Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 19, 1921, p. 3

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ildlf artott 3fm lire bb tkimuniay may 10 loat thc little of home paper wll i feolln kind of innnsoitie ti r tin win lu lilil of iowiuc- au tin f ik ueein dawn iu i kntw wlmt will muk you it am 1 iw uwy frown tlend i ho ilttlo ol nwwimpr inui yntir nl home town you won t laugh ubnut the illluew the paper ha tu say lw vry lit- lvoni oh ul vld il hill girl hu gone to college an jnn hiy n iimim fmra wunre the luxllkk all wul hold a social an tha uuwonm give a dance jto yoil fruri tin liwsl haptenlng an mum tl you ii ik if i lis it urv y re till your neighbor ul tim crop r flne thou wfore y u know it you vii rivwl ht through und through an all tho worm omdu lirlghler aul ufa seem good to you ito for u ill of 1 leusurs to rhuhi away the frown take tli little ol newspaper krom your ol home town a chapter om gardening 1 hohold the day nouhiui and n 1m when the householder hie lb him forth to garden j htrelghtwey hn nallou hut wife mtd limy two getteth tha seedi cata logues mi 1 utter much discussion and great argument knaketh out list of x then tho time oomtth when b goeth to ihmi und draatnetb of idinp- kin vine whlohgroweth so rapidly that he hath nultl to go over into the nest block to reap the frutt thereof 4 when it ik morning he- taketh out the henry v and after much ranklnf drlveth lo the place of the mhhi merchant 6 the merchant doth see in the i lab art opportunity to break even with tho 11 c of u and selteui forthwllli great stares of seeds bo much u wilt bul th coat pockets of tha buyer then tho householder goeth to lib daily occupation and while ha workath be liath day vision of get tlng ahead of uin market gardener 7 at eventide ba qui tie til his labor at a quarter of six ajid proooadetb unco mora to otwrata tho crank on tin rjul and whan in hntb it wtarted b hhjtli attwlshray to tbo tuc of ui0rrnddlalnjf hiirdwaro if buyotb him a pade 10 and wlwi ha la about to d part tiim merohjuit findatli rako wfalnh lia tterauadeth hbn alao to buy tl notwitbaundtruf thmt it ukotb hlraklfji of allvar n ho and fork ara forthwith addd unto ui lmpl- meiifjt whctwlth h loadod tho nut- chine 1 11 and it cum to pa that wbop ho ronohod hla dwalllnjc plaoa lo bla wlfo rrtth him with klaa mm aba waa joyoua over tbo nrrlva of the aaeda and ilkawlae tha toola is and nftor they hod at down to meat and roaa up again the departed to the carden and forthwith tho man besaq to ibr 14 and tut ha dmrsath there came forth from the earth nafiworma whtrh bolnc inutrpretod la called fmlt 1 ann paholit ho tbousht within hlinaalf it to many moon elnoo i went ftahlnov and atmlahtway ha aearched in the aarbace box and brought forth tomato can if theraforo he catharod for him- aeir much bait 17 and tha next day waa tbo flrf day of the trout oahloa and booklns u tha hootln nanny ha roao up early in tho morn tits and goeth to tha houaa of a naljthor 18 and ho oaid unto bb nebjtibor aria gulckly and let u depart henoo for tho im fino for tho trout i to blto i i ib and when ha returned at nlaht lie had ecelvd many bitoa and obo a few email flahem 20 the fourth day thereafter per- j fcapa it waj tho nfth bo toketh hia wife into hla oonndenoa and sot him forth mxaln into tbo garden xi and they worked diligently and dirted tbo ground and filantod i heir needa of many klnda si on tho mornlnc of tbo nay after they turree and wont into the catmen jj and behold aa tboy wnt tho hem and rooatora of a nolstlbor did not tarry bift cmvo over their acratcb- in 34 and when tho smrdener and hie wife had aeon what tho chicken had dona hla wire llftrd up her volee and wept l4kowuo the man lifted up hla tfdloo anauim thlnkar t sb btrajstttway ha daparted into tho bouao and vatbarod to blmaelf many ecre pbap a doav nd be went forth into tha cardan le and formed for himaolf a neat and plaood the hen fruit therein 37 saylnc unto bimaeu 1 will moko a great uolae and my hon-own- aelitlibor win think within bi mnd hla hana hath mia taw afater 18 nut i will carry the caa aaafai to mine houaa tnd ho will be much i dlaturbed and henceforth will koep hia poultry home 3 and ho dm a au minded him kp do and heboid tho nelghbora bene by thla month if liny take mo hack to my itoyhool luyn wliuu flahlnlf wail even mora nuruallve uian it u now in tlioun ilaya wo oould so down to tliu bin pond unl fri old flat bolloind ikwt tboru could aot a dandy tnoam of hna