfcb iuaa 6faiill liitl yi tftno pihruu nj cn ri thjui kad lsiorautla fiom my afm cmvw ffiitw pr crd ikunk rwlwky canadian national raiiiuaijs i special six fe3 a tf f fn inc bab0 with 5055 horao power motor dtudebaker dttlgnetlund sluijehacr btlhtiotchnhlo i motor improved carburetor i i i llf 1 1 with hot ipot intrto in- poltlvj duplex lubrlcntliir syalcm its com- rortibls and roamy ecl itm fioodyeiir cord tiros and muriy other siiccinl fcalures make tho studobker speuui bl te icuiiiik car in canada today j n oneill son garage andcarriage wprhs georgetown i distributors 0fsiudebakebahppodgrnrptriers motor jqars for acton oeorqbtowjl and milton m i grand trunk ivixs the double track route hbtw i kn montreal toronto detroit chicago ulinxoellail dlilng rr servlf bleeping oar on night train an wrlor car on prlurlpul day lialn vull information from eny ilnut trunk ticket guilt or c m ilomlv district iussenger agei t toronto ii a hoijvjks ascnl acton ont lh r tfoble ltd acton elevator ii tgrundfrunk station- a quantttv of peed coun and oll cak just received floub peed nouvaii uhan and shqrt3 hay stkaw r noble ltd henbv awrgy manaqer -xi- when you nrd boots shoes at nny time u0y prom w williams mill stmt acton famous for safsfactory footwear reasonable prices fscj r

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