liltf tipockled bewutlwi imfoin lnuukfiuit or if wanted nrek uhlitlf thortt wuu anli crmu wblrh run rlnlit throuiih town jo the ivond mid up through 1 snyder and kidney hmlthe a abram matthewe and ltuthnrfortl to the hla- aprlnir 00 tn third hi which then had two or tbrue time the volumo of watec wliloh tllw wtow down ami wo alwayn got trout uomatlmea wa hoy nnjuyoil u wulk aver to tho bontah eeitlamant at xlali bock bum or down to mian ljiwpon where wad meet aoma of tho want boyx or tha aordoue or tho wartena or the ucuoitaldm or tbo molnnin 01 he ilawaona or brottk or miliar atw wed huve 4 ral ro1 boliduy to aethor on flordon e creak or down oi tha ad ton creak ut iawaon m or tfcolt there were alwaya trout for thn crtlflh ina and a good tlmo too yiw onoo and a while we a vet flvor na fur at tho fifth line and net ium of thn blg- fellowa in the crook on jlmtnla rhaw farm end up at the big hole ut john wateona jak htinw wnnjgu plowlny or burrowing wbeu we got ovor there ito never ntopivnd tu flab with ua but ho alwnym aald do boy get a gimul atrlng thorn a pumo dno onea up there under tin no neilar roota and at that big plno log- v dun t think any of tbo bay wore driven off tho hhaw witt 00 when tboy wont loll ing if they behaved thomaolvee tliom were the good old dayo by jlmmlny crlcketa cuoky the boy who ii v thejand of trout etroamal to tnunp through the wood and the meudowa and erawl quietly foot by foot up to tho nroek puah uulmnlnanty through tho w ii iowa to within much of tho deep quiet pool juat under the hunk there to drop n una fijt uhgleworm o artificial flyto light livatly on tint face then fool the nloctrln uhock uf aomeluaty putrlaroliof thoatroam huy whatm more glorlnuu to thn boyuh fanelea it wuu ttlwayi u boyltili do- llglat and many will gladly udtnlt allll enjoying laa ting nuimnrlt a of tboeii tmrlenoea though to dny oooupylntf tlacee far femoto from tbo ol 1 bnmo trout atreaiu ny by oruoky i da- elare to you folk a who rand tlieuo wuiiilehng rcmlhlaceuoeh of an old man- that ovary year when tbo month of may cornea ulontr i fool my old qngera tingle and wuli x bud my old tamaraa rod and lino and liooku and could tnunp ovor the aoton and gor don and lamxin rrooka again a i uaed to do fifty or abcty yeara uo say if it woant for tbeao rhoumutlca wouldnt t lo ihorot woullnt it hoya go tu it whlln you ro young you 11 never enjoy flablittf more hut aay lela mo your ontol of upeoklod beautiee once in a whlla when you come home you 11 glva mo oldtime joy l you du anqukql de luxe mill rvalr roartn down iootoep- alonoff of uu su itemarduiq moun- tn b caufomlm gaina what might bo oojled a wellearned tvtng ror it- aelf by generating electrlo power ir rigating thouaanda of arid acrea and even hifpplylng- water for a nahthetoh- tho hatchery b now and tho 00m- weroiaj niuvoao for which it nan been etowhhl u oddly novel it breeda rov4 tat flahernuut to catch fmn lqcllr ikmta tboy cojue from near ai4 far for tho pleaauro of anglbig- ml tor the deb they take wltb rod and rel tboy pay fifty oenta aplooe it la angling do lux one may go tp a ti tvtf gokhardjjf a bite but hero roaulta are ylrtfially- uaranto thw flab brook vtout and tainbow trantrn on hand v rfienty and nobody can havs an ox- ouaa for soing- homo without a aatle- saatory atrtng- tha pqoln are within three bouiv oaay hde by motor from log angol- tb arriving- nahermari dooa not oven ood f bring tackle with him hod line and nultablo niea arkj aimlahod if ojmlrodi by tho nwupatmiit qtho creek la damned in ingonloua 1 aaabjjui nt intcrvaia 00 mm to form woo la ovtjrahadowoil by wlllowa tlo goggoauon of nrtlfloo offer i tee if to tno casual eye a row cjovor touch of nature en mo ullage tha buolneea tho angler uaya foe nothing except tha flab ha actually catcnea when tired of tho porcbo bvoda hio trout over t attendant to bo cleaned ajatthbt rooaint for thm bo turna in the receipt at tho offloe and a box tconta tho fla la handed to him u- irpaymonl or nku p ifiibsrawfrwfvorta w ail chrfatti 1 aquarw bla obligation tj jt costa much loa than tho ordinary flahlna excursion and ifiere ta no dfe- ojpnolntnmu r ifg rfil in my recollection of two week o i jeft charlie beg pardon llv f oharlea a cook utt puutor oateumad and beloved or parliament street church toronto ho wiu miuro for quite n number of yourm and mln laterod with auccoaa tboiutiio hno day tho official of tho llrt rapt lot church ut llloomllel 1 mew joraey whoae pulpit wun vacant hoard of the gtfta and grace of thla toronto paa- tor and after due lnviuitlgutlon offer ed him ota d loom field charge dloom- tleld le one ofjtbo aub urban roaldontlal cltlea adjuoont to now york and of fered wldo eoupo for u pnator mln- latratlana tha opportuultlea uffonled for ut tending grout locturoa and other helpful gut her i age lu tha oouttnanta metropoua jwero an udded tnduoement to the paatontl charge uf illoomfleld and after duo conal derail on nttd con- fercnoa with tha loadare of tho obuvol in toronto the wall wiim uooeptod for aoma 14 of 1j yeara i think it woo itav mr cook wie in the field of tha pirat buptut ohuinh uloom- fteld hero again lie kiu u paator beloved unit hla loyal wlfo uiui i real helpmeet the church grow lu inter eat and influence the earnest ovail- llatlo effort bearing fruit in turwo measure during hlu pouforato ueru mr cook woe frequently called to maw york in conaul tat ion in church rork utid the national uqtlvltlea dertaben by him communion hie worth waa rooognlxod the honorary degree of doctor of divinity wan drat conferred and than the church know ing of jjr cook ublllty uloiuf tha lino of aane and aurinttirut oltort to in culcate ayatematlu glvlntf to thiv toui and atewardahlp in horvloe orfcred him the imiktrtunt iionltlou of onrirul secretary uf btewitrdahlp for the jiup- tla churchoa uf tho tin i tort tttatea charlie waa very relqutojit to luuvoj the pa h to rate of blk muohlnvetl olluroh at d loom field it rouueod theuew poalton would mouii utrenuouu effort much travelling over tim held und u large meauure of aelfduiilul und fitmlly aucrloce hut thoro wbb un element of dutv in tho calliuiid tlmru wuu uu welt the vpuortuulty for tho wuioaproud dlaaemlnatlon of hint popular themu of practical chrutluimty for buulnean men he accepted hn hiild furcwell to bla oftlniul and ooiijuvkntloii nml enlraged in u10 wtirk h1h bend- quartera wore in mow york hi field rrow coaat to conar tomnvitrnfytninr tie conduotod thla giiuit work the reauita wore gruttfylntf but tu found i hat tho growing roiiihlltlltfui were iteyond bla phyatoul ttowera ho novor loot hla love for the puatorato und hppn retiring from tio blif general poeltlou in the ohuroli liu imtnedlntely reaumekt tbo puntorute ncioptlntf u call tu tbe plrat church ut uutte montana llnre bo butllubored hiioneu- fully for novum yourn and lu ut preaent ongognd the mlnlatry and chruman aotlvitlcx of hey cjinrlqh al cook l d liavo ikhiu abundantly fruitful acton miy well bo proud the career of thin worthy huh t old mii in tortulnly ptoud unit be know blm iih a ixty uml bit boon privileged u whuii iiih i4irr tlnouglt these fitly yoarti olid moro rev it o rook next mm hijudaon i gueaa jud won nunicid for that intrepid pioneer- mlsalonury adonlrum judaon whoeo name in ao lilgllly re vorta by all chtfalftrn people todfcy for hla mlaaiptmry work in nurmnh awny back in ibuo and before thnt dav well jud oook dldn t become u missionary 111 uuroor baabeen that if ii hard haudod hualncsa man with 111 an i down but generally with mlkotnu jud 1 ut in hln u1km1 days in aiuin unl wtii able to stand up f r lilmunlf even iii thoan doye i le- mil mi hifllilant when ha was u young gilllr which linprtianori itself on my mln 1 uway hunk thura in tho slxltea or itiomulxjiitu i wuu utundlng in the d mi of rummy tllhbonu bluckamlth mhop willi h wau lociti where mo bit new grocery and coufeotloiiery ltiw auinds on miiln htroet jul und henry moore camo along from school logt iher uul were having quito an argument 11 bo lit mtnm thing they ik th u t hot and lu a trloe booka and ahttea were dropped on tbo walk and tly pltnbeil into nuoli other in a rcgulur old fusliloned loyuh row jud wuu tiui much fr tbo embryo oil i tor and sent him bunai with a bloody no hut jud wuu u round early nasi morning i haurd aftarwanu to make up un 1 they wi re ulwuyu of- tciwunl the lmt of friends well jud quit school in due time and became a curpontera apprentice i thtnk with tom kblutge when hi hdd icirnod tho trade be decided to go weat und make his pllu ho aettlad in hiwikuney in tbo stuta of wushlntton hire ha got into tha lumbering bual- nnsm ran saw mllla and planing mills und tnul liltf money i bollevo yeurs hut tires old bualnoa deprea- hiiiii unij 0 dlahonoht luirlner had tg be cuntanded with und thetat uncue wars naturally discouraging i iiudorsutnd howwvxr that jul i now woji fuituhllahed un 1 hu numa counts fir u uool daul in the west h la a goiul muny vura situ a ho was home llomo of u think lt ubnut time h unio biitk nguln to uhaka bunds willi tho fow old tlimrn who are left in thn olt bjimo town well thoro wnril throo other mnm- biro of icev it 11 cook r amy thn iluughter lnarrlod wllllum oiltfs un kiuiliahmun und in the eurly day of huult stn murlo they o tiled there her husband died aomo yur ugo amy till lives at tbo hoo unas n grundmother uqw hho cuinu i inn lust aumroor to mxi tho folkv hem und enjoyod bor visit very great ly john und will have got beyond my won entirely i think they lived in hamilton for a time the hist 1 heard of john he wad in detroit ami thla nils thn story of itev and mrs it ll cook and family who set tled in aolm so many long years ago the care op little children one day not lonif ugo u uttlu four- y cur- old girl wau brought homo from hospital whom sho bad hud u crltlo- ul opwutlon tbo child bad iwou ury 111 und bad i won nursed with tbo greatest cuv und her home oumlng was a festival not ulona in tier own house but in every bouse in the neigh borhood leople vtnd with one an other in kind attention to tho little one and whon hundav morning cam u friend kent in u tray with a tempt ing braakfast crowned with a beauti ful riuwer hero is a surprise aald the mother but tbo smiling child aald positively its lovely hut it un t a surprise it k something 1 expected tho processes of a child mind are tnyaterlous to grown poople who cun often tell very hltlu of whut their thoughts uro or by what method of ivuuoiilng i hoy rouch 1 onu unions i sometimes think tbut our gruatimt lduiigor in oaring for little children thut jit mistaking their point of luw their world 1 no higher than lie celling of thn nursery father und mother are to them personage of grout importance yet they cannot ex plain let them bo ever so confiding just why they do und suy certain things nt certain times they may eoem obatlnata when they havo no such intention they may drift into mischief when they ore bent oh inves tigation a grownup woman remem bers that when aha waa a very small child sho watchod with fascinated in terest the slender column of water that poured from ft spout when her mother was making tea tiay uftsr day she watched it u slender silver thread falling from a tea kettle into a teapot and moro and moro the murvcl grew mm to whut might hap pen should sho put her anger into the descending column one day the temptation became irresistible and alia suddenly put that dlmplpd linger into the scalding eleahi the result was of course a painful burn and no one who saw the occurroncu could ut nil appreciate the child s reason for so itupld nil action the act however warn not stupid tha child was in he mood of tho explorer and did only what muny grown people do in taking u risk in order to make a discovery hho hud not bean uble in her small mind to comprehend utiy tiling about tbut column of water und aha won too young to consider tha difference between cold und heat xjttle children are often wantonly punished by big men und women who take an unfair udvantage of juvenile lielplessnegu in muny coses reward fpturuatdoing jbnuchlrttlrna hil oducutlonul factor than punishment for wrung doing tho mother of aoven niilldren said one duy that in tho revlow of tbo upbringing she realised thut she had boon unjust to the older children i have learned ahe aald to depend upon ummosphore and ox- implo lit those days and the younger ones lu this household have been brought up without much recourse to punultlba children who uro well uro usually hupny und children who are happy are usually what we call good here let us inquire whether we are good ourselves our mental state should surround our children with ui at mosphere of peace flowers thrive in the sunshine so do children mar garet m ban get or controlling qrasahoppero if tuoh und dvery farmer lu the districts anecrimrtiy grasshoppers will t ut t hrnii hen turkeyii on his farm and then buuh und rnlso their young the hoi para mill soon dlaupiiear tilfkays do not destroy crop as soma suppose ql east where hints are plenty of bug or insects for tb an thny will hunt thp bag and oat thsm before touching the grain bvn if the turkeys lived on the grain j tby would eat less thou the grasshoppers which tbo turkeys eat would destroy last year the grasshoppers made nwty with all my aeedlng and nearly all the crop in the vicinity it is also a mistaken lda that tho turkey tramples down much of th grain through which it wandsrs they wend their way slowly between the drill rows of grata and pick every hopier that hops k a w a queer- tale of the extraordinary friendship exlutlng between a gander and a blind n the farm of ilray- ton holcroft at oreanaboro als lu the southern end of th county wss told on wednesday tcsoh day so the otory goes a stately gamier with his breast tutl of respon sibility leads an aged and totally blind tu a nearby pond for water the gander walking just in front quacks now un 1 than in ordtr th-t- tha sightless ox may follow and when the pond is reached the gander standi guard while ills protege drinks his nil wbeu the ol has finished drink ing the gutnlpr loads him bark to tha loll a notice recently sent out by the depurtmsnt of education nf ontario slate that tho tea chars wb have completed satisfactorily tho tower and middle school agricultural pouraeh in u high school und have com plot oil toe the normal school pours will lie granted elementary oeltlncates iigricukurs without taking the wu mr courses at ouelph or whitby also thla year thn hepurtment will settle directly with the authorities ut these puioes for the expenses of hoard ant lodging uf touchers anil not requlrv us heretofore thataachrui ta pay in advance and later collect from tho e- partment itallwuy expenses will be mawuged om hi former years which 18 vour aget to what age will people arrive if they live long eaougli dotage to what ugo do most women look forward with anxiety r marriage whut age hu tha sol her often to no it co age whut ugo is required on high sobs t tonnage what lira are we forbidden to wor ship t image whut age is hot leas or more average whut is tua hga people stick nnt- mucllug- jit what ago uro vessels to ride safal anrhorago what age is necessary to the olergy- ms 11 t parsonage what age is one of communication ivwituge what age i most important traveller by rail t mileage what is th ugo now popular far hurliyt coinage whut me do we all wish fort 1 fomugn what 1 tin age of aluveryt host- wut ugu i most enjoyed at tho morning incult tlevnrage whut is thn moat indigestible aget hauaage creating an unusual market here s another way uf looking at the reason for th continued market for ponl cars us pointed out by the ioulavllis co urlert journal it is gloomy to speculate on what would happen to the pie industry 1 the rrocksry industry if they should ihm the movie comedy market ror their wares lijkt it would bo gloomler atlll to speculate on what would hap pen to the american flivver industry how many flivver are inevitably in exorably and insatiably smashed up torn up burned up and blown up to make our movie comedies not only be ftles calculation but staggers im agination 1snry pord himself does not pause to try to worlc out the figure but keeps his factories in full blast to supply the demand if that demand should collapse with the col lapse of the unprotected movie a edy what would be the rata of the great american flivver factories t what indeed would bo the effect on our entire industrial system which looks so confidently to an old fjuard tariff to protect it from uie world tha flash and the devil i red cross aims in ontario to act as ji voluntary auxiliary to the ontario government in lb health work- to cooperate villi local boards t health school boards and volun tary organizations working tot rood health to enlist the support of ontario citizens in helping to establish out most hospitals and nursing service in remote parts of the province to create and maintain a reserve of money garments and medical sup- j tiles and lo enlist voluntary aid or emergencies such as epidemics and disasters to create public opinion iq favor of sound health measures to promote better health amorjg children by the prganlzatloh of junior red cross auxiliaries in the schools ontario enroijljment may 2228 in the field of puutc health the harvest b rendy hmd ulajboren afe few prof winalow ii n roll with your ideal hod cross llrttach or enrollment committee or if here is none in your community with th ontario vrovtnela division 410 hhkltlloohnh hturet to ii onto canadiaii red cross society ontario division optimism pe88im ibm 1 tho optlmlat i thankful for rone i among thorns tbo pessimist complain thut there uro thorns among roses a peuulmlst is the man who inquires i if tluro is any milk in the pitcher and tho optimist says i louse pass the cream an optlmlat is u man who thinks i ho dun buy from u scotchman andsell to u jew abd make a profit a pessim ist is u muti who bus tried it tho posslmlst was nufforing from rheum la very bone in my body i uubua be com pi aliiai to- whlfih the up tlmim replied you ought t be glad i vou uro npftherrjnjll two optimists the man who takes u market basket when lie- goes shop ping with u t 00 bill in hla pocket an the amnvlvo thinks he can plant a handful of seed fii snow clrlft and gather u oar load of strawberries the duy ufter the fjrut tliuw twlxt optlmlat and pussimlst tho dlfforouob is droll the optimist the doughnut sees tho ihuoilmtst tho hole the cherab of cleanliness is ulways present wherever one uf our sanitary hath tub 1 ln- mtalled mo bathroom can be anything but spotless and in viting bero our tub toilet wash basin and other sanitary fixture are in dully use hot water always available and plenty of it tot ull npcdft bee these nne flxlgr hv hit f mooney acton ont jl canadas fuel resources the ftiol reaburces of canada are ruiatcd in the extreme east and weat stnd thi western part of alberta the lignite ooala are ltuo4d in the pro- vinocit at alberta and saskatchewan nt lying between the limit of thesa dopoalts ts a gronb btretoh of terrl- ory devoid of coal measure of oco- amto value tha 1b00o attuard miles i ot peat bogs are altuate in thu area the ford garage has made complete arrangements for stoiutjgjbatteries f r t wmermonh3batterlcftjplat propeitempenitujc and inspected monthly andhkcpt to the desired gravity bat teries recharged or repaired when necessary advice free oxy- acetylene welding plant la being installed a welding in repairs promptly and satis factorily efcecufed j our plant f 6r general repairs is complete prompt expert attention given to necessary re pairs to cars of any tiiake tho electric starting and lighting systems satisfactorily overhauled full line of tires of all makes and a complete assortment of accessories always in stock l 6 king manager blacdm proprietor tea for travellers on their nawfy built railway the chlnesa have established a nervl o of free ihtlllng water ror tea making at uch important station there i u iwiller under a quoor looking jrouiur roof which looks like a hug umlinl in th traveller can hnln lilmuelf fronj oge of several talis why 1 ii log watert vt making ti i if mursa ttie traveller brings hi tm hii or at least a rup along willi him also gome tea hn gnta hlu fiiv orire beverage fresh just ns it woul i made at boms wait awhile a tin lmni mupimll i jlliibiirgb hliol m uu i in b i in le ih wu u iirtulu kind of ovinnut how iiiikiit hi iihku i tho shop 1 ivi gull ii u wiu lhu 1 eply nothing i u tuum why o 11 lllllll ul lob 1 i tin 1 1 iii ily n uffi iwlllll n it 1 irl u- t nwiiy that ay 1 u it alt ii nuo th pllml ut o iho id i hoi t wanted hoiiaut iikp n lublo su mnkii tn reprih ut uu hi thn uut of nurmry hl u wo uupply nil i tit lib friji nf i liurgo titid ullow u lib rul rule f coimnuilon almljy to b bmithdv son ltd wlnens ontario jbmmwmigniam advertising is news without advertising this paper would not be as interesting to you because the information about goods for sale in the stores is news just that many people read newspapers as much for their advertising columns as tliey do for other news this is particularly true at this time of the year stores are now advertising spring wearing ap parel and a host of things that are bought for house hold use incident to spring cleaning think of the moneythai will be spent by women for spring clothing the new frocks hats shoes lin c glo sweaters neckwear li wraps and blouses that will be bought v the same is true of mens buying think of the suits light top coats hats shirts collars ties gloves socks shocsthe sporting goods and the incidental wearing apparel bought for golf tennis und so on think of the new things that will be bought for spring cleaning and home convenience at this time the vacuum cleaners carpel sweepersv brooms gas and electric heaters ranges washing machines paints varnishes floor wax cleansing fluids cur tains upholstery garden and porch furniture lawn mowersgurden tools etc think of the lighter foods coming vinto use cereals fruits salads v ailthescuew demands- are incident touer changing season a th all are trade j3timulating people feel livelier at this time and consequent ly loosen up their purse strings i bag the opportunity for the local mer- f chants to get over effective local ad vertising news at this time is so very evident that it rieedfc no emphasis r wsjisjsits 1 1 mi

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